(Best Kept Buried) Beneath The Missing Sea
(Best Kept Buried) Beneath The Missing Sea
(Best Kept Buried) Beneath The Missing Sea
1. Coiner's Shelf, 9
2. Bay of Bones, 15
3. The Wreckage of Our
Virtuous Lady, 21
4. The Silver Blades, 31
5. Sea Speaker's
Tower, 23
6. Leviathan's End, 22
7. Brost, 11
8. Ogden's Brewery, 29
' Traversing the
Sea Bed , 5
1 3
' Weather
see back cover
table of contents
In Summary 1
The Gathering Storm 2
Hearsay of the Great Storm 2
Rumors 3
The Andrussian Air 4
Traversing the Seabed —5 In the Belly of the Beast — 20
Merfolk Ruins — 7 The Truth of the Operation — 19
Anglergoblin Lairs — 8 Our Virtuous Lady — 21
Brost Encounters — 13 Sea Speaker's Tower — 23
Coiner's Shelf — 9 Marienn's Battle — 27
Brost — 11 Ogden's Brewery — 29
Fishermans' Yard — 13 The Silver Blades — 31
Bay of Bones — 15 Temple Andrussa — 33
Sea Caves — 16
Leviathan's End — 17
Andrussian Albatross — 35 Feral Dogs — 45
Coleridge — 36 Sea Plagued — 45
Anglergoblins — 37 Opportunists — 46
Anglergoblin Shaman — 37 Leviathanic Cultists — 46
Anglergoblin Trawler — 37 Sea Monk — 50
Giant Hermit Crab — 39 "The Ossifier" — 52
Dehydrated Merfolk —41 Ossified Crew — 52
The Baptist — 42 Leviathanic Handmaiden — 54
Merfolk Ascetic — 42 Handmaiden's Thralls — 54
Excavation Guard — 43 Conseil — 53
Excavation Worker — 43 Sea Golem — 53
Hold-Outs — 45 Waterbound Revenant — 53
"Allies & Opponents "
Dagweyn — 55 Torgrad & Doldan
Dalbran — 57 Bristlebeard — 68
Ogden Black — 58 Reanna Saur — 69
Luminary Father Caspian — 59 Gerholt Umber — 69
Garvym Elmswood — 64 "Followers & Hirelings"
Oban Blake — 67 Carpers, Pickers,
Marienn Agon — 71 & Leviathanic Missionaries — 74
Ava Parson — 61 Hirelings — 75
ble o f c ontent
"Bloody" Annie Stalfin — 63 Merchants — 76
he Andrussian sea is (29), near Brost (11). Those
missing. Many people who drink it become sick with
formerly of the coast Sea Rot (81), a terrible wasting
don’t want to leave - they’re just disease that causes one’s body to
trying to survive. They’ve set up a turn to coral. In Brost (11), a
refugee town called Coiner’s Shelf druid named Ava Parson (61)
(9). Brost (11) is mostly may be able to come up with a cure.
abandoned. Hold-Outs (45) The Leviathanic Order (59)
fight off Anglergoblins (37). may know of a way to bring back
The sea is missing because a the sea if one of the Leviathan’s
bitter sea wizard named Marienn Egg Sac (78) can be recovered
(71) killed the sea’s patron god. from its corpse. Dalbran (57),
Nobody knows this yet. He killed a former apprentice of Marienn
it by magically draining the sea’s (71), may know the truth of
water with Ritual Anchors (57). what occurred and why the sea
The Leviathan God lies dead at is missing. He may also know
Leviathan’s End (17). The sea, how to bring the sea back.
or rather the Basin, plays home The sea’s absence has also
to a cult (The Leviathanic Order) exposed Anglergoblins (37)
that worshipped the demigod. & Dehydrated Merfolk (41).
An opportunistic elf named Anglergoblins (37) are a
Garvym (64) is siphoning the particular problem around
Leviathan’s blood and selling it as Brost (11) and the wreckage
a cure-all called Sea Vitae (80). of Our Virtuous Lady (21).
He makes it at Ogden’s Brewery
easonably, it may most jaded sailors knew that no
be all the residents ship could survive a storm of such
of your town have magnitude. Brost’s townsfolk
been talking about. Perhaps it battened down the hatches and
was a rumour overheard in a waited out the storm beside their
crowded bar or a whisper on struggling fires. Nobody left the
the winds of trade. Regardless, dark roads leading out of the
word of The Andrussian Drain town, and nobody came in.
has reached your ears. Severals days later, when the
Wherever you heard it, the story storm passed and the people
remains the same: some weeks of Brost emerged from their
ago a great and terrible storm homes, they found themselves
wracked the Andrussian Inland atop a great cliff overlooking a
Sea and its surrounding provinces vast and barren tundra where
for several days. Travellers and the Andrussian’s waves once
merchants alike called it ‘the storm rolled. The sea was gone, and with
of the century.’ Thunder heaved it, the town’s livelihood. Without
through the sky, rain lashed at the the fishing fleets, the harsh teeth
rooftops and darkness reigned of poverty soon began to bite.
supreme. In Brost, a prosperous Rumours spread about what
coastal town on the Andrussian happened and why, half-truths and
shore, all ships due to set sail hearsay taking root in the taverns
remained in harbour and those and streets of nearby towns.
at sea were solemnly considered
lost after the first day. Even the
I t’s well known that the good folk of the Andrussian Basin have a great deal to say —
whether it’s true or not is another question entirely.
1. “There used to be a Leviathan out in them there waters. ‘Course, be able to see if that’s
true or not now all the wet has up and left.”
True—Leviathan’s End (17)
2. “If you spill a bit of water on the floor, and watch it closely, it’ll start to move, even flow
uphill if you leave it. Always out towards the Basin.”
True. ‘Uncontained’ liquids almost imperceptibly flow towards the
Sea‑Speaker’s Tower—particularly the Pipeworks (23)
3. “The Leviathanics are out there turnin’ people into ‘orrible little goblins with lights on
their heads. I know, I seen ‘em!” False.
4. “You seen that ‘uge albatross atop the cliffs? Been watching us for weeks it has. Never goes
with a flock, never feeds, just watches. I heard they can be real clever, them birds.”
True —Coleridge (36) observes the party.
5. “It were the Leviathanics that got rid of the Sea. Sick and tired of all the folk who didn’t
believe in their ways no more. It’s ‘cause they don’t let ‘em on the boats no more.”
False, though it was made illegal in Brost for a Leviathanic to accompany a
fishing vessel since Marienn’s attempted Leviathan hunt. (27)
6. "This is that mad ol’ wizard’s doing. Used to be a Leviathanic, ‘til they chucked him out.
Now he’s out there, up to god’s know what." True. (23)
It is important to evoke the desolate, grim nature of the
surrounding environment whenever possible. Whilst the
Cryptdiggers aren’t always in a traditionally oppressive
dungeon in this adventure, the wide open Andrussian
Basin should seem no less cruel or unforgiving;
here are a few things to remember when running
Beneath the Missing Sea.
side from the shanty town Unless outsiders brought it, very
Coiner’s Shelf (9), the few things are clean or new: salt
blot of Brost (11) upon erosion is pervasive and eats away
the coastal horizon and the odd at every piece of wood and metal.
shadows of pillars and mounts Leathers and linens are salt‑stained.
that were islands, the barren Faces of locals are hard and
Andrussian Sea is a dolorous and weather-bitten. On the sea bed,
forsaken plain that is daunting rocks and debris are encrusted with
to look upon. The sea bed is hard, ossification, coral and barnacles.
rocky ground filled with pits and Dead and rotting marine life is
crevices flecked with sharp coral everywhere. The stench of salt
and debris - more reminiscent water burns the nostrils. Cold,
of a hard desert or arid tundra slimy and damp are the evocative
than the arable lands usually words of the Andrussian Basin. The
associated with coast and sea. Cryptdiggers may often do well
keeping their hands to themselves
Nobody is happy here: livelihoods
were lost, many perished from Food is scarce: all marine life is
starvation or the mysterious already dead or dying, seabirds are
disease following the Drain, leaving the area, and few people
and the number of brusque have the skill or energy to hunt
outsiders who have arrived to on the surrounding Moorland.
make quick coin or coldly analyse Provisions should be carefully
the mystery only adds to the monitored by the Cryptdiggers
despair hanging over the Basin. and the Doomsayer. Sources of
good food should be placed and
prized like conventional treasure.
B e n e at h t h e m i s s i n g s e a
E ach hex of the Basin measures around 6
miles. Given the rocky ground, crevasses
the seabed and pits in the sea floor, Cryptdiggers may travel
into one new hex each day.
6. Dead Carper — flesh carved away and their Harness ransacked. 74,78
4. Sea bed collapses beneath your feet, you fall into a Merfolk Ruin. 7
6. 50’ wide ravine blocks path. Fashion a bridge or double travel time.
