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History of Operating Systems

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Operating Systems

An operating system (OS) is a computer program (software) that is responsible for the
operation and smooth running of a computer. It manages the running of other programs and
controls the system’s inputs and outputs. Operating systems usually provide a graphical user
interface (GUI) to help users to interact with the computer, however successful operating
systems can also function from a command line interface (CLI). Examples: Windows, Linux,
Mac OS, Android, iOS.

Functions of the OS
In order for an OS to be fully functional, it must be able to do the following:
 Provides an interface for computer interaction
 Control of inputs and outputs
 Interrupt and error handling
 Management of hardware and peripherals
 Management and loading of software
 File management (copy, save, sort, delete)
 Processor management for multitasking
 Memory management
 Security (access rights, user accounts, firewalls etc)
 Network communication

OS Development History
Early History: 1940s & 50s
The earliest electronic digital systems had no operating systems and programs were often
entered into the computer one bit at a time on rows of mechanical switches. Eventually,
machine languages (consisting of strings of the binary digits 0 and 1) were introduced that
sped up the programming process. Systems generally ran only one job at a time and allowed
only a single person at a time to use it.
Early single-user real storage systems were dedicated to one job for more than the job’s
execution time. Jobs generally required considerable setup time during which the operating
system loaded, tapes and disk packs were mounted, appropriate forms were placed in the
printer, time cards were “punched in,” etc. When jobs completed, they required considerable
“teardown” time as tapes and disk packs were removed, time cards were “punched out” etc.
During job setup and job teardown, the computer sat idle. Users soon realized that they could
cut down the amount of time wasted between the jobs, if they could automate the job-to-job
transition. First major such system, considered by many to be the first operating system, was
designed by the General Motors Research Laboratories.
Its success helped establish batch computing – the groupings of the jobs into a single deck of
cards, separated by control cards that instructed computers about the various specification of
the job. The programming language that the control cards used was called job control
language (JCL). These job control cards set up the job by telling the computer whether the
cards following it contain data or programs, what programming language is used, the
approximate execution time, etc. When the current job terminated, the job stream reader
automatically reads in the control language statements for the next job and performs
appropriate housekeeping chores to facilitate the transition to the next job. Batch processing
system greatly improved the use of computer systems and helped demonstrate the real value
of operating systems by managing resources intensely. This type of processing called single
stream batch processing systems became the state-of-theart in the early 1960s.
1960s: Timesharing & Multiprogramming
It was observed by operating system designers that when one job was waiting for an input-
output operation to complete before the job could continue using the processor, some other
could use the idle processor. Similarly, when one job was using the processor, other jobs
could be using the various I/O devices. The operating system designers realized that running
a mixture of diverse jobs appeared to be the best way to optimize computer utilization. The
process by which they do so is called multiprogramming in which several users
simultaneously compete for system resources. The job currently waiting for I/O will would
the CPU to another job ready to do calculations if another job is waiting. Thus, both
input/output and CPU processes can occur simultaneously. This greatly increased CPU
utilization and system throughput. To take maximum advantage of multiprogramming, it is
necessary for several jobs to reside in the computer’s main storage at once. Thus, when one
job requests input/output, the CPU maybe immediately switched to another, and may do
calculations without delay. As a result, multiprogramming required more storage than a
single system. The operating systems of the 1960s, while being capable of doing
multiprogramming, were limited by the memory capacity. This led to the various designs of
multiprogramming such as variable position multiprogramming that helped to utilize the
storage capacity much more efficiently.
In an effort to reduce processor idle time, another OS approach was introduced known as
Time-sharing, which enabled many users to share computer resources simultaneously. In the
timesharing mode, the computer spends a fixed amount of time on one program before
proceeding to another. Each user is allocated a tiny slice of time (say, two milliseconds). The
computer performs whatever operations in can for that user in the allocated time and then
utilizes the next allocated time for the other users. What made such a concept possible was
the difference between the few milliseconds (at least) between a user’s keystrokes and the
ability of a computer to fetch and execute dozens, perhaps hundreds of simple instructions.
The few seconds a user might pause to ponder the next command to type in was time enough
for a computer, even in those days, to let another user’s job to execute, while giving the
illusion to each user that the complete machine (including I/O devices) and its software were
at his or her disposal.
1970s: Microprocessors and Personal Computers
The enabling technology for the personal computer is the microprocessor (popularly known
as microchip). These processors were actually integrated circuits, which printed thousands of
transistors onto small silicon chips. In 1968, a firm called Intel was established to
commercially produce these integrated circuits. Initially, it marketed its integrated circuits to
calculators, watches and games which in fact revolutionized these industries. In 1969, while
designing an integrated circuit for a new scientific calculator for a Japanese manufacturer,
Intel engineer Ted Hoff came up with the idea to design a general purpose chip in which
specific calculator functions can be performed. In January 1975, the first microprocessor-
based computer, the Altair 8800 was introduced. It had no display, no keyboard and not
enough memory to do anything useful. The only way the Altair could be programmed was to
enter programs in pure binary code by flicking the small hand switches on the front.
The limitation of the Altair actually came as a boom to many small-time entrepreneurs and
computer buffs, as it gave an opportunity to develop add-on features and boards so that extra
memory, teletypes and audiocassette recorders (for permanent data storage) could be added to
the basic machine. In 1975, two of these computer buffs Bill Gates and his childhood friend
Paul Allen decided to write BASIC, in order to take advantage of these opportunities. They
decided to develop BASIC language for Altair. After obtaining the permission from Ed
Roberts, the owner of MITS, Bill Gates and Paul Allen formed a partnership which they
named Micro-Soft (the hyphen was dropped later). After six weeks of intense programming
effort, they delivered a BASIC programming system to MITS in February 1975. Around the
same time, one company, Apple Computer was established that changed the microcomputer
from being a challenging tool for the computer professionals and hobbyists to a useful
personal computer for households and non-expert individuals.

