Carrier 30GTN GTR

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Product 30GTN,GTR

Air-Cooled Reciprocating
Data Liquid Chillers
with ComfortLink™ Controls
50/60 Hz
Nominal Capacities: 60 to 410 Tons
205 to 1445 kW

ComfortLink control
Your link to a world of simple and easy
to use air-cooled chillers that offer out-
standing performance and value. The
30GTN,GTR liquid chillers employ
more than the latest advanced micro-
processor controls, they utilize an
expandable platform that grows as your
needs change. From stand-alone opera-
tion to remotely monitored and oper-
ated multi-chiller plants, ComfortLink
controls can keep you plugged in.
ComfortLink controls are fully com-
municating, and are cable ready for
connection to a Carrier Comfort Net-
work (CCN). Occupancy scheduling,
temperature and pressure read-outs,
and the ComfortLink scrolling mar-
quee clear language display compli-
ment the standard features, linking you
to a world of carefree comfort. The
30GTN,GTR chillers are built on the
legendary performance of the Carrier
model 30G Flotronic™ chiller and
share many of the same time-proven
features and technologies providing
easy operation, quick installation and
start-ups that save you money!
Superior temperature control
equals potential for greater
Whether in the classroom, on the pro-
duction floor, or in the office,
ComfortLink controls can help you to
adapt to changing weather and busi-
ness conditions. Accurate temperature
control provided by the Carrier Com-
fortLink system helps to maintain
higher levels of indoor air quality, ther-
mal comfort, and productivity space.
While many air-cooled chillers use
only leaving fluid temperature control,
the 30GTN,GTR chillers utilize leaving
fluid temperature control with a stan-
dard entering fluid temperature com-
pensation. This Carrier exclusive
Copyright 2003 Carrier Corporation Form 30GTN-5PD
provides smart control and intelligent The fully integrated ComfortLink best parts make it into 30GTN,GTR
machine capacity staging. Unlike many control system maintains efficient con- chillers. Long life and reliability are also
chillers, Carrier model 30GTN,GTR trol over the compressors, unloaders, a function of design. While some man-
chillers do not require constant fluid expansion valves, and condenser fans ufacturers like to talk about moving
flow. The ability to operate with vari- to optimize performance as conditions parts, Carrier’s engineers recognized
able flow also allows building owners to change. The Carrier exclusive long- the potential dangers to chiller systems
realize even greater overall system stroke electronic expansion valve caused by problems in the power distri-
energy savings in the chilled water (EXV) operates at reduced condensing bution system. Low voltage and phase
pumping system of up to 85%, and not pressures, thereby allowing the control imbalances are but a few of the condi-
just at the chiller. to operate the fans down to lower out- tions that can hurt the compressor’s
Energy management made door temperatures. By utilizing valve motor. Model 30G chillers were one of
easy position information, the control main- the first to offer ground current sensing
tains the highest possible evaporator to prevent compressor motor burn-out
While 30GTN,GTR chillers have many pressure and minimizes the excessive that would contaminate the system and
standard features such as network superheat that conventional thermal potentially threaten the life of future
communications capability and temper- expansion valve (TXV) systems require. replacement compressors. The 06E
ature reset based on return fluid tem- Wider operating ranges equal semi-hermetic compressors are built
perature, they can also expand as increased efficiencies and lower for performance and have proven
needs change. Supply temperature installed costs. themselves in commercial refrigeration
reset based on outside air or space equipment worldwide.
temperature is as easy as adding a ther- Building design flexibility
With tens of thousands of chillers
mistor. The Energy Management Design and consulting engineers will operating in all corners of the world,
option can allow you to take advantage appreciate the broad selection of sizes end-users count on the reliability of
of changing utility rate structures with and wide operating range offered by Carrier 30G chillers. The Carrier
easy to use load shedding, demand lim- the 30GTN,GTR chillers. With built-in McMinnville, Tennessee (U.S.A.) plant
iting and temperature reset capabilities. dual chiller control, imaginative large is an ISO 9001:2000 registered facility
Reset triggered via 4 to 20 mA signal tonnage systems can be easily engi- as are many of Carrier’s other compo-
makes integrating from an existing neered and controlled with smaller, nent and assembly plants throughout
building management system simple. easier to handle modules. Modular the world.
The ComfortLink™ platform can be design allows engineers to consider
expanded further with the Service side by side, offset, or angled place- Features
Option which has all of the features of ment to fit the awkward spaces that the • Simple and easy to use
the Energy Management option, along architect sometimes leaves for mechan- ComfortLink communicating
with an additional hand-held ical systems. Or, in the case of planned controls.
ComfortLink Navigator™ display, expansion, additional cooling can be • Wide operating envelope from –28
remote service connection port, and brought on-line and controlled from the to 52 C (–20 to 125 F).
GFCI convenience outlet (60 Hz only). same system. • Accurate temperature control with
While providing additional information In some places facility managers may return fluid compensation.
in a clear language format, the Naviga- find that the cash flow provided by • Value added features built-in; dual
tor display can be plugged into the unit building up large air-cooled multi-chiller chiller control, reset from return.
at either the control panel or at the plants can easily offset any efficiency • Superior full and part-load
remote service port, allowing the ser- losses when compared to large water- efficiency.
vice technician to operate the unit from cooled centrifugal type chilled water • Precise multiple-step capacity.
where the maintenance or service work plants. • Low noise operation (quieter than
is being performed, thereby minimizing Quality and reliability many screw chillers).
downtime to ensure the system is ready • Dual independent refrigerant
for operation in the shortest amount of To assure long life and quality perfor- circuits.
time. Both the Energy Management mance, every chiller (both 50 and • Full load factory run tested.
and Service Options can be factory- 60 Hz) is factory run tested at full load. • Wide range of sizes available from
supplied or can be added in the field at Individual components are also tested stock.
a later date as needs change. at many levels to assure that only the • History of proven performance and
Full and part load efficiency reliability.
The 30GTN,GTR chillers with
Table of contents
ComfortLink control offer outstanding Page
efficiencies (EER [Energy Efficiency Features/Benefits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Ratio], COP [coefficient of perfor- Model Number Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
mance], and IPLV [integrated part load Physical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-24
→ value]) in both full (up to 9.96 EER) Factory-Installed Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
and part load operation (IPLVs up to Field-Installed Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
14.7). Increased part load efficiency is Base Unit Dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-42
provided by dual independent Application Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-51
refrigeration circuits, suction cutoff Selection Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52,53
unloading, and return fluid temperature Performance Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-76
compensation. All 30GTN,GTR chiller Electrical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77-84
efficiencies are ASHRAE 90.1-1999 Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-87
compliant. Typical Piping and Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88,89
Guide Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-93

2 104
Features/Benefits (cont)


28% GAIN


Run Status
Service Test
Inputs Alarm Status
Time Clock
Operating Modes


Performance Assurance

Rated in accordance with

ARI Standard 550/590-98
(60 Hz only).

Model number nomenclature
30GT N 130 - E C 9 2 3 --

- - – NOTE: Contact your Carrier representative
for details on available factory-installed
30GT – Air-Cooled Liquid Chiller options.

Compressor Start
N – Across-The-Line Start with ComfortLink™ Packaging
Controls 1 – Domestic
R – Part-Wind Start with ComfortLink Controls 3 – Export

Unit Sizes* Not Used

060 100 170 245 315 420
070 110 190 255 330
080 130 210 270 360 V-Ph-Hz
090 150 230 290 390 1 – 575-3-60
2 – 380-3-60†
5 – 208/230-3-60
6 – 460-3-60
Module Designation (230-420 Unit Sizes Only)* 9 – 380/415-3-50†

Convenience Group Options Condenser Coil Options

- – Standard Marquee Display - – Copper Tube, Aluminum Fins
E – Standard Marquee Display with C – Copper Tube, Copper Fins
Energy Management Option E – Copper Tube, Aluminum E-Coated Fins
S – Service Option with Navigator Display (208/230,460,575v) F – Copper Tube, Copper E-Coated Fins
V – Service Option with Navigator Display (380,380/415v) K – Copper Tube, Pre-Coated Aluminum Fins

EXV — Electronic Expansion Valve
*Refer to Unit Sizes and Modular Combinations below.
†Export only — not for U.S. domestic sale.


Quality Assurance
A UNIT B UNIT Approvals:
60 60 — — ISO 9001
70 70 — — ®

EN 9000:2000


80 80 — — 90
01:2000 #A
90 90 — —
100 100 — —
110 110 — —
130 125 — —
150 145 — —
170 160 — —
190 180 — —
210 200 — —
230 220 150 080
245 230 150 090
255 240 150 100
270 260 170 100
290 280 190 110
315 300 210 110
330 325 170 170
360 350 190 190/170*
390 380 210 190
420 410 210 210
*60-Hz units/50-Hz units.

30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 060 070 080 090 100 110
SYSTEM MODULES — — — — — —
Cu-Al 4740 5028 6630 7015 8610 8660
Cu-Cu 5157 5656 7355 7740 9560 9610
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (lb)
Ckt A 52/14 70/15 78/15 78/15 98/20 98/20
Ckt B 54/14 69/15 78/15 78/15 105/20 105/20
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (rpm) 1750
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (1) 275 (1) 299 (1) 250, (1) 275 (1) 250, (1) 265 (1) 265, (1) 275 (1) 265, (1) 299
(Qty) Ckt B (1) 299 (1) 299 (1) 299 (2) 265 (1) 265, (1) 275 (1) 265, (1) 275
Physical data

Oil Charge (Compressor/pt) 250/14.0, 265/19.0, 275/19.0, 299/19.0

No. Capacity Control Steps 4 4 7 11 11 11
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 43.3 50.0 56.0 47.0 50.0 54.0
Ckt B 56.7 50.0 44.0 53.0 50.0 46.0
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 28.8 33.3 22.0 18.0 15.0 14.0
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Fan Speed (rpm) 1140
No. Blades...Dia. (in.) 4...30
No. Fans...Hp/kW (each) 6...1/0.746 6...1/0.746 6...1/0.746 6...1/0.746 8...1/0.746 8...1/0.746
Total Airflow (cfm) 52,000 51,000 57,000 57,000 76,000 76,000
CONDENSER COILS 3/ -in. OD Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/in. 17 17 17 17 17 17
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 2 3 3 3 3 3
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq ft) 116.7 116.7 128.3 128.3 168.0 168.0
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (psig) 450
COOLER One...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, lb) 620 620 745 745 860 860
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (gal.) 18.0 18.0 24.5 24.5 30.3 30.3
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (psig) 278 278 278 278 278 278
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (psig) 300 300 300 300 300 300
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 4 4 4 4 5 5
Drain (NPT) 3/

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

60 Hz ENGLISH (cont)
30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 130 150 170 190 210 230
SYSTEM MODULES — — — — — A B Total
Cu-Al 10,046 10,481 11,293 12,676 13,380 10,481 6630 17,111
Cu-Cu 11,318 11,753 12,565 14,195 14,899 11,753 7355 19,108
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (lb)
Ckt A 133/28 143/35 153/45 178/30 190/40 143/35 78/15 —/—
Ckt B 133/28 143/35 162/45 178/30 185/40 144/35 78/15 —/—
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (rpm) 1750
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (1) 275, (1) 299 (3) 265 (3) 275 (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 (3) 265, (1) 275 (3) 265 (1) 250, (1) 275 —/—
(Qty) Ckt B (1) 275, (1) 299 (2) 299 (3) 275 (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 (1) 275, (2) 299 (2) 299 (1) 299 —/—
Oil Charge (Compressor/pt) 250/14.0, 265/19.0, 275/19.0, 299/19.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 11 14 17 6 7 14 8 —
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 50 50 50 50 50 50 56 —
Ckt B 50 50 50 50 50 50 44 —
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 14 11 11 14 12 11 22 —
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Physical data (cont)

Fan Speed (rpm) 1140 1140 1140 1140 1140 1140 1140 —
No. Blades...Dia. (in.) 4...30 4...30 4...30 4...30 4...30 4...30 4...30 —
No. Fans...Hp/kW (each) 10...1/0.746 10...1/0.746 10...1/0.746 12...1/0.746 12...1/0.746 10...1/0.746 6...1/0.746 16...1/0.746
Total Airflow (cfm) 100,000 100,000 100,000 120,000 120,000 100,000 57,000 157,000
CONDENSER COILS 3/ -in. OD, Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/in. 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 —
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 —
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq ft) 225.1 225.1 225.1 268.9 268.9 225.1 128.3 353.4
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (psig) 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 —
COOLER One...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube One Per Module...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, lb) 1320 1320 1630 1630 1865 1320 745 2065
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (gal.) 52.0 52.0 61.0 61.0 70.4 52.0 24.5 76.5
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (psig) 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 —
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (psig) 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 —
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 —
Drain (NPT) 3/

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.
60 Hz ENGLISH (cont)
30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 245 255 270
SYSTEM MODULES A B Total A B Total A B Total
Cu-Al 10,481 7015 17,496 10,481 8610 19,091 11,293 8610 19,903
Cu-Cu 11,753 7740 19,493 11,753 9560 21,313 12,565 9560 22,125
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (lb)
Ckt A 143/35 78/15 —/— 143/35 98/20 —/— 153/45 98/20 —/—
Ckt B 144/35 78/15 —/— 144/35 105/20 —/— 162/45 105/20 —/—
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (rpm) 1750
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (3) 265 (1) 265, (1) 250 — (3) 265 (1) 265, (1) 275 — (3) 275 (1) 265, (1) 275 —
(Qty) Ckt B (2) 299 (2) 265 — (2) 299 (1) 265, (1) 275 — (3) 275 (1) 265, (1) 275 —
Oil Charge (Compressor/pt) 250/14.0, 265/19.0, 275/19.0, 299/19.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 14 11 — 14 11 — 17 11 —
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 50 47 — 50 50 — 50 50 —
Ckt B 50 53 — 50 50 — 50 50 —
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 11 18 — 11 15 — 11 15 —
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Fan Speed (rpm) 1140 1140 — 1140 1140 — 1140 1140 —
No. Blades...Dia. (in.) 4...30 4...30 — 4...30 4...30 — 4...30 4...30 —
No. Fans...Hp/kW (each) 10...1/0.746 6...1/0.746 16...1/0.746 10...1/0.746 8...1/0.746 18...1/0.746 10...1/0.746 8...1/0.746 18...1/0.746
Total Airflow (cfm) 100,000 57,000 157,000 100,000 76,000 176,000 100,000 76,000 176,000
CONDENSER COILS 3/ -in. OD, Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/in. 17 17 — 17 17 — 17 17 —
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 3 3 — 3 3 — 3 3 —
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq ft) 225.1 128.3 353.4 225.1 168.0 393.1 225.1 168.0 393.1
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (psig) 450 450 — 450 450 — 450 450 —
COOLER One Per Module...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, lb) 1320 745 2065 1320 860 2180 1630 860 2490
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (gal.) 52.0 24.5 76.5 52.0 30.3 82.3 61.0 30.3 91.3
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (psig) 278 278 — 278 278 — 278 278 —
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (psig) 300 300 — 300 300 — 300 300 —
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6 4 — 6 5 — 6 5 —
Drain (NPT) 3/
4 — 3/
4 — 3/
4 —

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

60 Hz ENGLISH (cont)
30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 290 315 330
SYSTEM MODULES A B Total A B Total A B Total
Cu-Al 12,676 8660 21,336 13,380 8660 22,040 11,293 11,293 22,586
Cu-Cu 14,195 9610 23,805 14,899 9610 24,509 12,565 12,565 25,130
Charge, Total Over Clear Glass (lb)
Ckt A 178/30 98/20 —/— 190/40 98/20 —/— 153/45 153/45 —/—
Ckt B 173/30 105/20 —/— 185/40 105/20 —/— 162/45 162/45 —/—
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (rpm) 1750
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 — (3) 265, (1) 275 (1) 265, (1) 299 — (3) 275 (3) 275 —
(Qty) Ckt B (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 275 — (1) 275, (2) 299 (1) 265, (1) 275 — (3) 275 (3) 275 —
Oil Charge (Compressor/pt) 265/19.0, 275/19.0, 299/19.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 6 11 — 7 11 — 17 17 —
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 50 54 — 50 54 — 50 50 —
Ckt B 50 46 — 50 46 — 50 50 —
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 14 14 — 12 14 — 11 11 —
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Physical data (cont)

Fan Speed (rpm) 1140 1140 — 1140 1140 — 1140 1140 —
No. Blades...Dia. (in.) 4...30 4...30 — 4...30 4...30 — 4...30 4...30 —
No. Fans...Hp/kW (each) 12...1/0.746 8...1/0.746 20...1/0.746 12...1/0.746 8...1/0.746 20...1/0.746 10...1/0.746 10...1/0.746 20...1/0.746
Total Airflow (cfm) 120,000 76,000 196,000 120,000 76,000 196,000 100,000 100,000 200,000
CONDENSER COILS 3/ -in. OD, Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/in. 17 17 — 17 17 — 17 17 —
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 3 3 — 3 3 — 3 3 —
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq ft) 268.9 168.0 436.9 268.9 168.0 436.9 225.1 225.1 450.2
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (psig) 450 450 — 450 450 — 450 450 —
COOLER One Per Module...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, lb) 1630 860 2490 1865 860 2725 1630 1630 3260
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (gal.) 61.0 30.3 91.3 70.4 30.3 100.7 61.0 61.0 122.0
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (psig) 278 278 — 278 278 — 278 278 —
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (psig) 300 300 — 300 300 — 300 300 —
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6 5 — 6 5 — 6 6 —
Drain (NPT) 3/
4 — 3/
4 — 3/
4 —

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.
60 Hz ENGLISH (cont)
30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 360 390 420
SYSTEM MODULES A B Total A B Total A B Total
Cu-Al 12,676 12,676 25,352 13,380 12,676 26,056 13,380 13,380 26,760
Cu-Cu 14,195 14,195 28,390 14,899 14,195 29,094 14,899 14,899 29,798
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (lb)
Ckt A 178/30 178/30 —/— 190/40 178/30 —/— 190/40 190/40 —/—
Ckt B 173/30 173/30 —/— 185/40 173/30 —/— 185/40 185/40 —/—
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (rpm) 1750
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 — (3) 265, (1) 275 (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 — (3) 265, (1) 275 (3) 265, (1) 275 —
(Qty) Ckt B (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 — (1) 275, (2) 299 (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 — (1) 275, (2) 299 (1) 275, (2) 299 —
Oil Charge (Compressor/pt) 265/19.0, 275/19.0, 299/ 19.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 6 6 — 8 7 — 7 7 —
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 50 50 — 50 50 — 50 50 —
Ckt B 50 50 — 50 50 — 50 50 —
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 14 14 — 12 14 — 12 12 —
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Fan Speed (rpm) 1140 1140 — 1140 1140 — 1140 1140 —
No. Blades...Dia. (in.) 4...30 4...30 — 4...30 4...30 — 4...30 4...30 —
No. Fans...Hp/kW (each) 12...1/0.746 12...1/0.746 24...1/0.746 12...1/0.746 12...1/0.746 24...1/0.746 12...1/0.746 12...1/0.746 24...1/0.746
Total Airflow (cfm) 120,000 120,000 240,000 120,000 120,000 240,000 120,000 120,000 240,000
CONDENSER COILS 3/ -in. OD, Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/in. 17 17 — 17 17 — 17 17 —
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 3 3 — 3 3 — 3 3 —
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq ft) 268.9 268.9 537.8 268.9 268.9 537.8 268.9 268.9 537.8
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (psig) 450 450 — 450 450 — 450 450 —
COOLER One Per Module...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, lb) 1630 1630 3260 1865 1630 3495 1865 1865 3730
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (gal.) 61.0 61.0 122 70.4 61.0 131.4 70.4 70.4 140.8
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (psig) 278 278 — 278 278 — 278 278 —
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (psig) 300 300 — 300 300 — 300 300 —
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6 6 — 6 6 — 6 6 —
Drain (NPT) 3 /4 3 /4 — 3 /4 3/ — 3/ 3/ —
4 4 4

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

60 Hz SI

30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 060 070 080 090 100 110
SYSTEM MODULES — — — — — —
Cu-Al 2150 2280 3013 3189 3914 3935
Cu-Cu 2339 2565 3343 3518 4346 4368
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (kg)
Ckt A 23.6/6.3 31.7/6.8 35.4/6.8 35.4/6.8 44.5/9.1 44.5/9.1
Ckt B 24.5/6.3 31.3/6.8 35.4/6.8 35.4/6.8 47.7/9.1 47.7/9.1
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (r/s) 29.2
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (1) 275 (1) 299 (1) 250, (1) 275 (1) 250, (1) 265 (1) 265, (1) 275 (1) 265, (1) 299
(Qty) Ckt B (1) 299 (1) 299 (1) 299 (2) 265 (1) 265, (1) 275 (1) 265, (1) 275
Oil Charge (Compressor/L) 250/6.6, 265/9.0, 275/9.0, 299/9.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 4 4 7 11 11 11
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 43.3 50.0 56.0 47.0 50.0 54.0
Ckt B 56.7 50.0 44.0 53.0 50.0 46.0
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 28.8 33.3 22.0 18.0 15.0 14.0
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Physical data (cont)

Fan Speed (r/s) 19.0
No. Blades...Dia. (mm) 4... 762
No. Fans...kW (each) 6...0.746 6...0.746 6...0.746 6...0.746 8...0.746 8...0.746
Total Airflow (L/s) 25,540 24,068 26,898 26,898 35,864 35,864
CONDENSER COILS 9.53 mm OD, Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/in. 669 669 669 669 669 669
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 2 3 3 3 3 3
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq m) 10.84 10.84 11.92 11.92 15.61 15.61
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (kPa) 3103
COOLER One... Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, kg) 282 282 338 338 391 391
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (L) 68.1 68.1 92.7 92.7 114.7 114.7
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (kPa) 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (kPa) 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 4 4 4 4 5 5
Drain (NPT) 3/

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.
60 Hz SI (cont)
30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 130 150 170 190 210 230
SYSTEM MODULES — — — — — A B Total
Cu-Al 4566 4754 5133 5761 6081 4754 3013 7747
Cu-Cu 5144 5342 5711 6452 6772 5342 3343 8685
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (kg)
Ckt A 60.5/12.7 65./15.9 69.5/20.5 80.9/13.6 86.4/18.2 60.5/15.9 35.4/6.8 —/—
Ckt B 67.3/12.7 65.0/15.9 73.6/20.5 78.6/13.6 84.1/18.2 65.0/15.9 35.4/6.8 —/—
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (r/s) 29.2
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (1) 275, (1) 299 (3) 265 (3) 275 1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 (3) 265, (1) 275 (3) 265 (1) 250, (1) 275 —/—
(Qty)Ckt B (1) 275, (1) 299 (2) 299 (3) 275 (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 (1) 275, (2) 299 (2) 299 (1) 299 —/—
Oil Charge (Compressor/L) 250/6.6, 265/9.0, 275/9.0, 299/9.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 11 14 17 6 7 14 8 —
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 50 50 50 50 50 50 56 —
Ckt B 50 50 50 50 50 50 44 —
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 14 11 11 14 12 11 22 —
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Fan Speed (r/s) 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 —
No. Blades...Dia. (mm) 4...762 4...762 4...762 4...762 4...762 4...762 4...762 —
No. Fans...kW (each) 10...0.746 10...0.746 10...0.746 12...0.746 12...0.746 10...0.746 6...0.746 16...0.746
Total Airflow (L/s) 47,190 47,190 47,190 56,630 56,630 47,190 26,898 74,088
CONDENSER COILS 9.53 mm OD, Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/m 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 —
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 —
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq m) 20.91 20.91 20.91 24.98 24.98 20.91 11.92 32.83
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (kPa) 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103
COOLER One...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube One Per Module...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, kg) 600 600 741 741 848 600 338 938
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (L) 196.8 196.8 230.9 230.9 266.5 196.8 92.7 290.5
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (kPa) 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 —
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (kPa) 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 —
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 —
Drain (NPT) 3/

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

60 Hz SI (cont)

30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 245 255 270
SYSTEM MODULES A B Total A B Total A B Total
Cu-Al 4754 3189 7943 4754 3914 8668 5133 3914 9,047
Cu-Cu 5342 3518 8860 5342 4346 9688 5711 4346 10,057
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (kg)
Ckt A 65.0/15.9 35.4/6.8 —/— 65.0/15.9 44.5/9.1 —/— 69.5/20.5 44.5/9.1 —/—
Ckt B 65.0/15.9 35.4/6.8 —/— 65.0/15.9 47.7/9.1 —/— 73.6/20.5 47.7/9.1 —/—
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (r/s) 29.2
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (3) 265 (1) 265, (1) 250 — (3) 265 (1) 265, (1) 275 — (3) 275 (1) 265, (1) 275 —
(Qty) Ckt B (2) 299 (2) 265 — (2) 299 (1) 265, (1) 275 — (3) 275 (1) 265, (1) 275 —
Oil Charge (Compressor/L) 250/6.6, 265/9.0, 275/9.0, 299/9.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 14 11 — 14 11 — 17 11 —
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 50 47 — 50 50 — 50 50 —
Ckt B 50 53 — 50 50 — 50 50 —
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 11 18 — 11 15 — 11 15 —
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Physical data (cont)

Fan Speed (r/s) 19.0 19.0 — 19.0 19.0 — 19.0 19.0 —
No. Blades...Dia. (mm) 4...762 4...762 — 4...762 4...762 — 4...762 4...762 —
No. Fans...kW (each) 10...0.746 6...0.746 16...0.746 10...0.746 8...0.746 18...0.746 10...0.746 8...0.746 18...0.746
Total Airflow (L/s) 47,190 26,898 74,088 47,190 35,864 85,054 47,190 35,864 85,054
CONDENSER COILS 9.53 mm OD, Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/in. 669 669 — 669 669 — 669 669 —
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 3 3 — 3 3 — 3 3 —
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq m) 20.91 11.92 32.83 20.91 15.61 36.52 20.91 15.61 36.52
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (kPa) 3103 3103 — 3103 3103 — 3103 3103 —
COOLER One Per Module...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, kg) 600 338 938 600 391 991 741 391 1132
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (L) 196.8 92.7 289.5 196.8 114.7 311.5 230.9 114.7 345.6
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (kPa) 1916 1916 — 1916 1916 — 1916 1916 —
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (kPa) 2068 2068 — 2068 2068 — 2068 2068 —
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6 4 — 6 5 — 6 5 —
Drain (NPT) 3/
4 — 3/
4 — 3/
4 —

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.
60 Hz SI (cont)
30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 290 315 330
SYSTEM MODULES A B Total A B Total A B Total
Cu-Al 5761 3935 9,696 6081 3935 10,016 5133 5133 10,266
Cu-Cu 6452 4368 10,820 6772 4368 11,140 5711 5711 11,422
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (kg)
Ckt A 80.9/13.6 44.5/9.1 —/— 86.4/18.2 44.5/9.1 —/— 69.5/20.5 69.5/20.5 —/—
Ckt B 78.6/13.6 47.7/9.1 —/— 84.1/18.2 47.7/9.1 —/— 73.6/20.5 73.6/20.5 —/—
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (r/s) 29.2
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 — (3) 265, (1) 275 (1) 265, (1) 299 — (3) 275 (3) 275 —
(Qty) Ckt B (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 275 — (1) 275, (2) 299 (1) 265, (1) 275 — (3) 275 (3) 275 —
Oil Charge (Compressor/L) 265/9.0, 275/9.0, 299/9.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 6 11 — 7 11 — 17 17 —
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 50 54 — 50 54 — 50 50 —
Ckt B 50 46 — 50 46 — 50 50 —
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 14 14 — 12 14 — 11 11 —
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Fan Speed (r/s) 19.0 19.0 — 19.0 19.0 — 19.0 19.0 —
No. Blades...Dia. (mm) 4...762 4...762 — 4...762 4...762 — 4...762 4...762 —
No. Fans...kW (each) 12...0.746 8...0.746 20...0.746 12...0.746 8...0.746 20...0.746 10...0.746 10...0.746 20...0.746
Total Airflow (L/s) 56,630 35,864 92,494 56,630 35,864 92,494 47,190 47,190 94,380
CONDENSER COILS 9.53 mm OD, Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/m 669 669 — 669 669 — 669 669 —
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 3 3 — 3 3 — 3 3 —
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq m) 24.98 15.61 40.59 24.98 15.61 40.59 20.91 20.91 41.82
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (kPa) 3103 3103 — 3103 3103 — 3103 3103 —
COOLER One Per Module...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, kg) 741 391 1132 848 391 1239 741 741 1482
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (L) 230.9 114.7 345.6 266.5 114.7 381.2 230.9 230.9 461.8
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (kPa) 1916 1916 — 1916 1916 — 1916 1916 —
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (kPa) 2068 2068 — 2068 2068 — 2068 2068 —
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6 5 — 6 5 — 6 6 —
Drain (NPT) 3/ 3/ — 3 3/ — 3/ 3/ —
4 4 /4 4 4 4

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

60 Hz SI (cont)

30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 360 390 420
SYSTEM MODULES A B Total A B Total A B Total
Cu-Al 5761 5761 11,522 6081 5761 11,842 6081 6081 12,162
Cu-Cu 6452 6452 12,904 6772 6452 13,224 6772 6772 13,544
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (kg)
Ckt A 80.9/13.6 80.9/13.6 —/— 86.4/18.2 80.9/13.6 —/— 86.4/18.2 86.4/18.2 —/—
Ckt B 78.6/13.6 78.6/13.6 —/— 84.1/18.2 78.6/13.6 —/— 84.1/18.2 84.1/18.2 —/—
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (r/s) 29.2
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 — (3) 265, (1) 275 (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 — (3) 265, (1) 275 (3) 265, (1) 275 —
(Qty) Ckt B (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 — (1) 275, (2) 299 (1) 265, (1) 275, (1) 299 — (1) 275, (2) 299 (1) 275, (2) 299 —
Oil Charge (Compressor/L) 265/9.0, 275/9.0, 299/9.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 6 6 — 8 7 — 7 7 —
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 50 50 — 50 50 — 50 50 —
Ckt B 50 50 — 50 50 — 50 50 —
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 14 14 — 12 14 — 12 12 —
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Physical data (cont)

Fan Speed (r/s) 19.0 19.0 — 19.0 19.0 — 19.0 19.0 —
No. Blades...Dia. (mm) 4...762 4...762 — 4...762 4...762 — 4...762 4...762 —
No. Fans...kW (each) 12...0.746 12...0.746 24...0.746 12...0.746 12...0.746 24...0.746 12...0.746 12...0.746 24...0.746
Total Airflow (L/s) 56,630 56,630 113,260 56,630 56,630 113,260 56,630 56,630 113,260
CONDENSER COILS 9.53 OD, Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/m 669 669 — 669 669 — 669 669 —
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 3 3 — 3 3 — 3 3 —
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq m) 24.98 24.98 49.96 24.98 24.98 49.96 24.98 24.98 49.96
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (kPa) 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103
COOLER One Per Module...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, kg) 741 741 1482 848 741 1589 848 848 1696
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (L) 230.9 230.9 461.8 266.5 230.9 497.4 266.5 266.5 533.0
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (kPa) 1916 1916 — 1916 1916 — 1916 1916 —
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (kPa) 2068 2068 — 2068 2068 — 2068 2068 —
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6 6 — 6 6 — 6 6 —
Drain (NPT) 3/
4 — 3/
4 — 3/
4 —

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.
30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 060 070 080 090 100 110
SYSTEM MODULES — — — — — —
Cu-Al 4780 5453 6720 7135 8710 8840
Cu-Cu 5197 6081 7445 7860 9660 9790
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (lb)
Ckt A 52/14 71/15 78/15 78/15 98/20 98/20
Ckt B 54/14 69/15 78/15 78/15 105/20 105/20
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (rpm) 1450
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 265 (1) 265, (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 (2) 299
(Qty) Ckt B (1) 299 (1) 299 (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 275 (1) 265, (1) 299 (2) 299
Oil Charge (Compressor/pt) 250/14.0, 265/19.0, 275/19.0, 299/19.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 4 6 8 11 11 11
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 50.0 58.0 62.0 54.0 50.0 50.0
Ckt B 50.0 42.0 38.0 46.0 50.0 50.0
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 33.3 19.3 16.0 14.0 13.0 17.0
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Fan Speed (rpm) 950
No. Blades...Dia. (in.) 6...30
No. Fans...Hp/kW (each) 6...1/0.746 6...1/0.746 6...1/0.746 6...1/0.746 8...1/0.746 8...1/0.746
Total Airflow (cfm) 52,000 51,000 57,000 57,000 76,000 76,000
8 OD Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/in. 17 17 17 17 17 17
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 2 3 3 3 3 3
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq ft) 116.7 116.7 128.3 128.3 168.0 68.0
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (psig) 450
COOLER One...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, lb) 620 620 745 745 860 860
No. Refrigerant Circuits
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (gal.) 18.0 18.0 24.5 24.5 30.3 30.3
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (psig) 278 278 278 278 278 278
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (psig) 300 300 300 300 300 300
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 4 4 4 4 5 5
Drain (NPT) 3/

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

50 Hz ENGLISH (cont)

30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 130 150 170 190 210 230
SYSTEM MODULES — — — — — A B Total
Cu-Al 10,511 10,676 11,443 12,906 13,545 10,676 6720 17,396
Cu-Cu 11,783 11,948 12,715 14,425 15,064 11,948 7445 19,393
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (lb)
Ckt A 133/28 143/35 153/45 178/30 190/40 143/35 78/15 —/—
Ckt B 137/28 144/35 162/45 173/30 185/40 144/35 78/15 —/—
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (rpm) 1450
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (1) 265, (2) 275 (3) 299 (2) 275, (1) 299 (3) 299 (2) 265, (1) 299 (3) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 —
(Qty) Ckt B (2) 299 (2) 299 (1) 275, (2) 299 (3) 299 (3) 299 (2) 299 (1) 299 —
Oil Charge (Compressor/pt) 265/19.0, 275/19.0, 299/19.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 14 14 17 7 7 14 8 —
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 52 60 48 50 52 60 62 —
Ckt B 48 40 52 50 48 40 38 —
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 10 13 10 17 10 13 16 —
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Physical data (cont)

Fan Speed (rpm) 950 950 950 950 950 950 950 —
No. Blades...Dia. (in.) 6...30 6...30 6...30 6...30 6...30 6...30 6...30 —
No. Fans...Hp/kW (each) 10...1/0.746 10...1/0.746 10...1/0.746 12...1/0.746 12...1/0.746 10...1/0.746 6...1/0.746 16...1/0.746
Total Airflow (cfm) 100,000 100,000 100,000 120,000 120,000 100,000 57,000 157,000
CONDENSER COILS 3/ -in. OD, Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/in. 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 —
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 —
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq ft) 225.1 225.1 225.1 268.9 268.9 225.1 128.3 353.4
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (psig) 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 —
COOLER One... Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube One Per Module... Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, lb) 1320 1320 1630 1630 1865 1320 745 2065
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (gal.) 52.0 52.0 61.0 61.0 70.4 52.0 24.5 76.5
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (psig) 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 —
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (psig) 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 —
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 —
Drain (NPT) 3/

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.
50 Hz ENGLISH (cont)
30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 245 255 270
SYSTEM MODULES A B Total A B Total A B Total
Cu-Al 10,676 7135 17,811 10,676 8710 19,386 11,443 8710 20,153
Cu-Cu 11,948 7860 19,808 11,948 9660 21,608 12,715 9660 22,375
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (lb)
Ckt A 143/35 78/15 —/— 143/35 98/20 —/— 153/45 98/20 —/—
Ckt B 144/35 78/15 —/— 144/35 105/20 —/— 162/45 105/20 —/—
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (rpm) 1450
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (3) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 — (3) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 — (2) 275, (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 —
(Qty) Ckt B (2) 299 (1) 265, (1) 275 — (2) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 — (1) 275, (2) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 —
Oil Charge (Compressor/pt) 265/19.0, 275/19.0, 299/19.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 14 11 — 14 11 — 17 11 —
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 60 54 — 60 50 — 48 50 —
Ckt B 40 46 — 40 50 — 52 50 —
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 13 14 — 13 13 — 10 13 —
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Fan Speed (rpm) 950 950 — 950 950 — 950 950 —
No. Blades...Dia. (in.) 6...30 6...30 — 6...30 6...30 — 6...30 6...30 —
No. Fans...Hp/kW (each) 10...1/0.746 6...1/0.746 16...1/0.746 10...1/0.746 8...1/0.746 18...1/0.746 10...1/0.746 8...1/0.746 18...1/0.746
Total Airflow (cfm) 100,000 57,000 157,000 100,000 76,000 176,000 100,000 76,000 176,000
CONDENSER COILS 3/ -in. OD, Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/in. 17 17 — 17 17 — 17 17 —
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 3 3 — 3 3 — 3 3 —
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq ft) 225.1 128.3 353.4 225.1 168.0 393.1 225.1 168.0 393.1
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (psig) 450 450 — 450 450 — 450 450 —
COOLER One Per Module... Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, lb) 1320 745 2065 1320 860 2180 1630 860 2490
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (gal.) 52.0 24.5 76.5 52.0 30.3 82.3 61.0 30.3 91.3
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (psig) 278 278 — 278 278 — 278 278 —
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (psig) 300 300 — 300 300 — 300 300 —
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6 4 —— 6 5 — 6 5 —
Drain (NPT) 3/
4 — 3/
4 —

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

50 Hz ENGLISH (cont)

30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 290 315 330
SYSTEM MODULES A B Total A B Total A B Total
Cu-Al 12,906 8840 21,746 13,545 8840 22,385 11,443 11,443 22,886
Cu-Cu 14,425 9790 24,215 15,064 9790 24,854 12,715 12,715 25,430
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (lb)
Ckt A 178/30 98.20 —/— 190/40 98/20 —/— 153/45 153/45 —/—
Ckt B 173/30 105/20 —/— 185/40 105/20 —/— 162/45 162/45 —/—
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (rpm) 1450
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (3) 299 (2) 299 — (2) 265, (2) 299 (2) 299 — (2) 275, (1) 299 (2) 275, (1) 299 —
(Qty) Ckt B (3) 299 (2) 299 — (3) 299 (2) 299 — (1) 275, (2) 299 (1) 275, (2) 299 —
Oil Charge (Compressor/pt) 265/19.0, 275/19.0, 299/19.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 6 11 — 7 11 — 17 17 —
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 50 50 — 52 50 — 48 48 —
Ckt B 50 50 — 48 50 — 52 52 —
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 17 17 — 10 17 — 10 10 —
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Physical data (cont)

Fan Speed (rpm) 950 950 — 950 950 — 950 950 —
No. Blades...Dia. (in.) 6...30 6...30 — 6...30 6...30 — 6...30 6...30 —
No. Fans...Hp/kW (each) 12...1/0.746 8...1/0.746 20...1/0.746 12...1/0.746 8...1/0.746 20...1/0.746 10...1/0.746 10...1/0.746 20...1/0.746
Total Airflow (cfm) 120,000 76,000 196,000 120,000 76,000 196,000 100,000 100,000 200,000
CONDENSER COILS 3/ -in. OD, Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/in. 17 17 — 17 17 — 17 17 —
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 3 3 — 3 3 — 3 3 —
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq ft) 268.9 168.0 436.9 268.9 168.0 436.9 225.1 225.1 450.2
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (psig) 450 450 — 450 450 — 450 450 —
COOLER One Per Module... Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, lb) 1630 860 2490 1865 860 2725 1630 1630 3260
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (gal.) 61.0 30.3 91.3 70.4 30.3 100.7 61.0 61.0 122.0
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (psig) 278 278 — 278 278 — 278 278 —
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (psig) 300 300 — 300 300 — 300 300 —
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6 5 — 6 5 — 6 6 —
Drain (NPT) 3/
4 — 3/
4 — 3/
4 —