1. A drying coral reef. A small entrance leads to an Anglergoblin Lair. 8
2. Two imposing coral statues flank a set of glass doors in the side of a mesa.
Entrance to Merfolk Ruin.
3. Dehydrated Merfolk mystic dispenses prophecy. D6 Hold-Outs
adoringly tend to her wounds with kelp-based salves.
4. Collection of inhuman, coral-encrusted statues with gemmed eyes.
5. D6 Hold-Outs shelter in a ravine. They fear the Anglergoblins and will
only move by day. They are out of food.
6. A crowd of 2D6 Anglergoblins trying to corral and harness a Hermit
Crab. If they aren't stopped, all future encounters with Anglergoblins
have a 1-in-6 chance of also including an additional Hermit Crab. 37,39
The Drained Andrussian Sea
1. Bedrock shelf blocks path. Wit Check to climb or add a day to travel time.
Flock of D6 Andrussian Albatross circle above. Roll D6: 1-2 They attack.
2. 3-4 They attack as Cryptdiggers cross into next hex. 5-6 They watch party 35
leave the next hex, then retreat.
2D6 Extraction Guards lead horse-drawn cart from Leviathan's End to 43,17,
5. 29
Odgen's Brewery. Contains two dozen barrels of Leviathan's Blood.
6. The remains of a shipwreck. Good wood and intact rigging.
Atop a shipwreck is an Andrussian Albatross nest containing D3
1. 35
fertilised eggs, no encounter and nothing else of value.
2. D6 Carpers drink loudly and merrily from a salvaged cask of ale. 74
Ruins S cattered across the Basin, exposed by the Drain,
these kelp-strewn halls and tunnels of alabaster
are all that remain of a once-magnificent empire.
1. Tunnels curtained by heavy-hanging kelp.
2. Hallway flowering with luminescent crystals.
3. Walled Garden of beautiful, dying coral and broken statues.
4. Inner Sanctum of tiled walls and mosaics.
5. Hall of alcoves — within each sits a steaming geyser.
6. Ruined, opulent lounging area teeming with kelp.
1. Ritual Anchor. 79
1. Gaunt figure appears to be sucking up or blowing away a raging sea.
2. Giant coiled serpent under crashing waves, worshipped by diminutive figures.
3. Half-human, half-fish creatures run in fear from half-fish, half-human figure.
“Merfolk? Fish People? Ha! A likely story. Next you’ll be telling me they have
little settlements down there and visit little inns too. Bollocks.”
The Drained Andrussian Sea
Anglergoblin Lairs
PAGE D ank, grim and slimy, these are
the formerly submerged holes
and burrows dug by Anglergoblins.
1. D6 Anglergoblins & Anglergoblin These lairs hold a great many dangers,
Shaman. but the Anglergoblins are a hoarding
sort and the potential bounties
2. 2D6 Angergoblins entranced by
37 within their hiding holes shouldn’t be
bedrock fossils . underestimated.
3. D3 Possessed Cultists excavating SEE
ancient bones. PAGE
Brost Encounters
out from the cliffs of the Andrussian Moorland. Pulley
platforms, jury-rigged to the walkway, carry travelers down to a
vertical shantytown hastily built amongst haphazard struts and
A hewn balcony of ancient whalebone juts II. Leviathanic Priests offer relief to those
out of Coiner’s Shelf, providing a vista onto suffering from Sea Rot (81). The
the horizon. Leviathanic Priests kneel here afflicted are taken out onto the arid sea
in meditation, praying for their holy waters’ plains to be anointed and ‘cured’ but
return. few are ever seen again. Nobody dares
I. Father Caspian (59) can be found here challenge the enigmatic Priests. (16)
giving sermons that summon the faint III. Leviathanic Missionaries (74) for hire.
sound of whalesong in the distance.
2. THE
A spiderweb of ladders, platforms and III. Brost’s former Innkeeper Ogden
pulleys make up the main body of Coiner’s Black (63) has hauled several barrels
Shelf. Tin pots bubble over weak fires of his famous Black Sail Stout (77)
whilst Carpers, Pickers and Adventurers from his establishment in Brost
alike share rumours in hushed tones and (11) and sells it by the tankard
Merchants haul stock on the throughway to
on a strut known as Ogden’s Tap.
and from the Basin.
IV. Patrons must bring their own
I. Carpers, Pickers and other Retainers
mug. Those showing signs of Sea
(74) can be hired here.
Rot (81) are swiftly ejected.
II. Garvym (64) can be found during
V. Rumours can be heard almost
the day, showcasing the wonders of Sea
anywhere on the Climb itself but more
Vitae (80) in a well-practiced spiel
particularly around Ogden’s Tap. Roll
delivered to the down-trodden populace.
twice on the Rumour Table (3)
when mingling around Ogden’s Tap.
Chisels are driven into the cliff-face and IV. The Arcanists begrudgingly identify
quills scratch upon paper. A collection of magic items for a small fee as funds
arcanists and druids gather here, deep in are essential to their work. Fitting
the study and discussion of the Andrussian identifications around their excavation
Drain. work, the process takes D6 days.
I. Ava Parson (61) takes up residence V. The Arcanists have a particular interest in
here if rescued from Brost (11). Ritual Anchors (79) — enquiry reveals
II. The Arcanists have imposed a strict they found some that bear enchantments
quarantine. Arcane wards prevent and inscriptions that neither the former
anyone with Sea Rot (81) from coming sailors of Brost or the Leviathanics can
within 25’ of the excavation site. explain. The Arcanists pay handsomely for
any engraved or inscribed Anchors (57).
III. Dalbran (57) occasionally observes the
excavation from afar. A Wit Check reveals
that the study of the Anchors in particular
seemingly makes him uncomfortable.
The Drained Andrussian Sea
Stalls & lean-to shacks on timber I. D6 Merchants (76) are
promenade at Shelf’s base. Merchants here at any given time.
peddling goods, many source stock from
Pickers in Scrapper’s Alcove, paid to sort II. Dagweyn (55) can be found here
through debris brought by the Carpers. by day, keeping watch over business.
III. By night, Garvym (64) can be
found here in a small portable cabin
that detaches from his wagon.
Carpers haul creaking rickshaws I. Carpers & Pickers (74) for hire.
loaded with flotsam and jetsam and dump
their bounty for the merchant’s Pickers II. Working here is the Picker’s way of
to sift through. Mountains of such debris life. They fiercely and desperately
accumulate at the base of the cliff and the defend their personal mountains
Pickers climb in and around the rusty, filthy of debris from outsiders.
haulage to pick out the spoils. III. Pickers fear Sea Rot (81) above
all else. They will cast out those
of their number who contract the
disease and leave the infected’s piles
untouched, fearing contamination.
6. THE
A collection of dirtied tents situated a few I. All NPCs here suffer from Sea Rot (81).
hundred feet from the base of the cliff. This
area serves as a quarantine and a dumping II. Cryptdiggers entering this area have
ground for the unfortunate souls suffering 1-in-3 chance of contracting Sea Rot.
from Sea Rot. III. Diseased Retainers (73) may be
hired at half their usual price.
B e n e at h t h e m i s s i n g s e a
and other establishments lay abandoned in what was once a prosperous
fishing port. Those who choose to remain wage constant battle against the
elements, starvation and shadowy figures haunting the streets by night.
The town centre lies deserted in the II. Black Sail Inn
aftermath of the aquacultural collapse. The The people of Brost worked hard, and
finely latticed windows of the townhouses drank harder. The Black Sail is a large
creak in the wind, and now the only cries and formerly resplendent inn just off
that come from the market are the crows. the market square, where Ogden Black
Dagweyn’s Fishmongers is on a street
(58) brewed and sold some of the
leading towards the docks, and the Black
Sail Inn can be found on a through-way finest stout in the province. One of the
beside the central market. first to skip town when business started
drying up, Ogden took most of the barrels
I. Dagweyn’s Fishmongers in the cellar with him to Coiner’s Shelf
By situating himself right next door to the (9), but one Sealed Barrel of Black
Fisherman’s Yard, Dagweyn (55) always Sail Stout (77) remains forgotten in
got the best pick of the day’s catch and the basement. If the party finds a way
always set a competitive price. Now his to get it back to him he’ll be awfully
hard graft lies in ruins — Anglergoblins grateful. A coil of Rubber Tubing (65)
(37) tore up the deserted shop seeking can also be found in the basement.
fish scraps and laid Eggs (77) in the
cold storage. A pair of fish-spattered
Galoshes (65) can be found in the cold
storage towards the rear of the shop.
This once-great shipyard is vacant. A Unless Brost is approached from the
trawler remains unfinished in the drydock Moorland, simply accessing it is difficult. The
and previously lucrative contracts remain sea here was deep and Brost was built on a
piled in the office, scarcely worth the natural harbour. Now the ruins are stranded
parchment they’re printed on. atop a cliff’s edge.
