Name: Indrani Mondal ROLL NO: 11101420021 Year: 3 Year Subject
Name: Indrani Mondal ROLL NO: 11101420021 Year: 3 Year Subject
Name: Indrani Mondal ROLL NO: 11101420021 Year: 3 Year Subject
ROLL NO : 11101420021
YEAR : 3rd year
Printing is localized dyeing. Printing is the most important of all the processes used at
present to decorate textile materials.
The main idea of printing is the deliberate and controlled application of dye to exactly
defined locations on the fabric leaving the rest of the fabric essentially unaffected.,
The following auxiliaries are used in printing:-
a) Wetting agent
b) Dispersing agents or solvents
c) Antifoaming agent
d) Hygroscopic agent
e) Oxidizing and reducing agent
f) Carriers
g) Binders
h) After washing agents
i) Miscellaneous auxiliaries
j) Thickeners
Thickening Agents
In the printing of reactive dyes the choice of a thickener is very important.
Thickeners based on starches cannot be used as reactive dyes react with these thickeners.
Sometimes emulsion thickeners are also used either alone or in combination with sodium
Pigment Printing Binders
The binders used in pigment printing are polymers that form clear, colorless ,and relatively soft
films, and have very little effect on color shades and handle. The binder film should coat the
pigment and provide physical adhesion to the substrate, and so protect the printed pigments
from mechanical abrasion (rubbing fastness, washing fastness, etc.). The thickness of the films
Fixing Agents
The level of the wet fastnesses (wet rubbing,home laundry, etc.) achievable simply by the use of a
binder is often inadequate for many purposes, especially on smooth fibers such as polyester.A
significant improvement in fastness is obtained by the use of an additional fixing
agent that strengthens the three-dimensional network of the binder film [6]. However, this
has a certain disadvantageous effect on the hand.
In high- and low-solvent pigment printing, the emulsifier stabilizes the solvent as an oil-in-water (o/w)
emulsion, which functions as a thickened paste with the appropriate rheology. Water-in-oil (w/o) emulsions
are now-adays very seldom used. In solvent-free pigment printing, the main tasks of the emulsifier are to
prevent agglomeration of the pigment, screen blocking, and separation of components of the print paste. At
the same time, the fastness properties and the surface printing must not be affect-ed, as sometimes
happens with simple wetting agent. Example is : Kerosene
Antifoaming Agents
In the case of roller printing, wetting agents are used in the printing paste & simultaneously continuous
agitation of the paste is also taking place in the colour box in which printing paste is kept.
Thus a considerable amount of foam is produce in the colour box.
Due to this overflowing of the colour takes place, which then falls on the other box.
Hygroscopic Agent
The function of hygroscopic agents used in the printing paste is to take up sufficient amounts of
water during steaming to give mobility to dye molecules, to enable them to transfer to the fibre.
Glycerine, diethylene glycol and urea are generally used as hygroscopic agents in printing.
Oxidizing agents are added during the preparation of printing paste but it should be effective on
colour only during steaming. Reducing agents are used mainly for printing of vat colours, sulphur
colours, etc. & for production of reducing discharge effect on the goods dye with direct, vat,
indigosol etc. & also for producing resist style in the application of insoluble azoic colours.