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5592 RRGG
Submitted by
USN Name
Prof. Tejashwini P S
Assistant Professor
Department of CSE, BIT
closer to the network edge where data are being generated. Similar with edge
computing concept, fog computing can relieve the limitations in current network
Fog computing is often erroneously called edge computing, but there are key
and instability, similar to the real fog that floats everywhere without a fixed shape. As
for the edge concept, it always means relatively static or stable resources, which are
In a word, federating and floating are the key differences between the fog and edge
nodes rather than physical location. In fog cases, the geo-distributed fog resources are
federated as a ubiquitous resource pool. In addition, different fog nodes may work
together to support collaborative tasks, e.g., Augmented Reality (AR) mobility, robot
specific fog node that provides resources and where it is. To some extent, edge
means data cannot be changed once recorded. Each block consists of body which
stores data, and header which stores previous and current hash values and nonce. If
the data of the body changes, it changes the hash value of the block and thus the next
block is removed from the chain by creating sub-chains. After that, the consensus
protocol verifies which sub-chain is original and removes other malicious sub-chains.
This ensures that every block of the main chain has not been tampered with. The
security and immutability of Blockchain can only be threatened if 51% of the miners
become dishonest and tamper with the data which is practically near impossible.
IoT (BIoT) applications. After describing the basics of blockchain, the most
relevant BIoT applications were described to emphasize how blockchain can affect
optimizations are also detailed regarding many aspects that affect the design,
strategy was used to exploit a smart contract for registration, propagation, and
devices are their own master to control their resources instead of being supervised
by a centralized authority.
devices can securely perform Wi-Fi network authentication. The scheme adopts
public and private keys and to link the device information with its related device
whether the requesting device is within a legal location range. The smart contract
in which “ Dew Computing” concepts are applied to provide fast and scalable
services to the IoE devices. But, in their architecture, they did not clearly state how
Jang et al. [4] proposed an architecture designed for industrial environment. They
used Hyperledger Fabric in their scheme for analysing security. This scheme was
proposed for environments where real-time data processing was not required.
Clearly, this does not align with the idea of Fog computing which is mainly used to
Muthanna et al. [5] proposed a scheme where SDN controller was used alongside
Blockchain. A data offloading algorithm and traffic model was also introduced in
their architecture. Blockchain minimized the attack threats but their proposal of
Zhu et al. [6] presented an architecture where the main target was to focus on the
Pan et al. [7] proposed EdgeChain system with integrated permissioned Blockchain
and smart contract. They also proposed an internal currency system for managing
resources. But the security aspects of the architecture were not discussed in their
scheme and comparison with real world architecture was not performed.
Fitwi et al. [9] proposed a lightweight framework for privacy protection called LibPri
for smart surveillance. Their object detection model used permissioned Blockchain
but was not clearly presented. And there was not enough information about the
Fog computing is a new computing paradigm for meeting ubiquitous massive access
During the entire fog resource access and granting procedure, several issues emerge.
1. Fog node identity and target node selection: How can a subscriber or application
client be helped at performing authentication with target fog nodes, given that
these fog nodes are geographically distributed? In cloud computing, we usually use
cloud resource. The cloud subscribers normally do not care about where the cloud
resource is. However, in fog computing, subscribers must choose the proper fog
node to fulfil their requirements (computing, storage, latency, price, etc.). In fog
computing, subscribers need to know which fog node they chose and its location.
This means the subscriber or application client needs to access and submit
requests to the targeted fog, and the fog node should perform an authentication
2. Dynamic credential for each transaction: In fog computing, one subscriber may
submit resource requests to different fog nodes. This means the subscriber should
submit different credential keys when requesting different fog nodes. While in a
cloud computing scenario, a subscriber usually only maintains one credential for a
cloud resource request. When many potential fog nodes are available, how can a
3. Dynamic independent offer provision: In fog computing, different fog nodes may
provide different resource offers to requesters. For example, fog node A may offer
its 1 GB storage space and charge 1 dollar per hour, while fog node B may charge
more or less for the same resource offer. How to support independent fog resource
4. Authentication and resource offering: In typical fog scenarios, the resource access
intends to access specific resources from fog node A, he must trigger a new
transaction and obtain a specific credential that is only valid during the duration
indicated by the transaction profile. After the expiration time, the subscriber should
trigger a new transaction process and submit new credentials for resource access.
Each time, the fog node must verify different access credentials, even for
delay-sensitive applications, such as VR, AR, and industrial production lines. Fog
nodes are also a type of network resource, but they have unique characteristics:
and resource granting methodologies usually assume that the relevant resources are
placed behind a certain authentication point, which may not be suitable for fog
computing cases. Furthermore, in some cases, fog nodes may belong to different
owners or individuals who would sell the resources at a very different price and may
“ ”
Smart grid
Smart grid
1. Health Care System: Health care services and applications are delay responsive
2. Augmented reality (AR): Augmented reality is the ability to encircle overlay the
digital and virtual thing into the real world. The augmented reality information
requires low latency and a high information handling rate to give the right
mobile users to watch the recent video available on screen. The role of fog
computing in the efficient processing and quick decision making is very important.
4. Smart grid: Smart grid is the next generation electric power distribution net-work. It
8. Augmented reality(AR)
11. 49
18. 55
19. ]. The
20. role of fog computing in the efficient processing and quick deci-
Internet of Things, pp. 1027– 1034. 114 Intelligent and Converged Networks, 2021,
A. Koucheryavy, “
(GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE
,” IEEE Internet of