2019 January Matrix
2019 January Matrix
2019 January Matrix
In this issue...
4 10
4 President of the
Indian Chemical Council 21
International Marine
Environmental Protection
‘Responsible Care’ logo
‘Sanmartini’ 2018
6 for Sanmar Speciality
Chemicals and Cabot Sanmar 22 Employee engagement at its
Chemplast, Karaikal
N Kumar presides
recognised with ICC Award
7 for Excellence in Management 24 Musicology Memorial
of Health and Safety
“Opportunities and
28 Beyond Sanmar
‘Electronic Eyes’ to enhance
Challenges in the Chemical
8 Industry” - Vijay Sankar’s The Sanmar Group Annual 25 City vigilance
Relief measure post cyclone
special address at CII’s Day 2018
ChemVision 12 A time to look back and Gaja
move forward
Sri Sankara Schools - All
Tribute to Founder President
KS Narayanan at the IACC N Sankar completes 50 years
26 round excellence
10 Southern Regional Council 15 of exemplary service
Golden Jubilee Madhuram Narayanan
TCI Sanmar’s Project
‘Challenges facing Chemicals
Industry’ -
28 Centre for Exceptional
Expansion and Investments 10th Krishnaswamy
11 highlighted - Egyptian 20 Memorial Endowment Iconic Institutions of
Government’s Press Meet at
Lecture - special
address by Vijay Sankar
30 Chennai
Madras Cricket Club
Vijay Sankar, elected President of the
Indian Chemical Council
Vijay Sankar added that the ICC intensive sectors in the country and Vijay Sankar presenting a
had made a significant financial even though it was opened up for memento to the Chief Guest,
P Raghavendra Rao, Secretary,
commitment to ensure success of 100 per cent foreign direct investment Department of Chemicals and
its “Nicer Globe” initiative aimed at in 1991, the track record in attracting Petrochemicals, Govt. of India.
improving chemical transportation foreign investments has not been
safety. good. “ICC is totally focussed on
Speaking about the government’s investments in India and willing to
“Make in India” initiative, the ICC support any company wanting to
President noted that the chemical invest in the country,” he added.
industry is one of the most capital-
‘Responsible Care’ logo for Sanmar Speciality
Chemicals and Cabot Sanmar
S anmar Speciality Chemicals
Limited (SSCL) and Cabot
Sanmar have been granted the
the past 30 years, Responsible
Care has helped its member
companies to significantly enhance
‘Responsible Care’ Logo by the their performance and improve
Indian Chemical Council for a the health and safety of their
period of three years, beginning April employees, the communities
2018 to March 2021. The Logo was in which they operate and the
presented at a function organised environment as a whole.
by the ICC at the Taj Mahal Palace Responsible Care comprises
& Towers Hotel, Mumbai on various codes of practices
28 September 2018. including process safety, product
Responsible Care, a global initiative distribution, product stewardship,
that began in Canada in 1984, was community awareness and
enacted by the U.S. chemical industry emergency response.
in 1988, and is practised today in Chemplast Sanmar has already
68 economies around the world. been granted the RC logo since
Responsible Care is the October 2015.
chemical manufacturing industry’s The above reiterates The Sanmar
environmental, health, safety and Group's commitment to excellence
security performance initiative. For in safety and sustainability.
Chemplast, Karaikal recognised with ICC Award
for Excellence in Management of Health and Safety
“Opportunities and Challenges in the Chemical
Industry” - Vijay Sankar’s special address at CII’s ChemVision
W ith its favourable ecosystem
and great legacy, Tamil Nadu
should seize the opportunity to
attract them as the State has a huge
coastline, the presence of capital
goods equipment manufacturers
attract investments from chemical and acknowledged talent pool – an
companies in Gujarat that are looking ecosystem that fits for the chemical
for an alternative base now,” said Vijay sector,” he added.
Sankar speaking at the 2nd edition of
“In Ankleshwar-Vadodara area in
ChemVision conference organised by
Gujarat, there are about 2,000
CII at Hotel Crowne Plaza in Chennai
chemical units/companies, which
on 21 November 2018.
is significantly higher than the
Addressing the CII seminar on combined units in South India.
“Opportunities and Challenges in the Despite having an impressive legacy,
Chemical Industry”, Vijay Sankar Tamil Nadu accounts for just
pointed out, “Tamil Nadu has always about five per cent of the chemical
been a pioneer in the chemical industry.”
industry. It lost out in recent decades.
“There is no reason why it should
However, things are changing, and
not be multiple times of the current
the State has the potential to attract
share,” Vijay Sankar said.
huge investments in chemicals
because of domestic and international He also discussed the challenges in
developments.” terms of infrastructure faced by the
Indian chemical industry though the
“Many of the chemical companies
sector’s pollution and environment
in Gujarat that account for around
challenges are nowhere near China’s.
