MNGL Tender
MNGL Tender
MNGL Tender
Annual Rate Contract for procurement of Type IV cylinder
mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360 WL capacity for CNG &
CGD Network of MNGL
Volume I OF II
BID DOCUMENT NO.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171 Date: 05.01.2023
M/s Maharashtra Natural Gas Ltd., Pune invites online bids (Technical & Financial) UNDER TWO
BID SYSTEM from eligible bidders for the item(s) in complete accordance with the Bid
MNGL invites price bids through Online Reverse Auction system on E-Tender Platform from
open bidders.
Please note that in accordance with the general conditions of tender, MNGL may amend these
dates of the tender process at its sole discretion. In case any of the specified dates are declared a
public holiday, the deadline shall be the next working date.
Note: To participate in the e-tendering, it is mandatory for the bidders to have user ID &
password. For this purpose, the bidder must register itself on CPPP’s website Please also note that the bidder must obtain
digital signature token for applying in the tender and in general, activation of registration
may take 24 hours’ subject to the submission of all requisite documents required in the
Note: MNGL in no way shall be responsible if the bidder fails to apply due to non-
possession of Digital Signature & nonregistration.
Disclaimer clause: Bidders are advised to visit CPPP’s e-tendering website and MNGL
website regularly for any updates on the tender. The ignorance to visit the website will not
be accepted as a reason for any gap / missing information like corrigenda, amendments,
clarifications etc.
meeting is MNGL office at Pride Purple Coronet, 2nd Floor, Baner Road, Baner, Pune –
Non-attendance of the pre-bid meeting will not be a cause for disqualification of a bidder.
Corrigendum / addendum, if any, to the tender document, shall be hosted on the website
after the pre-bid meeting.
Bidders may also note that the registration process for new bidders on e-tender portal
shall take a minimum of 24 hrs. Hence, bidders are advised to kindly complete their
registration on e-tender portal well in advance of the pre-bid meeting.
In case of pre-bid meeting through video conferencing, Link shall be sent to all the
interested bidders by the purchaser.
Instructions to bidders for Pre-bid meeting through video conferencing: All bidders
intending to attend pre-bid meeting must send their interest through email (at least 2
hours prior to the scheduled time of pre-bid meeting) to the purchaser. E-mail received
from bidders within specified timeline shall be invited through email to attend the meeting.
(1) All the Bidders who have submitted their registration details and interest to attend the
pre-bid meeting will be invited to join as guests through the link shared in mail.
(2) All bidders/participants mandatorily must pin MNGL screen on their computer screens
during the pre-bid meeting.
(3) Bidders shall be allowed to discuss their queries in sequence of their responses
(4) Time slot shall be allotted to each bidder to ask his queries.
(5) Recording of the pre-bid meeting by the bidders is strictly prohibited. After pre-bid
meeting, corrigendum shall be issued by the purchaser regarding clarifications or queries
raised during meeting.
5.1 Bid Document is non-transferable.
5.2 Bids complete in all respects should reach on or before the BID DUE DATE AND TIME.
Bids through Fax/ E-mail shall not be considered.
5.3 The Bid Document calls for offers on single point "Sole Bidder" responsibility basis.
Order will be placed on the "Sole Bidder" alone (in whose name the bid document has
been issued) who will be responsible for all contractual purposes.
Further the bidders are advised to ensure that their offer is on single bidder responsibility
basis and in total compliance of scope of supply as specified in Bid Document.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
5.4 The bid should be prepared by the "Sole Bidder" and should be sent to MNGL directly.
MNGL reserve the right to reject offers made by intermediaries’ representatives.
5.5 Bidder shall ensure that Bid Security having a validity of 6(SIX) months from the bid due
date, must accompany the offer in the format made available in the Bid Document.
5.6 This Invitation for Bids (IFB) is an integral and inseparable part of the enclosed Bid
5.7 MNGL reserves the right to accept or reject any or all offers without assigning any reason,
However, MNGL reserve the right to request the bidder to withdraw the deviations
against above-mentioned provisions of Bid Documents.
Ganesh Said
Chief Manager (C&P)
Encl. 1. Vol. I of II & II of II of Bid Document.
Please confirm your intention to quote or not within 5(Five) days. In case
not intending to quote then please give your valuable feedback to us.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
Maharashtra Natural Gas Limited (MNGL) is a joint venture company of M/s GAIL
(India) Limited and M/s Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL). MNGL has
been set up to supply natural gas to domestic, commercial, and industrial sectors
including setting up of CNG filling stations to cater to the automobile sector for
vehicle in Pune, Nashik, Nanded and Sindhudurg in Maharashtra, Nizamabad in
Hyderabad and Ramanagara in Karnataka.
Nashik 17 51
CYLINDER MOBILE Sindhudurg 01 04
CASCADE (TYPE-IV) Ramanagara 02 05
Nanded 16 47
Nizamabad 08 26
TOTAL QTY. 44 133
A.1.1 Bidder shall be a Manufacturer or Authorized Domestic Dealer / Distributor.
Domestic Manufacturer or an authorized Indian dealer/ Indian distributor of a
manufacturer shall be eligible to bid subject to the following conditions. The bidder
must be either of the following: The roles and responsibility of the respective
bidders are enumerated as under:
a) An Indian Manufacturer or
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
Apart from the Appointment Letter / Agreement authorizing them to market their
product, the bidder shall be required to submit an Authority Letter specific to this
tender from the Manufacturer. The authorization letter should be signed by the
Authorized Signatory of the Manufacturer Organization. Offers without the
authority letter requisite authority from the Cascade manufacturer shall be liable
for rejection. The Manufacturer should confirm the responsibility and
accountability for providing all the technical and other support to the bidder for
executing the entire tender scope throughout the period of supply contract.
A manufacturer can authorize only one Authorized Dealer / Distributor for a lot.
Further, an authorized dealer / distributor shall offer product of One manufacturer
of the CNG Cascade.
If for any reason, the proprietor or the authorized partner or director as the
case may be are unable to sign the document, the said document should be
signed by the constituted attorney having full authority to sign the
document and copy of such authority letter / board resolution as also the
power of attorney, duly signed in the presence of a Notary public should be
submitted online with the bid.
Note: In case, bidder is an authorized dealer/ distributor, then they may use the
credentials of the Manufacturer (whose product is being offered in the tender) to
qualify the supplying capability criteria. They shall submit documents as per 2(a)
and 2(b) for evaluation in the name of the Manufacturer.
B.1. Turnover
The bidder should have achieved a minimum annual turnover as under in any one of
the last 3 (three) audited financial years i.e. 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22:
SOR Item No. Minimum Annual
Item Description
Turnover requirement
1 CNG Cascades – 4500 WL
Rs.715 Lakhs
Capacity (+ 0/- 3 %), Mobile
2 CNG Cascades – 9360 WL
Rs.4095 Lakhs
Capacity (+ 0/- 6 %), Mobile
Note: In case bidder quotes for more than one item, the requirement of Annual Turn
Over shall be on cumulative basis for the quoted item(s).
Note: In case bidder quotes for more than one item, the requirement of Working
Capital shall be on cumulative basis for the quoted items(s).
If the bidder’s working capital is inadequate, the bidder should supplement this
with a letter from bidder’s bank, having net worth not less than Rs.100 crores,
confirming the availability of line of credit to cover the inadequacy of previous
year and meet the current working capital requirement.
Bidders must submit documentary evidence such as balance sheet & Profit &
Loss A/c Statement for last three audited financial years i.e., 2019-20, 2020-21 &
2021-22 in support of the above.
Note: In case of tie in more than one bidder(s), the inter-se ranking shall be done
on the basis of highest turnover in any one of the preceding 03 financial years i.e.
2019-20, 2020-21 & 2021-22.
Further, it is intended to award this job to Two parties at L-1 rate for each SOR
Item, only if the number of qualified bidders are more than two. Otherwise 100%
quantity shall be awarded to L-1 bidder.
In order to do so, the L-2 bidder of respective SOR item shall be asked to match
the item wise rates of L-1 bidder. In case L-2 bidder fails to match the item-wise
rates of L-1 bidder, opportunity shall be given to L-3, L-4 bidders and so on to
match the item wise rates of L-1 bidder and order shall be placed accordingly.
In case of 2 parties, award shall be made in the ratio of approx. 60%: 40% of total
final work award quantity of respective SOR to L-1 & L-2 bidders respectively (26
No. of 4500 WL & 80 Nos. of 9360 WL Type IV cylinder mobile cascade to L-1
bidder and 18 No. of 4500 WL & 53 Nos. of 9360 WL Type IV cylinder mobile
cascade to L-2 bidder at L-1 rate).
In case none of the bidder agrees to match L-1 rate, award shall be made for
100% of total final work award quantity for respective SOR item to L-1 bidder of
respective SOR items.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the Central
Public Procurement (CPP) Portal i.e.,, using valid
Digital Signature Certificates. The instructions given below are meant to assist the
bidders in registering on the CPP Portal, prepare their bids in accordance with the
requirements and submitting their bids online on the CPP Portal.
(i) Bidders are required to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the Central Public
Procurement Portal (URL: by clicking on the
link “Online Bidder Enrolment” option available on the home page. Enrolment on
the CPP Portal is free of charge.
(ii) During enrolment/ registration, the bidders should provide the correct / true
information including valid email-id & mobile no. All the correspondence shall be
made directly with the contractors / bidders through email-id provided.
(iii) As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique
username and assign a password for their accounts.
(iv) For e-tendering, possession of valid Digital Signature Certificate (Class II or Class
III Certificates with signing key usage) is mandatory which can be obtained from
SIFY /nCode/eMudra or any Certifying Authority recognized by CCA India on
eToken/ SmartCard.
(v) Upon enrolment on CPP Portal for e-tendering, the bidders shall register their
valid Digital Signature Certificate with their profile.
(vi) Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Bidders are responsible to
ensure that they do not lend their DSCs to others which may lead to misuse and
should ensure safety of the same.
(vii) Bidders can then log into the site through the secured login by entering their user
ID/ password and the password of the DSC/ eToken.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
2) Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, they may
download the required documents / tender schedules. These tenders can be moved
to the respective ‘My Tenders’ folder. This would enable the CPP Portal to intimate
the bidders through SMS / e-mail in case there is any corrigendum issued to the
tender document.
3) The bidder should make a note of the unique Tender ID assigned to each tender; in
case they want to obtain any clarification / help from the Helpdesk.
(i) For preparation of bid, Bidders shall search the tender from published tender list
available on site and download the complete tender document and should
consider corrigendum if any published before submitting their bids.
After selecting the tender document same shall be moved to the ‘My favorite’
folder of bidders account from where bidder can view all the details of the tender
(ii) Bidder shall go through the tender document carefully to understand the
documents required to be submitted as part of the bid. Bidders shall note the
number of covers in which the bid documents have to be submitted, the number
of documents – including the names and content of each of the document that
need to be submitted. Any deviations from these may lead to rejection of the bid.
(iii) Any pre-bid clarifications if required, then same may be obtained online through
the tender site, or through the contact details given in the tender document.
(iv) Bidders should get ready in advance the bid documents in the required format
(PDF/xls/rar/dwf/jpg formats) to be submitted as indicated in the tender
document/schedule. Bid documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black
and white option which helps in reducing size of the scanned document.
(v) Bidders can update well in advance, the documents such as experience
certificates, annual report, PAN, EPF & other details etc., under “My Space/ Other
Important Document” option, which can be submitted as per tender requirements.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
This will facilitate the bid submission process faster by reducing upload time of
(i) Bidder should log into the site well in advance for bid submission so that he/ she
upload the bid in time i.e., on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be
responsible for any delay.
(ii) Bidder should prepare the EMD as per the instructions specified in the NIT/
tender document. The details of the DD/BG/others physically sent, should tally
with the details available in the scanned copy and the data entered during bid
submission time. Otherwise, the uploaded bid will be rejected.
(iii) While submitting the bids online, the bidder shall read the terms & conditions (of
CPP portal) and accepts the same in order to proceed further to submit their bid.
(iv) Bidders shall select the payment option as offline to pay the EMD and enter
details of the DD/BG/others.
(v) Bidder shall digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as
indicated in the tender document.
(vi) Bidders shall note that the very act of using DSC for downloading the tender
document and uploading their offers is deemed to be a confirmation that they
have read all sections and pages of the tender document without any exception
and have understood the complete tender document and are clear about the
requirements of the tender document.
(vii) Bid documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option which
helps in reducing size of the scanned document. For the file size of less than 1
MB, the transaction uploading time will be very fast.
(viii) If price quotes are required in XLS format, utmost care shall be taken for
uploading Schedule of quantities & Prices and any change/ modification of the
price schedule shall render it unfit for bidding.
Bidders shall download the Schedule of Quantities & Prices i.e. Schedule of
Rates, in XLS format and save it without changing the name of the file. Bidder
shall quote their rate in figures in the appropriate cells, thereafter save and upload
the file in financial bid cover (Price bid) only.
If the template of Schedule of Quantities & Prices file is found to be
modified/corrupted in the eventuality by the bidder, the bid will be rejected and
further dealt as per provision of clause no 17.0 of ITB including forfeiture of EMD.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
The bidders are cautioned that uploading of financial bid elsewhere i.e. other than
in cover 2 will result in rejection of the tender.
(ix) Bidders shall submit their bids through online e-tendering system to the Tender
Inviting Authority (TIA) well before the bid submission end date & time (as per
Server System Clock). The TIA will not be held responsible for any sort of
delay or the difficulties faced during the submission of bids online by the
bidders at the eleventh hour.
(x) After the bid submission (i.e. after Clicking “Freeze Bid Submission” in the
portal), the bidders shall take print out of system generated
acknowledgement number and keep it as a record of evidence for online
submission of bid, which will also act as an entry pass to participate in the bid
(xi) Bidders should follow the server time being displayed on bidder’s dashboard at
the top of the tender site, which shall be considered valid for all actions of
requesting, bid submission, bid opening etc., in the e-tender system.
(xii) All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI
(Public Key Infrastructure) encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the
data. The data entered cannot be viewed by unauthorized persons until the time
of bid opening. The confidentiality of the bids is maintained using the secured
Socket Layer 128-bit encryption technology.
Tenderers shall submit techno commercial bid for the work subject to their meeting the
criteria for evaluation specified in Clause No. 4 hereafter.
Bidders are advised to submit techno commercial bid strictly as per terms and conditions
of the Bidding Document and not to stipulate any deviation / exception as it is “NO
DEVIATION” tender. Offers with any Exception / deviation shall be liable for rejection.