I. The Shipyard Office is on a mezzanine I. Following the Ravine inland leads
accessible by a ladder above the to slimy Cave Entrances (#5).
yard. At night a band of D3 Carpers II. Following the ravine further eventually
(74) seek shelter here, pulling the leads to a steep and dangerous climb—
ladder up to wait out Anglergoblin Brawn Check to climb up to the Dried
(37) raids. A pair of Calipers (65) Harbour (#6) through a natural shallow.
can be found in the Shipyard Office,
though the Carpers will be loathe to III. Carpers (74) spot edible mussels
part with them if they found them first. and clams here (D3 Provisions).
II. The Carpers of the Shipyard Office
can inform the party that most
people remaining in Brost hole up
at the Fisherman’s Yard (31).
The Drained Andrussian Sea
This humble wattle & daub chapel was II. By day the Church is deserted. By night,
the centre of Brost’s Leviathanic worship. A D6 Possessed Cultists (46) are wor-
whalebone arch supports several hanging shipping within, singing in a guttural choir
braziers in which kelp and algae are burned. that summons the sound of whalesong on
The lumber pews before the arch sit in an the air. These cultists do not take kindly
inch-deep pool of unusually fresh seawater.
to strangers and will attack intruders.
I. Closer inspection of the interior III. If the party has been sent by Father
reveals the building’s framework was Caspian for The Great Cycle (59)
cut from dark bone rather than wood. and bear the Egg Sac (78) however,
the reception is most reverent.
B e n e at h t h e m i s s i n g s e a
The foremost and largest longhouse. A II. Ava Parson (70) has set up a small
small ledger’s office lies off to one side beside study in the ledger’s office and
a gated bay where carts were loaded with tends to Brost’s wounded there.
barrels. A rear door leads into the Courtyard
and is heavily barred with wooden boards III. D4 unloaded carts remain, though
and iron supports nailed across to prevent the horses were eaten last week.
entry. By night, the people give the door a IV. Salty horsemeat soup is served in rations
wide berth. nightly, and will be for the next D6 nights
I. A mixture of 2D6 Carpers, Hold-Outs before food supplies are exhausted.
and injured Opportunists have made a V. ‘Bloody’ Annie Stalfin (74) stands
small communal home here (79, 50). guard at the cart gate most of
day and well into the night.
I. The sidedoor is barricaded with the I. The people here are the last survivors in
remains of market stalls, and the Brost. They are all either too weak, too
cart gates — despite a recent maul- infirm or simply too attached to the town
ing — are sturdy, heavy and secure. to leave it behind. Increasingly aggressive
II. Annie Stalfin (63) and D4 Brost Anglergoblin (37) raids have chased
Hold-Outs (45) stand guard at most of these people from their homes.
the cart gates by day and behind II. Annie Stalfin (63) rallied the townsfolk
the barricade at night (70, 51). when the town guard left, and then oversaw
III. Annie asks anyone seeking entry the fortification of the Fishermans' Yard.
to show her the inside of their III. The town guard collapsed alongside the economy.
mouth before permitting entry. No fish, no money, no wages, no guards.
IV. If the party protests she tells IV. Something in the furthest longhouse ‘sings’ in
them a Druid sheltering inside an operatic baritone during the night. It sounds
(Ava Parson, 70) has learned that inhuman and several people have fled into the
barnacles forming in the mouth barren Moorland to escape its call. Others
and throat are the most common sought the source and have not been seen since.
initial symptoms of the affliction. V. The Hold-Outs (45) believe if the
V. Annie will not allow anyone singing is stopped, they can search the
inside who is infected, nor anyone rest of the yard safely for barrels of salted
seen with infected individuals. fish and stay for a few more weeks.
VI. Annie is reluctant to permit entry, VI. Many here hope the sea returns and that
stating ‘there won’t be enough they can resume their lives as normal.
food for everyone for much longer VII. Anyone who listens to the baritone chant
if they keep letting stragglers in.’ during the night must make a Grip Check or
be compelled to seek its source in a trance-like
state. Every time the afflicted endangers
themselves or an ally in this trance they must
pass an additional Will Check to awaken.
The Drained Andrussian Sea
BAY OF whalebones, driven deep into the flint beach, jut from the
earth like broken teeth. Ossified coral litters the ground like
shrubbery and marram grass browns in the eye-socket of a
1. THE
The beach’s coastal shelf lies exposed. The shingle falls away here and the drop into the
darkened trench below weakens the knees. Rusted iron gibbet cages teeter on the brink, chained
to bolts driven into the bedrock. One contains a water-logged corpse with barnacles emerging
from bloated flesh.
2. THE
Littered with coral, cowry and seashells ' Digging here exhumes bodies riddled
arranged in indecipherable runic formations. with Sea Rot (86) — 1-in-6 chance of
Inspection uncovers depressions in the infection arises from disturbance.
shingle between these runes.
The Drained Andrussian Sea
Caves still, the air grows cold and clammy — this is an ancient place that is rarely
disturbed by the ventures of outsiders.
Broad sandstone caverns open onto the ' Study reveals that the deepest
beach. These hollows provided shelter to sections of the cave were sealed
simple, ancient people. centuries ago — though the Leviathanic
cults recently unsealed them.
living quarters
Deeper caverns contain the monastic I. 2D6 Leviathanic Cultists (46) live here.
homes of Leviathanic Priests — close to the
sea but away from prying eyes. Fire pits II. If the party accompanies a host of
illuminate simple driftwood furnishings and the Leviathanic Egg Sac (78),
small karst act as chimneys in the ceiling. the Cultists are reverent towards
them. D6 Cultists (46) offer escort
5B. the
down to “The Undersea.”
Beyond the Living Quarters, a shadowed ' D6 Handmaiden’s Thralls (54)
corridor cuts sharp and deep into the earth. reside here tending to 3D6 docile
At points the steps fall away and crude Sea Plagued (45). They ease the
ladders link walkways. The air is close and afflicted's suffering by administering
cold here, and no light shines. black water from ancient clay flasks.
5 c. the
black corals
Cavernous, cathedral-like chambers of I. D6 Sea-Plagued (45), the sick from
jutting obsidian coral, sable stalagmites Coiner's Shelf (9), are held here.
and ossified sea life expands from the
lower reaches of The Plunge. The creatures II. D3 Hermit Crabs (39) have made
forming this coral have alien physiology. homes in fragments of black coral
The vision of such cruel trilobites skittering and disguised themselves within the
the halls makes the skin crawl. walls. They burst forth if disturbed.
5 D. the
Venturing through the Black Coral I. The Leviathanic Handmaiden's (54)
caves eventually leads to dusky, grey rock mournful, haunting song echoes
corridors opening onto a barbarous gravel across the Undersea. Perched on a
beach littered with jet stalagmites. Beyond jagged house-sized obsidian slab, knee
lies a vast, subterranean ocean, black as deep in water. If a climber fails a Wit
night and still as a pane of glass. It is quiet,
Check they suffer D3 damage.
cold and calm. These primordial waters
remain despite the Great Drain — eerily still, II. The Handmaiden (54) silently
silent and lifeless. welcomes Leviathanic Egg Sac (78)
bearers, taking them by the hand and
murmuring a gentle song. All fear
is washed away as she walks them
gently into the dark waters (59).
B e n e at h t h e m i s s i n g s e a
creature slowly decays while curiously-silent
workers erect scaffolds and tents to dissect
and study the body for macabre spoils.
The workforce do not let anyone in, yet wagons come and go, loaded with barrels, crates
and labourers at all hours. Who are these people and what are they doing? The air reeks
of death here and the arcanely-inclined sense something obscenely profane is afoot. The
workers flocking the gigantic cadaver are clad head-to-toe in thick, beaten leathers and
dirtied, bloodied linens - their faces obscured by bindings and eyes protected by beady
brass goggles. They dissect and excavate the corpse around the clock and say very little.
Wagons bring more in every few days, though few leave. Overseeing this undertaking are
gaunt guards, similarly fashioned, stationed in watchtower nests and carrying crossbows.
Anyone trespassing is met with a deftly-aimed warning bolt. Those pressing on are shot.
A staunch, square tent standing upon a ' Wagons frequently pull up on the rough
cliff overlooking Leviathan’s End, manned track leading to this tent before being
by two Excavation Guards (43). directed to the Muscular Excavations
Several troughs of strong chemicals must (#6), the Jugular Extraction (#5)
be washed in before entry is permitted. or the Provisioner’s Tent (#8).
Inside, a dozen bunks provide little rest to
an overworked retinue and thin, watery
stew froths above a weak fire.
The Drained Andrussian Sea
snake-oil salesman of the The Leviathan was a deific beast —
highest order, Garvym revered by Merfolk and Leviathanics
Elmswood (68) made his alike — embodying the sea in all its
fortune through an industry of blood. beauty, elegance, cruelty and wrath.
