MTCS WS PilotTechnicianGrade1

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Witness Statement

Pilot Technician Grade I

Verification of competence, education and training

Candidate Name:

Date of birth:

Candidate email:

I confirm that the person detailed above:

1 Has been employed by (company name)

2 At the position of

Between the dates of and

3 Totalling approximately offshore days

4 I can confirm that the person holds a valid and authentic academic/trade qualification (where applicable) for the
position at which they are employed (please provide copies of certificates) .

5 In my view the person has demonstrated the skills necessary to be deemed competent at the above grade in
accordance with IMCA guidelines (if applicable) R/R03/000/01-10 (listed on sheet 2) within the IMCA competence
framework. I would therefore like to recommend that they be assessed for the grade (please provide copies of
recent appraisals/performance reviews).

6 The person has a valid offshore medical and survival suitable for the geographical area in which they work (please
provide copies of certificates) .

Witness name: Position:

Witness signature: Date:

Witness email: Witness
contact no:
Company name / address:

MTCS (UK) Ltd Tel: +44 (0)15394 40200


© MTCS Ltd. 19/05/2021

Pilot Technician Grade I

Job Summary:
A Pilot Tech I is regarded as someone who can undertake 'first line' fault-finding on equipment and undertake routine
maintenance. In many cases, the PTI will be required to assist the Senior Pilot Tech (Sub Eng) in more complex technical
activities such as component-level fault-finding, system set-up and calibration.

In practise there is some overlap between PTI and Senior Pilot Tech (Sub Eng) grades. It is not the intention of this
programme to limit the technical activities undertaken by a PTI when they are clearly capable of undertaking some of
the responsibilities of the Senior Pilot Tech (Sub Eng) grade, with the consent of the ROV supervisor or assessor.

Entry Level Specifications:

● Valid and current offshore medical certificate that is acceptable in the region of the world in which they are employed

● Valid and current offshore survival certificate that is acceptable in the region of the world in which they are employed

● Achieve 180 days offshore experience at PTII grade

● Achieve 100 hours piloting experience at PTII grade (40 hours can be on Type A or B Simulators). This can include up
to a maximum of 20 hours on Type B Simulators

© MTCS Ltd. 19/05/2021

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