1980s – Introduction of Macintosh in 1984

Apple was the only major microcomputer manufacturer that did not switch to producing
IBM-compatibles but chose the path of its own. In 1984, it unveiled its Macintosh model
which was far superior to any of the IBM PCs or its clones in terms of user-friendliness. It
used a technology called graphical user interface (GUI) and a pointing device called a mouse.
The movement of the mouse moves the cursor on the screen. By moving the cursor to the
appropriate words or pictures (called icons) and then clicking them allowed user to give
appropriate commands to the computer. In this manner, the user need not memorize a lengthy
list of commands that must be typed into the computer.
In January 1984, Apple introduced the Macintosh. Despite its innovative aesthetic quality
and user-friendliness, it was poorly received. Due to Apple’s policy to keep Macintosh’s
architecture closed, hardware and software developers found it difficult to create their own
Macintosh add-ons and software without the close cooperation with Apple. The only major
firm which did accept to write software for Mac at least for a while was Microsoft. By 1987,
Microsoft, in fact, was deriving half of its revenue from its Macintosh software (Veit, 1993).
More importantly, working on the Macintosh gave Microsoft firsthand knowledge of the
technology of graphical user interface on which it based its new Windows operating system
1980s – Launching of Microsoft’s Windows
Microsoft started its own graphical user interface (GUI) project in September 1981, shortly
after Bill Gates had visited Steve Jobs at Apple and seen the prototype of Macintosh
computer under development. The Microsoft Windows was heavily based on the Macintosh
user interface. On 22 November 1985, shortly after Windows was launched, Microsoft signed
a licensing agreement to copy the visual characteristics of the Macintosh, thereby avoiding
legal trouble for version 1. This gave Microsoft the opportunity to bundle its Excel
spreadsheet software and its world processing software, Word. With it allowed their market
share to increase considerably and eventually become the market leader in their respective

The 1990s and Beyond – The Dominance of Microsoft in the Operating System Market
and the Challenges It Faces
Microsoft continued to take advantage of its dominance in operating systems by bundling the
application software with operating systems and by taking advantage of its intimate
knowledge of the source code of the operating system. Despite its successes and the
dominating position of the Windows operating system, Microsoft faces several challenges.
One is the US Department of Justice’s lawsuit against Microsoft charging that it had used its
dominating position illegally.
The other challenges have to do with the future of the operating system as such. The advent
of the Internet has opened up new possibilities and challenges. First, there are open-source
systems like Linux, which is available freely online to anybody who wants to view, download
or adapt it. This clearly threatens Microsoft’s dominating position. Second, the Internet may
provide a platform in which operating system may become much less important.

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