Paying adventurers pittances for Now, it lies dead and rotting in the
the bodies of hellish beasts dragged wake of a vengeful arcane ritual
from the depths, Garvym’s enterprise that robbed it of its domain. The
utilises every black market contact, blood still holds the sea’s essence
bloodied labourer and rotting corpse but is fast decaying and becoming
part to distill the highest-quality entropic. Seeing the disastrous side
faux tonics, tinctures, balms and effects but knowing there’s money
oils for taking advantage of the to be made making the sick sicker,
needs of the sick, poor and needy. Garvym consolidated his enterprise
Now Garvym seeks profit from the into one singular militia-like outfit.
largest beast he’s ever laid his green With a forceful takeover of Ogden’s
eyes upon—a literal Leviathan. Brewery (34) upon the Moor and
Neither he nor his men know it, the promise of work to infected
but Garvym isn’t dealing in simple unable to serve as Carpers, Garvym’s
troll-blood potions or octoclops enterprise is, literally and figuratively,
claw paste here — it’s god’s blood. bleeding the Andrussian dry.
The Drained Andrussian Sea
the B east
brine, the belly of the Beast is a straightforward tract littered
with an entanglement of half-digested ruin and detritus.
VIRTUOUS since. At sea when the Great Drain hit, the vessel ran aground
at the bottom of the Basin and its crew fell victim to the perverse
machinations of Anglergoblin Shamans. Formerly resplendent,
LADY the ship’s tattered sails billow in the wind and blood seeps into
tarnished wood as hungry gulls circle overhead.
1. A hand grasps the ankle—half an Ossified Crew (52) claws at the
2. Large Hermit Crab (39) feeds upon a dead Anglergoblin.
3. D3 Anglergoblins accompany an Anglergoblin Shaman taking a
corpse to the Deck (#2) (37).
4. D3 Ossified Crew (52) emerge from the shadows.
5. D6 Ossified Crew (52) lay motionless on the floor.
6. The Ossified Captain (52) roaming in search of fresh bodies.
1. Antique Map of the
Andrussian Sea (77).
2. Preserved barrel of dry
Angergoblins recognised its import and Crawling through a rent in the Stores
took it for their own—ruining the lavish and (#4) leads into a narrow burrow in the
dignified aspect. Coral trinkets and sea-shell bedrock winding down some way. It
fetishes hang from the torn four-poster bed opens into a chamber where sailor’s
and the Captain’s antique writing desk is re- decomposing bodies dig into the hard
purposed as a butcher’s block. earth with only bare, flayed hands.
' The Ossifer’s (52)
shamanistic hovel is here. 6. HOLD
2. DECK A large and empty space. Several
dragging bloodstains run from the door
Above the Stores, browning blood to the upper Deck (#2) and through to the
daubs the deck in a spiral pattern. Stores (#4).
I. Anglergoblin Shamans (37) drag for-
mer seamen’s emaciated and wounded 7. KEEL
bodies to the spiral’s centre, before the The Virtuous Lady lays at an angle and
Ossifier (52) performs profane resur- an obvious crack presents the best way in.
rections upon their decomposing bodies. Within, shadows are deep and long, and
the sound of wet skittering is audible above.
Splintered by its collision with the sea floor
but held together through fine craftsmanship.
I. the Prow hosts several particularly large
Hermit Crabs (39) making their homes
within the Virtuous Lady’s lifeboats.
A wreck of torn and splintered barrels
pilfered by savage, grasping hands. The
remaining food is spoiled, covered with mold
and black, ichorous slime. Cracks between
the wood of the Keel and the Stores open
into a bloodstained tunnel leading to The
Burrow (#5).
6 4
B e n e at h t h e m i s s i n g s e a
A stone-wrought lighthouse built upon a sea stack and
former seat of the Sea Speaker — a role that once
SPEAKER'S commanded leadership of the Leviathanic Order. However,
Marienn Agon (71) brought the position into disregard and ill-
TOWER repute some years ago after seeking vengeance for his capsized
vessel and near-death in the jaws of the Andrussian Leviathan.
P ath B
I. The Pipeworks vary in width and size, but
this maze-like passageway eventually leads
to the Lower Sanctum. Roll D3 to determine
the pipe the characters emerge from.
II. Roll on Denizens of the Tower (26) for each
hour spent in the tunnels. Players may make
an Observation Check to notice and avoid
these encounters. 3 sets of Denizens total
stalk the tunnels. It takes D3 hours to navigate
the tunnels the first time, and 1 hour after.
The Drained Andrussian Sea
Buried deep below The Stack is a cavern dot-
ted with abyssal black pools of briny water, fed
by brass pipes burrowing through the bedrock.
I. If disturbed, a Denizen of the Tower (32)
emerges from a pool and attacks.
II. Arcane glyphs are burnt into the walls. A
brass cage on an elaborate pulley provides an
elevator to The Antechamber (#3) high above.
The former Leviathanic high chapel,
whalebone arches support robust
stonework above a rustic chancel. A
longhall houses several pews sitting in
shallow, algae-capped water.
I. The atrium succumbed to disrepair
since Marienn’s excommunication.
Coleridge (36), the Sea Speaker’s
albatross familiar, has a nest among the
roofing which he aggressively defends.
II. Coleridge’s nest contains D6 3
Experience of stolen, shiny valuables
and any other items he has stolen
from the party previously.
3 a . A ntechamber
A rotting wooden bridge hangs above I. Dark green waters
the pool’s murky green water. Beyond, two imbued with palpable
staircases lead to the Library (#4). necrotic magic.
I. Make a Wit Check to cross the bridge II. Ritually preserved
without breaking aging wood and falling. within is the decrepitly
II. The stairs frame a brass cage, which old, cunning, and slowly
is lowerable by mechanical pulley, that rotting enchanted shark
drops to the Lower Sanctum (#1). Conseil (53).
B e n e at h t h e m i s s i n g s e a
Bookcases form a maze.
I. Ceiling is moving mural of gigantic Leviathan ripping
apart schooner, casting it down into the waves.
II. Anyone watching the mural play out its full scene must
make a Grip Check or find themselves Lost
Beneath the First Wave of Time (27).
III. A Denizen of the Tower (26) lurks among the bookshelves.
IV. Cryptdiggers may pass an Observation Check to notice
rotten floorboards scattered around the Library. Those who
cross must pass a Wit Check or fall into the Antechamber
Pool. (#3) Those in Plate Armour are Against The Odds.
Dalbran will warn trusted Cryptdigger’s of this risk (57).
I. Using this vantage point the party may roll II. Four stone columns in each corner
for the contents of the six surrounding tiles. hold the stone roof aloft.
Battle strange visions mirroring past events. How the players act in
the visions potentially changes Marienn’s state and behaviour.
Do you cling to the rigging and go down with the ship or let
go, accepting a sailor’s death among the waves?
The vision ends, you are in the Library once more, shaking and drenched with sweat.
S imply bottling blood and selling it as-is would be a hard sell, even for a talented snake-
oil merchant like Garvym (64). To get the most out of the oceanic spoils, Garvym
enlisted Oban Blake (67), a blood witch, to oversee brewery operations. Oban works
between The Vats (#8) and The Slaughterhouse (#4) by day and balances the books in the
ledger’s office at night (#6). He rarely sleeps, for when he sleeps so too must the workforce.
4 5
3 6
2 9
The Drained Andrussian Sea
2. THE
Enclosed by drystone walls, pock- The main body of brewing
marked with cart-tracks and footprints. operations, dominated by a large,
Two carts are parked by a gate leading to central furnace. Pipes run beneath
the brewhouse. the floor from the furnace, heating
plates that simmer huge cast-iron
I. A ladder leads to the barn roof where an
vats to the building’s rear.
Extraction Guard (43) stands watch.
' Overheating the furnace would
II. Weekly, a cart arrives from the Moorland
potentially trigger an explosion.
to export Sea Vitae (80) and barrels
of aquatic organs out of the province.
8. the
A tangled web of valved pipes and
funnels running between gargantuan,
3. BARN bubbling and hissing copper casks
Shelters ready-to-ship crates from the within which the Leviathan’s blood
elements. churns.
' So densely and haphazardly ' Above, 2 Extraction Workers
stored and disorganized, they (43) patrol a mezzanine
provide an easy hiding place. walkway occasionally stirring
the vats with iron poles.
A stone hearth filled with a cold
fire’s ashes.
' Upstairs, two rustic bedrooms
were converted into a bunk-
house and a ledger’s office.
B e n e at h t h e m i s s i n g s e a
SILVER R ows of dirty linen tents flap in a harsh wind that
stings the nostrils with sheer cold. Here at the edges
of the Basin, The Silver Blades, a reputable mercenary
T he Blades believe the Temple to be a gateway into the deep arteries of the world
but of all the bands they have sent in, none made it back alive. For the first time in
their history, the company considers resealing the temple and retreating from the Basin.