Tenders shall be based strictly on the terms, conditions and specifications contained in
the Tender document. Any deviation and exceptions taken to terms and conditions of the
tender documents must be clearly listed out and submitted along with Techno-
Commercial part of the offer as per proforma in F-5.
The Tender will be a 2-level bidding. In level 1 Bidders must submit ““RFQ” comprising of
technical evaluation document as mentioned in this tender. Based on that Bidders will be
accessed and qualified for Level 2.
Bidders must fill rates for SOR activity wise and submit their offer online. (Bidder can
refer SOR activity list provided along with form and can keep rates offline too for putting
rates in RFQ (online)).
After closing date of RFQ, MNGL will evaluate activity wise rates and base rate will be
finalized for Reverse Auction Eligible bidders (qualified at Level 1) will be informed via E-
Tendering platform.
MNGL will communicate dates of opening and closing for Reverse Auction to eligible
bidders. Reverse auction date and time will be communicated to all eligible bidders by
In reverse auction, bidder must compete only on single figure which can be less than
base figure. This given figure will be for overall evaluated price. On negative side there
will a ceiling of 50% below which bidder cannot put their single figure. Bidder will be able
to see their rank in live reverse auction; Rank 1 will be lowest bidder.
Bidders need to compete to get Rank 1. Prior to 5 min of closing time of Reverse Auction
there will be extension of another 5 minutes if any Bidder changes their figures in
auction. Auction shall continue / extend till there is no change in rates for 5 minutes.
L1 vendor will be declared winner of reverse auction. However, MNGL reserves the
right to negotiate, if required. L2, 3, 4 & so on Bidders shall be contacted for
Matching of L1 rates. Contract will be awarded as per evaluation criteria mentioned
above after due formalities at MNGL end. Vendor must be in position to execute
task as per project time frame given in form or separately communicated to them.
(i) Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions
contained therein should be addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for a
tender or the relevant contract person indicated in the tender.
(ii) Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to
CPP Portal in general may be directed to the 24X7 CPP Portal Helpdesk. The 24
x 7 Help Desk Number 0120-4001002, 0120-6277787 and 0120-4001005. The
helpdesk email id is
1. Scope of Bid:
1.1 The Purchaser as defined in the General Conditions of Contract, hereinafter "the
Purchaser" wishes to receive bids through e-tendering mode for the supply of
goods as described in Section-IV, Special Condition of Contract.
1.2 The successful bidder will be expected to complete the Scope of supply within the
period stated in IFB.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
1.3 Throughout these bidding documents, the terms "bid" and "tender" and their
derivatives ("bidder/tenderer", "bid/tendered", "bidding/ tendering", etc.) are
synonymous, and day means calendar day. Singular also means plural.
2. Eligible Bidder
2.1 Bidders shall, as part of their bid, submit a written power of attorney, authorizing
the signatory of the bid to bind the bidder.
2.2 This Invitation for Bids is open to any bidder and to pre-qualified bidders in case
of limited tender.
2.3 Bidders should not be associated or have been associated in the past, directly or
indirectly, with a firm or any of its affiliates which have been engaged by the
Purchaser to provide consulting services for the preparation of the design,
specifications and other documents to be used for the procurement of the goods
to be purchased under this Invitation for Bids.
2.5 The bidder shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility by Purchaser for corrupt
or fraudulent practices as defined in ITB.
2.6 While evaluating the bids, pursuant to Bid Evaluation Criteria as specified in the
Global notice of lFB, bidders past performance shall also be assessed for
ascertaining the responsiveness of the bid. In such a case the decision of
Purchaser shall be final and binding on the bidder.
2.7 The bidder is not put on holiday by MNGL or blacklisted by any Government
Department/ Public Sector.
3.2 Also, if this fact is known at a later stage during bid evaluation or even after
finalization of contract, the award will be made null and void and appropriate
action including forfeiting of security deposit in any form and putting the firms on
holiday list will be taken.
4. Bidder Eligibility
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
4.1 Experience Criteria as per Invitation for Bid (IFB) (Section – I of this Bid
4.2 Financial Criteria as per Invitation for Bid (IFB) (Section – I of this Bid Document)
5. Cost of Bidding
5.1 The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of
the bid, and PURCHASER (MNGL), will in no case, be responsible or liable for
these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.
6. Content of Bidding
6.1 The bidding documents are those stated below Documents and should be read in
conjunction with any addenda issued in accordance with ITB Clause
a) Volume I of II - IFB, ITB, GCC, ATC
b) Volume II of II – SCC, MR & TS, SOR, etc.
6.2 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and
specifications in the bidding documents. The Invitation for Bids (IFB) together with
all its attachments thereto, shall be considered to be read, understood and
accepted by the bidders. Failure to furnish all information required by the bidding
documents or to submit a bid not substantially responsive to the bidding
documents in every respect will be at the Bidder's risk and may result in the
rejection of its bid.
8.2 Any addendum /corrigendum/ clarifications to bidders query thus issued shall be
part of the bidding documents pursuant to ITB Clause- 7.0 and shall be hosted on
the on website and CPPP’s e-tendering website before bidding due
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
date. All the prospective bidders who have attended the Pre-Bid meeting/
submitted bid document fee, shall be informed by email/ post about the
addendum/ corrigendum/ clarifications to bidder’s query for their reference.
Bidders desirous to submit its bid must take into consideration of all the
addendum(s)/ corrigendum (s)/ clarifications to bidder’s query hosted on the
above websites before submitting the bid.
8.3 The PURCHASER may, at its discretion, extend the bid due date in order to allow
prospective bidders, a reasonable time to furnish their most competitive bid taking
into account the amendments issue
8.4 Bidders are advised to visit and CPPP’s e-tendering website from
time to time to get updated information / documents.
9. Language of Bid
9.1 The bid prepared by the bidder as well as all correspondence/drawings and
documents relating to the bid exchanged by bidder and the PURCHASER shall
be written in English language, provided that any printed literature furnished by
the bidder may be written in another language so long as accompanied by an
ENGLISH translation, in which case, for the purpose of interpretation of the bid,
the ENGLISH translation shall govern.
h) List of 2(two) years spares with blank price, if applicable, in line with
Unpriced part.
i) List of commissioning spares, if applicable, in line with Technical part
j) Any other information/details required as per bidding document including
addendum/ corrigendum to this bidding document, if issued.
10.1.3 Original Bid Security (Part-III) – For Applicability refer ITB clause no. 17.0
12.2 Indian Bidders shall indicate the following separately (as per Price Schedule)
A) Ex-works Price including packing and forwarding charges (such price to
include all costs as well as duties and taxes paid or payable on
components and raw materials incorporated or to be incorporated in the
B) Goods & Service Tax which will be payable on the finished goods, if this
contract is awarded.
C) The bidders shall indicate breakup of the quantum of imports involved for
import of necessary raw materials and components giving CIF value of
Import in applicable currency considered and included in bid price
Essentiality certificate may be provided by the Purchaser for Project
imports, wherever applicable.
D) The statutory variation in Goods & Service Tax (GST) on finished goods
covered under Cl. 12.1 B within the contractual delivery period shall be to
MNGL's account. However, any increase in the rate of these taxes and
duties beyond the contractual completion period shall be to bidder's
account and any decrease in rate shall be passed on to MNGL. Further,
any statutory variation in the rate of customs duty (except GST) within
contractual delivery period, on-the actual CIF value of import content, but
subject to maximum of such duty payable on quoted CIF value, under Cl.
12.1 (A) shall also be to MNGL's account. In case of delay in delivery, any
increase in the rate of customs duty beyond the contractual completion
period shall be to bidder's account and any decrease in rate shall be
passed on to MNGL.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
E) The total amount which can be claimed / set off by MNGL for CENVAT
(for Goods & Service tax) separately.
12.3 Inland transportation, other local costs incidental to delivery of the goods to its
destination (FOT-site) shall be quoted by the Bidder.
12.4 The bidder's break-up of price components in accordance with above sub-clauses
will be solely for the purpose of facilitating the comparison of bids and will not in
any way, limit the PURCHASER's right to contract on different terms.
12.5 Fixed Price: Prices quoted by the bidder shall be firm and fixed during the bidder's
performance of the contract and not subject to variation on any account except for
variations permitted under 12.1 D for domestic bidders. A bid submitted with an
adjustable price quotation will be treated as non-responsive and rejected.
13 Bid Currencies
13.1 Bidders shall submit their bids in Indian Rupees only
14.2.2 The documentary evidence of the bidder's qualifications to perform the contract if
his bid is accepted, shall establish to the PURCHASER'S satisfaction:
a) that, in the case of a Bidder offering to supply goods under the contract
which the Bidder did not manufacture (or otherwise, produce, the Bidder
has been duly authorized by the goods Manufacturer or producer to
supply the goods in the Purchaser’s country).
b) that the Bidder has the financial, technical and production capacity
necessary to perform the contract.
c) that, in case of a Bidder not doing business within the Purchaser's
country, the Bidder is or will be (if awarded the contract) represented by
an Agent in that country equipped and able to carry out the Supplier's
maintenance, repair and spare parts stocking obligations prescribed in the
Conditions of Contract and/or Technical Specifications.
14.2.3 The PURCHASER will determine to its satisfaction whether the bidder selected
as having submitted the lowest evaluated, responsive bid is qualified to
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
15.2 The documentary evidence of the goods and services' conformity to the Bidding
Documents may be in the form of literature, drawings or data and shall furnish:
a) detailed description of the essential technical and performance
characteristics of the goods.
b) a clause-by-clause commentary on the PURCHASER'S Technical
specifications demonstrating the goods and services' substantial
responsiveness to the specifications.
15.3 For purpose of the commentary to be furnished under Clause-15.2 above, the
bidder shall note that standards for workmanship, material and equipment and
reference to brand names or catalogue numbers, designated by the
PURCHASER in its Technical Specifications are intended to be descriptive only
and not restrictive.
16.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original bid validity period, the
PURCHASER may request that the bidder extend the period of bid validity for a
specified additional period. The requests and the responses thereto shall be
made in writing (by fax / post e-mail). A bidder may refuse the request without
forfeiture of his bid security. A bidder agreeing to the request will not be required
or permitted to modify his bid but will be required to extend the validity of its bid
security for the period of the extension and in accordance with ITB Clause 17.0 in
all respects.
17 Bid Security
17.1 Pursuant to ITB Clause-10, the bidder shall furnish, as part of his bid, bid security
in the amount specified in the Invitation for Bids.
17.2 The bid security is required to protect the PURCHASER against the risk of
bidder's conduct which would warrant the security's forfeiture, pursuant to ITB
17.3 The bid security in US Dollars for bidders quoting in foreign currency and Indian
Rupees for bidders quoting in Indian Rupees shall be in the form of Demand
Draft/ Banker's Cheque/NEFT/RTGS in favour of Maharashtra Natural Gas
Limited, payable as per IFB (issued by Indian Nationalised /Scheduled bank or
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
first class International bank) or in the form of Bank Guarantee/ irrevocable Letter
of Credit as per format enclosed in the Bidding Document.
MNGL shall not be liable to pay any bank - charges, commission or interest on
the amount of bid security.
In case, bid security is in the form of Bank Guarantee or Letter of Credit, the
same shall be from any Indian scheduled bank or a branch of an International
bank situated in India and registered with Reserve bank of India as scheduled
foreign bank.
The Bid Security shall be valid for two (02) months beyond the validity of the Bid
as specified in Clause 16.0 of ITB.
17.4 Any bid not secured in accordance with ITB Clause 17.1 and 17.3 may be
rejected by the PURCHASER as non-responsive
17.6 The successful bidder’s bid security will be discharged upon the bidder's
accepting the order, pursuant to ITB Clause-41 and furnishing the Contract
Performance Guarantee pursuant to ITB Clause-42.
17.8 Bid Security should be in favor of Maharashtra Natural Gas Limited and
addressed to MNGL. Bid Security must indicate the Bid Document number and
the item for which the bidder is quoting. This is essential to have proper co-
relation at a later date. The Bid Security in the form of Bank Guarantee or letter of
Credit shall be in the form provided in the Bidding Document.
17.9 The Indian / Domestic firms registered with NSIC / MSME, under its single
point registration scheme are exempted from furnishing Bid Security,
provided they are registered for the items / work they intend to quote and
subject to their enclosing with their bid a copy of latest and current
registration certificate.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
18.2 The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer questions on
any matter that may be raised at that stage.
18.3 Text of the questions raised, and the responses given, together with any
responses prepared after the meeting, will be transmitted without delay (without
identifying the sources of the question) to all purchasers of the bidding
documents. Any modification of the bidding documents listed in ITB Sub-Clause
7.1 that may become necessary because of the pre-bid meeting shall be made by
the Employer exclusively through the issue of an Addendum pursuant to Clause 8
and not through the minutes of the pre-bid meeting.
18.4 Non-attendance of the pre-bid meeting will not be a cause for disqualification of a
19.2 Any interlineations, erasures, or corrections shall be valid only if the person or
persons signing the bid initial them. Overwriting will not be treated as correction
and may lead to rejection of bid. A correction shall be considered if a part of text
or figures or dates needing corrections are deleted and a separate text or figure
or date, as the case may be, is written separately having proper link to the place
of correction.
19.3 As bidding shall be done through e-tendering, digitally signed documents to be
20 Zero Deviation
20.1 Bidders to note that, MNGL will appreciate submission of offer based on the
terms and conditions in the enclosed General Conditions of Contract, Special
Conditions of Contract (SCC), Instructions to Bidders (ITB), Scope of supply,
technical specifications etc., to avoid wastage of time and money in seeking
clarifications on technical/ commercial aspects of the offer.
20.2 If any deviations are taken to the under mentioned provisions of Bid Documents
by the Bidder the bid is liable to be rejected: -
i) Do not meet BEC Criteria
ii) Bid Security
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
However, MNGL reserve the right to request the bidder to withdraw the
deviations against above mentioned provisions of Bid Documents.
21 Mode of Payment
21.1 Maharashtra Natural Gas Limited will issue A/C payee cheque for payment
payable at par, in case work is awarded to bidder.
22.3 Overseas bidder should send their bids directly and not through Agent/
Consultant/ Representative / Retainer /Associate Agent Consultant
Representative Retainer/ Associate of the overseas manufacturers/suppliers are,
however, permitted to purchase bidding documents and attend bid opening
provided such as Agent/ Consultant / Representative/ Retainer/ Associate has a
power of attorney/ letter of authority setting out very clearly his role, which will be
limited to such areas of activity as purchase of bidding documents, attending of
bid opening and claiming of payment for their services, provided further that such
a power of attorney/letter of authority is submitted to MNGL in advance for
scrutiny and acceptance or otherwise.
