Iec 61701-2020
Iec 61701-2020
Iec 61701-2020
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FOREW ORD.................................................................................................................................................3
1 S co pe ......................................................................................................................................................5
2 Normative re fe re n c e s ......................................................................................................................... 5
3 Terms and d e fin itio n s ......................................................................................................................... 6
4 S a m p le s.................................................................................................................................................6
5 Test sum m ary....................................................................................................................................... 6
6 Test sequence...................................................................................................................................... 7
6.1 G eneral....................................................................................................................................... 7
6.2 S ta biliza tion ............................................................................................................................... 7
6.3 Initial and final measurements of non-concentrator m o d u le s.............
6.4 Initial and final measurements of concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) modules
6.5 Salt mist test p roce d u re ..............................................................................
6.6 Cleaning and re c o v e ry ................................................................................
6.7 Measurements after salt m is t................................................................................................. 8
6.8 Bypass diode t e s t ..................................................................................................................... 8
6.8.1 Purpose............................................................................................................................... 8
6.8.2 Procedure........................................................................................................................... 8
6.8.3 R equirem ents.................................................................................................................... 8
7 Requirem ents...................................................................................................................................... 8
7.1 G eneral........................................................................................................................................ 8
7.2 Non-concentrator PV modules................................................................................................8
7.3 Concentrator photovoltaic (CPV)m odules............................................................................ 9
8 Test report............................................................................................................................................9
Annex A (normative) Guidance for the selection of appropriate test method
according to IEC 60068-2-52 ............................................................................................................... 12
A.1 Overview..................................................................................................................................12
A.2 Recommendations for applying this document and selecting test methods 1
through 8 ................................................................................................................................12
A.2.1 G e n e ra l............................................................................................................................. 12
A.2.2 Test method 1 ................................................................................................................ 13
A.2.3 Test method 2 ............................................................................................................... 13
A.2.4 Test methods 3 to 6 ....................................................................................................... 13
A.2.5 Test methods 7 and 8 ....................................................................................................13
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International Standard IEC 61701 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 82: Solar
photovoltaic energy systems.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition issued in 2011. This edition
constitutes a technical revision.
The main technical changes with respect to the previous edition are as follows:
• The scope has been updated to better reflect the applicability of the Standard.
• Test methods and requirements have been condensed and aligned with the new editions
of IEC 61215-1, IEC 61215-2, and IEC 61730-2. References to crystalline silicon versus
thin film technologies have been eliminated. The old Figure 2 on the thin film test
sequence has been eliminated.
• The salt mist test references have been updated to harmonize with changes to IEC
-4 - IEC 61701:2020© IEC 2020
• A normative annex A has been added to provide guidance on which of the test methods in
IEC 60068-2-52 are applicable to different applications. This includes references to new
test methods in the latest edition of IEC 60068-2-52.
82/1693/FD IS 82/1725/R V D
Full inform ation on the voting for the approval of this International Standard can be found in
the report on voting indicated in the above table.
This document has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The committee has decided that the contents of this document will remain unchanged until the
stability date indicated on the IEC website under "" in the data related to
the specific document. At this date, the document will be
• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
IEC 61701:2020 © IEC 2020 -5 -
1 Scope
Photovoltaic (PV) modules are electrical devices normally intended for continuous outdoor
exposure during their lifetime. Highly corrosive wet atmospheres, such as marine
environments or locations near the ocean or other large bodies of salt water, could eventually
degrade some of the PV module components (corrosion of metallic parts, deterioration of the
properties of some non-m etallic materials - such as protective coatings and plastics - by
assim ilation of salts, etc.) causing permanent degradation that could impair their functioning.
Temporary corrosive atmospheres are also present in places where salt is used in winter
periods to melt ice formations on streets and roads.
This document describes test sequences useful to determine the resistance of different PV
modules to corrosion from salt mist containing Cl (NaCI, MgCI2, etc.). All tests included in the
sequences are fully described in IEC 61215-2, IEC 62108, IEC 61730-2 and IEC 60068-2-52.
The bypass diode functionality test in this document is modified from its description in IEC
61215-2. They are combined in this document to provide means to evaluate possible faults
caused in PV modules when operating under wet atmospheres having high concentration of
dissolved salt (NaCI). Depending on the specific nature of the surrounding atmosphere to
which the module is exposed in real operation several testing methods can be applied, as
defined in IEC 60068-2-52. Guidance for determining the applicability of this document and
selecting an appropriate method is provided in Annex A.