60 per cent of India’s chemical
“India is developing the chemical
industry, are exploring a second
industry in a sustainable way, unlike
manufacturing base
China,” he noted.
outside of that State.
Tamil Nadu has Tamil Nadu has three chemical
immense clusters at Manali, Cuddalore and
scope to Thoothukudi. The familiarity with
the industry for over eight decades,
the abundance of skilled,
educated manpower
and the well-spread
infrastructure can help
tap the potential.
Ramkumar Shankar, Managing Director of Chemplast Sanmar
and Convenor, CII Tamil Nadu Chemical Taskforce, said that
the chemical industry with present size of around $ 165 billion
has been registering 8-10 per cent growth and is the sixth largest
globally. With low levels of per capita consumption and fast
economic growth, there is huge potential for growth.
N Krishnamoorthy, Executive
Director - Commercial, Chemplast
Sanmar, made a presentation on
“Trade Challenges” focussing on
free trade agreement and anti-
Tribute to Founder President KS Narayanan at the
IACC Southern Regional Council Golden Jubilee
KS Narayanan with Kenneth B Keating, American Ambassador at the inauguration of the Indo-American Chamber of
Commerce, Southern Council.
TCI Sanmar’s Project Expansion and Investments
highlighted - Egyptian Government’s Press Meet at Cairo
PS Jayaraman seen with Dr Sahar Nasr, Minister of Investment & International Co-operation, Republic of Egypt at a dinner
hosted at Cairo, Egypt.
The Sanmar Group
A time to look back and move forward
An event that continues to make its decade. 7.3 % for the 5 years of this
mark in a new way year after year, government that will conclude and
the Group Annual Day this year 7.3% of the previous government.
hosted two voracious guest speakers, So, 7.3% is a sort of average growth
at the helm of business publications - rate we have seen. This has to be
TN Ninan, Chairman, Business compared with what other economies
Standard and Adit Jain, Editorial with a similar stage managed to
Director and Chairman of IMA India. do, if you look in particular at the
Annual Day 2018
The Sanmar Group Annual Day
The Sanmar Group Annual Day
The Sanmar Group Annual Day
Second he is a People Centric Leader. People are the most “If I was asked to pick two reasons for succeeding, the
valuable assets of any organisation. They, not Products reasons would be, first, good fortune with luck and
deliver results. They form the vital link between second, and more important, people,” said N Sankar
strategy and implementation. People orientation is after receiving his 50-year award from V Narayanan.
therefore, central to Sankar’s Leadership. He spends
“My approach has always been to surround myself with
time and money to recruit talented people and to train
excellent people and stay out of their way and let them
and develop them. Rewards and promotions are merit
do their work. I have been blessed with a number of
based. He has in place a sound succession plan.
extraordinary people who had come to work for me
Trust is the glue that binds people together in any and have stayed with me. To have people of this calibre
organisation. In my view, it is trust which has united in the senior management willing to stay with us for 30
people in Sanmar to perform at peak levels and dedicate years and 40 years means we must be doing something
themselves to the corporate mission. All of you in the right. And we must be lucky to have such excellent
audience bear testimony to this statement. people work with us. It is built on trust. That trust
Sanmar today is what Rosabeth Kanter of Harvard is something that we have tried to practice, and it is
Business School calls a 5F Organisation – focused, engendered to our advantage. People have responded
flexible, friendly, fast and a fun place to work.” to our trust very well.”
Clockwise: S Sankaran, Ramkumar Shankar, Dr Krishna Kumar Rangachari and Narayan Sethuramon receiving their ‘Employee of
the year’ award from N Sankar.
The Sanmar Group Annual Day
Standing (L to R): B Natraj, Preety Kumar, Adit Jain, R Padmanabhan, Dr Krishna Kumar Rangachari, N Sankar,
S Venkatesan, S Sankaran, V Narayanan, Vijay Sankar, Pradip N Kapadia, MK Sharma, Sanjay Bhandarkar,
PS Jayaraman, N Kumar.
The Sanmar Group Annual Day
As part of the Group’s commitment to Safety, awards are given away every
year to various plants, after a detailed review of their respective Safety
practices and performances.
A Safety performance award is given to each business, based on safety
A Safety management practices award is given across the group based on a
comprehensive review/audit of safety systems and practices.
Foundry Category: Sanmar Matrix Metals, Investment Foundry Safety Management Practices Award
The Sanmar Group Annual Day
I t was an evening for fun and games with the Sanmar families coming
together. The decor, the games and the cuisine all spelt ‘Parampara,’ the
theme of the evening.