23.1 Scanned documents (duly signed by the authorized signatory) and/or pre-
formatted excel files to be uploaded by the bidder on the portal which shall
comprise of the documents mentioned in Clause No. 10 of ITB.
Note: All pages of the bid offer to be signed and stamped by an authorized
representative (as described in bid document) of the bidder.
Bidder must ensure numbering of all pages submitted in bid document. Further
total number of pages submitted in bid document must be mentioned in the
covering letter of bid submitted.
23.2 The price bid shall contain Schedule of Rates dully filled in the prescribed format
available on the e-portal.
24.1 The bid must be submitted on the specified e-tendering portal as specified in IFB
not later than the time and date as specified in IFB. The online e-tendering portal
will not allow any bid or part thereof whatsoever to be submitted after the due
time on the due date.
24.2 The Purchaser may, in exceptional circumstances and at its discretion, on giving
reasonable notice by email or any written communication to all prospective
bidders who have been issued the bid document to extend the deadline for the
submission of bids in which case all rights and obligations of the Purchaser and
bidders, previously subject to the original deadline will thereafter be subject to
deadline as extended.
Any Bid Security / EMD received by the Purchaser after the deadline for
submission of bid may render the bid to be declared “Late” and such bid is liable
for rejection; such EMD may be returned unopened to the bidder at the sole
discretion of the Purchaser.
26.1 The bidder may modify or withdraw its bid after the bid submission, but, before
the due date of submission as per provisions provided on the e-tendering portal.
After the bid due date & time however, no modifications whatsoever are allowed
in the bid.
26.2 No bid shall be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of
bids and the expiration of the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the
Bid form. In case of request in written by the authorized signatory for withdrawal
of a bid during this interval, the Bidder’s bid security shall be forfeited.
26.3 Upon selecting “withdraw” option on the e-tender portal and providing the reason
for withdrawal, the portal will not allow the bidder to re-submit his bid. MNGL shall
not be responsible if the bidder is not able to re-submit his bid after withdrawal.
27.1 The Purchaser will open all bids on the e-tendering portal in the presence of
bidder(s) representatives who choose to attend, at the time, on the date and
place (as specified in IFB). The bidder(s) representatives, who are present, shall
sign an attendance sheet evidencing their attendance, if so, required by the
27.2 The Bidder’s names and the presence or absence of requisite Bid Security (EMD)
and such other details as the Purchaser, at its discretion, may consider
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
27.3 Bids that are not opened and read out at bid opening shall not be considered
further for evaluation, irrespective of the circumstances. Bidder’s specific attention
is drawn to this stipulation to enable the representative of the Bidder at the bid
opening time to bring out to the attention for the Purchaser any documents
pertaining to its bid is not being acknowledged and relevant portions read out.
27.4 The Purchaser will prepare a bid opening statement to be signed by all
representatives present during bid opening.
28 Process to be Confidential
28.1 Information relating to the examination, clarifications, evaluation and comparison
of bids and recommendations for the order, shall not be disclosed to bidders or
any other person officially concerned with such process.
29.2 Any effort by a bidder to influence the Purchaser in any manner in respect of bid
evaluation or award will result in the rejection of that bid.
30.1.2 Prior to the detailed evaluation, the PURCHASER will determine whether each
bid is of acceptable quality, is generally complete and is responsive to the Bidding
Documents. For purposes of this determination a responsive bid is one which
conforms to all the terms, conditions and specification of the bidding document,
without deviations, objections, conditionally or reservations.
30.1.3 No deviation whatsoever, is permitted in the Bidding Documents and the Priced
bids of those bidders whose Un-Priced bids contain any exception to the
conditions and stipulations of the Bidding Documents shall not be opened and
returned un-opened to such bidder(s).
30.1.5 The Purchaser will carry out a detailed evaluation of the bids previously
determined to be responsive to determine whether the technical aspects are in
accordance with the requirements set forth in the Bidding Documents. To reach
such a determination, the Purchaser will examine and compare the technical
aspects of the bids on the basis of the information supplied by the bidders, taking
into account the following factors:
(a) Overall completeness and compliance with the Technical Specifications;
quality function and operation of the process control concept included in
the bid. The bid that does not meet minimum acceptable standard of
completeness, consistency and detail will be rejected as non-responsive.
(b) Any other relevant factor, if any that the Purchaser deems necessary or
prudent to be taken into consideration.
30.2 Requisite forms contain all necessary information including those, required for
meeting qualifying criteria stipulated in the Bidding Document.
31.2 The bid prices stated in the price schedules will be announced during price bid
32 Arithmetic Corrections
32.1 The bids will be checked for any arithmetical errors as follows:
32.1.1 In case of any discrepancy between prices in words and prices in figures, the
prices in words shall be valid and binding. In case of any error in total indicated by
the Bidder, the unit price alone shall be considered valid and binding on the
32.1.2 If the bidder does not accept the correction of errors, his bid will be rejected, and
the bid security will be forfeited.
34.4 Bids not conforming to Bid Qualification criteria and technical & commercial
requirements shall be rejected.
35 Domestic Preference –
35.1 VOID
36 Post Qualification
36.1 In the absence of pre-qualification, the PURCHASER will determine to its
satisfaction whether the bidder selected as having submitted the lowest
evaluated, responsive bid is qualified to satisfactorily perform the contract.
36.2 The determination will consider the bidder's financial, technical and production
capabilities. It will be based upon an examination of the documentary evidence of
the bidder's qualifications submitted by the Bidder, pursuant to ITB Clause-10, as
well as such other information as the PURCHASER deems necessary and
36.3 An affirmative determination will be a prerequisite for award of the contract to the
bidder. A negative determination will result in rejection of the bidder's bid.
37 Award Criteria
37.1 Subject to ITB Clause 30, the Purchaser will award the contract to the successful
Bidder whose bid has been determined to be substantially responsive and has
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
been determined to be the lowest evaluated bid, provided further that the Bidder
is determined to be qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily.
39 PURCHASER's Right to Accept Any Bid and To reject Any or All Bids
39.1 PURCHASER reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the
bidding process and reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract, without
thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders or any obligations
to inform the affected bidder or bidders of the ground for the PURCHASER'S
40.3 Upon the successful bidder’s furnishing of contract performance bank guarantee.
Pursuant to ITB Clause-42, the PURCHASER will promptly notify each
unsuccessful bidder and will discharge his bid security pursuant of ITB Clause 17.
42 Performance Guarantee
42.1 Unless mentioned in notification of award /Fax of Intent / Purchase Order within
15 days of the receipt of the Delivery Order from the PURCHASER, the
successful bidder shall furnish the performance guarantee in accordance with
Clause 12 of General Conditions of Contract in the form provided in the bidding
documents. The Bank Guarantee/Letter of Credit towards performance guarantee
shall be in the currency of the Contract.
42.2 The performance guarantee shall be for an amount equal to 3% of the value of
the Delivery Order towards faithful performance of the contractual obligations and
performance of equipment. This Bank Guarantee/Letter of Credit shall be from
any Indian scheduled bank or a branch of an International bank situated in India
and registered with Reserve bank of India as scheduled foreign bank. This bank
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
42.3 Failure of the successful bidder to comply with the requirements of this clause
shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of
the bid security.
44 Corrupt or Fraudulent
44.1 The Purchaser requires that Bidders / Practices Suppliers observe the highest
standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of the order. In
pursuance of this policy, the Purchaser:
a) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as
i) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting
of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the
procurement process or in contract execution and
ii) “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts to
influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to
the detriment of the Purchaser and includes collusive practice
among Bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to
establish bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to
deprive the Purchaser of the benefits of free and open competition.
b) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder
recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in
competing for the contract in question.
c) will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of
time, if at any time the Purchaser determines that the firm has engaged in
corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a contract.
II. Any bidder from a country which shares a land border with India will be
eligible to bid in this tender only if the bidder is registered with the
Competent Authority. For details of competent authority refer to Annexure
I of Order (Public Procurement No. 1) dated 23.07.2020. Further the
above will not apply to bidders from those countries (even if sharing a land
border with India) to which the Government of India has extended lines of
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
IV. "Bidder from a country which shares a land border with India" for the
purpose of this:
a. An entity incorporated, established or registered in such a country; or
b. A subsidiary of an entity incorporated, established or registered in such
a country; or
c. An entity substantially controlled through entities incorporated,
established or registered in such a country; or
d. An entity whose beneficial owner is situated in such a country; or
e. An Indian (or other) agent of such an entity; or
f. A natural person who is a citizen of such a country; or
g. A consortium or joint venture where any member of the consortium or
joint venture falls under any of the above
VI. "Agent" for the purpose of this Order is a person employed to do any act
for another, or to represent another in dealings with third persons
Attachment 1
M/s Maharashtra Natural Gas Limited,
Pride Purple Coronet, 2nd Floor,
Baner Road, Baner,
Pune – 411045
Tender No:
Dear Sir,
We have read the clause regarding Provisions for Procurement from a Bidder which
shares a land border with India, we certify that, bidder M/s ________________ (Name of
Bidder) is:
We hereby certify that bidder M/s _______________ (Name of bidder) fulfils all
requirements in this regard and is eligible to be considered against the tender.
1 Definitions
In this document, General Conditions of Contract (GCC-Supply), the following
terms shall have the following respective meanings:
1.1 The "APPOINTING AUTHORITY" for the purpose of arbitration shall be the
MANAGING DIRECTOR or any other person so designated by the EMPLOYER.
1.3 BIDDER: Designates the individual or legal entity which has made a proposal, a
tender or a bid with the aim of concluding a Contract with the PURCHASER.
1.4 CONTRACT shall mean Purchase Order/Contract and all attached exhibits and
documents referred to therein and all terms and conditions thereof together with
any subsequent modifications thereto.
1.5 CONTRACT PRICE shall mean the price payable to the Seller under the Contract
for the full and proper performance of his contractual obligations.
1.6 COMPLETION DATE shall mean the date on which the goods are successfully
commissioned by the Seller and handed over to the PURCHASER.
1.7 COMMERCIAL OPERATION shall mean the condition of the operation in which
the complete equipment covered under the Contract is officially declared by the
PURCHASER to be available for continuous operation at different loads up to and
including rated capacity.
1.8 The "CONTRACTOR" means the person or the persons, firm or Company or
corporation whose tender has been accepted by the EMPLOYER and includes
the CONTRACTOR's legal Representatives his successors and permitted
1.11 The "CHANGE ORDER" means an order given in writing by the ENGINEER-IN-
CHARGE to effect additions to or deletion from and alteration in the works.
1.12 The "COMPLETION CERTIFICATE" shall mean the certificate to be issued by the
ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE when the works have been completed entirely in
accordance with CONTRACT DOCUMENT to his satisfaction.
1.13 COMMISSIONING" shall mean pressing into service of the system including the
plant(s), equipment(s), vessel(s), pipeline, machinery(ies), or any other section or
sub-section of installation(s) pertaining to the work of the CONTRACTOR after
successful testing and trial runs of the same.
1.15 "DAY" means a day of 24 hours from midnight to midnight irrespective of the
number of hours worked in that day
1.16 DELIVERY terms shall be interpreted as per INCO TERMS 2010 in case of
Contract with a foreign Bidder and as the date of FOT Site in the case of a
contract with an Indian Bidder.
1.17 DRAWINGS shall mean and include Engineering drawings, sketches showing
plans, sections and elevations in relation to the Contract together with
modifications and/or revisions there.
1.18 ENGINEER or Engineer-in-Charge of the Project SITE shall mean the person
designated from time to time by PURCHASER at SITE and shall include those
who are expressly authorized by him to act for and on his behalf for operation of
1.19 FINAL ACCEPTANCE shall mean the PURCHASER’s written acceptance of the
Works performed under the Contract after successful completion of performance
and guarantee test.
1.20 The "FINAL CERTIFICATE" in relation to a work means the certificate regarding
the satisfactory compliance of various provision of the CONTRACT by the
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
1.21 GOODS shall mean articles, materials, equipment, design and drawings, data
and other property to be supplied by Seller to complete the contract.
1.23 INITIAL OPERATION shall mean the first integral operation of the complete
equipment covered under the Contract with subsystems and supporting
equipment in service or available for service.
1.27 "PLANS" shall mean all maps, sketches, and layouts as are incorporated in the
CONTRACT in order to define broadly the scope and specifications of the work or
works, and all reproductions thereof.
1.28 PERFORMANCE AND GUARANTEE TESTS shall mean all operational checks
and tests required to determine and demonstrate capacity, efficiency and
operating characteristics as specified in the Contract documents.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
1.29 PROJECT designates the aggregate of the Goods and/or Services to be provided
by one or more Contractors.
Quantities – Bills of quantities
Bills of quantities
1.32 SITE designates the land and/or any other premises on, under, in or across which
the Goods and/or Services have to be supplied, erected, assembled, adjusted,
arranged and/or commissioned.
1.34 SUB-CONTRACT shall mean order placed by the Seller, for any portion of the
contracted work, after necessary consent and approval of PURCHASER.
1.35 SUB-CONTRACTOR shall mean the person named in the CONTRACT for any
part of the work or any person to whom any part of the CONTRACT has been
sub-let by the SELLER with the consent in writing of the
CONSULTANT/PURCHASER and will include the legal representatives,
successors, and permitted assigns of such person.
1.36 START-UP shall mean the time period required to bring the equipment covered
under the Contract from an inactive condition, when construction is essentially
complete to the state of readiness for trial operation. The start-up period shall
include preliminary inspection and check out of equipment and supporting
subsystems, initial operation of the complete equipment covered under the
Contract to obtain necessary pre-trial operation data, perform calibration and
corrective action, shutdown inspection and adjustment prior to the trial operation
1.37 TESTS shall mean such process or processes to be carried out by the Seller as
are prescribed in the Contract or considered necessary by PURCHASER or his
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
1.38 TESTS ON COMPLETION shall mean such tests as prescribed in the Contract to
be performed by the Seller before the Works are taken over by the PURCHASER.
1.39 "TEMPORARY WORKS" shall mean all temporary works of every kind required in
or about the execution, completion or maintenance of works.
1.40 "VALUE OF CONTRACT” or “TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE” shall mean the sum
accepted or the sum calculated in accordance with the prices accepted in tender
and/or the CONTRACT rates as payable to the CONTRACTOR for the entire
execution and full completion of the work, including change order
1.41 "WORKING DAY" means any day which is not declared to be holiday or rest day
by the EMPLOYER.
