Gear Design & Manufacturing

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The paper discusses the integration of gear design and manufacturing using optimization software to harmonize cutting tools.

Some companies use analytical pre-optimization, bulk generation of variants, multi-objective optimization, generative optimization, and artificial intelligence for design optimization.

The focus of the article shifts to presenting business scenarios where manufacturing has been equipped with software for semi-automatic selection of hobbing and pinion tools starting from macro-geometry.




Printed with permission of the copyright holder, the American Gear Manufacturers Association, 1001 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 500, Alexandria,
Virginia 22314. Statements presented in this paper are those of the authors and may not represent the position or opinion of the American Gear
Manufacturers Association. (AGMA) This paper was presented November 2021 at the AGMA Fall Technical Meeting. 21FTM13

The integration, optimization, design, and
manufacturing of gears using state-of-the-art
software allows cutting tools to be harmonized.

he word “optimization” is becoming fashionable, niques adopted in different companies, the focus of
also with regard to gear design. It is applied to the article shifts to some business scenarios where
both macro-geometry and micro-geometry. The manufacturing has been equipped with a software for
approach can be of various types: analytical pre- a semi-automatic selection of hobbing- and pinion-type
optimization with different objectives, bulk genera- tools starting from the macro-geometry of the gear.
tion of variants, multi-objective and multi-disciplinary In particular, it will look at the case where a paper
commercial optimizers, generative optimization, and database of more than 10,000 hobs, with different
even artificial intelligence. Sometimes, the best solu- dimensioning modes, has requested to be harmonized
tion is presented directly; other times, the choice is into a single computer database. The software allows
left to the user according to multiple criteria. However, the search for a hob even with “modified rolling,” a
these are all scenarios that assume the manufacturer method very widespread in the automotive industry,
will accept any geometry indicated by the designer. practically “unknown” for industrial gearboxes.
This is certainly not the case with the industrial gear- Finally, for companies that have both design and
boxes on catalog for which standard cutting tools manufacturing departments, a design optimization
are used to reduce cost and keep available the inter- with a list of cutting tools as a main boundary will
change of suppliers, nor with special gearboxes, “goods be presented.
to order,” in which the producers try to use cutting
tools already in the tool room. Even in the automotive 1 INTRODUCTION
industry, manufacturers try to use existing cutting The key issues of this article are design and manu-
tools as much as possible, at least during prototyping facturing. So, our starting point will be the opening
and for small batches. words of two classic university books focusing on these
After presenting some design optimization tech- issues:

Number Title
ISO 6336-1:2019 Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears – Part 1: Basic principles, introduction and
general influence factors
ISO 6336-2:2019 Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears – Part 2: Calculation of surface durability
ISO 6336-3:2019 Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears – Part 3: Calculation of tooth bending
ISO/TS 6336-4:2019 Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears – Part 4: Calculation of tooth flank fracture
load capacity
ISO 6336-5:2016 Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears – Part 5: Strength and quality of materials
ISO 6336-6:2019 Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears – Part 6: Calculation of service life under
variable load
ISO/TS 6336-20:2017 Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears – Part 20: Calculation of scuffing load
capacity (also applicable to bevel and hypoid gears) – Flash temperature method
ISO/TS 6336-21:2017 Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears – Part 21: Calculation of scuffing load
capacity (also applicable to bevel and hypoid gears) – Integral temperature method
ISO/TS 6336-22:2018 Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears – Part 22: Calculation of micropitting
load capacity
ISO/TR 6336-31:2018 Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears – Part 31: Calculation examples of
micropitting load capacity
ISO/TR 6336-30:2017 Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears – Part 30: Calculation examples for the
application of ISO 6336 parts 1,2,3,5
Table 1: ISO standards, technical specifications, and technical reports for cylindrical gear design.

