Vigor Digital Sst300 Usb

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USB Inclinometer

USB Inclinometer
- Reference with USB2.0 protocol
- P2P and compatible with any USB port
- USB bus power supply, no need external battery
- Patent tilt measuring technical, real high accuracy
- Provide multi-function PC software, easy to debug & acquire
- Intelligent AIS & data transmission control system.
- Support 1Mbp/s(optional 12Mb/s) transmission speed
- ±8KV electrostatic interface protection and anti-electromag-
  ction netism interference design
- Support Windows98/Windows2000/ Windows XP/ Vista/Win7/Linux system

USB inclinometer is based on Vigor patent tilt measurement technology and combined with USB module,
can be broadly used in various industry& lab test applications. Not only meet critical null repeatability, also
suite to static/dynamic leveling with different modules in platform leveling application. With real high com-
bined accuracy, this unit performs high accuracy data of any angle point while testing.
USB inclinometer compatible with USB2.0 standard, with data transmission control system. It uses USB
bus for power supply but not the external battery. It adopts P2P working mode, with USB driver software,
meanwhile Vigor provides much PC software (include driver software) for function setting, data acquisition
& record.
USB inclinometer has strong measuring ability:
 √ Combine with gyro module, realize static/dynamic angle measuring for low/rapid platform leveling
 √ Combine with vibration module, realize FFT computations in-time, output vibration frequency and
   amplitude data directly, eliminate the influence of environment vibration
 √ Combine with GPS module, realize data synchronization data acquisition and local position data in
   different installation places
 √ Further confirmed that offset, repeatability, hysteresis, turn on repeatability etc. parameters which
   are important influence factors to unit total performance evaluation
 √ Internal enhanced advanced intelligent algorithms drastically reduce cross-axis sensitivity, Upgrade
   real tilt angle measuring accuracy, abandoned the traditional incomplete understanding for tilt angle
   measurement precision concept
 √ Greatly reduce measuring errors when the real tilt direction not consistent for unit’s actual sensitive axis
 √ Short-circuit, transient voltage and transposition protection to adapt to industry environment
 √ User can set zero point, baud rate, local gravitational acceleration value, zero calibration, vibration
   suppression filter coefficients, ID address, refresh rate, etc.
C11 is USB2.0 standard cable, matched with standard USB port to get power and transmit data, max.
transmission distance 15m.

Picture 1 PC & USB Connection

(The dynamic library and source code disk will be enclosed with standard USB inclinometer, as well as 2 meter double shield USB wire.)

Measurement range ±5° ±10° ±15° ±30° ±45° ±60°

Combined absolute
±0.01° ±0.015° ±0.02° ±0.04° ±0.06° ±0.08°
accuracy①(@25 ℃)
Absolute linearity
±0.06 ±0.03 ±0.03 ±0.03 ±0.02 ±0.02
Accuracy Cross-axis
subroutine sensitivity②
parameter Offset ③
±0.005° ±0.008°
Repeatability ±0.0025°
Hysteresis ±0.0025°
Allowed installation
±4.0° ±3.0° ±2.5° ±1.5° ±1.2° ±1.2°
Input-axis mislignment ≤±0.1°
Sensitivity temperature drift
≤100ppm/℃ ≤50ppm/℃
Offset temperature drift
Offset turn on repeatability⑤ ±0.008°
Resolution 0.0025°
Long-term stability ⑥ ≤0.02°
Measurement axis 1 or 2 axis
Temperature sensor Range, -50~125℃. Accuracy:±1℃
USB 2.0 output
High transmission speed up to 1Mb/s, highest 12Mb/s
Support standard USB2.0, compatible with USB 1.1
According to USB2.0 standard
Cold start warming time 60s
Response time⑦ 0.3s(@t90)
Refresh rate(digital output) 5Hz(Optional 10Hz,20Hz)
Power supply USB power supply
Power consumption Average current ≤60mA
Operation temperature range -40~85℃
Storage temperature range -60~100℃
Insulation resistance 100MΩ
MTBF ≥25000 h/times
Shock 100g@11ms, three-axis, half-sine
Vibration 8grms, 20~2000Hz
Protection IP65(Optional IP67)
Connecting Military class connector (MIL-C-26482)
Weight 400g (without connector and cable)
① Combined absolute accuracy means the compositive value of sensor’s absolute linearity, repeatability, hysteresis, offset and cross-axis sensitivity error.
(in room temperature condition) as
Δ=± absolute linearity2+repeatability2+hysteresis2+offset2+cross-axis sensitivity2 error2
② The cross-axis sensitivity means the angle that the tilt sensor may be banked to the normal tilt direction of sensor. The cross-axis sensitivity (±0.1%FS)
shows how much perpendicular acceleration or inclination is coupled to the inclinometer output signal. For example, for the single-axis inclinometer with
range ±30°(assuming the X-axis as measured tilt direction), when there is a 10° tilt angle perpendicular to the X-axis direction(the actual measuring angle
is no change, example as +8.505°), the output signal will generate additional error for this 10° tilt angle, this error is called as cross-axis sensitivity error.
SST300`s cross-axis sensitivity is 0.1%FS, the extra error is 0.1%×30°=0.03°(max), then real output angle should be +(8.505°±0.03°). In SST300 series,
this error has been combined into the absolute accuracy
③ Offset means that when no angle input (such as the inclinometer is placed on an absolute level platform), output of sensor is not equal to zero,the actual
output value is zero offset value.
④ Allowed installation misalignment means during the installation, the allow able installation angle deviation between actual tilt direction and sensor’s nature
measurement direction. In general, when installed,SST300 sensor is required that the measured tilt direction keep parallel or coincident with sensor designated
edge, this parameter can be allowed a certain deviation when sensor is installed and does not affect the measurement accuracy.
⑤ Offset turn on repeatability means the repeatability of the sensor in repeated by supply power on-off-on many times.
⑥ Long-term stability means the deviation between the statistics of the maximum and the minimum output value after a year of continuous power supply
when the sensor is at 20℃ .
⑦ The response time refers to the angle sensor in a step change (such as the angle changes from -10 ° to +10 °within 5ms), the time required that output
of the sensor achieved to the standard value of 90%. The index is different from the sensor set-up time
Dimensions (mm)