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.
50 Hz ENGLISH (cont)
30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 360 390 420
SYSTEM MODULES A B Total A B Total A B Total
Cu-Al 12,906 11,443 24,349 13,545 12,906 26,451 13,545 13,545 27,090
Cu-Cu 14,425 12,715 27,140 15,064 14,425 29,489 15,064 15,064 30,128
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (lb)
Ckt A 178/30 153/45 —/— 190/40 178/30 —/— 190/40 190/40 —/—
Ckt B 173/30 162/45 —/— 185/40 173/30 —/— 185/40 185/40 —/—
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (rpm) 1450
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (3) 299 (2) 275, (1) 299 — (2) 265, (2) 299 (3) 299 — (2) 265, (2) 299 (2) 265, (2) 299 —
(Qty) Ckt B (3) 299 (1) 275, (2) 299 — (3) 299 (3) 299 — (3) 299 (3) 299 —
Oil Charge (Compressor/pt) 265/19.0, 275/19.0, 299/19.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 6 17 — 7 6 — 7 7 —
Capacity (%) — — —
Ckt A 50 48 — 52 50 — 52 52 —
Ckt B 50 52 — 48 50 — 48 48 —
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 17 19 — 10 17 — 10 10 —
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Fan Speed (rpm) 950 950 — 950 950 — 950 950 —
No. Blades...Dia. (in.) 6...30 6...30 — 6...30 6...30 — 6...30 6...30 —
No. Fans...Hp/kW (each) 12...1/0.746 12...1/0.746 24...1/0.746 12...1/0.746 12...1/0.746 24...1/0.746 12...1/0.746 12...1/0.746 24...1/0.746
Total Airflow (cfm) 120,000 100,000 220,000 120,000 120,000 240,000 120,000 120,000 240,000
CONDENSER COILS 3/ -in. OD, Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/in. 17 17 — 17 17 — 17 17 —
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 3 3 — 3 3 — 3 3 —
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq ft) 268.9 225.1 494.0 268.9 268.9 537.8 268.9 268.9 537.8
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (psig) 450 450 450 450 450 450 —
COOLER One Per Module... Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, lb) 1630 1630 3260 1865 1630 3495 1865 1865 3730
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (gal.) 61.0 61.0 122 70.4 61.0 131.4 70.4 70.4 140.8
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (psig) 278 278 — 278 278 — 278 278 —
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (psig) 300 300 — 300 300 — 300 300 —
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6 6 — 6 6 — 6 6 —
Drain (NPT) 3/
4 — 3/
4 — 3/
4 —

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

50 Hz SI

30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 060 070 080 090 100 110
SYSTEM MODULES — — — — — —
Cu-Al 2168 2473 3055 3243 3960 4018
Cu-Cu 2357 2758 3384 3573 4390 4450
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (kg)
Ckt A 23.6/6.3 32.2/6.8 35.4/6.8 35.4/6.8 44.5/9.1 44.5/9.1
Ckt B 24.5/6.3 31.3/6.8 35.4/6.8 35.4/6.8 44.7/9.1 47.7/9.1
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (r/s) 24.2
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 265 (1) 265, (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 (2) 299
(Qty) Ckt B (1) 299 (1) 299 (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 275 (1) 265, (1) 299 (2) 299
Oil Charge (Compressor/L) 250/6.6, 265/9.0, 275/9.0, 299/9.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 4 6 8 11 11 11
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 50.0 58.0 62.0 54.0 50.0 50.0
Ckt B 50.0 42.0 38.0 46.0 50.0 50.0
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 33.3 19.3 16.0 14.0 13.0 17.0
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Physical data (cont)

Fan Speed (r/s) 15.8
No. Blades...Dia. (mm) 6...762
No. Fans...kW (each) 6...0.746 6...0.746 6...0.746 6...0.746 8...0.746 8...0.746
Total Airflow (L/s) 25,540 24,068 26,898 26,898 35,864 35,864
CONDENSER COILS 9.53 mm OD, Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/in. 669 669 669 669 669 669
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 2 3 3 3 3 3
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq m) 10.84 10.84 11.92 11.92 15.61 15.61
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (kPa) 3103
COOLER One... Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, kg) 282 282 338 338 391 391
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (L) 68.1 68.1 92.7 92.7 114.7 114.7
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (kPa) 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (kPa) 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 4 4 4 4 5 5
Drain (NPT) 3/

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.
50 Hz SI (cont)
30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 130 150 170 190 210 230
SYSTEM MODULES — — — — — A B Total
Cu-Al 4778 4852 5201 5866 6156 4852 3055 7907
Cu-Cu 5335 5430 5779 6556 6847 5430 3384 8814
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (kg)
Ckt A 60.5/12.7 65.0/15.9 69.5/20.5 80.9/13.6 86.4/18.2 60.5/15.9 35.4/6.8 —/—
Ckt B 62.2/12.7 65.0/15.9 73.6/20.5 78.6/13.6 84.1/18.2 65.4/15.9 35.4/6.8 —/—
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (r/s) 24.2
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (1) 265, (2) 275 (3) 299 (2) 275, (1) 299 (3) 299 (2) 265, (1) 299 (3) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 —/—
(Qty) Ckt B (2) 299 (2) 299 (1) 275, (2) 299 (3) 299 (3) 299 (2) 299 (1) 299 —/—
Oil Charge (Compressor/L) 265/9.0, 275/9.0, 299/9.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 14 14 17 7 8 14 8 —
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 52 60 48 50 52 60 62 —
Ckt B 48 40 52 50 48 40 38 —
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 10 13 10 17 10 13 16 —
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Fan Speed (r/s) 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.8 —
No. Blades...Dia. (mm) 6...762 6...762 6...762 6...762 6...762 6...762 6...762 —
No. Fans...kW (each) 10...0.746 10...0.746 10...0.746 12...0.746 12...0.746 10...0.746 6...0.746 16...0.746
Total Airflow (L/s) 47,190 47,190 47,190 56,630 56,630 47,190 26,898 74,088
CONDENSER COILS 9.53 mm OD, Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/m 669 669 669 669 669 669 669 —
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 —
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq m) 20.91 20.91 20.91 24.98 24.98 20.91 11.92 32.83
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (kPa) 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103 3103 —
COOLER One...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube One Per Module...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, kg) 600 600 741 741 848 600 338 938
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (L) 196.8 196.8 230.9 230.9 266.5 196.8 92.7 290.5
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (kPa) 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 —
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (kPa) 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 —
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 —
Drain (NPT) 3/

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

50 Hz SI (cont)

30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 245 255 270
SYSTEM MODULES A B Total A B Total A B Total
Cu-Al 4852 3243 8095 4852 3960 8812 5201 3960 9,161
Cu-Cu 5430 4390 9003 5430 4390 9820 5779 4390 10,169
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (kg)
Ckt A 65.0/15.9 35.4/6.8 —/— 65.0/15.9 44.5/9.1 —/— 69.5/20.5 44.5/9.1 —/—
Ckt B 65.4/15.9 35.4/6.8 —/— 65.4/15.9 47.7/9.1 —/— 73.6/20.5 47.7/9.1 —/—
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (r/s) 24.2
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (3) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 — (3) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 — (2) 275, (1) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 —
(Qty) Ckt B (2) 299 (1) 265, (1) 275 — (2) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 — (1) 275, (2) 299 (1) 265, (1) 299 —
Oil Charge (Compressor/L) 265/9.0, 275/9.0, 299/9.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 14 11 — 14 11 — 17 11 —
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 60 54 — 60 50 — 48 50 —
Ckt B 40 46 — 40 50 — 52 50 —
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 13 14 — 13 13 — 10 13 —
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Physical data (cont)

Fan Speed (r/s) 15.8 15.8 — 15.8 15.8 — 15.8 15.8 —

No. Blades...Dia. (mm) 6...762 6...762 — 6...762 6...762 — 6...762 6...762 —
No. Fans...kW (each) 10...0.746 6...0.746 16...0.746 10...0.746 8...0.746 18...0.746 10...0.746 8...0.746 18...0.746
Total Airflow (L/s) 47,190 26,898 74,088 47,190 35,864 85,054 47,190 35,864 85,054
CONDENSER COILS 9.53 mm OD, Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/in. 669 669 — 669 669 — 669 669 —
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 3 3 — 3 3 — 3 3 —
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq m) 20.91 11.92 32.83 20.91 15.61 36.52 20.91 15.61 36.52
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (kPa) 3103 3103 — 3103 3103 — 3103 3103 —
COOLER One Per Module...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, kg) 600 338 938 600 391 991 741 391 1132
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (L) 196.8 92.7 289.5 196.8 114.7 311.5 230.9 114.7 345.6
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (kPa) 1916 1916 — 1916 1916 — 1916 1916 —
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (kPa) 2068 2068 — 2068 2068 — 2068 2068 —
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6 4 — 6 5 — 6 5 —
Drain (NPT) 3/
4 — 3/
4 — 3/
4 —

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.
50 Hz SI (cont)
30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 290 315 330
SYSTEM MODULES A B Total A B Total A B Total
Cu-Al 5866 4018 9,884 6156 4018 10,174 5201 5201 10,402
Cu-Cu 6556 4450 11,006 6847 4450 11,297 5779 5779 11,558
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (kg)
Ckt A 80.9/13.6 44.5/9.1 —/— 86.4/18.2 44.5/9.1 —/— 69.5/20.5 69.5/20.5 —/—
Ckt B 78.6/13.6 47.7/9.1 —/— 84.1/18.2 47.7/9.1 —/— 73.6/20.5 73.6/20.5 —/—
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (r/s) 24.2
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (3) 299 (2) 299 — (2) 265, (2) 299 (2) 299 — (2) 275, (1) 299 (2) 275, (1) 299 —
(Qty) Ckt B (3) 299 (2) 299 — (3) 299 (2) 299 — (1) 275, (2) 299 (1) 275, (2) 299 —
Oil Charge (Compressor/L) 265/9.0, 275/9.0, 299/9.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 6 11 — 7 11 — 17 17 —
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 50 50 — 52 50 — 48 48 —
Ckt B 50 50 — 48 50 — 52 52 —
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 17 17 — 10 17 — 10 10 —
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Fan Speed (r/s) 15.8 15.8 — 15.8 15.8 — 15.8 15.8 —
No. Blades...Dia. (mm) 6...762 6...762 — 6...762 6...762 — 6...762 6...762 —
No. Fans...kW (each) 12... 0.746 8...0.746 20...0.746 12...0.746 8...0.746 20...0.746 10...0.746 10...0.746 20...0.746
Total Airflow (L/s) 56,630 35,864 92,494 56,630 35,864 92,494 47,190 47,190 94,380
CONDENSER COILS 9.53 mm OD, Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/m 669 669 — 669 669 — 669 669 —
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 3 3 — 3 3 — 3 3 —
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq m) 24.98 15.61 40.59 24.98 15.61 40.59 20.91 20.91 41.82
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (kPa) 3103 3103 — 3103 3103 — 3103 3103 —
COOLER One Per Module...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, kg) 741 391 1132 848 391 1239 741 741 1482
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (L) 230.9 114.7 345.6 266.5 114.7 381.2 230.9 230.9 461.8
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (kPa) 1916 1916 — 1916 1916 — 1916 1916 —
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (kPa) 2068 2068 — 2068 2068 — 2068 2068 —
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6 5 — 6 5 — 6 6 —
Drain (NPT) 3/ 3/ — 3 3/ — 3/ 3/ —
4 4 /4 4 4 4

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.

50 Hz SI (cont)

30GTN,GTR UNIT SIZE 360 390 420
SYSTEM MODULES A B Total A B Total A B Total
Cu-Al 5866 5201 11,067 6156 5866 12,022 6156 6156 12,312
Cu-Cu 6556 5779 12,335 6847 6556 13,403 6847 6847 13,694
Charge, Total/Over Clear Glass (kg)
Ckt A 80.9/13.6 80.9/13.6 —/— 86.4/18.2 80.9/13.6 —/— 86.4/18.2 86.4/18.2 —/—
Ckt B 78.6/13.6 73.6/13.6 —/— 84.1/18.2 78.6/13.6 —/— 84.1/18.2 84.1/18.2 —/—
COMPRESSORS Reciprocating, Semi-Hermetic
Speed (r/s) 24.2
06E* (Qty) Ckt A (3) 299 (2) 275, (1) 299 — (2) 265, (2) 299 (3) 299 — (2) 265, (2) 299 (2) 265, (2) 299 —
(Qty) Ckt B (3) 299 (1) 275, (2) 299 — (3) 299 (3) 299 — (3) 299 (3) 299 —
Oil Charge (Compressor/L) 265/9.0, 275/9.0, 299/9.0
No. Capacity Control Steps 6 17 — 7 6 — 7 7 —
Capacity (%)
Ckt A 50 48 — 52 50 — 52 52 —
Ckt B 50 52 — 48 50 — 48 48 —
Minimum Capacity Step (%) 17 19 — 10 17 — 10 10 —
CONDENSER FANS Propeller, Direct Drive
Physical data (cont)

Fan Speed (r/s) 15.8 15.8 — 15.8 15.8 — 15.8 15.8 —
No. Blades...Dia. (mm) 6...762 6...762 — 6...762 6...762 — 6...762 6...762 —
No. Fans...kW (each) 12...0.746 12...0.746 24...0.746 12...0.746 12...0.746 24...0.746 12...0.746 12...0.746 24...0.746
Total Airflow (L/s) 56,630 47,190 103,820 56,630 56,630 113,260 56,630 56,630 113,260
CONDENSER COILS 9.53 OD, Vertical and Horizontal, Plate Fin, Enhanced Copper Tubing
Fins/m 669 669 — 669 669 — 669 669 —
No. Rows (Ckt A or B) 3 3 — 3 3 — 3 3 —
Face Area, Ckt A and B Total (sq m) 24.98 20.91 45.89 24.98 24.98 49.96 24.98 24.98 49.96
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant (kPa) 3103 3103 — 3103 3103 — 3103 3103 —
COOLER One Per Module...Direct Expansion, Shell and Tube
Weight (empty, kg) 741 741 1482 848 741 1589 848 848 1696
No. Refrigerant Circuits 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4
Net Water Volume, includes nozzles (L) 230.9 230.9 461.8 266.5 230.9 497.4 266.5 266.5 533.0
Max Working Pressure Refrigerant Side (kPa) 1916 1916 — 1916 1916 — 1916 1916 —
Max Working Pressure Fluid Side (kPa) 2068 2068 — 2068 2068 — 2068 2068 —
FLUID CONNECTIONS (in.) Victaulic Type
Inlet and Outlet 6 6 — 6 6 — 6 6 —
Drain (NPT) 3/
4 — 3/
4 — 3/
4 —

Cu-Al — Copper Tubing — Aluminum Fins Condenser Coil
Cu-Cu — Copper Tubing — Copper Fins Condenser Coil
OD — Outside Diameter
*06E250 compressor have 4 cylinders; all others have 6.
NOTE: Facing the compressors, Circuit A is on the right and Circuit B is on the left.
Factory-installed options
Thermal expansion valves (TXV) (Sizes 060-110) High-static fans allow the 30GTN,GTR units to be used in
and liquid line solenoid valves (LLSV) replace the EXV, applications with an external static pressure of up to 1 in.
related controls, and part-load energy savings related to wg (250 kPa) (external to the chiller) at nominal condenser
the EXV function. Minimum operating ambient tempera- airflow. Two options are available: 0.4 in. wg 100 kPa) and
ture for TXV-equipped units with standard head pressure 1 in. wg (250 kPa). These should be used to prevent a
control is 35 F (1.7 C). Contact your Carrier representative reduction in airflow to the conditioned space whenever an
for details on operation at temperatures below 35 F application requires external ductwork which will raise the
(1.7 C). job static requirements. Contact Carrier Application Engi-
Hot gas bypass option allows additional capacity reduc- neering for more information.
tion for unit operation below the minimum step of unload- NOTE: Electrical requirements (MCA and MOCP) increase
ing. It is available on size 060 and 070 units. Also available with high-static fan option.
as a field-installed accessory. Control transformer is sized to supply the needs of the
NOTE: Accessory unloaders (where available) further control circuit. Also available as a field-installed accessory.
reduce minimum capacity step and provide a more effi- Energy Management Module (EMM) is used for 4 to
cient alternative to hot gas bypass in light load situations. 20 mA leaving fluid temperature reset, cooling set point
Cooler heater helps protect the cooler to –20 F (–29 C). reset, 4 to 20 mA demand limit and two-step demand
NOTE: For ambient temperatures below 32 F (0° C), inhib- limit. Temperature reset lets the unit reset the leaving fluid
ited glycol antifreeze solutions are recommended to pre- temperature to a higher temperature during low load con-
vent freeze-up in the event of power failure. ditions. Temperature reset can also be accomplished based
on return fluid, outdoor air or space temperature. (The
Sound reduction option consists of specially designed
EMM option is not required when using entering-water,
system of fans and acoustic enclosures for reducing sound
outdoor-air, or space temperature for temperature reset.
levels without compromising chiller performance. For These types of reset are available with the main board.
50 Hz units, this option uses low-noise AeroAcoustic (Fly-
However, an accessory thermistor is required for outdoor
ing Bird) fans and taller discharge stacks. (Additional pack-
air and/or space temperature reset.) Demand limiting
aging is required. See Price Pages for further details.) allows the unit capacity to be limited during periods of
Low-ambient Motormaster® V head-pressure con- peak energy usage. Demand limit requires an external 4 to
trol allows unit operation to –20 F (–29 C) on all unit sizes. 20 mA signal or a 2-step remote pair of dry contacts. Both
Also available as a field-installed accessory. the 4 to 20 mA and 2-step demand limit percentage values
Part-wind (PW) start generally is not required where are adjustable. This is also available as a field-installed
multiple 06E compressors are installed. The starting cur- accessory.
rent is usually lower than a larger compressor using PW Service Option includes the Energy Management Mod-
start. However, a part-wind start option is available ule (described above) plus a GFCI (ground fault current
(denoted by a R in the fifth position of the unit model num- interrupter) convenience outlet (60 Hz only), remote ser-
ber) for all sizes. vice connection port, and handheld ComfortLink™ Navi-
Brine option for all sizes permits leaving fluid tempera- gator™ display module. While providing additional
tures to be set between 15 and 39 F (–9.4 and 3.9 C). information in a clear language format, the Navigator dis-
Refrigeration circuit components, such as the expansion play can be plugged into the unit at either the control panel
device, are modified to correct for the lower refrigeration or at the remote service port, allowing the service techni-
flow rates and low-ambient Motormaster V control is cian to operate the unit from where the maintenance or
required. service work is being performed, thereby minimizing
Non-fused electrical disconnect is factory installed for all downtime to ensure the system is ready for operation in
voltages. For 060 and 070 sizes, disconnect is a “thru-the- the shortest amount of time.
door” type. For 080-110 and 230B-315B sizes, disconnect Condenser coil options (Enviro-Shield™) — Several
is a “thru-the-door” type except for 208/230-3-60 units options are available to match coil construction to the site
where the disconnect mounts below the control box. For conditions for the best durability. See page 47 for addi-
130-210, 230A-420A, and 330B-420B sizes, disconnect tional details or contact your Carrier representative for fur-
on the center panel on the cooler side of the chiller. ther information.


Standard Mild Coastal Severe Coastal Industrial
AL Fins (Standard Coils) X
CU Fins X
AL Fins, E-Coating X
CU Fins, E-Coating X X
AL Fins, Pre-Coated X
LEGEND *See page 47 for further details and Carrier publication “Environmental Corrosion
AL — Aluminum Protection” (Pub. No. 811-217 and 811-019).
CU — Copper

Field-installed accessories
Ground current protection includes an electronic sen- Hot gas bypass package includes solenoid control
sor that monitors all phases of the 3-phase power supply valves and a hot gas bypass valve. Piping and electrical
to the compressor. At the first sign of a short to ground, connections are made easy by factory-provided piping
the sensor shuts down the compressor to prevent contami- stubs and electrical terminal blocks. Also available as a
nation of the refrigerant system. This protection is an factory-installed option (060 and 070 sizes only).
accessory for 060 and 070 (60 Hz) sizes only (standard on Condenser coil hail guard package includes louvered
070 [50 Hz] and all 080-210 sizes [50/60 Hz]). condenser coil hail guards and installation hardware.
Motormaster® V head-pressure control allows unit Control transformer is sized to supply the needs of the
to operate down to –20 F (–29 C). control circuit, sourcing power from the main unit power
The accessory package includes sensor, control, and connection.
installation hardware. A Motormaster V control is required Chilled fluid flow switch accessory is available for field
for each circuit. For 60 Hz units, factory-installed fan installation (all sizes).
motors compatible with the Motormaster V control require
Convenience outlet accessory kit provides a 115-v,
no motor change-out. The 50 Hz units require
GFCI (Ground Fault Current Interrupter) female receptacle.
2 HD52AK653 or HD52AK654 speed control rated
motors for each 060-210 module. In 575-v applications, 4 The outlet is field mounted in the control box and is pow-
transformers must be field-supplied. Also available as a fac- ered by the unit control circuit.
tory-installed option. Unit control display access door provides easy access
to the unit control module through a see-through door
Sound reduction kit consists of a specially-designed sys-
tem of fans and acoustic enclosures for reducing sound lev- without having to open or remove control box panels.
els without compromising chiller performance. No fan Energy Management Module (EMM) is used for 4 to
motor change is required, and the fan system is compatible 20 mA leaving fluid temperature reset, cooling set point
with Motormaster V head-pressure control. This accessory reset, 4 to 20 mA demand limit and two-step demand
is sold in sets of 2 kits per package. limit. Temperature reset lets the unit reset the leaving fluid
temperature to a higher temperature during low load con-
Security grilles protect the chiller cooler, compressors
and condenser coils from damage due to vandalism. ditions. Temperature reset can also be accomplished based
on return fluid, outdoor air or space temperature. (The
Additional electric suction cutoff unloader(s) can be EMM option is not required when using entering-water,
field-installed on all sizes. For installation on 060-110, 130 outdoor-air, or space temperature for temperature reset.
(60 Hz), and 230B-315B sizes, the compressor expansion These types of reset are available with the main board.
board (CXB) accessory is required for operation of more However, an accessory thermistor is required for outdoor
than 1 unloader per circuit. All other models have the CXB air and/or space temperature reset.) Demand limiting
factory installed. The following additional unloaders are allows the unit capacity to be limited during periods of
supported: peak energy usage. Demand limit requires an external 4 to
UNITS 30GTN,GTR ADDITIONAL UNLOADERS 20 mA signal or a 2-step remote pair of dry contacts. Both
None on Compressor A1, the 4 to 20 mA and 2-step demand limit percentage values
060,070 One on Compressor B1 (CXB not required). are adjustable. Also available as a factory-installed option.
080-110, 130 (60 Hz), One on Compressor A1, Trim kit accessory is available for field installation
230B-315B One on Compressor B1 (CXB required).
between 2 unit modules. The kit contains sheet metal
150-210, 230A-315A, One on Compressor A1,
330-420 One on Compressor B1 (CXB not required). pieces and all necessary mounting hardware.
Unloader(s) (when available) further reduce minimum Navigator™ display module provides a portable, hand-
held display module for convenient access to unit status,
capacity step and provide a more efficient alternative to
operation, configuration and troubleshooting diagnostics
hot gas bypass.
capability. The 4-line, 20-character LCD display provides
Compressor expansion board is an additional circuit clear language information in English, French, Spanish or
board used in multiple compressor units. This accessory Portuguese. The weatherproof enclosure and industrial
may be required when installing additional unloaders. grade extension cord makes the Navigator ideally suited for
Discharge and suction pressure gage panel aids in outdoor applications. Magnets located on the back of the
routine maintenance when reading system pressures. Both module allow attachment to any sheet metal component
pressure gages are mounted on a common panel. Each for hands free operation.
gage is equipped with a shutoff valve. Each lead compres- Service port provides a remote connection receptacle for
sor requires a separate gage panel. the Navigator display module. The port is housed on a
Remote cooler mounting permits indoor relocation of weatherproof enclosure for location adjacent to serviced
the cooler up to 75 ft (22 m) away from base unit. components.
Oil pressure switch package includes 2 oil pressure Remote enhanced display contains a remotely mounted
switches for unit. The switch mounts on lead compressor 40-character per line, 16-line display panel for unit
in each refrigerant circuit. This is an accessory for 060 and diagnostics.
070 sizes (standard on 080-210 sizes).

UNIT DIMENSIONS — ft-in. [mm]
3-67/8 4-105/16
[1090] [1481]
060C 3-7 4-109/16
[1092] [1488]
3-6 4-101/2
[1067] [1486]
070C 3-63/16 4-107/8
[1072] [1496]
1. Dimensions in [ ] are in mm.
2. Unit must have clearances for airflow as follows:
Top — Do not restrict in any way.
Ends — [1524 mm] 5 ft
Sides — [1829 mm] 6 ft
3. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to con-
crete pad. They are not recommended for spring iso-
lator location.
4. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support
channel between the unit and the isolators is
5. When unit has non-fused disconnect option, power
side door opens in opposite direction. Non-fused dis-
connect option available on all voltages.


— QTY.
GTR in. [mm]
060 60 21/2 [63.5] 2
070 60 35/8 [92.0] 2
060 60 21/2 [63.5] 1
070 60 35/8 [92.0] 1
575 060,070 60 21/2 [63.5] 1
380 060,070 60 35/8 [92.0] 1
380/415 060,070 50 35/8 [92.0] 1
Base unit dimensions — 30GTN,GTR060,070

1. Dimensions in [ ] are in mm.
2. Unit must have clearances for airflow as follows:
Top — Do not restrict in any way.
Ends — [1524 mm] 5 ft
Sides — [1829 mm] 6 ft
3. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete
pad. They are not recommended for spring isolator
4. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel
between the unit and the isolators is recommended.
5. When unit has non-fused disconnect option, power side
door opens in opposite direction. Non-fused dis-
connect option mounted in control box on 380, 460,
575 v (60 Hz) and 380/415 v (50 Hz). For 208/230 v
(60 Hz), non-fused disconnect mounted underneath
control box.
6. 30GTN,GTR080 is also Module B for 30GTN,GTR230.
Base unit dimensions — 30GTN,GTR080
1. Dimensions in [ ] are in mm.
2. Unit must have clearances for airflow as follows:
Top — Do not restrict in any way.
Ends — [1524 mm] 5 ft
Sides — [1829 mm] 6 ft
3. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete
pad. They are not recommended for spring isolator
4. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support chan-
nel between the unit and the isolators is
5. When unit has non-fused disconnect option, power
side door opens in opposite direction. Non-fused dis-
connect option mounted in control box on 380, 460,
575 v (60 Hz) and 380/415 v (50 Hz). For 208/230 v
(60 Hz), non-fused disconnect mounted underneath
control box.
6. 30GTN,GTR090 is also Module B for 30GTN,GTR245.
Base unit dimensions — 30GTN,GTR090

1. Dimensions in [ ] are in mm.
2. Unit must have clearances for airflow as follows:
Top — Do not restrict in any way.
Ends — [1524 mm] 5 ft
Sides — [1829 mm] 6 ft
3. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete pad. They are not recommended for spring isolator location.
4. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel between the unit and the isolators is recommended.
5. 30GTN,GTR100 is also Module B for 30GTN,GTR255,270
30GTN,GTR110 is also Module B for 30GTN,GTR290,315.
6. When unit has non-fused disconnect option, power side door opens in opposite direction. Non-fused disconnect option mounted in control box on 380, 460,
575 v (60 Hz) and 380/415 v (50 Hz). For 208/230 v (60 Hz), non-fused disconnect mounted underneath control box.
Base unit dimensions — 30GTN,GTR100,110
UNIT DIMENSIONS — ft-in. [mm]
9-41/2 4-11/8 1-43/4 0-91/2
[2858] [1267] [425] [242]
9-4 4-21/2 1-43/4 0-91/2
[2849] [1283] [425] [242]
170 9-41/8 4-21/2 1-55/8 0-85/8
[2865] [1283] [448] [219]

1. Dimensions in [ ] are in mm.
2. Unit must have clearances for airflow as follows:
Top — Do not restrict in any way.
Ends — [1524 mm] 5 ft
Sides — [1829 mm] 6 ft
3. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete pad. They are
not recommended for spring isolator location.
4. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel between
the unit and the isolators is recommended.
5. 30GTN,GTR150 is also Module A for 30GTN,GTR230,245,255.
30GTN,GTR170 is also Module A for 30GTN,GTR270,330.
30GTN,GTR170 is also Module B for 30GTN,GTR330,360 (50 Hz).
Base unit dimensions — 30GTN,GTR130-170

UNIT DIMENSIONS — ft-in. [mm] 1. Dimensions in [ ] are in mm.
30GTN,GTR A B C D E F G H 2. Unit must have clearances for airflow as follows:
Top — Do not restrict in any way.
11-4 4-21/2 1-55/8 6-37/16 7-81/4 0-85/8 1-9 6-47/16 Ends — [1524 mm] 5 ft
190 [3454] [1283] [448] [1916] [2343] [219] [533.4] [1941.3] Sides — [1829 mm] 6 ft
210 11-3 4-2 1-67/16 5-111/2 8-29/16 0-91/2 1-11 5-111/2 3. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete pad. They are
[3444] [1270] [468] [1816] [2504] [242] [584] [1816.2] not recommended for spring isolator location.
4. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel between
the unit and the isolators is recommended.
5. 30GTN,GTR190 is also Module A for 30GTN,GTR290,360.
30GTN,GTR190 is also Module B for 30GTN,GTR360 (60 Hz), 390.
30GTN,GTR210 is also Module A for 30GTN,GTR315,390,420.
30GTN,GTR210 is also Module B for 30GTN,GTR420.
Base unit dimensions — 30GTN,GTR190,210
1. Dimensions in [ ] are in mm.
2. Unit must have clearances for airflow as follows:
Top — Do not restrict in any way.
Ends — [1524 mm] 5 ft
Sides — [1829 mm] 6 ft
3. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete pad. They are not rec-
ommended for spring isolator location.
4. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel between the unit
and the isolators is recommended.
5. Unit shipped in 2 pieces.
6. When units have non-fused disconnect option, power side door opens in
opposite direction. Non-fused disconnect option mounted in control box on
380, 460, 575 v (60 Hz) and 380/415 v (50 Hz). For 208/230 v (60 Hz), non-
fused disconnect mounted underneath control box.
Base unit dimensions — 30GTN,GTR230,245

1. Dimensions in [ ] are in mm.
UNIT DIMENSIONS — ft-in. [mm] 2. Unit must have clearances for airflow as follows:
30GTN,GTR A B Top — Do not restrict in any way.
0-91/2 1-43/4 Ends — [1524 mm] 5 ft
255 Sides — [1829 mm] 6 ft
[241] [425]
3. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete
270 0-81/2 1-55/8 pad. They are not recommended for spring isolator loca-
[216] [448] tion.
4. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel
between the unit and the isolators is recommended.
5. Unit shipped in 2 pieces.
6. When unit has non-fused disconnect option, power side
door opens in opposite direction. Non-fused disconnect
option mounted in control box on 380, 460, 575 v (60 Hz)
and 380/415 v (50 Hz). For 208/230 v (60 Hz), non-fused
disconnect mounted underneath control box.
Base unit dimensions — 30GTN,GTR255,270
UNIT DIMENSIONS — ft-in. [mm] 1. Dimensions in [ ] are in mm.
30GTN,GTR A B C D E 2. Unit must have clearances for airflow as follows:
0-85/8 1-55/8 6-37/16 7-81/4 6-47/16 Top — Do not restrict in any way.
290 [219] [448] [1916] [2343] [1941.3] Ends — [1524 mm] 5 ft
Sides — [1829 mm] 6 ft
0-91/2 1-67/16 5-111/2 8-29/16 5-111/2 3. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to concrete pad.
[242] [468] [1816] [2504] [1816.2] They are not recommended for spring isolator location.
4. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel
between the unit and the isolators is recommended.
5. Unit shipped in 2 pieces.
6. When unit has non-fused disconnect option, power side
door opens in opposite direction. Non-fused disconnect
option mounted in control box on 380, 460, 575 v (60 Hz)
and 400 v (50 Hz). For 208/230 v (60 Hz), non-fused discon-
nect mounted underneath control box.
Base unit dimensions — 30GTN,GTR290,315

UNIT DIMENSIONS — ft-in. [mm] 1. Dimensions in [ ] are in mm.
30GTN,GTR A B 2. Unit must have clearances for airflow as follows:
0-91/2 1-55/8 Top — Do not restrict in any way.
330 [242] [448] Ends — [1524 mm] 5 ft
Sides — [1829 mm] 6 ft
3. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to
concrete pad. They are not recommended for
spring isolator location.
4. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support
channel between the unit and the isolators is
5. Unit shipped in 2 pieces.
Base unit dimensions — 30GTN,GTR330
1. Dimensions in [ ] are in mm.
2. Unit must have clearances for airflow as follows:
Top — Do not restrict in any way.
Ends — [1524 mm] 5 ft
Sides — [1829 mm] 6 ft
3. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to
concrete pad. They are not recommended for
spring isolator location.
4. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support
channel between the unit and the isolators is
5. Unit shipped in 2 pieces.
Base unit dimensions — 30GTN,GTR360 (50 Hz)

UNIT DIMENSIONS — ft-in. [mm] 1. Dimensions in [ ] are in mm.
30GTN,GTR A B C D E F G H J K L M 2. Unit must have clearances for airflow as follows:
0-85/8 0-85/8 7-81/4 7-81/4 1-107/16 1-107/16 6-37/16 8-61/16 1-55/8 1-55/8 6-41/2 5-111/2 Top — Do not restrict in any way.
360 (60 Hz) Ends — [1524 mm] 5 ft
[219] [219] [2343] [2343] [570] [570] [1916] [2593] [448] [448] [1942] [1816]
Sides — [1829 mm] 6 ft
390 0-91/2 0-85/8 8-29/16 7-81/4 2-23/8 1-107/16 5-111/2 8-61/16 1-67/16 1-55/8 5-111/2 6-41/2 3. Mounting holes may be used to mount unit to
[242] [219] [2504] [2343] [620] [570] [1816] [2593] [468] [448] [1816] [1942] concrete pad. They are not recommended for
420 0-91/2 0-91/2 8-29/16 8-29/16 2-23/8 2-23/8 5-111/2 8-311/16 1-67/16 1-67/16 5-111/2 6-41/2 spring isolator location.
[242] [242] [2504] [2504] [620] [620] [1816] [2532] [468] [468] [1816] [1942] 4. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support
channel between the unit and the isolators is
5. Unit shipped in 2 pieces.
Base unit dimensions —
30GTN,GTR360 (60 Hz), 390,420
Base unit dimensions —
mounting weights (approximate)
SIZES 060-110*


C-AL 1258 1130 1130 1113 570 512 505 562
C-C 1362 1234 1217 1344 618 560 552 609
C-AL 1332 1212 1184 1301 604 550 537 590
C-C 1489 1369 1340 1458 675 621 608 661
C-AL 1624 1690 1666 1650 738 768 757 750
C-C 1797 1880 1847 1831 817 854 840 832
C-AL 1817 1793 1720 1685 826 815 782 766
C-C 1997 1970 1893 1880 908 895 860 855
C-AL 2185 2185 2120 2120 993 993 964 964
C-C 2420 2420 2360 2360 1100 1100 1073 1073
C-AL 2191 2217 2136 2116 996 1007 970 962
C-C 2428 2454 2374 2354 1104 1115 1079 1070
LEGEND *Points A, B, C, and D are located in the corners of the unit. See pages 27-30 for dimensions.
C-AL — Copper Tubing, Aluminum Fins †Contact your local Carrier representative for more information on epoxy-coated and pre-
C-C — Copper Tubing, Copper Fins coated aluminum fins.
NOTE: If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel between the unit and the isola-
tors is recommended.

Base unit dimensions —
mounting weights (approximate) (cont)
SIZES 130-210

UNIT lb kg
C-AL 923 1466 1156 825 1411 1365 1469 1431 419 666 525 375 641 620 668 650
C-C 1051 1593 1283 952 1601 1556 1659 1622 478 723 583 433 728 707 754 737
C-AL 926 1563 1160 834 1438 1375 1747 1438 420 710 527 379 653 625 794 653
C-C 1053 1690 1287 961 1628 1566 1938 1629 478 768 585 436 740 711 880 740
C-AL 962 1732 1333 862 1497 1629 1816 1462 437 787 605 392 680 740 825 664
C-C 1089 1860 1460 990 1688 1819 2007 1653 495 845 663 450 767 826 912 751
C-AL 1346 1942 1793 1111 1385 1799 1733 1567 611 882 815 505 629 817 787 712
C-C 1536 2132 1983 1301 1575 1989 1923 1757 698 969 901 591 715 904 874 798
C-AL 1376 2128 1871 1120 1407 1846 2037 1595 625 967 850 509 639 384 925 725
C-C 1566 2318 2061 1310 1597 2036 2227 1784 711 1053 937 595 725 925 1012 810

C-AL — Copper Tubing, Aluminum Fins
C-C — Copper Tubing, Copper Fins
*Contact your local Carrier representative for more information on epoxy-coated and pre-coated aluminum fins.
1. Dimensions in ( ) are in millimeters.
2. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel between the unit and the isolators is recommended.

77.9" (1979) - 230A-270A, 330A/B, 360B (50 Hz)
113.7" (2888) - 360A, 360B (60 Hz), 390A/B, 420A/B X

D 113.9" (2893) C 42.2" (1072) B A




91.7" (2328)



C-AL 926 1563 1160 834 1438 1375 1747 1438
230A,245A,255A C-C 1053 1690 1287 961 1628 1566 1938 1629
230B C-AL 1666 — — 1650 1624 — — 1690
C-C 1847 — — 1831 1797 — — 1880
245B C-AL 1720 — — 1685 1817 — — 1793
C-C 1893 — — 1880 1997 — — 1970
C-AL 2120 — — 2120 2185 — — 2185
255B,270B C-C 2360 — — 2360 2420 — — 2420
270A,330A/B C-AL 962 1732 1333 862 1497 1629 1816 1462
C-C 1089 1860 1460 990 1688 1819 2007 1653
C-AL 1346 1942 1793 1111 1385 1799 1733 1567
C-C 1536 2132 1983 1301 1575 1989 1923 1757
290B,315B C-AL 2136 — — 2116 2191 — — 2217
C-C 2374 — — 2354 2428 — — 2454
C-AL 1376 2128 1871 1120 1407 1846 2037 1595
315A,390A,420A/B C-C 1566 2318 2061 1310 1597 2036 2227 1784

60 Hz UNITS — SI
230A,245A,255A C-AL 420 710 527 379 653 625 794 653
C-C 478 768 585 436 285 711 880 740
230B C-AL 757 — — 750 738 — — 768
C-C 840 — — 832 817 — — 854
C-AL 782 — — 766 826 — — 815
245B C-C 860 — — 855 908 — — 895
255B,270B C-AL 964 — — 964 993 — — 993
C-C 1073 — — 1073 1100 — — 1100
C-AL 437 787 605 392 680 740 825 664
C-C 495 845 663 450 767 826 912 751
C-AL 611 882 815 505 629 817 787 712
290A,360A/B,390B C-C 698 969 901 591 715 904 874 798
290B,315B C-AL 970 — — 962 996 — — 1007
C-C 1079 — — 1070 1104 — — 1115
C-AL 625 967 850 509 639 384 925 725
C-C 711 1053 937 595 725 925 1012 810
C-AL — Copper Tubing, Aluminum Fins 1. Dimensions in ( ) are in millimeters.
C-C — Copper Tubing, Copper Fins 2. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel between the unit and
the isolators is recommended.
3. For A-D and H-E dimensions on 230B-315B modules, see pages 28-30.