February 2022     27
Number Title
ANSI/AGMA 2001-D04 Fundamental Rating Factors and Calculation Methods for Involute Spur and Helical Gear Teeth
ANSI/AGMA 2101-D04 Fundamental Rating Factors and Calculation Methods for Involute Spur and Helical Gear Teeth (Metric Edition)
ANSI/AGMA 6014-B15 Gear Power Rating for Cylindrical Shell and Trunnion Supported Equipment
ANSI/AGMA 6015-A13 Power Rating of Single and Double Helical Gearing for Rolling Mill Service
ANSI/AGMA 6032-B13 Standard for Marine Gear Units: Rating and Application for Spur and Helical Gear Teeth
ANSI/AGMA 6035-A02 Design, Rating and Application of Industrial Globoidal Wormgearing
ANSI/AGMA 6114-B15 Gear Power Rating for Cylindrical Shell and Trunnion Supported Equipment (Metric Edition)
ANSI/AGMA 6115-A13 Power Rating of Single and Double Helical Gearing for Rolling Mill Service – Metric Edition
ANSI/AGMA 6132-B13 Standard for Marine Gear Units: Rating and Application for Spur and Helical Gear Teeth (Metric Edition)
ANSI/AGMA 6135-A02 Design, Rating and Application of Industrial Globoidal Wormgearing (Metric Edition)
AGMA 932-A05 Rating the Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Hypoid Gears
Table 2: AGMA standards for cylindrical gear design.

 “The main task of engineers is to apply

their scientific and engineering knowledge
to the solution of technical problems, and
then to optimize those solutions within the
requirements and constraints set by material,
technological, economic, legal, environmen-
tal and human-related considerations.” [1]
 “Machine tools are used for the purpose
of manufacturing parts, which meet design
requirements concerning shape, size toler-
ance, and surface characteristics from both
a technical and economic viewpoint.” [2]
It is clear how the three requisites — mate-
rial, technological, and economic — listed in
the work focusing on design are linked to
manufacturing, and, reciprocally, manufac-
turing refers to design requirements.
The need for increasing integration of
these two phases is also pursued by CAD/
CAM system developers to the extent
that books such as “Integrated Design-to-
Manufacturing Solutions: Lower Costs and
Improve Quality” [3] are distributed online
by these types of companies.
Moreover, the term “optimization” is
becoming increasingly popular, especially
in papers presented at various conferences,
such as AGMA’s Fall Technical Meeting.
So, firstly, we have to focus individually
on the four terms found in the title of this
article (integration, optimization, design,
and manufacturing), clearly restricting our-
selves to the field of gears. We will look at
them in “chronological” order:
 Firstly design, because man is above all
homo sapiens, a thinker, able to plan and
 Followed by manufacturing, in other
words, the ability to construct, which is a
hallmark of homo faber, a Latin expression
that became popular once more during the
 Lastly, optimization and integration, Figure 1: “Historical” manual calculation sheet.

which are new words.
We will limit ourselves to cylindrical
gears, which are the most common. We
will put to one side wormgears, which I
have already covered in other publications
[4] [5], and bevel gears, which are highly
branded [6].

Generally speaking, gear design is lifetime-
based: The aim is to transmit a specific load
for a set period of time. The ways in which
tooth failure occurs are taken into account
in order to satisfy this requisite.
Recent updating of document numbers
ISO 6336 allows for an easy overview of the
main ones (bending, pitting, micropitting,
scuffing, TFF) and stresses the importance
Figure 2: Example of modern software for gear calculation. of focus on the type of failure in order to
achieve correct sizing.
The terms used in the title of the standards (Table 1 and Table 2)
play on the nuances that can be given to design goals: calculation or
rating, strength, load capacity, durability, resistance.
From a historical viewpoint, the geometrical principles of tooth-
ing were established first of all, especially involute toothing, and
then rating criteria, above all for bending and surface fatigue [7, 8].
The formulas contained in the various standards and bibliographi-
cal references were then implemented in manual calculation sheets
(Figure 1) and subsequently in electronic spreadsheets and software
(Figure 2) to simplify the work of designers.
Figure 3: Gear data in the drawing. One of the first areas of focus in all publications dating from the

Figure 4: Different hobs with the same module and pressure angle of gear in the previous figure.

February 2022     29
last century was the definition of the pro-
portions to be given to gears following the
rules cited at the beginning of this article, in
other words “within the requirements and
constraints set by material, technological,
economic considerations.” Here are just a
few examples:
 Dudley, in his book unmistakably
titled “Practical Gear Design,” later re-titled
“Handbook of Practical Gear Design” [9].
 Niemann [10] with his formulas to split
the transmission ratios of a parallel-axis
reducer so as to minimize the costs of gear
materials and housing (a concept further
developed by Schlecht [11] at a later date).
 Severin [12] with his translation of the
Russian work titled “Increasing the load on
gearing and decreasing its weight.”
From a standardization viewpoint, the ISO
documents listed in Table 1 provide methods
to verify gears whose geometry is known.
In some of the AGMA documents listed in
Table 2, design suggestions depending on
the application are also provided. There are
no universal criteria. While in the automotive
field small b/d ratios are common, in rolling
plants, b/d ratios are often greater than 1.