1. THE
Uniformly erected linen tents cover a rare acre of level ground. Black flags marked with white
swords flutter in the wind. Grizzled Cryptdiggers mill about
I. D3 Merchants (76) are here at any given time.
II. Reanna Sauer (69) wanders the camp. Splitting her time be-
tween patrols, inspections and counselling her troops.
III. The camp has a reasonably-staffed physicians’ tent. The staff are Belgrin, a mute triage
surgeon, Yolla, short-sighted chemist and Spindle, a hard of hearing anaesthetist. The
physicians can operate on Sea Rot (86) by surgically removing infected flesh, pushing
infections back one stage, causing D6 Vigour damage. This cannot cure Sea Rot (81).
IV. Reanna’s tent is guarded by two Cryptdiggers [as Opportunists 46] and pa-
trolled by Reanna’s bloodhound, Brutus [as Feral Dog 45] The tent contains
Reanna’s plate armour and the Encampment’s coffers—worth 25 Experience.
V. Patrols watch for Anglergoblins (37) and wandering Sea-Plagued
(45). Those showing signs of Sea Rot (81) are turned away.
4 5
The Drained Andrussian Sea
2. THE
A large and elaborate causeway carved
from mother of pearl and sunk into the bedrock. Steep, ash-blackened steps cut back
Leads to The Entryway. down into the bedrock. Beyond this
darkened portal is the Temple Andrussa.
' The pearl plating alone is worth a small
The air is cold and still. Long, low rumbles
fortune. The Bristlebeard Brother's (68) come from within. See Page 38.
tools are scattered around the steps from
an aborted attempt to mine it. The Brothers
resume operations if the Temple is cleared. THE INVESTIGATION
If pressed for information
3. THE
BRISTLEBEARD TENT the Cryptdiggers provide the
The bunkhouse, warehouse and pop-up following timeline:
alehouse of the esteemed Bristlebeard
1 month ago, Reanna spoke
Brothers, Torgrad & Doldan 68.
with the Arcanists of Coiner’s
I. By day they draw up explosive Shelf (9) who revealed the
plans to reseal the Temple. Temple Andrussa’s location.
II. By night they serve Bristlebeard 1 week ago The Blades found
Barley—a strong, dwarven ale—from the Temple and set up camp.
wheeled kegs. The Silver Blades
refer to having a few drinks as 4 days ago the Bristlebeard
‘going to the Blasthouse.’ Brothers breached the temple
door. The first Cryptdiggers
III. Dozens of carefully wax-sealed entered.
barrels of Blasting Powder are
piled in the back of the tent. 2 days ago no Cryptdiggers
returned. so Rainer’s Scout
4. RAINER’S LAST STAND Wing was sent in. Hours later
Rainer’s men staggered out
Two watchtowers crest the hill above the terribly wounded with grey, scaly
Pearlescent Stair, overlooking the entryway. growths. The Blades attempted
I. Rainer’s Scout Wing were the only band to to save them but they apparently
ever make it out of the Temple alive. They drowned in the open air.
reached this point before succumbing to
hideous wounds and painful magicks.
II. By day Gerholdt Umber (69) commands
the vanguard. The other Cryptdiggers here
do not allow anyone in or out of the Temple
without orders from a council member.
III. The Bristlebeard Brothers (68) set up a
cannon atop the hill—primed and ready to
fire on anything emerging from the Temple.
B e n e at h t h e m i s s i n g s e a
reliefs. The Temple is submerged in the bedrock and,
judging by the volume of kelp and coral encrusting its
surface, it pre-dates even the scattered Merfolk Ruins. The
Andrussa Silver Blades breached the ancient stone doors but won’t
post guards closeby—watchtowers, manned by archers,
always observe the entrance.
1. THE
A narrow passageway of hard stone, Completely submerged in cold, murky wa-
ash-blackened by the Bristlebeard ter. The walls are lined with the bodies of 14
Brothers’ explosive entry. Cryptdiggers enveloped in coral formations.
I. The temple was not designed for Their skin is greying and their legs are fused to-
bipeds. If two raised tiles are stepped gether into fishtails.
on, thin slits in the doorframe I. A Merfolk Ascetic (42) lurks deep
emit hissing jets of pressurised air. in the shadows. It has the Upper Hand
Cryptdiggers triggering the trap must attacking while fighting underwater.
pass a Wit Check or lose D3 Vigour.
II. The six pillars are coated with an ornate pearl
II. Gerholdt Umber (69) relief of an Ouroboros. Very heavy, worth 3
warns Cryptdiggers of this. Experience each if extracted and recovered.
2. THE
FIRST SANCTUM III. Luminescent blue coral growths illuminate
the encased bodies with an eerie glow.
A pillared hall of polished,
pearlescent white stone with looming,
cathedralesque proportions. The floor is
cracked, broken and flooded in places. It A long room with artful tiling. Four alcoves
is bitterly cold—breath hangs in the air house Merfolk Ascetics (42) in deep, almost
and fragmented ice caps the water. impenetrable meditation. Three remaining
I. Merfolk Ascetic (42) lies in alcoves lie empty.
ambush in a pool in the room’s ' A frozen pool in the far corner conceals
centre, his bola held together by a life-sized pearl statue of a Merfolk of
two fist-sized black pearl balls. flawless quality—practically priceless, worth
II. Below a cave-in to the northeast, up to 20 Experience to an art collector.
lies a deep pool of icy water. A dim
blue light is visible below leads
to The Spawning Chamber (#3). A raised altar with a bore hole, three feet in
diameter. It is infinitely deep and filled with water
III. In the northwest corner two stone sacred to the Merfolk
bowls sit atop marble pillars before I. Across the back wall a tiled mosaic depicts a
a blank stone door. The bowls each writhing, grey Ourobourous. Within the ringed
house a round socket in their serpent, Merfolk are seen lowering a gem-like
base—fitted for the black pearl balls. egg into a hole. Water gushes from the mosaic.
Placing them within the sockets opens
the door to the Reflective Hall (#10). II. A sheet of ice covers a pool of water
that spreads into a back room—The
IV. Illuminating this room reveals trails Baptist’s Retreat (#11).
of old blood leading to the pool
before the Spawning Chamber. III. If the Leviathanic Egg Sac (78) is placed
in the bore-hole it immediately and violently
V. To the west, fallen stonework blocks a erupts, flooding the Temple in minutes. The
grand entrance. Water trickles down Temple erupts soon after, leaving behind a
the cracks. It could be unearthed huge geyser that refills the Basin in weeks.
with 3D6 man-hours of work and
suitable mining equipment. IV. The heart of the temple—a perfect place to
leave the Bristlebeards’ payload (68).
The Drained Andrussian Sea
A ndrussian A lbatross
A rare species of gigantic scavenger birds localised to the Andrussian Sea, standing
only a few feet shorter than a grown man with a wingspan of around 15’. Formerly
the bane of fishing vessels across the Basin, they use their bulk to divebomb and
incapacitate targets before using their long beaks to seize food. With the sea’s absence
affecting their usual prey of Andrussian Squid, they’ve taken a liking to Carpers (74)
and their edible wares commonly Carpers keep at least one ‘bird beating stick’ close to
hand when crossing the Basin.
Mood Brawn: 2 Vigour: 12 Weaponry
Great Beast Will: 0 Armour: 7 Beak & Claws
Advancements wit: 2 Grip: 0
Flying, Devour (grabbed, carried, and dropped from flight)
An Andrussian Bestiary
Marienn the Sea Speaker’s familiar, this predacious Andrussian Albatross acts as
the keen eyes and ears of its callous master across the Basin (71). For the last few
weeks it has observed Dalbran from a distance, instilling in the youth a paralysing
fear of open spaces. However, should the party undertake any actions against the
Sea Speaker’s ritual, it is Coleridge who will hinder their efforts, wherever they
may be in the Basin. These disruptions range from the theft of provisions, maps
and supplies, to outright attack. Coleridge will never willingly endanger his life
however, fleeing to his nest at the Sea Speaker’s Tower (23) if gravely wounded.
C oleridge
is an untraditional
included in any tables as a party may
A nglergoblin
Scarcely recorded in any bestiary due to the unfathomable lightless depths in which
they live, Anglergoblins are foul little creatures exposed to the surface world in the
wake of the Great Drain. Whilst slimy and diminutive, Anglergoblins shouldn’t be
underestimated - they are wiry, cruel and wreak havoc in small packs. Anglergoblins
only come out at night, unable to stand any light save the one emanating from the fleshy
growth atop their heads. They screech incessantly in sunlight while seeking shelter,
spitting viscous, tarry bile to extinguish light sources.