This document can be applied to both flat plate PV modules and concentrator PV modules
and assemblies.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their
content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition
cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any amendments) applies.
IEC 60068-2-52, Environm ental testing - Part 2-52: Tests - Test Kb: Salt mist, cyclic (sodium
chloride solution)
IEC 61215-1, Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - Design qualification and type approval -
Part 1: Test requirem ents
IEC 61215-2, Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - Design qualification and type approval -
Part 2: Test procedures
IEC 61730-2, Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification - Part 2: Requirements for testing
IEC TS 61836, Solar photovoltaic energy systems - Terms, definitions and symbols
IEC 62108, Concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) m odules and assem blies - Design qualification
and type approval
ISO 9227, Corrosion tests in artificial atm ospheres — Salt spray tests
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC TS 61836 apply.
ISO and IEC maintain term inological databases for use in standardization at the following
4 Samples
Three identical samples of the model of PV module or assembly of interest shall be subjected
to any of the testing sequences included in Figure 1 or Figure 2 for non-concentrator PV or
concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) respectively. As the figures indicate one of these samples
should be used as a control. The control sample should be used as a check every time the
test samples are measured to evaluate the effect of the salt mist test.
In the case of CPV different situations for choosing the sample may occur. For non-field-
adjustable focus-point CPV systems or modules, 3 modules are required to complete the
testing sequence included in Figure 2. For field-adjustable focus-point CPV systems or
assemblies, 3 receivers (including secondary optics sections, if applicable) and 3 primary
optics sections are required to complete the testing sequence included in Figure 2. A
complete description of the different types and components of CPV modules and assemblies
can be found in IEC 62108.
If a full-size sample is too large to fit into the environmental chambers required for the salt
mist test then a sm aller representative sample may be specially designed and manufactured
for this test. The representative sample should be carefully designed so that it can reveal
sim ilar failure mechanisms as the full-size one, and the fabrication process of the
representative sample should be as identical as possible to the process of the full-size ones.
The fact that the test has been made on representative samples and not on the full-size
samples shall be reported in the test report under item g), Clause 8.
If the PV module is provided with means for earthing then the earthing connection shall be
tested as part of the module.
5 Test summary
After stabilization, tests are performed to characterize the PV module and confirm it is
operational prior to the salt mist exposure. After the exposure, specimens are cleaned and
allowed to recover. Then this sequence is repeated and the bypass diode functional test is
All tests included in this document and in Figure 1 and Figure 2 are fully described (including
purpose, apparatus, procedure and requirem ents) in the referenced clauses of the IEC
Standards listed. Tests included in Figure 1 or Figure 2 shall be performed in the specified
order. In the case of CPV if some test procedures included in this document are not
applicable to a specific design configuration, the m anufacturer and the testing agency shall
tailor a comparable test program, based on the principles described in this document. Any
changes and deviations shall be recorded and reported in detail, as required in Clause 8,
item I).
IEC 61701:2020 © IEC 2020 - 7-
6 Test sequence
6.1 G eneral
Refer to Figure 1 for the complete test sequence for non-concentrator PV modules and
Figure 2 for concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) modules.
All test samples shall undergo electrical stabilization procedures according to MQT 19 in
IEC 61215-2 and any technology specific requirements in the IEC 61215-1-x series.
For non-concentrator modules, perform the following tests plus any technology specific
modifications described in the 61215-1-x series. The reference MQT (Module Qualification
Test) and MST (Module Safety Test) numbers correspond to the identification in the relevant
document IEC 61215-2 and IEC 61730-2, respectively.
6.4 In itia l and fin a l m ea surem ents o f c o n c e n tra to r p h o to v o lta ic (CPV) m odules
For concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) modules, perform the following tests according to
IEC 62108:
NOTE The refe re n ce before each test corresponds to its co rresponding subclause in IEC 62108.
6.5 S alt m is t te s t p ro ce d u re
6.5.1 A minimum of two test specimens shall be exposed to a cyclic salt mist test
according to one of the methods, except Test Method 2 or Test Method 3, described in
IEC 60068-2-52. Refer to Annex A for guidelines on choosing the appropriate test method.
6.5.2 During testing the face of the PV module normally exposed to solar irradiance shall
be inclined 15° to 30° from vertical inside the salt fog chamber. If using separate chambers for
the different test conditions, care shall be taken to avoid loss of any salt solution deposits
from specimens during transitions. The module may be placed vertically in the humidity
chamber used for the humidity storage portion of the test.