We will limit ourselves to looking at metal
cylindrical gears, cut mostly using hobs,
pinion-type cutters or power skiving, with
possible grinding for finishing, to correct
distortion error caused by any thermal or
surface treatments or to define micro-geo- Figure 5: Nonstandard
metric modifications [13]. dimensioning for hobs.
For obvious reasons of space, we will put
to one side gears boasting a “free” geometry:
plastic, sintered, obtained by additive manu-
facturing, 5-axis milling, or form cutting.
Therefore, the main job of the person who
receives the gear drawing, such as the one in
Figure 3, is to define the dimensions of the most suitable tool, in this aim is the one cited in the introduction “to manufacture parts that
case a hob, trying not to buy a new one, but to choose from those meet design requirements concerning shape, size tolerance, and sur-
already available (Figure 4). face characteristics from both a technical and economic viewpoint.”
Let us now try to describe some atypical situations that can occur The choice of hob, which allows for the required shape to be
in the hob’s dimensioning that may result in a difficult interpreta- obtained, can be made by entering the data of the required geometry
tion of the geometry for the reader of the drawing in Figure 5, which and the data of the hob (uniquely established, as we said) into specific
is often not even to scale. There is no standard that regulates a single calculation software (Figure 6) and superposing the calculated geom-
method of dimensioning for these tools. etry with the one produced via enveloping (Figure 7). For example, in
When there is protuberance: the case of the use of a pre-grinding tool with no protuberance, it is
 Only two out of its three dimensions are independent. easy to note the grinding notch. The grinding notch is accepted for
 If the wording “full-radius” is included for the hob’s tip radius, small-size industrial gearboxes, clearly not in the case of automotive
an iterative calculation is needed to calculate the value of the root or aerospace gears.
radius. Once the technical aim has been achieved, there is not a single
 The reference line, in relation to which the other dimensions criterion for the most economic choice. For example, it could be
such as addendum and dedendum are provided, may not be the line attempted to obtain the maximum efficiency from the hob K [14]
that divides the space thickness the same as the tooth thickness as,
instead, assumed by some calculation software. Equation 1
 Semi-topping can have a double inclination or radius not dimen-
sioned in the change of the pressure angle. where
As for design, the focus in this case is also on aim and criteria. The K is the efficiency of the hob; in m/tooth.
Figure 7: From left to right: Required tooth form, hobbing simulation, comparison
between required (black) and ground (blue) tooth form, focus on the grinding

Figure 8: Hob and gear.

Figure 6: Design and manufacturing data.

p is the number of gears (pieces).

z is the number of gear teeth. Figure 9: Profile and helix deviations generated by the hob.
l is the face width, mm.
tos is the axial pitch of the hob, mm. z0 is the number of threads.
ios is the number of hob gashes or flutes. h is the cutting depth.
b is the helix angle of the gear. As regards to cutting parameters, it must be remembered that it
b1 is the working length of the hob (Figure 8). is possible to estimate profile e1 and helix e2 deviations caused by the
The efficiency K should be between 4 and 5 m/tooth in order to be progress value (Figure 9).
assessed as good. Before calculating K, the level of wear of the hob to
be reached prior to replacement needs to be set and the cost of the Equation 3
tool and grinding taken into account.
Even if more advanced methods have been proposed [15], Equation 4
Hoffmeister’s formula can still be used to calculate the chip’s maxi-
mum thickness given a set progress for each part revolution. where
e1 is the profile deviation.
e2 is the helix deviation.
z0 is the number of hob teeth.
Equation 2 i0 is the number of hob starts.
where z is the number of gear teeth.
h1,max is the maximum chip thickness. Rp is the pitch radius of the hob; mm.
mn is the standard module. fa is the progress per part revolution; mm/rev.
b0 is the angle of the hob’s helix. b0 is the angle of the hob’s helix.
xp is the addendum modification factor. a is the pressure angle.
fa is the axial feed. Therefore, with the same reference profile of the hob, the choice
da0 is the hob head’s diameter. of hob is determined by:
i0 is the number of gaps. Other geometric characteristics of the hob, such as the num-

February 2022     31
ber of cutters, external diameter, number of
principles, helix angle length.
Cutting parameters, such as cutting
speed and progress/tooth, the recommended
values for which can be found in the bibliog-
raphy [14].
Number of parts to be cut.
All these values can be used in the
Equation 2 and 1, in order to check that:
The chip thickness is not excessive.
Efficiency falls into the 4-5 m/tooth
But this is not the only criterion for assess-
ing the advantageousness of specific work-
ing conditions. For example, the choice of
favoring an increase in cutting speed and
hence a reduction in cutting time is com- Figure 10: Optimizer interface: goal, variables, and boundary condition for the DOE.
monplace, resulting in the waiver of a good
level of hob efficiency.
We have tried to present simple formu-
las with a deep educational value [14]. Some
other examples are in [16] and [17]. A more
precise approach can be found in [18]. For
pinion-type cutter, see [19].