230A,245A, 290A,360A/B, 315A,390A,
UNIT SIZE 230B 245B 255B,270B 270A,330A/B 290B,315B
255A 390B 420A/B
in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm
1121/8 2849 645/8 1642 6615/16 1700 811/16 2059 11213/16 2865 136 3454 805/8 2048 1355/8 3444
501/2 1283 4911/16 1261 5215/16 1344 5111/16 1312 501/2 1283 501/2 1283 523/ 16 1326 505/8 1285

Base unit dimensions —
mounting weights (approximate) (cont)
77.9" (1979) - 230A-270A, 330A/B, 360B (50 Hz)
113.7" (2888) - 360A, 360B (60 Hz), 390A/B, 420A/B X

D 113.9" (2893) C 42.2" (1072) B A

CONTROL BOX (230B-315B) 330B-420B)

91.7" (2328)



C-AL 948 1591 1160 834 1438 1375 1829 1502
C-C 1075 1719 1287 961 1628 1566 2020 1692
230B C-AL 1680 — — 1660 1650 — — 1730
C-C 1842 — — 1842 1830 — — 1910
245B C-AL 1724 — — 1714 1833 — — 1864
C-C 1907 — — 1899 2014 — — 2040
C-AL 2133 — — 2133 2222 — — 2222
C-C 2370 — — 2370 2460 — — 2460
270A,330A/B, C-AL 963 1744 1348 873 1527 1673 1849 1466
360B C-C 1090 1871 1475 1000 1718 1864 2040 1657
C-AL 1365 1953 1807 1127 1430 1839 1765 1621
290A,360A,390B C-C 1555 2143 1997 1316 1620 2029 1955 1811
C-AL 2149 — — 2149 2271 — — 2271
290B,315B C-C 2387 — — 2387 2508 — — 2508
315A,390A,420A/B C-AL 1383 2151 1876 1128 1430 1860 2102 1615
C-C 1573 2341 2066 1318 1620 2050 2292 1805

→ 50 Hz UNITS — SI
C-AL 430 723 527 379 653 625 831 682
C-C 486 781 585 437 740 711 918 769
C-AL 764 — — 755 750 — — 786
C-C 847 — — 837 832 — — 868
C-AL 784 — — 779 833 — — 847
C-C 867 — — 863 915 — — 927
C-AL 970 — — 970 1010 — — 1010
255B,270B C-C 1077 — — 1077 1118 — — 1118
270A,330A/B, C-AL 437 792 612 397 694 760 840 666
360B C-C 495 850 670 454 780 847 927 753
C-AL 620 887 821 512 650 835 802 736
290A,360A,390B C-C 707 974 907 598 736 922 889 823
C-AL 976 — — 976 1032 — — 1032
290B,315B C-C 1085 — — 1085 1140 — — 1140
C-AL 628 977 852 512 650 845 955 734
C-C 715 1064 940 599 736 931 1042 820
C-AL — Copper Tubing, Aluminum Fins 1. Dimensions in ( ) are in millimeters.
C-C — Copper Tubing, Copper Fins 2. If spring isolators are used, a perimeter support channel between the unit and
the isolators is recommended.
3. For A-D and H-E dimensions on 230B-315B modules, see pages 28-30.


230A,245A, 270A,330A/B 290A,360A, 315A,390A,
UNIT SIZE 230B 245B 255B,270B 290B,315B
255A 360B 390B 420A/B
in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm
1121/8 2849 645/8 1642 6615/16 1700 811/16 2059 11213/16 2865 136 3454 805/8 2048 1355/8 3444
501/2 1283 4911/16 1261 5215/16 1344 5111/16 1312 501/2 1283 501/2 1283 523/16 1326 505/8 1285

42 104
Application data
Leveling unit For details on applying a reset option, refer to unit Con-
Unit must be level within 1/8-in. per ft when installed to trols and Troubleshooting literature. Obtain ordering part
ensure proper oil return to the compressors. numbers for reset option from current price pages or con-
tact your local Carrier representative.
While most outdoor locations are suitable for 30GTN,
GTR units, the roof is a common site that presents a prob- Cooler flow range
lem if roof has been pitched to aid in water removal. To Ratings and performance data in this publication are for a
assure proper oil return, be sure that unit is level, particu- cooling temperature rise of 10° F (5.6° C), and are suitable
larly in its major lengthwise dimension, as compressor oil for a range from 5 to 20 F (2.8 to 11.1 C) temperature rise
return piping runs in that direction. without adjustment. The ComfortLink chillers may be
It should be determined prior to installation if any spe- operated using a different temperature range, provided
cial treatment is required to assure a level installation. flow limits are not exceeded. For minimum flow rates, see
Minimum Cooler Fluid Flow Rates and Minimum Loop
Cooler fluid temperature Volume table. High flow rate is limited by pressure drop
1. Maximum leaving chilled fluid temperature (LCWT) for that can be tolerated. If another temperature range is used,
unit is 70 F (21 C). Unit can start and pull down with up apply LCWT correction as given in Selection Procedure
to 95 F (35 C) entering-fluid temperature due to MOP example on page 52.
(maximum operating pressure) feature of the TXV. For MINIMUM COOLER FLUID FLOW RATES
sustained operation, it is recommended that entering- AND MINIMUM LOOP VOLUME —
fluid temperature not exceed 85 F (29.4 C). UNIT SIZES 060-210
2. Minimum LCWT for standard unit is 40 F (4.4 C). It is MINIMUM COOLER MINIMUM
permissible to use a standard microprocessor-controlled UNIT SIZE FLOW RATE LOOP VOLUME
Gpm L/s Gal L
ComfortLink™ chiller with leaving-fluid temperatures in
060 48 3.0 190 719
the range of 34 to 39.9 F (1.1° to 4.4 C) only if a pro- 070 48 3.0 218 823
tective brine solution (20% antifreeze solution, or 080 60 3.8 246 930
greater) is used. (See Controls and Troubleshooting lit- 090 60 3.8 262 992
erature for further information.) 100 73 4.6 299 1131
110 73 4.6 323 1222
Medium temperature brine application 130 101 6.4 375 1419
150 101 6.4 291 1624
Application of chiller for brine duty within the 39.9 to 15 F 170 135 8.5 486 1840
(4.4 to –9.4 C) range is possible by ordering the proper 190 135 8.5 528 1998
factory-installed brine option. For ratings below 40° F 210 219 13.8 603 2232
(4.4 C) LCWT, contact your local Carrier representative.
Leaving-fluid temperature reset AND MINIMUM LOOP VOLUME —
UNIT SIZES 230-420
The Energy Management Module (EMM) is required for 4
to 20 mA reset of LCWT in constant fluid systems. Reset MINIMUM COOLER FLOW RATE
by return fluid, outdoor-air temperature, or space tempera- SIZE Module A Module B
ture does not require this option. Reset reduces compres- Gpm L/s Gpm L/s
Gallons Liters
sor power usage at part load when design LCWT is not 230 101 6.4 60 3.8 675 2550
necessary. Humidity control should be considered since 245 101 6.4 60 3.8 690 2615
255 101 6.4 73 4.6 725 2750
higher coil temperatures resulting from reset will reduce
270 135 8.5 73 4.6 780 2972
latent heat capacity. Three reset options are offered, based 290 135 8.5 73 4.6 840 3179
on the following: 315 219 13.8 73 4.6 900 3407
330 135 8.5 135 8.5 975 3715
Return-fluid temperature — Increases LCWT tempera-
360 135 8.5 135 8.5 1050 4001
ture set point as return (or entering) fluid temperature 390 219 13.8 135 8.5 1140 4343
decreases (indicating load decrease). Option may be used 420 219 13.8 219 13.8 1200 4572
in any application where return fluid provides accurate load LEGEND
indication. Limitation of return fluid reset is that LCWT ARI — Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
may only be reset to value of design return fluid tempera- N
— Liters per kW
— Gallons per ton
Outdoor-air temperature — Increases LCWT as out- 1. Minimum flow based on 1.0 fps (0.30 m/s) velocity in cooler without special
cooler baffling.
door ambient temperature decreases (indicating load 2. Minimum Loop Volumes: Gallons = V x ARI Cap. (tons)
decrease). This reset should be applied only where outdoor Liters = N x ARI Cap. (kW)
ambient temperature is an accurate indication of load. An
accessory thermistor is required. Normal Air Conditioning 3 3.25
Space temperature — Increases LCWT as space tem- Process Type Cooling 6 to 10 6.5 to 10.8
Low Ambient Unit Operation 6 to 10 6.5 to 10.8
perature decreases (indicating load decrease). This reset
should be applied only where space temperature is an
accurate indication of load. An accessory thermistor is

Application data (cont)
Minimum cooler flow (maximum cooler tempera- Fluid loop volume — The volume in circulation must
ture rise) — The minimum cooler flow for standard units equal or exceed 3 gal. per nominal ton (3.25 L per kW) of
is shown in Minimum Cooler Fluid Flow Rates and Mini- cooling for temperature stability and accuracy in normal
mum Loop Volume tables. When gpm (L/s) required is air-conditioning applications. (For example, a 30GTN210
lower (or rise higher), follow recommendations below: would require 603 gal. [2232 L].) In process cooling appli-
a. Multiple smaller chillers may be applied in series, each cations, or for operation at ambient temperature below
providing a portion of the design temperature rise. 32 F (0° C) with low loading conditions, there should be
from 6 to 10 gal. per ton (6.5 to 10.8 L per kW). To
b. Cooler fluid may be recirculated to raise flow rate. How-
achieve this volume, it is often necessary to install a tank in
ever, mixed temperature entering cooler must be main- the loop. Tank should be baffled to ensure there is no strat-
tained a minimum of at least 5 F (2.8 C) above the
ification and that water (or brine) entering tank is ade-
quately mixed with liquid in the tank.
c. Special cooler baffling is required to allow minimum NOTE: Tank installation is shown below.
flow rate to be reduced.
NOTE: Recirculation flow is shown below. TANK INSTALLATION


Maximum cooler flow — The maximum cooler flow Cooler fouling factor — The fouling factor used to cal-
(> 5 gpm/ton or < 5° F rise [> 0.09 L/s ⋅ kW or < 2.8° C culate tabulated ratings was .00010 ft2 • hr • °F/ Btu
rise]) results in practical maximum pressure drop through (.000018 m2 • °C/W). As fouling factor is increased, unit
cooler. capacity decreases and compressor power increases.
1. Return fluid may bypass the cooler to keep pressure Standard ratings should be corrected using following
drop through cooler within acceptable limits. This per- multipliers:
mits a higher ∆T with lower fluid flow through cooler
and mixing after the cooler. CAPACITY POWER
2. Special cooler baffling to permit a cooler flow rate (ft2 ⋅ hr ⋅ °F/Btu) (m2 ⋅ °C/W) MULTIPLIER
increase of 10% is available by special order. .00025 .000044 0.991 0.995
.00050 .000088 0.977 0.987
NOTE: Bypass flow is shown below. .00075 .000132 0.955 0.979
.00175 .000308 0.910 0.952
Cooler protection — Protection against low ambient
freeze-up is required for unit operation in areas that experi-
ence temperatures below 32 F (0° C). Protection should be
in the form of inhibited glycol or other suitable brine.
Even though unit cooler is equipped with insulation and
an electric heater that helps prevent freeze-up, it does not
protect fluid piping external to unit or if there is a power
failure. Use only antifreeze solutions approved for heat
exchanger duty. Use of automotive-type antifreezes is not
recommended because of the fouling that can occur once
Variable cooler flow rates — Variable rates may be their relatively short-lived inhibitor breaks down.
applied to standard chiller. Unit will, however, attempt to Draining cooler and outdoor piping is recommended if
maintain a constant leaving chilled fluid temperature. In system is not to be used during freezing weather condi-
such cases, minimum flow must be in excess of minimum tions. See Low Ambient Temperature Operation section
flow given in Minimum Cooler Fluid Flow Rates and Mini- page 45.
mum Loop Volume table, and flow rate must change in
steps of less than 10% per minute. Apply 6 gal. per ton
(6.5 L per kW) water loop volume minimum if flow rate
changes more rapidly.

Condenser considered. Often use of burst protection results in lower
fluid costs and has less impact on chiller cooler capacity
Altitude correction factors — Correction factors must and flow rate. Consult glycol fluid manufacturers for burst
be applied to standard ratings at altitudes above 2000 ft protection recommendations and fluid specifications.
(610 m) using the following multipliers:
Capacity correction (antifreeze)
ft m MULTIPLIER POWER MULTIPLIER Inhibited ethylene glycol (or other suitable brine) should
0 0 1.00 1.00 be used in installations where subfreezing temperatures
2000 610 0.99 1.01 are expected. Unit performance data must be corrected
4000 1220 0.98 1.02
6000 1830 0.97 1.03
for the addition of inhibited ethylene glycol as shown in fol-
8000 2440 0.96 1.04 lowing example. Correction factors can be derived from
10000 3050 0.95 1.05 curves in the Inhibited Ethylene Glycol Performance chart
Condenser airflow — Airflow restrictions on units with at right. Additional performance information on this and
standard fans will affect the unit capacity, condenser head other fluids is available in Carrier’s Electronic Catalog
pressure, and compressor power input. Correction factors (E-CAT) software program. “Slush” and “Burst” concentra-
to be applied for external static restrictions up to 0.2 in. wg tion may also be considered for winter shutdown protec-
(50 Pa) are as follows: tion and when unit operation is not required.
Example: English — Where a 5 F outdoor temperature
is anticipated, determine concentration of inhibited ethyl-
0.0 0.0 1.000 1.00 ene glycol to protect system to –10 F ambient temperature
0.1 25 0.986 1.01 at zero flow.
0.2 50 0.968 1.03
Enter the solution crystallization point curve (at right) at
High ambient temperature –10 F; read that 40% concentration of inhibited ethylene
High outdoor ambient chiller start-up and operation (fully gly-col is required to prevent crystals from forming in
loaded) is possible for standard 30GTN,GTR chillers at solution.
ambient temperatures up to 125 F (52 C) at nominal volt- Consider the 30GTN110 unit from the Selection Proce-
age. In some cases, where return water temperature is dure example on page 52 (refer to correction curves at
expected to exceed 60 F (15.5 C), an accessory kit may be 40% solution).
required. Correct unit capacity — On the capacity correction curve
Low ambient temperature operation in chart on page 46, read 0.95.
With certain field provisions as described below, units will Corrected capacity = 0.95 x determined capacity
start and operate down to: = 0.95 x 111.4
0° F (–18 C) for EXV units = 105.8 tons
35° F (1.7 C) for 30GTN,GTR060-110 TXV units Correct cooler water flow — On the cooler flow correc-
If operation is intended below these limits, the Carrier tion curve on page 46, read 1.15.
accessory Motormaster® V condenser head pressure con- Chilled water flow (at corrected capacity)
trol and its associated components must be added. The
24 x corrected cap. in tons
Motormaster control allows operation down to –20 F = = U.S. gpm
temperature rise F
(–29 C). Consult your Carrier representative for details.
NOTE: Minimum load on chiller must be above minimum 24 x 105.8
= = 181.4 U.S. gpm
step of unloading. 14°
Wind baffles (field fabricated and installed) — Baf-
fles must be added to all units for operation below 32 F Chilled water flow (40% solution)= 1.15 x 181.4
(0° C) if wind velocity is anticipated to be greater than = 208.6 U.S. gpm
5 mph (8 km/h). Correct cooler pressure drop — On cooler pressure drop
Antifreeze solution — Inhibited ethylene glycol or other correction curve on page 46, read 1.33.
suitable corrosion-resistant anti-freeze solution must be On cooler pressure drop curve on page 48, for
field supplied and installed in all units for unit operation 208.6 gpm, read pressure drop = 8.1 ft water gage. The
below 32 F (0° C). Solution must be added to fluid loop to pressure drop for 40% solution = 1.33 x 8.1 = 10.8 ft
protect loop down to 15° F (8° C) below minimum operat- water.
ing ambient temperature. Concentration should be based Correct compressor power input (kW) — On power cor-
on expected minimum temperature and either “Burst” or rection curve below, read 0.97 correction factor at 40%
“Freeze” protection levels. ethylene glycol concentration.
Provide sufficient volume in the chilled fluid loop — Power input from Selection Procedure example =
At least 6 gal per ton (6.5 L per kW) of refrigeration is the 125.4 kW.
recommended minimum for a moderate system load.
Corrected power input = 0.97 x 125.4 = 121.6 kW
Freeze versus burst protection — If chiller operation is
not required during winter/off season, lower glycol con-
centrations based on “burst” protection criteria may be

Application data (cont)
Chilled water flow (40% solution)= 1.15 x 10.9
CRYSTALLIZATION POINTS Correct cooler pressure drop — On cooler pressure drop
Correction factors apply to published chilled correction curve on this page, read 1.33.
water performance ratings from 40 to 60 F
(4.4 to 15.6 C) LCWT On cooler pressure drop curve on page 48, for
12.8 L/s, read pressure drop of 24 kPa. The pressure
drop for 40% solution = 1.33 x 24 = 31.92 kPa.
Correct compressor power input (kW) — On the power
correction curve on this page, read 0.97 correction factor
at 40% ethylene glycol concentration.
Power input from Selection Procedure example =
122.4 kW.
Corrected power input = 0.97 x 122.4 = 118.7 kW.
Oversizing chillers
Oversizing chillers by more than 15% at design conditions
must be avoided as the system operating efficiency is
adversely affected (resulting in greater or excessive electri-
cal demand). When future expansion of equipment is antic-
ipated, install a single chiller to meet present load
requirements and add a second chiller to meet the addi-
tional load demand.
It is also recommended that 2 smaller chillers be installed
where operation at minimum load is critical. The operation
of a smaller chiller loaded to a greater percentage over
minimum is preferred to operating a single chiller at or
near its minimum recommended value.
Hot gas bypass should not be used as a means to allow
oversizing chillers. Hot gas bypass should be given consid-
eration where substantial operating time is anticipated
below the minimum unloading step.
Multiple chillers
Where chiller capacities greater than 210 tons (740 kW)
are required, or where stand-by capability is desired, chill-
Example: SI — Determine concentration of inhibited eth- ers may be installed in parallel. Units should be of equal
size to ensure balanced fluid flows. Where a large tempera-
ylene glycol to protect the system to –23 C ambient tem-
ture drop (> 25° F [13.9° C]) is desired, chillers may be
perature at zero flow.
installed in series. Fluid temperature sensors need not be
Enter the solution crystallization point curve above, at moved for multiple chiller operation. A 10 ft (3 m) separa-
–23 C, read 40% concentration inhibited ethylene glycol is tion is required between units for airflow, and a 6 ft (1.8 m)
required to prevent crystals from forming in solution. distance is required from units to obstructions. See Multiple
Consider 30GTN110 unit selected from the Selection Unit Separation figure below. See Base Unit Dimensions
Procedure example (refer to correction curves at 40% section on pages 27-38 for service clearances.
solution). Unit software is capable of controlling two units as a sin-
Correct unit capacity — On glycol performance capacity gle plant. Refer to Controls, Start-Up, Operation, Service,
correction curve above, read 0.95. and Troubleshooting guide for further details.
Corrected capacity = 0.95 x determined capacity
= 0.95 x 375.4
Correct chilled water flow — On cooler flow correction 6 ft (1.8 m)
curve above, read 1.15.
Chilled water flow (at corrected capacity) 10 ft 8 ft
(3 m) (2.1 m)
= 0.239 x corr. cap. in kW = L/s MINIMUM MAXIMUM
temperature rise C

= 0.239 x 356.6 = 10.9 L/s


Electrical/utility interests Condenser coil protection (Enviro-Shield™)
Energy management — Use of energy management Pre-coated aluminum-fin coils have a durable epoxy-
practices can significantly reduce operating costs, espe- phenolic coating applied to the fin prior to the fin stamping
cially during off-peak modes of operation. Demand limiting process to provide protection in mildly corrosive coastal
and temperature reset are 2 techniques for accomplishing environments. Pre-coated coils have an inert barrier
efficient energy management. See Demand Limiting (also between the aluminum fin and copper tube. This barrier
called load shedding) section below and Leaving-Fluid Tem- electrically disconnects the dissimilar metals to minimize
perature Reset section on page 43 for further details. the potential for galvanic corrosion. This economical
Demand limiting (also called load shedding) — option provides substantial corrosion protection beyond
When a utility’s demand for electricity exceeds a certain the standard uncoated coil construction.
level, loads are shed to keep electricity demand below a Copper-fin coils provide increased corrosion resistance
prescribed maximum level. Typically, this happens on hot in moderate coastal environments where industrial air pol-
days when air conditioning is most needed. The Energy lution is not present. All copper coils eliminate bi-metallic
Management Module (EMM) can be added to accomplish construction to eliminate the potential for galvanic corro-
this reduction. sion. Application in industrial environments is not recom-
Demand may be limited on unit by resetting fluid tem- mended due to potential attack from sulfur, sulfur oxide,
perature, or by unloading the chiller to a given predeter- nitrogen oxides, carbon and several other industrial air-
mined percentage of the load. Demand limit may also be borne contaminants. In moderate seacoast environments,
driven by an external 4 to 20 mA signal. These features copper-fin coils have extended life compared to standard
require a signal from an intelligent central control. Do not or pre-coated aluminum-fin coils.
cycle demand limiter for less than 10 minutes on and E-coated aluminum-fin coils have an extremely flexible
5 minutes off. and durable epoxy coating uniformly applied to all coil sur-
Duty cycling cycles electrical loads at regular intervals faces. Unlike brittle phenolic dip and bake coatings, E-coat
regardless of need. This reduces the electrical operating provides superior protection with unmatched flexibility,
costs of building by “fooling” demand indicating devices. edge coverage, metal adhesion, thermal performance and
Duty cycling of compressors or fans is not recommended most importantly, corrosion resistance. E-coated coils pro-
since motor winding and bearing life suffer from constant vide this protection since all coil surfaces are completely
cycling. encapsulated from environmental contamination. Specify
E-coated aluminum-fin coils for industrial environments
Remote on-off control with high levels of air pollution. This option also provides
Remote on-off control may be applied by hard-wired con- better protection compared to standard or pre-coated alu-
nection (see Controls and Troubleshooting literature) or by minum-fin coils in industrial environments.
connection to a Carrier Comfort Network (CCN). E-coated copper-fin coils have the same flexible and
Part-wind start durable epoxy coating as E-coated aluminum-fin coils.
However, this option combines the natural salt and envi-
This is not generally required on 30GTN,GTR chillers due ronmental resistance of all-copper construction with the
to use of multiple compressors allowing smaller electrical highest level of corrosion protection. Specify E-coated cop-
load increments, but is available if required. Maximum per-fin coils in the harshest combination of coastal and
instantaneous current flow (see ICF in Electrical Data table industrial environments.
on pages 77-79) should be used in determining need.
It is recommended that a strainer with a minimum of
20 mesh be installed in the cooler fluid inlet line, just ahead
of and as close as possible to the cooler.

Application data (cont)

NOTE: Ft of water = 2.31 x change in psig.




1 — 30GTN,GTR130,150
2 — 30GTN,GTR170,190
3 — 30GTN,GTR210

NOTE: Ft of water = 2.31 x change in psig.

Application data (cont)


1 Module B — 30GTN,GTR230,245
2 Module B — 30GTN,GTR255,290,315

NOTE: Ft of water = 2.31 x change in psig.

30GTN,GTR230A-420A, 270B, 330B-420B



1 Module B — 30GTN,GTR270
2 Module A — 30GTN,GTR230-255
3 Module A — 30GTN,GTR270,330
Module B — 30GTN,GTR330,360 (50 Hz)
4 Module A — 30GTN,GTR290,315,360 (50 or 60 Hz), 390, and 420
Module B — 30GTN,GTR360 (60 Hz), 390, and 420

Selection procedure — English (60 Hz)
(with 30GTN110 example)
NOTE: The Carrier electronic catalog provides quick, easy Read down capacity column until the capacity near-
computer selection of Carrier chillers. The catalog is avail- est to but higher than specified required capacity is
able from your local Carrier representative. reached. In this case, 110.8 tons is delivered by a
I Determine unit size and operating conditions 30GTN110. Interpolate between 45 F and 46 F to
required to provide specified capacity at find determined capacity and power input at cor-
given conditions: rected LCWT (45.3 F). Values are:
Capacity required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 tons Capacity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111.4 tons
Leaving chilled water temperature (LCWT) . . .45 F Power input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125.4 kW
Cooler water temperature rise . . . . . . . . . . . 14° F IV Calculate corrected cooler water flow.
Condenser entering-air temperature (CEAT) . .95 F
24 x corr cap. in tons
Loop volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 gal. Water flow = = U.S. gpm
temperature rise °F
Ratings are based on 10° F rise and are suitable for
a temperature rise range from 5° F to 20° F without 24 x 111.4
adjustment. In this case, however, greater accuracy = = 191 U.S. gpm
is desired.
V Calculate the cooler pressure drop.
II Correct LCWT for 14° F cooler water temper-
Enter cooler pressure drop curve (page 48) at cor-
ature rise. rected flow rate (191 U.S. gpm) and read, for the
Enter LCWT correction curve (page 53) at 14° F 30GTN110, a pressure drop of 6.2 ft of water.
and read a correction of 0.3 F. Corrected LCWT is,
VI Check loop volume and cooler water flow
therefore, 45 + 0.3 = 45.3 F. rate.
III Determine capacity, unit size, and power
Minimum loop volume, from application data, is
323 gal. for 30GTN110. Therefore, given volume
Enter Cooling Capacities table at given CEAT and of 350 gal. is satisfactory. Minimum water flow rate,
LCWT — 95 F and 45 F, respectively. from application data, is 73 gpm for 30GTN110.
Flow rate of 191 gpm is well above minimum

Selection procedure — SI (60 Hz)

(with 30GTN110 example)
I Determine unit size and operating conditions find the determined capacity and power input at
required to provide specified capacity at corrected LCWT (6.1 C). Values are:
given conditions: Capacity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .375.4 kW
Capacity required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 kW Power input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122.4 kW
Leaving chilled water temperature (LCWT) . . . 6 C IV Calculate corrected cooler water flow.
Cooler water temperature rise . . . . . . . . . . 7.8° C
Condenser entering air temperature (CEAT) . 35 C 0.239 x corr cap. in kW
Water flow = = L/s
Loop volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1300 L temperature rise °C
Ratings are based on 6° C rise and are suitable for a 0.239 x 375.4
temperature rise range from 2.8° C to 11.1° C = = 11.5 L/s
without adjustment. In this case, however, greater
accuracy is desired. V Calculate cooler pressure drop.
II Correct LCWT for 7.8° C cooler water tem- Enter cooler pressure drop curve (page 48) at cor-
perature rise. rected flow rate (11.5 L/s) and read, for
30GTN110, a pressure drop of 16.9 kPa.
Enter LCWT correction curve (page 53) at 7.8° C
and read a correction of 0.14 C. Corrected LCWT VI Check loop volume and cooler water flow
is, therefore, 6 + 0.14 = 6.1 C. rate.
III Determine capacity, unit size, and power Minimum loop volume, from application data, is
input. 1222 L for 30GTN110. Therefore, given volume of
1300 L is satisfactory. Minimum water flow rate,
Enter Cooling Capacities table at given CEAT and
from application data, is 4.6 L/s for 30GTN110.
LCWT — 35 C and 6 C, respectively.
Flow rate of 11.5 L/s is well above minimum
Read down capacity column until the capacity near- required.
est to but higher than specified required capacity is
reached. In this case, 373.6 kW is delivered by a
30GTN110. Interpolate between 6 F and 7 F to

Selection procedure — English and SI

Above 10 F, ADD correction to design LCWT. Above 6C, ADD correction to design LCWT.
Below 10 F, SUBTRACT. Below 6C, SUBTRACT.

LCWT — Leaving Chilled Water Temperature

Performance data


30GTN,GTR (kW)
Tons kW INPUT (kW) ft water kPa
060 63.9 224.8 70.9 9.3 12.6 37.5 9.56 2.80 12.0
070 73.3 258.5 82.5 9.3 16.3 48.5 9.58 2.81 11.8
080 82.6 290.5 94.1 9.4 11.7 34.9 9.58 2.81 12.8
090 88.2 310.4 99.0 9.4 13.3 39.6 9.77 2.86 14.7
100 100.5 353.5 108.4 12.7 9.5 28.5 9.96 2.92 14.1
110 108.7 382.3 123.7 12.7 11.1 33.1 9.56 2.80 13.7
130 122.0 429.4 137.3 15.5 6.7 19.9 9.58 2.81 12.9
150 141.5 498.0 161.6 15.4 8.8 26.4 9.58 2.81 13.5
170 158.4 557.1 181.8 15.4 11.9 35.6 9.64 2.82 14.4
190 173.9 611.5 200.2 18.6 14.3 42.8 9.58 2.81 14.5
210 202.6 712.6 236.5 18.6 14.8 44.1 9.58 2.81 14.3
230 224.0 787.9 256.6 24.8 11.7 34.9 9.56 2.80 13.3
245 229.7 807.7 261.4 24.9 13.3 39.6 9.63 2.82 14.0
255 242.1 851.3 270.9 28.2 9.6 28.5 9.71 2.85 13.8
270 259.0 911.0 290.2 28.2 11.9 35.6 9.76 2.86 14.3
290 282.6 993.8 322.2 31.2 14.3 42.8 9.59 2.81 14.2
315 311.3 1094.9 358.3 31.2 14.8 44.1 9.59 2.81 14.1
330 316.8 1114.0 363.5 31.0 11.9 35.6 9.64 2.82 14.5
360 347.8 1223.0 398.3 37.1 14.3 42.8 9.58 2.81 14.5
390 376.8 1325.3 434.6 37.1 14.8 44.1 9.59 2.81 14.3
420 405.4 1425.7 470.6 37.1 14.8 44.2 9.58 2.81 14.3
See notes on page 54.

104 53
Performance data (cont)


30GTN,GTR (kW)
Tons kW INPUT (kW) ft water kPa
060 60.7 213.6 69.2 9.3 11.4 34.0 9.28 2.72 11.0
070 71.0 249.6 78.3 9.3 15.3 45.7 9.72 2.85 13.2
080 81.8 287.6 91.8 9.4 11.5 34.3 9.69 2.84 13.3
090 91.4 321.5 106.2 9.4 14.2 42.4 9.49 2.78 14.6
100 101.1 355.5 113.4 12.7 9.7 28.8 9.62 2.82 13.9
110 112.1 394.1 134.8 12.7 11.8 35.2 9.12 2.67 12.1
130 124.4 437.6 141.1 15.5 6.9 20.7 9.54 2.79 13.5
150 145.9 512.9 176.2 15.5 9.6 28.6 9.13 2.68 13.3
170 159.5 560.8 187.5 15.5 12.1 36.1 9.43 2.76 14.9
190 181.2 637.4 214.4 18.5 15.5 46.4 9.33 2.73 13.8
210 202.7 712.8 239.3 18.6 14.8 44.1 9.43 2.76 14.7
230 227.6 800.6 268.0 24.9 11.5 34.3 9.32 2.73 13.0
245 237.3 834.4 282.4 24.9 14.2 42.4 9.26 2.71 13.6
255 247.0 868.8 289.7 28.1 9.7 28.8 9.32 2.73 13.3
270 260.7 916.7 301.0 28.1 12.1 36.1 9.50 2.78 14.2
290 293.4 1031.8 349.3 31.2 15.5 46.4 9.25 2.71 12.9
315 314.8 1107.1 374.2 31.3 14.8 44.1 9.32 2.73 13.5
330 318.9 1121.6 375.0 30.9 12.1 36.1 9.43 2.76 14.9
360 340.7 1198.2 401.9 34.0 15.5 46.4 9.38 2.75 14.0
390 383.9 1350.0 453.7 37.1 15.5 46.3 9.38 2.75 14.0
420 405.4 1425.7 478.7 37.1 14.8 44.1 9.43 2.76 14.7
LEGEND 3. IPLV is a single number part-load efficiency value calculated from
COP — Coefficient of Performance (Capacity [kW] ÷ Input Power [kW]) the system full-load efficiency values and corrected for a typical
EER — Energy Efficiency Ratio (Capacity [Btuh] ÷ Input Power [W]) building air-conditioning application.
IPLV — Integrated Part-Load Value 4. All data in this table is rated in accordance with ARI Standard 550/
590 as represented in the Packaged Chiller Selection Program
*Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (U.S.A.). (E-Cat) Version 2.8.
1. Rated in accordance with ARI Standard 550/590-98 at standard rat-
ing conditions.
2. Standard rating conditions are as follows:
Cooler Conditions:
Leaving water temperature: 44 F (6.7 C)
Water flow rate: 2.4 GPM/Ton (.0431 )
Fouling Factor: 0.00010 hr x sq ft x °F/Btu (0.000018 m2 x °C/W)
Condenser Conditions:
Entering Air Temperature: 95 F (35 C)

Part Load Efficiency Data

Carrier’s reciprocating chiller selection program may be
used to determine part load performance of Carrier chill-
ers. This program has the ability to calculate part load per-
formance based on the ‘ARI LOAD’ line or on a user-
specified load line at either user-specified percent capacity
or the actual capacity step. Contact your local Carrier rep-
resentative for details.

54 104


CAPACITY 100, 110, 210, 315A,
STEPS 060 070 080, 090, 255B, 290B, 130
150, 170, 190, 290A,
230B 245B 270B 315B 230A-255A 270A, 330A/B 360A/B, 390B 420A/B
1 28 33 22 18 16 14 14 11 11 13 11
2 42 50 34 27 23 21 21 15 17 25 25
3 87 83 52 35 31 29 28 29 23 41 36
4 100 100 67 44 39 36 35 38 28 56 56
5 — — 78 53 46 43 42 42 33 78 67
6 — — 89 56 58 61 58 44 39 100 86
7 — — 100 65 66 68 64 53 45 — 100
8 — — — 74 73 75 71 58 50 — —
9 — — — 82 85 86 87 71 56 — —
10 — — — 91 92 93 93 80 61 — —
11 — — — 100 100 100 100 85 67 — —
12 — — — — — — — 86 73 — —
13 — — — — — — — 95 78 — —
14 — — — — — — — 100 83 — —
15 — — — — — — — — 89 — —
16 — — — — — — — — 95 — —
17 — — — — — — — — 100 — —



CAPACITY 100, 110, 210, 315A,
STEPS 060 070 080, 090, 255B, 150, 170, 190, 290A,
230B 245B 290B, 130 390A,
230A-255A 270A, 330A/B 360A/B, 390B
270B 315B 420A/B
1 — — 30 18 16 14 14 18 11 13 14
2 — — 44 27 23 21 21 27 17 25 25
3 — — 52 35 31 29 28 29 23 41 44
4 — — 63 44 39 36 35 33 28 56 56
5 — — 78 53 46 43 42 42 33 78 75
6 — — 85 62 58 53 58 55 39 100 86
7 — — 100 71 66 60 64 60 45 — 100
8 — — — 80 73 67 71 69 50 — —
9 — — — 82 85 86 87 71 56 — —
10 — — — 91 92 93 93 75 61 — —
11 — — — 100 100 100 100 85 67 — —
12 — — — — — — — 86 73 — —
13 — — — — — — — 91 78 — —
14 — — — — — — — 100 83 — —
15 — — — — — — — — 89 — —
16 — — — — — — — — 95 — —
17 — — — — — — — — 100 — —
NOTE: These capacity control steps may vary due to lag compressor sequencing.

Performance data (cont)


CAPACITY 100, 110, 210, 315A,
STEPS 060 070 080, 090, 255B, 290B, 130
150, 170, 270A, 190, 290A,
230B 245B 270B 315B 230A-255A 330A/B, 360B 360A, 390B 420A/B
1 33 19 17 14 13 17 10 13 9 17 9
2 50 27 25 21 20 25 14 20 14 22 26
3 83 65 42 29 26 33 26 26 19 50 35
4 100 73 54 36 33 42 35 33 23 67 51
5 — 92 62 43 40 50 39 40 28 83 67
6 — 100 79 61 57 58 44 46 33 100 84
7 — — 92 68 63 67 53 53 37 — 100
8 — — 100 75 70 75 57 60 42 — —
9 — — — 86 87 83 69 66 52 — —
10 — — — 93 93 92 78 73 57 — —
11 — — — 100 100 100 82 80 61 — —
12 — — — — — — 87 86 72 — —
13 — — — — — — 96 93 76 — —
14 — — — — — — 100 100 81 — —
15 — — — — — — — — 91 — —
16 — — — — — — — — 96 — —
17 — — — — — — — — 100 — —



CAPACITY 100, 110, 210, 315A,
STEPS 080, 090, 150, 170, 270A, 330A/ 190, 290A,
060 070 255B, 290B, 130 390A,
230B 245B 230A-255A B, 360B 360A, 390B
270B 315B 420A/B
1 — — 25 14 13 17 16 13 9 17 16
2 — — 38 21 20 25 25 20 14 22 26
3 — — 42 29 26 33 26 26 19 50 42
4 — — 50 36 33 42 31 33 23 67 51
5 — — 62 43 40 50 39 40 28 83 67
6 — — 79 53 57 58 51 46 38 100 84
7 — — 88 60 63 67 56 53 43 — 100
8 — — 100 67 70 75 64 60 47 — —
9 — — — 86 87 83 69 66 52 — —
10 — — — 93 93 92 74 73 57 — —
11 — — — 100 100 100 82 80 61 — —
12 — — — — — — 87 86 72 — —
13 — — — — — — 91 93 76 — —
14 — — — — — — 100 100 81 — —
15 — — — — — — — — 91 — —
16 — — — — — — — — 96 — —
17 — — — — — — — — 100 — —
NOTE: These capacity control steps may vary due to lag compressor sequencing.