‘Challenges facing Chemicals Industry’ -
10th Krishnaswamy Memorial Endowment Lecture - special
address by Vijay Sankar
the current $ 150 to $ 170
As I mentioned in my
last talk at ChemVision
as well, there is enormous
opportunity for Tamil
Nadu to capture share
in the Indian Chemical
Industry. I think the basic
South Indian and Tamilian
ethos of being compliant,
allows us a far more
sustainable future.
There are many areas
where the Industry’s
Dignitaries on stage with
SN Pandey, Managing
Director, CPCL, Vijay
T he 10th Krishnaswamy
Memorial Endowment Lecture
organised by the Chemical Industries
growth depends on the
State Government’s initiative.
I recently took over as the President
Sankar, MC Sampath,
Minister of Industries, Association on ‘Challenges facing of Indian Chemical Council –
Government of Tamil Nadu, Chemicals Industry’ took place on leading Chemical Association of
M Ponnuswami, Chairman
14 December 2018 at Hotel Crowne the Indian Chemical Industry and
and MD, CII, Tamil Nadu
and N Venkateswaran, Plaza, Chennai. MC Sampath, had extensive interactions with
Chairman and Managing Minister of Industries, Government the Chemical Industry. As far as
Director, of Tamil Nadu was the chief guest. State is concerned, I am glad that
Ram-Nath & Co and Former
President of Chemical Speaking on the occasion, Vijay the Tamil Nadu Government has
Industries Association. Sankar as the President, Indian gotten off to a very good start.”
Chemical Council, said, “The Indian He felicitated N Venkateswaran,
Chemical Industry has huge amount Chairman & Managing Director,
of opportunities, and the Chemicals Ram-Nath & Co and Former
Ministry has set itself $ 1 trillion president of Chemical Industries
target, against our own estimate of Association on being conferred
close to $ 370 billion if we grow it by the “Rasa Udyog Ratna Award for
8% to 10% by the year 2025 from 2018.”
Sanmar Shipping at the International Marine
Environmental Protection Committee
S anmar Shipping’s
Kashyap was nominated by
‘Sanmartini’ 2018
Employee engagement at
T he Inter Business Group Competition -
“Sanmartini, a cocktail of explosive games,”
was held this year between the months of August
and November. To hone managerial skills, spot
talent, and create a sense of belonging are some
of the objectives of Sanmartini.
There were five events in all - Talk It Through
(Debate), All Roads Lead to Rome (Variety
Entertainment), Cricket Medley (Skill,
its best
Communication and Team Work Medley),
Convince Me (Business Presentations) and
Biz-Buzz (Business Quiz). Over eight hundred
employees came together for the different
events, from across locations, with team Midas
(Sanmar Engineering, Karapakkam) clinching
the championships. Team Atlas (Chemplast
Sanmar, Mettur) came a close second having
fought valiantly.
N Kumar presides Musicology Memorial Lecture
N Kumar presenting the citation to Dr Ritha Rajan in the presence of Centre for Ethnomusicology Director,
SA Murali Prasad, Convenor, Dr Shobana Swaminathan, The Music Academy Secretary, and Dr Sumathi Krishnan.
Beyond Sanmar
At Chennai
‘Electronic Eyes’ to enhance City vigilance
At Chemplast Karaikal
Relief measure post cyclone Gaja
Sri Sankara Schools -
Sri Sankara Senior Secondary School, Adyar
All round excellence
Sri Sankara Vidyashramam Matriculation Higher Secondary School,
Adyar Annual Day, Dr Lakshmi Vijayakumar,
Founder - Sneha and Trustee, of the Indian
Education Trust was the chief guest at the
Sri Sankara Vidyashramam Annual Day.
Proficiency prizes were given away to meritorious
students in the presence of N Sankar and
N Kumar, trustees, the Indian Education Trust.
Madhuram Narayanan Centre
for Exceptional Children
A feather in Chennai’s heritage hat
C ricket, the sport is literally rooted in the country’s psyche.
From gully cricket to one of the finest stadium in India,
Chennai has it all.
