CT 1
CT 1
CT 1
Important instructions:
• Provide legible schematic diagrams/charts wherever needed.
• Assume air as ideal gas with Cp = 1.005 kJ/kg.K , γ = 1.4 and R = 0.287 kJ/kg.K .
• “Saturated” R134a table is provided at the end of this question paper.
• Clearly state all the assumption used along with appropriate justifications.
3. A small Stirling cryocooler with a regenerator is used to produce refrigeration at “TC” at its cold end
with the hot end at “TH”. Refrigerant gas (assume ideal) has heat capacity ratio γ. The mass of
refrigerant gas contained within this cryocooler is “m”. The minimum and maximum gas volume
during the thermodynamic cycle is V1 and V2 respectively. The regenerative heat exchanger has
effectiveness of “ε”. Assume all other processes to be ideal and the cryocooler is coupled to a
motor rotating at “Ns” rotations per second. Derive mathematical expressions for: (a) minimum
and maximum pressure attained during the refrigeration cycle, (b) refrigeration capacity, (c) motor
torque rating and (d) the condition(s) for which the cryocooler produces no refrigeration capacity.