CAPACITY 100, 110, 210, 315A,
STEPS 080, 090, 150, 170, 270A, 190, 290A,
060 070 255B, 290B, 130 390A,
230B 245B 270B 315B 230A-255A 330A/B 360A/B, 390B 420A/B
1 28 33 11 9 8 7 8 6 6 9 8
2 42 50 22 18 16 14 14 11 11 13 11
3 67 67 34 27 23 21 21 15 17 18 17
4 87 83 41 35 31 29 22 24 17 21 22
5 100 100 55 44 39 36 28 33 23 25 25
6 — — 67 53 46 43 35 38 28 33 28
7 — — 78 56 50 47 42 42 33 37 33
8 — — 89 65 58 54 44 49 34 41 36
9 — — 100 74 66 61 51 53 39 49 48
10 — — — 82 73 68 58 58 45 53 52
11 — — — 91 77 75 64 66 50 56 56
12 — — — 100 85 79 71 75 51 71 59
13 — — — — 92 86 73 80 56 74 63
14 — — — — 100 93 80 85 61 78 67
15 — — — — — 100 87 91 67 93 78
16 — — — — — — 93 95 67 96 83
17 — — — — — — 100 100 73 100 86
18 — — — — — — — — 78 — 92
19 — — — — — — — — 83 — 97
20 — — — — — — — — 84 — 100
21 — — — — — — — — 89 — —
22 — — — — — — — — 95 — —
23 — — — — — — — — 100 — —



CAPACITY 100, 110, 210, 315A,
STEPS 080, 090, 150, 170, 270A, 190, 290A,
060 070 230B 245B 255B, 290B, 130 390A,
230A-255A 330A/B 360A/B, 390B
270B 315B 420A/B
1 38 33 15 9 8 7 8 9 6 9 9
2 58 50 30 18 16 14 14 18 11 13 14
3 67 66 44 27 23 21 21 27 17 18 17
4 80 83 48 35 31 29 22 33 17 21 21
5 100 100 63 44 39 36 28 42 23 25 25
6 — — 78 53 46 43 35 46 28 33 37
7 — — 85 62 50 46 42 51 33 37 40
8 — — 100 71 58 53 44 60 34 41 44
9 — — — 80 66 60 51 69 39 49 48
10 — — — 82 73 67 58 75 45 53 51
11 — — — 91 77 72 64 86 50 56 56
12 — — — 100 85 79 71 91 51 71 67
13 — — — — 92 86 73 100 56 74 71
14 — — — — 100 93 80 — 61 78 75
15 — — — — — 100 87 — 67 93 78
16 — — — — — — 93 — 67 96 82
17 — — — — — — 100 — 73 100 86
18 — — — — — — — — 78 — 92
19 — — — — — — — — 83 — 96
20 — — — — — — — — 84 — 100
21 — — — — — — — — 89 — —
22 — — — — — — — — 95 — —
23 — — — — — — — — 100 — —
NOTE: These capacity control steps may vary due to lag compressor sequencing.

Performance data (cont)


CAPACITY 100, 110, 170, 210, 315A,
STEPS 080, 090, 150, 190, 290A, 360A,
060 070 255B, 290B, 130 270A, 330A/B, 390A,
230B 245B 270B 315B 230A-255A 360B
390B 420A/B
1 33 19 8 7 7 8 6 6 5 11 8
2 50 27 17 14 13 17 10 13 9 17 11
3 67 49 25 21 20 25 14 20 14 22 17
4 83 65 33 29 26 33 22 26 14 28 22
5 100 73 46 36 33 42 31 33 19 33 25
6 — 76 54 43 40 50 35 40 23 39 28
7 — 92 62 49 43 58 39 46 28 44 33
8 — 100 71 54 50 67 40 53 28 50 36
9 — — 84 61 57 75 49 60 33 55 48
10 — — 92 68 63 83 53 66 37 61 52
11 — — 100 75 70 92 57 73 42 67 56
12 — — — 79 74 100 65 80 43 72 59
13 — — — 86 80 — 74 86 48 78 63
14 — — — 93 89 — 78 93 52 83 67
15 — — — 100 93 — 82 100 57 89 78
16 — — — — 100 — 83 — 61 94 83
17 — — — — — — 91 — 63 100 86
18 — — — — — — 96 — 67 — 92
19 — — — — — — 100 — 72 — 97
20 — — — — — — — — 76 — 100
21 — — — — — — — — 81 — —
22 — — — — — — — — 82 — —
23 — — — — — — — — 87 — —
24 — — — — — — — — 91 — —
25 — — — — — — — — 96 — —
26 — — — — — — — — 100 — —



CAPACITY 100, 110, 170, 210, 315A,
STEPS 080, 090, 150, 190, 290A, 360A,
060 070 230B 245B 255B, 290B, 130 270A, 330A/B, 390A,
230A-255A 390B
270B 315B 360B 420A/B
1 33 31 13 7 7 8 8 6 5 11 11
2 50 47 25 14 13 17 16 13 9 17 16
3 66 49 38 21 20 25 25 20 14 22 17
4 83 57 50 29 26 33 31 26 14 28 20
5 100 73 62 36 33 42 39 33 19 33 26
6 — 76 67 43 40 50 43 40 23 39 34
7 — 84 75 46 43 58 47 46 28 44 36
8 — 100 88 53 50 67 56 53 29 50 42
9 — — 100 60 57 75 64 60 34 55 43
10 — — — 67 63 83 65 66 38 61 46
11 — — — 72 70 92 74 73 43 67 51
12 — — — 79 74 100 82 80 47 72 59
13 — — — 86 80 — 83 86 48 78 62
14 — — — 93 87 — 91 93 52 83 67
15 — — — 100 93 — 100 100 57 89 75
16 — — — — 100 — — — 61 94 78
17 — — — — — — — — 63 100 84
18 — — — — — — — — 67 — 92
19 — — — — — — — — 72 — 94
20 — — — — — — — — 76 — 100
21 — — — — — — — — 81 — —
22 — — — — — — — — 82 — —
23 — — — — — — — — 87 — —
24 — — — — — — — — 91 — —
25 — — — — — — — — 96 — —
26 — — — — — — — — 100 — —
NOTE: These capacity control steps may vary due to lag compressor sequencing.

85 95 105 115 125
LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
(F) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate
(Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm)
060 62.9 64.8 150.6 59.5 68.6 142.3 56.0 72.1 134.0 52.5 75.3 125.6 49.0 78.1 117.2
070 72.0 75.4 172.3 68.3 79.7 163.5 64.6 83.7 154.6 60.8 87.5 145.6 57.1 90.9 136.7
080 81.4 85.5 194.9 76.7 90.3 183.6 72.0 94.6 172.3 67.2 98.5 160.9 62.4 101.8 149.3
090 87.2 89.5 208.7 81.8 94.9 195.9 76.5 99.8 183.1 71.1 104.3 170.3 65.8 108.4 157.6
100 98.9 98.0 236.8 93.0 104.0 222.5 87.1 109.6 208.4 81.1 114.5 194.2 75.1 118.9 179.8
110 106.7 112.1 255.4 100.6 118.4 240.7 94.4 124.3 226.0 88.2 129.6 211.3 82.1 134.3 196.5
130 119.7 125.5 286.6 114.0 133.1 272.8 108.0 140.0 258.5 101.9 146.6 244.0 95.7 152.5 229.1
150 139.3 147.5 333.4 132.5 156.5 317.1 125.5 165.1 300.5 118.7 173.2 284.0 111.6 180.8 267.2
170 155.4 164.8 372.0 147.2 174.2 352.3 138.8 182.8 332.3 130.4 190.6 312.3 121.7 197.4 291.3
190 170.4 181.6 407.9 161.8 192.1 387.4 153.2 201.9 366.8 144.5 211.1 346.0 135.7 219.6 324.8
40 210 199.4 215.1 477.3 187.8 225.7 449.6 176.3 235.4 421.9 164.5 244.1 393.9 152.9 251.8 366.0
230 220.7 233.1 528.2 209.2 246.8 500.8 197.5 259.7 472.7 185.9 271.6 444.9 174.0 282.6 416.6
245 226.5 237.1 542.1 214.3 251.4 513.0 202.0 264.9 483.5 189.8 277.5 454.3 177.5 289.2 424.9
255 238.2 245.6 570.2 225.5 260.6 539.8 212.6 274.7 508.9 199.8 287.7 478.2 186.7 299.7 447.0
270 254.3 262.9 608.8 240.2 278.3 574.9 225.9 292.4 540.7 211.5 305.2 506.4 196.8 316.3 471.1
290 277.1 293.6 663.4 262.4 310.5 628.2 247.6 326.2 592.8 232.8 340.6 557.2 217.8 353.9 521.3
315 306.1 327.2 732.8 288.4 344.1 690.3 270.7 359.7 648.0 252.8 373.7 605.1 235.0 386.1 562.5
330 310.8 329.6 744.0 294.3 348.5 704.6 277.8 365.7 665.0 260.9 381.3 624.6 243.5 394.9 582.8
360 340.8 363.1 815.9 323.9 384.2 775.3 306.6 403.9 733.9 289.1 422.3 692.2 271.4 439.3 649.8
390 370.1 396.8 886.0 349.9 417.9 837.6 329.7 437.5 789.1 309.2 455.4 740.2 288.7 471.5 691.0
420 398.9 430.2 955.0 375.7 451.5 899.5 352.6 470.9 844.1 329.2 488.3 788.1 305.9 503.7 732.3
060 65.2 65.9 156.1 61.7 69.9 147.7 58.1 73.6 139.2 54.5 76.9 130.6 50.9 79.9 122.0
070 74.5 76.8 178.6 70.7 81.3 169.4 66.9 85.4 160.3 63.1 89.3 151.1 59.3 92.9 141.9
080 84.4 87.2 202.2 79.6 92.2 190.8 74.8 96.7 179.1 69.9 100.7 167.4 65.0 104.3 155.6
090 90.5 91.3 216.7 85.0 96.9 203.6 79.6 102.1 190.6 74.1 106.8 177.5 68.6 111.0 164.4
100 102.7 99.9 246.0 96.7 106.2 231.6 90.7 112.0 217.2 84.6 117.2 202.6 78.5 121.9 188.0
110 110.9 114.5 265.7 104.6 121.1 250.6 98.3 127.1 235.4 91.9 132.7 220.2 85.6 137.7 205.1
130 123.9 127.7 296.7 117.8 135.5 282.3 111.8 142.8 267.8 105.6 149.6 253.1 99.4 155.9 238.1
150 143.8 150.2 344.5 136.9 159.5 327.9 129.9 168.4 311.2 122.8 176.7 294.2 115.7 184.7 277.2
170 161.1 168.2 385.9 152.8 178.0 366.0 144.2 187.0 345.5 135.6 195.2 324.8 126.8 202.4 303.7
190 176.6 185.2 423.1 167.8 196.1 402.0 159.1 206.4 381.1 150.1 216.0 359.5 141.0 224.9 337.9
42 210 207.0 220.0 496.0 195.1 231.1 467.5 183.2 241.2 439.0 171.3 250.3 410.3 159.3 258.4 381.5
230 228.2 237.4 546.7 216.5 251.7 518.7 204.7 265.1 490.4 192.7 277.5 461.6 180.7 289.0 432.8
245 234.3 241.5 561.2 221.9 256.4 531.5 209.5 270.5 501.8 196.9 283.5 471.6 184.3 295.8 441.6
255 246.6 250.2 590.8 233.7 265.8 559.8 220.6 280.4 528.5 207.4 294.0 496.8 194.2 306.6 465.1
270 263.9 268.1 632.2 249.6 284.3 597.9 234.9 299.0 562.7 220.2 312.4 527.4 205.2 324.3 491.6
290 287.5 299.7 688.7 272.4 317.1 652.6 257.3 333.5 616.5 242.0 348.6 579.7 226.7 362.6 543.0
315 317.9 334.5 761.6 299.7 352.1 718.0 281.5 368.3 674.4 263.2 383.0 630.5 244.9 396.2 586.6
330 322.1 336.3 771.6 305.5 356.0 731.9 288.5 374.0 691.1 271.2 390.4 649.7 253.5 404.9 607.4
360 353.2 370.5 846.2 335.7 392.3 804.3 318.2 412.9 762.3 300.3 432.0 719.3 282.2 449.8 676.0
390 383.9 405.5 919.8 363.2 427.4 870.2 342.3 447.6 820.1 321.5 466.4 770.2 300.4 483.5 719.7
420 414.2 440.1 992.3 390.4 462.2 935.2 366.7 482.5 878.4 342.7 500.7 820.9 318.7 517.0 763.4
See legend and notes on page 61.

Performance data (cont)
85 95 105 115 125
LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
(F) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate
(Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm)
060 67.5 67.1 161.8 63.9 70.9 153.2 60.3 75.1 144.5 56.6 78.6 135.7 52.9 81.7 126.8
070 77.1 78.2 184.9 73.2 82.5 175.5 69.3 87.1 166.1 65.4 91.2 156.7 61.4 94.9 147.3
080 87.5 89.0 209.7 82.6 94.1 198.0 77.7 98.8 186.2 72.6 103.1 174.1 67.6 106.8 162.1
090 93.9 93.2 225.0 88.2 99.0 211.5 82.6 104.3 198.1 77.0 109.3 184.7 71.4 113.7 171.2
100 106.7 101.8 255.9 100.5 108.4 241.0 94.4 114.4 226.2 88.1 119.9 211.2 81.8 124.9 196.2
110 115.2 116.8 276.1 108.7 123.7 260.6 102.2 130.0 245.1 95.7 135.8 229.5 89.2 141.1 213.9
130 128.0 129.9 306.9 121.9 137.3 292.3 115.8 145.6 277.5 109.4 152.7 262.3 103.0 159.3 247.0
150 148.6 152.9 356.1 141.4 161.6 339.0 134.3 171.6 321.9 127.1 180.4 304.7 119.8 188.6 287.2
170 166.7 171.5 399.7 158.4 181.8 379.7 149.7 191.2 358.9 140.8 199.7 337.4 131.8 207.4 316.0
190 183.0 189.0 438.6 173.9 200.2 416.8 164.9 210.9 395.3 155.8 220.9 373.5 146.5 230.2 351.2
44 210 214.9 225.1 515.2 202.6 236.5 485.8 190.4 247.0 456.5 178.1 256.5 427.0 — — —
230 236.0 241.9 565.8 224.0 256.6 537.0 211.9 270.5 508.0 199.8 283.4 478.9 187.4 295.5 449.2
245 242.4 246.1 581.1 229.7 261.4 550.6 216.9 276.0 520.0 204.2 289.6 489.4 191.2 302.4 458.4
255 255.4 254.8 612.2 242.1 270.9 580.3 228.7 286.2 548.2 215.3 300.4 516.0 201.6 313.5 483.3
270 273.6 273.4 655.8 259.0 290.2 621.0 244.1 305.7 585.2 228.9 319.6 548.7 213.6 332.3 512.2
290 298.1 305.8 714.7 282.6 322.2 677.4 267.1 340.9 640.4 251.6 356.7 603.0 235.7 371.3 565.0
315 330.1 341.9 791.3 311.3 358.3 746.3 292.7 377.1 701.6 273.8 392.4 656.4 — — —
330 333.4 343.0 799.2 316.8 363.5 759.3 299.3 382.3 717.5 281.7 399.5 675.2 263.7 414.9 632.1
360 365.8 378.0 877.0 347.8 398.3 833.6 330.0 421.9 791.0 311.7 441.9 747.3 293.1 460.5 702.7
390 397.8 414.2 953.7 376.8 434.6 903.4 355.5 458.0 852.3 334.0 477.6 800.8 — — —
420 429.9 450.2 1030.5 405.4 470.6 971.8 381.0 494.2 913.4 356.4 513.2 854.3 — — —
060 68.7 67.7 164.7 65.1 71.9 156.0 61.4 75.8 147.2 57.7 79.4 138.3 53.9 82.6 129.3
070 78.4 78.9 188.1 74.5 83.6 178.6 70.5 88.0 169.2 66.6 92.1 159.6 62.6 95.9 150.0
080 89.0 89.8 213.5 84.1 95.1 201.7 79.1 99.9 189.7 74.0 104.2 177.5 68.9 108.1 165.3
090 95.6 94.1 229.1 89.9 100.0 215.5 84.2 105.5 201.9 78.5 110.5 188.3 72.8 115.0 174.6
100 108.8 102.8 260.8 102.5 109.5 245.8 96.2 115.7 230.7 89.9 121.3 215.6 83.6 126.4 200.4
110 117.3 118.0 281.3 110.8 125.0 265.7 104.2 131.5 250.0 97.7 137.4 234.2 91.1 142.9 218.4
130 130.2 131.1 312.1 124.0 139.3 297.3 117.7 147.0 282.3 111.3 154.2 267.0 104.9 160.9 251.4
150 150.9 154.3 361.9 143.8 164.0 344.8 136.5 173.3 327.3 129.3 182.2 310.0 121.9 190.6 292.4
170 169.6 173.2 406.8 161.2 183.7 386.6 152.5 193.3 365.7 143.6 202.1 344.2 134.4 209.9 322.3
190 186.0 190.9 446.0 177.0 202.3 424.5 167.8 213.1 402.4 158.7 223.4 380.6 149.4 232.9 358.1
45 210 218.9 227.6 524.9 206.4 239.3 495.0 194.0 249.9 465.3 181.6 259.7 435.5 — — —
230 239.9 244.1 575.4 227.9 259.1 546.5 215.6 273.2 517.0 203.3 286.4 487.5 190.9 298.7 457.7
245 246.5 248.3 591.0 233.7 264.0 560.3 220.7 278.8 529.2 207.8 292.7 498.3 194.7 305.7 467.0
255 259.8 257.1 623.0 246.4 273.6 590.9 232.8 289.0 558.3 219.2 303.5 525.7 205.5 317.0 492.8
270 278.5 276.1 667.8 263.8 293.2 632.7 248.8 309.0 596.6 233.5 323.4 559.9 218.0 336.3 522.7
290 303.3 308.9 727.3 287.8 327.3 690.2 272.1 344.5 652.4 256.4 360.8 614.7 240.4 375.8 576.5
315 336.2 345.7 806.2 317.2 364.3 760.7 298.3 381.4 715.3 279.3 397.1 669.6 — — —
330 339.2 346.4 813.4 322.3 367.3 772.9 305.0 386.6 731.3 287.1 404.1 688.6 268.8 420.0 644.7
360 372.0 381.7 892.1 354.1 404.7 849.2 335.9 426.3 805.4 317.5 446.8 761.3 298.8 465.9 716.5
390 405.0 418.6 971.1 383.6 441.7 919.9 362.1 463.2 868.3 340.4 483.2 816.3 — — —
420 437.8 455.3 1049.8 413.0 478.6 990.4 388.2 500.0 931.0 363.4 519.5 871.4 — — —
See legend and notes on page 61.

85 95 105 115 125
LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
(F) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate
(Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm)
060 69.9 68.3 167.6 66.2 72.6 158.8 62.5 76.6 149.9 58.7 80.2 140.9 55.0 83.5 131.8
070 79.8 79.6 191.3 75.8 84.4 181.7 71.8 88.9 172.2 67.7 93.0 162.5 63.7 97.0 152.8
080 90.6 90.7 217.3 85.6 96.1 205.3 80.6 101.0 193.3 75.5 105.4 181.0 70.3 109.4 168.6
090 97.3 95.0 233.3 91.5 101.0 219.5 85.8 106.6 205.8 80.1 111.7 192.0 74.3 116.4 178.1
100 110.8 103.8 265.9 104.5 110.6 250.6 98.1 116.9 235.4 91.8 122.7 220.1 85.3 127.9 204.6
110 119.5 119.2 286.7 112.9 126.3 270.8 106.3 133.0 254.9 99.6 139.1 239.0 92.9 144.6 222.9
130 132.3 132.2 317.3 126.1 140.5 302.4 119.7 148.4 287.2 113.3 155.7 271.7 106.7 162.6 256.0
150 153.3 155.6 367.7 146.1 165.5 350.5 138.7 175.0 332.8 131.4 184.0 315.2 124.0 192.6 297.5
170 172.6 174.9 413.9 164.0 185.5 393.4 155.3 195.4 372.5 146.2 204.3 350.6 137.0 212.5 328.6
190 189.2 192.7 453.8 180.1 204.4 432.0 170.8 215.3 409.8 161.6 225.8 387.5 152.2 235.6 365.0
46 210 222.9 230.2 534.6 210.4 242.1 504.7 197.8 253.0 474.4 185.1 262.9 444.1 — — —
230 243.9 246.3 585.0 231.7 261.6 555.8 219.3 275.9 526.1 206.9 289.4 496.2 194.3 302.0 466.1
245 250.6 250.6 601.0 237.6 266.5 570.0 224.5 281.6 538.6 211.5 295.7 507.2 198.3 309.0 475.6
255 264.2 259.5 633.8 250.7 276.2 601.3 237.0 291.9 568.4 223.2 306.7 535.4 209.4 320.5 502.2
270 283.5 278.7 679.9 268.6 296.2 644.2 253.5 312.4 608.0 238.0 327.0 570.8 222.3 340.4 533.2
290 308.7 311.9 740.5 293.0 330.7 702.8 277.1 348.3 664.7 261.2 364.9 626.5 245.1 380.2 587.9
315 342.4 349.4 821.3 323.3 368.4 775.5 304.1 385.9 729.3 284.8 401.9 683.0 — — —
330 345.1 349.8 827.7 327.9 371.0 786.6 310.5 390.8 744.8 292.4 408.7 701.5 274.0 425.0 657.3
360 378.4 385.4 907.7 360.3 408.7 864.2 341.8 430.8 819.9 323.3 451.7 775.4 304.4 471.2 730.1
390 412.2 423.0 988.6 390.7 446.6 937.1 369.0 468.6 885.0 346.9 488.8 832.0 — — —
420 445.8 460.5 1069.2 420.8 484.2 1009.4 395.8 506.1 949.3 370.4 525.9 888.6 — — —
060 72.3 69.5 173.5 68.6 74.0 164.5 64.8 78.1 155.4 60.9 81.9 146.2 57.0 85.3 136.9
070 82.4 81.1 197.8 78.4 86.0 188.1 74.3 90.6 178.2 70.2 95.0 168.4 66.1 99.0 158.5
080 93.8 92.5 225.1 88.7 98.0 212.9 83.6 103.1 200.5 78.3 107.8 188.0 73.0 111.9 175.2
090 100.7 96.9 241.7 94.9 103.1 227.7 89.0 108.9 213.6 83.1 114.2 199.4 77.2 119.1 185.3
100 115.0 105.7 275.9 108.6 112.8 260.5 102.0 119.4 244.8 95.4 125.4 229.0 88.9 130.9 213.3
110 123.9 121.6 297.4 117.2 129.0 281.2 110.4 135.9 265.0 103.6 142.3 248.7 96.7 148.1 232.2
130 136.6 134.4 327.8 130.2 143.1 312.5 123.8 151.2 297.2 117.3 158.9 281.4 110.5 166.0 265.2
150 158.1 158.4 379.5 150.8 168.5 361.9 143.4 178.3 344.1 135.8 187.6 325.9 128.2 196.6 307.8
170 178.4 178.3 428.2 169.8 189.3 407.4 160.8 199.6 386.0 151.7 209.0 364.0 142.2 217.5 341.2
190 195.6 196.5 469.4 186.5 208.6 447.6 177.1 220.0 425.1 167.5 230.8 401.9 157.8 241.0 378.7
48 210 231.0 235.4 554.3 218.2 247.7 523.7 205.3 259.0 492.6 192.4 269.4 461.6 — — —
230 251.9 250.8 604.6 239.5 266.5 574.8 226.9 281.4 544.6 214.1 295.4 513.9 201.3 308.5 483.0
245 258.8 255.2 621.2 245.7 271.6 589.6 232.4 287.2 557.7 218.9 301.8 525.3 205.4 315.7 493.0
255 273.2 264.1 655.7 259.4 281.4 622.6 245.5 297.8 589.1 231.3 313.1 555.1 217.2 327.5 521.1
270 293.5 284.1 704.4 278.4 302.2 668.1 262.9 319.0 631.0 247.2 334.5 593.2 231.1 348.4 554.6
290 319.6 318.1 766.9 303.7 337.6 728.9 287.6 355.9 690.1 271.1 373.0 650.5 254.5 389.1 610.9
315 354.9 357.0 851.8 335.4 376.7 804.9 315.7 394.9 757.6 296.0 411.6 710.3 — — —
330 356.8 356.7 856.4 339.5 378.7 814.7 321.6 399.1 771.9 303.4 418.0 728.1 284.5 435.1 682.8
360 391.3 393.0 939.0 372.9 417.2 895.0 354.2 440.1 850.2 335.1 461.6 804.2 315.7 482.0 757.8
390 426.7 432.0 1024.1 404.7 456.4 971.2 382.6 479.1 918.1 360.0 500.3 864.0 — — —
420 462.0 470.9 1108.7 436.4 495.5 1047.4 410.7 518.1 985.6 384.9 538.9 923.7 — — —
LEGEND b. Calculate corrected flow rate through the cooler:
Cap. — Cooling Capacity (Tons of Refrigeration) 24 x capacity in kW
kW — Compressor Power Input = = U.S. gpm
LCWT — Leaving Chilled Water Temperature temperature rise °F

1. All ratings are in accordance with ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Insti- c. On Cooler Pressure Drop chart, on pages 48-51, enter cooler pressure drop
tute, U.S.A.) Standard 550/590-98, based on: curve at corrected flow rate and read pressure drop.
a. A cooler water temperature rise of 10° F. When greater accuracy is desired, 3. When cooler water temperature rise is less than 5° F, high flow rate will nor-
correct design LCWT, before entering rating tables, by reference to the mally be accompanied by an excessive pressure drop. In such cases, contact
LCWT correction curve. your Carrier representative for special selection of a cooler with wider baffle
b. A fouling factor of 0.00010 in the cooler. spacing.
c. Refrigerant 22.
2. When a corrected LCWT is used, cooler pressure drop must also be corrected
for the new LWCT:
a. Enter rating table for corrected LCWT. By interpolation, determine corrected
capacity (tons) and power input (kW) to compressor at its rated voltage.

Performance data (cont)
85 95 105 115 125
LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
(F) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate
(Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm)
060 74.8 70.7 179.6 71.0 75.3 170.4 67.1 79.6 161.1 63.2 83.5 151.6 59.2 87.2 142.1
070 85.2 82.5 204.6 81.1 87.6 194.6 76.9 92.4 184.6 72.6 96.9 174.4 68.4 101.1 164.2
080 97.1 94.2 233.2 91.9 100.0 220.5 86.6 105.3 207.9 81.3 110.1 195.1 — — —
090 104.3 98.7 250.3 98.3 105.2 236.0 92.2 111.2 221.4 86.2 116.7 207.0 80.2 121.9 192.6
100 119.3 107.7 286.3 112.6 115.1 270.5 106.0 121.9 254.6 99.3 128.2 238.4 92.4 133.9 222.0
110 128.5 124.1 308.5 121.6 131.7 291.9 114.6 138.9 275.2 107.7 145.5 258.5 100.6 151.6 241.7
130 141.0 136.7 338.5 134.5 145.6 323.0 127.9 154.0 307.1 121.3 162.0 291.2 114.4 169.4 274.8
150 162.9 161.1 391.2 155.6 171.6 373.5 148.0 181.7 355.3 140.4 191.3 337.0 132.6 200.5 318.3
170 184.4 181.8 442.9 175.6 193.2 421.6 166.5 203.8 399.8 157.3 213.7 377.7 — — —
190 202.2 200.3 485.5 192.8 212.8 462.8 183.3 224.6 440.2 173.5 235.8 416.7 — — —
50 210 239.2 240.7 574.3 226.2 253.4 543.1 212.9 265.1 511.3 199.8 276.0 479.8 — — —
230 260.1 255.4 624.4 247.4 271.6 594.0 234.6 287.0 563.2 221.6 301.5 532.1 — — —
245 267.2 259.9 641.6 253.8 276.7 609.4 240.2 292.8 576.8 226.6 308.1 544.0 212.8 322.4 510.8
255 282.3 268.9 677.9 268.3 286.7 644.1 254.0 303.7 610.0 239.7 319.6 575.5 225.1 334.5 540.5
270 303.8 289.6 729.4 288.3 308.3 692.2 272.5 325.8 654.4 256.6 341.9 616.1 — — —
290 330.7 324.3 793.9 314.3 344.5 754.7 297.9 363.5 715.4 281.2 381.3 675.2 — — —
315 367.6 364.8 882.7 347.7 385.1 834.9 327.5 404.0 786.4 307.5 421.5 738.4 — — —
330 369.0 363.6 885.9 351.2 386.4 843.2 333.0 407.7 799.5 314.5 427.4 755.2 — — —
360 404.4 400.5 971.0 385.6 425.6 925.8 366.6 449.2 880.3 347.2 471.7 833.5 — — —
390 441.5 441.1 1060.0 419.1 466.3 1006.2 396.3 489.9 951.6 373.6 512.0 897.0 — — —
420 478.4 481.5 1148.8 452.4 506.9 1086.2 426.0 530.3 1022.8 399.8 552.1 959.9 — — —
060 81.2 73.7 195.1 77.1 78.7 185.4 73.0 83.4 175.6 68.6 87.5 164.8 64.2 91.3 154.2
070 92.3 86.1 221.8 87.9 91.7 211.3 83.5 96.9 200.6 79.2 101.8 190.3 73.7 105.6 177.2
080 105.6 98.8 253.7 99.9 104.9 240.0 93.8 110.4 225.4 — — — — — —
090 113.3 103.5 272.3 107.0 110.5 257.2 100.1 116.6 240.6 93.3 122.3 224.1 — — —
100 130.2 112.7 312.9 123.3 120.7 296.3 116.3 128.2 279.5 109.1 135.2 262.3 101.9 141.6 244.9
110 140.2 130.3 336.9 132.9 138.7 319.4 125.5 146.4 301.5 118.1 153.8 283.8 110.7 160.6 266.0
130 152.1 142.4 365.6 145.4 152.1 349.5 138.6 161.2 333.1 131.6 169.9 316.3 124.4 178.1 299.1
150 175.4 168.1 421.7 167.7 179.3 403.0 159.8 190.1 384.1 151.9 200.6 365.0 143.7 210.7 345.5
170 200.0 190.7 480.7 190.7 203.1 458.5 181.1 214.6 435.4 170.4 224.7 409.5 — — —
190 218.9 210.0 526.2 209.1 223.5 502.6 199.1 236.4 478.5 189.1 248.6 454.5 — — —
55 210 260.6 254.5 626.5 246.7 268.2 593.0 232.7 280.8 559.2 — — — — — —
230 281.0 266.9 675.4 267.5 284.3 643.0 253.6 300.5 609.5 — — — — — —
245 288.7 271.6 694.0 274.7 289.8 660.2 259.9 306.7 624.7 245.1 322.9 589.2 — — —
255 305.8 280.9 734.9 291.0 300.1 699.5 276.1 318.4 663.6 261.0 335.9 627.4 245.7 352.4 590.6
270 330.3 303.4 793.9 314.1 323.8 755.0 297.5 342.9 715.0 279.6 359.9 671.9 — — —
290 359.1 340.3 863.1 342.0 362.1 821.9 324.5 382.8 780.0 307.2 402.4 738.3 — — —
315 400.8 384.8 963.4 379.6 406.8 912.3 358.1 427.3 860.8 — — — — — —
330 400.0 381.3 961.3 381.5 406.1 916.9 362.4 429.3 871.0 340.8 449.3 819.0 — — —
360 438.0 419.9 1052.6 418.3 446.9 1005.4 398.3 472.7 957.3 378.1 497.2 908.8 — — —
390 479.8 464.6 1153.3 456.0 491.7 1096.0 431.9 517.3 1038.2 — — — — — —
420 521.3 509.0 1252.9 493.5 536.4 1186.2 465.6 561.9 1119.2 — — — — — —
See legend and notes on page 63.

85 95 105 115 125
LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
(F) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate
(Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm)
060 84.5 75.2 203.3 79.5 79.9 191.1 74.4 84.1 178.9 69.3 87.9 166.8 64.3 91.3 154.7
070 96.2 87.9 231.4 90.5 93.0 217.8 84.9 97.6 204.3 79.4 101.8 191.0 73.9 105.6 177.8
080 107.6 99.8 258.8 100.9 105.5 242.8 94.3 110.6 226.7 — — — — — —
090 118.3 106.1 284.6 110.3 112.4 265.4 102.5 118.1 246.5 94.7 123.3 227.8 — — —
100 137.7 116.0 331.3 128.9 123.5 310.1 120.1 130.4 288.9 111.4 136.6 268.0 102.7 142.1 247.2
110 151.1 135.8 363.6 141.6 143.6 340.6 132.1 150.6 317.9 122.8 157.0 295.4 113.5 162.7 273.1
130 163.8 148.3 394.1 156.8 158.6 377.3 149.4 168.3 359.4 139.8 176.0 336.4 129.8 182.5 312.3
150 188.5 175.3 453.4 180.4 187.2 434.1 170.1 197.2 409.2 158.3 205.6 380.9 — — —
170 209.8 196.1 504.8 196.9 206.8 473.6 183.9 216.4 442.4 170.8 224.8 411.0 — — —
190 235.8 219.5 567.1 223.2 232.2 536.9 208.7 242.9 502.0 194.3 252.6 467.4 — — —
60 210 269.5 259.7 648.2 252.9 272.0 608.4 236.5 283.3 568.8 — — — — — —
230 296.1 275.1 712.2 281.4 292.7 676.8 264.3 307.8 635.9 — — — — — —
245 306.8 281.4 738.0 290.8 299.5 699.5 272.6 315.3 655.7 253.0 328.8 608.7 — — —
255 326.2 291.2 784.7 309.3 310.7 744.1 290.2 327.6 698.1 269.7 342.2 648.9 — — —
270 347.6 312.0 836.1 325.8 330.4 783.7 304.0 346.8 731.4 282.3 361.4 679.0 — — —
290 386.9 355.3 930.7 364.8 375.7 877.5 340.8 393.5 819.9 317.1 409.6 762.8 — — —
315 420.6 395.5 1011.8 394.5 415.6 949.0 368.6 433.9 886.7 — — — — — —
330 419.7 392.1 1009.6 393.8 413.7 947.3 367.8 432.8 884.8 341.7 449.5 821.9 — — —
360 471.5 438.9 1134.3 446.4 464.3 1073.7 417.4 485.8 1004.1 388.6 505.1 934.9 — — —
390 505.2 479.1 1215.4 476.1 504.2 1145.2 445.2 526.1 1070.8 — — — — — —
420 539.0 519.3 1296.5 505.8 544.0 1216.7 472.9 566.5 1137.6 — — — — — —
LEGEND b. Calculate corrected flow rate through the cooler:
Cap. — Cooling Capacity (Tons of Refrigeration) 24 x capacity in kW
kW — Compressor Power Input = = U.S. gpm
LCWT — Leaving Chilled Water Temperature temperature rise °F
1. All ratings are in accordance with ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Insti- c. On Cooler Pressure Drop chart, on pages 48-51, enter cooler pressure drop
tute, U.S.A.) Standard 550/590-98, based on: curve at corrected flow rate and read pressure drop.
a. A cooler water temperature rise of 10° F. When greater accuracy is desired, 3. When cooler water temperature rise is less than 5° F, high flow rate will nor-
correct design LCWT, before entering rating tables, by reference to the mally be accompanied by an excessive pressure drop. In such cases, contact
LCWT correction curve. your Carrier representative for special selection of a cooler with wider baffle
b. A fouling factor of 0.00010 in the cooler. spacing.
c. Refrigerant 22.
2. When a corrected LCWT is used, cooler pressure drop must also be corrected
for the new LWCT:
a. Enter rating table for corrected LCWT. By interpolation, determine corrected
capacity (tons) and power input (kW) to compressor at its rated voltage.

Performance data (cont)
85 95 105 115 125
LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
(F) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate
(Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm)
060 59.7 63.0 142.9 56.5 66.5 135.3 53.3 69.7 127.7 50.2 72.7 120.1 47.0 75.4 112.5
070 69.9 71.0 167.4 66.0 75.3 158.0 62.1 79.2 148.6 58.2 82.9 139.3 54.3 86.3 130.0
080 80.5 83.5 192.7 75.9 88.0 181.8 71.5 92.3 171.1 67.0 96.2 160.5 62.6 99.7 149.8
090 90.2 96.5 216.0 85.0 101.8 203.4 79.8 106.7 191.1 74.6 111.1 178.6 69.4 115.1 166.1
100 99.2 102.9 237.5 93.5 108.6 223.9 88.0 113.9 210.6 82.5 118.7 197.4 76.9 123.2 184.1
110 109.7 122.8 262.6 103.9 128.8 248.8 98.1 134.4 234.9 92.3 139.6 221.0 86.4 144.3 206.9
130 122.3 128.3 292.9 116.3 136.0 278.4 110.1 143.2 263.6 103.9 149.8 248.6 97.6 156.0 233.6
150 143.3 160.8 343.1 136.9 169.7 327.7 130.3 178.0 312.0 123.7 186.0 296.0 116.9 193.5 279.9
170 156.2 170.3 373.8 148.5 179.6 355.4 140.6 188.3 336.5 132.5 196.3 317.3 124.3 203.6 297.6
190 177.2 195.1 424.2 168.9 205.3 404.4 160.6 215.1 384.5 152.1 224.3 364.2 143.7 233.0 343.9
40 210 199.1 218.0 476.7 188.1 228.4 450.2 177.0 237.9 423.7 166.0 246.7 397.3 154.9 254.7 370.8
230 223.8 244.3 535.8 212.8 257.7 509.5 201.8 270.3 483.1 190.7 282.2 456.5 179.5 293.3 429.7
245 233.5 257.3 559.0 221.9 271.4 531.1 210.1 284.7 503.0 198.3 297.1 474.7 186.3 308.7 446.0
255 242.6 263.7 580.7 230.5 278.3 551.9 218.4 292.0 522.7 206.1 304.8 493.4 193.8 316.8 463.9
270 255.4 273.2 611.4 242.1 288.3 579.6 228.6 302.2 547.3 215.0 315.1 514.7 201.2 326.8 481.6
290 287.0 317.9 687.1 273.0 334.2 653.4 258.8 349.6 619.6 244.5 364.0 585.4 230.2 377.4 551.1
315 308.9 340.8 739.5 292.0 357.2 699.1 275.2 372.5 658.8 258.4 386.4 618.5 241.4 399.1 577.9
330 312.3 340.5 747.7 297.0 359.3 710.9 281.2 376.6 673.0 265.1 392.7 634.6 248.6 407.2 595.1
360 333.4 365.3 798.0 317.4 385.0 759.8 301.2 403.4 721.0 284.7 420.6 681.5 268.0 436.7 641.5
390 376.3 413.1 900.9 357.2 433.9 855.0 337.6 453.1 808.2 318.3 471.2 761.9 298.6 487.9 714.9
420 398.3 435.9 953.3 376.1 456.7 900.3 354.0 475.9 847.4 332.0 493.5 794.7 309.8 509.4 741.6
060 61.9 64.2 148.2 58.6 67.8 140.4 55.3 71.2 132.5 52.1 74.3 124.8 48.8 77.1 116.9
070 72.4 72.3 173.6 68.5 76.8 164.0 64.4 80.9 154.4 60.5 84.7 144.8 56.5 88.2 135.3
080 83.5 85.2 199.9 78.9 89.9 188.9 74.2 94.3 177.8 69.7 98.4 166.9 65.1 102.1 155.9
090 93.5 98.5 223.9 88.2 104.0 211.2 82.8 109.1 198.5 77.5 113.7 185.7 72.2 118.0 173.0
100 103.1 105.0 246.9 97.3 111.0 233.1 91.5 116.5 219.3 85.8 121.6 205.7 80.1 126.3 192.0
110 113.9 125.6 272.9 107.9 131.8 258.5 102.0 137.6 244.3 96.0 143.0 230.0 90.0 148.0 215.6
130 126.5 130.6 303.1 120.4 138.6 288.3 114.1 146.0 273.2 107.6 152.9 257.9 101.2 159.4 242.4
150 147.9 163.8 354.4 141.3 172.9 338.5 134.7 181.6 322.6 127.9 189.9 306.4 121.0 197.7 289.8
170 161.8 173.8 387.5 153.9 183.5 368.7 145.9 192.6 349.4 137.6 201.0 329.8 129.2 208.6 309.6
190 183.4 199.2 439.4 175.0 209.8 419.3 166.4 219.9 398.7 157.9 229.5 378.2 149.1 238.6 357.1
42 210 206.7 223.0 495.1 195.3 233.8 467.8 183.9 243.8 440.7 172.6 253.0 413.6 — — —
230 231.4 249.0 554.3 220.2 262.8 527.4 208.9 275.9 500.4 197.5 288.2 473.2 186.1 299.8 445.7
245 241.4 262.2 578.3 229.5 276.9 549.7 217.5 290.7 521.1 205.4 303.6 492.1 193.2 315.7 462.8
255 251.1 268.9 601.4 238.7 283.9 571.8 226.3 298.2 542.1 213.8 311.5 512.1 201.1 324.0 481.9
270 264.9 278.9 634.6 251.3 294.6 602.0 237.5 309.1 568.9 223.5 322.6 535.5 209.4 335.0 501.6
290 297.4 324.8 712.5 283.1 341.7 678.1 268.5 357.6 643.2 254.0 372.7 608.4 239.1 386.7 572.9
315 320.6 348.6 768.1 303.4 365.7 726.7 286.0 381.5 685.2 268.7 396.1 643.8 — — —
330 323.5 347.6 775.1 307.8 367.1 737.5 291.7 385.2 698.8 275.3 402.0 659.5 258.4 417.3 619.1
360 345.2 373.0 826.9 329.0 393.4 788.0 312.3 412.5 748.1 295.5 430.5 707.9 278.3 447.3 666.7
390 390.1 422.3 934.5 370.5 443.7 887.5 350.5 463.7 839.6 330.6 482.6 791.9 — — —
420 413.3 446.0 990.1 390.6 467.6 935.7 367.9 487.5 881.3 345.3 505.9 827.1 — — —
See legend and notes on page 65.