A nglergoblin S haman
Though unobserved by many - save for a few survivors in Brost (11) - Anglergoblins
seemingly have a societal hierarchy, which Shamans sit atop. More hunched, greyer
and even slimier than their kin, Anglergoblin Shamans festoon themselves in kelp-
woven cloaks and carry driftwood staves. They obsessively excavate fossils from the
seabed and form crude, primal shrines around such finds.
A nglergoblin T rawler
Leaner in body and longer in arm, Anglergoblin Trawlers patter their damp feet
across the Andrussian Basin (5) and through the streets of Brost (11), hunting
anything their tribe can eat - fish is preferable, but as sources grow scarce, man-flesh is
increasingly delectable. Packs of Trawlers commonly hunt together, communicating in
chittering screeches and intermittently flashing the bulbs atop their head.
D ehydrated M erfolk
Thought to be a myth by many yet revealed by the Drain, Merfolk are fish-tailed
humanoids with webbed appendages, gilled necks and pearlescent olive skin. Their
faces are uncannily human and, judging by the fine craftsmanship of their arms,
armour and settlements, previously maintained a sophisticated submerged society.
The Drain filled the Merfolk with livid wrath however, and though many waste away in
the open air, they will not hesitate to use the last of their strength to strike down those
who would pillage their civilisation.
A ruling figure of the Ascetics, the Baptist is a callous Merfolk leader attired in pearl
cuirass and plated fin-guards presiding over the Temple Andrussa (33)—an eons-old
monastery built in reverence of the Leviathan god. The Baptist is responsible for the
protection of the temple and safeguarding an ancient ritual that transforms humans
into Merfolk, willingly or otherwise. The Merfolk Baptist fights with an ornate trident,
weighted kelp nets and a pair of black-pearl bolas. It always attempts to subdue prey for
transformation first before seeking a mortal blow.
M erfolk A scetics
These Merfolk warrior-monks are found solely in the Temple Andrussa. A subtly
different Merfolk breed possessing cold, pale skin and a slight frame wrapped in lean
dense muscle. They have long, strong tails allowing them to stand upright like serpents
and move with terrifying speed. Their hair is neatly braided with kelp strands and they
wield keen, pearlescent weapons and toss weighted kelp nets with expert precision.
E xtraction G uards
Maintaining order and a steady pace from the extraction workforce, these guards
patrol Leviathan’s End (22) and Ogden’s Brewery (34) with near-mechanical diligence.
Wrapped in protective leathers and obscuring linens with a greater degree of body
padding, these guards carry simple pikes and wear cracked leathery jerkins over their
protective garb. Beneath their bindings, the guards are cruel-faced elves who dedicated
their lives to Garvym’s (64) industrialisation over years of unscrupulous schemes. To
further ensure their loyalty in the grim conditions of the Basin, Garvym provides every
guard with a small daily dose of Sea Vitae (80)—keeping their inevitable Rot symptoms
in check, for those who would leave would promptly find their symptoms worsening.
E xtraction W orkers
Wrapped head-to-toe in linen bindings, thick leathers and protective goggles, these
workers toil endlessly at the Leviathan’s Corpse (22) to extract precious blood and
scales for Garvym’s (64) operations. Varied in who they were before Garvym’s
industrial entrapment, as a whole they are broken, down-trodden sorts avoidant of
conflict with interlopers. Beneath their masks, most are locals infected with Sea‑Rot
(81), entrapped in Garvym’s employ by the vague promise of rationed Sea Vitae
(80) to relieve their ever-worsening symptoms.
H old -O uts
Whether too infirm or too attached to leave, these disparate people chose to stand their
ground in Brost’s (16) ruins. Though they avoid quarreling—welcoming any lending a
hand against Anglergoblin incursions—Hold-Outs do not take kindly to Carpers (74)
and other looters pilfering the ruins of their beloved town.
F eral D og
Comprised of Brost’s (16) domestic dogs, hunting hounds gone astray and gaunt wolves
of the Moorland, these packs of feral dogs roam the streets of Brost (16) in search of
anything, or anyone, they can get their teeth into.
S ea P lagued
Limpets grow like boils across the taught and pallid skin, and the shelled mouths of
barnacles rupture flesh—unfortunate souls lost to Sea Rot (81). Their minds addled,
they wildly flit between wanting to spread their agony and seeking out a quick death on
a sword’s edge.
Brittleskinned, Disorganized
Violent End
Brawn Check or contract Sea Rot (81) instead of damage.
An Andrussian Bestiary
Contrary to the Hold-Outs’ ideals, Opportunists are dastardly bandits looting Brost and,
by extension, the Basin for all its worth. Despite their shared predilections for requisition,
they lack the wits or misplaced bravery of fully-fledged Cryptdiggers and the humility
of Carpers. As a result their behaviours have often grown vulturous and Opportunists
come into conflict with Carpers and Cryptdiggers across the Basin on a daily basis.
Opportunists form groups with different skillsets,
Brigands similar to Cryptdigging parties. Use the examples
on the following pages or create them using the
Cryptdigger Generator available at
L eviathanic C ultists
Leviathanic Priests at the height of their communion are said to be overtaken by the
will of the Leviathan itself. Previously, this lead to gargled, bubbling chants that were
said to be esoteric scripture. Now the Leviathan is dead, the possessions have taken
a darker turn, and possessed cultists will violently lash out at any and all who do not
wear the colours of their order.
Possessed Cultists
Possessed Cultists have Undead and Battle Rage but no longer have The
Holy Song of War.
B e n e at h t h e m i s s i n g s e a
Hammer & Chisel, Pickaxe, Mirror, Flute, Set of Files, Hooded Lantern, 10 Foot Pole,
Book of Sailors' Songs. Cloth Chessboard, Wooden Pieces.
Set of Files, Caltrops, Flask of Acid, Dice, Shovel, Chain, Grease, Scimitar, Prayer
Playing Cards, Bag of Shells. Beads, Hymn Book.
Shovel, Whetstone, Set of Files, Pliers, Lock & Key, Set of Files, Writing Kit,
Pouch of Anglergoblin Teeth, Black Cord. Shaving Soap, Shaving Razor, Scissors.
Hammer & Chisel, Shovel, Chain, Flint & Whetstone, 10' Pole, Holy Water, 3
Tinder, Wool Socks, Heavy Blanket. Candles, 5 Small Bells, 30' of String.
Half-fish, half-man, this obscene beast is a harbinger of the sea’s fury brought forth by
Brost’s (11) callous attitude towards fishing. From a fat, waxy body emerges a rotund
head and with beady black eyes buried in blubbery flesh it observes its prey. Spiracles
open and close with quickening pace, and from a grinning maw an unnatural baritone
song emerges, luring exploiters of the sea’s bounty into a deathly trance. Previously only
seen in Leviathanic mosaics, these are the Sea Monks—allegedly the oldest and most
zealous worshippers of the Andrussian Leviathan. With the loss of the sea’s waters,
one found its way to Brost’s Fisherman’s Yard (13) and seeks profane vengeance.
Cryptdiggers chosen by the Sea Monk will first hear its song as the
overwhelming sound of crashing waves. If they do not plug their ears within
a few minutes they soon feel compelled to seek out hooks or hook-like objects
to drive through their mouth and cheeks. Failing 2 Grip Checks worsens
the compulsion. It is then only a matter of time before the Cryptdigger is
compelled to drown themselves in saltwater.
Given its title by fearful Carpers, The Ossifier is an ashen, bony Anglergoblin Shaman
clad in tattered wet robes and festooned with fragmented bone and coral trinkets and
fetishes. Atop the Ossifier’s staff a black conch is wedged between splintered driftwood.
Mood Brawn: 0 Vigour: 20 Weaponry
Cultists Will: Armour: 8 Claws/Staff
Advancements Wit: 1 Grip: 8
Aquatic, Corpsemover, Fear of the Light, Fearsome, Luminescent,
Otherwordly Gaze, Spirits of the Beyond
O ssified C rew
The former crew of Our Virtuous Lady, raised by the Ossifier’s magics. Encrusted bony
growths erupt from the skin, blooming like moss across decaying flesh. The hands of
these unfortunate souls are particularly gristly, capped with hard, scabrous growths
that better enable digging into bedrock — or flesh.
Mood Brawn: 1 Vigour: 6 Weaponry
Constructs Will: Armour: 10 Various
Advancements Wit: 0 Grip: 0
Aquatic, Resistance (Slashing & Piercing), Undead
Ossified Captain
Armed with an Ornate Officer's Cutlass (86)
B e n e at h t h e m i s s i n g s e a
Part-experiment, part-companion, the shark that Marienn (71) keeps in the Tower’s
Antechamber Pool (24) is an unliving monstrosity. Prowling the acrid green waters
laced with preservative chemicals and arcane enchantments, Conseil, as Marienn
calls him, is often the first and last resident of the tower that unwelcome guests meet.
Conseil cannot be killed as it is in the preserving water. If removed, it instantaneously
decays, flesh begins to slough away whenever it breaches the water.