1.43 "METRIC SYSTEM" - All technical documents regarding the construction of works
are given in the metric system and all work in the project should be carried out
according to the metric system. All documents concerning the work shall also be
maintained in the metric system
2 Seller to Inform
2.1 The Seller shall be deemed to have carefully examined all contract documents to
his entire satisfaction. Any lack of information shall not in any way relieve the
Seller of his responsibility to fulfill his obligation under the Contract.
3 Application
3.1 These General Conditions of Contract (GCC-Supply) shall apply to the extent that
they are not superseded by provisions of other parts of the Contract.
4 Country of Origin
4.1 For purposes of this Clause “origin” means the place where the Goods were
mined, grown or produced, or from which the services are supplied. Goods are
produced when, through manufacturing, processing or substantial and major
assembling of components, a commercially recognized new product results that is
substantially different in basic characteristics or in purpose or utility from its
5 Scope of Contract
5.1 Scope of the CONTRACT shall be as defined in the PURCHASE
ORDER/CONTRACT specifications, drawings, and Annexure thereto.
5.2 Completeness of the EQUIPMENT shall be the responsibility of the SELLER. Any
equipment, fittings and accessories which may not be specifically mentioned in
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
the specifications or drawings, but which are usual or necessary for the
satisfactory functioning of the equipment (successful operation and functioning of
the EQUIPMENT being SELLER’s responsibility) shall be provided by SELLER
without any extra cost.
5.3 The SELLER shall follow the best modern practices in the manufacture of high-
grade EQUIPMENT notwithstanding any omission in the specifications. The true
intent and meaning of these documents are that SELLER shall in all respects,
design, engineer, manufacture and supply the equipment in a thorough
workmanlike manner and supply the same in prescribed time to the entire
satisfaction of PURCHASER.
5.4 The SELLER shall furnish six (6) copies in English language of Technical
documents, final drawings, preservation instructions, operation and maintenance
manuals, test certificates, spare parts catalogues for all equipment to the
5.5 The documents once submitted by the SELLER shall be firm and final and not
subject to subsequent changes. The SELLER shall be responsible for any loss to
the PURCHASER/CONSULTANT consequent to furnishing of incorrect
5.7 All equipment to be supplied and work to be carried out under the CONTRACT
shall conform to and comply with the provisions of relevant regulations/Acts
(State Government or Central Government) as may be applicable to the type of
equipment/work carried out and necessary certificates shall be furnished.
5.8 The Seller shall provide cross sectional drawings, wherever applicable, to identify
the spare part numbers and their location. The size of bearings, their make and
number shall be furnished.
5.9 Specifications, design and drawings issued to the SELLER along with RFQ and
CONTRACT are not sold or given but loaned. These remain property of
PURCHASER or its assigns and are subject to recall by PURCHASER. The
SELLER and his employees shall not make use of the drawings, specifications
and technical information for any purpose at any time except for manufacture
against the CONTRACT and shall not disclose the same to any person, firm or
corporate body, without written permission of PURCHASER. All such details shall
be kept confidential.
5.10 SELLER shall pack, protect, mark and arrange for dispatch of EQUIPMENT as
per instructions given in the CONTRACT.
6 Standards
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
6.1 The GOODS supplied under the CONTRACT shall conform to the standards
mentioned in the Technical Specifications, or such other standards which ensure
equal or higher quality, and when no applicable standard is mentioned, to the
authoritative standard appropriate to the GOODS’ country of origin and such
standards shall be the latest issued by the concerned institution.
8 Contract Obligations
8.1 If after award of the contract, the Seller does not acknowledge the receipt of
award or fails to furnish the performance guarantee within the prescribed time
limit, the PURCHASER reserves the right to cancel the contract and apply all
remedies available to him under the terms and conditions of this contract.
8.2 Once a contract is confirmed and signed, the terms and conditions contained
therein shall take precedence over the Seller’s bid and all previous
9 Modification in Contract
9.1 All modifications leading to changes in the CONTRACT with respect to technical
and/or commercial aspects including terms of delivery, shall be considered valid
only when accepted in writing by PURCHASER by issuing amendment to the
CONTRACT. Issuance of acceptance or otherwise in such cases shall not be any
ground for extension of agreed delivery date and also shall not affect the
performance of contract in any manner except to the extent mutually agreed
through a modification of contract.
9.2 PURCHASER shall not be bound by any printed conditions or provisions in the
SELLER’s Bid Forms or acknowledgment of CONTRACT, invoices, packing list
and other documents which purport to impose any conditions at variance with or
supplemental to CONTRACT.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
10.2 The SELLER shall not, without the PURCHASER’s prior written consent, make
use of any document or information enumerated in Article 10.1 except for purpose
of performing the CONTRACT.
11.2 The SELLER shall indemnify the PURCHASER against all third party claims of
infringement of patent, trade mark or industrial design rights arising from use of
the GOODS or any part thereof in the PURCHASER’s country.
11.3 SELLER shall also protect and fully indemnify the PURCHASER from any claims
from SELLER’S workmen/employees or their heirs, dependents, representatives,
etc. or from any other person/persons or bodies/companies etc. for any acts of
commissions or omission while executing the CONTRACT.
11.4 SELLER shall be responsible for compliance with all requirements under the laws
and shall protect and indemnify completely the PURCHASER from any
claims/penalties arising out of any infringements.
12 Performance Guarantee
12.1 Within 15 days after the SELLER’s receipt of Delivery Order, the SELLER
shall furnish Performance Guarantee in the form of Bank
Guarantee/irrevocable Letter of Credit to the PURCHASER, in the form
provided in the Bidding Documents, for an amount equivalent to 3% of the
total Delivery Order value against each Delivery Order.
12.4 The Performance Guarantee shall be valid for the duration of 90 days beyond the
expiry of Warrantee/Guarantee period. The Bank Guarantee will be discharged by
PURCHASER not later than 6 months from the date of expiration of the Seller’s
entire obligations, including any warrantee obligations, under the CONTRACT.
13.2 The inspections and tests may be conducted on the premises of the SELLER or
his sub-contractor(s), at point of DELIVERY and/or at the GOODS’ final
destination, when conducted on the premises of the SELLER or his sub-
contractor (s), all reasonable facilities and assistance including access to the
drawings and production data shall be furnished to the inspectors at no charge to
13.3 Should any inspected or tested GOODS fail to conform to the specifications, the
PURCHASER may reject them and the SELLER shall either replace the rejected
GOODS or make all alterations necessary to meet Specifications’ requirements,
free of cost to the PURCHASER.
13.4 The PURCHASER’s right to inspect, test and where necessary reject the GOODS
after the GOODS’ arrival in the PURCHASER’s country shall in no way be limited
or waived by reason of the GOODS having previously been inspected, tested and
passed by the PURCHASER, or their representative prior to the GOODS
shipment from the country of origin.
13.5 The INSPECTOR shall follow the progress of the manufacture of the GOODS
under the CONTRACT to ensure that the requirements outlined in the
CONTRACT are not being deviated with respect to schedule and quality.
13.6 SELLER shall allow the INSPECTOR to visit, during working hours, the
workshops relevant for execution of the CONTRACT during the entire period of
CONTRACT validity.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
13.8 SELLER shall place at the disposal of the INSPECTOR, free of charge, all tools,
instruments, and other apparatus necessary for the inspection and/or testing of
the GOODS. The INSPECTOR is entitled to prohibit the use and dispatch of
GOODS and/or materials which have failed to comply with the characteristics
required for the GOODS during tests and inspections.
13.9 SELLER shall advise in writing of any delay in the inspection program at the
earliest, describing in detail the reasons for delay and the proposed corrective
13.10 ALL TESTS and trials in general, including those to be carried out for materials
not manufactured by SELLER shall be witnessed by the INSPECTOR. Therefore,
SELLER shall confirm to PURCHASER by fax or e-mail about the exact date of
inspection with at least 30 days’ notice. SELLER shall specify the GOODS and
quantities ready for testing and indicate whether a preliminary or final test is to be
carried out.
13.11 If on receipt of this notice, PURCHASER should waive the right to witness the
test, timely information will be given accordingly.
13.12 Any and all expenses incurred in connection with tests, preparation of reports and
analysis made by qualified laboratories, necessary technical documents, testing
documents and drawings shall be at SELLER’s cost. The technical documents
shall include the reference and numbers of the standards used in the construction
and, wherever deemed practical by the INSPECTOR, copy of such standards.
13.13 Nothing in Article-13 shall in any way release the SELLER from any warrantee or
other obligations under this CONTRACT.
13.14 Arrangements for all inspections required by Indian Statutory Authorities and as
specified in technical specifications shall be made by SELLER.
during which the rejected materials are not removed @ 5% of the value of
materials for each month or part of a month till the rejected materials are finally
disposed off.
14.1.2 The time schedule will be in the form of a network or a bar chart clearly indicating
all main or key events regarding documentation, supply of raw materials,
manufacturing, testing, delivery, erection, and commissioning.
14.1.3 The original issue and subsequent revisions of SELLER’s time schedule shall be
sent to PURCHASER.
14.1.4 The time schedule network/bar chart shall be updated at least every second
14.2.2 The progress will be expressed in percentages as shown in the progress trend
chart attached to the Time Schedule specification.
14.2.3 The first issue of the Progress Trend Chart will be forwarded together with the
time bar chart along with CONTRACT confirmation.
requirements and completion of CONTRACT at the SELLER’s risk and cost and
recover from the SELLER, all extra cost incurred by the PURCHASER on this
account. In such event PURCHASER shall not be responsible for any loss that
the SELLER may incur, and SELLER shall not be entitled to any gain.
PURCHASER shall, in addition, have the right to encash Performance Guarantee
in full or part.
15.3 The delivery terms are binding and essential and consequently, no delay is
allowed without the written approval of PURCHASER. Any request concerning
delay will be void unless accepted by PURCHASER through a modification to the
15.4 Delivery time shall include time for submission of drawings for approval,
incorporation of comments, if any, and final approval of drawings by
15.5 In the event of delay in delivery, Price Reduction Schedule as stipulated in Article
– 26 shall apply.
15.6 The documentation, in English Language, shall be delivered in due time, in proper
form and in the required number of copies as specified in the contract.
15.7 The additional copies of final drawings and instructions will be included in the
package of goods, properly enveloped and protected.
15.8 The SELLER should comply with the Packing, Marking and Shipping
Documentation Specifications enclosed.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
16.2 Where delivery is on FOB or CFR basis, marine insurance shall be the
responsibility of the Purchaser against the advance information by the contractor
with all the details.
The SELLER shall ensure that in effecting dispatch of materials, the primary
responsibility of the carriers for safe movement is always retained so that the
PURCHASER’s interests are fully safeguarded and are in no way jeopardized.
The Seller shall furnish the cost of materials against each equipment.
17 Transportation
17.1 Where the SELLER is required under the CONTRACT to deliver the GOODS
FOB, transport of the GOODS until delivery, that is, up to and including the point
of putting the GOODS on board the export conveyance at the specified port of
loading, shall be arranged and paid for by the SELLER and the cost thereof shall
be included in the Contract price.
Where the SELLER is required under the CONTRACT to deliver the GOODS
CFR or CIF, transport of the Goods to the port of discharge or such other point in
the country of destination as shall be specified in the CONTRACT shall be
arranged and paid for by the SELLER and the cost thereof shall be included in
the Contract price.
18 Incidental Services
18.1 The Seller may be required to provide any or all of the following services:
18.1.1 Performance or supervision of onsite assembly and/or start-up of the supplied
18.1.2 Furnishing tools required for assembly and/or maintenance of the supplied
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
18.1.4 Training of the Purchaser’s personnel at the Seller’s plant and/or at Site, in
assembly, start-up operation, maintenance and/or repair of the supplied Goods at
no extra cost. However, Purchaser will bear boarding, lodging & personal
expenses of Trainees.
18.2 Prices charged by the Seller for the preceding incidental services, shall not
exceed the prevailing rates charged to other parties by the Seller for similar
18.3 When required, Seller shall depute necessary personnel for supervision and/or
erection of the Equipment at site for duration to be specified by Purchaser on
mutually agreed terms. Seller’s personnel shall be available at Site within seven
days for emergency action and twenty-one days for medium and long-term
assistance, from the date of notice given by Purchaser.
18.4 The cost of incidental services shall not be included in the quoted prices. The cost
of applicable incidental services should be shown separately in the price
19.1.1 Such spare parts as the Purchaser may opt to purchase from the Seller, provided
that his option shall not relieve the Seller of any warrantee obligations under the
Contract, and
19.2 Seller shall supply item wise list with value of each item of spare parts and
maintenance tools requirements, along with full details of manufacturers/vendors
for such spares/maintenance tools for:
19.3 Spare parts shall be new and of first class quality as per engineering standards/
codes, free of any defects (even concealed), deficiency in design, materials and
workmanship and also shall be completely interchangeable with the
corresponding parts.
19.5 Spare parts shall be packed for long storage under tropical climatic conditions in
suitable cases, clearly marked as to intended purpose.
19.6 A list of special tools and gauges required for normal maintenance and special
handling and lifting appliances, if any, for the Goods shall be submitted to
19.7 Bidders should note that if they do not comply with Clause 19.2 above, their
quotation may be rejected.
19.8 Lubricants
19.8.1 Whenever lubricants are required, Seller shall indicate the quantity of lubricants
required for the first filling, the frequency of changing, the quantity of lubricants
required for the one year’s continuous operation and the types of recommended
lubricants indicating the commercial name (trade-mark), quality and grade.
20 Guarantee
20.1 All Goods or Materials shall be supplied strictly in accordance with the
specifications, drawings, data sheets, other attachments and conditions stated in
the Contract.
materials supplied under the Contract form a part thereof, or twenty four (24)
months from the date of last shipment whichever period shall first expire, and the
SELLER is notified thereof, SELLER shall, at his own expense and as promptly
as possible, make such alterations, repairs and replacements as may necessary
to permit the materials to function in accordance with the specifications and to
fulfil the foregoing guarantees.
In the event that the materials supplied do not meet the specifications and/or not
in accordance with the drawings data sheets or the terms of the Contract and
rectification is required at site, PURCHASER shall notify the SELLER giving full
details of differences. The SELLER shall attend the site within seven (7) days of
receipt of such notice to meet and agree with representatives of PURCHASER,
the action required to correct the deficiency. Should the SELLER fail to attend
meeting at Site within the time specified above, PURCHASER shall immediately
rectify the work/materials and SELLER shall reimburse PURCHASER all costs
and expenses incurred in connection with such trouble or defect.
