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Downtown Oakland Association/Lake Merritt-Uptown District Association Joint (D.I.S.I.

) District Identity and Streetscape Improvement Committee April 27th, 2010 2:00 pm 388 19th Street, CBD Office Present: Andrea Kirkpatrick, Carmen Santisteban, Beverly RIvas, Ke Norman, Mike Brown, Chris Curtis, Laurie Cooperman Rosen, Tom Tewksbury, CJ Hirschfield

388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612

Guests: Staff: Neilly

Salwa Ibrahim, Trish Keefer, Kassie Rohrbach, Karen Hester, Gary Jaques, Kevin Best, Dirk Kahl, Haldun Morgan, Nicole Neditch Marco Li Mandri, Steve Snider, Andrew Jones, Tim Gallen, Andrew Minutes

Introductions: Carmen and Andrea Approval of Minutes, March 25th, 2010

Event Updates and Presentation a. Funding request presentation from WOBO for Oaklavia: Karen Hester and Kassie Rojrbach b. Fashion Friday: First Friday Window Fashion Displays: Skylier BlanchardCrowder and Trish Keefer c. Old Oakland Thursday Night Live Planning Update: Gary Jacques d. Midtown Oakland Arts District Web Design, Outreach, Marketing and General Development Schedule-Cortt Dunlap and Nicole Neditch e. Downtown Unveiled Update and Plan Changes (First Fridays band crawl)-Steve Snider f. Next Special Events Task Force Meeting

The following event updates and presentations for funding consideration were made: WOBO/Oaklavia- Kassie Rohrbach, with Karen Hester A proposal for funding of the June 27th event in the Downtown/Uptown Districts from Grand Avenue to Jack London Square. A map of the route and a copy of the proposal were distributed. The concept behind the event is to make Oakland a more walkable, bikeable community. They will be partnering with the East Bay Bicycle Coalition, the Hope Collaborative, Cycles of Change, and other Oakland groups to create an event similar to San Franciscos Sunday Streets event. They are looking to the CBDs for sponsorship as they are $5000.00 short if their target budget. Costs for the event will include barricades and signage day of and print and online advertising. TNL 2010-Kevin Best and Gary Jaques An update on the 2010 Thursday Night Live in Old

Oakland. They described TNL as a safe, family friendly event that will feature Latin/Cuban music and has attracted between 200-400 people in previous years. They hope to grow the event this year by moving the event to 9th and Broadway, facing Old Oakland. They have the support of their landlord, Peter Sullivan, who has contributed $5,000.00 to the event. Steve Snider interjected that Martin Ward has been very supportive of this event. Oaklands Fashion Designer Exhibition 2010Trish Keefer(in cooperation with the City of Oakland and Skylier Blanchard An update on her proposal to install local fashion displays in the vacant retail storefronts located near Telegraph and 18th, the Marquee Lofts Building, Bay Area Legal, and the restaurant corner space at the Fox Theater during First Friday Art Walk. The purpose of these installations is to bring positive attention to the neighborhood and promote local business. Trish distributed a copy of her proposal, inclusive of photos of the proposed venues. Midtown Oakland Arts District Web Design Update-Nicole Neditch A breakdown was given of the scope of work she and others are doing for First Fridays and Midtown Arts districts. They are using the $3,000.00 allocated by the CBDs for website and general development. The hope is that the sites will go live prior to the June 4th First Friday event. Downtown Unveiled-Steve

Snider After meeting with Marco and Tim, the Downtown Unveiled event is unlikely to happen. They are looking to reorganize the DU concept into multiple smaller productions as opposed to one 10,000 person event. We do not have the support of the City or its resources this year. Marco, Andrea, Carmen and Steve will so go back to the drawing board. District Branding Update for Trashcan Placards and Banners Andrew presented the completed placards for review. He will place the order for the bolts and tools for installation, pending budget approval from SOBO. He believes completion is about two weeks out with a goal date of May 19th. Tim recommends doing our best to mitigate the media attention created by the assault and eventual death that occurred just outside district boundaries on April 16th. In the aftermath of the incident, the ambassadors assisted OPD by proactively beginning to search for the suspects. Marco explained, how in cooperation with JC, Deborah, and Tim, he issued a statement to the Board members expressing his sentiments regarding the tragedy. Tim emphasized the importance of coming together to support the districts and trying to get some semblance of one voice moving forward. Tim was encouraged by the large attendance at the meeting and feels that emphasizing the arts within the districts is moving us in

Gallen & Nielly PR Update a. Neg PR issues related to recent assault b. pos PR elated to the work of the CBDs

the right direction.

Update on Website Redesign with Masumi Matsumoto

Steve Snider explained how he has been working with Tim Gallen to build the website. The decision was made to collaborate with web designer Masumi Matsumoto and to move away from Association Voice in order to get more creative with the design. Steve and Masumi are in the process of editing and transferring content to the new site. The task force will meet to do the fine tuning.

Update from Youth Radio on Video Projects

13th Street Taskforce Update/Taxi situation

Haldun gave an update on Youth Radios video project about the Ambassador program. The spot will be approximately 60-90 seconds in length and should take just one day of shooting to obtain enough footage. Preliminary schedule sets a completion date of May 6, 2010, but is subject to change. Tim interjected that he is trying to engineer a photo op between the Governor and the ambassadors when he is in town for the May 6th Governors conference. Steve, Tim, and Haldun will get together on this. Andrew explained that he has been in touch with Arturo Sanchez regarding the taxis illegally parking on 13th. Arturo suggested thoroughly documenting the infractions. The ambassadors have been taking pictures of the taxis and documenting the impact their presence has had on the property owners in the area. Marco interjected that the goal is to move the taxis to 11th street alongside the Convention Center.

Annual Breakfast Planning May 19th 2010

Steve announced the May 19th First Annual Breakfast meeting and asked that all in attendance spread the word. Awards for Ambassador of the year, police officer of the year, and volunteer of the year will be presented. Bagels and coffee will be served. Chris Curtis plugged the reopening of the Oakland Museum of California taking place on May 1st and 2nd, to run for 31 consecutive hours. Admission is free. CLOSED SESSION 1. Michelle Lane and Martin Ward support this event. We will consider allocating $10,000.00 to the 10 event series. 2. Will consider authorizing $3,000.00 to this event.


1.Old Oakland Music Series 2. WOBO

Authorization contingent upon staff contacting CBD insurance carrier regarding a release of liability and/or hold harmless agreement. Event producers must also list the CBDs as additionally insured on their policies.

Next Meeting

May 19th, 2010 at 10 a.m.CBD Office Conference Room, 388 19th Street

Minutes taken by Victoria Decker, Staff

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