S ea G olem
Monstrous humanoid brutes formed from coral fragments, flotsam and jetsam and
bound together by writhing kelp and briny magic. These Golems patrol the Sea
Speaker’s Tower (23), bound to Marienn’s (71) will.
W aterbound R evenant
The Sea Speaker will not let go of the past easily; his former servants and crewmates
are no exception. Rotting, water-logged flesh hangs over sodden naval attire and
Leviathanic robes while black, ichorous water continually pours from the mouths of
these aquamancy-animated ghoulish wretches.
A slender, womanly figure possessed of a strange, dark and terrible grace. She
has large, jet-black eyes and lank, damp hair flecked with grey sand. Fishs-
cales form around her cheeks, and gills open and close upon the neck. Her ex-
tremities and underarms are webbed like a fish, and she is dressed in damp,
sodden rags adorned with sea-shells and coral fetishes. Among the rags
and twine that hold the sea-shells in place, there is a kerchief, tattered, sod-
den and stained with saltwater, but of the deepest, most remarkable blue.
The Handmaiden is naturally hostile to interlopers in the Undersea, but those accom-
panying bearers of the Leviathanic Egg Sac (78) find her to be most hospitable and
even communicative. She tells a story of how she was once a woman. from Brost, who
prayed to the sea to wash away a terrible sickness. It did so, but in return asked for her
eternal servitude. She does not remember much of her old life now, but feels as if the
blue kerchief is of some importance to it. (63)
H andmaiden ’ s T hralls
Fanatical Leviathanics who have ventured too deeply into the Sea Caves
(16) and heard the true voice of the sea. Their eyes have turned black and
they weep grey water. They carry Ossified Ritual Daggers at their hip and
clay flasks that contain water from the Undersea. They fight without fear.
Ogden fled Brost with as many barrels
of his home-brewed stout as he could
haul. He will be grateful to anyone
who brings him another barrel.
Ogden also owns a farmstead-turned-
distillery on the Moorland North of Brost
(29) where he brews Black Sail Stout. He
plans to retire there once the Opportunist
(46) boom around the shelf dries up.
Ogden sent word to the distillery last
week requesting more Black Sail Stout
barrels but hasn’t gotten a response. He’s
growing concerned and requests any friendly
Cryptdiggers to check on his distillery.
Should Garvym catch wind of any particularly
unscrupulous Cryptdiggers operating around
the Basin, he discreetly approaches them with
a lucrative proposition. Announcing himself to
the party as being in the business of ‘alternative
medicinal extractions,’ there are several ‘assets’
he wishes to procure for his ventures. He wants
them brought, discreetly, and suggests delivery
at to a crossroads on the Moor for collection by
his associates (29). These ‘assets’ include:
Vorst has toiled for years building a state-of-the-
art Diving Suit but lacks a few key components to
finish it and will pay handsomely for:
The Extraction Workers Oban
has been puppeteering are starting
to wear out. He is willing to pay to
Cryptdiggers for replacements, whether
they be willing, unwilling or recently
dead (but mostly intact) corpses.
REWARD: Oban rewards the
Cryptdiggers with 3 Experience
worth of Gold for each suitable
replacement worker or corpse.
REANNA SAUR “We will not sound the retreat until we are
absolutely certain there is nothing of value to us
GUILDMASTER in that ruin. The Blades have never left empty-
Lean, Armored, handed.”
A middle-aged woman with a lean face BEST LEFT BURIED
and short hair in a tight bun. She wears Reanna spoke at length with the Arcanists at
brigandine around the camp but keeps Coiner’s Shelf (9) regarding the Drain. She
a full suit of plate-mail in her tent for
is fascinated by the secrets a previously-sealed
ventures into Crypts.
undersea Temple could yield. However, her
She cares more about results troops do not share her fervour and most are with
than her men and is eager to Umber in refusing to delve the Temple. Reanna
see what magical and financial is willing to allow passage beyond Rainer’s
boons are gleaned from the Last Stand to external Cryptdiggers, providing
Temple Andrussa (38). Her they map the Temple’s interior and report any
second-in-command, Gerholdt observations of its content and purpose.
Umber, requested retreat after
witnessing the particularly violent Cryptdiggers reporting to Reanna with
passing of Rainer’s Scout Wing comprehensive findings are offered
but Saur is trying to buy time—she colours and good standing in the Silver
just needs Cryptdiggers capable, Blades. Members have access to a basic
or foolish, enough to make one armoury, a physician and three square
good run into the Temple. meals a day as well as regular Cryptdigging.
Disregarding if Cryptdiggers accept, she
offers each of them one of the company’s
eponymous Silver Blades. Bearers may
recruit Hirelings under her command (81).
Arcane Volley
Marienn can make Ranged attacks with Will as an attack stat.
Sea Speaker
Marienn does not require Grip to use his Advancements and Adaptations. He
may only use his Grip for Exertion.
Leviathanic Hierophant
Each turn, Marienn may move and take an action as normal. In addition, he
prepares one of the following Actions below. Windup occurs on Marienn’s
turn, the Action at the start of the next round.
' Ghosts of the Sea
Windup: Wailing screams throughout the tower, spectral shapes take form.
Action: D3 Waterboound Revenants (53) attack.
' Crushing Waves
Windup: Standing water gravitates to Marienn, like a swelling wave. Choose up to
three Zones in Short Range.
Action: Wave is released. Characters in Zones must Brawn Check or be knocked down
(Restrained) for one turn.
' Briny Embrace
Windup: Water crystallises on Marienn's skin. He is Ironshelled and makes attacks
Against The Odds until his next turn.
Action: Marienn regains 2D6 Vigour.
B e n e at h t h e m i s s i n g s e a
MERCHANTS myriad dangers revealed by the drain have also given rise
to an industry of wayfinders, bodyguards and healers.
1-2 They don’t know
they are infected.
3-4 They conceal they
are infected.
5-6 They are visibly infected.
People of the Basin
Carpers cost:
4 XP
offer greatly increased carrying capacity of Gold
and are eagle-eyed scavengers. They per week
never miss an area’s rare or crucial
items, even if the party does. Leviathanic Missionaries
Named after the bottom-feeding fish, Carpers offer their services in traversing the
are the scavengers of the Andrussian. seabed at the Overlook. They know
Equipped with scrimshaw carts the lay of the land disturbingly well -
and harnesses, they roam the Basin considering it was all underwater until
collecting any interesting trinkets, debris a few weeks ago. When travelling with
or bric‑a‑brac they encounter. Almost a Missionary, the party only rolls Basin
entirely made up of Brost’s (11) former Encounters once every other day, as
workforce, particularly those unwilling the Missionary safely navigates the
to leave the Basin, the average Carper is terrain, avoiding dangerous hexes. If
a desperate character, looking to eke out the party travels to the Bay of Bones
whatever honest living they still can from (15) they do not need to roll on
the Andrussian Sea. Mostly bound to the the encounter table at all - for all
micro-economy of bringing their finds Missionaries know the safest and most
back to the Scrapper’s Alcove and selling direct route to their sacred ground.
their haulage wholesale to merchants,
some Carpers could be persuaded to work O ne of the more enigmatic forces in
as pack-mules and scavengers on behalf of the Basin, the Leviathanic Priests are
adventurers for sufficient pay. an ancient order that worshipped the
Andrussian Sea as a holy body of water.
Found at Scrapper’s Alcove (10) They believed it a cradle of civilisation—
and anywhere the getting is good. the place where life first crawled from
the water. More ominously, in their
Pickers ‘Great Cycle’ ideology, the Priests believe
sort through mountains of debris humanity’s end will come from the same
brought in daily by Carpers. If the waters. With the sea drained and the
party is looking for something in onset of the Sea Rot (81) epidemic,
particular, a good Picker has already Leviathanics believe changing times are
found it, knows who has it or knows a upon the world. That doesn’t mean they’re
Carper who can find such a thing. unwilling to earn a few coins as wayfarers
P aid a meagre wage by the Merchants of and local guides, however.
the Shelf. Pickers are those eager to work Found at Leviathanic Overlook (9)
the seafloor but too infirm to be Carpers.
When Carpers bring their haulage back
from the Basin, it is the Pickers that
sift through the piles of flotsam, jetsam
and debris for items potentially worth
something to their merchant patrons.
Pickers are scrupulous people, but often
desperate. If their wage is surpassed, they
will happily serve Cryptdiggers.
Found at Scrapper’s Alcove (10)
B e n e at h t h e m i s s i n g s e a
75 cost:
7 XP
of Gold
Worth D6 Experience.
Sp o i l s o f t h e S e a
CAPTAIN’S LOG A leather-bound journal embossed with the hook and anchor sigil of Brost’s fishing
fleet. Details the droll voyages of the shipping vessel before taking a harrowing turn
recounting the crew’s final few days ran aground in the Basin as the Angergoblins
closed in.