20.2.2 If the SELLER fails to prove the guaranteed performance of the EQUIPMENT set
forth in the specification, the SELLER shall investigate the causes and carry out
necessary rectifications /modifications to achieve the guaranteed performance. In
case the SELLER fails to do so within a reasonable period, the SELLER shall
replace the EQUIPMENT and prove guaranteed performance of the new
equipment without any extra cost to PURCHASER.
20.2.3 If the SELLER fails to prove the guarantee within a reasonable period,
PURCHASER shall have the option to take over the EQUIPMENT and rectify, if
possible, the EQUIPMENT to fulfil the guarantees and/or to make necessary
additions to make up the deficiency at Seller’s risk and cost. All expenditure
incurred by the PURCHASER in this regard shall be to SELLER’s account.
21 Terms of Payment
21.1 The method of payment to be made to the SELLER under this CONTRACT shall
be specified in the Special Conditions of Contract.
21.2 The type(s) of payment to be made to the SELLER under this CONTRACT shall
be specified in the Special Conditions of Contract.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
21.3 The SELLER’s request(s) for payment shall be made to the PURCHASER in
writing accompanied by an invoice describing, as appropriate, the Goods
delivered and services performed, and by shipping documents submitted, and
upon fulfillment of other obligations stipulated in the Contract.
21.4 Payment will be made in the currency or currencies in which the Contract Price
has been stated in the SELLER’s bid, as well as in other currencies in which the
SELLER had indicated in his bid that he intends to incur expenditure in the
performance of the Contract and wishes to be paid. If the requirements are stated
as a percentage of the bid price along-with exchange rates used in such
calculations these exchange rates shall be maintained.
General Notes:
1. All foreign currency payments to foreign bidder shall be released through
an irrevocable Letter of Credit, which shall be opened through
Government of India Nationalized Bank and hence shall not be confirmed.
In case any bidder insists on confirmation, charges towards confirmation
shall be borne by him. L/C shall be established within 30 days after receipt
of unconditional acceptance of Letter /Fax of Intent / Purchase Order
together with Performance Guarantee for 3% of total Delivery
Order/Contract value.
2. For dispatches on FOT dispatch point (in India) basis, the payment shall
be through PURCHASER’s bank. Payment through Bank, wherever
applicable, shall be released as per normal banking procedures.
3. Payment shall be released within 30 days after receipt of relevant
documents complete in all respects.
4. All bank charges incurred in connection with payments shall be to Seller’s
account in case of Indian bidders and to respective accounts in case of
Foreign bidder.
5. Unless otherwise specifically stated in bid document, all payments shall
be made in the currency quoted.
6. No interest charges for delay in payments, if any, shall be payable by
7. In case of Indian bidder, variation, if any, on account of customs duty on
their built-in- import content, as per terms of bid document, shall be
claimed separately by bidder after receipt of goods at site (s). However,
any price benefits to the PURCHASER, on account of such variation as
per terms specified in the bid document, shall be passed on to the
PURCHASER along with invoicing itself.
8. Agency commission, if any, to Indian agent for Foreign bidders, indicated
in prices, shall be paid to the agent in equivalent Indian Rupees on receipt
and acceptance of material at site.
22 Prices
22.1 Prices charged by the SELLER for Goods delivered and services performed
under the CONTRACT shall not, with the exception of any price adjustments
authorized by the Contract vary from the prices quoted by the SELLER in his bid.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
25.2 Any inexcusable delay by the SELLER or his sub-contractor shall render the
SELLER liable, without prejudice to any other terms of the Contract, to any or all
of the following sanctions:
forfeiture of Contract performance guarantee, imposition of price reduction for
delay in delivery and termination of the contract for default.
26.2 In case of delay in delivery on the part of Seller, the invoice/document value shall
be reduced proportionately for the delay and payment shall be released
26.3 In the event the invoice value is not reduced proportionately for the delay, the
PURCHASER may deduct the amount so payable by SELLER, from any amount
falling due to the SELLER or by recovery against the Performance Guarantee.
Both seller and PURCHASER agree that the above percentages of price
reduction are genuine pre estimates of the loss/damage which the PURCHASER
would have suffered on account of delay/breach on the part of the SELLER and
the said amount will be payable on demand without there being any proof of the
actual loss/or damage caused by such breach/delay. A decision of the
PURCHASER in the matter of applicability of price reduction shall be final and
27.2 If the EQUIPMENTS are not of specification or fail to perform specified duties or
are otherwise not satisfactory the PURCHASER shall be entitled to reject the
EQUIPMENT/MATERIAL or part thereof and ask free replacement within
reasonable time failing which obtain his requirements from elsewhere at
SELLER’s cost and risk.
27.3 Nothing in this clause shall be deemed to deprive the PURCHASER AND/OR
AFFECT ANY rights under the Contract which it may otherwise have in respect of
such defects or deficiencies or in any way relieve the SELLER of his obligations
under the Contract.
27.4 EQUIPMENT rejected by the PURCHASER shall be removed by the Seller at his
cost within 14 days of notice after repaying the amounts received against the
SUPPLY. The PURCHASER shall in no way be responsible for any deterioration
or damage to the EQUIPMENT under any circumstances whatsoever.
27.5 In case of rejection of EQUIPMENT, PURCHASER shall have the right to recover
the amounts, if any, from any of CONTRACTOR’S invoices pending with
PURCHASER or by alternative method(s).
28 Termination of Contract
28.1 Termination for Default
28.1.1 The PURCHASER may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of
CONTRACT, by written notice of default sent to the SELLER, terminate the
CONTRACT in whole or in part:
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
A) If the SELLER fails to deliver any or all of the GOODS within the time
period(s) specified in the CONTRACT; or
B) If the SELLER fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the
C) If the SELLER, in either of the above circumstances, does not cure his
failure within a period of 30 days (or such longer period as the
PURCHASER may authorize in writing) after receipt of the default notice
from the PURCHASER.
28.1.2 In the event the PURCHASER terminates the CONTRACT in whole or in part,
pursuant to Article 28.1.1, the PURCHASER may procure, upon such terms and
in such manner as it deems appropriate, goods similar to those undelivered and
the SELLER shall be liable to the PURCHASER for any excess costs for such
similar GOODS. However, the SELLER shall continue performance of the
CONTRACT to the extent not terminated.
28.1.3 In case of termination of CONTRACT herein set forth (under clause 28)
except under conditions of Force Majeure and termination after expiry of
contract, the VENDOR shall be put under holiday [i.e. neither any enquiry
will be issued to the party by MAHARSHRATRA NATURAL GAS LIMITED
Against any type of tender nor their offer will be considered by MNGL
against any ongoing tender (s) where contract between MNGL and that
particular VENDOR (as a bidder) has not been finalized] for three years from
the date of termination by MAHARSHRATRA NATURAL GAS LIMITED to
such VENDOR.
28.3.2 The GOODS that are complete and ready for shipment within 30 days after the
SELLER’s receipt of notice of termination shall be purchased by the
PURCHASER at the CONTRACT terms and prices. For the remaining GOODS,
the PURCHASER may opt:
a) to have any portion completed and delivered at the CONTRACT terms
and prices, and /or
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
b) to cancel the remainder and pay to the SELLER an agreed amount for
partially completed GOODS and for materials and parts previously
procured by the SELLER.
29 Force Majeure
29.1 Shall mean and be limited to the following:
a) War/hostilities
b) Riot or Civil commotion
c) Earthquake, flood, tempest, lightening or other natural physical disaster.
d) Restrictions imposed by the Government or other Statutory bodies which
prevents or delays the execution of the Contract by the SELLER.
For delays arising out of Force Majeure, the SELLER shall not claim extension in
completion date for a period exceeding the period of delay attributable to the
causes of Force Majeure and neither PURCHASER/CONSULTANT nor SELLER
shall be liable to pay extra costs provided it is mutually established that Force
Majeure Conditions did actually exist.
30 Resolution of Disputes/Arbitration
30.1 The PURCHASER and the SELLER shall make every effort to resolve amicably
by direct informal negotiations any disagreement or dispute arising between them
under or in connection with the contract.
30.2 If, after thirty days from the commencement of such informal negotiations, the
PURCHASER and the SELLER have been unable to resolve amicably a Contract
dispute, either party may require that the dispute be referred for resolution to the
formal mechanism as specified hereunder.
30.3 The Contract shall be, in all respects be construed and operated as an Indian
Contract and in accordance with Indian Laws as in force for the time being and is
subject to and referred to the Court of Law situated at Pune.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
30.4 Arbitration
All disputes, controversies, or claims between the parties (except in matters
where the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge is deemed to be final and binding)
which cannot be mutually resolved within a reasonable time shall be referred to
Arbitration by a sole arbitrator.
In the event of failure of the Seller to select the Sole Arbitrator within 30 days from
the receipt of the communication suggesting the panel of arbitrators, the right of
selection of Sole Arbitrator by the other party shall stand forfeited and the
PURCHASER shall have discretion to proceed with the appointment of the Sole
Arbitrator. The decision of the PURCHASER on the appointment of Sole
Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties.
The award of the Sole Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties and
unless directed/awarded otherwise by the Sole Arbitrator, the cost of arbitration
proceedings shall be shared equally by the parties. All matters relating to this
contract are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts situated at Pune.
Subject to the above, the provisions of (Indian)Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996
and the rules framed thereunder shall be applicable. All matters relating to this
contract are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Pune.
31 Governing Language
31.1 The Contract shall be written in English language as specified by the
PURCHASER in the Instruction to Bidders. All literature, correspondence and
other documents pertaining to the Contract which are exchanged by the parties
shall be written in English language. Printed literature in other language shall only
be considered, if it is accompanied by an English translation. For the purposes of
interpretation, English translation shall govern and be binding on all parties.
32 Notices
32.1 Any notice given by one party to the other pursuant to the Contract shall be sent
in writing or by telegram or fax, telex/cable confirmed in writing.
32.2 A notice shall be effective when delivered or on the notice’s effective date,
whichever is later.
33.2 A domestic Seller shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties, license fees
etc. incurred until the delivery of the contracted goods to the PURCHASER.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
33.3 Customs duty payable in India for imported goods ordered by PURCHASER on
foreign Seller shall be borne and paid by PURCHASER.
33.4 Any income tax payable in respect of supervisory services rendered by foreign
Seller under the Contract shall be as per the Indian Income Tax Act and shall be
borne by SELLER.
36 General
36.1 In the event that terms and conditions stipulated in the General Conditions of
Contract should deviate from terms and conditions stipulated in the Contract, the
latter shall prevail.
36.4 Payments, etc. not to affect rights of the PURCHASER No sum paid on account
by the PURCHASER nor any extension of the date for completion granted by the
PURCHASER shall affect or prejudice the rights of the PURCHASER against the
SELLER or relieve the SELLER of his obligation for the due fulfillment of the
37 Import License
37.1 No import license is required for the imports covered under this document.
38.1 The price charged for the materials supplied under the order by the supplier
shall in no event exceed the lowest price at which the supplier or his
agent/principal/dealer sells the materials of identical description to any
persons/organizations including the Purchaser or any department of the
Central Govt. or any Dept. Of a State Govt. or any Statutory Undertaking of
the Central or State Govt. as the case may be, during the currency of the
38.2 If at any time during the said period, the supplier, or his
agent/principal/dealer reduces the sale price, sells, or offers to sell such
materials to any persons/organizations including the Purchaser or any
Dept. Of Central Govt. or State Govt. as the case may be, at a price lower
than the price chargeable under the order, he shall forthwith notify such
reduction or sale or offer of sale to the Purchase Authority who has issued
this order and the price payable under the order for the materials supplied
after the date of coming into force of such reduction or sale or offer of sale
shall stand correspondingly reduced.
38.3 The supplier shall furnish the following certificate to the concerned Paying
Authority along with each bill for payment for supplies made against this order: -
“I/We certify that there has been no reduction in sale price of the
items/goods/materials of description identical to those supplied to the
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
MNGL under the order herein and such items/ goods/materials have not
been offered/sold by me/us to any person/organizations including the
Purchaser or any Dept. Of Central Govt. or any Dept. Of State Govt. or
any Statutory Undertaking of the Central or State Govt. up to the date of
bill/during the currency of the order whichever is later, at a price lower
than the price charged to the MNGL under the order.
40 Limitation of Liability
40.1 Notwithstanding anything contrary contained herein, the aggregate total liability of
Seller under the Agreement or otherwise shall be limited to 100% of Agreement /
Order price. However, neither party shall be liable to the other party for any
indirect and consequential damages, loss of profits or loss of production.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
(Information must be provided on bidder’s letterhead)
2nd Floor, Pride Purple Coronet,
Baner Road, Baner,
Pune – 411045
City_________________District ___________
1-10 ISO Certification, if any {If yes, please furnish details} ____________________
1-11 Whether Supplier / Manufacturer
/ Dealer / Trader / Service Provider ___________________________________
(Kindly attach separate sheets giving details for name of directors / proprietors
and their stakes) along with the supporting documents.
a) Turnover threshold
b) Providing exemption goods/services
c) Others (specify)
1 The above required information is required on the bidder’s letterhead.
2 Bidders have to submit supporting documents for the above details including the
a. PAN card copy
b. GST certificate copy (of the same state as the office address mentioned
c. Cancelled cheque of the bank account mentioned above
2nd Floor, Pride Purple Coronet,
Baner Road, Pune – 411045
1. If the Bidder withdraws his Bid during the period of Bid validity specified by the
Bidder on the Bid Form; or
2. If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of his bid by MNGL during
the period of bid validity
We undertake to pay MNGL up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written
demand, without MNGL having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand
MNGL will note the amount claimed by it is due to it owing to the occurrence of one or
both of the two conditions specifying the occurred condition or conditions.
The Guarantee will remain in force up to and including 60 days after the period of bid
validity and any demand in respect thereof should reach the BANK not later than the
above date.
FORM F – 3 A
Year 1:
Year 2:
Year 3:
FORM F – 3 B
Description Amount
(in INR)
1. Current assets
4. Net Worth
Owners funds (Paid up share capital and Free Reserves & Surplus) (NW)
1. Attached are copies of the audited balance sheets, including all related notes and
income statement and Auditor’s report, for the last Audited Financial year, as
indicated above, complying with the following conditions.
• All such documents reflect the financial situation of the bidder
• Historic financial statements must be audited by a certified accountant.
• Historic financial statements must be complete, including all notes to the
financial statements.
• Historic financial statements must correspond to accounting periods already
completed and audited (no statement for partial periods shall be requested or accepted)
Signature :
Name :
Designation :
Date Seal:
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
(On Bidder’s letter head)
2nd Floor, Pride Purple Coronet,
Baner Road, Baner,
Pune – 411045
1) BIDDER may give a consolidated list of deviations / clarifications / comments for
all sections of the bid documents which for an appropriate offer are considered
unavoidable by him.
