Caltech Lie Theory Notes
Caltech Lie Theory Notes
Caltech Lie Theory Notes
of x, V ⊂ M , which is diffeomorphic to v
an open set U ⊂ Rk . u
R2 . f -1
The vectors ∂f
∂u and ∂f
∂v are linearly u
Note that ∂f ∂f
∂u ∂v = 0, implying that (f, U ) is an orthogonal
coordinate system.
1. Tp S , is the closest linear approximation to M at p.
2. Generally, if p1 6= p2 , then Tp1 S 6= Tp2 S .
3. The dimension of a manifold, M , is defined as the
dimension of its tangent space: dim(M ) = dim(Tp M ).
4. The definition of the tangent space is intrinsic.
X : Q → TQ q
Xt (·) ≡ X(·, t)
where, ΦX
t is the flow of the vector field X .
where, ΦX
t is the flow of the vector field X .
where, ΦX
t is the flow of the vector field X .
where, ΦX
t is the flow of the vector field X .
µ : G × G → G, (g, h) 7→ gh,
is C ∞ , as is inversion.
Verona Short Course, August 25-29, 2002 – p.11/28
The Classical Matrix Groups
Definition 5 The set of n × n invertible matrices under
matrix multiplication forms group, denoted by GL(n).
Rg : G → G, Rg (h) = hg.
Note that,
gg T = I . y
det(g) = 1. x
g z
h gh
gg T = I . y
det(g) = 1. x
g z
h gh
g:M →M A
g:M →M A
h X(gh)
X(h) gh
X(g) = Xξ (g) = Te Lg ξ
−ω2 ω1 0
The Lie Bracket is the matrix commutator:
Adg : g → g, Adg η ≡ Te Ig · η
Transformation of observer.
Used for body/spatial transformations.
ġ = Xξ (g) = Te Lg ξ= gξ
exp : g → G, ξ 7→ eξ
eξ G
Verona Short Course, August 25-29, 2002 – p.23/28
The Exponential Map
A flow is obtained by solving for the differential equations
defined by a left-invariant vector field,
ġ = Xξ (g) = Te Lg ξ = gξ
exp : g → G, ξ 7→ eξ
eξ G
Verona Short Course, August 25-29, 2002 – p.23/28
Actions of Lie Groups 2
Definition 5 Let Q be a manifold and let G be a Lie group.
A left action of a Lie group G on M is a smooth mapping
Φ : G × Q → Q such that:
1. Φ(e, x) = x, ∀ x ∈ Q, and
2. Φ(g, Φ(h, x)) = Φ(gh, x), ∀ g, h ∈ G.
The action of g ∈ G on q ∈ Q will typically be written as g · q
of simply gq .
Shape → Directly controlled. q M
back wheels l ϕ2
φb (x,y) l
p b
T3 × SE(2) T2 × SE(2)
T2 × SE(2) R3 × SE(2)