Grants D6 Experience.
CARPERS HARNESS A rickshaw harness fashioned from bits of old wood and briny rope, it straps across
the chest and provides several shelves and boxes on the back for storing a wide variety
of loot and salvage.
Allows the wearer to comfortably bear twice their usual
load while retaining the use of their hands, though the
back-heavy nature puts the bearer Against the Odds on all
Dexterity-related Wit Checks.
CORAL-TIPPED Crafted by Merfolk to hunt underwater game, these fragile arrows are tipped with
ARROWS Mother of Pearl and if they do not find a home in the side of a beast, they could
certainly find one upon the shelf of a Jeweller’s shop.
MERFOLK EARRING It is said that Marienn once had a brief fling with a Merfolk Songstress, though this is
largely attributed to naval banter. Were it true, this minimalistic earring fashioned
with a single black pearl likely had something to do with it.
Whoever wears it can understand and even speak Mermiron
— the language of the Merfolk.
B e n e at h t h e m i s s i n g s e a
MERFOLK WEAPONS Incredibly light and exceptionally streamlined for underwater use, these ornate
weapons wrought from pearl and coral are as strong and sharp as the finest steel.
RITUAL KNIFE OF A cruel dagger with a blade of sharpened bone and a handle of ancient, obsidian coral.
Light Weapon. If this knife strikes anyone afflicted with
Sea Rot (81), they must pass a Will Check or rapidly
deteriorate into briny water— dying almost instantaneously.
SILVER BLADE An antiquated blade passed down among the seniors of the Silver Blades mercenary
Despite its venerable age, its stamped hallmark and the
abundancy of such weapons within the encampment
suggests these were once mass-produced.
Sp o i l s o f t h e S e a
SEA VITAE Ichor and secretions taken from the Andrussian Leviathan and distilled into a cure-
all by the elven merchant Garvym. A black, viscous liquid that pours like molasses.
Scrutinised with magnifying tools, the liquid contains thousands of tiny worms.
Bringing this staff before the Sea Stack (28) upon which the
Sea Speaker’s Tower sits will cause stone blocks to emerge
from the cliff-face, forming a spiral staircase around the
island and eradicating the need for a climb. In addition,
the staff gifts Fire & Lightning Strange with the element of
Crashing Tides to the wielder.
WHISPERING CONCHES A pair of blue conchs, crested with a mother of pearl inlay.
SEA ROT barnacles and pustules that rupture the infected's skin.
Sea Rot is incurable when the players first enter the Basin.
Infected individuals
are typically isolated in
STAGE ONE Small, hard bumps begin emerging in the armpits and groin—difficult to spot
without medical examination. Barnacles form in the mouth causing a foul, salty
taste on the tongue and a ravenous thirst..
' The Cryptdigger must drink twice as much water daily or their Brawn is reduced by one until
they drink a litre or more of water at once.
STAGE TWO Barnacles rupture from beneath the flesh while brine and spittle gathers
and hardens around the mouth. The infection spreads across the body,
small patches forming lumps over the skin, secreting infectious fluid. The
disease’s progression must be actively concealed or most civilised folk will
shun and ignore the infected.
' Wounds heal slower as blood becomes briney—Vigour is regained at a slower rate. Whenever
a character would heal Vigour—from resting, magic or potions—reduce amount gained by 1.
STAGE The infected’s body is reclaimed by the sea. Barnacles sprout all over
THREE forming coral ossifications and sandy, scabrous growths. Limpets are at-
tracted to individuals at this stage and many take host upon the infected.
Saltwater and pus ooze from the barnacles, befouling any bindings or attire
the infected wears. The infection is impossible to conceal. Civilised folk
actively flee or attempt to destroy the infected. Ossification spreads to the
brain and the individual may lose their sense of self in feverish bouts.
' The Cryptdiggergains the Brittleskinned Adaptation.
' The Cryptdigger loses 1 point of Grip and Vigour daily. At 0 Vigour they expire. If their Grip
hits zero they live on as an ever-suffering Sea Plagued (45). Remove the Cryptdigger
from the player's control.
Sp o i l s o f t h e S e a
Monsters have a Hit ' Calculate damage and spells by giving the
Dice (HD) for each monster a weapon and scaling damage by
6 Vigour beyond 3. comparing it to a D20 monster with similar
hit dice.
Vigour HD
0-3 0 ' For Armour Class (AC) start at a AC 11 for
a target number of 8 and increase the AC
4-9 1 by two for every unit the target number
10-16 2 increases by.
Monster Advancements
Acidic Bloodthirsty
If this monster hits with an attack, defending This monster has Advantage on attacks if the
player must make a DC 14 Dexterity save or have a target has less than half of its total HP.
weapon, tool, or piece of armour be damaged (stat The monster has Advantage towards perception
reduced by 1, or Disadvantage to use it). checks to detect targets that are at less than half
of their total HP.
(Either once per day, or recharging on a 6) This
monster can transform into a new form. This monster has vulnerability to physical attacks.
Aquatic Compressible
This monster can breathe underwater. It has The monster moves at regular speed through
Advantage on checks made while underwater. difficult terrain involving tight spaces, and it can
move at half-speed through impassable terrain
Beetle Flesh due to tight spaces.
When killed, the monster turns into a swarm of
rats, bats, worms or insects. Unless this swarm is
destroyed, the monster reforms in D6 days. The monster can spend an action to make a
humanoid corpse something unnatural, like glow,
Blinking stand up or dance.
(Recharge on a 6) A monster can use its action and
movement to disappear from view, moving up to
90' away. Does not provoke opportunity attacks.
B e n e at h t h e m i s s i n g s e a
Razorclawed Wound-Knitting
Attacks made by the monster have Advantage and The monster recovers a HD of HP per turn.
ignore physical damage resistance.
Depending on the monster, this might be disabled
by acid, cold, holy or fire damage.
Choose a type of damage, like fire, slashing,
bludgeoning, piercing, acid, lightning etc. The
monster has resistance to that type of damage.
Petrifying Gaze
(Recharge on a 6) The monster can spend its action
to attempt to Petrify an enemy. The enemy must
make a DC 14 Wisdom save or be immobilised. On
its next turn, the monster can spend an action to
repeat this and force the target to make another
Wisdom save. If the target fails, they are fully
turned to stone.
Treat this monster as being invisible while in a
When the monster kills a target, it regains a HD
worth of HP
Spider Climb
The monster can stick to walls or ceilings, and can
move across them at half-speed.
Any checks made to grapple or restrain the
monster are at Disadvantage.
The monster cannot be targeted by mind altering
magics and does not have to eat, breathe or drink.
This monster doesn't feel pain, is not effected by
physical debilitations, and cannot be critically hit.
Violent End
When the monster dies, it explodes. Every monster
within 10 feet must make a DC 14 Dexterity save or
take HD�d6 damage
Choose a type of damage, like fire, slashing,
bludgeoning, piercing, acid, lightning etc. This
monster has vulnerability towards that type of
Brawn Wits Will Name: XP
Advancements Equipment
Consequences Treasure
Description Type Range Attack Stat Damage Modifier Initiative
Max Current
1. Caspian All prices listed in treasure cost of Experience. For
2. Herman anything not listed use for valuation rules from the Best
Left Buried treasure chapter.
3. Andras
1. Carper, Picker, Leviathanic Missionary (74) per week. 4
4. Orvin
Skilled Worker (Surgeon, Translator, Wizard, Priest) per day. 5
5. Margo
Cart & 2 Horses. 20
6. Hemmingway
1 Week of Food (per person). 2
1. Pryce
1 Week of Water (per person). 3
2. Pike
1 Bottle of Sea Vitae (86). 2
3. Wold
2. Weapon. 2
4. Magda
Equipment from Best Left Buried character creation. 2
5. Cordelia
Plate Armor. 5
6. Firth
Potion. ~5
1. Adrian
Magic Item. ~10
2. Calder
Custom-Made or Unusual Equipment (per word used). 1
3. Dylan
4. Irving
6. Christoph
1. Oscar WEATHER around the Andrussian Basin is
2. Bella unpredictable and changes sporadically.
3. Wilbur 1. Icy winds, pricked with sleet. Omen of a harsh winter.
4. Ryll 2. Overcast skies spit feeble, drizzling rains. The air is
heavy around you.
5. Burke
3. Raging downpour. Cloaks cling to the skin, the cold
6. Coral
fabric chills you to the bone.
1. Eleanor
4. Stillness. A mild breeze stirs and a cloudless, sunless
2. Bethan sky casts a timeless atmosphere.
3. Maynor 5. Autumnal winds shear warmth from the body and
4. Hart leave a numb chill in the fingers. The smell of
woodsmoke hangs on the breeze.
5. Nathaniel
6. Marie 6. Bleak. Thunder in the distance.