3) BIDDER shall state the reason for the deviations in the remark column.
4) Only the deviations listed herein, in conjunction with the original Tender shall
constitute the contract document for the award of the job to the BIDDER.
The bidder confirms that all clauses of the tender document, which are not listed above
are fully complied by the bidder.
(on Bidder’s letter head)
No. Date:
2nd Floor, Pride Purple Coronet,
Baner Road, Baner,
Pune – 411045
Subject: Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of Type IV cylinder
mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360 WL capacity for CNG & CGD
Network of MNGL.
We hereby confirm that we have read each page of the subject tender document along
with Corrigendum & Reply to bidder’s queries thoroughly and understood the complete
Scope of Work and other terms & conditions. We hereby also confirm that tender terms &
conditions are acceptable to us and any deviation other than mentioned in deviation
Form F-5 is not to be taken into account.
Yours faithfully,
Name & Designation
For and on behalf of
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
No. Date:
2nd Floor, Pride Purple Coronet,
Baner Road, Baner,
Pune – 411045
Subject: Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of Type IV cylinder
mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360 WL capacity for CNG & CGD
Network of MNGL.
We ______________________________________________________ hereby
authorise following representative (s) to attend the Un-Priced Bid opening and Priced Bid
opening against above Bidding Document:
We confirm that we shall be bound by all and whatsoever our representative(s) shall
Yours faithfully,
Name & Designation
For and on behalf of
Note: This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the bidder and should be
signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to bind the bidder.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
(on Bidder’s letter head)
Subject: Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of Type IV cylinder
mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360 WL capacity for CNG & CGD
Network of MNGL.
We confirm that we are not under any liquidation, court receivership or similar
We also confirm that we have not been put on holiday / ban by any Government
Organization / Public Sector or their joint ventures/ MNGL for any forgery, Corrupt or
Fraudulent Practice or unethical behaviour.
Form F-9
(on Bidder’s letter head)
Bidder shall furnish details of litigation cases of the bidder during the last 5 years if any,
in this Form.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
FORM F- 10
Dear Sir,
Thanking You,
Place: (Signature)
Encl.: As above
FORM F- 11
Description Year_________
Amount (Currency)
1. Currency Assets
2. Current liabilities
3. Working capital (Current assets-current
4. Net worth (Paid up share capital and
free reserves & surplus)
1. The financial year would be the same as one normally followed by the bidder for
its Annual Report.
2. The bidder shall provide the audited annual financial statements as required for
this Tender Document. Failure to do so would result in the personnel being
considered as non-responsive.
3. For the purpose of this Tender document (i) Annual Turnover shall be “Sale
value/Operating Income” (ii) Working capital shall be “Current Assets Less
Current Liabilities” and (iii) Net Worth shall be “Paid up share capital and Free
reserves & Surplus”
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
Sr. Description of the LOA/PO Full proposal, Value of Date of Scheduled Date of Reasons Project
no. goods/works/services /WO no. address & Contract Commencement completion actual for cost
& date phone nos. of /Order of work/service time(months) completion delay in
client Name, (Specify s or supply delivery /supply execution,
designation & Currency of goods schedule if
address of amount) any
in-charge (for
cases other
than purchase)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
1. Copies of letter of awards/order/work orders and completion certificate (in case of
works/services) or IRN/Proof of delivery (in case of supplies, if applicable) to be
2. The supply/work/services completed earlier than 5 years need not be indicated
3. The list of supply/ work/ services not of similar nature need not be indicated here.
Failing to comply aforementioned instructions may lead to rejection of bid.
4. Bidders are expected to provide details in respect of each order in this Annex.
The orders cited must comply with the bid evaluation criteria specified in Tender
Document. Details provided in this section is intended to serve as a backup for
information provided in Offer/Quotation. Bidder should also refer to the
instructions below.
5. A separate sheet should be filled for each LOA/work order/ purchase order.
6. Certificate from the bidder’s statutory auditors must be furnished in the format
below for LOA/Work Order/Purchase Order mentioned above (separately for each
7. It may be noted that in the absence above certificates, the details would be
considered inadequate and could lead to the bid being considered ineligible for
further evaluation.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
Based on its books of accounts and other published information authenticated by it, {this
is to certify that LOA/PO/WO no. ……………………………………. dated……………was
awarded to ………………………………………. (name of the bidder)
by………………………….(name of the client) to
execute……………………………….((name of the supply/work/service). The Supply/
works/services commenced on ……………………. (date) was/is likely to be completed
on…………………………..(date, if any). It is certified that the total value of contract/order
executed by………………………………………. (name of bidder)
was……………………………………………… (specify currency & amount) and executed
value was…………………………………(specify currency & amount).
Date: Name:
Membership no.:
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
Sr. Purchase Order Purchaser Ordered Supplied IRN no./ DCN/ Sr. No.
no. no. Name Quantity Quantity Taxable of
Invoice no. pages
Bidder shall submit this form along with relevant document with proper
For tenders having various items/ parts, bidder to submit separate format for each
item/ part quoted.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
Form F-14
2nd Floor, Pride Purple Coronet,
Baner Road, Baner,
Pune – 411045
Subject: Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of Type IV cylinder
mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360 WL capacity for CNG & CGD
Network of MNGL.
NOTE: The Pre-Bid Queries may be sent by e-mail, before pre-bid meeting due
date, to MNGL. Editable copy of queries may be enclosed while sending signed pre
bid queries.
Form F-15
(To be filled serial-wise on the e-tendering portal bid floor in the provided format)
Wherever remarks are required, bidders are advised to ensure that sufficient information
has been provided and remarks such as “attached”, “enclosed”, “submitted” or other such
terms alone should be avoided.
3 EMD / Bid Security DD/BG no. / MSME/NSIC certificate no. and date
4 Bidder accepts to quote the prices as per SOR enclosed with this Agree
tender document
5 Prices quoted by the bidder shall remain firm, fixed and valid for entire Agree
contractual period
6 Prices quoted by the bidder shall be inclusive of all taxes, duties, Agree
levies, fees, insurance, etc.
7 Bidder understands and accepts the complete scope of work as Agree
defined in the tender document
8 Bidder accepts the contractual validity period as per tender Agree
9 Bidder accepts the terms of payment as per tender Agree
10 Bidder accepts to submit the Performance Bank Guarantee(s) as per Agree
tender provisions
11 Bidder accepts the Price Reduction Schedule and other penalties as Agree
mentioned in the tender document
12 Bidder accepts the General / Special / Technical Terms & Conditions Agree
of the tender
13 Bidder accepts all statutory compliances against tender Agree
14 Bidder has read and accepts the tender document in toto Agree
15 Any deviation from the tender document sought by the bidder is listed Agree
separately in Form-5 only
16 All the bidders must ensure adequacy and sufficiency of their Agree
document while submitting bid in all respects. Bid shall include all
documents confirming to the tender terms and conditions, BEC and the
tender specifications in toto failing which their bids are liable to be
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
1. Bidder may attach any other docs, not in above list but relevant to this tender, at
the specified link on the e-tendering portal.
2. Bidder has to upload the file as asked above on e-tender portal in .pdf format by
keeping the file name as provide in the column “Document Header Name” above
3. All pages of the bid offer to be signed and stamped by an authorised
representative (as describe in bid document) of the bidder.
4. Bidder must ensure numbering of all pages submitted in bid document. Further
total number of pages submitted in bid document must be mentioned in the
covering letter of bid submitted.
Bidder have to upload the unpriced SOR marked “Quoted/ Unquoted” for each
item as per excel (named “Unpriced SOR”) provided on the e-tender portal along
with applicable GST rate (in percentage only) and HSN code. If there is any
discrepancy observed between the HSN code/ GST rate in unpriced SOR and
priced bid, then the GST rate as per unpriced SOR or as agreed during technical-
commercial queries shall be considered for evaluation. MNGL also may take
necessary clarifications from bidders quoting HSN code or GST rate inconsistent
with other bidders or previous contract.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
Form F-17
(To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act)
2nd Floor, Pride Purple Coronet,
Baner Road, Baner,
Pune – 411045
Dear Sir,
The Contracts conditions provide that the CONTRACTOR shall pay a sum of Rs. __________
(Rupees _________________________________________________________________ ) as
full Contract Performance Guarantee in the form therein mentioned. The form of payment of
Contract Performance Guarantee includes guarantee executed by Nationalized Bank, undertaking
full responsibility to indemnify Maharashtra Natural Gas Limited, in case of default.
2. You will have the full liberty without reference to us and without affecting this guarantee,
postpone for any time or from time to time the exercise of any of the powers and rights
conferred on you under the contract with the said ___________
_____________________________ and to enforce or to forbear from endorsing any
powers or rights or by reason of time being given to the said
_________________________ which under law relating to the sureties would but for
provision have the effect of releasing us.
Sheet 2 of 2
4. The guarantee herein contained shall not be determined or affected by the liquidation or
winding up dissolution or changes of constitution or insolvency of the said but shall in all
respects and for all purposes be binding and operative until payment of all money due to
you in respect of such liabilities is paid.
5. This guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain valid up to_______________ If any
further extension of this guarantee is required, the same shall be extended to such
required period on receiving instruction from M/s ________________________
_________________________________ on whose behalf this guarantee is issued.
6. The Bank Guarantee’s payment of an amount is payable on demand and in any case
within 48 hours of the presentation of the letter of invocation of Bank Guarantee. Any
dispute arising out of or in relation to the said Bank Guarantee shall be subject to the
jurisdiction of Pune or High Court of Mumbai.
7. We have power to issue this guarantee in your favor under Memorandum and Articles of
Association and the undersigned has full power to do under the Power of Attorney dated
____________ granted to him by the Bank.
Yours faithfully,
By its Constituted Attorney
2. The bank guarantee by bidders will be given from bank as specified in ITB.
3. A letter from the issuing bank of the requisite Bank Guarantee confirming that
said bank guarantee and all future communication relating to the Bank Guarantee
shall be forwarded to Employer
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
Form F-18
2nd Floor, Pride Purple Coronet,
Baner Road, Baner,
Pune – 411045
Dear Sir,
The Customer has informed that they wish to bid for MNGL’s Tender No.
.................................................. Dated …………… for …………………………………….
(Name of the supply/work/services/consultancy) and as per the terms of the said Tender
they have to furnish a certificate from their Bank confirming the availability of line of
It is also confirmed that the net worth of the Bank is more than Rs.100 Crores (or
Equivalent USD) and the undersigned is authorized to issue this certificate.
Yours truly
(Authorized signatory)
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
Form F-19
E-Banking Mandate Form
(To be issued on vendor’s letter head)
1. Vendor/customer Name:
2. Vendor/customer Code:
I/We hereby authorize MNGL to release any amount due to me/us in the bank account as
mentioned above. I/We hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and
complete. If the transaction is delayed or lost because of incomplete or incorrect
information, we would not hold the MNGL responsible.
(Signature of vendor/customer)
Bank stamp
F – 20
The Packing, Marking, Shipping and Documentation for Goods shall be as follows:
b) The packing, markings and documentation within and outside the packages, shall
comply strictly with such special requirements as shall be expressly provided for
in the documents.
d) Supplier shall ensure that consignments destined for different project sites as
detailed in Purchase Order are packed separately and marked clearly.
1.1.2 Items shipped in bundles must be securely tied with steel wire or strapping. Steel
reinforcing rods, bars, pipes, structural members etc. shall be bundled in uniform
lengths and the weight shall be within the breaking strength of the securing wire
or strapping.
1.1.4 All mechanical and electrical equipment and other heavy articles shall be securely
fastened to the case bottom and shall be blocked and braced to avoid any
displacement/shifting during transit.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
1.1.5 Attachments and spare parts of equipment and all small pieces shall be packed
separately in wooden cases with adequate protection inside the case and
wherever possible should be sent along with the main equipment. Each item shall
be suitably tagged with identification of main equipment, item denomination and
reference number of respective assembly drawing. Each item of steel structure
and furnaces shall be identified with two erection markings with minimum lettering
height of 15 mm. Such markings will be followed by the connection number in
indelible ink/ paint. A copy of the packing list shall accompany the material in
each package.
1.1.8 All pipes and tubes of stainless steel, copper, etc., shall be packed in wooden
case or crates irrespective of their size.
1.1.9 Pipes with threaded or flanged ends shall be protected with suitable caps/covers,
before packing.
1.1.10 Detailed packing list in waterproof envelope shall be inserted in the package
together with equipment/material. One copy of the detailed packing list, shall be
fastened outside of the package in waterproof envelope and covered by metal
1.1.11 The supplier shall be held liable for all damages or breakages to the goods due to
the defective or insufficient packing as well as for corrosion due to insufficient
1.2 Marking
1.2.1 Each package shall be marked on three sides with proper paints/indelible
waterproof ink as follows:
Supplier’s name________________________________________________
1.2.2 Additional marking such as ‘HANDLE WITH CARE’ ‘THIS SIDE UP’ ‘FRAGILE’ or
any other additional indications for protection and safe handling shall be added
depending on the type of material.
1.2.3 Specific marking with white paint for ‘SLINGING’ and ‘CENTRE OF GRAVITY’
should be provided for all heavy lifts weighing 5 Tones and above.
1.3 Dispatch
(a) Dispatch of materials shall be made in accordance with the relevant terms
of the CONTRACT FORM. Any change in mode of transport shall be
resorted to only after prior approval in writing. SUPPLIER shall ensure
dispatch of GOODS immediately after they are inspected and released
and shall intimate status of dispatch by fax to
- Chief Manager (C&P), MNGL, Pune
- Respective consignee fax nos. at site (to be indicated in Purchase
B Office In-charge
Maharashtra Natural Gas Limited,
Respective MNGL Site(s) address. (The Bidder shall request for
add. 15 days in advance before dispatch)
(f) The SUPPLIER shall be responsible for any delay in clearance of the
Consignment at destination and consequent wharfage/demurrage, if any,
due to delay in transmittal of the Lorry/Railway receipt Consignment Note,
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
F – 21 (A)
(Bidders are required to print this on their company’s letter head and sign, stamp before
M/s Maharashtra Natural Gas Limited
Pride Purple Coronet, 2nd Floor, Baner Raod
Baner, Pune – 411045
Subject: Acceptance to the process related terms & conditions for the reverse auction for
Annual Rate Contract for procurement of Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500
WL & 9360 WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL to be conducted on <Date
of Auction>.