After the salt mist test all samples shall be washed to remove the adherent salt using running
tap water (not artificially pressurised) for a maximum time of 5 min per square metre of area
of the sample. Once the washing is finished distilled or demineralized water shall be used to
rinse the samples, followed by complete drying at room tem perature. The use of a fan to
accelerate drying is allowed. Caution is recommended when blowing air to accelerate drying
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because excessive air flow can force moisture to penetrate areas it may not normally reach.
The tem perature of the water used for washing shall not exceed 35 °C. During cleaning or
drying, wiping specimens with cloths, gauzes or any other material shall be avoided. After
drying, the recovery time shall be minimised and the applicable testing sequence shall be
continued as soon as possible to avoid further damage produced by salt depositions.
After the salt mist test, cleaning, and recovery the test samples shall be re-tested according to
6.3 for non-concentrator modules or 6.4 for CPV modules.
6.8 B ypass d io d e te s t
6.8.1 P urpose
This test is performed following the salt mist exposure only if the module includes bypass or
blocking diodes. Its purpose is to verify that the bypass or blocking diode(s) of the test
samples remains functional.
6.8.2 P rocedure
Perform the test according to MQT 18.1 of IEC 61215-2 except omitting the application of heat
to the specimen. For any technology specific requirem ents refer to the appropriate 61215-1-x
series document. The modified test steps are as follows:
Apply a current equal to of 1,25 times (± 5 %) the STC short-circuit current of the test sample
for a period of 1 h.
6.8.3 R eq uirem en ts
After the 1 h of current flow check that the bypass diode(s) remains operational according to
MQT 18.2 of IEC 61215-2.
7 Requirements
7.1 G eneral
The two PV samples that undergo the testing sequences included in Figure 1 or Figure 2 shall
exhibit no mechanical deterioration or corrosion of module components which would
significantly impair their function during their intended life.
All pass fail criteria corresponding to tests MQT 01, MQT 02, MQT 03, MST 17, MST 13 and
MQT 18.2 shall be fulfilled according to what is specified in IEC 61215-1, IEC 61215-2, and
IEC 61730-2 for these specific tests, taking into account any technology specific requirements
or m odifications in the IEC 61215-1-x series.
IEC 61701:2020 © IEC 2020 -9 -
7.3.1 No significant amount of water should remain inside the test sample after the salt
mist test (the depth of the remaining water should not reach any electrically active parts in
any possible position).
7.3.2 After the salt mist test the relative power degradation shall not exceed 7 % if the l-V
measurement is under outdoor natural sunlight, or 5 % if the l-V measurement is under solar
7.3.3 All pass fail criteria corresponding to tests in IEC 62108 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 and
10.5 shall be fulfilled according to what is specified for these specific tests.
8 Test report
A test report with measured performance characteristics and test results shall be prepared by
the test agency. The test report shall contain the following data:
a) a title;
b) name and address of the test laboratory and location where the tests were carried out;
c) unique identification of the report and of each page, and a clear identification of the
purpose of the test report;
d) name and address of client, where appropriate;
e) reference to sampling procedure, where relevant;
f) date of receipt of test items and date(s) of test, where appropriate;
g) description and identification of the items tested. If the test has been made on
representative samples and not on the full-size samples this has to be clearly indicated;
h) characterization and condition of the test items;
i) identification of test method used;
j) characteristics of the salt solution used;
k) test method applied for the salt mist test according to IEC 60068-2-52 including test
I) any deviations from, additions to or exclusions from the test method, and any other
information relevant to a specific test, such as environm ental conditions;
m) measurements, exam inations and derived results supported by tables, graphs, sketches
and photographs as appropriate including any failures observed;
n) a statem ent of the estimated uncertainty of the test results (where relevant);
o) a signature and title, or equivalent identification of the person(s) accepting responsibility
for the content of the report, and the date of issue;
p) where relevant, a statem ent to the effect that the results relate only to the items tested;
q) a statem ent that the report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written
approval of the laboratory.
A copy of this report shall be kept by the laboratory and manufacturer for reference purposes.
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3 modules
NOTE 1 T ests desig n ate d w ith MQT are taken from IEC 61215-2 and w ith MST are taken from IEC 61730-2 .
NOTE 2 The co n tro l m odule should be used as a check every tim e the te st m odules are m easured to e valuate the
e ffe ct o f the sa lt m ist test.