We will focus on the optimization of design
and the optimization of manufacturing
as separate, independent activities: The for-
mer to be adopted in the technical depart-
ment and the latter in the workshop, even
in the case of two different companies, Figure 12: Optimizer interface: graphic with Pareto front.
i.e., an engineering company and a subcon-
tractor. while generating and selecting them forms part of the optimiza-
tion process. Without going into detail, the notion of optimization
4.1 OPTIMIZATION OF DESIGN is based on three concepts: objective/s, constraints, variables. Once
As stated in the introduction, design consists of a choice of variants, these three concepts have been established, a multitude of vari-

Figure 11: Optimizer interface: generated variants (list).

Figure 13: Tool selection from Database in KISSsoft.
Figure 14: Hobs
database in Excel.

ants are generally obtained and the optimal solution chosen among
these, based on well- defined criteria.
Let us have a look at some cases of optimization applied solely to
gear design:


Some years ago, Schöler [20] presented an evolution, hence an opti-
mization, of the traditional proportioning and pre-dimensioning
formulas. The paper refers to beveloid gears, but it offers a clear idea
of what has also been done with regard to cylindrical gears.


Kissling [21] has shown how quick the generation of macro-geometry
variants can be, using software already widely adopted in techni-
cal departments (Figure 10). The numerous variants generated
(Figure 11) are then selected by the designer with the help of filters
and graphs (Figure 12). The choice is up to the designer. The same
approach is used to generate micro-geometry variants, as presented
in a recent FTM [22].


Bonfiglioli [23] and Noesis [24] presented the use of a multi-objective
February 2022     33
Figure 15: Hobs and pinion-type cutters database in Oracle.

Figure 16: From left to right: CAD drawing of a dresser for gear grinding wheel, comparison between the required geometry of the gear and the ground one.

optimizer interfaced with gear calculation software. ModeFrontier genetic algorithm optimizer developed by the university [26], which
and Optimus took care of the experiment design (DOE) while KISSsoft works exclusively on supercomputers.
calculated each individual variant. The variant generation criterion
performs better, and reporting is more functional in the face of lon- 4.1.5 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
ger processing times. Schlecht [27] even decided to make use of artificial intelligence in
order to find the optimal flank modification for a pair of cylindri-
4.1.4 OPTIMIZERS FOR SUPERCOMPUTERS cal gears. Compared to all the methods described earlier, a training
UniMoRe has recently made available to some companies [25] a phase for the AI engine is needed in this case, but advanced contact
As mentioned previously, the aim could be the hob’s performance,
which falls within the values listed earlier. The constraints concern
generation of the desired profile and the maintenance of cutting
parameters within the recommended ranges. The only variable is the
hob. Software able to perform the calculations listed under point 3
is obviously required. An example of hob selection from database in
a gear software calculation is shown in Figure 13.


Before explaining the hob’s optimized selection process, let us take
a deeper look at the tool database. It is necessary to have a computer
database containing all the hobs’ characteristics. The platform used
can range from a straightforward Excel spreadsheet to PLM.
There are workshops that cut gears for medium-size reducers
(with a module from 0.5 to 7 mm), that have 400 hobs entered into an
Excel spreadsheet (Figure 14), and there are workshops working espe-
cially for the automotive industry that have 650 hobs in an Oracle
database that also lists the resharpening (Figure 15).
There are also workshops working for the automotive and agricul-
tural industries that handle more than 10,000 hobs for which only
printed information sheets are available. Therefore, the first step
is to enter data into a computer database. An Excel spreadsheet has
been prepared with some formulas in order to harmonize the various
ways of sizing the hobs mentioned previously. The enormous amount
of work involved in compiling the database can only be justified by
the savings, in economic terms, obtained by the process listed in the
paragraph below.
In any case, the hobs database must contain this information:
 Reference profile (module, pressure angle, addendum, deden-
dum, tip and root radius, protuberance, semitopping).
 Geometric characteristics (hob diameter, cutting edge length,
helix angle and hand, number of gashes, number of starts, mate-
rial, coating).
 Working conditions (recommended stock).
Sometimes, the database also includes data [28] or drawings of
dressers (Figure 16). So, this method is also used to determine the
choice of roll in order to dress the grinder wheels and obtain the
tip-relief listed in the drawing.