85 95 105 115 125
LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
(F) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate
(Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm)
060 64.1 65.5 153.6 60.7 69.2 145.6 57.4 72.7 137.6 54.0 75.9 129.5 50.7 78.9 121.5
070 75.0 73.7 179.8 71.0 78.3 170.1 66.9 82.5 160.3 62.8 86.5 150.5 58.7 90.2 140.7
080 86.4 86.9 207.2 81.8 91.8 196.1 77.1 96.4 184.8 72.3 100.6 173.4 67.6 104.5 162.1
090 96.9 100.5 232.3 91.4 106.2 219.1 86.0 111.5 206.1 80.5 116.4 193.0 75.0 120.8 179.9
100 107.0 107.3 256.6 101.1 113.4 242.4 95.2 119.2 228.3 89.3 124.5 214.1 83.5 129.4 200.1
110 118.2 128.3 283.3 112.1 134.8 268.6 105.9 140.9 253.8 99.8 146.5 239.2 93.6 151.7 224.4
130 130.8 132.9 313.5 124.4 141.1 298.3 118.1 148.9 283.1 111.5 156.1 267.4 104.9 162.9 251.5
150 152.6 166.8 365.8 145.9 176.2 349.6 139.0 185.2 333.3 132.1 193.7 316.7 — — —
170 167.5 177.4 401.5 159.5 187.5 382.3 151.2 196.9 362.5 142.8 205.7 342.4 134.2 213.7 321.8
190 189.7 203.3 454.7 181.2 214.4 434.5 172.3 224.7 413.1 163.6 234.7 392.1 154.7 244.3 370.8
44 210 214.2 228.1 513.6 202.7 239.3 485.9 191.1 249.7 458.0 179.4 259.3 430.1 — — —
230 239.0 253.6 573.0 227.6 268.0 545.7 216.1 281.6 518.1 204.4 294.3 490.1 — — —
245 249.5 267.3 598.1 237.3 282.4 568.8 225.0 296.7 539.4 212.6 310.1 509.7 — — —
255 259.7 274.1 622.6 247.0 289.7 592.2 234.3 304.4 561.7 221.5 318.3 531.0 — — —
270 274.6 284.7 658.2 260.7 301.0 624.8 246.5 316.1 591.0 232.2 330.2 556.7 217.7 343.2 522.0
290 307.9 331.7 738.2 293.4 349.3 703.3 278.3 365.7 667.2 263.4 381.3 631.5 248.4 396.1 595.4
315 332.4 356.5 796.9 314.8 374.2 754.6 297.1 390.7 712.2 279.3 405.9 669.6 — — —
330 334.9 354.8 802.9 318.9 375.0 764.5 302.5 393.8 725.1 285.7 411.4 684.9 268.5 427.4 643.5
360 357.2 380.7 856.2 340.7 401.9 816.7 323.5 421.6 775.6 306.4 440.4 734.6 288.9 458.0 692.6
390 404.0 431.4 968.4 383.9 453.7 920.2 363.6 474.6 871.6 343.1 494.1 822.4 — — —
420 428.5 456.2 1027.1 405.4 478.7 971.8 382.1 499.4 916.0 358.9 518.6 860.3 — — —
060 65.2 66.1 156.3 61.8 69.9 148.2 58.4 73.4 140.1 55.0 76.7 131.9 51.6 79.7 123.8
070 76.3 74.4 183.0 72.2 79.0 173.2 68.1 83.4 163.3 63.9 87.4 153.3 59.8 91.2 143.4
080 88.0 87.8 211.1 83.2 92.8 199.5 78.5 97.5 188.3 73.7 101.8 176.8 68.9 105.8 165.3
090 98.6 101.5 236.5 93.1 107.4 223.3 87.6 112.7 209.9 82.0 117.7 196.7 76.5 122.3 183.4
100 109.0 108.4 261.5 103.1 114.6 247.1 97.1 120.5 232.8 91.1 125.9 218.5 85.2 131.0 204.2
110 120.3 129.7 288.4 114.1 136.4 273.7 107.9 142.6 258.8 101.7 148.3 243.9 95.4 153.6 228.8
130 132.9 134.1 318.8 126.6 142.5 303.6 120.1 150.3 288.0 113.5 157.7 272.2 106.8 164.6 256.0
150 155.0 168.3 371.6 148.2 177.9 355.4 141.3 187.0 338.7 134.3 195.7 322.0 — — —
170 170.4 179.2 408.5 162.3 189.5 389.1 154.0 199.1 369.2 145.5 208.0 348.9 136.8 216.3 328.0
190 192.9 205.4 462.5 184.2 216.6 441.8 175.4 227.2 420.6 166.4 237.3 399.0 157.5 247.1 377.7
45 210 218.1 230.7 523.1 206.5 242.1 495.1 194.7 252.7 466.8 182.9 262.5 438.5 — — —
230 243.0 256.0 582.7 231.4 270.6 555.0 219.8 284.4 527.0 208.0 297.4 498.7 — — —
245 253.6 269.8 608.1 241.3 285.2 578.7 228.8 299.7 548.7 216.3 313.4 518.7 — — —
255 264.1 276.7 633.2 251.4 292.6 602.7 238.4 307.5 571.7 225.5 321.7 540.6 — — —
270 279.5 287.6 670.2 265.4 304.2 636.4 251.1 319.6 602.1 236.7 334.0 567.5 222.0 347.3 532.3
290 313.2 335.1 751.1 298.4 353.0 715.7 283.4 369.8 679.6 268.2 385.7 643.1 253.0 400.8 606.8
315 338.5 360.5 811.7 320.6 378.6 768.9 302.7 395.3 725.9 284.7 410.9 682.7 — — —
330 340.7 358.4 817.0 324.5 379.0 778.2 307.9 398.2 738.3 291.0 416.1 697.7 273.5 432.6 655.9
360 363.3 384.6 871.1 346.5 406.1 830.9 329.4 426.3 789.8 311.9 445.4 747.9 294.3 463.4 705.7
390 411.1 436.1 985.7 390.7 458.8 936.9 370.3 480.1 888.1 349.5 499.9 838.0 — — —
420 436.3 461.4 1046.1 412.9 484.3 990.1 389.3 505.4 933.6 365.8 524.9 877.1 — — —
LEGEND b. Calculate corrected flow rate through the cooler:
Cap. — Cooling Capacity (Tons of Refrigeration) 24 x capacity in kW
kW — Compressor Power Input = = U.S. gpm
LCWT — Leaving Chilled Water Temperature temperature rise °F

1. All ratings are in accordance with ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Insti- c. On Cooler Pressure Drop chart, on pages 48-51, enter cooler pressure drop
tute, U.S.A.) Standard 550/590-98, based on: curve at corrected flow rate and read pressure drop.
a. A cooler water temperature rise of 10° F. When greater accuracy is desired, 3. When cooler water temperature rise is less than 5° F, high flow rate will nor-
correct design LCWT, before entering rating tables, by reference to the mally be accompanied by an excessive pressure drop. In such cases, contact
LCWT correction curve. your Carrier representative for special selection of a cooler with wider baffle
b. A fouling factor of 0.00010 in the cooler. spacing.
c. Refrigerant 22.
2. When a corrected LCWT is used, cooler pressure drop must also be corrected
for the new LWCT:
a. Enter rating table for corrected LCWT. By interpolation, determine corrected
capacity (tons) and power input (kW) to compressor at its rated voltage.

Performance data (cont)
85 95 105 115 125
LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
(F) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate
(Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm)
060 66.3 66.7 159.1 62.9 70.6 150.9 59.5 74.2 142.7 56.1 77.5 134.4 52.6 80.6 126.1
070 77.7 75.0 186.3 73.5 79.8 176.3 69.3 84.2 166.3 65.1 88.3 156.2 60.9 92.2 146.2
080 89.6 88.6 214.9 84.7 93.7 203.2 79.9 98.5 191.8 75.1 102.9 180.2 70.2 107.0 168.5
090 100.3 102.5 240.7 94.8 108.5 227.4 89.2 114.0 213.8 83.6 119.0 200.4 77.9 123.7 187.0
100 111.0 109.5 266.3 105.0 115.9 251.9 99.0 121.8 237.4 92.9 127.4 222.9 86.9 132.5 208.4
110 122.5 131.1 293.7 116.2 137.9 278.8 110.0 144.2 263.8 103.7 150.1 248.7 97.3 155.5 233.4
130 135.1 135.3 324.1 128.7 143.8 308.7 122.1 151.8 292.9 115.5 159.3 277.1 108.7 166.3 260.8
150 157.3 169.8 377.4 150.5 179.5 360.9 143.6 188.8 344.4 136.4 197.7 327.3 — — —
170 173.3 181.0 415.6 165.1 191.5 396.0 156.7 201.3 375.9 148.1 210.4 355.3 139.3 218.8 334.2
190 196.1 207.4 470.5 187.4 218.9 449.4 178.6 229.7 428.4 169.4 240.0 406.3 — — —
46 210 222.1 233.4 532.7 210.1 244.9 504.1 198.3 255.7 475.7 186.4 265.7 447.1 — — —
230 246.9 258.4 592.3 235.2 273.2 564.1 223.5 287.3 536.2 211.6 300.6 507.5 — — —
245 257.7 272.3 618.1 245.3 288.0 588.3 232.7 302.8 558.2 220.0 316.7 527.7 — — —
255 268.5 279.3 644.0 255.6 295.5 613.0 242.6 310.7 582.0 229.4 325.1 550.4 — — —
270 284.5 290.6 682.4 270.2 307.4 648.1 255.7 323.2 613.4 241.1 337.9 578.4 226.3 351.4 542.8
290 318.6 338.6 764.3 303.7 356.9 728.4 288.6 374.0 692.3 273.1 390.1 655.1 — — —
315 344.6 364.6 826.7 326.4 382.9 783.0 308.4 400.0 739.7 290.1 415.9 696.0 — — —
330 346.5 362.0 831.2 330.2 382.9 792.0 313.4 402.5 751.7 296.3 420.8 710.7 278.7 437.7 668.4
360 369.4 388.4 886.1 352.5 410.3 845.4 335.3 431.0 804.2 317.5 450.4 761.6 — — —
390 418.2 440.8 1003.2 397.5 463.8 953.5 377.0 485.6 904.3 355.9 505.8 853.8 — — —
420 444.2 466.7 1065.4 420.3 489.8 1008.1 396.6 511.4 951.4 372.8 531.4 894.1 — — —
060 68.6 67.9 164.7 65.1 71.9 156.3 61.6 75.7 147.9 58.1 79.2 139.4 54.5 82.4 130.9
070 80.4 76.4 192.9 76.1 81.3 182.6 71.9 85.9 172.4 67.6 90.2 162.1 63.3 94.2 151.8
080 92.8 90.4 222.6 87.8 95.7 210.7 82.8 100.6 198.8 77.9 105.2 187.0 73.0 109.5 175.1
090 103.9 104.6 249.2 98.2 110.8 235.6 92.5 116.5 221.9 86.7 121.7 208.0 80.9 126.6 194.2
100 115.2 111.7 276.5 109.0 118.3 261.5 102.8 124.6 246.7 96.6 130.3 231.8 90.4 135.7 216.9
110 126.9 134.0 304.5 120.5 141.0 289.2 114.1 147.5 273.8 107.6 153.7 258.3 101.1 159.3 242.5
130 139.5 137.6 334.8 132.9 146.4 319.0 126.3 154.7 303.2 119.5 162.5 286.7 112.6 169.9 270.3
150 162.2 172.9 389.2 155.2 182.9 372.4 148.1 192.4 355.3 140.9 201.6 338.2 — — —
170 179.2 184.7 430.0 170.7 195.5 409.8 162.3 205.7 389.4 153.5 215.2 368.4 — — —
190 202.7 211.6 486.4 193.7 223.5 464.9 184.8 234.8 443.5 175.5 245.4 421.2 — — —
48 210 230.1 238.7 552.2 217.9 250.6 522.8 205.6 261.8 493.5 193.5 272.2 464.4 — — —
230 254.9 263.2 611.7 243.0 278.5 583.1 230.9 293.0 554.1 218.9 306.9 525.3 — — —
245 266.0 277.5 638.4 253.3 293.6 607.9 240.5 308.9 577.2 227.6 323.4 546.2 — — —
255 277.4 284.6 665.8 264.2 301.3 634.1 250.9 317.1 602.2 237.6 332.0 570.2 — — —
270 294.5 296.5 706.7 279.8 313.9 671.5 265.1 330.3 636.3 250.2 345.6 600.4 — — —
290 329.7 345.7 791.2 314.4 364.5 754.5 299.0 382.4 717.5 283.2 399.2 679.7 — — —
315 357.1 372.7 856.9 338.4 391.7 812.2 319.8 409.4 767.6 301.2 426.0 722.9 — — —
330 358.3 369.3 860.0 341.5 390.9 819.5 324.5 411.3 778.8 307.0 430.4 736.9 — — —
360 381.8 396.3 916.4 364.5 419.0 874.9 347.0 440.4 832.9 329.0 460.6 789.6 — — —
390 432.8 450.3 1038.6 411.6 474.1 987.8 390.5 496.7 937.2 369.1 517.7 885.7 — — —
420 460.2 477.4 1104.4 435.7 501.2 1045.7 411.3 523.5 987.0 387.0 544.4 928.7 — — —
See legend and notes on page 67.

85 95 105 115 125
LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
(F) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate
(Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm)
060 71.0 69.2 170.4 67.4 73.3 161.8 63.8 77.2 153.2 60.2 80.8 144.5 56.5 84.2 135.8
070 83.2 77.8 199.7 78.7 82.8 189.1 74.4 87.6 178.5 70.0 92.0 168.2 65.6 96.2 157.6
080 95.9 92.1 230.3 90.9 97.6 218.3 85.9 102.7 206.2 80.7 107.5 193.9 75.7 112.0 181.8
090 107.4 106.7 258.0 101.6 113.0 244.0 95.8 119.0 229.9 89.9 124.5 215.9 84.0 129.5 201.6
100 119.4 114.0 286.8 113.1 120.9 271.5 106.7 127.3 256.2 100.3 133.3 240.9 94.0 138.9 225.7
110 131.5 136.9 315.7 124.8 144.1 299.7 118.3 150.9 283.9 111.6 157.3 268.0 105.0 163.2 252.1
130 144.0 140.0 345.8 137.3 149.0 329.6 130.5 157.6 313.3 123.6 165.7 296.9 116.5 173.4 279.8
150 167.0 175.9 401.1 159.9 186.2 384.0 152.7 196.1 366.6 145.4 205.6 349.0 — — —
170 185.2 188.4 444.6 176.6 199.5 424.0 167.9 210.1 403.2 159.0 220.0 381.8 — — —
190 209.3 215.9 502.6 200.2 228.0 480.7 190.9 239.7 458.4 181.6 250.9 436.1 — — —
50 210 238.3 244.1 572.1 225.7 256.4 542.0 213.2 268.0 511.9 200.8 278.8 482.0 — — —
230 263.0 268.1 631.4 250.8 283.9 602.3 238.6 298.9 572.8 226.1 313.1 542.9 — — —
245 274.5 282.6 659.0 261.5 299.3 627.9 248.5 315.1 596.6 235.3 330.1 564.9 — — —
255 286.6 290.0 688.0 273.1 307.2 655.7 259.5 323.5 623.0 245.8 339.0 590.1 — — —
270 304.7 302.5 731.7 289.7 320.5 695.7 274.7 337.5 659.6 259.4 353.4 622.9 — — —
290 340.8 352.8 818.4 325.1 372.2 780.5 309.3 390.8 742.7 293.4 408.3 704.4 — — —
315 369.8 381.1 887.8 350.7 400.6 842.0 331.6 419.0 796.3 312.5 436.2 750.4 — — —
330 370.3 376.7 889.2 353.1 399.0 847.9 335.8 420.2 806.4 318.0 440.0 763.5 — — —
360 394.5 404.2 947.2 376.8 427.6 904.6 358.8 449.8 861.6 340.6 470.9 817.9 — — —
390 447.6 460.0 1074.6 425.9 484.5 1022.7 404.3 507.8 970.7 382.5 529.8 918.4 — — —
420 476.5 488.2 1144.1 451.5 512.9 1084.0 426.4 535.9 1023.8 401.5 557.6 964.0 — — —
060 77.1 72.4 185.2 73.3 76.9 176.1 69.5 81.1 167.0 65.7 85.1 157.8 61.2 88.2 147.2
070 90.3 81.3 217.0 85.7 86.7 205.9 81.0 91.9 194.7 76.4 96.7 183.5 71.5 101.0 171.9
080 103.4 96.3 248.6 97.7 102.0 234.8 92.0 107.3 221.2 86.3 112.1 207.4 — — —
090 116.6 112.0 280.4 110.5 118.9 265.6 104.4 125.4 250.8 98.1 131.4 235.9 — — —
100 130.4 119.9 313.3 123.6 127.3 297.0 116.8 134.3 280.8 110.1 140.9 264.6 103.3 147.1 248.4
110 143.2 144.4 344.1 136.2 152.2 327.4 129.1 159.6 310.4 122.2 166.6 293.6 115.0 173.1 276.4
130 155.5 145.9 373.7 148.5 155.7 356.9 141.4 165.1 339.9 134.2 173.9 322.5 126.7 182.2 304.6
150 179.5 183.7 431.5 172.1 194.8 413.7 164.6 205.5 395.5 156.3 215.2 375.6 — — —
170 200.3 197.7 481.5 191.3 209.8 459.9 182.4 221.4 438.3 172.1 231.4 413.7 — — —
190 226.3 226.7 543.8 216.7 239.9 520.9 207.0 252.5 497.5 197.2 264.6 473.9 — — —
55 210 259.4 258.2 623.5 246.1 271.4 591.5 232.8 284.0 559.6 — — — — — —
230 283.0 280.0 680.1 269.8 296.8 648.5 256.6 312.7 616.7 242.6 327.4 583.1 — — —
245 296.2 295.8 711.9 282.6 313.7 679.3 268.9 330.8 646.3 254.4 346.7 611.5 — — —
255 310.0 303.7 745.1 295.8 322.2 711.0 281.5 339.8 676.6 266.5 356.2 640.5 — — —
270 330.8 317.6 795.0 315.1 337.2 757.2 299.3 355.7 719.4 282.3 372.4 678.5 — — —
290 369.5 371.1 888.0 353.0 392.2 848.4 336.2 412.1 808.1 319.4 431.3 767.7 — — —
315 402.6 402.6 967.7 382.4 423.7 919.0 362.1 443.7 870.2 — — — — — —
330 400.9 395.5 963.6 382.9 419.6 920.3 364.7 442.7 876.6 344.2 462.9 827.4 — — —
360 426.7 424.5 1025.6 408.1 449.7 981.0 389.4 473.8 935.9 369.3 496.1 887.6 — — —
390 485.8 485.0 1167.5 462.9 511.4 1112.6 439.9 536.5 1057.3 — — — — — —
420 518.8 516.4 1247.0 492.2 542.9 1183.0 465.6 567.9 1119.1 — — — — — —
LEGEND b. Calculate corrected flow rate through the cooler:
Cap. — Cooling Capacity (Tons of Refrigeration) 24 x capacity in kW
kW — Compressor Power Input = = U.S. gpm
LCWT — Leaving Chilled Water Temperature temperature rise °F

1. All ratings are in accordance with ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Insti- c. On Cooler Pressure Drop chart, on pages 48-51, enter cooler pressure drop
tute, U.S.A.) Standard 550/590-98, based on: curve at corrected flow rate and read pressure drop.
a. A cooler water temperature rise of 10° F. When greater accuracy is desired, 3. When cooler water temperature rise is less than 5° F, high flow rate will nor-
correct design LCWT, before entering rating tables, by reference to the mally be accompanied by an excessive pressure drop. In such cases, contact
LCWT correction curve. your Carrier representative for special selection of a cooler with wider baffle
b. A fouling factor of 0.00010 in the cooler. spacing.
c. Refrigerant 22.
2. When a corrected LCWT is used, cooler pressure drop must also be corrected
for the new LWCT:
a. Enter rating table for corrected LCWT. By interpolation, determine corrected
capacity (tons) and power input (kW) to compressor at its rated voltage.

Performance data (cont)
85 95 105 115 125
LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
(F) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate (Tons) kW Rate
(Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm) (Gpm)
060 79.9 73.7 192.2 75.2 77.9 180.9 70.6 81.7 169.8 66.0 85.1 158.7 61.4 88.2 147.7
070 96.0 84.0 231.0 90.3 89.2 217.3 84.4 93.8 203.0 78.5 98.1 188.9 72.7 101.9 175.0
080 106.7 98.2 256.6 100.2 103.5 240.9 93.7 108.4 225.4 87.3 112.8 210.1 — — —
090 122.0 114.9 293.5 114.2 121.1 274.8 106.6 126.7 256.3 99.0 131.8 238.0 — — —
100 138.3 123.8 332.8 129.8 130.7 312.1 121.3 137.0 291.8 113.0 142.8 271.8 104.7 148.0 252.0
110 154.7 151.5 372.1 145.4 158.5 349.7 136.4 165.1 328.0 127.4 171.0 306.5 118.6 176.4 285.2
130 167.3 152.0 402.4 160.0 162.5 384.9 151.8 172.0 365.3 143.0 180.5 344.0 133.0 187.5 320.0
150 190.4 190.6 458.0 181.0 201.4 435.5 171.9 211.7 413.4 162.6 221.4 391.2 — — —
170 210.9 204.1 507.4 198.3 214.4 477.1 185.7 223.8 446.7 173.1 232.1 416.4 — — —
190 244.1 238.0 587.1 232.8 251.1 560.0 219.9 262.2 529.0 205.7 271.6 494.8 — — —
60 210 267.9 263.3 644.4 252.0 275.2 606.2 236.2 286.2 568.3 — — — — — —
230 297.1 288.8 714.6 281.2 304.9 676.4 265.6 320.1 638.9 250.0 334.2 601.3 — — —
245 312.4 305.5 751.5 295.3 322.5 710.3 278.4 338.4 669.8 261.6 353.2 629.2 — — —
255 328.7 314.4 790.8 310.8 332.1 747.6 293.2 348.7 705.3 275.6 364.2 663.0 — — —
270 349.3 327.9 840.2 328.1 345.1 789.2 307.0 360.8 738.5 286.1 374.9 688.2 — — —
290 398.7 389.5 959.2 378.2 409.6 909.8 356.3 427.3 857.0 333.1 442.7 801.4 — — —
315 422.6 414.8 1016.7 397.4 433.7 955.9 372.6 451.3 896.3 — — — — — —
330 421.9 408.2 1014.9 396.6 428.8 954.1 371.4 447.5 893.5 346.2 464.3 832.9 — — —
360 455.0 442.1 1094.6 431.1 465.5 1037.1 405.6 485.9 975.7 378.8 503.8 911.3 — — —
390 511.9 501.3 1231.4 484.8 526.3 1166.2 456.1 548.4 1097.2 — — — — — —
420 535.8 526.6 1288.9 504.0 550.5 1212.4 472.5 572.4 1136.6 — — — — — —
LEGEND b. Calculate corrected flow rate through the cooler:
Cap. — Cooling Capacity (Tons of Refrigeration) 24 x capacity in kW
kW — Compressor Power Input = = U.S. gpm
LCWT — Leaving Chilled Water Temperature temperature rise °F
1. All ratings are in accordance with ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Insti- c. On Cooler Pressure Drop chart, on pages 48-51, enter cooler pressure drop
tute, U.S.A.) Standard 550/590-98, based on: curve at corrected flow rate and read pressure drop.
a. A cooler water temperature rise of 10° F. When greater accuracy is desired, 3. When cooler water temperature rise is less than 5° F, high flow rate will nor-
correct design LCWT, before entering rating tables, by reference to the mally be accompanied by an excessive pressure drop. In such cases, contact
LCWT correction curve. your Carrier representative for special selection of a cooler with wider baffle
b. A fouling factor of 0.00010 in the cooler. spacing.
c. Refrigerant 22.
2. When a corrected LCWT is used, cooler pressure drop must also be corrected
for the new LWCT:
a. Enter rating table for corrected LCWT. By interpolation, determine corrected
capacity (tons) and power input (kW) to compressor at its rated voltage.

30 35 40 45 50
LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
(C) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate
(L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s)
060 224.0 65.8 9.6 213.0 69.3 9.1 201.8 72.5 8.7 190.7 75.5 8.2 179.4 78.2 7.7
070 256.2 76.6 11.0 244.4 80.5 10.5 232.5 84.2 10.0 220.6 87.7 9.5 208.6 90.9 9.0
080 289.9 86.9 12.5 274.9 91.2 11.8 259.7 95.2 11.2 244.4 98.8 10.5 229.1 102.1 9.8
090 310.5 91.0 13.3 293.3 95.9 12.6 276.1 100.5 11.9 259.2 104.7 11.1 242.1 108.5 10.4
100 352.2 99.6 15.1 333.4 105.1 14.3 314.5 110.3 13.5 295.6 114.9 12.7 276.5 119.1 11.9
110 380.4 113.9 16.3 360.7 119.7 15.5 340.9 125.1 14.6 321.2 130.1 13.8 301.4 134.6 12.9
130 426.1 127.4 18.3 407.5 134.2 17.5 388.6 140.7 16.7 369.3 146.8 15.9 349.7 152.4 15.0
150 495.2 149.8 21.3 473.7 158.0 20.4 451.7 165.9 19.4 429.6 173.4 18.5 407.3 180.5 17.5
170 553.6 167.5 23.8 527.1 176.1 22.6 500.7 184.0 21.5 473.8 191.4 20.4 446.3 197.9 19.2
190 607.2 184.5 26.1 579.7 194.1 24.9 552.3 203.2 23.7 524.1 211.7 22.5 496.0 219.7 21.3
5 210 710.9 218.7 30.5 673.3 228.4 28.9 636.1 237.3 27.3 598.7 245.4 25.7 561.1 252.8 24.1
230 785.1 236.7 33.7 748.6 249.2 32.2 711.4 261.1 30.6 674.0 272.2 29.0 636.4 282.5 27.3
245 805.7 240.8 34.6 767.0 253.9 33.0 727.9 266.3 31.3 688.8 278.0 29.6 649.4 289.0 27.9
255 847.8 249.5 36.4 807.4 263.2 34.7 766.4 276.2 32.9 725.2 288.3 31.2 683.7 299.6 29.4
270 906.2 267.1 38.9 860.8 281.3 37.0 815.3 294.3 35.0 769.3 306.3 33.1 722.6 317.0 31.0
290 987.7 298.4 42.4 940.4 313.8 40.4 893.3 328.3 38.4 845.4 341.8 36.3 797.5 354.3 34.3
315 1091.3 332.6 46.9 1034.0 348.1 44.4 977.1 362.4 42.0 920.0 375.5 39.5 862.6 387.4 37.1
330 1107.1 335.0 47.6 1054.5 352.2 45.3 1001.8 368.2 43.0 947.7 382.8 40.7 892.6 395.9 38.3
360 1214.4 369.0 52.2 1160.0 388.3 49.8 1104.9 406.5 47.5 1048.8 423.5 45.1 992.4 439.5 42.6
390 1319.1 403.4 56.7 1253.6 422.6 53.9 1188.8 440.7 51.1 1123.4 457.3 48.3 1057.6 472.7 45.4
420 1421.9 437.4 61.1 1347.1 456.8 57.9 1272.9 474.8 54.7 1197.9 491.0 51.5 1122.8 505.7 48.2
060 231.2 66.8 9.9 220.0 70.5 9.5 208.7 73.8 9.0 197.2 76.9 8.5 185.7 79.7 8.0
070 264.4 77.8 11.4 252.2 81.9 10.8 240.0 85.7 10.3 227.8 89.3 9.8 215.6 92.7 9.3
080 299.5 88.4 12.9 284.2 93.0 12.2 268.7 97.1 11.6 253.1 100.9 10.9 237.4 104.3 10.2
090 320.9 92.6 13.8 303.5 97.7 13.0 286.0 102.5 12.3 268.5 106.9 11.5 251.0 110.9 10.8
100 364.8 101.3 15.7 345.5 107.1 14.9 326.1 112.4 14.0 306.7 117.3 13.2 287.2 121.7 12.3
110 393.7 116.1 16.9 373.6 122.1 16.1 353.3 127.7 15.2 333.1 132.8 14.3 312.9 137.6 13.4
130 439.4 129.4 18.9 420.3 136.5 18.1 400.8 143.2 17.2 381.3 149.5 16.4 361.3 155.4 15.5
150 509.8 152.3 21.9 487.7 160.7 21.0 465.6 168.8 20.0 443.1 176.5 19.0 420.4 183.9 18.1
170 571.6 170.5 24.6 545.2 179.5 23.4 518.0 187.8 22.3 490.1 195.3 21.1 462.3 202.3 19.9
190 626.7 187.9 26.9 598.7 197.7 25.7 570.8 207.2 24.5 542.4 216.1 23.3 513.3 224.3 22.1
6 210 734.7 223.2 31.6 697.1 233.3 30.0 658.7 242.5 28.3 620.2 250.9 26.7 582.1 258.7 25.0
230 809.3 240.7 34.8 772.0 253.6 33.2 734.3 265.9 31.6 696.2 277.4 29.9 657.8 288.2 28.3
245 830.6 244.9 35.7 791.3 258.4 34.0 751.6 271.3 32.3 711.6 283.4 30.6 671.4 294.8 28.9
255 874.9 253.7 37.6 833.5 267.8 35.8 791.9 281.3 34.0 749.9 293.9 32.2 707.5 305.6 30.4
270 936.7 271.9 40.3 890.9 286.6 38.3 844.3 300.3 36.3 796.8 312.6 34.3 749.4 324.0 32.2
290 1020.4 303.9 43.9 972.3 319.8 41.8 924.1 334.8 39.7 875.5 348.9 37.6 826.1 361.9 35.5
315 1128.5 339.3 48.5 1070.7 355.4 46.0 1012.0 370.2 43.5 953.3 383.8 41.0 895.0 396.3 38.5
330 1142.7 341.0 49.1 1090.2 359.0 46.9 1036.0 375.6 44.5 980.7 390.8 42.2 924.8 404.6 39.8
360 1253.6 375.7 53.9 1197.7 395.5 51.5 1142.0 414.4 49.1 1084.9 432.2 46.6 1027.1 448.8 44.2
390 1362.1 411.2 58.6 1297.1 431.3 55.8 1230.0 449.8 52.9 1162.9 467.1 50.0 1096.1 483.3 47.1
420 1470.0 446.5 63.2 1394.3 466.6 59.9 1318.0 485.2 56.7 1241.1 502.1 53.4 1164.3 517.4 50.1
LEGEND b. Calculate corrected flow rate through the cooler:
Cap. — Cooling Capacity (kW of Refrigeration) 0.239 x capacity in kW
kW — Compressor Power Input = = L/s
LCWT — Leaving Chilled Water Temperature temperature rise °C

1. All ratings are in accordance with ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Insti- c. On Cooler Pressure Drop chart, on pages 48-51, enter cooler pressure drop
tute, U.S.A.) Standard 550/590-98, based on: curve at corrected flow rate and read pressure drop.
a. A cooler water temperature rise of 6° C. When greater accuracy is desired, 3. When cooler water temperature rise is less than 3° C, high flow rate will nor-
correct design LCWT, before entering rating tables, by reference to the mally be accompanied by an excessive pressure drop. In such cases, contact
LCWT correction curve. your Carrier representative for special selection of a cooler with wider baffle
b. A fouling factor of 0.000018 in the cooler. spacing.
c. Refrigerant 22.
2. When a corrected LCWT is used, cooler pressure drop must also be corrected
for the new LWCT:
a. Enter rating table for corrected LCWT. By interpolation, determine corrected
capacity (kW) and power input (kW) to compressor at its rated voltage.

Performance data (cont)
30 35 40 45 50
LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
(C) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate
(L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s)
060 238.6 67.9 10.3 227.2 71.7 9.8 215.6 75.2 9.3 204.0 78.4 8.8 192.2 81.3 8.3
070 272.6 79.1 11.7 260.2 83.3 11.2 247.6 87.2 10.7 235.2 90.9 10.1 222.7 94.4 9.6
080 309.2 90.0 13.3 293.7 94.7 12.6 277.9 99.0 12.0 261.9 102.9 11.3 246.0 106.5 10.6
090 331.7 94.3 14.3 313.8 99.6 13.5 295.9 104.5 12.7 278.0 109.0 12.0 260.2 113.2 11.2
100 377.5 103.1 16.2 357.8 109.1 15.4 337.9 114.6 14.5 318.1 119.7 13.7 298.2 124.3 12.8
110 407.3 118.3 17.5 386.7 124.5 16.6 366.1 130.3 15.7 345.3 135.7 14.9 324.6 140.6 14.0
130 452.6 131.4 19.5 433.2 138.8 18.6 413.5 145.7 17.8 393.3 152.2 16.9 373.1 158.3 16.0
150 524.9 154.7 22.6 502.2 163.4 21.6 479.4 171.7 20.6 456.7 179.7 19.6 433.6 187.4 18.7
170 589.5 173.6 25.4 563.0 182.9 24.2 535.5 191.5 23.0 507.4 199.5 21.8 478.7 206.7 20.6
190 647.0 191.3 27.8 618.2 201.5 26.6 589.2 211.1 25.3 560.6 220.4 24.1 531.2 229.1 22.8
7 210 759.9 227.8 32.7 720.6 238.2 31.0 681.6 247.7 29.3 642.3 256.5 27.6 603.5 264.7 26.0
230 834.1 244.8 35.9 795.9 258.1 34.2 757.4 270.7 32.6 718.7 282.7 30.9 679.6 293.9 29.2
245 856.6 249.1 36.8 815.9 262.9 35.1 775.4 276.2 33.3 734.8 288.8 31.6 693.8 300.6 29.8
255 902.7 257.9 38.8 860.3 272.5 37.0 817.7 286.4 35.2 775.0 299.5 33.3 731.8 311.7 31.5
270 967.3 276.7 41.6 921.1 292.0 39.6 873.7 306.2 37.6 825.7 319.2 35.5 776.8 331.0 33.4
290 1054.3 309.6 45.3 1004.9 325.9 43.2 955.3 341.4 41.1 905.9 356.0 39.0 855.8 369.7 36.8
315 1167.2 346.1 50.2 1107.3 362.6 47.6 1047.6 378.0 45.1 987.7 392.2 42.5 928.0 405.3 39.9
330 1178.9 347.2 50.7 1125.9 365.8 48.4 1070.9 383.0 46.1 1015.1 399.0 43.7 957.5 413.4 41.2
360 1293.6 382.6 55.6 1236.3 403.0 53.2 1179.1 422.4 50.7 1121.4 440.9 48.2 1062.7 458.2 45.7
390 1406.7 419.2 60.5 1339.8 439.8 57.6 1271.6 459.0 54.7 1203.3 477.1 51.8 1135.2 494.0 48.8
420 1519.9 455.7 65.4 1441.7 476.4 62.0 1363.7 495.6 58.7 1285.4 513.2 55.3 1207.4 529.5 51.9
060 246.2 69.0 10.6 234.5 72.9 10.1 222.7 76.5 9.6 210.8 79.8 9.1 198.8 82.9 8.6
070 281.0 80.4 12.1 268.3 84.7 11.5 255.6 88.8 11.0 242.9 92.7 10.5 229.9 96.2 9.9
080 319.1 91.6 13.7 303.2 96.4 13.0 287.3 100.9 12.4 271.0 105.0 11.7 254.5 108.7 11.0
090 342.5 96.0 14.7 324.2 101.4 14.0 306.0 106.5 13.2 287.7 111.2 12.4 269.3 115.6 11.6
100 390.5 104.9 16.8 370.4 111.0 15.9 350.2 116.8 15.1 329.8 122.1 14.2 309.5 127.0 13.3
110 421.0 120.4 18.1 400.0 126.9 17.2 379.0 132.9 16.3 357.8 138.5 15.4 336.5 143.7 14.5
130 465.9 133.5 20.0 446.3 141.0 19.2 426.2 148.2 18.3 405.6 154.9 17.5 385.0 161.3 16.6
150 540.0 157.2 23.2 517.1 166.1 22.3 493.7 174.7 21.2 470.4 182.9 20.2 447.1 190.8 19.2
170 608.0 176.7 26.2 580.8 186.3 25.0 553.2 195.3 23.8 524.5 203.6 22.6 495.3 211.1 21.3
190 666.6 194.7 28.7 637.8 205.2 27.4 608.4 215.2 26.2 578.9 224.8 24.9 549.2 233.8 23.6
8 210 785.1 232.5 33.8 745.4 243.2 32.1 705.2 253.1 30.3 664.9 262.2 28.6 625.2 270.7 26.9
230 859.1 248.8 37.0 820.4 262.5 35.3 780.9 275.6 33.6 741.4 288.0 31.9 701.6 299.6 30.2
245 882.4 253.2 38.0 841.3 267.5 36.2 799.6 281.2 34.4 758.2 294.2 32.6 716.4 306.4 30.8
255 930.7 262.1 40.1 887.8 277.2 38.2 844.1 291.6 36.3 800.4 305.1 34.4 756.5 317.8 32.6
270 998.8 281.6 43.0 951.4 297.4 40.9 903.5 312.1 38.9 854.5 325.7 36.8 804.7 338.1 34.6
290 1087.7 315.1 46.8 1037.8 332.1 44.7 987.3 348.1 42.5 936.7 363.3 40.3 885.7 377.4 38.1
315 1206.1 352.9 51.9 1145.4 370.1 49.3 1084.2 386.0 46.7 1022.7 400.7 44.0 961.8 414.4 41.4
330 1215.8 353.4 52.3 1161.4 372.6 50.0 1106.3 390.5 47.6 1049.0 407.1 45.1 990.9 422.3 42.6
360 1333.4 389.3 57.4 1275.8 410.4 54.9 1217.0 430.4 52.4 1158.5 449.7 49.9 1098.6 467.6 47.3
390 1452.1 427.2 62.5 1383.9 448.6 59.6 1314.8 468.5 56.6 1244.5 487.1 53.6 1175.0 504.6 50.6
420 1570.2 465.0 67.6 1490.9 486.5 64.2 1411.1 506.4 60.7 1330.5 524.6 57.3 1250.8 541.5 53.8
See legend and notes on page 71.