Picture 2 Housing with MIL class connector

Table 2 USB socket pin definition
Pin Signal
Picture 3 MIL connector F DATA+ Picture 4 Standard USB
socket (View from outside) G NC


SST3 Axis Range G10 Function 00 C11 Temp.drift

5 —0 5 Standard — 00 25℃— 00
Single axis — 01 10 —6 0 Others: F1—F5 Others: D1—D10
Dual axis — 02
15 —1 5 see table 3 see table 3
30 —3 0
45 —4 5
60 —6 0

For example, if order a dual-axis USB inclinometer, with range ±15°, the accuracy at room temperature is ±0.02°, same the range of -20~60℃, USB
output, 2m shield cable, anti-vibration module, the model should be SST302-15-G10-F5 -00-C11-D3(2m, enclosed referred disk (dynamic library, source
code and instruction)
Meanwhile some optional accessories (See table 4)
PC application software——order number SST003-04-09
Magnetic base——order number SST003-01-01
Accessories & Options
Table 3 Accessories
Item Order Code Accessories name Function
Positioning accuracy 2.5m CEP; 2.0m @ SBAS
Local gravity acceleration automatic revision
F1 GPS module Time pulse accuracy: 30ns RMS, Original data refresh rate: 4Hz
Speed accuracy: 0.1m/s, Receiver type: GPS L1 band, C/A code;
Higher positioning accuracy GPS available
Electronic compass technology
F3 Compass module Heading measurement range: 0~360°, Heading accuracy: <±1.0°RMS
With hard magnetic compensation
Functional Optional higher precision or three-dimensional compass module
module ±100/250/400°/s, X/Y/Z axis dynamic angular rate
(built-in) In-run bias: ±0.02°/s, Non-linearity: 0.1%FS
F4 Gyro module
Bandwidth: 50Hz,Noise density:0.02°/s/√Hz
Higher accuracy gyro module available
Three-axis vibration detection, frequency response≤5 kHz
Range: 0g~±1g/ ±5g/ ±10g/ ±20g, adjustable
Sampling(real-time): 20.48 kSPS
F5 Vibration module Filter programmable, 11pcs set points
FFT, 512-point, real valued, all three-axis(x, y, z)
Storage: 14 FFT records on all three-axis(x, y, z)
Alarm programmable, 6 spectrums
D1 Temperature drift Temperature compensation range 0~60℃, accuracy ±0.01°@≤±30°
D2 Temperature drift Temperature compensation range 0~60℃, accuracy ±0.01°@>±30°
D3 Temperature drift Temperature compensation range -20~60℃, accuracy ±0.02°@≤±30°
D4 Temperature drift Temperature compensation range -20~60℃, accuracy ±0.02°@>±30°
Temperature D5 Temperature drift Temperature compensation range -30~60℃, accuracy ±0.03°@≤±30°
drift D6 Temperature drift Temperature compensation range -30~60℃, accuracy ±0.03°@>±30°
D7 Temperature drift Temperature compensation range -40~65℃, accuracy ±0.05°@≤±30°
D8 Temperature drift Temperature compensation range -40~65℃, accuracy ±0.05°@>±30°
D9 Temperature drift Temperature compensation range -40~85℃, accuracy ±0.05°@≤±30°
D10 Temperature drift Temperature compensation range -40~85℃, accuracy ±0.05°@>±30°

Table 4 Options
Item P/N Option name Function
50kg suction, permanent magnet, stainless steel
SST003-01-01 Magnetic base
Installation materials
tools Adjustable base with Three-points adjustment, resolution 0.001mm,
micrometer screw stainless steel materials
Setting function, Command function, Tool function
Software SST003-04-09 PC application software Operating platform: windows XP, Windows 7
More information please see datasheet of this options
Output 24VDC, Continuous work 24 hours,IP65,
Power SST003-09-02 Portable battery packs
Test report for cross-axis Test report under banking tilt, average 11 points
sensitivity of full range
Test report SST003-11-02 Absolute linearity Average 21 points of full range
Test report for Alloewd Axis migration test report for vertical and
Installations misalignment horizontal axis of inclinometer,3 angles
Shanghai Vigor Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Tel:021-58404921 Fax:021- 58354552
A d d r e s s : Ro o m 1 0 2 , B l o c k 4 , N o . 2 8 9 o f B i s h e n g Ro a d , S h a n g h a i , C h i n a

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