Figure 17: Workflow to generate a list of hobs (variants). 4.2.2 WORKFLOW

The process to be followed in order to generate a list of hobs used
to cut the required toothing is shown in the flowchart in Figure 17,
taking into account also the stock allowance.
Among the proposed variants, the optimal solution is the one that
best meets the set criteria. Similarly to what we saw in Point 4.1.2,
the Pareto front must also be adopted in this case.
The process can be more advanced and taken into account “modi-
fied rolling” or “short pitch tool” [29]. In this case, the hobs will not
be strictly filtered on the basis of module and pressure angle initially,
but also by the base pitch, optionally inside a tolerance range.
Figure 18: Gear hobbed and ground completely. Hob with same base pitch of the The short pitch tool usually is selected to reduce undercut when
gear (A), hob with different base pitch of the gear (B). there is the protuberance, to achieve smaller root form circle after
grinding and increase the lifetime of the hob. The tooth form chang-
analysis software can be done away with. es only in the root, and this change should be considered in the
strength calculation. In this case, both the tool and gear have the
The same concepts seen for the optimization of design can be applied In another case, the tool can have a base pitch different from the
to manufacturing. gear. Checking of the geometry obtained via enveloping will not be
In this case, too, optimization involves the choice of the best vari- solely of the tip and root diameters, but also of the profile deviation,
ant, in other words, the choice of the hob that “copies” the geometry which must remain within values that can be removed by grinding.
of the gear under design at the lowest cost, also taking into account This operation can be performed only if the first selection failed to
the stock allowance. result in a solution or if the workshop normally adopts modified roll-
February 2022     35
ing for cutting or if a prototype or small batch is being manufactured.
In (Figure 18), there is the same gear with m = 2.5 mm and a =
20°, hobbed and ground completely (flank and root). The hob in (A)
has the same base pitch of the gear (m = 2.4701 mm, a = 18°); the hob
in (B) has a different base pitch (m = 2.5 mm, a = 18°); the grinding
allowance is not constant, but it’s acceptable for a prototype.

The meaning of the term “integration” in this article goes beyond the
one adopted by Norton in the title of his book “Machine Design: An
Integrated Approach” [30] where, instead, he refers to the educational
approach. The approach tackles numerous machine parts within the
same whole that are often mutually dependent.
As mentioned in the introduction, the integration we are focusing
on is that of design for manufacturing; this has become a must, or
at least a leitmotif for many companies.
Indeed, design decisions have a significant impact on manufactur-
ing costs and product quality; 70 to 80 percent of the end manufac- Figure 19: Up to 80 percent of product costs locked in at design (Source:
turing costs and 80 percent of the work that affects product quality Dowlatshani in [3]).
are established by the end of the design phase (Figure 19). Moreover,
the further along you are in the development phase, the more expen-
sive it becomes to make modifications (Figure 20). For example, once
the hob has been ordered, any geometric modifications to the design
have an extremely costly impact.

We do not need to go deeper into the importance of integration. We
have reached the apex of this ascent of the four terms listed in the
article’s title. It is just a small step to achieve integrated optimization
of design and manufacturing. The following are necessary:
 Adoption of a single gear calculation software in the technical
department and in the workshop. Usually, it is first chosen by the
technical office and then adopted by workshop.
 Sharing of the same hobs database by the design and manufac-
turing divisions. If, as listed earlier, the first step is taken by the tech-
nical office, then it is the workshop that must share its information.
 In the design software, the DOE of the optimizer searches for Figure 20: Closing window of opportunity for changes (Source: Tech-Clarity in [3]).
solutions limited to those obtained by the
hobs available in the database (Figure 21)
[21]. For each found variants (Figure 11),
the efficiency of the hob could be added as
a result to help the designer in the selection
of the best solution — “best” for the designer
and “best” for the workshop.
The advantages are for the whole com-
 Saving money in the purchase of new
hobs and time in supplying, because the
designer tries to limit himself to proposing
geometries generated using just the hobs
available in the workshop, rather than com-
ing up with geometric variables at a math-
ematical level only (e.g. pressure angle, mod-
ule, addendum, dedendum).
 The designer has a greater awareness of
what will be produced, even at the level of
efficiency of the hob, pre-grinding quality
and grinding twist, especially if the software
used conveys the skills of gear designers and
machine tool manufacturers [21].
 The workshop already has the files with
toothing and hob data; it does not have to Figure 21: Example of DOE where the hobs database is a boundary.