In 1860s, regular weekend cricket was being played on
makeshift wickets laid out on The Island close to River
Cooum. In early 1865, the Madras Cricket Club Committee
Cricket was introduced to India by European merchant sailors had sent in a request to the local government to be allowed to
in the 18th century, and the first cricket club was established use “a moveable fence” to enclose a portion of The Island, and
in Calcutta in 1792. Down south, Madras Cricket Club came to construct a more permanent cricket ground. The proposal
into existence in 1846 when an Irish civil servant, under the was rejected by the then Chief Secretary to the Madras
British government, Sir Alexander J Arbuthnot wanted a space Government, AJ Arbuthnot.
that could cater to his cricket addiction. On April 3, 1865, the newly elected Secretary of the club, Lt
For Arbuthnot, cricket was his religion and the Madras Cricket J Pennycuick, wrote another letter to Arbuthnot, this time
Club was his Church. It was a club founded for the exclusive requesting permission to enclose a parcel of land at Chepauk
use of the expatriate Englishmen in Madras at the time, who for the same purpose. Governor in Council had authorised the
would see it as a home away from home. Sir Henry Pottinger, club to enclose a piece of ground on the Chepauk premises as
the then Governor of Madras, was unanimously elected as the a cricket ground.
first President of the Club. The first half of the 20th century, was the finest years of the
Being a Victorian men’s club in the true sense of the term, club. There were four men whom historian S Muthiah in
the club had strict rules pertaining to dress and accessories, his book calls the ‘Four Musketeers,’ who took all the efforts
and did not allow native Indians on the premises till 1935. to bring the club to the forefront, but their names are not
Kumararaja MA Muthiah Chettiar was admitted as the first recognised anywhere in the history of Indian cricket. They are
Indian member, while Mary Clubwala Jadhav became the first RD Richmond, RD Denniston, CP Johnstone and HP Ward.
Indian woman member in 1948. The distinction for being The game was introduced to the native Indians and so started
elected the first Indian President of Madras CC belongs to a legacy of Indian players like M Buchi Babu Naidu, known as
AMM Arunachalam, who was elected the President in 1959. the Father of South Indian Cricket, in Madras.
The first pavilion was built according to the design created
by the celebrated architect Robert Fellowes Chisholm at an
expenditure of about Rs 3,700 and was inaugurated in 1866.
The club house and pavilion of the 1840s were demolished
in 1981. The reason being, in 1966, MCC gave the cricket
field to the Tamil Nadu Cricket Association (TNCA) to
construct the stadium. The ground and all the stands barring
the pavilion belong to TNCA. Once the stadium came up,
little was visible from the old pavilion. The two squash courts
that were built in 1899 are now the oldest part of the club. The
first floor of the lovely red billiards room, built in 1936, used
to be the residential quarter of the secretary. 1940, Chepauk
The ‘Irwin’ pavilion and its garden seen sometime after 1927, Grasshoppers – a club for the member’s wives, children and
when the Hanbury clock was installed. lady members was started.
Iconic Institutions of Chennai
MCC Presidents vs Secretaries cricket match in connection with the 150th year celebrations. N Sankar and N Kumar were past
presidents of the club.
As of now, the MCC has 822 voting members. The There are two air conditioned banquet facilities in the
memberships usually open once in 10 years, the last in club. The Cricketer banquet hall can accommodate up to
2013.Madras Cricket Club also has 13 honorary members. 60 people, while the smaller banquet hall, Silver duck, can
Sunil Gavaskar was the first in 1983, followed by Kapil Dev, hold up to 25 people and is suitable for hosting parties.
MS Dhoni and Sachin Tendulkar. The non-cricket playing For its members to spend their leisure time the club has a
ones include Leander Paes, Mahesh Bhupathi, Viswanathan card room, massage centre, even a barber shop, and steam
Anand, Anand and Vijay Amritraj and Pankaj Advani. bath area. The Chambers at MCC provide a comprehensive
There are many fourth-generation members in the club range of facilities and amenities for leisure travellers. To add
today. Sometimes there are visitors from Britain who come to all these top class facilities, MCC boasts of a state-of-
to see the club because their grandfathers were members. the-art gymnasium, and international standard swimming
pool, coaching a number of games and yoga to make it a
The Madras Cricket Club has many firsts to its credit; it
desirable destination after a busy day’s work.
was the first to introduce tennis and squash in South India.
Tennis was first played at MCC in 1883, and it was the ‘Cricket’, the virulent orange tangy drink originated at the
first lawn tennis tournament in the south. The library in Madras Cricket Club and it goes well with Fish fingers - a
its premises is one of the oldest private libraries in the city. hot favourite for almost a century at MCC. The kitchen here
There are many national and international clubs affiliated for the longest time served only Continental fare. Bouncer
to MCC. Hockey started at the club in 1894. The first restaurant in the recent times has been known for serving
athletics meet in the province was conducted by MCC in lip smacking Pooris. An evening drink at ‘the Pavilion’
1895. In 1997, the club celebrated its 150th year. overlooking the ground is a visual treat to all sports lovers.
“We have had camps before and since, but the one at the IIT grounds in Chennai
ahead of that Australian series was the best I have been a part of. To me, that
camp was the game changer for Indian cricket. Previous camps had been about
coming together, hitting the nets, going back home. This one was different,
invigoratingly so.
A publication of The Sanmar Group