1. I/ We have downloaded / obtained the tender document(s) and gone through the
tender and business rules governing the Reverse Auction for the above mentioned
2. I / We hereby certify that I / we have read the entire terms and conditions of the
tender documents and will undergo website to understand Reverse
Auction process and functionality of the same.
3. I / We hereby confirm that MNGL shall not be liable or responsible in any manner
whatsoever for Bidder’s failure to access & bid on the portal due to
loss of internet connectivity, electricity failure, virus attack, problems related to PC /
laptop or any other unforeseen circumstances etc. before or during the auction
4. I / We hereby also confirm that we have a valid digital certificate issued by a valid
Certifying Authority and self-attested copy enclosed.
5. I / We do hereby confirm that I / We will fax / e-mail the price confirmation & price
break-up of our quoted price as per FORMAT B – Price Confirmation after closing
of reverse auction event.
6. I / We hereby confirm that I / We will honor the Bids placed by us during auction
Yours Faithfully,
(Signature of the Bidder, with Official Seal)
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
F – 21 (B)
(Bidders are required to print this on their company’s letter head and sign, stamp before
M/s Maharashtra Natural Gas Limited
Pride Purple Coronet, 2nd Floor, Baner Raod
Baner, Pune – 411045
Subject: Final price quoted Reverse Auction and price break-up for Annual Rate
Contract for procurement of Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
As per our final lump-sum price during reverse auction conducted on __________<Date
of Auction> (Price Breakup attached as per MNGL evaluation sheet (excel format).
Yours Faithfully,
(Signature of the Bidder, with Official Seal)
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
7. I / We hereby certify that I / we have read the entire terms and conditions of the
tender documents from Page No. _______ to ______ (including all documents like
annexure(s), schedule(s), etc.,), which form part of the contract agreement and I /
we shall abide hereby by the terms / conditions / clauses contained therein.
8. The corrigendum(s) issued from time to time by your department / organization too
have also been taken into consideration, while submitting this acceptance letter.
10. I / We do hereby declare that our Firm has not been blacklisted/ debarred/
terminated/ banned by any Govt. Department/Public sector undertaking.
11. I / We certify that all information furnished by our Firm is true & correct and in the
event that the information is found to be incorrect/untrue or found violated, then
your department/ organization shall without giving any notice or reason thereof
summarily reject the bid or terminate the contract, without prejudice to any other
rights or remedy including the forfeiture of the full said earnest money deposit
Yours Faithfully,
(Signature of the Bidder, with Official Seal)
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
Following shall be duly filled in and should be returned by the bidder along with each copy of
Unpriced Part of Bid / Offer:
Sl. No. Description Bidder’s
1 Bidder’s details:
a) Name
b) Full address
c) Tel. No.
d) Fax No.
e) E-mail
f) State / UT where Registered Office of Company is located
g) State / UT where Manufacturing Facilities of the Company is located
h) Name and Designation of the person signing the Bid
2 In case the bidder is not manufacturer:
a) Name
b) Full address
c) Tel. No.
d) Fax No.
e) E-mail
f) Name and Designation of the contact person
3 The followings are to be enclosed along with the bid:
a) Power of Authority of the person signing the bid
b) Letter of Authority of the person attending the bid opening.
c) In case bidder is not manufacturer:
Letter of authority from the manufacturer that they will meet the
commitment of the bidder and supply the material in time, as required.
4 Indicate Country of origin of offered GOODS
5 Indicate dispatch point (Place of dispatch)
6 Bid Security Details:
a) Name and Address of Issuing Bank:
b) Security No. & Date:
c) Value (Rs.____________)
d) Validity (Valid Minimum for 6 (Six) months from the final date
of submission of offer
e) Details of Issuing Bank
i) Name:
ii) Full Address:
iii) Tel. No.:
iv) Fax. No.:
v) E-mail:
vi) Name & Designation of the contact person
7 Validity of Bid: {Valid minimum for Four (4) months from the final date
of submission of offer.}
8 a) Please confirm that the scope of work is complete as per tender
b) If reply to (a) is 'No', have all 'Exception & Deviation' been furnished
in the format attached with bid document.
c) Confirm there are no 'Exception & Deviation' other than those
indicated as (b) above and if indicated in offer elsewhere the same
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
Bidder Signature:
Designation & Stamp
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
The following articles shall supplement the Instructions to Bidders and General
Conditions of Contract (GCC). In case any conflict between General Conditions of
Contract and Special Conditions of Contract, the latter shall prevail to the extent
1. Scope of Supply
The scope of work includes design, engineering, manufacturing, assembly,
supply, inspection and testing at works and at site, if required, of CNG Type 4
Mobile Storage Cascade of 4500 WL (+0 /-3%) & 9360 (+ 0 / - 6 %) capacity at
15°C, for filling and storing of CNG at 250 bar (g) at 10 to 52°C as specified in
Technical Specification.
Notes: Delivery locations of the cascades shall be intimated to the supplier at the
time of dispatch. The supply of CYLINDER MOBILE CASCADE (TYPE-IV)
required is as under:
Item Description GA 4500 WL Type IV 9360 WL Type IV
Cylinder Mobile Cylinder Mobile
cascades cascades
Nashik 17 51
CYLINDER MOBILE Sindhudurg 01 04
CASCADE (TYPE-IV) Ramanagara 02 05
Nanded 16 47
Nizamabad 08 26
TOTAL QTY. 44 133
The contract shall be valid for 1 year from the date of PO and the delivery of
the Item (CYLINDER MOBILE CASCADE (TYPE-IV)) shall be as per the time
schedule included elsewhere in the tender documents. The Zero date for
the supply as per the time schedule will be the date of written intimation
from MNGL.
2.2 The supplier shall establish document and maintain an effective quality assurance
system outlined in recognized code.
2.3 The Purchaser, while agreeing to a Quality Assurance Plan shall mark the stages
where they would like to witness the tests; review any or all stages of work at
shop / site as deemed necessary for quality assurance.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
The tendered quantity may vary depending upon the project requirement.
MNGL reserves the right to decrease / increase the quantity of any SOR
item subject to overall ceiling of contract value depending upon its
4.1 Seller shall obtain dispatch clearance from the Purchaser prior to each dispatch.
Maharashtra Natural Gas Ltd. (MNGL) reserves the right to engage their own
personnel and or MNGL’s inspection agency. All the charges towards all kinds of
tests shall be included in the quoted rates. No additional payment to this effect
will be made. The charges towards MNGL’s Inspection Agency, if engaged, shall
be borne by MNGL.
6.1 Any materials / goods covered under scope of supply, which during the process
of inspection by appointed third party, at any stage of manufacture / fabrication
and subsequent stages, prior to dispatch is found not conforming to the
requirements / specifications of the Purchase Requisition / Order, shall be liable
for immediate rejection.
6.2 Supplier shall be responsible and liable for immediate replacement of such
material with acceptable material at no extra cost or impact on the delivery
schedule to EMPLOYER.
7. Delivery Schedule
Delivery order shall be released by MNGL in quantities required as per our target
and plan. The bidder should agree to supply the quantity mentioned in the
delivery order as per time schedule as under:
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
Date of Delivery:
The date of receipt of material at MNGL Stores shall be taken as the date of
8. Payment Terms
The terms of payment shall be as follows:
For Supplies:
- 100% (Hundred percent) payment within 30 days from receipt of goods at
site along with following dispatch documents.
i) Cen-vatable Invoice in triplicate
ii) Inspection Release note by Owner or his appointed or approved
iii) GR / LR
iv) Packing List
v) A certificate from manufacturer that all items/ equipment under
supply including its component or raw material used with
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360
WL capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
b. Arrange to get supply from elsewhere on account and at the risk of the
Supplier, such decision of the company being final and binding on the
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360 WL
capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360 WL
capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360 WL
capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
a. Ambient temp min/max °C: 6°C / 50 °C
b. Design relative humidity: 90 %
c. Design Temp: 60 °C
d. The equipment offered shall be suitable for smooth, efficient and trouble-free
service inthe tropical climate prevailing at site as indicated above.
e. The equipment shall be designed to give efficient and reliable performance
under industrial conditions and shall be rendered proof against rats, lizards and
other vermin.
1. This specification describes the technical specification of the equipment to be supplied at
various locations as per material requisition (MR).
2. Various parts of the specification shall be read in conjunction with each other. In case where
requirements given in different parts differ, the most stringent shall govern.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360 WL
capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
3. The specification states the scope and requirements as completely and clearly as possible.
Any additional work / equipment or technical requirement not mentioned in the specification
but required to make the offered system complete in accordance with the specification or
required for safe operation shall be deemed to be included in the offer
4. The drawings and reference information mentioned elsewhere in this specification shall be
considered as part of this document. Anything specified in this specification but not clearly
shown in the drawings, or vice versa shall be treated as indicated in both specification and
drawings and hence binding.
5. The Bidder shall confirm clause by clause acceptance of technical specification. Comments
and / or deviation if any, of the Bidder on Owner’s document (including technical specification)
shall be given clause wise. Clauses, on which no specific comment or deviation will be
indicated in the offer, shall be treated as accepted by the Bidder.
6. It will be the responsibility of the Bidder to comply fully with relevant National/ International
standards, Indian Explosives Act, Regulations of Insurance association of India and Factories
Act, while supplying materials and/ or carrying out work as per this specification.
7. It shall also be the responsibility of the Bidder to prepare and submit all necessary drawings,
calculations, test certificate etc. as required by concerned inspectorate.
8. The Bidder, free of cost and without affecting agreed milestones, shall carry out
modifications suggested by the statutory bodies.
9. The Bidder shall be deemed to have inspected the site area and access and ascertained
all conditions affecting the contract. The Bidder shall be deemed to be fully conversant with
the complete requirements of the work.
10. All work shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Owner. Any work found to be carried
out without the approval of Owner or work which is considered to be unsatisfactory and of poor
quality of workmanship shall be rectified by the Bidder without any additional cost.
11. The Bidder shall not vary the scope of work as detailed in the approved drawings and
specification, without written permission of the Owner. The work shall be done as per approved
prints of the drawings only.
12. The Bidder shall complete and fulfill all formalities with the statutory authorities having
jurisdiction in the area. Bidder shall also arrange for inspection and approval of installation.
13. The Bidder shall attend weekly progress meetings and all other meetings called by the
Owner. The Bidder's representative shall have the authority to make all decisions related to
the Contract.
14. The Bidder shall provide the weekly progress report in duplicate. The reports shall clearly
define all major activities completed during the previous week and identify manning levels,
programs etc. The report format shall be provided by/ finalized after discussion with the
consultant for adherence by the Bidder.
15. The Bidder shall correct all project original drawings with "As Built" information and shall
on completion of erection of the equipment submit originals of all finalized drawings to the
16. All pages of the offer shall be numbered and contents with page numbers shall be given
at the beginning. All pages of the offer shall be submitted in bound volume.
17. Loading/Unloading of equipment and supply up to sites/stores shall be in the scope of
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360 WL
capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
18. A Test and Inspection certificate issued by the manufacturer of the cylinder duly
countersigned by an Inspector that the Cylinder meets the requirements of the standard or
code referred above submitted to Chief Controller of Explosives shall be provided to the
5. GAS COMPOSITION (For reference)
The expected Gas composition of the feed Gas to the CNG Cascade is given below:
Component %Mole
Methane 88 to 98
Ethane 2 to 8
Propane 0.39
i-butane 0.08
n-butane 0.06
i-pentane 0.00
n-pentane 0.00
Hexane 0.00
N2 0.08
Co2 0.00
Sulphur content <5 ppm
Odorant 10 PPM
Moisture dew point -15 Deg. C
NFPA 52 Standards for CNG vehicular fuel systems and CNG cylinder code “IS: 7285-
ASME/ ANSI B31.3, Piping Process Code
ASTM A269, Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel
Tubing for General Service
EN 12245: Transportable gas cylinders- Fully wrapped composite cylinders
OISD 179 Safety requirements for compression, storage, handling and refueling of CNG
for use in automotive sector. ISO 11439 Gas cylinders -- High pressure cylinders for the
on-board storage of natural gas as a fuel for automotive vehicles,
ISO 19078 Gas cylinders -- Inspection of the cylinder installation, and requalification of
high pressure cylinders for the on-board storage of natural gas as a fuel for automotive
ISO 11623, Gas cylinders -- Composite construction -- Periodic inspection and testing
ECE R110 “High pressure cylinders for the on-board storage of natural gas as a fuel for
automotive vehicles” NFPA 52: Vehicular Natural Gas Fuel Systems Code.
CNG CYLINDER DESIGN CODE IS: 7285 2004 (Part-2).
CNG CYLINDER VALVES, IS: 3224 (Latest Edition).
SAFETY DEVICES OF GAS CYLINDERS IS: 5903 (Latest Edition)- Regulations of
Insurance Association
ANSI NGV-2: Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel Containers
ISO 11119-1: Gas cylinders of composite construction - Specification and test methods
- Part 1: Hoop wrapped composite gas cylinders.
ISO 11119-2: Gas cylinders of composite construction.
ISO 11119-3: Gas cylinders — Design, construction and testing of refillable composite
gas cylinders and tubes — Part 3: Fully wrapped fiber reinforced composite gas cylinders
and tubes up to 450 I with non-load-sharing metallic or non-metallic liners or without liners
All the applicable statutory codes, national laws and local regulation for safety and
environment protection shall be followed by the vendor for design, engineering, fabrication
etc. The vendor shall obtain from concerned authorities all necessary approvals.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360 WL
capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
7.1.3 Cascade frame shall be MS welded; shot blasted and epoxy painted instead of
7.1.4 Non return valves (NRVs) as required.
7.1.5 Pressure gauge on bank.
7.1.6 Supply of anchor bolts and nuts.
7.1.7 Canopy
7.1.8 Safety Relief Valve and Pressure Relief Valve.
7.1.9 Any other item required for completing the cascade assembly.
The services to be rendered by vendor shall include but not limited to the following:
7.2.1 Preparation and submission of documents/drawings as per schedule.
7.2.2 Obtaining approvals from concerned departments/agencies/statutory authorities.
7.2.3 Procurement of raw materials, bought out components,
The following specification is intended to give the vendor the technical and operating
conditions the cascades must fulfill. Features other than those indicated herein but
which call for a better design, increase in efficiency, enhance reliability, optimization
may be accepted subject to approval from owner / consultant. The vendor shall bid
in their main offer items according to the technical specifications outlined below:
8.1 CNG CASCADE (Type-4)
8.1.1 Each CNG cascade module (cascade enclosed in a container module) shall
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360 WL
capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
have storage capacity as per SOR / MR. The number of cylinders in the
cascade shall be clubbed to single bank with minimum 3/4" OD SS Tube with
common isolation valve additional to cylinder valves.
