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ME41001: ATF-I, Class Test-I

Time: 2 hrs Max. marks: 50

Important instructions:
• Provide legible schematic diagrams/charts wherever needed.
• Assume air as ideal gas with Cp = 1.005 kJ/kg.K , γ = 1.4 and R = 0.287 kJ/kg.K .
• “Saturated” R134a table is provided at the end of this question paper.
• Clearly state all the assumption used along with appropriate justifications.

********************************** PART A: ICE *******************************

1. When a diesel engine is turbocharged, originally designed to be naturally aspirated, the fuel/air
equivalence ratio at full load must be reduced to maintain the maximum cylinder pressure
essentially constant. If the naturally aspirated engine was designed for ɸ = 0.70 at full load,
estimate the maximum permissible value of ɸ for the turbocharged engine at full load if the air
pressure at the engine inlet is 1.6 atm. Assume that the engine can be modeled with the dual
cycle, with half the injected fuel burned at constant volume and half at constant pressure. The
compression ratio is 16. The fuel heating value is 42.5 MJ/kg fuel. Assume ƴ = 1.35, that the air
temperature at the start of compression is 325 K, and (A/F)stoich= 15. [10]
2. What is function of the throttle in SI engine? Can you remove the throttle from the SI engine? If
yes, then how SI engine will work? [6]
3. (a) Explain why constant volume combustion gives higher indicated thermal efficiency than
constant volume combustion for the same compression ratio. [3]
(b) What are the salient features of the Push-rod mechanism and Overhead cam mechanism? [3]
(c) The accelerator is used to increase/decrease the engine speed. How does the accelerator
control the speed of SI and CI engine? [3]

********************************* PART B: RAC *******************************

1. In few sentences explain the reasons for following: [3 x 4 = 12]
a) In an actual vapour compression refrigeration system, condenser heat exchanger area effects the
COP of the system and not just the compressor efficiency.
b) In an aircraft air-conditioning system, pressurised air bled from the engine compressor is first
passed through a heat exchanger before entering the compressor of air-cycle machine.
c) Using a Liquid-to-Suction Heat Exchanger in a VCRS cycle may lead to decrease in COP.
d) Small degree of superheat at the exit of evaporator is desirable.
2. The indoor unit of a residential split air-conditioner is placed at a certain height ‘H’ above the
outdoor unit. The refrigerant used is R134a with the condensing pressure of 1161 kPa. The
refrigerant temperature at the outlet from the condenser is 35°C. At these operating conditions it
is observed that the liquid refrigerant just starts to flash (change to two-phase) inside the insulated
liquid pipeline connecting the condenser to expansion device (placed inside the indoor unit).
Flashing happens just before the expansion device. (a) What is the thermodynamic process
occurring inside the liquid refrigerant pipeline? (b) Determine the height ‘H’ from the given
information. [1+3=4]

3. A small Stirling cryocooler with a regenerator is used to produce refrigeration at “TC” at its cold end
with the hot end at “TH”. Refrigerant gas (assume ideal) has heat capacity ratio γ. The mass of
refrigerant gas contained within this cryocooler is “m”. The minimum and maximum gas volume
during the thermodynamic cycle is V1 and V2 respectively. The regenerative heat exchanger has
effectiveness of “ε”. Assume all other processes to be ideal and the cryocooler is coupled to a
motor rotating at “Ns” rotations per second. Derive mathematical expressions for: (a) minimum
and maximum pressure attained during the refrigeration cycle, (b) refrigeration capacity, (c) motor
torque rating and (d) the condition(s) for which the cryocooler produces no refrigeration capacity.

Saturated R134a property table

Temp Pressure h_liq h_vap s_liq s_vap ρ_liq ρ_vap

(°C) (kPa) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg.K) (kJ/kg.K) (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
5 349.9 58.61 253.3 0.2287 0.9288 1278 17.14
10 414.9 65.43 256.2 0.2529 0.9264 1261 20.24
30 770.6 93.58 266.7 0.3479 0.9188 1187 37.56
35 887.5 100.9 269 0.3714 0.9171 1168 43.45
40 1017 108.3 271.3 0.3949 0.9154 1147 50.12
45 1161 115.8 273.4 0.4183 0.9135 1125 57.7

********** THE END **********

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