30 35 40 45 50
LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
(C) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate
(L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s)
060 253.9 70.1 10.9 241.9 74.1 10.4 229.9 77.8 9.9 217.8 81.3 9.4 205.5 84.5 8.8
070 289.5 81.7 12.5 276.5 86.2 11.9 263.5 90.4 11.3 250.5 94.3 10.8 237.5 98.1 10.2
080 329.3 93.2 14.2 313.1 98.2 13.5 296.7 102.8 12.8 280.2 107.1 12.1 263.4 111.0 11.3
090 353.4 97.7 15.2 334.8 103.3 14.4 316.2 108.5 13.6 297.6 113.5 12.8 278.8 118.0 12.0
100 403.6 106.7 17.4 383.2 113.0 16.5 362.5 119.0 15.6 341.8 124.5 14.7 320.7 129.6 13.8
110 435.1 122.6 18.7 413.6 129.3 17.8 392.2 135.5 16.9 370.6 141.4 16.0 348.8 146.8 15.0
130 479.7 135.6 20.7 459.4 143.3 19.8 439.2 150.7 18.9 418.4 157.7 18.0 397.3 164.3 17.1
150 555.2 159.7 23.9 532.0 168.8 22.9 508.4 177.7 21.9 484.4 186.2 20.9 460.5 194.3 19.8
170 626.6 179.8 27.0 599.1 189.7 25.8 570.8 199.0 24.6 542.1 207.7 23.3 512.4 215.6 22.1
190 687.0 198.1 29.6 658.2 209.1 28.3 628.3 219.4 27.1 597.5 229.1 25.7 567.3 238.5 24.4
9 210 810.7 237.2 34.9 770.2 248.3 33.2 729.0 258.5 31.4 688.0 268.0 29.6 — — —
230 884.5 252.9 38.1 845.0 267.0 36.4 805.1 280.5 34.7 764.6 293.3 32.9 723.9 305.3 31.2
245 908.6 257.4 39.1 866.8 272.1 37.3 824.6 286.3 35.5 782.0 299.6 33.7 739.3 312.3 31.8
255 959.3 266.4 41.3 915.4 281.9 39.4 871.2 296.8 37.5 826.3 310.7 35.6 781.4 324.0 33.6
270 1030.5 286.5 44.4 982.5 302.8 42.3 933.5 318.1 40.2 884.0 332.2 38.1 833.3 345.2 35.9
290 1122.1 320.7 48.3 1071.8 338.3 46.1 1020.5 354.9 43.9 968.2 370.4 41.7 916.1 385.3 39.4
315 1245.8 359.8 53.6 1183.8 377.6 51.0 1121.3 394.0 48.3 1058.7 409.3 45.6 — — —
330 1253.1 359.6 54.0 1198.0 379.5 51.6 1141.5 398.0 49.1 1084.2 415.3 46.7 1025.1 431.3 44.1
360 1374.2 396.2 59.2 1316.2 418.0 56.7 1256.5 438.7 54.1 1195.9 458.3 51.5 1135.0 477.1 48.9
390 1498.1 435.4 64.5 1428.2 457.4 61.5 1357.7 477.9 58.5 1286.4 497.2 55.4 — — —
420 1621.5 474.5 69.8 1540.5 496.6 66.3 1458.6 517.1 62.8 1376.7 536.1 59.3 — — —
060 261.7 71.2 11.3 249.5 75.3 10.7 237.3 79.2 10.2 224.9 82.8 9.7 212.3 86.1 9.1
070 298.2 83.0 12.8 285.0 87.6 12.3 271.8 91.9 11.7 258.5 96.0 11.1 245.0 99.9 10.6
080 339.7 94.8 14.6 323.0 100.0 13.9 306.3 104.8 13.2 289.5 109.2 12.5 272.4 113.3 11.7
090 364.6 99.4 15.7 345.6 105.2 14.9 326.4 110.6 14.1 307.4 115.7 13.2 288.4 120.4 12.4
100 417.1 108.4 18.0 396.2 115.1 17.1 375.0 121.2 16.2 353.9 127.0 15.2 332.2 132.2 14.3
110 449.4 124.9 19.4 427.5 131.7 18.4 405.5 138.2 17.5 383.6 144.2 16.5 361.4 149.9 15.6
130 493.5 137.6 21.3 473.1 145.6 20.4 452.2 153.2 19.5 431.2 160.4 18.6 409.7 167.3 17.6
150 570.6 162.2 24.6 547.1 171.6 23.6 523.1 180.7 22.5 499.0 189.4 21.5 474.3 197.8 20.4
170 645.6 183.0 27.8 617.5 193.2 26.6 588.8 202.8 25.4 559.8 211.8 24.1 529.5 220.1 22.8
190 707.8 201.5 30.5 677.9 212.8 29.2 648.1 223.5 27.9 617.0 233.6 26.6 585.8 243.3 25.2
10 210 836.5 242.0 36.0 795.4 253.4 34.3 753.4 263.9 32.5 712.0 273.9 30.7 — — —
230 910.3 257.0 39.2 870.1 271.6 37.5 829.4 285.5 35.7 788.5 298.7 34.0 746.8 311.1 32.2
245 935.2 261.6 40.3 892.7 276.7 38.4 849.6 291.3 36.6 806.4 305.1 34.7 762.8 318.2 32.9
255 988.0 270.7 42.6 943.5 286.7 40.6 898.4 302.0 38.7 853.0 316.5 36.7 807.0 330.1 34.8
270 1063.0 291.5 45.8 1013.9 308.3 43.7 964.1 324.1 41.5 913.8 338.8 39.4 862.2 352.4 37.1
290 1157.2 326.4 49.8 1105.4 344.5 47.6 1053.7 361.7 45.4 1000.6 377.8 43.1 947.2 393.1 40.8
315 1285.9 366.9 55.4 1222.9 385.1 52.7 1158.9 402.1 49.9 1095.6 418.1 47.2 — — —
330 1291.1 366.0 55.6 1235.0 386.4 53.2 1177.5 405.6 50.7 1119.5 423.6 48.2 1059.0 440.1 45.6
360 1415.6 403.1 61.0 1356.0 425.6 58.4 1296.1 446.9 55.8 1234.0 467.2 53.2 1171.9 486.6 50.5
390 1544.7 443.7 66.5 1473.8 466.3 63.5 1401.8 487.6 60.4 1330.3 507.8 57.3 — — —
420 1673.4 484.1 72.1 1591.0 506.9 68.5 1507.4 528.0 64.9 1424.5 547.9 61.4 — — —
LEGEND b. Calculate corrected flow rate through the cooler:
Cap. — Cooling Capacity (kW of Refrigeration) 0.239 x capacity in kW
kW — Compressor Power Input = = L/s
LCWT — Leaving Chilled Water Temperature temperature rise °C

1. All ratings are in accordance with ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Insti- c. On Cooler Pressure Drop chart, on pages 48-51, enter cooler pressure drop
tute, U.S.A.) Standard 550/590-98, based on: curve at corrected flow rate and read pressure drop.
a. A cooler water temperature rise of 6° C. When greater accuracy is desired, 3. When cooler water temperature rise is less than 3° C, high flow rate will nor-
correct design LCWT, before entering rating tables, by reference to the mally be accompanied by an excessive pressure drop. In such cases, contact
LCWT correction curve. your Carrier representative for special selection of a cooler with wider baffle
b. A fouling factor of 0.000018 in the cooler. spacing.
c. Refrigerant 22.
2. When a corrected LCWT is used, cooler pressure drop must also be corrected
for the new LWCT:
a. Enter rating table for corrected LCWT. By interpolation, determine corrected
capacity (kW) and power input (kW) to compressor at its rated voltage.

Performance data (cont)
30 35 40 45 50
LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
(C) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate
(L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s)
060 285.9 74.5 12.3 273.1 79.0 11.8 259.4 83.1 11.2 245.2 86.9 10.6 231.0 90.3 10.0
070 325.1 87.0 14.0 311.1 92.0 13.4 297.0 96.7 12.8 282.4 101.0 12.2 265.0 104.5 11.4
080 371.7 99.8 16.0 352.5 105.2 15.2 332.7 110.1 14.3 — — — — — —
090 398.8 104.6 17.2 377.5 110.7 16.3 355.6 116.2 15.3 334.0 121.5 14.4 312.2 126.2 13.5
100 458.8 113.9 19.8 436.6 121.2 18.8 414.2 128.0 17.9 391.7 134.4 16.9 368.7 140.3 15.9
110 493.8 131.7 21.3 470.6 139.2 20.3 447.2 146.3 19.3 423.5 153.0 18.3 399.9 159.3 17.2
130 536.1 143.9 23.1 514.5 152.6 22.2 492.8 160.9 21.3 470.8 168.8 20.3 448.2 176.3 19.3
150 617.8 169.8 26.6 593.2 180.0 25.6 568.2 189.8 24.5 542.8 199.3 23.4 517.4 208.5 22.3
170 704.5 192.7 30.4 675.2 203.9 29.1 644.7 214.4 27.8 608.5 223.1 26.2 — — —
190 771.3 212.1 33.3 740.1 224.3 31.9 708.2 236.1 30.5 676.8 247.3 29.2 — — —
13 210 917.9 257.0 39.6 873.6 269.4 37.7 829.5 281.0 35.8 — — — — — —
230 989.6 269.6 42.7 945.7 285.1 40.8 900.9 299.8 38.8 — — — — — —
245 1016.7 274.5 43.8 970.7 290.6 41.9 923.8 306.0 39.8 876.9 320.8 37.8 829.7 334.8 35.8
255 1076.9 283.8 46.4 1030.0 301.2 44.4 982.7 317.8 42.4 934.7 333.8 40.3 885.7 348.8 38.2
270 1163.7 306.7 50.2 1112.1 325.1 48.0 1059.2 342.4 45.7 1000.4 357.5 43.1 — — —
290 1265.1 343.8 54.6 1210.6 363.5 52.2 1155.4 382.4 49.8 1100.3 400.2 47.4 — — —
315 1411.8 388.7 60.9 1344.1 408.6 58.0 1276.8 427.3 55.1 — — — — — —
330 1409.1 385.3 60.8 1350.3 407.7 58.2 1289.7 428.8 55.6 1217.0 446.2 52.5 — — —
360 1543.0 424.3 66.5 1480.4 448.7 63.8 1416.9 472.1 61.1 1353.3 494.5 58.4 — — —
390 1690.2 469.3 72.9 1614.3 493.8 69.6 1538.5 517.2 66.3 — — — — — —
420 1835.8 514.1 79.2 1747.6 538.8 75.4 1659.7 562.1 71.6 — — — — — —
060 295.7 75.7 12.8 279.6 79.9 12.1 263.4 83.7 11.4 247.5 87.2 10.7 231.5 90.3 10.0
070 336.5 88.4 14.5 318.6 93.0 13.7 300.9 97.2 13.0 283.3 101.0 12.2 265.9 104.5 11.5
080 376.2 100.4 16.2 355.1 105.5 15.3 334.0 110.1 14.4 — — — — — —
090 413.5 106.8 17.8 388.2 112.4 16.8 363.3 117.6 15.7 338.7 122.3 14.6 314.4 126.5 13.6
100 481.6 116.8 20.8 453.6 123.5 19.6 425.7 129.8 18.4 398.2 135.4 17.2 370.7 140.5 16.0
110 528.4 136.6 22.8 498.2 143.6 21.5 468.2 150.0 20.2 438.6 155.8 18.9 409.2 161.1 17.7
130 580.7 150.3 25.1 558.4 159.7 24.1 530.9 167.8 22.9 499.1 174.5 21.5 467.4 180.7 20.2
150 667.4 177.7 28.8 638.4 187.8 27.6 602.6 196.3 26.0 565.3 204.0 24.4 528.6 210.9 22.8
170 733.8 197.2 31.7 692.9 206.8 29.9 651.7 215.5 28.1 610.3 223.2 26.3 — — —
190 829.8 221.7 35.8 785.3 232.2 33.9 739.4 241.9 31.9 693.8 250.8 29.9 — — —
16 210 942.3 261.0 40.7 889.9 272.0 38.4 837.7 282.2 36.2 — — — — — —
230 1043.6 278.1 45.0 993.5 293.3 42.9 936.7 306.5 40.4 — — — — — —
245 1080.9 284.4 46.7 1026.6 300.2 44.3 965.9 313.9 41.7 904.0 326.3 39.0 843.0 337.5 36.4
255 1149.0 294.4 49.6 1091.9 311.3 47.1 1028.4 326.1 44.4 963.4 339.4 41.6 899.2 351.4 38.8
270 1215.4 314.0 52.5 1146.5 330.4 49.5 1077.4 345.3 46.5 1008.5 358.6 43.5 — — —
290 1358.2 358.3 58.6 1283.5 375.8 55.4 1207.6 391.9 52.1 1132.4 406.6 48.9 — — —
315 1470.7 397.6 63.5 1388.0 415.6 59.9 1306.0 432.2 56.4 — — — — — —
330 1467.7 394.4 63.3 1385.7 413.6 59.8 1303.4 431.0 56.3 1220.6 446.4 52.7 — — —
360 1659.6 443.4 71.6 1570.6 464.3 67.8 1478.8 483.8 63.8 1387.6 501.5 59.9 — — —
390 1772.3 482.7 76.5 1675.1 504.2 72.3 1577.1 524.1 68.1 — — — — — —
420 1884.7 521.9 81.3 1779.7 544.0 76.8 1675.5 564.4 72.3 — — — — — —
See legend and notes on page 73.

30 35 40 45 50
LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
(C) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate
(L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s)
060 213.0 64.1 8.5 202.8 67.2 8.1 192.5 70.2 7.7 182.3 73.0 7.3 172.1 75.5 6.8
070 249.4 72.2 9.9 236.8 76.1 9.4 224.2 79.7 8.9 211.7 83.2 8.4 199.3 86.3 7.9
080 287.5 84.9 11.4 273.1 89.1 10.9 258.5 93.0 10.3 244.3 96.7 9.7 230.0 100.0 9.1
090 322.0 98.2 12.8 305.4 103.1 12.1 288.7 107.6 11.5 272.1 111.8 10.8 255.4 115.6 10.2
100 354.8 104.8 14.1 336.6 110.0 13.4 318.7 114.9 12.7 300.9 119.4 12.0 283.0 123.7 11.3
110 392.4 125.1 15.6 373.7 130.6 14.9 354.9 135.7 14.1 336.3 140.6 13.4 317.6 145.1 12.6
130 435.8 130.3 17.3 416.3 137.3 16.6 396.6 143.9 15.8 376.6 150.1 15.0 356.5 155.9 14.2
150 510.1 163.3 20.3 489.4 171.3 19.5 468.6 179.1 18.6 447.3 186.4 17.8 425.8 193.4 16.9
170 557.7 173.3 22.2 532.8 181.8 21.2 507.5 189.8 20.2 481.9 197.3 19.2 455.5 204.2 18.1
190 632.3 198.4 25.2 605.6 207.8 24.1 579.0 216.8 23.0 552.4 225.4 22.0 524.9 233.5 20.9
5 210 712.5 222.1 28.3 676.8 231.7 26.9 641.3 240.5 25.5 605.8 248.8 24.1 570.1 256.3 22.7
230 797.6 248.2 31.7 762.5 260.5 30.3 727.1 272.1 28.9 691.6 283.1 27.5 655.8 293.5 26.1
245 832.2 261.4 33.1 794.7 274.4 31.6 757.3 286.6 30.1 719.4 298.2 28.6 681.2 309.0 27.1
255 865.1 268.1 34.4 826.3 281.4 32.9 787.5 294.0 31.3 748.3 305.9 29.8 708.9 317.1 28.2
270 912.7 278.0 36.3 869.7 291.8 34.6 826.5 304.8 32.9 782.9 316.8 31.1 738.6 327.9 29.4
290 1025.0 323.5 40.8 979.7 338.4 39.0 934.4 352.6 37.2 889.0 366.0 35.4 842.7 378.6 33.5
315 1105.0 347.3 44.0 1050.8 362.3 41.8 996.7 376.4 39.7 942.5 389.5 37.5 887.9 401.5 35.3
330 1115.4 346.5 44.4 1065.6 363.6 42.4 1015.0 379.7 40.4 963.7 394.7 38.3 911.0 408.4 36.2
360 1190.0 371.7 47.3 1138.4 389.6 45.3 1086.5 406.6 43.2 1034.2 422.7 41.1 980.4 437.7 39.0
390 1344.8 420.6 53.5 1282.8 439.5 51.0 1220.9 457.5 48.6 1158.4 474.3 46.1 1095.4 490.0 43.6
420 1424.9 444.3 56.7 1353.7 463.3 53.9 1282.6 481.1 51.0 1211.7 497.6 48.2 1140.1 512.7 45.4
060 219.8 65.2 8.8 209.4 68.4 8.3 199.0 71.5 7.9 188.5 74.4 7.5 178.1 77.1 7.1
070 257.4 73.4 10.2 244.7 77.4 9.7 231.8 81.2 9.2 219.0 84.8 8.7 206.3 88.1 8.2
080 296.8 86.5 11.8 282.3 90.8 11.2 267.6 94.9 10.7 252.7 98.7 10.1 238.1 102.2 9.5
090 332.8 100.0 13.2 315.5 105.1 12.6 298.5 109.7 11.9 281.5 114.1 11.2 264.4 118.1 10.5
100 367.1 106.7 14.6 348.7 112.2 13.9 330.1 117.2 13.1 311.9 122.0 12.4 293.6 126.4 11.7
110 405.7 127.6 16.2 386.6 133.3 15.4 367.5 138.6 14.6 348.2 143.6 13.9 329.0 148.3 13.1
130 449.1 132.4 17.9 429.3 139.6 17.1 409.2 146.5 16.3 388.9 152.9 15.5 368.2 158.9 14.7
150 524.8 166.0 20.9 503.6 174.3 20.0 482.3 182.2 19.2 460.9 189.8 18.3 438.9 197.1 17.5
170 575.2 176.5 22.9 550.2 185.3 21.9 524.4 193.7 20.9 498.3 201.5 19.8 471.4 208.7 18.8
190 652.0 202.2 26.0 625.1 211.8 24.9 597.7 221.0 23.8 570.5 230.0 22.7 542.7 238.5 21.6
6 210 736.1 226.7 29.3 700.1 236.6 27.9 663.7 245.8 26.4 627.3 254.4 25.0 591.0 262.3 23.5
230 821.5 252.5 32.7 785.9 265.1 31.3 749.9 277.1 29.9 713.6 288.5 28.4 677.0 299.3 27.0
245 857.5 266.0 34.1 819.2 279.3 32.6 780.8 292.0 31.1 742.3 303.9 29.6 703.4 315.2 28.0
255 892.1 272.8 35.5 852.5 286.5 33.9 812.7 299.5 32.4 773.0 311.9 30.8 732.7 323.5 29.2
270 942.6 283.2 37.5 899.1 297.6 35.8 854.9 311.0 34.0 810.4 323.5 32.3 765.1 335.1 30.5
290 1058.2 329.8 42.1 1012.0 345.1 40.3 965.5 359.7 38.4 919.2 373.7 36.6 872.1 386.9 34.7
315 1142.0 354.3 45.5 1086.8 369.9 43.3 1031.5 384.5 41.1 976.0 398.1 38.9 920.4 410.7 36.6
330 1150.5 352.9 45.8 1100.4 370.7 43.8 1048.9 387.3 41.8 996.5 402.9 39.7 942.8 417.3 37.5
360 1227.3 378.6 48.9 1175.3 397.2 46.8 1122.1 414.7 44.7 1068.8 431.5 42.5 1014.1 447.2 40.4
390 1388.3 428.9 55.3 1325.6 448.6 52.8 1262.0 467.0 50.2 1198.1 484.5 47.7 1134.0 500.9 45.1
420 1472.2 453.5 58.6 1400.1 473.2 55.7 1327.3 491.6 52.8 1254.7 508.7 49.9 1182.0 524.6 47.1
LEGEND b. Calculate corrected flow rate through the cooler:
Cap. — Cooling Capacity (kW of Refrigeration) 0.239 x capacity in kW
kW — Compressor Power Input = = L/s
LCWT — Leaving Chilled Water Temperature temperature rise °C

1. All ratings are in accordance with ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Insti- c. On Cooler Pressure Drop chart, on pages 48-51, enter cooler pressure drop
tute, U.S.A.) Standard 550/590-98, based on: curve at corrected flow rate and read pressure drop.
a. A cooler water temperature rise of 6° C. When greater accuracy is desired, 3. When cooler water temperature rise is less than 3° C, high flow rate will nor-
correct design LCWT, before entering rating tables, by reference to the mally be accompanied by an excessive pressure drop. In such cases, contact
LCWT correction curve. your Carrier representative for special selection of a cooler with wider baffle
b. A fouling factor of 0.000018 in the cooler. spacing.
c. Refrigerant 22.
2. When a corrected LCWT is used, cooler pressure drop must also be corrected
for the new LWCT:
a. Enter rating table for corrected LCWT. By interpolation, determine corrected
capacity (kW) and power input (kW) to compressor at its rated voltage.

Performance data (cont)
UNIT 30 35 40 45 50
LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
(C) Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate
(L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s)
060 226.9 66.3 9.0 216.2 69.7 8.6 205.5 72.9 8.2 194.8 75.8 7.8 184.1 78.6 7.3
070 265.6 74.6 10.6 252.6 78.8 10.1 239.6 82.7 9.5 226.5 86.4 9.0 213.5 89.8 8.5
080 306.6 88.1 12.2 291.4 92.5 11.6 276.6 96.8 11.0 261.5 100.7 10.4 246.3 104.3 9.8
090 343.5 101.9 13.7 326.1 107.1 13.0 308.5 111.9 12.3 291.1 116.4 11.6 273.6 120.6 10.9
100 379.7 108.7 15.1 360.7 114.3 14.4 342.0 119.6 13.6 323.1 124.5 12.9 304.4 129.1 12.1
110 419.2 130.1 16.7 399.7 136.0 15.9 380.1 141.6 15.1 360.5 146.8 14.4 340.7 151.6 13.6
130 462.6 134.5 18.4 442.6 142.0 17.6 422.1 149.0 16.8 401.4 155.7 16.0 380.1 161.9 15.1
150 539.6 168.7 21.5 518.3 177.3 20.6 496.4 185.4 19.8 474.4 193.3 18.9 452.2 200.8 18.0
170 593.4 179.7 23.6 567.9 188.9 22.6 541.6 197.5 21.6 515.0 205.6 20.5 487.6 213.1 19.4
190 672.1 205.9 26.8 645.2 216.0 25.7 616.7 225.4 24.6 588.5 234.6 23.4 560.6 243.5 22.3
7 210 760.6 231.4 30.3 723.7 241.6 28.8 686.5 251.1 27.3 649.3 260.0 25.9 — — —
230 846.2 256.8 33.7 809.8 269.8 32.3 773.0 282.2 30.8 735.9 294.0 29.3 698.6 305.1 27.8
245 883.1 270.6 35.2 844.5 284.4 33.6 804.9 297.4 32.1 765.5 309.7 30.5 725.8 321.4 28.9
255 919.6 277.5 36.6 879.4 291.7 35.0 838.6 305.1 33.4 797.8 317.9 31.8 756.8 330.0 30.1
270 973.4 288.5 38.8 928.9 303.3 37.0 883.9 317.2 35.2 838.4 330.2 33.4 792.2 342.3 31.6
290 1091.3 336.0 43.5 1045.2 352.0 41.6 997.1 367.1 39.7 949.3 381.4 37.8 901.7 395.2 35.9
315 1180.0 361.6 47.0 1123.6 377.7 44.8 1067.0 392.8 42.5 1010.1 406.9 40.2 — — —
330 1186.7 359.4 47.3 1135.7 377.8 45.2 1083.2 395.1 43.1 1029.9 411.3 41.0 975.1 426.3 38.8
360 1265.5 385.6 50.4 1213.0 404.9 48.3 1158.3 423.0 46.1 1103.4 440.2 44.0 1048.2 456.6 41.8
390 1432.8 437.4 57.1 1368.6 457.6 54.5 1304.2 476.8 51.9 1238.5 494.7 49.3 — — —
420 1521.1 462.9 60.6 1447.4 483.3 57.7 1372.9 502.3 54.7 1298.6 520.0 51.7 — — —
060 234.0 67.4 9.3 223.1 70.9 8.9 212.2 74.2 8.5 201.3 77.3 8.0 190.3 80.1 7.6
070 274.0 75.9 10.9 260.7 80.1 10.4 247.5 84.2 9.9 234.1 88.0 9.3 220.8 91.5 8.8
080 316.5 89.6 12.6 301.1 94.3 12.0 285.6 98.6 11.4 270.4 102.7 10.8 255.0 106.5 10.2
090 354.4 103.7 14.1 336.7 109.1 13.4 318.9 114.2 12.7 300.9 118.8 12.0 283.0 123.1 11.3
100 392.7 110.8 15.6 373.3 116.6 14.9 354.0 122.0 14.1 334.8 127.1 13.3 315.4 131.9 12.6
110 432.9 132.7 17.3 413.0 138.8 16.5 393.1 144.5 15.7 373.0 149.9 14.9 352.7 155.0 14.1
130 476.3 136.7 19.0 455.9 144.4 18.2 435.2 151.7 17.3 414.1 158.5 16.5 392.6 165.1 15.6
150 554.6 171.5 22.1 532.8 180.2 21.2 510.9 188.7 20.4 488.3 196.8 19.5 465.5 204.5 18.6
170 611.8 183.0 24.4 585.8 192.5 23.3 559.1 201.4 22.3 531.9 209.8 21.2 504.0 217.7 20.1
190 692.5 209.7 27.6 664.6 220.0 26.5 636.7 229.9 25.4 607.5 239.3 24.2 578.7 248.5 23.1
8 210 785.5 236.2 31.3 747.4 246.7 29.8 709.7 256.5 28.3 671.7 265.7 26.8 — — —
230 871.1 261.1 34.7 833.7 274.5 33.2 796.5 287.3 31.7 758.7 299.5 30.2 720.3 311.0 28.7
245 909.0 275.2 36.2 869.4 289.4 34.6 829.8 302.9 33.1 789.2 315.6 31.5 748.6 327.7 29.8
255 947.5 282.3 37.8 906.3 296.9 36.1 865.2 310.8 34.5 823.3 324.0 32.8 781.2 336.5 31.1
270 1004.7 293.9 40.0 959.3 309.1 38.2 913.3 323.5 36.4 866.9 337.0 34.5 819.7 349.6 32.7
290 1125.8 342.4 44.9 1078.0 358.9 43.0 1030.1 374.5 41.0 980.7 389.3 39.1 931.7 403.6 37.1
315 1218.7 368.9 48.6 1160.7 385.5 46.3 1103.2 401.2 44.0 1045.0 415.8 41.6 — — —
330 1223.5 366.0 48.8 1171.6 385.0 46.7 1118.1 402.9 44.6 1063.8 419.7 42.4 1008.3 435.4 40.2
360 1304.2 392.7 52.0 1250.4 412.5 49.8 1195.8 431.4 47.7 1139.4 449.1 45.4 1082.6 466.1 43.1
390 1478.1 445.9 58.9 1412.1 466.8 56.3 1346.9 486.6 53.7 1279.8 505.2 51.0 — — —
420 1571.0 472.4 62.6 1494.8 493.3 59.6 1419.5 513.1 56.6 1343.3 531.5 53.5 — — —
See legend and notes on page 75.

UNIT 30 35 40 45 50
LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
(C) 30GTN,GTR Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate
(L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s)
060 241.3 68.5 9.6 230.1 72.1 9.2 219.0 75.5 8.7 207.8 78.7 8.3 196.6 81.7 7.8
070 282.5 77.1 11.3 268.9 81.5 10.7 255.4 85.7 10.2 241.9 89.6 9.6 228.2 93.3 9.1
080 326.5 91.2 13.0 310.8 96.0 12.4 294.9 100.5 11.8 279.2 104.7 11.1 263.6 108.7 10.5
090 365.5 105.6 14.6 347.4 111.2 13.9 329.3 116.4 13.1 311.1 121.2 12.4 292.6 125.7 11.7
100 405.7 112.8 16.2 386.0 118.8 15.4 366.1 124.4 14.6 346.5 129.7 13.8 326.8 134.7 13.0
110 446.9 135.3 17.8 426.5 141.6 17.0 406.1 147.5 16.2 385.7 153.1 15.4 365.0 158.4 14.6
130 490.1 138.8 19.5 469.3 146.7 18.7 448.4 154.2 17.9 427.0 161.4 17.0 405.1 168.1 16.2
150 569.9 174.2 22.7 547.7 183.3 21.8 525.2 191.9 20.9 502.6 200.3 20.0 479.5 208.3 19.1
170 630.4 186.4 25.1 604.0 196.1 24.1 576.8 205.4 23.0 549.1 214.1 21.9 520.7 222.2 20.8
190 713.2 213.5 28.4 684.8 224.2 27.3 656.5 234.4 26.2 627.2 244.2 25.0 597.1 253.5 23.8
9 210 810.9 241.1 32.3 772.0 251.8 30.8 733.1 262.0 29.2 694.5 271.5 27.7 — — —
230 896.3 265.5 35.7 858.4 279.3 34.2 820.1 292.4 32.7 781.8 305.0 31.2 743.1 317.0 29.6
245 935.3 279.9 37.3 895.1 294.4 35.7 854.5 308.3 34.1 813.7 321.5 32.4 772.1 334.0 30.8
255 975.8 287.1 38.9 933.9 302.1 37.2 891.7 316.5 35.6 849.4 330.1 33.9 806.5 343.1 32.2
270 1036.4 299.3 41.3 990.2 315.0 39.5 943.3 329.9 37.6 895.9 343.9 35.7 847.7 357.0 33.8
290 1160.6 348.8 46.3 1111.6 365.8 44.3 1063.0 382.0 42.4 1013.2 397.4 40.4 962.4 412.0 38.4
315 1258.1 376.4 50.2 1198.8 393.5 47.8 1139.7 409.6 45.4 1080.6 424.8 43.1 — — —
330 1260.9 372.7 50.3 1208.0 392.3 48.2 1153.6 410.7 46.0 1098.3 428.1 43.8 1041.6 444.5 41.5
360 1343.7 399.8 53.6 1288.8 420.3 51.4 1233.3 439.8 49.2 1176.4 458.2 46.9 1117.8 475.7 44.6
390 1524.2 454.6 60.8 1456.8 476.1 58.1 1390.0 496.6 55.4 1322.1 515.8 52.7 — — —
420 1621.7 482.1 64.7 1543.9 503.7 61.6 1466.1 523.9 58.5 1389.0 543.1 55.4 — — —
060 248.8 69.7 9.9 237.4 73.4 9.5 225.9 76.9 9.0 214.5 80.2 8.6 203.0 83.3 8.1
070 291.4 78.4 11.6 277.3 82.9 11.1 263.5 87.2 10.5 249.8 91.3 10.0 235.9 95.1 9.4
080 336.5 92.8 13.4 320.6 97.8 12.8 304.6 102.4 12.1 288.4 106.7 11.5 272.3 110.8 10.9
090 376.9 107.5 15.0 358.3 113.2 14.3 339.8 118.6 13.6 321.3 123.7 12.8 302.6 128.3 12.1
100 419.1 114.9 16.7 398.9 121.1 15.9 378.7 126.9 15.1 358.6 132.4 14.3 338.4 137.5 13.5
110 461.4 137.9 18.4 440.3 144.4 17.6 419.5 150.6 16.7 398.8 156.4 15.9 377.4 161.8 15.1
130 504.5 141.0 20.1 483.1 149.1 19.3 461.7 156.9 18.4 440.0 164.2 17.6 417.9 171.2 16.7
150 585.3 177.0 23.3 562.7 186.3 22.4 539.9 195.2 21.5 516.7 203.8 20.6 — — —
170 649.4 189.7 25.9 622.1 199.8 24.8 594.8 209.3 23.7 566.6 218.3 22.6 537.9 226.9 21.5
190 734.2 217.3 29.3 705.2 228.4 28.1 676.0 238.9 27.0 646.7 249.0 25.8 616.2 258.6 24.6
10 210 836.7 246.0 33.4 797.0 257.1 31.8 757.2 267.5 30.2 717.4 277.4 28.6 — — —
230 921.8 269.9 36.8 883.4 284.1 35.2 844.5 297.6 33.7 805.1 310.5 32.1 — — —
245 962.2 284.5 38.4 921.1 299.5 36.7 879.7 313.8 35.1 838.0 327.5 33.4 — — —
255 1004.6 292.0 40.1 961.9 307.5 38.4 918.9 322.2 36.7 875.5 336.3 34.9 — — —
270 1068.9 304.8 42.6 1021.3 320.9 40.7 973.8 336.3 38.8 925.4 350.8 36.9 876.5 364.5 35.0
290 1195.8 355.3 47.7 1145.7 372.8 45.7 1096.0 389.5 43.7 1045.6 405.4 41.7 994.0 420.5 39.6
315 1298.3 384.0 51.8 1237.7 401.6 49.4 1177.3 418.2 47.0 1116.4 433.9 44.5 — — —
330 1298.8 379.5 51.8 1244.3 399.5 49.6 1189.6 418.7 47.4 1133.2 436.7 45.2 1075.8 453.7 42.9
360 1383.6 407.1 55.2 1327.3 428.1 52.9 1270.7 448.2 50.7 1213.3 467.3 48.4 1154.2 485.5 46.0
390 1571.0 463.4 62.7 1502.3 485.4 59.9 1433.7 506.6 57.2 1364.4 526.5 54.4 — — —
420 1673.4 492.0 66.7 1593.9 514.2 63.6 1514.4 535.1 60.4 1434.8 554.7 57.2 — — —
LEGEND b. Calculate corrected flow rate through the cooler:
Cap. — Cooling Capacity (kW of Refrigeration) 0.239 x capacity in kW
kW — Compressor Power Input = = L/s
LCWT — Leaving Chilled Water Temperature temperature rise °C

1. All ratings are in accordance with ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Insti- c. On Cooler Pressure Drop chart, on pages 48-51, enter cooler pressure drop
tute, U.S.A.) Standard 550/590-98, based on: curve at corrected flow rate and read pressure drop.
a. A cooler water temperature rise of 6° C. When greater accuracy is desired, 3. When cooler water temperature rise is less than 3° C, high flow rate will nor-
correct design LCWT, before entering rating tables, by reference to the mally be accompanied by an excessive pressure drop. In such cases, contact
LCWT correction curve. your Carrier representative for special selection of a cooler with wider baffle
b. A fouling factor of 0.000018 in the cooler. spacing.
c. Refrigerant 22.
2. When a corrected LCWT is used, cooler pressure drop must also be corrected
for the new LWCT:
a. Enter rating table for corrected LCWT. By interpolation, determine corrected
capacity (kW) and power input (kW) to compressor at its rated voltage.

Performance data (cont)
UNIT 30 35 40 45 50
LCWT Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler Cooler
(C) 30GTN,GTR Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow Cap. Input Flow
(kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate (kW) kW Rate
(L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s) (L/s)
060 271.8 73.2 10.9 259.8 77.2 10.4 247.6 81.1 9.9 234.7 84.4 9.4 220.3 87.3 8.8
070 318.5 82.2 12.7 303.7 87.1 12.1 289.0 91.8 11.5 273.9 96.1 10.9 258.1 100.1 10.3
080 363.7 97.2 14.5 345.6 102.3 13.8 327.3 107.1 13.1 309.3 111.6 12.3 291.1 115.6 11.6
090 411.8 113.3 16.4 392.3 119.6 15.7 372.7 125.5 14.9 352.6 130.8 14.1 328.8 135.0 13.1
100 460.6 121.3 18.4 438.9 128.0 17.5 417.5 134.4 16.7 396.1 140.5 15.8 374.5 146.1 15.0
110 505.8 146.0 20.2 483.6 153.2 19.3 461.4 159.9 18.4 438.9 166.3 17.5 416.1 172.3 16.6
130 547.9 147.5 21.9 525.8 156.3 21.0 503.3 164.8 20.1 480.4 172.9 19.2 456.8 180.5 18.2
150 632.7 185.6 25.3 609.1 195.6 24.3 585.2 205.2 23.4 558.0 213.9 22.3 — — —
170 707.1 199.9 28.2 678.4 210.8 27.1 649.6 221.3 25.9 615.7 230.2 24.6 — — —
190 798.6 229.2 31.9 768.2 241.1 30.7 737.4 252.6 29.4 706.0 263.7 28.2 — — —
13 210 917.1 261.4 36.6 874.8 273.4 34.9 832.6 284.6 33.2 785.3 294.2 31.4 — — —
230 996.5 282.8 39.8 954.7 297.9 38.1 912.5 312.3 36.4 867.4 325.5 34.6 — — —
245 1044.5 298.9 41.7 1001.4 315.2 40.0 957.8 330.7 38.2 910.6 344.7 36.4 — — —
255 1093.6 306.9 43.7 1048.5 323.7 41.9 1003.0 339.7 40.1 954.3 354.5 38.1 — — —
270 1167.9 321.3 46.6 1117.9 339.0 44.6 1067.5 355.8 42.6 1012.1 370.8 40.4 — — —
290 1304.6 375.3 52.1 1252.1 394.3 50.0 1199.0 412.5 47.9 1145.4 430.1 45.7 — — —
315 1423.1 407.5 56.8 1358.6 426.6 54.2 1294.2 444.6 51.7 1224.4 460.6 48.9 — — —
330 1414.9 400.0 56.5 1357.5 421.8 54.2 1299.3 442.5 51.9 1231.4 460.4 49.2 — — —
360 1506.0 429.2 60.1 1447.0 452.0 57.8 1387.0 473.8 55.4 1321.7 493.9 52.8 — — —
390 1716.0 490.6 68.5 1643.3 514.6 65.6 1570.3 537.2 62.7 1491.7 557.9 59.6 — — —
420 1834.2 522.8 73.2 1749.6 546.8 69.9 1665.3 569.3 66.5 1570.6 588.4 62.7 — — —
060 279.6 74.2 11.2 264.8 77.9 10.6 250.1 81.3 10.0 235.5 84.5 9.4 221.0 87.4 8.8
070 337.3 84.6 13.5 318.0 89.2 12.7 299.2 93.4 12.0 280.5 97.3 11.2 262.1 100.8 10.5
080 373.3 98.7 14.9 352.6 103.5 14.1 332.1 107.9 13.3 311.9 112.0 12.5 291.9 115.7 11.7
090 426.8 115.5 17.1 402.2 121.1 16.1 377.8 126.2 15.1 353.7 130.9 14.1 329.7 135.1 13.2
100 484.0 124.5 19.3 456.8 130.7 18.3 430.0 136.4 17.2 403.5 141.7 16.1 377.4 146.5 15.1
110 540.5 152.1 21.6 511.7 158.5 20.4 483.1 164.5 19.3 454.7 169.9 18.2 426.6 174.9 17.0
130 592.8 154.2 23.7 568.6 163.4 22.7 540.7 171.7 21.6 512.2 179.4 20.5 479.2 185.6 19.2
150 670.7 192.6 26.8 640.9 202.3 25.6 611.7 211.6 24.4 582.3 220.5 23.3 — — —
170 738.1 205.2 29.5 698.1 214.5 27.9 658.1 222.9 26.3 618.2 230.6 24.7 — — —
190 862.6 240.7 34.5 824.5 251.9 32.9 779.1 261.2 31.1 734.0 269.8 29.3 — — —
16 210 937.5 264.6 37.5 887.0 275.3 35.5 837.1 285.2 33.5 — — — — — —
230 1043.9 291.3 41.7 993.5 305.8 39.7 943.8 319.6 37.7 894.2 332.5 35.7 — — —
245 1097.5 308.1 43.9 1043.1 323.4 41.7 989.5 337.8 39.5 936.0 351.4 37.4 — — —
255 1154.6 317.1 46.1 1097.8 333.0 43.9 1041.7 348.1 41.6 985.8 362.2 39.4 — — —
270 1222.1 329.7 48.8 1154.9 345.2 46.2 1088.1 359.3 43.5 1021.7 372.2 40.8 — — —
290 1403.2 392.8 56.1 1336.2 410.4 53.4 1262.2 425.7 50.4 1188.7 439.7 47.5 — — —
315 1478.0 416.7 59.1 1398.7 433.8 55.9 1320.2 449.6 52.8 — — — — — —
330 1476.3 410.4 59.0 1396.2 428.9 55.8 1316.3 445.8 52.6 1236.4 461.1 49.4 — — —
360 1600.8 445.9 64.0 1522.6 466.3 60.8 1437.2 484.1 57.4 1352.2 500.4 54.0 — — —
390 1800.4 505.3 72.0 1711.4 527.2 68.4 1616.1 546.5 64.6 — — — — — —
420 1874.9 529.1 74.9 1774.1 550.6 70.9 1674.2 570.4 66.9 — — — — — —
LEGEND b. Calculate corrected flow rate through the cooler:
Cap. — Cooling Capacity (kW of Refrigeration) 0.239 x capacity in kW
kW — Compressor Power Input = = L/s
LCWT — Leaving Chilled Water Temperature temperature rise °C

1. All ratings are in accordance with ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Insti- c. On Cooler Pressure Drop chart, on pages 48-51 enter cooler pressure drop
tute, U.S.A.) Standard 550/590-98, based on: curve at corrected flow rate and read pressure drop.
a. A cooler water temperature rise of 6° C. When greater accuracy is desired, 3. When cooler water temperature rise is less than 3° C, high flow rate will nor-
correct design LCWT, before entering rating tables, by reference to the mally be accompanied by an excessive pressure drop. In such cases, contact
LCWT correction curve. your Carrier representative for special selection of a cooler with wider baffle
b. A fouling factor of 0.000018 in the cooler. spacing.
c. Refrigerant 22.
2. When a corrected LCWT is used, cooler pressure drop must also be corrected
for the new LWCT:
a. Enter rating table for corrected LCWT. By interpolation, determine corrected
capacity (kW) and power input (kW) to compressor at its rated voltage.

Electrical data
30GTN, V-Hz Supplied* MCA MOCP ICF V-Hz MCA and
Fuse Size
GTR (3 Ph) (Single Ph)† MOCP
208/230-60 187 253 328.1 328.1 450 450 833.8 557.8 400 400 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 147.4 152.4 200 200 410.6 274.5 175 175 115-60 30
060 575-60 518 633 132.2 121.0 175 150 336.8 218.7 150 150 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 174.5 176.6 250 250 458.0 307.2 200 200 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 167.6 173.2 225 225 430.8 295.3 200 200 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 369.1 369.1 500 500 874.8 598.8 450 450 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 166.0 171.6 225 225 429.2 293.7 200 200 115-60 30
070 575-60 518 633 148.9 141.5 200 175 353.5 239.2 175 175 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 200.7 202.3 250 250 484.2 332.9 225 225 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 189.4 195.1 250 250 452.6 317.2 225 225 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 396.0 396.0 500 500 901.7 625.7 450 450 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 182.0 185.7 225 250 445.2 307.8 200 225 115-60 30
080 575-60 518 633 161.0 149.2 200 200 365.6 246.9 200 175 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 209.1 209.9 250 250 492.6 340.5 250 250 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 211.2 218.1 250 250 474.4 340.2 250 250 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 396.8 396.8 450 450 730.7 552.7 450 450 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 195.1 198.0 225 225 363.6 275.9 225 225 115-60 30
090 575-60 518 633 167.8 156.8 200 175 286.2 213.2 200 175 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 205.9 202.6 250 225 396.0 294.5 225 225 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 236.2 243.8 300 300 499.4 365.9 300 300 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 469.4 469.4 500 500 842.4 640.4 500 500 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 217.9 224.8 250 250 412.4 315.9 250 250 115-60 30
100 575-60 518 633 191.1 168.7 225 200 316.6 233.1 225 200 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 240.6 242.1 250 250 454.8 342.8 250 250 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 261.6 269.8 300 300 524.8 391.9 300 300 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 520.7 520.7 600 600 1026.4 750.4 600 600 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 241.2 248.8 300 300 504.4 370.9 300 300 115-60 30
110 575-60 518 633 212.0 194.4 250 225 416.6 292.1 250 225 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 273.3 274.2 350 350 556.8 404.8 300 300 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 305.2 315.8 350 350 568.4 437.9 350 350 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 617.4 617.4 700 700 1118.3 842.3 700 700 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 271.8 271.8 300 300 535.0 397.0 300 300 115-60 30
130 575-60 518 633 245.9 245.9 300 300 450.5 339.5 300 300 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 331.1 331.1 400 400 612.8 459.8 400 400 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 319.9 319.9 350 350 583.0 445.0 350 350 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 671.4 671.4 800 800 1172.3 896.3 800 800 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 312.9 312.9 350 350 576.1 438.1 350 350 115-60 30
150 575-60 518 633 272.3 272.3 300 300 476.9 365.9 300 300 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 359.9 359.9 400 400 641.6 488.6 400 400 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 377.9 377.9 400 400 641.0 503.0 400 400 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 734.7 734.7 800 800 1106.1 904.1 800 800 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 323.5 323.5 350 350 518.0 417.0 350 350 115-60 30
170 575-60 518 633 294.6 294.6 300 300 418.5 348.5 300 300 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 387.8 387.8 400 400 598.0 486.0 400 400 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 387.3 387.3 450 450 650.4 512.4 450 450 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 810.2 810.2 1000 1000 1311.1 1035.1 1000 1000 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 368.2 368.2 400 400 631.4 493.4 400 400 115-60 30
190 575-60 518 633 325.9 325.9 350 350 530.5 419.5 350 350 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 432.5 432.5 500 500 714.2 561.2 500 500 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 450.2 450.2 500 500 713.3 575.3 500 500 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 900.0 900.0 1000 1000 1400.9 1124.9 1000 1000 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 413.1 413.1 450 450 676.3 538.3 450 450 115-60 30
210 575-60 518 633 362.5 362.5 400 400 567.1 456.1 400 400 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 479.3 479.3 500 500 761.0 608.0 500 500 230-60 30
380/415-50 342 440 474.5 474.5 500 500 737.6 599.6 500 500 230-50 30
208/230-60 187 253 671.4 671.4 800 800 1172.3 896.3 800 800 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 312.9 312.9 350 350 576.1 438.1 350 350 115-60 30
230A 575-60 518 633 272.3 272.3 300 300 476.9 365.9 300 300 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 359.9 359.9 400 400 641.6 488.6 400 400 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 377.9 377.9 400 400 641.0 503.0 400 400 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 396.0 396.0 500 500 901.7 625.7 450 450 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 182.0 185.7 225 250 445.2 307.8 200 225 115-60 30
230B 575-60 518 633 161.0 149.2 200 200 365.6 246.9 200 175 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 209.1 209.9 250 250 492.6 340.5 250 250 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 211.2 218.1 250 250 474.4 340.2 250 250 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 671.4 671.4 800 800 1172.3 896.3 800 800 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 312.9 312.9 350 350 576.1 438.1 350 350 115-60 30
245A 575-60 518 633 272.3 272.3 300 300 476.9 365.9 300 300 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 359.9 359.9 400 400 641.6 488.6 400 400 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 377.9 377.9 400 400 641.0 503.0 400 400 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 396.8 396.8 450 450 730.7 552.7 450 450 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 195.1 198.0 225 225 363.6 275.9 225 225 115-60 30
245B 575-60 518 633 167.8 156.8 200 175 286.2 213.2 200 175 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 205.9 202.6 250 225 396.0 294.5 225 225 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 236.2 243.8 300 300 499.4 365.9 300 300 230-50 15
See legend and notes on page 79.

104 77
Electrical data (cont)
30GTN, V-Hz Supplied* MCA MOCP ICF V-Hz MCA and
Fuse Size
GTR (3 Ph) (Single Ph)† MOCP
208/230-60 187 253 671.4 671.4 800 800 1172.3 896.3 800 800 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 312.9 312.9 350 350 576.1 438.1 350 350 115-60 30
255A 575-60 518 633 272.3 272.3 300 300 476.9 365.9 300 300 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 359.9 359.9 400 400 641.6 488.6 400 400 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 377.9 377.9 400 400 641.0 503.0 400 400 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 469.4 469.4 500 500 842.4 640.4 500 500 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 217.9 224.8 250 250 412.4 315.9 250 250 115-60 30
255B 575-60 518 633 191.1 168.7 225 200 316.6 233.1 225 200 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 240.6 242.1 250 250 454.8 342.8 250 250 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 261.6 269.8 300 300 524.8 391.9 300 300 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 734.7 734.7 800 800 1106.1 904.1 800 800 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 323.5 323.5 350 350 518.0 417.0 350 350 115-60 30
270A 575-60 518 633 294.6 294.6 300 300 418.5 348.5 300 300 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 387.8 387.8 400 400 598.0 486.0 400 400 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 387.3 387.3 450 450 650.4 512.4 450 450 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 469.4 469.4 500 500 842.4 640.4 500 500 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 217.9 224.8 250 250 412.4 315.9 250 250 115-60 30
270B 575-60 518 633 191.1 168.7 225 200 316.6 233.1 225 200 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 240.6 242.1 250 250 454.8 342.8 250 250 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 261.6 269.8 300 300 524.8 391.9 300 300 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 810.2 810.2 1000 1000 1311.1 1035.1 1000 1000 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 368.2 368.2 400 400 631.4 493.4 400 400 115-60 30
290A 575-60 518 633 325.9 325.9 350 350 530.5 419.5 350 350 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 432.5 432.5 500 500 714.2 561.2 500 500 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 450.2 450.2 500 500 713.3 575.3 500 500 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 520.7 520.7 600 600 1026.4 750.4 600 600 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 241.2 248.8 300 300 504.4 370.9 300 300 115-60 30
290B 575-60 518 633 212.0 194.4 250 225 416.6 292.1 250 225 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 273.3 274.2 350 350 556.8 404.8 300 300 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 305.2 315.8 350 350 568.4 437.9 350 350 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 900.0 900.0 1000 1000 1400.9 1124.9 1000 1000 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 413.1 413.1 450 450 676.3 538.3 450 450 115-60 30
315A 575-60 518 633 362.5 362.5 400 400 567.1 456.1 400 400 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 479.3 479.3 500 500 761.0 608.0 500 500 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 474.5 474.5 500 500 737.6 599.6 500 500 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 520.7 520.7 600 600 1026.4 750.4 600 600 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 241.2 248.8 300 300 504.4 370.9 300 300 115-60 30
315B 575-60 518 633 212.0 194.4 250 225 416.6 292.1 250 225 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 273.3 274.2 350 350 556.8 404.8 300 300 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 305.2 315.8 350 350 568.4 437.9 350 350 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 734.7 734.7 800 800 1106.1 904.1 800 800 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 323.5 323.5 350 350 518.0 417.0 350 350 115-60 30
330A 575-60 518 633 294.6 294.6 300 300 418.5 348.5 300 300 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 387.8 387.8 400 400 598.0 486.0 400 400 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 387.3 387.3 450 450 650.4 512.4 450 450 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 734.7 734.7 800 800 1106.1 904.1 800 800 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 323.5 323.5 350 350 518.0 417.0 350 350 115-60 30
330B 575-60 518 633 294.6 294.6 300 300 418.5 348.5 300 300 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 387.8 387.8 400 400 598.0 486.0 400 400 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 387.3 387.3 450 450 650.4 512.4 450 450 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 810.2 810.2 1000 1000 1311.1 1035.1 1000 1000 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 368.2 368.2 400 400 631.4 493.4 400 400 115-60 30
360A 575-60 518 633 325.9 325.9 350 350 530.5 419.5 350 350 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 432.5 432.5 500 500 714.2 561.2 500 500 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 450.2 450.2 500 500 713.3 575.3 500 500 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 810.2 810.2 1000 1000 1311.1 1035.1 1000 1000 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 368.2 368.2 400 400 631.4 493.4 400 400 115-60 30
360B 575-60 518 633 325.9 325.9 350 350 530.5 419.5 350 350 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 432.5 432.5 500 500 714.2 561.2 500 500 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 387.3 387.3 450 450 650.4 512.4 450 450 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 900.0 900.0 1000 1000 1400.9 1124.9 1000 1000 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 413.1 413.1 450 450 676.3 538.3 450 450 115-60 30
390A 575-60 518 633 362.5 362.5 400 400 567.1 456.1 400 400 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 479.3 479.3 500 500 761.0 608.0 500 500 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 474.5 474.5 500 500 737.6 599.6 500 500 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 810.2 810.2 1000 1000 1311.1 1035.1 1000 1000 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 368.2 368.2 400 400 631.4 493.4 400 400 115-60 30
390B 575-60 518 633 325.9 325.9 350 350 530.5 419.5 350 350 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 432.5 432.5 500 500 714.2 561.2 500 500 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 450.2 450.2 500 500 713.3 575.3 500 500 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 900.0 900.0 1000 1000 1400.9 1124.9 1000 1000 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 413.1 413.1 450 450 676.3 538.3 450 450 115-60 30
420A 575-60 518 633 362.5 362.5 400 400 567.1 456.1 400 400 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 479.3 479.3 500 500 761.0 608.0 500 500 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 474.5 474.5 500 500 737.6 599.6 500 500 230-50 15
208/230-60 187 253 900.0 900.0 1000 1000 1400.9 1124.9 1000 1000 115-60 30
460-60 414 506 413.1 413.1 450 450 676.3 538.3 450 450 115-60 30
420B 575-60 518 633 362.5 362.5 400 400 567.1 456.1 400 400 115-60 30
380-60 342 418 479.3 479.3 500 500 761.0 608.0 500 500 230-60 15
380/415-50 342 440 474.5 474.5 500 500 737.6 599.6 500 500 230-50 15
See legend and notes on page 79.

78 104
LEGEND 4. Units have the following power wiring terminal blocks and parallel
FLA — Full Load Amps (Fan Motors) conductors:
ICF — Maximum Instantaneous Current Flow during starting
(the point in the starting sequence where the sum of the UNIT SIZE TERMINAL PARALLEL
LRA for the starting compressor, plus the total RLA for all
running compressors, plus the total FLA for all running 208/230 1 6
fan motors is maximum)
LRA — Locked Rotor Amps 460 1 3
MCA — Minimum Circuit Amps (for wire sizing) — complies with 060,070 575 1 3
NEC Section 430-24 380 1 3
MOCP — Maximum Overcurrent Protective Device Amps
NEC — National Electrical Code, U.S.A. 380/415 1 3
PW — Part Wind Start 208/230 1 6
→ Rec Fuse— Recommended dual-element fuse amps: 150% of largest 460 1 3
Size compressor RLA plus 100% of sum of remaining 080 to 110
motor RLAs. Size up to the next larger fuse size. The rec- 575 1 3
230B to 315B
ommended fuse size cannot exceed the MOCP value. 380 1 3
RLA — Rated Load Amps (Compressors) 380/415 1 3
XL — Across-the-Line Start
208/230 3 9
*Units are suitable for use on electrical systems where voltage supplied 130 to 210, 460 2 6
to the unit terminals is not below or above the listed minimum and 230A to 315A
maximum limits. Maximum allowable phase imbalance is: voltage, 2%; 575 2 6
330A/B to
amps 10%. 420A/B 380 2 6
†Single phase, 115 v control circuits have a voltage range of 104-127 v. 380/415 2 6
Single phase, 230 v control circuits have a voltage range of 198-254 v.
NOTES: 5. Maximum incoming wire size for each terminal block is 500 kcmil.
1. All units/modules have single point primary power connection. (Each 6. Power draw control circuits include both crankcase heaters and
unit/module requires its own power supply.) Main power must be cooler heaters (where used). Each compressor has a crankcase
supplied from a field-supplied disconnect. heater which draws 180 watts of power.
2. The unit control circuit power (115 v, single-phase for 208/230-, Units ordered with cooler heater option have 4 (060,070) or 8 (080-
460-, and 575-v units; 230 v, single-phase for all other voltages) 420) cooler heaters, 210 watts each.
must be supplied from a separate source through a field-supplied
disconnect. The control circuit transformer accessory may be
applied to power from primary unit power.
3. Crankcase and cooler heaters are wired into the control circuit so
they are always operable as long as the control circuit power supply
disconnect is on, even if any safety device is open, and the unit ON/
OFF switch is in the OFF position.

104 79
Electrical data (cont)


V-Ph-Hz V-Hz Min Max MOCP
208/230-3-60 115-60 104 127 30
460-3-60 115-60 104 127 30
575-3-60 115-60 104 127 30
380-3-60 230-60 207 254 15
380/415-3-50 230-50 198 254 15



208/230-3-60 106.4 608.0 — — — — — — 147.4 690.0 — — — —
460-3-60 46.8 253.0 — — — — — — 65.4 345.0 — — — —
060-XL 575-3-60 40.4 176.0 — — — — — — 57.1 276.0 — — — —
380-3-60 52.6 280.0 — — — — — — 78.8 382.0 — — — —
380/415-3-50 65.4 345.0 — — — — — — 65.4 345.0 — — — —
208/230-3-60 106.4 304.0 — — — — — — 147.4 414.0 — — — —
460-3-60 48.7 162.0 — — — — — — 67.9 207.0 — — — —
060-PW 575-3-60 33.3 106.0 — — — — — — 53.8 165.0 — — — —
380-3-60 53.8 168.0 — — — — — — 79.5 230.0 — — — —
380/415-3-50 67.9 207.0 — — — — — — 67.9 207.0 — — — —
208/230-3-60 147.4 690.0 — — — — — — 147.4 690.0 — — — —
460-3-60 65.4 345.0 — — — — — — 65.4 345.0 — — — —
070-XL 575-3-60 57.1 276.0 — — — — — — 57.1 276.0 — — — —
380-3-60 78.8 382.0 — — — — — — 78.8 382.0 — — — —
380/415-3-50 43.6 223.0 43.6 223.0 — — — — 65.4 345.0 — — — —
208/230-3-60 147.4 414.0 — — — — — — 147.4 414.0 — — — —
460-3-60 67.9 207.0 — — — — — — 67.9 207.0 — — — —
070-PW 575-3-60 53.8 165.0 — — — — — — 53.8 165.0 — — — —
380-3-60 79.5 230.0 — — — — — — 79.5 230.0 — — — —
380/415-3-50 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 — — — — 67.9 207.0 — — — —
208/230-3-60 106.4 506.0 67.9 345.0 — — — — 147.4 690.0 — — — —
460-3-60 46.8 253.0 34.6 173.0 — — — — 65.4 345.0 — — — —
080-XL 575-3-60 40.4 176.0 28.8 120.0 — — — — 57.1 276.0 — — — —
380-3-60 52.6 280.0 34.6 191.0 — — — — 78.8 382.0 — — — —
380/415-3-50 43.6 223.0 65.4 345.0 — — — — 65.4 345.0 — — — —
208/230-3-60 106.4 304.0 67.9 207.0 — — — — 147.4 414.0 — — — —
460-3-60 48.7 162.0 33.3 104.0 — — — — 67.9 207.0 — — — —
080-PW 575-3-60 33.3 106.0 28.2 72.0 — — — — 53.8 165.0 — — — —
380-3-60 53.8 168.0 33.3 115.0 — — — — 79.5 230.0 — — — —
380/415-3-50 44.9 134.0 67.9 207.0 — — — — 67.9 207.0 — — — —
208/230-3-60 89.7 446.0 67.9 345.0 — — — — 89.7 446.0 89.7 446.0 — —
460-3-60 43.6 223.0 34.6 173.0 — — — — 43.6 223.0 43.6 223.0 — —
090-XL 575-3-60 36.5 164.0 28.8 120.0 — — — — 36.5 164.0 36.5 164.0 — —
380-3-60 45.5 247.0 34.6 191.0 — — — — 45.5 247.0 45.5 247.0 — —
380/415-3-50 43.6 223.0 65.4 345.0 — — — — 43.6 223.0 43.6 223.0 — —
208/230-3-60 89.7 268.0 67.9 207.0 — — — — 89.7 268.0 89.7 268.0 — —
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 33.3 104.0 — — — — 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 — —
090-PW 575-3-60 33.3 98.0 28.2 72.0 — — — — 33.3 98.0 33.3 98.0 — —
380-3-60 44.9 148.0 33.3 115.0 — — — — 44.9 148.0 44.9 148.0 — —
380/415-3-50 44.9 134.0 67.9 207.0 — — — — 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 — —
208/230-3-60 89.7 446.0 106.4 608.0 — — — — 89.7 446.0 106.4 608.0 — —
460-3-60 43.6 223.0 46.8 253.0 — — — — 43.6 223.0 46.8 253.0 — —
100-XL 575-3-60 36.5 164.0 40.4 176.0 — — — — 36.5 164.0 40.4 176.0 — —
380-3-60 45.5 247.0 52.6 280.0 — — — — 45.5 247.0 52.6 280.0 — —
380/415-3-50 43.6 223.0 65.4 345.0 — — — — 43.6 223.0 65.4 345.0 — —
208/230-3-60 89.7 268.0 106.4 304.0 — — — — 89.7 268.0 106.4 304.0 — —
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 48.7 162.0 — — — — 44.9 134.0 48.7 162.0 — —
100-PW 575-3-60 33.3 98.0 33.3 106.0 — — — — 33.3 98.0 33.3 106.0 — —
380-3-60 44.9 148.0 53.8 168.0 — — — — 44.9 148.0 53.8 168.0 — —
380/415-3-50 44.9 134.0 67.9 207.0 — — — — 44.9 134.0 67.9 207.0 — —
208/230-3-60 89.7 446.0 147.4 690.0 — — — — 89.7 446.0 106.4 506.0 — —
460-3-60 43.6 223.0 65.4 345.0 — — — — 43.6 223.0 46.8 253.0 — —
110-XL 575-3-60 36.5 164.0 57.1 276.0 — — — — 36.5 164.0 40.4 176.0 — —
380-3-60 45.5 247.0 78.8 382.0 — — — — 45.5 247.0 52.6 280.0 — —
380/415-3-50 65.4 345.0 65.4 345.0 — — — — 65.4 345.0 65.4 345.0 — —
208/230-3-60 89.7 268.0 147.4 414.0 — — — — 89.7 268.0 106.4 304.0 — —
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 67.9 207.0 — — — — 44.9 134.0 48.7 162.0 — —
110-PW 575-3-60 33.3 98.0 53.8 165.0 — — — — 33.3 98.0 33.3 106.0 — —
380-3-60 44.9 148.0 79.5 230.0 — — — — 44.9 148.0 53.8 168.0 — —
380/415-3-50 67.9 207.0 67.9 207.0 — — — — 67.9 207.0 67.9 207.0 — —
See legend and notes on page 79.



208/230-3-60 107.7 506.0 151.3 690.0 — — — — 107.7 506.0 151.3 690.0 — —
460-3-60 46.8 253.0 65.4 345.0 — — — — 46.8 253.0 65.4 345.0 — —
130-XL 575-3-60 41.7 176.0 57.1 276.0 — — — — 41.7 176.0 57.1 276.0 — —
380-3-60 55.8 280.0 80.2 382.0 — — — — 55.8 280.0 80.2 382.0 — —
380/415-3-50 44.9 223.0 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 — — 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 — —
208/230-3-60 107.7 304.0 151.3 414.0 — — — — 107.7 304.0 151.3 414.0 — —
460-3-60 46.8 152.0 65.4 207.0 — — — — 46.8 152.0 65.4 207.0 — —
130-PW 575-3-60 41.7 106.0 57.1 165.0 — — — — 41.7 106.0 57.1 165.0 — —
380-3-60 55.8 168.0 80.2 230.0 — — — — 55.8 168.0 80.2 230.0 — —
380/415-3-50 44.9 134.0 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 — — 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 — —
208/230-3-60 89.8 446.0 89.8 446.0 89.8 446.0 — — 151.3 690.0 151.3 690.0 — —
460-3-60 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 — — 65.4 345.0 65.4 345.0 — —
150-XL 575-3-60 36.6 164.0 36.6 164.0 36.6 164.0 — — 57.1 276.0 57.1 276.0 — —
380-3-60 46.8 247.0 46.8 247.0 46.8 247.0 — — 80.2 382.0 80.2 382.0 — —
380/415-3-50 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 — — 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 — —
208/230-3-60 89.8 268.0 89.8 268.0 89.8 268.0 — — 151.3 414.0 151.3 414.0 — —
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 — — 65.4 207.0 65.4 207.0 — —
150-PW 575-3-60 36.6 98.0 36.6 98.0 36.6 98.0 — — 57.1 165.0 57.1 165.0 — —
380-3-60 46.8 148.0 46.8 148.0 46.8 148.0 — — 80.2 230.0 80.2 230.0 — —
380/415-3-50 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 — — 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 — —
208/230-3-60 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0 — — 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0
460-3-60 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 — — 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0
170-XL 575-3-60 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0 — — 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0
380-3-60 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0 — — 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0
380/415-3-50 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 65.5 345.0 — — 46.8 253.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0
208/230-3-60 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0 — — 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0
460-3-60 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 — — 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0
170-PW 575-3-60 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0 — — 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0
380-3-60 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0 — — 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0
380/415-3-50 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 65.5 207.0 — — 46.8 152.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 446.0 107.7 506.0 151.3 690.0 — — 89.8 446.0 107.7 506.0 151.3 690.0
460-3-60 44.9 223.0 46.8 253.0 65.4 345.0 — — 44.9 223.0 46.8 253.0 65.4 345.0
190-XL 575-3-60 36.6 164.0 41.7 176.0 57.1 276.0 — — 36.6 164.0 41.7 176.0 57.1 276.0
380-3-60 46.8 247.0 55.8 280.0 80.2 382.0 — — 46.8 247.0 55.8 280.0 80.2 382.0
380/415-3-50 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 — — 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 268.0 107.7 304.0 151.3 414.0 — — 89.8 268.0 107.7 304.0 151.3 414.0
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 46.8 152.0 65.4 207.0 — — 44.9 134.0 46.8 152.0 65.4 207.0
190-PW 575-3-60 36.6 98.0 41.7 106.0 57.1 165.0 — — 36.6 98.0 41.7 106.0 57.1 165.0
380-3-60 46.8 148.0 55.8 168.0 80.2 230.0 — — 46.8 148.0 55.8 168.0 80.2 230.0
380/415-3-50 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 — — 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 446.0 89.8 446.0 89.8 446.0 107.7 506 107.7 506.0 151.3 690.0 151.3 690.0
460-3-60 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 46.8 253 46.8 253.0 65.4 345.0 65.4 345.0
210-XL 575-3-60 36.6 164.0 36.6 164.0 36.6 164.0 41.7 176 41.7 176.0 57.1 276.0 57.1 276.0
380-3-60 46.8 247.0 46.8 247.0 46.8 247.0 55.8 280 55.8 280.0 80.2 382.0 80.2 382.0
380/415-3-50 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 268.0 89.8 268.0 89.8 268.0 107.7 304 107.7 304.0 151.3 414.0 151.3 414.0
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 46.8 152 46.8 152.0 65.4 207.0 65.4 207.0
210-PW 575-3-60 36.6 98.0 36.6 98.0 36.6 98.0 41.7 106 41.7 106.0 57.1 165.0 57.1 165.0
380-3-60 46.8 148.0 46.8 148.0 46.8 148.0 55.8 168 55.8 168.0 80.2 230.0 80.2 230.0
380/415-3-50 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 446.0 89.8 446.0 89.8 446.0 — — 151.3 690.0 151.3 690.0 — —
460-3-60 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 — — 65.4 345.0 65.4 345.0 — —
230A-XL 575-3-60 36.6 164.0 36.6 164.0 36.6 164.0 — — 57.1 276.0 57.1 276.0 — —
380-3-60 46.8 247.0 46.8 247.0 46.8 247.0 — — 80.2 382.0 80.2 382.0 — —
380/415-3-50 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 — — 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 — —
208/230-3-60 89.8 268.0 89.8 268.0 89.8 268.0 — — 151.3 414.0 151.3 414.0 — —
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 — — 65.4 207.0 65.4 207.0 — —
230A-PW 575-3-60 36.6 98.0 36.6 98.0 36.6 98.0 — — 57.1 165.0 57.1 165.0 — —
380-3-60 46.8 148.0 46.8 148.0 46.8 148.0 — — 80.2 230.0 80.2 230.0 — —
380/415-3-50 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 — — 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 — —
208/230-3-60 89.8 446.0 89.8 446.0 89.8 446.0 — — 151.3 690.0 151.3 690.0 — —
460-3-60 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 — — 65.4 345.0 65.4 345.0 — —
245A-XL 575-3-60 36.6 164.0 36.6 164.0 36.6 164.0 — — 57.1 276.0 57.1 276.0 — —
380-3-60 46.8 247.0 46.8 247.0 46.8 247.0 — — 80.2 382.0 80.2 382.0 — —
380/415-3-50 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 — — 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 — —
208/230-3-60 89.8 268.0 89.8 268.0 89.8 268.0 — — 151.3 414.0 151.3 414.0 — —
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 — — 65.4 207.0 65.4 207.0 — —
245A-PW 575-3-60 36.6 98.0 36.6 98.0 36.6 98.0 — — 57.1 165.0 57.1 165.0 — —
380-3-60 46.8 148.0 46.8 148.0 46.8 148.0 — — 80.2 230.0 80.2 230.0 — —
380/415-3-50 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 — — 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 — —
See legend and notes on page 79.

Electrical data (cont)


208/230-3-60 89.8 446.0 89.8 446.0 89.8 446.0 — — 151.3 690.0 151.3 690.0 — —
460-3-60 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 — — 65.4 345.0 65.4 345.0 — —
255A-XL 575-3-60 36.6 164.0 36.6 164.0 36.6 164.0 — — 57.1 276.0 57.1 276.0 — —
380-3-60 46.8 247.0 46.8 247.0 46.8 247.0 — — 80.2 382.0 80.2 382.0 — —
380/415-3-50 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 — — 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 — —
208/230-3-60 89.8 268.0 89.8 268.0 89.8 268.0 — — 151.3 414.0 151.3 414.0 — —
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 — — 65.4 207.0 65.4 207.0 — —
255A-PW 575-3-60 36.6 98.0 36.6 98.0 36.6 98.0 — — 57.1 165.0 57.1 165.0 — —
380-3-60 46.8 148.0 46.8 148.0 46.8 148.0 — — 80.2 230.0 80.2 230.0 — —
380/415-3-50 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 — — 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 — —
208/230-3-60 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0 — — 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0
460-3-60 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 — — 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0
270A-XL 575-3-60 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0 — — 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0
380-3-60 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0 — — 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0
380/415-3-50 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 65.5 345.0 — — 46.8 253.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0
208/230-3-60 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0 — — 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0
460-3-60 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 — — 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0
270A-PW 575-3-60 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0 — — 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0
380-3-60 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0 — — 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0
380/415-3-50 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 65.5 207.0 — — 46.8 152.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 446.0 107.7 506.0 151.3 690.0 — — 89.8 446.0 107.7 506.0 151.3 690.0
460-3-60 44.9 223.0 46.8 253.0 65.4 345.0 — — 44.9 223.0 46.8 253.0 65.4 345.0
290A-XL 575-3-60 36.6 164.0 41.7 176.0 57.1 276.0 — — 36.6 164.0 41.7 176.0 57.1 276.0
380-3-60 46.8 247.0 55.8 280.0 80.2 382.0 — — 46.8 247.0 55.8 280.0 80.2 382.0
380/415-3-50 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 — — 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 268.0 107.7 304.0 151.3 414.0 — — 89.8 268.0 107.7 304.0 151.3 414.0
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 46.8 152.0 65.4 207.0 — — 44.9 134.0 46.8 152.0 65.4 207.0
290A-PW 575-3-60 36.6 98.0 41.7 106.0 57.1 165.0 — — 36.6 98.0 41.7 106.0 57.1 165.0
380-3-60 46.8 148.0 55.8 168.0 80.2 230.0 — — 46.8 148.0 55.8 168.0 80.2 230.0
380/415-3-50 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 — — 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 446.0 89.8 446.0 89.8 446.0 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0 151.3 690.0 151.3 690.0
460-3-60 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 65.4 345.0 65.4 345.0
315A-XL 575-3-60 36.6 164.0 36.6 164.0 36.6 164.0 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0 57.1 276.0 57.1 276.0
380-3-60 46.8 247.0 46.8 247.0 46.8 247.0 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0 80.2 382.0 80.2 382.0
380/415-3-50 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 268.0 89.8 268.0 89.8 268.0 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0 151.3 414.0 151.3 414.0
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 65.4 207.0 65.4 207.0
315A-PW 575-3-60 36.6 98.0 36.6 98.0 36.6 98.0 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0 57.1 165.0 57.1 165.0
380-3-60 46.8 148.0 46.8 148.0 46.8 148.0 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0 80.2 230.0 80.2 230.0
380/415-3-50 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0
208/230-3-60 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0 — — 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0
460-3-60 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 — — 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0
330A-XL 575-3-60 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0 — — 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0
380-3-60 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0 — — 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0
380/415-3-50 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 65.5 345.0 — — 46.8 253.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0
208/230-3-60 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0 — — 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0
460-3-60 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 — — 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0
330A-PW 575-3-60 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0 — — 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0
380-3-60 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0 — — 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0
380/415-3-50 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 65.5 207.0 — — 46.8 152.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 446.0 107.7 506.0 151.3 690.0 — — 89.8 446.0 107.7 506.0 151.3 690.0
460-3-60 44.9 223.0 46.8 253.0 65.4 345.0 — — 44.9 223.0 46.8 253.0 65.4 345.0
360A-XL 575-3-60 36.6 164.0 41.7 176.0 57.1 276.0 — — 36.6 164.0 41.7 176.0 57.1 276.0
380-3-60 46.8 247.0 55.8 280.0 80.2 382.0 — — 46.8 247.0 55.8 280.0 80.2 382.0
380/415-3-50 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 — — 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 268.0 107.7 304.0 151.3 414.0 — — 89.8 268.0 107.7 304.0 151.3 414.0
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 46.8 152.0 65.4 207.0 — — 44.9 134.0 46.8 152.0 65.4 207.0
360A-PW 575-3-60 36.6 98.0 41.7 106.0 57.1 165.0 — — 36.6 98.0 41.7 106.0 57.1 165.0
380-3-60 46.8 148.0 55.8 168.0 80.2 230.0 — — 46.8 148.0 55.8 168.0 80.2 230.0
380/415-3-50 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 — — 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 446.0 89.8 446.0 89.8 446.0 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0 151.3 690.0 151.3 690.0
460-3-60 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 65.4 345.0 65.4 345.0
390A-XL 575-3-60 36.6 164.0 36.6 164.0 36.6 164.0 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0 57.1 276.0 57.1 276.0
380-3-60 46.8 247.0 46.8 247.0 46.8 247.0 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0 80.2 382.0 80.2 382.0
380/415-3-50 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 268.0 89.8 268.0 89.8 268.0 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0 151.3 414.0 151.3 414.0
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 65.4 207.0 65.4 207.0
390A-PW 575-3-60 36.6 98.0 36.6 98.0 36.6 98.0 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0 57.1 165.0 57.1 165.0
380-3-60 46.8 148.0 46.8 148.0 46.8 148.0 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0 80.2 230.0 80.2 230.0
380/415-3-50 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0
See legend and notes on page 79.