NOTE 1 T ests 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 and 10.5 are taken from IEC 62108.
NOTE 2 The co n tro l sam ple should be used as a check e ve ry tim e the te st sam ples are m easured to e valuate the
e ffe ct o f the sa lt m ist test.
A n nex A
A.1 Overview
IEC 60068-2-52 contains eight test methods comprised of four separate cycles. Test
methods 1 through 7 are performed with a 5 % NaCI solution at neutral pH, and test method 8
is performed with a 5 % NaCI solution acidified to pH of 3,5. Test methods 1 and 2 include
constant wet conditions with interm ittent salt mist. Test methods 3 through 6 are based on a
seven day cycle which includes interm ittent salt mist, high humidity conditions, and a three
day dry-off and relaxation period at a standard atmospheric condition. Test methods 7 and 8
were developed for automotive industry materials and include an 8 h cycle comprising salt
mist followed by rapid hot air dry-off and subsequent re-wetting at high humidity.
Correlation between these test methods and lifetime corrosion resistance of PV modules is
unknown. ISO 9227 and ISO 9223 describe sim ilar methods for determining the corrosivity in
a chamber test and in the natural environment, respectively, by measuring the mass loss due
to corrosion of bare steel panels. According to these methods, Test methods 1 through 6
achieve mass loss of steel in approximate proportion to the total test duration. Test methods 7
and 8 do not include a specific test duration, but they achieve more mass loss per 24 h than
test methods 1 through 6. However, correlation between corrosion of bare steel and damage
to PV modules from corrosive environments is unknown due to the significantly different
mechanisms of degradation in the two cases.
NOTE 1 The 2017 update to IEC 60068-2-52 changed the nom enclature from “severity" to “test m ethod" in part
because h igher num bers do not n e ce ssarily denote a more severe test. It also added Test M ethods 7 and 8.
NOTE 2 The se ve rity o f cyclic corrosion test m ethods is g e n e ra lly understood to be a fu n ction o f the tim e duration
and q u a ntity o f salt m ist, tim e o f w etness or high hum idity co n d itio n s o u tsid e the period o f sa lt m ist, frequency of
wet and d ry cycling, and to ta l test du ra tio n . S o lu tio n pH is a co m plicating fa c to r w hose effect is m aterial
NOTE 3 In these m ethods, bare m etals are exposed and allow ed to corrode, the co rro sio n products rem oved, and
the loss o f m ass due to co rro sio n m easured. C orre la tio n o f m ass loss o f steel, alum inum , and zin c has been
d em onstrated, but data from steel coupons is more w idely available. ISO 9223 requires d ire ct exposure outdoors
for one year to determ ine a C 1-C 5 co rro sivity cla ssifica tio n o f the lo cation. ISO 9227 requires m ass loss w ithin a
sp e c ific range and d u ra tio n as a m easure o f te st va lid ity.
A.2 Recommendations for applying this document and selecting test methods
1 through 8
A .2.1 G eneral
The severity of the salt mist test shall be chosen according to the atmospheric corrosive
conditions prevailing in the location where the PV modules will be installed. Corrosivity
classifications C1 to CX in ISO 9223 may be used as a guide for determ ining whether to apply
this document as a special qualification sequence and for selecting an appropriate test
method. Application of testing according to this document is recommended for installations in
corrosivity class C3 or higher environments. Table A.1 summarizes the information in this
C1 and C2 represent environments with low corrosivity, which are generally in dry climates.
C1 environments are rare and may not exist in fully exposed areas in the natural environment,
but C2 environments are common in dry areas far from salt water bodies. C3 environments
are common in heavily industrialized areas, areas between approxim ately 2 km and 10 km
from salt water bodies, and areas with high humidity for much of the year. C4 and C5
environments are highly corrosive and typically associated with close proximity to salt water
IEC 61701:2020 © IEC 2020 -13-
bodies. The CX extreme corrosivity category was added to the original classifications to
represent offshore environments, such as experienced by floating installations of modules or
platforms used for oil and gas extraction in the ocean. The use of salts for de-icing or dust
control can create highly localized areas of high corrosivity that may not be captured in
published tools and maps of corrosivity classifications.
Although it is possible to correlate the test methods with ISO 9223 corrosivity classifications,
caution is advised because these classifications represent the effects of one year of exposure
on bare metal panels, which may not represent the effects of the same environment on a PV
module. None of these test methods represent a service life test.