8.1.2 All cylinder pigmenting shall be as per directions of Chief Controller of
Explosives (CCOE), PESO, Government of India and assembled into a free
standing, galvanized steel welded frame enclosed in a container module.
MEGC (Multiple-element gas container) / cascade module shall have provision
for lifting by crane from top of frame with full weight of cylinders filled with
compressed natural gas (at 255 kg/cm2 pressure or 250 bar(g)) and shall have
tie down clamps at the top and bottom. Bottom and top of frame shall be
reinforced to prevent any twisting or stress to cylinder connection during lifting
by crane. Frame painting specification shall beindicated in the GA drawing,
and successful bidder to submit the same for client’s / consultant’s approval.
8.1.3 Maximum height of the MEGC/cascade module offered, for transportation of
CNG through Medium / Heavy Commercial vehicles, shall be as per the rules
governed by Regional Transport Office (RTO) India.
8.1.4 The overall design of MEGC / cascade module (like height, width & weight of
MEGC / cascade module) shall be in such a way that the vehicle carrying
MEGC/cascade module shall not topple.
8.1.5 MEGC / cascade module shall be painted all side with Client logo of adequate
size. Each cylindershall have proper accessibility to operate cylinder valves in
case of gas venting due to any cause. MEGC / Cascade module shall be
provided with standard container locking type arrangement andalso there shall
be provision for bolting of MEGC/Cascade module to the mounting vehicle.
8.1.6 The frame structure shall not allow lateral and rotational movement of cylinders
during regular road transport under any circumstances. Bidder shall take into
account of rough road conditions. All items used in the frame shall be weather-
proof suitable for outdoor installations.
8.1.7 Each MEGC / cascade module shall be provided with identification plate of
stainless steel materialand of adequate size. The identification plate shall carry
the name and logo of Client’s including MEGC / cascade serial no., name of
manufacturer, year of supply & manufacturing, cylinder serialnos. Last hydro
test date, maximum working pressure, total water capacity of the MEGC /
cascade, and next hydro test due date if applicable and Client’s serial no. The
Information on the identification plate shall be of suitable size and shall been
8.1.8 The MEGC / Cascade module shall have 1 Nos. 4” liquid filled pressure gauge
(0-400kg/cm2g) connected in the tubing with a 3-valve manifold (isolation and
vent) at refilling point and decantingpoint. One common Temperature gauge of
the range 0-200 deg. Celcius shall also be provided.
8.1.9 Construction, licensing & inspection, markings, fitment, handling, storage and
all other relevant aspects of cylinders and fittings shall be governed under
latest edition of ‘The Gas Cylinders Rules-2016’ and all cylinders and valves
shall be approved by Chief Controller of Explosives (CCOE) PESO,
Government of India. In case any factor, parameter or requirement given in the
tender or offered by the vendor is changed or modified by CCOE (PESO) or
any other Indian Statutory Authority be for delivery of MEGC / cascades to site,
same shall be carried out without any extra cost implication to Client and to the
satisfaction of CCOE or statutory authority, as the case may be.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360 WL
capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
8.1.20 MEGC / cascade module shall be provided for protection from sun and rain &
to protect the cylinder valves and other fittings against any damage. The
MEGC / cascade module shall be designed to take care of the wind load,
thrust, vibration etc. The MEGC / cascade module shall be designed to provide
adequate ventilation / dispersion of gas in the event of any leakage.
8.1.21 Bidder shall transport the Type-IV cascade from their store yard to the
designated location of Client and install and commission at their own cost.
8.1.22 MNGL shall provide details of connection between Compressor & type IV
cascade, type IV cascade & Dispenser
8.1.23 Bidder shall supply and keep min. inventory of all the consumables, spares at
their store for Maintenance of MEGC/ cascade.
8.1.24 Bidder shall provide all drawings (construction, GA, P&ID etc.) related to type
IV Cascade.
8.1.25 Bidder shall arrange all required statutory authority documents from the
country of origin and CCOE (PESO) India approval of all cylinders in original
to the third party inspector and / or Client’s representative during inspection
and testing.
8.1.26 Each MEGC / cascade module with all tubing, fittings, and valves shall be
pressure tested with air/nitrogen at required pressure 1.5 times of MAWP to
ensure no leakage prior to dispatch and the same will be witnessed by
TPI/Client’s representatives.
8.1.27 MEGC/Cascade assembly shall be purged with Nitrogen at required pressure
prior to dispatch .at min 2 bar.
8.1.28 Priority panel location in the MEGC/cascade shall be confirmed by Client if
8.1.29 Once MEGC/ cascades module have been received and connected to client
sites, Bidder shall depute his representative to demonstrate satisfactory
operability of the system within specified parameters for a period of two (2)
days after commissioning.
8.1.30 All fittings including ball valves shall be of material SS316 confirming to ASTM
A269. MEGC/Cascade isolating ball valves shall be full bore ball valves.
8.1.31 Cascade shall be protected from the effects of the weather by a canopy
designed to facilitate the dispersion of free or escaped gas and shall not permit
gas to be trapped.
8.1.32 Cascade storage dimension: The cascade dimension shall be such that it
should not violate any RTO/PESO norms fortransportation. The overall design
of the mobile cascade (like height, width, Length and weight shall be in such
away that vehicle carrying mobile cascade shall be free from the unbalance,
toppling while transportation of CNG and while installation. The type IV 4500
WL mobile cascade module shall be designed in such a way that it shall be
suitably mounted / accommodated for transportation on the vehicle model of
Eicher Pro 2095 XP CNG /TATA LPT 1109g CNG/ equivalent make having
deck length of 17 ft & 9360 WL cascade shall be suitably mounted /
accommodated for transportation on the vehicle model of TATA LPT 1412 g
CNG truck or equivalent make having deck length of 20 ft.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360 WL
capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
8.1.33 The cylinder shall be designed as per applicable standards stated by PESO
approved by Chief Controller of Explosive (CCoE) / IS: 7285 Part II
and/Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization (PESO), Government of
India for use in India for specified conditions.
8.1.34 Working Pressure of cascade cylinder shall be maximum 255 Kg/cm2 (g) at
8.1.35 All cylinders shall be new and unused. Re-certified cylinders are not
acceptable. All cylinders in a cascade shall be of same capacity.
8.1.36 Cylinder shall be as per design approval by Chief Controller of Explosive
(CCOE)/Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization (PESO) Government
of India.
8.1.37 The cylinder shut-off valve orifice shall be designed for high flow. To permit the
combined flow of100 kg/min from each bank at pressure of 255 Kg/cm2 (g).
Vendor to furnish necessary calculation indicating overall pressure drop for
bank, Coefficient of flow (Cv) values, valve orifice size etc.
8.1.38 ¾” Full bore ball valves for isolation shall be provided at inlet of each fill line
and at bank outlet line. It shall be also provided with quick release coupling +
nipple of appropriate size for hooking up forthe purpose of filling and decanting
at CNG station.
8.1.39 ¾” Full bore ball valves for isolation shall be provided at outlet of cascade.
It shall be also provided with quick release nipple/ quick release coupling of
1/2" size (1/2” NPTF stem (QRC) of make Parker part no SH4-63) for
hooking up for the purpose of filling and decanting at CNG station.
8.1.40 Cascade shall have the valves fitted on the same side within the cascade
opposite to therefueling point and arranged in a manner that any gas
leakage is discharged upwards.
8.1.41 All cylinders shall be arranged to face one direction in each unit.
8.1.42 The interconnecting tube work of cylinder manifold shall have
configuration suitable for priority filling and sequential dispensing system
by the electronic CNG dispensers.
8.1.43 The cylinders shall be permanently and clearly marked for “CNG only” and
also labeled as "CNG ONLY" in letter at least 25 mm high in contrasting
color in a location which shall be visible after installation.
8.1.44 There shall not be any back flow between any two banks with all valves
open or intermixing between bank (For 2/3 bank cascade).
8.1.45 All cylinder valves and fittings must be rated for the full range of temperature
and pressure and the manufacturer shall stamp or permanently mark the
valve body to indicate the service rating.
8.1.46 All cylinders are to be hydrostatically tested and approved by third party
certification body approved PESO / Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Test
certificates shall be duly endorsed by approving body and issued before
8.1.47 Approval of third party certification body i.e. Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS)/PESO for all the cylinders to be submitted. Certificates shall be duly
endorsed by approving body and issued before delivery.
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360 WL
capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
8.1.48 Canopy for the cascades shall be provided and its height shall be as per
Industrial practice.
8.1.49 Cascades shall be in the single bank configuration.
8.1.50 The cascade having horizontal cylinders and sited parallel to other cascade
shall be arranged so that cylinder fittings do not face each other.
8.1.51 The composite Cylinders shall be Type 4 (Fully wrapped Type-4 composite
cylinder with non- metallic liner) as per design/drawings approval by Petroleum
and Explosive Safety Organization (PESO), Govt of India.
8.1.52 Cascade venting tubes shall not be with welded connection. It shall be with nut
ferrule connection. All vents should be connected to common header i. e vent
from pressure gauge, tubing manifold. SRV /PSV vent shall be separately
connected to header it should not be merged with PG/tubing manifold vent
lines. The size of vent header should be min 2 “ and shall be protected with
rain ingress cap . Vent from cylinder safety disc should be connected to
common header with separateline.
8.1.53 Frame shall be free standing and have facility for lifting by crane and forklift
the complete assembled cascade. Bottom and top of frame shall be reinforced
to prevent any twisting or strain to inter connections among cascade cylinders
during lifting by crane, forklift and during thetransport.
8.1.54 Supplier to submit structural drawing of the frame.
8.1.55 Gas storage facility shall be protected from the effects of the weather by a
canopy designed to facilitate the dispersion of free or escaped gas and shall
not permit gas to be trapped.
8.1.56 Frame Painting: Surface preparation by Short Blasting as per grade SA 2 ½
as per IS 9954/ISO 8501-1, shall be carried out. Three coats of paint shall be
applied with minimum thickness of 300 micron. (Permissible thickness in each
coat shall be within 80 to 120 microns.)
8.1.57 Materials used for the piping shall be stainless steel 316 fully annealed
seamless confirming to ASTM A269 with maximum hardness of Rb80 or less
and suitable for bending and flaring. OD tolerance shall be (+) 0.005”. All
fittings including valves shall be of Swagelok/Parker/SSP/Hylok make. Material
shall be SS 316 conforming to ASTM A 182 / A 479 / A 276/ A 269. Open ends
on fittings and vents shall be provided with caps.
8.1.58 Piping / Tubing shall be suitably clamped to the frame structure.
8.1.59 The location of inlet/outlet tube manifold and pressure / temperature gauges
shall be towards the length side of cascade for Mobile and width side of
cascade for stationary.
8.1.60 Material of vent tubing shall be SS 316 conforming to ASTM A 269 and vent
height shall be minimum 3 meter above from ground level for stationary
cascade & approx 1.9 meter from working level for Mobile cascade.
8.1.61 The cascade cylinder shall be purged with N2 and maintained at 2bar (g)
pressure beforedispatch.
8.2.2 Relief devices shall be positioned in such away as to avoid discharge of high
pressure gas to the operator or persons in close vicinity and suitably extended.
8.2.3 SRV Pressure shall not exceed 20% above MAWP of the system.
8.2.4 Vent of the SRV shall be left outside canopy for direct venting into the
atmosphere in case of functioning.
8.3 Painting
Painting of Cylinder shall as per CCOE Approval.
8.4 The MEGC/cascade module shall be suitable for mounting and
transportation in the vehicle models as
9.2 All cylinders used for the transport of compressed gas shall be type approved,
in writing, by the Chief Controller of Explosives / Petroleum & Explosives
Safety Organization. The design stress shall include an allowance to include
an allowance to enable the cylinder to withstand shocks normally encountered
by the movements on road, such as acceleration and deceleration for a
minimum of 4g (4 times gravity).
9.3 All the attachments to the cylinders shall be protected against accidental
damage which may result from collision, overturning or other operational
9.4 All the cylinders shall be designed to withstand the most severe combined
stresses to which they may be subjected to by the pressure of the gas, the
pumping pressures and shock loading caused by transport conditions.
9.5 All end connections for quick release coupling, pressure gauges, valves and
fittings of cascade shall be within tamper proof, wire cage enclosure. These
shall be on one side of cascade for ease of operation. After opening the doors
only flexible hose quick release coupling connections to the cascade are
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for procurement of
Type IV cylinder mobile cascade of 4500 WL & 9360 WL
capacity for CNG & CGD Network of MNGL.
Bid No.: MNGL/CP/2022-23/171
CNG Cascade should confirm to ADR requirement clause no & type
approval reports duly certified by TPI/ Chartered Engineer should be
10.2 Vendor shall carry out cylinder burst test of one cylinder from the entire batch
produced for supply to owner in case offered cylinders are of new design.
Vendor shall inform the schedule of the test well in advance to enable Owner
or their authorized representative to depute technical personnel for witnessing
the test.
10.3 Vendor shall carry out all standard shop tests / QA / QC as per
recommendation of manufacturer / Chief Controller of Explosives or Petroleum
and Explosives Safety Organization (PESO). Copies of the testing /inspection
carried shall be furnished to owner.
10.4 Vendor shall furnish record of storage capacity check of each cylinder in a
cascade and the same need to be demonstrated to Owner / Consultant or their
authorized representative.
10.5 Each assembled storage cascade with all tubing, valves shall be pressure
tested to ensure existence of no leakage prior to dispatch.
10.6 All tests / checks described above or recommended by manufacturer / Chief
Controller of Explosives or Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization
(PESO) shall be witnessed by Third Party Inspection Agency.
11.2.2 The supplied cylinders shall have the certification from CCOE, Government of
India, Nagpur for suitability of each cylinder for filling and storage of CNG upto
255 Kg/cm2 (g)/ 250 bar (g) at 15 deg C in India.
11.2.3 Vendor shall furnish the material test certificates for all bought out items like
cylinder raw material, tubing / piping, valves, check valves and fittings with
the shipment.
11.2.4 QA / QC report for manufacture of cylinder and testing shall be furnished.
11.2.5 Bidder shall furnish “As built” drawing of each CNG cascade with serial
number indicating schematic, structural dimensions and bill of material with
Schedule of Rates (SOR) / Item wise BOQ is enclosed separately on e-tendering
portal. Following to be submitted along with Technical Bid duly filled in quoted /
not quoted: