Pre-Bid Clarifications 10.01.2023 Final
Pre-Bid Clarifications 10.01.2023 Final
Pre-Bid Clarifications 10.01.2023 Final
Pre-bid queries
S. Bidding Bidding Content of the RFP Points of Remarks/ Response
No Document Document requiring clarification Clarification suggestion
Section Reference
Page Number
1 NA NA NA Is it right to assume The SLAs does not
that SLA's as have any
mentioned in the RFP dependency on the
will be applicable new requirements/
only when the new modules. Therefore
requirements/ the SLAs will be
modules go live. applicable as per
Note-1 (Para-24.6)
2 5 5 The operation and It is assumed that all Please confirm the Yes. Existing
maintenance of the the existing assumption is correct infrastructure,
website, hardware and Infrastructure, credentials and
software resources, and credentials and source code of all
the IT related examinations source code of all the existing software will
activities are handled by existing software's be handed over to
M/s Wipro. Now the will be handed over the selected vendor.
Commission intends to to selected vendor Details of tools/
engage a Service Provider/ and No proprietary applications used are
vendor tool/ applications has given at Para-6.
been used.
3 6 6 In addition, the following Is the listed Yes, details of tools/
software/ Apps are being software/ apps is the applications
used for the overall exhaustive list or presently being used
management of the Portal: should we expect are given at Para-6.
other technologies?
4 6 (iii) Operation 9-10 Maintaining two older Request to provide The URLs of two
and Maintenance website(s) of the the two older older websites which
of the Website: Commission websites which are are to be maintained
part of the scope are:
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CMS, Satvat, Hmuanitics, Cubastion
Staff Selection Commission RFP to upgrade and maintain the SSC Portal and handle all its IT Services Pre-bid Queries (10-Jan-2023)
5 6 (ii) 8-9 The work will be completed Wherever the The timelines has
Development of within 8 months from the timeline has not been only been specified
new web- date of issue of the work mentioned, Does the for development of
application using order. selected vendor has new module.
latest and to complete the new Remaining are the
scalable requirements/module working modules/
architecture to s listed in the RFP processes which
meet future also with in the 8 have to be taken
requirements months of the over and maintained
timeline? by the new vendor
as per timeline given
at Note-1 (Para-
6 6 (iv) – (f) 10 Pre and post examination It has been A secure web-based
data will be shared mentioned that mode of data access/
between the agencies examinations will be sharing will be
conducting examination conducted by provided. Format of
and the service provider separate vendor or data varies from
by the commission. exam to exam and
The data that should will be shared as and
be shared with when required.
bidding vendor, what
are the modes and
format that this data
will be shared?
7 6 (iv) (c) Online 11 A facility is to be provided It is assumed that The functionality is
application forms to capture live photo of live photograph not optional. It has
for various candidates. In addition, functionality is an to be essentially
examination artificial intelligence will be option provided but there
used to the maximum will also be other
extent to ensure that the options like
photographs and uploading of photo in
signatures with desired JPG format.
characteristics are
captured/ uploaded in the
online applications.
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Staff Selection Commission RFP to upgrade and maintain the SSC Portal and handle all its IT Services Pre-bid Queries (10-Jan-2023)
8 6 (iv) (h) 14 By using the randomization During pre-bid it was Is yes, Please add The scope will be as
Allocation of formula and on the basis of mentioned that admit this as a part of the per Para 6 (iv) (h).
Examination preferences given by the card creation is part scope However, the design
Centres/ roll candidates in the online of the scope for should be such that
numbers to the application forms or as per selected vendor. admit card
candidates: the criteria given by the Kindly confirm generation is
Commission/ Regional provisioned for
Offices, examination through this system
venues will be allocated by for later use.
the Service Provider to the
candidates and the data
will be shared with the
Regional Offices.
9 6 (iv) (j) 15 Further, examination Kindly confirm if Impersonators
Checking of photographs of candidates impersonators database needs to be
examination will be compared with the database currently built.
photographs photograph database of exists or need to be
impersonators and the build?
examination photographs
will be compared with each
other to check if any
candidate has appeared in
the examination multiple
times and to identify
impersonators at 80%
accuracy, if any
10 6 (iv) (j) 15 Examination photograph of Till the new module 6 (iv) (j) will be
Checking of the candidate will be is designed and started by the bidder
examination checked with their developed, Is it right within 4 months from
photographs respective application to assume that these the date of signing of
photograph to identify checks will be agreement.
impersonation cases conducted by
regional offices and
selected vendor
scope is limited to
provide all the
necessary details
required for checks?
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11 6 (iv) (k) 17 The software for We understand that The software to
Conduct of skill conducting Skill Tests software to conduct conduct the skill test
test which was developed by skill tests exists with exists with SSC.
NIC and available with the SSC, but Initial upgradation of
Commission will be suitably customizations would the software is part
modified/ upgraded in be required for each of the RFP. Later on,
consultation with SSC. year and this would if additional
be scoped under requirements are
development of new there, they can be
software modules. covered under
Kindly confirm? development of new
software modules.
12 6 (iv) (k) 17 The software for What are the The following will be
Conduct of skill conducting Skill Tests modifications/Improv few of the
test which was developed by ements expected in improvements
NIC and available with the this software? required:
Commission will be suitably 1. Availability of
modified/ upgraded in additional keyboard
consultation with SSC. layout for Hindi
2. The text typed by
the candidate in
Skill Test should be
periodically auto
3. Response of the
candidates saved
on the server
should be in non-
Additional minor
customization may
also be required.
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Staff Selection Commission RFP to upgrade and maintain the SSC Portal and handle all its IT Services Pre-bid Queries (10-Jan-2023)
13 6 (iv) (s) 19 There should also be It is assumed that 1. The devices
Document provision for electronic the devices required required to capture
Verification capture of thumb to capture thumb thumb impressions
Module impression and photograph impression and will be provided by
of the candidates. The photography will be SSC. Specifications
biometric information so provided by SSC, of the devices will
captured shall adhere to which has capability be provided by the
ISO Standards. The Service to provide API. bidder. Relevant
Provider should be able to API to retrieve the
compare the biometric The scope of the biometric
thumb impression with the selected vendor is to information will be
ones captured at the time integrate the shared.
of previous examination deployed devices 2. Third party tools, if
stage(s). API's to the any, required to
module/application meet the
where biometrics will requirement will be
be compared. arranged by the
bidder. Costs, if
The any, will be
module/application incurred by the
would be a third bidder. Bidder may
party tool and the submit their
cost would be paid proposals
by SSC accordingly.
14 6 (viii) 22 In the examination Is it right to assume Yes.
Development of process, the demands of that these
new Software new software modules/ modules/software's
Modules: applications keep arising are in addition to the
depending upon the one's part of the
requirements of scope e.g., court
recruitment examinations. module, work order
Therefore, the Service module etc?
Provider is required to
develop such software
modules as and when
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Staff Selection Commission RFP to upgrade and maintain the SSC Portal and handle all its IT Services Pre-bid Queries (10-Jan-2023)
15 6 (xi) Facility of 24 Main equipment will have It is assumed that for Only office space and
Help Desk: the capacity of 12 lines, help desk, Sitting table-chairs will be
whereas individual area and telephonic provided by SSC. All
equipment's will be line and desks to other arrangements
supplied for 3 personnel. operate will be have to be made by
Operation and provided by SSC. the bidder.
maintenance of all the Kindly confirm Telephone lines, etc
equipment's will be will be arranged by
handled by the vendor for the bidder. However,
the entire duration of documentation will
contract. be signed by the
authorised person of
SSC and monthly
bills of the telephone
lines, etc will be paid
by SSC.
16 10 (iii) 28 The Service Provider shall We assume that all Partially available
maintain documentation project documentation will
related to the project with documentation exists be provided.
adequate traceability from 2018 and will However, there will
matrix and version control be handed over to be knowledge
wherever necessary. selected vendor. transfer from the
Kindly confirm existing vendor as
per the provision of
17 11 28 Roles and Responsibilities Apart from the detail Yes.
of Service Provider: The scope defined in
detailed scope of work and section 6, we are
responsibilities for the assuming that the
selected vendor are statement “will not
discussed in earlier be limited to”
sections of this document. meaning only IT
In addition to these roles activities. Kindly
and responsibilities, the Confirm
responsibilities of the
selected vendor will also
include but will not be
limited to the following:
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Staff Selection Commission RFP to upgrade and maintain the SSC Portal and handle all its IT Services Pre-bid Queries (10-Jan-2023)
18 11 (ii) 28 Provide training to Is it right to assume The trainings can be
individuals/ staff/ support that these trainings conducted physically/
staff and Government are related to only IT virtually at the office
officials as required. activities scoped in of SSC-HQ and at
this RFP and these other locations in
trainings will be Delhi.
conducted virtually
and/or SSC HQ
19 11. Roles and 29 (ix) Ensure maintaining We assume that the Yes.
Responsibilities sanctity of the selected vendor will
of Service examinations at all cost. not be the custody of
Provider This includes confidentiality question papers,
of: Answer keys. Kindly
(a) Candidates‟ data confirm
(b) Examination data
(c) Results
(d) Marks of candidates
(e) Information about
subject experts
(f) Question Papers
(g) Answer Keys
(h) User Departments, etc.
(i) Software, hardware,
network and other support
20 23.5 Commercial 49 The scope related to The pricing of new
Bids 6 (ix) (x) (xii) is a modules mentioned
one time effort. We in the RFP to be
would like to clarify included in item 23.5
where we have to (1)
include the pricing of
this scope in the
bidding table 23.5
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21 24.7 57 It is unclear about We suggest that Yes. The heading
how the payment section 24.7 ( C ) may be read as
terms for Handling should be read as “Operation and
12 examination Operation and Maintenance of IT
related IT Activities Maintenance of IT Infrastructure,
will be. Infrastructure, website of the
website of the Commission,
Commission, Handling of
Handling of regular
regular examination
examination activities and
activities and providing Help-
providing Help- desk facility”
desk facility:
22 6 6 Table of Software/Apps The Current software Can the vendor re- Yes.
appears to have been develop the
developed using application stack
Microsoft .net 4.7.2 using truly open
and WCF. and the source languages
same are obsolete. such as Java or
Microsoft itself has Python etc.
abandoned .net
framework and have
moved on to a new
framework called .net
Core. Please note
that .net 4 cannot be
auto upgraded to
.net core. The
upgrade involves
significant rewriting
(nearly 100%).
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Staff Selection Commission RFP to upgrade and maintain the SSC Portal and handle all its IT Services Pre-bid Queries (10-Jan-2023)
23 6.i.d 7 Configuration, Operation Maintenance and If not, Please suggest At present, these
and Maintenance performance if such tools need to tools are not
management of such be supplied as a part available. However, if
a large scale and of the response. required, bidder can
critical software Please include details use these tools to
requires use of of required software deliver the services
DevOps and if any. as per the
Enterprise requirements of this
management tools. RFP.
Does SSC or NIC
have these tools that
can be used by the
24 6.i.h 7 Backup Does SSC or NIC If not, Please suggest Yes.
have requisite if such tools need to
backup be supplied as a part
software and of the
systems. Please response. Please
clarify include details of
required software if
25 6.i.i 7 Tools Does SSC or NIC If not, Please suggest Yes. These tools are
have requisite tools/ if such tools need to available for the
software and be supplied as a part existing portal.
systems. Please of the
clarify response. Please
include details of
required software if
26 6.ii.b 8 Microservices Dockerization and Yes. It is required as
Containarization are these are essential
formal part of elements of
Microservices Microservices.
architecture. Please
clarify if this is
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27 6.ii.i 9 OSS Since it is mandated Please clarify if Yes.
