Script Advocacy

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Deforestation is the clearance or removing of trees where the land is thereafter
converted to a non-forest use. Right now, deforestation is tearing apart the forests
(especially the rainforests) around the world, and releasing excessive amounts of
carbon dioxide into the Earth’s atmosphere. Forests cover over 30% of the Earth’s
land. One and a half acres of forest is cut down every second. Unfortunately, it is
estimated that in less than 100 years there will be no more rainforests existing, as
a result of deforestation. Many animals around the world depend on these
rainforests — it is where they live.
However, it is not just these endangered species that deforestation is affecting.
Deforestation is having a shocking effect on the environment, and on global
warming specifically. When we cut down trees all of this carbon is released into
the atmosphere; thus affects global warming.


Save our Forests
You can contribute to the efforts against deforestation by doing these easy steps:

Plant a Tree where you can.

Go paperless at home and in the office.
Buy recycled products and then recycle them again.
Buy certified wood products. Read the labels and look for the FSC (Forest
Stewardship Council) mark.
Support the products of companies that are committed to reducing deforestation.
It’s all about business. If you don’t buy, they will be encouraged to improve their
Raise awareness in your circle and in your community.
Buy only what you will use.
Don’t use Palm Oil or products with Palm Oil.
Every product that is made out of trees is Recyclable. Practice recycling

The Trees have no Tongues…

We’ve heard about how we’re losing vast tracts of forests each year – for many
reasons. We’ve also learned about the negative effects. Trees are a very
important part of our biodiversity. It is vital to life on Earth. So how come we’re
killing them? How can we stop deforestation?

Clearly, we have to make a change. Some eco-friendly decisions we can do to

stop global warming from getting worse are to power our homes with renewable
energy like solar, to invest in energy efficient appliances, reduce water waste, and
to drive a fuel efficient vehicle. By taking even the smallest of steps to combat the
effects of deforestation, we are moving towards a brighter and healthier world.
The Causes of Deforestation: Why Is Deforestation Happening?
Multiple factors, either of human or natural origin, cause deforestation. Natural
factors include natural forest fires or parasite-caused diseases which can result
in deforestation. Nevertheless, human activities are among the main causes
of global deforestation. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO), the expansion of agriculture caused nearly 80% of global deforestation,
with the construction of infrastructures such as roads or dams, together with
mining activities and urbanization, making up the remaining causes of

1. Agriculture is the Number 1 Cause of Deforestation (~80%)

2. Deforestation Caused By New Constructions (~15%)
3. Urbanization Is Causing Deforestation (~5%)

Deforestation Effects – How Does Deforestation Affect The Environment?

Deforestation has many consequences for natural ecosystems and it poses
serious problems to the resilience of the planet. Let’s take a look at the main
effects of deforestation to better understand why it is bad for the planet.

The Effects of Deforestation on Biodiversity

The Effects of Deforestation on Local People and Their Livelihoods
Deforestation for Food May Lead to Food Insecurity in the Future
Soil Erosion is one of the Consequences of Deforestation
Deforestation Affects and Contributes to Climate Change

How Can We Stop Deforestation? Solutions to Deforestation

How can we stop deforestation? According to OECD, the human population is
expected to continue to increase and reach over 9 billion people by 2050. At the
current rate of consumption, and with more people inhabiting Earth, the need for
more space to grow food and extract natural resources is only likely to increase –
depending, of course, on tech development such as artificial foods. As the
demand for food or raw materials like cotton or minerals increases, so does the
need to turn forests into farmland, pastureland, or mining spots. Under this
broader perspective, how can we stop deforestation?

Eating Less Meat Helps Stop Deforestation

Consuming Less and More Consciously Helps Stop Deforestation
To Stop Deforestation, When You Consume: Use, Use, Use
Leaving Fossil Fuels and Palm Oil Behind
Lead by Example and Spread Awareness

A Broader Perspective: How Can We Stop Deforestation?

Apart from people’s individual contributions to stop deforestation, from a political
and systemic perspective, other more direct and hands-on actions approaches
can be taken:
1 – Fighting illegal logging and limiting logging in old-growth forests;
2 – Protecting forested areas by creating laws and policies that ensure forests
are kept protected and restored and betting on land practices such as wildfire
3 – Reforming trade agreements, starting to value differently products obtained
through deforestation, and creating incentives for the use of sustainable forestry
certifications such as FSC;
4 – Educating local communities and tourists about the need to protect forests
and develop and enroll in ecotourism activities.

Image credits to deforestation on Shutterstock, trees deforestation on

Shutterstock and palm oil deforestation on Shutterstock

1. Wikimedia
2. istock
Good morning ma’am, good morning everyone. Today I will present to you my
daily schedule, my projected expenses every semester, and lastly my advocacy.
So this is my daily schedule as you can see I have classes weekdays and
weekends, after classes the rest of my time I spend is on doing my school works,
do chores and sometimes me time.
Next is my projected expenses in the 1st and 2nd semester. Every month I spend
the highest on Dorm rent which summed up to 29 percent, but in the 2nd semester
I projected that I will spend the most in School expenses because we have many
activities and it will cost.
Lastly is my advocacy. Drop Seed not Trees is an advocacy campaign against
deforestation. The Trees have no Tongues…
We’ve heard about how we’re losing vast tracts of forests each year – for many
reasons. We’ve also learned about the negative effects. Trees are a very
important part of our biodiversity. It is vital to life on Earth. So how come we’re
killing them? How can we stop deforestation?
Clearly, we have to make a change. Some eco-friendly decisions we can do to
stop global warming from getting worse are to power our homes with renewable
energy like solar, to invest in energy efficient appliances, reduce water waste, and
to drive a fuel efficient vehicle. By taking even the smallest of steps to combat the
effects of deforestation, we are moving towards a brighter and healthier world.
Join me as I spread awareness in combating deforestation with the Drop seed not
trees campaign.

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