Final PT For Perdev

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Instructions: The task will be done by pair. You are tasked to submit video
recording of a MOCK JOB INTERVIEW. One should play as the EMPLOYER and
the other one should play as the EMPLOYEE which should be done in vice versa.
Each student should submit the video portraying the role of an employee. The
video presentation should not be less than five minutes. Each student is also
required to submit soft copy of the RESUMÉ and APPLICATION LETTER as part
of the job application. Sample scenario and set of questions for the interview will
be provided below.

Deadline of the video presentation: On or before January 10, 2023

Submission: All videos and files should be compiled in one folder and must
be uploaded to the Google Drive folder provided by your Class Mayor.

You are now a fresh graduate in college and you want to apply for an interview
for your dream job. You are tasked to create a portfolio comprising the following
documents and submit the same to HR DEPARTMENT of the company you’re
applying for.


Important reminders:

1. Each student should wear the appropriate attire for a job interview.
2. No reading of script during the interview.
3. All the answers of the EMPLOYEE should be impromptu and not scripted.
4. English should be the medium of instruction during the interview.
5. Make sure that your video recording is audible.
6. The EMPLOYER should be the one to create the interview questions to be
given by the EMPLOYEE.
7. Interview questions should be aligned on the desired position of the
8. No foul words, offensive and too personal questions are allowed during the
conduct of the interview.
9. You will be graded based on the rubrics given below.
10. Ace the interview and aim to be the asset of the target company!
During the interview, your goal is to convince the HR DEPARTMENT that you
are the best person fitted for the job. The HR will evaluate your performance in
the interview using the following standards:


4 3 2 1

PLANNING -clearly defined goals -defined goals -limited goals -no clearly defined
PROCESS -detailed plan consistent -plan of action -undefined goals
with goals loosely based on plan of action
goals -no plan of action

CONTENT OR -includes required -includes most fewer than half -lack of required
ORGANIZATION content required content of the required components
-content presented in a -organization is components -lack of
concise, well-organized adequate -some organization
manner organization
difficult to

INNOVATIVE -demonstrates a high -neat and -demonstrate a -demonstrate no

COMPONENTS degree of insight, presentable low level of originality or
originality, and creativity -general knowledge creativity creativity
base on career
-product would be
an acceptable

PRODUCT -polished and well -neat and -reasonably -poorly presented

presented presentable neat and -no evidence of
-high level of -general knowledge presentable knowledge base of
understanding of career base of career -gaps in career concepts
concepts concepts knowledge -product is not
-product would serve as -product would be base of career suitable in
a strong asset in an acceptable tool concepts employment
employment search in employment -with search
search additional
attention to
detail product
could become
valuable in



4 3 2 1

APPEARANCE -overall appearance is -overall neat appearance is overall

very neat. Choice in appearance somewhat appearance is
clothing is appropriate choice in clothing is untidy untidy
for any job interview acceptable in a job
-very well groomed interview
-overall appearance is well groomed
business like

GREETING professional acceptable behavior, used typical unacceptable

behavior and language well- mannered, behavior and behavior and
professional lacking language-did language
courteous to all modify
involved in interview behavior to fit
the interview

COMMUNICATION -very attentive showed interest showed some presentation

speaking clearly throughout the interest shows
appropriate use of interview speaking lack of interest
sentence structure and unclearly
grammar speaking clearly speaking is
Commitment and sentence unclear
enthusiasm for job is sentence grammar grammar and
conveyed and structure are structure have sentence
acceptable minimal grammar and
mistakes structure have
many mistakes

BODY LANGUAGE -no fidgeting minimal fidgeting make some fidgeted at all
fidgeting times
eye contact made brief slouching but slouching
throughout the interview quickly correcting lack of eye
self make eye contact
sitting straight in the eye contact made contact
chair sometimes intermittently slouching at all

RESPOND TO Thorough answers to the answers are gives inappropriate

QUESTIONS question acceptable and inaccurate answers to
unacceptable answers questions

ASKING asked questions relating asked question not asked question no questions to
QUESTIONS to the desired position. relating to the not relating to ask
(Evidence is shown that desired position the desired
the applicant had position
researched the business
or career field



 When offered the interview, ask for the names and titles of your interviewers.

 Ask approximately how long the interview is expected to be.

 Practice, practice, practice! Review your resume and work history.

 Make sure you are prepared to answer a variety of questions!

 Make sure you do your research and know information about the position and
the company.
 Show your interest! Consider doing a dry run beforehand. Get up, get dressed,
drive to the interview location, etc.

 Find a business professional outfit.

 Arrive early – but not TOO early.

 The interview lasts from the time you pull into the parking space to the time you
pull out of the parking space.


1. First impressions are key! Smile, make good eye contact, offer a firm handshake,
and greet the recruiter using his/her name (e.g., Mr./Ms./Dr.)

2. Be a good listener! Don't sit down until you are invited to do so

3. Avoid criticizing others and oversharing or being too personal.

4. Be positive, friendly, confident, and enthusiastic (but not gushy, fake, or


5. Maintain direct eye contact during the interview.

6. Answer questions with examples of specific circumstances, action, and results

achieved. You may find that you are talking about 75% percent of the time.

7. Be careful not to ramble, watch your grammar and avoid jargon, colloquialisms,

8. If you aren’t sure what the employer is asking, feel free to ask for clarification,
and take time to think before you answer.

FOLLOW UP! Send each interviewer an individual thank you note via email

 Make reference to specific things you discussed in the interview or during your
conversation. Or use the thank you to reinforce key points that sell you, your
interest in the position, something you failed to share during your interview but
should have.

 Request a connection via LinkedIn. If you haven’t heard from them after the time
frame that they provided at the end of your interview (your last question should
always be, "When can I expect to hear from you?"), call or email to check on the
status of the position and reiterate your interest.

1. Be yourself! Be authentic, upbeat, focused, confident, candid, and concise.

2. Let your personality shine through. Speak slowly, avoid 'um' and 'like', and use

3. Remember, at its most basic form, interviews are a conversation.

4. Be prepared. Have extra copies of your resume, notify your references, update
your LinkedIn.

5. Come with examples and stories that not only tell the employer you are good at
something or have experience but also show them exactly what you have done!

6. Arrive on time (that means 10-15 minutes early), relaxed, and prepared for the


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