to use OSS continued use of
technologies, we Microsoft Framework
assume that applies can be foregone.
to languages,
frameworks, tools
28 6.ii 9 Software Development Is there any need for Please refer to Para-
Mobile applications? 6 (vii) at Page No-22.
so please specify
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Staff Selection Commission RFP to upgrade and maintain the SSC Portal and handle all its IT Services Pre-bid Queries (10-Jan-2023)
29 6 8 to 26 Software Development It is noted that the Today, globally, the The requirements of
site and applications use of Low-Code/ SSC have been given
will require significant Nocode platforms in the RFP. The
1. Development of have demonstrated bidder has to fulfil all
New Modules rapid improvements these requirements.
2. Number of in Speed of The bidder is free to
Changes to Existing development, speed use any new
Module of change technology to
3. Change of management, speed provide a robust
Architecture to of maintainability, system and deliver
Microservices usability and security. the services as per
4. Protection against We propose that requirement.
Technology please mandate use
Obsolescence of such LCNC (Low-
5. Performance Code/No-Code)
Improvement platforms with
6. Usability following essential
Improvement elements for the
Given this highly benefit of SSC in
Dynamic technology Speed, cost, reduced
Environment, How manpower etc. These
does SSC propose to Elements of LCNC to
deal with the change include
management 1. Drag and Drop
scenario Forms Engine
2. Drag and Drop
Workflow Engine
3. Drag and drop
Rules Engine
4. Drag and drop
Reports Engine
5. Low Code
Automation and
6. Low Code API
7. Low Code API
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Staff Selection Commission RFP to upgrade and maintain the SSC Portal and handle all its IT Services Pre-bid Queries (10-Jan-2023)
30 6 8 to 26 Software Development Various We Request that the The requirements of
following features of SSC have been given
the software be in the RFP. The
considered for the bidder has to fulfil all
benefit of SSC these requirements.
Authentication Authentication based The bidder is free to
on Internal dB use any new
based and External technology to
LDAP or MS-AD provide a robust
based authentication system and deliver
Support for SSO the services as per
integration requirement.
Audit Trails Audit trails for all
or any selected
transactions, records
or fields
Access Controls Access Controls for
software features
based on Access
Control List View
only or Add/ Edit
Data Access control
at Table, Row or
Columns User, Roles
and Rights
Management: Ability
to define User and
Role classes, define
structures and cross
link them to arrive at
effective security and
access control
schema, without
having to write code.
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Application Portal All applications also The requirements of
Pages need to have content SSC have been given
pages from within in the RFP. The
which the bidder has to fulfil all
application pages these requirements.
can be embedded The bidder is free to
or called. use any new
Development and technology to
design of such provide a robust
pages must be system and deliver
codeless and the services as per
produce attractive requirement.
and user friendly
Support for CSS 2.x
Support for CSS 3.x
Support for CSS 4.x
e-Forms E-Forms engine to
design, render and
develop e-
forms that can
be deployed
without having to
write code for
forms, dropdowns,
validations, error
data model and
Built in, all of these
screen controls: Text,
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Staff Selection Commission RFP to upgrade and maintain the SSC Portal and handle all its IT Services Pre-bid Queries (10-Jan-2023)
Numeric, Decimal, The requirements of
Dropdown, Lookup, SSC have been given
Images, in the RFP. The
Attachments, Lat/ bidder has to fulfil all
Long, these requirements.
Currency, The bidder is free to
Date/Time, use any new
Multi Line, html technology to
editor, Radio, provide a robust
Checkbox, Phone, system and deliver
email, URL, the services as per
Built in all of the requirement.
advanced controls for
Lookup, Multi
dependent Lookup,
Checkbox List, Multi
Column List Grid,
Dependent List Grid,
Pickup list, Auto
Built in RegEx for
common data types
and Ability to
build Custom RegEx
Basic Validations
such as default
value, min-max
range, mandatory
Control of Audit
trailing at field level
Control of Form
Layout in multi
column or Card
Multi Lingual Forms
Field level help text
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Field level error
Custom Validations at The requirements of
field level SSC have been given
API based in the RFP. The
interlinking at form bidder has to fulfil all
or field level these requirements.