208/230-3-60 89.8 446.0 89.8 446.0 89.8 446.0 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0 151.3 690.0 151.3 690.0
460-3-60 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 65.4 345.0 65.4 345.0
420A-XL 575-3-60 36.6 164.0 36.6 164.0 36.6 164.0 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0 57.1 276.0 57.1 276.0
380-3-60 46.8 247.0 46.8 247.0 46.8 247.0 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0 80.2 382.0 80.2 382.0
380/415-3-50 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 268.0 89.8 268.0 89.8 268.0 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0 151.3 414.0 151.3 414.0
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 65.4 207.0 65.4 207.0
420A-PW 575-3-60 36.6 98.0 36.6 98.0 36.6 98.0 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0 57.1 165.0 57.1 165.0
380-3-60 46.8 148.0 46.8 148.0 46.8 148.0 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0 80.2 230.0 80.2 230.0
380/415-3-50 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0
208/230-3-60 106.4 506.0 67.9 345.0 — — — — 147.4 690.0 — — — —
460-3-60 46.8 253.0 34.6 173.0 — — — — 65.4 345.0 — — — —
230B-XL 575-3-60 40.4 176.0 28.8 120.0 — — — — 57.1 276.0 — — — —
380-3-60 52.6 280.0 34.6 191.0 — — — — 78.8 382.0 — — — —
380/415-3-50 43.6 223.0 65.4 345.0 — — — — 65.4 345.0 — — — —
208/230-3-60 106.4 304.0 67.9 207.0 — — — — 147.4 414.0 — — — —
460-3-60 48.7 162.0 33.3 104.0 — — — — 67.9 207.0 — — — —
230B-PW 575-3-60 33.3 106.0 28.2 72.0 — — — — 53.8 165.0 — — — —
380-3-60 53.8 168.0 33.3 115.0 — — — — 79.5 230.0 — — — —
380/415-3-50 44.9 134.0 67.9 207.0 — — — — 67.9 207.0 — — — —
208/230-3-60 89.7 446.0 67.9 345.0 — — — — 89.7 446.0 89.7 446.0 — —
460-3-60 43.6 223.0 34.6 173.0 — — — — 43.6 223.0 43.6 223.0 — —
245B-XL 575-3-60 36.5 164.0 28.8 120.0 — — — — 36.5 164.0 36.5 164.0 — —
380-3-60 45.5 247.0 34.6 191.0 — — — — 45.5 247.0 45.5 247.0 — —
380/415-3-50 43.6 223.0 65.4 345.0 — — — — 43.6 223.0 43.6 223.0 — —
208/230-3-60 89.7 268.0 67.9 207.0 — — — — 89.7 268.0 89.7 268.0 — —
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 33.3 104.0 — — — — 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 — —
245B-PW 575-3-60 33.3 98.0 28.2 72.0 — — — — 33.3 98.0 33.3 98.0 — —
380-3-60 44.9 148.0 33.3 115.0 — — — — 44.9 148.0 44.9 148.0 — —
380/415-3-50 44.9 134.0 67.9 207.0 — — — — 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 — —
208/230-3-60 89.7 446.0 106.4 608.0 — — — — 89.7 446.0 106.4 608.0 — —
460-3-60 43.6 223.0 46.8 253.0 — — — — 43.6 223.0 46.8 253.0 — —
255B-XL 575-3-60 36.5 164.0 40.4 176.0 — — — — 36.5 164.0 40.4 176.0 — —
380-3-60 45.5 247.0 52.6 280.0 — — — — 45.5 247.0 52.6 280.0 — —
380/415-3-50 43.6 223.0 65.4 345.0 — — — — 43.6 223.0 65.4 345.0 — —
208/230-3-60 89.7 268.0 106.4 304.0 — — — — 89.7 268.0 106.4 304.0 — —
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 48.7 162.0 — — — — 44.9 134.0 48.7 162.0 — —
255B-PW 575-3-60 33.3 98.0 33.3 106.0 — — — — 33.3 98.0 33.3 106.0 — —
380-3-60 44.9 148.0 53.8 168.0 — — — — 44.9 148.0 53.8 168.0 — —
380/415-3-50 44.9 134.0 67.9 207.0 — — — — 44.9 134.0 67.9 207.0 — —
208/230-3-60 89.7 446.0 106.4 608.0 — — — — 89.7 446.0 106.4 608.0 — —
460-3-60 43.6 223.0 46.8 253.0 — — — — 43.6 223.0 46.8 253.0 — —
270B-XL 575-3-60 36.5 164.0 40.4 176.0 — — — — 36.5 164.0 40.4 176.0 — —
380-3-60 45.5 247.0 52.6 280.0 — — — — 45.5 247.0 52.6 280.0 — —
380/415-3-50 43.6 223.0 65.4 345.0 — — — — 43.6 223.0 65.4 345.0 — —
208/230-3-60 89.7 268.0 106.4 304.0 — — — — 89.7 268.0 106.4 304.0 — —
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 48.7 162.0 — — — — 44.9 134.0 48.7 162.0 — —
270B-PW 575-3-60 33.3 98.0 33.3 106.0 — — — — 33.3 98.0 33.3 106.0 — —
380-3-60 44.9 148.0 53.8 168.0 — — — — 44.9 148.0 53.8 168.0 — —
380/415-3-50 44.9 134.0 67.9 207.0 — — — — 44.9 134.0 67.9 207.0 — —
208/230-3-60 89.7 446.0 147.4 690.0 — — — — 89.7 446.0 106.4 506.0 — —
460-3-60 43.6 223.0 65.4 345.0 — — — — 43.6 223.0 46.8 253.0 — —
290B-XL 575-3-60 36.5 164.0 57.1 276.0 — — — — 36.5 164.0 40.4 176.0 — —
380-3-60 45.5 247.0 78.8 382.0 — — — — 45.5 247.0 52.6 280.0 — —
380/415-3-50 65.4 345.0 65.4 345.0 — — — — 65.4 345.0 65.4 345.0 — —
208/230-3-60 89.7 268.0 147.4 414.0 — — — — 89.7 268.0 106.4 304.0 — —
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 67.9 207.0 — — — — 44.9 134.0 48.7 162.0 — —
290B-PW 575-3-60 33.3 98.0 53.8 165.0 — — — — 33.3 98.0 33.3 106.0 — —
380-3-60 44.9 148.0 79.5 230.0 — — — — 44.9 148.0 53.8 168.0 — —
380/415-3-50 67.9 207.0 67.9 207.0 — — — — 67.9 207.0 67.9 207.0 — —
208/230-3-60 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0 — — 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0
460-3-60 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 — — 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0
330B-XL 575-3-60 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0 — — 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0
380-3-60 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0 — — 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0
380/415-3-50 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 65.5 345.0 — — 46.8 253.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0
208/230-3-60 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0 — — 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0
460-3-60 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 — — 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0
330B-PW 575-3-60 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0 — — 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0
380-3-60 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0 — — 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0
380/415-3-50 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 65.5 207.0 — — 46.8 152.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0
See legend and notes on page 79.

Electrical data (cont)


208/230-3-60 89.8 446.0 107.7 506.0 151.3 690.0 — — 89.8 446.0 107.7 506.0 151.3 690.0
460-3-60 44.9 223.0 46.8 253.0 65.4 345.0 — — 44.9 223.0 46.8 253.0 65.4 345.0
360B-XL 575-3-60 36.6 164.0 41.7 176.0 57.1 276.0 — — 36.6 164.0 41.7 176.0 57.1 276.0
380-3-60 46.8 247.0 55.8 280.0 80.2 382.0 — — 46.8 247.0 55.8 280.0 80.2 382.0
380/415-3-50 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 65.5 345.0 — — 46.8 253.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 268.0 107.7 304.0 151.3 414.0 — — 89.8 268.0 107.7 304.0 151.3 414.0
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 46.8 152.0 65.4 207.0 — — 44.9 134.0 46.8 152.0 65.4 207.0
360B-PW 575-3-60 36.6 98.0 41.7 106.0 57.1 165.0 — — 36.6 98.0 41.7 106.0 57.1 165.0
380-3-60 46.8 148.0 55.8 168.0 80.2 230.0 — — 46.8 148.0 55.8 168.0 80.2 230.0
380/415-3-50 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 65.5 207.0 — — 46.8 152.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 446.0 107.7 506.0 151.3 690.0 — — 89.8 446.0 107.7 506.0 151.3 690.0
460-3-60 44.9 223.0 46.8 253.0 65.4 345.0 — — 44.9 223.0 46.8 253.0 65.4 345.0
390B-XL 575-3-60 36.6 164.0 41.7 176.0 57.1 276.0 — — 36.6 164.0 41.7 176.0 57.1 276.0
380-3-60 46.8 247.0 55.8 280.0 80.2 382.0 — — 46.8 247.0 55.8 280.0 80.2 382.0
380/415-3-50 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 — — 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 268.0 107.7 304.0 151.3 414.0 — — 89.8 268.0 107.7 304.0 151.3 414.0
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 46.8 152.0 65.4 207.0 — — 44.9 134.0 46.8 152.0 65.4 207.0
390B-PW 575-3-60 36.6 98.0 41.7 106.0 57.1 165.0 — — 36.6 98.0 41.7 106.0 57.1 165.0
380-3-60 46.8 148.0 55.8 168.0 80.2 230.0 — — 46.8 148.0 55.8 168.0 80.2 230.0
380/415-3-50 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 — — 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 446.0 89.8 446.0 89.8 446.0 107.7 506.0 107.7 506.0 151.3 690.0 151.3 690.0
460-3-60 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 46.8 253.0 46.8 253.0 65.4 345.0 65.4 345.0
420B-XL 575-3-60 36.6 164.0 36.6 164.0 36.6 164.0 41.7 176.0 41.7 176.0 57.1 276.0 57.1 276.0
380-3-60 46.8 247.0 46.8 247.0 46.8 247.0 55.8 280.0 55.8 280.0 80.2 382.0 80.2 382.0
380/415-3-50 44.9 223.0 44.9 223.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0 65.5 345.0
208/230-3-60 89.8 268.0 89.8 268.0 89.8 268.0 107.7 304.0 107.7 304.0 151.3 414.0 151.3 414.0
460-3-60 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 46.8 152.0 46.8 152.0 65.4 207.0 65.4 207.0
420B-PW 575-3-60 36.6 98.0 36.6 98.0 36.6 98.0 41.7 106.0 41.7 106.0 57.1 165.0 57.1 165.0
380-3-60 46.8 148.0 46.8 148.0 46.8 148.0 55.8 168.0 55.8 168.0 80.2 230.0 80.2 230.0
380/415-3-50 44.9 134.0 44.9 134.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0 65.5 207.0
See legend and notes on page 79.


30GTN,GTR (V-Ph-Hz) Total (Quantity) Total
(Quantity) FLA (ea) (Quantity) FLA (ea)
208/230-3-60 (4) 6.7, (2) 5.5 14.6
460-3-60 (4) 3.3, (2) 2.8 6.3
060 575-3-60 6 (6) 3.4 6 5.2
380-3-60 (6) 3.9 7.4
380/415-3-50 (6) 3.5 7.3
208/230-3-60 (4) 6.7, (2) 5.5 14.6
460-3-60 (4) 3.3, (2) 2.8 6.3
070 575-3-60 6 (6) 3.4 6 5.2
380-3-60 (6) 3.9 7.4
380/415-3-50 (6) 3.5 7.3
208/230-3-60 (4) 6.6, (2) 5.5 14.6
460-3-60 (4) 3.3, (2) 2.8 6.3
080,090, 6 6
575-3-60 (6) 3.4 5.2
230B,245B 380-3-60 (6) 3.9 7.4
380/415-3-50 (6) 3.4 7.3
208/230-3-60 (6) 6.6, (2) 5.5 14.6
100,110, 460-3-60 (6) 3.3, (2) 2.8 6.3
255B,270B, 575-3-60 8 (8) 3.4 8 5.2
290B,315B 380-3-60 (8) 3.9 7.4
380/415-3-50 (8) 3.4 7.3
208/230-3-60 (6) 6.6, (4) 5.5 14.6
130-170 460-3-60 (6) 3.3, (4) 2.8 6.3
230A-270A, 575-3-60 10 (10) 3.4 10 5.2
330A/B,360B 380-3-60 (10) 3.9 7.4
(50 Hz) 380/415-3-50 (10) 3.4 7.3
190,210, 208/230-3-60 (8) 6.6, (4) 5.5 14.6
290A,315A, 460-3-60 (8) 3.3, (4) 2.8 6.3
360A/B (60 Hz), 575-3-60 12 (12) 3.4 12 5.2
360A (50 Hz), 380-3-60 (12) 3.9 7.4
390A/B,420A/B 380/415-3-50 (12) 3.4 7.3
See legend and notes on page 79.

Microprocessor started to maintain even wear factors. Either circuit can be
The ComfortLink™ microprocessor controls overall unit set to always lead, if desired.
operation. Its central executive routine controls a number The control also performs other special functions when
of processes simultaneously. These include internal timers, turning on or off. When a circuit is to be turned off, EXV
reading inputs, analog to digital conversions, fan control, or LLSV (TXV units) is closed first, and compressor is run
display control, diagnostic control, output relay control, until conditions are met to terminate pumpout to remove
demand limit, capacity control, head pressure control, and refrigerant that was in the cooler. At start-up, if a circuit
temperature reset. Some processes are updated almost has not run in the last 15 minutes, circuit is run to remove
continuously, others every 2 to 3 seconds, and some every any refrigerant that has migrated to the cooler. The oil
30 seconds. pressure switch is bypassed for 2 minutes during start-up
The microprocessor routine is started by switching the and for 1 minute during normal operation.
Emergency ON-OFF circuit breaker switch (switch 2) to the
ON position.
When the unit receives a call for cooling (either from the Eight thermistors are used for temperature-sensing inputs
internal control or CCN network command), the unit to microprocessor. (A ninth [T9] and/or tenth [T10] may
stages up in capacity to maintain the cooler fluid set point. be used as a remote temperature sensor for optional
The first compressor starts 11/2 to 3 minutes after the call LCWT reset.)
for cooling. The lead circuit can be specifically designated T1 Cooler leaving chilled fluid temperature
or randomly selected by the controls, depending on how T2 Cooler entering fluid (return) temperature
the unit is field configured. A field configuration is also T3 Saturated condensing temperature — Circuit A
available to determine if the unit should stage up both cir- T4 Saturated condensing temperature — Circuit B
cuits equally or load one circuit completely before bringing T5 Cooler saturation temperature — Circuit A
on the other. T6 Cooler saturation temperature — Circuit B
The ComfortLink microprocessor controls the capacity T7 Return gas temperature entering compressor
of the chiller by cycling compressors on and off at a rate to cylinder — Circuit A
satisfy actual dynamic load conditions. The control main- T8 Return gas temperature entering compressor
tains leaving-fluid temperature set point shown on scrolling cylinder — Circuit B
marquee display board through intelligent cycling of com- T9 Outdoor air temperature sensor (accessory)
pressors. Accuracy depends on loop volume, loop flow T10 Remote space temperature sensor (accessory)
rate, load, outdoor-air temperature, number of stages, and The microprocessor uses these temperatures to control
particular stage being cycled off. No adjustment for cooling capacity, fan cycling, and EXV operation.
range or cooler flow rate is required, because the control
automatically compensates for cooling range by measuring Electronic expansion valve (EXV)
both return-fluid temperature and leaving-fluid tempera- → To control flow of refrigerant for different operating condi-
ture. This is referred to as leaving-fluid temperature con- tions, EXV piston moves up and down over slot orifices
trol with return-fluid temperature compensation. through which refrigerant flows to modulate size of
The basic logic for determining when to add or remove a opening. Piston is moved by a stepper motor through
stage is a time band integration of deviation from set point 15,000 discrete steps. The piston is repositioned by the
plus rate of change of leaving-fluid temperature. When microprocessor every 3 seconds as required.
leaving-fluid temperature is close to set point and slowly The EXV is used to control superheat in compressor.
moving closer, logic prevents addition of another stage. If The difference between 2 thermistors (compressor return
leaving-fluid temperature is less than 34 F (1.1 C) for gas temperature minus cooler saturation temperature) is
water, or 6° F (3.3° C) below the set point for brine units, used to determine superheat. The EXV is controlled to
the unit is shut off until the fluid temperature goes to 34 F maintain superheat entering pistons at approximately 29 F
(1.1 C) or to 6° F (3.3° C) above the set point to protect (16.1 C), which results in slightly superheated refrigerant
against freezing. leaving cooler.
If 1° F per minute (0.6° C per minute) pulldown control The electronic control provides for a prepurge and pum-
has been selected (factory setting), no additional steps of pout cycle each time the lead compressor in a circuit is
capacity are added as long as difference between leaving- started or stopped. These pumpout cycles minimize
fluid temperature and set point is greater than 4° F (2.2° C) amount of excess refrigerant that can go to compressor on
and rate of change in leaving-fluid temperature is less than start-up and cause oil dilution (which would result in even-
1° F per minute (0.6° C per minute). tual bearing wear).
If it has been less than 90 seconds since the last capacity
The microprocessor software is programmed so that
change, compressors will continue to run unless a safety
EXV functions as an MOP (maximum operating pressure)
device trips. This prevents rapid cycling and also helps valve, limiting the suction temperatures to 55 F (12.8 C).
return oil during short on periods.
This makes it possible to start unit at high fluid tempera-
Lead/lag operation can be configured to balance com- tures, up to 95 F (35 C), without overloading compressor.
pressor operating hours when set to automatic. When Another feature that is factory set (can be reconfigured in
lead/lag operation is configured to automatic, a compres- the field) limits rate of pulldown to 1° F (0.6° C) per
sor wear factor is used to determine which circuit to start minute, thereby reducing the kW demand on start-up.
first by utilizing a combination of actual run hours also be

104 85
Controls (cont)
Thermal expansion valve (TXV, 060-110 sizes are deenergized when a compressor is started. As addi-
only) tional cooling is required, lag circuit starts. If further cooling
If installed, the TXV also controls refrigerant flow to the is needed, compressors are added, alternating between
cooler for different operating conditions. An equalization lead and lag circuits. Speed at which capacity is added or
line and temperature controlled sensing bulb are used to decreased is controlled by temperature deviation from set
maintain a fixed setting of superheated refrigerant leaving point and rate of temperature change of chilled fluid.
the cooler. As less cooling is required, circuits shut down (or unload)
in an order that balances each circuit’s compressor run
Accessory controls time (depending upon configuration). When no further
Demand can be further limited by keeping a selected num- cooling is called for (in each compressor circuit), EXV or
ber of compressors from turning on by utilizing demand LLSV (TXV units) closes and compressor and fans con-
limit control (the Energy Management Module is required tinue to run while pumping down cooler.
for this function). This FIOP/accessory interfaces with
microprocessor to control unit so that chiller’s kW demand Control features
does not exceed its setting. It is activated from an external Low-temperature override — This feature prevents
switch. LCWT from overshooting the set point and possibly caus-
The standard ComfortLink™ control is programmed to ing a nuisance trip-out by the freeze protection.
accept various accessory temperature reset options (based High-temperature override — This feature allows
on return-fluid temperature, outdoor-air temperature, or chiller to add capacity quickly during rapid load variations.
space temperature), that reset the LCWT. An accessory Demand limit — If applied, limits the total power draw of
thermistor (T9 or T10) is required if outdoor-air tempera- unit to selected point by controlling number of operational
ture or space temperature reset is selected. The Energy compressors during periods of peak electrical demand.
Management Module (EMM) is only required for tempera- The Energy Management Module is required for either
ture reset that is initiated by a 4 to 20 mA signal. 2-stage or 4 to 20 mA demand limit.
Ground current protection Temperature reset — If applied, microprocessor com-
pares either return fluid, space temperature, or outdoor-air
The 080-210 and 070 (50 Hz) sizes have ground current temperature with the accessory board settings, and adjusts
protection that shuts off compressor(s) if a 2 to 3 amp
LCWT appropriately. The Energy Management Module
ground current is sensed by a toroid around the compres-
can also be added for 4 to 20 mA reset.
sor power leads.
Electronic expansion valve and condenser-fan con-
Ground current protection is also offered as accessory
trol — The EXV opens and closes on signal from micro-
on 060 and 070 (60 Hz) sizes.
processor to maintain an approximate 29° F (16° C)
30GTN,GTR ComfortLink controls with refrigerant superheat entering the compressor cylinders.
Scrolling Marquee display module (The compressor motor increases the refrigerant superheat
A standard four-digit alphanumeric display shows all of the from the approximate 5° F [3° C] leaving the cooler to that
ComfortLink control codes (with expandable clear lan- entering the cylinders.) Condenser fans (operated by
guage), plus set points, time of day, temperatures, pres- microprocessor) run to as low an ambient as possible to
sures, and superheat. Additional information can be maintain a minimum EXV pressure differential.
displayed all at once with the Navigator display. Abnormal conditions
Control sequence All control safeties in chiller operate through compressor
Off cycle — During unit off cycle, crankcase heater is protection board or control relay and microprocessor.
energized. If ambient temperature is below 36 F (2 C), High-pressure switch directly shuts down compressor(s)
cooler heaters (if equipped) are also energized. Electronic through compressor protection board or control relay. For
expansion valves are closed. other safeties, microprocessor makes appropriate decision
to shut down a compressor due to a safety trip or bad sen-
Start-up — After control circuit switches on, prestart pro- sor reading and displays appropriate failure code on the
cess takes place, then microprocessor checks itself and display. Chiller holds in safety mode until reset. It then
waits for temperature to stabilize. First circuit to start may reverts to normal control when unit is reset.
be A or B (automatic lead/lag feature). The controlled pull-
down feature limits compressor loading on start-up to Oil pressure safety — Safety cuts out if pressure differ-
reduce demand on start-up and unnecessary compressor ential is below minimum (accessory on sizes 060, 070).
usage. The microprocessor limits supply-fluid temperature Safety is bypassed on start-up for 2 minutes.
decrease (start-up only) to 1° F (0.6° C) per minute. Loss-of-charge safety — Safety cuts out if system pres-
sure drops below minimum.
Capacity control
High-pressure cutout — Switch shuts down com-
On first call for cooling, microprocessor starts initial com- pressors if compressor discharge pressure increases to
pressor and fan stage on lead circuit. The EXV or LLSV 426 psig (2918 kPa).
(TXV units) remains closed, permitting a pumpout on star-
tup. After pumpout, the valves open and, if necessary,
additional outdoor fans are energized. Crankcase heaters

Ground current safety — Safety opens on sensing Default settings
a current-to-ground in compressor windings in excess of To facilitate quick start-ups, all 30GTN,GTR chillers with
2.5 amps (accessory on sizes 060 and 070 [60 Hz]). ComfortLink™ controls are pre-configured with a default
Compressor anti-cycling — This feature limits com- setting that assumes stand-alone operation supplying 44 F
pressor cycling. (6.7 C) chilled water.
Loss of flow protection — Additional protection is pro- Configuration setting will be based on any options or
vided by temperature differences between entering and accessories included with the unit at the time of manufac-
leaving fluid temperature sensors if cooler temperature turing. Date and time are set to U.S.A. central time zone
drops to 34 F (1.1 C). Proof of flow switches are and will need reconfiguring based on location and local
recommended. time zone. If operation based on occupancy scheduling is
Sensor failures — Failures are detected by the desired, this will also need to be set during installation.
Microprocessor may be put through service test (see Con-
trols, Start-Up, Operation, Service and Troubleshooting lit-
erature) without additional equipment or tools. Service test
confirms microprocessor is functional, informs observer
through display the condition of each sensor and switch in
chiller, and allows observer to check for proper operation
of fans and compressor(s).

Typical piping and wiring — 30GTN060-210

AUX — Auxiliary
CKT — Circuit
FD — Field-Supplied Disconnect
ST — Starter
Airflow Through
Airflow Through
Air-Handling Unit
Power Wiring
Chilled Fluid Piping

1. Chiller must be installed level to maintain proper compressor oil return.
2. Wiring and piping shown are general points-of-connection guides only and are not intended for a specific installation. Wiring and piping
shown are for a quick overview of system and are not in accordance with recognized standards.
3. All wiring must comply with applicable local and national codes.
4. All piping must follow standard piping techniques. Refer to Carrier System Design Manual or appropriate ASHRAE (American Society of
Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers) handbook for details.
5. See Application Data section on page 43 for minimum system fluid volume. This may require the addition of a holding tank to ensure ade-
quate volume.

Typical piping and wiring — 30GTN230-420

1. Chiller must be installed level to maintain proper compressor oil return.
2. Wiring and piping shown are general points-of-connection guides only and are not intended for a specific installation. Wiring and piping
shown are for a quick overview of system and are not in accordance with recognized standards.
3. All wiring must comply with applicable local and national codes.
4. All piping must follow standard piping techniques. Refer to Carrier System Design Manual or appropriate ASHRAE (American Society of
Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers) handbook for details.
5. See Application Data section on page 43 for minimum system fluid volume. This may require the addition of a holding tank to ensure ade-
quate volume.

Guide specifications
Reciprocating Air-Cooled Liquid Chiller 2. Each equipped with an automatically reversible
oil pump, operating oil charge, suction and dis-
HVAC Guide Specifications charge shutoff valves, and an insert-type factory-
Size Range: 60 to 410 Tons (205 to 1445 kW) sized crankcase heater to control oil dilution.
Nominal 3. Each mounted on spring vibration isolators with
Carrier Model Number: 30GTN,GTR an isolation efficiency of no less than 95%.
Part 1 — General 4. Speed shall not exceed 1750 rpm (29.2 r/s).
1.01 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 5. Cycles per hour per compressor shall not
Easy-to-use, microprocessor-controlled air-cooled exceed 6.
liquid chiller utilizing reciprocating compressors and E. Cooler:
long-stroke electronic expansion valves. 1. Shell-and-tube type with removable heads.
1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE 2. Tubes shall be internally enhanced seamless-
A. Unit shall be rated in accordance with ARI Standard copper type rolled into tube sheets.
550/590-98 (U.S.A.). 3. Equipped with victaulic-type fluid connections.
B. Unit construction shall be designed to conform to 4. Shell shall be insulated with 3/4-in. (19-mm)
ASHRAE 15 latest revision safety standard, NEC PVC foam (closed-cell) with a maximum K fac-
(U.S.A.), and ASME (U.S.A.) applicable codes. tor of 0.28.
C. Unit shall have UL (U.S.A.) or CSA (Canada) 5. Design shall incorporate 2 independent direct-
approvals (60 Hz). expansion refrigerant circuits.
D. Unit shall be manufactured in a facility registered to 6. Cooler shall be tested and stamped in accor-
ISO 9001:2000 (International Standards Organiza- dance with ASME Code for a refrigerant work-
tion) manufacturing quality standard. ing side pressure of 278 psig (1916 kPa).
Cooler shall have a maximum fluid-side pres-
E. Unit operation shall be fully tested at the factory. sure of 300 psig (2068 kPa).
A. Unit shall be stored and handled per unit manufac- 1. Coil shall be air-cooled with integral subcooler,
turer’s recommendations. constructed of aluminum fins mechanically
B. Unit controls shall be capable of withstanding 150 F bonded to seamless copper tubes which are
(66 C) storage temperature in the control compart- then cleaned, dehydrated, and sealed.
ment for an indefinite period of time. 2. Air-cooled condenser coils shall be leak tested
Part 2 — Products at 150 psig (1034 kPa) and pressure tested at
450 psig (3103 kPa).
G. Refrigeration Components:
A. General:
Refrigerant circuit components shall include hot gas
Factory-assembled, single piece, air-cooled liquid muffler, high side pressure switch, liquid line shutoff
chiller. Contained within the unit cabinet shall be all valves, suction and discharge shutoff valves, filter
factory wiring, piping, controls, refrigerant charge
drier, moisture-indicating sight glass, stepper motor
(R-22), and special features required prior to field actuated electronic expansion valve (EXV) or ther-
start-up. mostatic expansion valve (TXV), and complete oper-
B. Unit Cabinet: ating charge of refrigerant R-22 and compressor oil.
1. Frame shall be of heavy-gage galvanized steel H. Controls, Safeties, and Diagnostics:
members. 1. Controls:
2. Cabinet shall be galvanized steel casing with a
a. Unit controls shall include the following min-
pre-painted finish. imum components:
3. Cabinet shall be capable of withstanding 500- 1) Microprocessor.
hour salt spray test in accordance with the
1) Power and control circuit terminal
ASTM B-117 standard. blocks.
C. Fans: 1) ON/OFF control switch.
Condenser fans shall be direct-driven propeller type 1) Replaceable solid-state relay panel.
discharging air vertically upward and shall be 1) Clear language, expandable, alpha-
equipped with the following features: numeric diagnostic display/set point
1. Permanently lubricated bearings. panel.
1) Thermistor installed to measure satu-
2. Steel wire safety guards coated with PVC. rated condensing temperature, cooler
3. Statically and dynamically balanced fan blades. saturation temperature, compressor
D. Compressors: return gas temperature, and cooler
entering and leaving fluid temperatures.
1. Reciprocating semi-hermetic type only.

b. Unit controls shall be capable of performing 1) High or low suction superheat.
the following functions: 1) Thermistor malfunction.
1) Automatic circuit lead/lag (accessory 1) Entering and leaving-fluid temperature.
required for 060, 070 sizes). 1) Evaporator and condenser pressure.
1) Pumpout at beginning and end of every 1) Electronic expansion valve positions.
circuit cycle. 1) All set points.
1) Capacity control based on leaving 1) Time of day.
chilled fluid temperature and compen- b. Display module, in conjunction with the
sated by rate of change of return-fluid microprocessor, must also be capable of dis-
temperature. playing the output (results) of a service test.
1) Limiting of the chilled fluid temperature Service test shall verify operation of every
pulldown rate at start-up to 1° F (.56° C) switch, thermistor, fan, and compressor
per minute to prevent excessive demand before chiller is started.
spikes (charges) at start-up. I. Operating Characteristics:
1) Seven-day time schedule. 1. Unit shall be capable of starting and running
1) Leaving chilled fluid temperature reset fully loaded at outdoor ambient temperatures
from return fluid, outdoor-air tempera- from 0° F to 125 F (–18 to 52 C), without spe-
ture, space temperature, or 4 to 20 mA cial controls.
input. 2. Unit shall be capable of starting up with 95 F
1) Demand limit control with 2-stage con- (35 C) entering-fluid temperature to the cooler.
trol (0 to 100% each) or through 4 to 3. Multi-step cooling capacity control shall be
20 mA input (0 to 100%). accomplished through the use of unloaders and
2. Safeties: compressor staging.
a. Unit shall be equipped with thermistors and 4. Two refrigerant circuits shall be provided to
all necessary components in conjunction protect against loss of total capacity.
with the control system to provide the unit 5. Unit shall have automatic lead/lag feature to
with the following protections: automatically alternate the lead circuit to ensure
1) Loss of refrigerant charge protection. even compressor wear.
1) Low fluid flow detection. J. Motors:
1) Low chilled fluid temperature protection. 1. Compressor motors shall be cooled by suction
1) Low and high superheat protection. gas passing around motor windings.
1) Low control voltage (to unit) protection. 2. Condenser-fan motors shall be 3-phase type
1) High-pressure switch. with permanently lubricated bearings and Class
1) Low oil protection for each compressor B insulation.
circuit (sizes 080-420). 3. Fan motors are totally enclosed, air-over
1) Ground current compressor protection (TEAO) type in accordance with IP-55 (50 Hz
(sizes 080-420 and 070, 50 Hz). only).
b. Compressors shall be equipped with the fol- K. Electrical Requirements:
lowing manual-reset type protections: 1. Unit primary electrical power supply (3-phase)
1) Pressure overload. shall be connected to a single location.
1) Electrical overload through the use of def- 2. Unit control power (single-phase) shall be con-
inite-purpose contactors and calibrated, nected to a separate entry point.
ambient compensated, magnetic trip cir- 3. Unit shall be shipped with factory control and
cuit breakers. Circuit breakers shall open power wiring installed.
all 3 phases in the event of an overload in
L. Special Features:
any one phase (single-phasing condition).
Certain standard features are not applicable when
c. Fan motors shall have inherent overcurrent
the features designated by * are specified. For assis-
protection. tance in amending the specifications, your local
3. Diagnostics: Carrier Sales Office should be contacted.
a. The diagnostic display module shall be capa- * 1. Low Ambient Temperature Operation:
ble of indicating the safety lockout condition a. Unit shall be capable of operating down to
by displaying a code for which an explana- 0° F (–18 C) with the addition of antifreeze
tion may be scrolled at the display. Informa- with suitable corrosion inhibitor in the evap-
tion included for display shall be: orator circuit, and with the addition of field-
1) Compressor lockout. fabricated and field-installed wind baffles.
1) Loss of charge. The wind baffles shall be installed when wind
1) Low fluid flow. velocity greater than 5 mph (8 km/h) is
1) Low oil pressure. anticipated, and ambient temperature is
1) Cooler freeze protection. below 32 F (0° C).

Guide specifications (cont)
b. Unit shall be capable of operating down to d. E-Coated Copper-Fin Coils:
–20 F (–29 C) with the addition of the field Shall have a flexible epoxy polymer coating
or factory-installed solid-state head pressure uniformly applied to all coil surface areas
control with condenser coil temperature sen- without material bridging between fins. Coat-
sor. In addition, adequate field-supplied anti- ing process shall ensure complete coil encap-
freeze with suitable corrosion inhibitor sulation. Color shall be high gloss black with
protection shall be field-installed in the evap- gloss — 60° of 65-90% per ASTM D523-89.
orator circuit — and where wind velocity Uniform dry film thickness from 0.8 to
greater than 5 mph (8 km/h) is anticipated, 1.2 mil on all surface areas including fin
field-fabricated and installed wind baffles edges. Superior hardness characteristics of
shall be required. 2H per ASTM D3363-92A and cross hatch
2. Unloaders: adhesion of 4B-5B per ASTM D3359-93.
Electric suction cutoff unloaders shall be field- Impact resistance shall be up to 160 in./lb
installed as required. (ASTM D2794-93). Humidity and water
* 3. Cooler Heater: immersion resistance shall be up to minimum
1000 and 250 hours respectively (ASTM
Optional factory-installed heater shall protect
D2247-92 and ASTM D870-92). Corrosion
cooler to –20 F (–29 C).
durability shall be confirmed through testing
4. Optional Condenser Coil Materials: to no less than 3000 hours salt spray per
a. Pre-Coated Aluminum Fin Coils: ASTM B117-90. Coil construction shall be
Shall have a durable epoxy-phenolic coating copper-fins mechanically bonded to copper
to provide protection in mildly corrosive tube sheets. Galvanized steel tube sheets shall
coastal environments. Coating shall be not be acceptable. A polymer strip shall pre-
applied to the aluminum fin stock prior to the vent coil assembly from contacting sheet
fin stamping process to create an inert barrier metal coil pan to maintain coating integrity
between the aluminum fin and copper tube. and minimize corrosion potential between the
Epoxy-phenolic barrier shall minimize gal- coil and pan. Fin shall have wavy pattern
vanic action between dissimilar metals. without louvered enhancements.
b. Copper-Fin Coils: * 5. Hot Gas Bypass:
Shall be constructed of copper fins mechani- Hot gas bypass allows the unit to operate at
cally bonded to copper tubes and copper lower capacity levels than standard. Available as
tube sheets. Galvanized steel tube sheets a factory-installed option for 060, 070 sizes
shall not be acceptable. A polymer strip shall and as a field-installed accessory for 080-420
prevent coil assembly from contacting sheet sizes.
metal coil pan to minimize potential for gal- 6. Security Condenser Grilles:
vanic corrosion between the coil and pan.
A set of metal grilles complete with support
All copper construction shall provide protec-
retainers and fasteners shall be provided for the
tion in moderate coastal applications. protection of the condensing coils, compres-
c. E-Coated Aluminum-Fin Coils: sors, and cooler.
Shall have a flexible epoxy polymer coating uni- 7. Hail Guard:
formly applied to all coil surface areas without
Unit shall be field-equipped with louvered con-
material bridging between fins. Coating process denser coil hail guards and installation hard-
shall ensure complete coil encapsulation. Color
shall be high gloss black with gloss — 60° of
65-90% per ASTM ID523-89. Uniform dry * 8. Part-Wind Start:
film thickness from 0.8 to 1.2 mil on all surface Shall be factory installed to reduce compressor
areas including fin edges. Superior hardness inrush current.
characteristics of 2H per ASTM D3363-92A * 9. Brine Units:
and cross hatch adhesion of 4B-5B per ASTM Unit shall be factory-equipped to operate down
D3359-93. Impact resistance shall be up to to 15 F (–9 C) leaving chilled fluid temperature.
160 in./lb (ASTM D2794-93). Humidity and 10. Flow Switch:
water immersion resistance shall be up to mini-
A chilled fluid flow switch shall be field-installed
mum 1000 and 250 hours respectively (ASTM
for low fluid flow detection.
D2247-92 and ASTM D870-92). Corrosion
durability shall be confirmed through testing to *11. Control Transformer:
no less than 3000 hours salt spray per ASTM A transformer shall be factory- or field-installed
B117-90. Coil construction shall be aluminum to permit single-point power connection com-
fins mechanically bonded to copper tubes. Fin bining unit primary electrical power supply with
shall have wavy pattern without louvered control power supply (115 v).

12. Ground current compressor protection: 23. Energy Management Module:
Protection shall be standard with sizes 080-420 Shall be factory- or field-installed and capable of
and 070 (50 Hz), accessory with all other sizes. 4 to 20 mA leaving fluid temperature reset,
*13. TXV Option (30GTN,GTR060-110 unit): cooling set point reset, 4 to 20 mA demand
limit, and 2-step demand limit.
Unit shall have factory-installed thermostatic
expansion valves (TXV) instead of EXVs. Unit 24. Service Option:
shall be capable of starting and running fully Shall be factory-installed and include Energy
loaded at outdoor temperatures from 35 to Management Module plus GFI convenience out-
125 F (1° to 52 C) without special control or let (60 Hz only), remote service connection
field provisions. port, and hand-held expanded display module.
14. Pressure Gages: 25. Navigator Display Module:
Unit shall be field-equipped with suction and The Navigator display module shall be a porta-
discharge pressure gages with manual shutoff ble hand-held display module with a minimum
valves. of 4 lines and 20 characters per line, of clear
*15. Sound Reduction Kit: English, Spanish, Portuguese or French lan-
guage. Display menus shall provide clear lan-
Unit shall be equipped with kit to reduce system guage descriptions of all menu items, operating
noise without compromising performance.
modes, configuration points and alarm diagnos-
16. Oil Pressure Switch: tics. Reference to factory codes shall not be
Unit shall be equipped with an oil pressure accepted. An industrial grade coiled extension
safety switch to protect compressor against loss cord shall allow the display module to be moved
of lubrication (accessory for sizes 060, 070 around the chiller. Magnets shall hold the dis-
[60 Hz]; standard on sizes 070 [50 Hz], 060- play module to any sheet metal panel to allow
070 brine units, and 080-420). hands-free operation. Display module shall
17. Non-Fused Disconnect: have NEMA 4x housing suitable for use in out-
door environments. Display shall have back
A non-fused electrical disconnect for main unit light and contrast adjustment for easy viewing
power shall be factory installed. Disconnect in bright sunlight or night conditions. The dis-
shall be thru-the-door type with locking handle play module shall have raised surface buttons
(unit sizes 060-110) or mounted on central with positive tactile response.
panel (unit sizes 130-420).
26. Remote Enhanced Display:
18. Convenience Outlet:
Unit shall be supplied with indoor-mounted,
Kit provides a 115-v, GFI female receptacle to remote, 40-character per line, 16-line display
be field mounted in control box. Receptacle panel for field installation.
shall be powered by unit control circuit.
27. Remote Service Port:
19. Remote Cooler Mounting:
Unit shall be supplied with factory or field-
Kit shall provide valves and EXV cable to per- installed remote connection port for hand-held
mit operation of cooler from a remote location display device connectivity. Port shall be female
(up to 75 ft [23 m] away from base unit). RJ-14 receptacle housed in cast aluminum,
20. Unit Control Display Access Door: weatherproof enclosure with spring loaded
Kit contains door and necessary mounting hard- weather-sealed hinged door. Remote service
ware to permit control module access without port shall be located adjacent to mechanical
opening or removing control box panels. components to allow convenient access to diag-
nostic and operational information while stand-
21. Compressor Expansion Board:
ing next to the mechanical component.
Shall include accessory compressor expansion
board for use with multiple compressor unit.
22. Trim Kit:
Accessory shall contain material and necessary
mounting hardware for field installation.

Carrier Corporation • Syracuse, New York 13221 104 4-03
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Book 2 New Book 3 Pg 94 Catalog No. 523-075 Printed in U.S.A. PC 903 Form 30GTN-5PD
Tab 5c Tab 3RC2 Replaces: 30GTN-3PD

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