NOTE There is no precise form ula to eq u ate d istance from a salt w a te r body to a co rro sivity cla ssifica tio n
because m any fa cto rs in flu e n ce this relatio n sh ip , in clu d in g topography, p re va iling w inds, se ve rity and fre q u e n cy of
w e a th er events, and o th er fa cto rs. In m ost cases, however, at d ista n ces g re a te r than a p p ro xim a tely 1 km or 2 km
from the ocean or salt w ater lakes, sa lt m ist in the a ir is g re a tly reduced com pared to areas im m ediately at the
w a te r's edge. An o n lin e tool fo r e stim a tin g the co rro sivity cla ssifica tio n o f m ost g lobal lo ca tio n s can be found at
h ttp s ://w w w .w b d g .o rg /to o ls/co rrd e fe n se /iso .h tm l.
This method achieves mass loss of steel comparable to one year in a C4 environment, as
does test method 5. IEC 60068-2-52 describes this method as being applicable for products
used in a marine environment, but this only applies to general qualification in the case of PV
modules, not the expected service life in many cases.
This method achieves mass loss of steel comparable to one year in a C2 environment. It shall
not be used for modules intended for continuous outdoor exposure due to its short duration.
Typically, test method 2 is used for products that are normally shielded from corrosive
environments but may experience incidental exposure during use or transport, such as test
A .2.4 Test m e th o ds 3 to 6
During the drying phase of this cycle, the NaCI concentration increases locally on the
specimen until precipitates form, typically accelerating corrosion processes. However, once
the local relative humidity (RH) near the specimens equilibrates to the standard conditions,
these processes mostly cease. The periods of relaxation may be useful for performing
interm ediate evaluations of specimens.
Test method 3 achieves mass loss of steel comparable to one year in a C2 environment. It
shall not be used for modules intended for continuous outdoor exposure due to its short
Test method 4 achieves mass loss of steel comparable to one year in a C3 environment. As
such, it may be used as a general qualification test.
Test method 5 achieves mass loss of steel comparable to one year in a C4 environment, as
does test method 1. Therefore, it is suitable for qualification of modules which may be located
near the ocean, salt water lakes or paved surfaces where de-icing salts are used but not
located close enough that direct spray or splashing is likely.
Test method 6 achieves mass loss of steel comparable to one year in a C5 environment.
Therefore, it is suitable for modules installed close enough to the ocean or deiced roads that
they could be interm ittently sprayed or splashed through wave or wind action.
Test methods 7 and 8 were developed for autom otive components and coatings, and they are
generally accepted to be the most severe among the test methods for equivalent durations.
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Their applicability to PV modules is unknown. However, these may be useful methods for
modules intended for CX environments or applications where modules passing the other test
methods are known to have corrosion related failures in use. In addition, these methods may
be useful for special applications such as on moving vehicles or seafaring vessels. Test
method 7 uses the same neutral pH solution as methods 1 to 6, while test method 8 uses an
acidic solution, which may be useful for applications with significant industrial pollution.
NOTE A n o th e r co m p licatio n w ith the use o f test m ethods 7 and 8 is that the rapid drying rate can be very d iffic u lt
to achieve in cham bers la rge enough fo r com m ercial m odules.
(testin g per this
- -- <10 none
docum ent not
;> 10 2 25 %
C3 200-400 4 (14 days)
2 to 10 <25 %
7 (90 days)
CX offshore -- 1500-5 500
8 (70 days)
NOTE 1 P ercentage tim e o f w etness (ToW ) is defined as the num ber o f hours during the year at w hich the RH is
at 80 % or h ig h e r and the te m p e ra tu re is g re a te r than 0 °C, d ivid e d by the total hours in a year. The d istance and
ToW param eters are sim p lifie d a p p ro xim a tio ns from a co rro sivity m apping tool that can be found at
h ttp s ://w w w .w b d g .o rg /to o ls/co rrd e fe n se /iso .h tm l.
NOTE 2 The cycle tim es fo r te st m ethods 1 through 6 are fixed in the IEC 60068-2-52 m ethod. Each o f these
m ethods a chieves steel m ass loss values near the m idpoints o f th e ir resp e ctive co rre sp o n ding ISO 9223
cla s s ific a tio n ranges. T est m ethods 7 and 8, a t the d u ra tio n s sp ecified achieve steel m ass loss near the m iddle of
the range fo r the CX cla ssifica tio n .