Control of Field level The bidder is free to
visibility, editability use any new
based on technology to
rules of workflow provide a robust
stages system and deliver
Skip logic for field the services as per
level conditional requirement.
visibility, mandatory-
ness, Show, Hide,
Enable, Disable fields
based on rules
Support for Multi-
Tab, Multi Section
including wizard type
form flow for ease of
Support for
embedding child-
tables, multirow
within the forms
Browser based Visual
Forms designer
Formula Builder:
Ability to define
complex on form
computations using
Excel like formula
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Database Structure Enterprise class DB
and Maintenance persistent model
along with DR,
Memory scaling, The requirements of
partitioning, dB SSC have been given
monitoring, dB in the RFP. The
operations from bidder has to fulfil all
creation of tables these requirements.
associated with the The bidder is free to
forms must be use any new
automated without technology to
having to write code provide a robust
or knowhow of the system and deliver
DB. The product the services as per
must be able to requirement.
operate without
code change for most
of the commercially
available DBMS
Must be supported
on current versions
of Postgress,
MS-SQL, Oracle,
Form design must
propagate to
creation, versioning
and update of table
structures without
having to get into dB
administration or
Workflow Drag-&-Drop
Workflow designer
to render and
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develop electronic
workflows that can
be deployed
without having
write code for
escalation, The requirements of
branching, SLA SSC have been given
management, in the RFP. The
validations, error bidder has to fulfil all
messages, these requirements.
persistence data The bidder is free to
model use any new
and integration, technology to
both actor driven provide a robust
or rule driven system and deliver
propagation BPMN the services as per
2.0 or requirement.
wMFC compliant
process modeler
Browser based Visual
Workflow designer
Task Portal: Ability
to view, Assign,
Pull back,
Forward, Escalate
tasks with SLA and
rule based task
management such
Robin etc.
Complex Rules based
Tasks routing
User Configurable
Task list
Intuitive Dashboards
for Approvals
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Reminder Service for The requirements of
Workflow instances SSC have been given
crossing a in the RFP. The
defined SLA bidder has to fulfil all
Business Rules Business Rules these requirements.
engine to design, The bidder is free to
render and develop use any new
business rules that technology to
can be deployed provide a robust
without having to system and deliver
write code for the services as per
business rules, requirement.
workflow branching,
error messages and
exception handling.
Automation of Support for
Actions automation of tasks
such as messaging.
Robotic Process
Automation to
design, render and
develop task
automation that can
be deployed without
having to write code
for handling simple
(single step) process
based and image-
based computation
Support for DB event
based design and
execution of
Support for timer
based design and
execution of
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Batch jobs: The requirements of
Automation tools for SSC have been given
creation of CRON in the RFP. The
jobs at the OS level bidder has to fulfil all
to conduct these requirements.
automated nightly The bidder is free to
operations. use any new
Reports and MIS Reports engine to technology to
design, render and provide a robust
develop reports system and deliver
and MIS that can the services as per
be deployed requirement.
without having to
write code for ad-
reports, document
cubes, search and
Creation of APIs Integration touch
points from this
system may run
into 100s and it is
expected that the
system is based on
modern tools such
as GraphQL to build
API interfaces that
can be published for
consumption of data
by other applications
within the security
boundaries already
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Consumption of 3rd This system is
party APIs expected to consume
a large number of
other APIs provided
by other systems
and it should be
possible to
define automatically
all such consumption
of API at the
event stage without
having to write code.
CI/CD: CI/CD must be The requirements of
available as intrinsic SSC have been given
part of the in the RFP. The
proposed solution. bidder has to fulfil all
Code/System The system should these requirements.