[ 11 ] Schlecht, B., 2009, Maschinenelemente 2: Getriebe, Verzahnungen und
interpret the drawing or enter data related to the hob, if chosen from
Lagerungen, Pearson Studium, München.
the database. Therefore, it can focus exclusively on the technologi-
cal aspects. [ 12 ] Saverin, M. M., tran., 1961, Increasing the Loading on Gearing and
Decreasing Its Weight (Original Work: Povysheniye Nagruzochnoy
7 CONCLUSIONS Sposobnosti Zubchatykh Peredach i Snizheniye Vesa), Pergamon Press,
The sharing of information and the desire to network, which is the New York.
same as the goal of AGMA, and especially of the FTM, is the spirit
[ 13 ] Turci, M., 2018, “Design and Optimization of a Hybrid Vehicle Transmission,”
that lies behind the drafting of this article. No new formulas or
Fall Technical Meeting (FTM), AGMA, Chicago.
technologies are presented in this article. The state-of-the-art, good
practices, and some real cases encountered in various situations and [ 14 ] Bianco, G., 2004, La Dentatura Con Creatore, Samp Utensili, Bologna.
inside companies are presented in order for us to draw from them.
[ 15 ] Brecher, C., Brumm, M., and Krömer, M., 2015, “Design of Gear Hobbing
“Uncomplicated” instruments that are already on hand have been
Processes Using Simulations and Empirical Data,” Procedia CIRP, 33, pp.
 To some designers in order to see whether there is already a tool
to manufacture the gear wheel they have in mind. [ 16 ] Momper, F., 2017, “Un Approccio Moderno Alla Scelta Del Creatore,”
 To the relative workshops in order to avoid having to spend time Gleason Technology Days, AGMA, Rezzato BS.
re-interpreting designs and to speed up the search for the ideal tool.
[ 17 ] Zhou, J., and Sari, D., 2020, “Selecting Correct Size of Hob/Gashing Cutter
If a drawing is a way to encode design information and reading of
the drawing represents decoding, an example of CODEC (an IT term (Ask the Expert),” GEAR TECHNOLOGY.
used in relation to audio and video meaning COde-DECode) involving [ 18 ] Radzevich, S. P., 2010, Gear Cutting Tools: Science and Engineering, CRC
design and manufacturing is shown. Press, Boca Raton.

[ 19 ]
1980, Gear Cutting Tools, Manual for Design and Manufacturing,
The author wishes to thank KISSsoft (a Gleason company) for the Verzahntechnik Lorenz GmbH & Co, Ettlingen.
software. Thanks also to the companies Varvel — Mechnology, CIMA [ 20 ] Schöler, T., Binz, H., and Bachmann, M., 2017, “Method for the Pre-
(Coesia group), Graziano (now parts of Dana group), and CEI, that Dimensioning of Beveloid Gears – Efficient Design of Main Gearing Data,”
provided some pictures for this article and, over the years, have dedi- International Conference on Gears, VDI Verlag GmbH, Munich.
cated resources for the integrated optimization of design and manu-
[ 21 ] Kissling, U., Stolz, U., and Turich, A., 2017, “Combining Gear Design with
facturing. They have shared among themselves the same software
and same database of hobs and pinion-type cutters in design and Manufacturing Process Decisions, VDI International Conference on Gears,”
manufacturing, not without some initial problems.  International Conference on Gears, VDI Verlag GmbH, Munich.

[ 22 ] Kissling, U., 2019, “Sizing of Profile Modifications for Asymmetric Gears,”
BIBLIOGRAPHY Fall Technical Meeting (FTM), AGMA, Detroit.
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[ 26 ] Bonori, G., Barbieri, M., and Pellicano, F., 2008, “Optimum Profile
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Massimiliano Turci is a gear design consultant. His professional experience is primarily in the development of computational models for enclosed
gearboxes and automotive transmissions. He is a member of the AGMA worm gear committee, the UNI (Italian national body) gears committee,
and the ISO workgroups for gear calculations.

February 2022     37

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