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HOPE REVIEWER - 2nd Quarter Exam

Johnny Campbell
● The nation's first "cheerleader" was
LESSON 1: a University of Minnesota medical
student named Johnny Campbell,
who offered to lead "yells and
songs" at the Nov. 12, 1898 football
What is cheerdance? game against Northwestern.
● Cheerdancing rooted in
cheerleading - performance of a What is the difference between
routine Cheerdance and Cheerleading?
● Usually dominated by gymnastic
● While cheerleading still focused on
skills such as jumps, tumbling the males or females engaging a
skills, lifts and tosses combined crowd during a sporting event from
with the shouting of cheers and yells the sidelines, cheer dance came to
describe the complex routines that
to lead the crowd to cheer for a incorporated elements of dancing,
certain team during a game or sport cheering, tumbling, and stunting.
● Cheerleading - a team activity in (Google)
which elements of dance and
acrobatics are combined with ESSENTIALS OF CHEERDANCING
shouted slogans in order to entertain ● Arm / Hand movement
spectators at sporting events and to - T half T positions
- Clasp
encourage their team and the crowd - Clap
to be enthusiastic about sports. - Overhead clasp
● There are also themed cheerleading- - Low clasp
performances - Touchdown
- Low touchdown
● CHEERDANCE - Today, cheer - High V and low V
dancing is identified as one of the - Tabletop/Dagger
most spectacular events in one of - L Right and Left
the biggest collegiate sports events - Diagonal positions
in the country, the UAAP
(University Athletic Association of
the Philippines)

History of cheerleading
● Cheerleading is more than 100
years old. In the beginning, all
cheerleaders were men.
● On November 2, 1898, a University
of Minnesota, Johnny Campbell
make the very first Cheerleader
● Cheerdance is coined from the
words, CHEER, and DANCE.
● Legs / feet position
- Feet Together or Feet Apart
- Dig (front and side)
- Liberty
- Lunge (front and side)
- Scale (wala sa powerpoint)
- Hitch (wala sa powerpoint)
- Knees (Side Hitch, Diagonal, Front Lunge) wala sa ppt

Feet together / Feet Apart Scale Side Lunges

Front Lunges Side Dig Liberty


Front Dig Hitch Knees -


Knees – Side Hitch Knees – Front Lunge

● Jumps (Gymnastic side)

- Tuck
- Star/spread eagle
- Pike
- Split
- Hurdle Jump
- Toe Touch Jump
● Grand Plie (full knees bent) – Pump
Pyramids Composition ● Relevē (heels raised) – Lock
● Piquē (Raising a knee) – Point
● Setting up (Preparing to Lift) ● Battement (Kicks) – Curl
● Load (Actual Lift) ● Ball Change and Chassē
● Hit (Striking for a final pose) ● Freezes
● Pirouette and Chainē (Turns)
● Dismount (To move down by the
Cheer / Chant (Cheer Side)
● To cheer is to make someone or a
Dance (Dance Side)
team motivated and encouraged.
● Hip Hop Basics Jazz/Classical
● It boosts, salutes, or acclaims the
Dance Basics: morale of individuals and teams.
● Bounce (Downrock) ● In cheer dance, cheering needs to be
● Tendu (point) strong, loud, and metered so that it
● Groove (Toprock) will be delivered in time with the
● Pliē (knees slightly bent) rhythm or the music played.
● Power moves:


LESSON 2: FESTIVAL DANCE IN Why do Filipinos do festivals?

● Filipinos do festival primarily to
What are festival dances? celebrate
● They celebrate their unity amidst
the diversity of cultures.
● Are cultural dances performed to ● They celebrate their industry
the strong beats of percussion bringing about a bountiful harvest
instruments by a community of
people sharing the same culture Other benefits of festivals
usually done in honor of a Patron
Saint in thanksgiving of a bountiful • Festivals have been consistent
crowd-sourcing activity leading to
harvest. the upliftment of a community’s
● Festival dances are cultural dances economy due to its tourism and
performed to the beats of entertainment value.
instruments, usually percussion, by • It attracts foreign and domestic
tourists to visit a place eventually
a community sharing the same leading to the elevation of the
culture. Filipino’s quality life.
● These are usually done in honor of
a Patron Saint or in the thanksgiving
of a bountiful harvest. Types/nature of festival dances

Religious festivals
• A religious festival is a unique
occasion observed by followers of ✓ Panagbenga Festival – The
that religion. popular Flower Festival in the
• Religious holidays are usually Philippines.
observed on a year-by-year or ✓ Lechon Festival – One of the most
lunar-month-by-month basis. unique festivals in the Philippines
where you’ll see crispy pork
✓ Sinulog festival lechons dressed in cool outfits.
✓ Kadayawan Festival – The fiesta
• A religious festival in the in the Philippines celebrated in
Philippines celebrated in Cebu
Davao City.
every January. ✓ Tuna Festival – One of the fun fish
• Sinulog means “graceful dance” festivals in the Philippines.
✓ Higantes Festival – Where you can
✓ Ati-atihan see giant paper mache do the
• A one-of-a-kind festival in the festival dance.
Philippines held in Aklan. ✓ Mango Festival – A festivity held
• This is a celebration in honor of the in Zambales to celebrate the
Infant Jesus, the town's patron. Ati- bountiful harvest of mangoes.
Atihan was observed in honor of the ✓ Bangus Festival – The festival that
Child Jesus. promotes bangus.
✓ Moriones Festival – A religious
festival in the Philippines re-
✓ DINAGYANG FESTIVAL enacting Longinus’ life.
• The religious festival in the ✓ Ibalong Festival – It is a
Philippines that celebrates the feast celebration in recognition of the
of the Santo Niño and the pact socio-historic-cultural heritage of
between the Datus and locals in Bicolanos as based on the Ibalong
Iloilo City. Epic.
✓ T’Nalak Festival – A way to
✓ PAHIYAS FESTIVAL promote and preserve South
Cotabato’s cultural heritage
• Lucban, Quezon
• One of the most colorful Philippines
festivals held in Lucban, Quezon
where tourists can enjoy FREE
food! • In a general sense, a secular festival
• is a festival of thankfulness after a is held purposely as a public
bountiful harvest. honoring of outstanding persons,
• to commemorate important
historical or cultural events, or to re-
✓ MASSKARA FESTIVAL create cherished folkways.
• This annual festival, which is
similar to Brazil’s Rio Carnival,
• The Bangus Festival is a ten-day
literally translates to “many faces,” celebration taking place in Dagupan
and is celebrated every October in City every April.
Bacolod. • The festivities include an array of
sports competitions, fairs, and street
• Because of the smiling faces of the parties. And of course, the festival
mask, Bacolod City got the is full of culinary demonstrations,
nickname of The City of Smiles. tastings, and contests.
✓ Panagbenga is an annual flower ✓ BINATBATAN FESTIVAL
festival celebrated every February • Binatbatan Festival of Arts is a
which takes place in Baguio City, celebration of Vigan’s culture and
Philippines. old industries – especially the Abel
✓ The term “Panagbenga” comes Weaving Industry.
from a Kankanaey term meaning • Binatbatan Festival came from the
“season of blooming”. word “batbat” – the process of
✓ This festival reflects the history, beating the cotton with the use of
traditions, and values of Baguio and bamboo sticks to separate the seeds
the Cordilleras. It lasts over a month from the fiber that came from a tree
long and flourishes through called “kapas sanglay.” In Ilocano,
community spirit involvement. • “kapas” means coton.

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