Documentation automatically version The bidder is free to
control the artefacts use any new
developed, manage technology to
the life cycle of provide a robust
these artefacts and system and deliver
produce code level the services as per
documentation of requirement.
the generated code
without having to
time and effort.
DevOPS: Frequent changes
demand that the
DevOps must be
automated and
streamlined without
having to require
specialist intervention
routinely and
bringing together
Business Analysts /
developers / Testers
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into 100s and it is
expected that the
system is based on
modern tools such
as GraphQL to build
API interfaces that
can be published for
consumption of data
by other applications
within the security
boundaries already
Consumption of 3rd This system is The requirements of
party APIs expected to consume SSC have been given
a large number of in the RFP. The
other APIs provided bidder has to fulfil all
by other systems these requirements.
and it should be The bidder is free to
possible to use any new
define automatically technology to
all such consumption provide a robust
of API at the system and deliver
event stage without the services as per
having to write code. requirement.
CI/CD: CI/CD must be
available as intrinsic
part of the
proposed solution.
Code/System The system should
Documentation automatically version
control the artefacts
developed, manage
the life cycle of
these artefacts and
produce code level
documentation of
the generated code
without having to
time and effort.
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DevOPS: Frequent changes
demand that the
DevOps must be
automated and
streamlined without
having to require
specialist intervention
routinely and
bringing together
Business Analysts /
developers / Testers
31 23.4.1 (Point No 46 Turnover of the Company The past 2 to 3 years The clause in the
2) in each of the three the online RFP remains
financial years 2019-20, recruitment unchanged.
2020-21 and 2021-22 examination has
(Turnover refers to the been drastically
turnover of the company reduced due to the
and not the composite pandemic situation
turnover of its subsidiaries/ and most of the
sister concerns, etc. The companies had a
turnover should exclude drop down in
sales of system software or Turnover.
COTS/ hardware. We kindly request
you to relax the
clause as per the
requested details
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32 23.4.1 (Point No 46 Net Profit (as % of The past 2 to 3 years The clause in the
3) Turnover) of the Company the online RFP remains
in each of three financial recruitment unchanged.
years (FY 2019- 20, 2020- examination has
21 and 2021-22) been drastically
reduced due to the
pandemic situation
and most of the
companies had a
drop down in the Net
profit percentage.
We kindly request
you to relax and re-
visit the clause as
“The company should
not have incurred
any loss in the last 5
financial years”
33 23.4.1 (Point No 47 Handling of online As you aware due to The clause in the
5) applications/ Orders/ Bills/ COVID most of the RFP remains
Invoices/ Processing of Government unchanged.
results during last 2 recruitment
financial years (FY 2020-21 examinations were
and 2021-22) on hold/Postponed
for almost 2 years
and since the scope
of work is related to
recruitment we kindly
request you to relax
the clause to submit
the details of last 5
years because as per
this condition the
core recruitment
agencies will not
have the required
number of projects.
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34 23.3 (Point No 7) 45 The bidder should have Only very few The clause in the
positive net worth/ recruitment and RFP remains
valuation of Rs 100 Crore related service unchanged.
during the financial year providers will have
2021-22. a positive net worth
more than 100
crore and to your
notice, that most of
the government
tenders will have
the eligibility
condition that the
company should
have positive net
worth and should
not have incurred
any loss.
So request to relax
the clause that
“The bidder should
have positive net
worth/ valuation of
Rs 10 Crore during
the financial year
35 Please Clarify, Yes
whether you will
hand over the
entire source code
and architecture of
the existing portal?
36 Please clarify, No
whether Existing
Application is
designed as micro
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CMS, Satvat, Hmuanitics, Cubastion
Staff Selection Commission RFP to upgrade and maintain the SSC Portal and handle all its IT Services Pre-bid Queries (10-Jan-2023)
37 Please do give us Data sizing details
the data sizing & are provided at Para-
Entire Architecture 6. Architecture
of infrastructure for details will be shared
our better after the finalization
understanding. of RFP.
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CMS, Satvat, Hmuanitics, Cubastion