1. The document outlines rules for modifying Arabic words based on their structure and phonetic properties.
2. One rule is that if a verb is in the mawsool form and follows the fa3il pattern, the waw is dropped from the present tense form.
3. Another rule is that if the verb's present tense form had the waw dropped (per Rule 1), the waw is also dropped from the verbal noun derived from that verb, and vowel markings are shifted accordingly.
1. The document outlines rules for modifying Arabic words based on their structure and phonetic properties.
2. One rule is that if a verb is in the mawsool form and follows the fa3il pattern, the waw is dropped from the present tense form.
3. Another rule is that if the verb's present tense form had the waw dropped (per Rule 1), the waw is also dropped from the verbal noun derived from that verb, and vowel markings are shifted accordingly.
1. The document outlines rules for modifying Arabic words based on their structure and phonetic properties.
2. One rule is that if a verb is in the mawsool form and follows the fa3il pattern, the waw is dropped from the present tense form.
3. Another rule is that if the verb's present tense form had the waw dropped (per Rule 1), the waw is also dropped from the verbal noun derived from that verb, and vowel markings are shifted accordingly.
1. The document outlines rules for modifying Arabic words based on their structure and phonetic properties.
2. One rule is that if a verb is in the mawsool form and follows the fa3il pattern, the waw is dropped from the present tense form.
3. Another rule is that if the verb's present tense form had the waw dropped (per Rule 1), the waw is also dropped from the verbal noun derived from that verb, and vowel markings are shifted accordingly.
Description No Sample word Permissable From --» To ُ ُ ُ َي ِعد َي ْو ِعد َي ِعد 1 If ( )فعل مضارعis ( )مثال واوىand it occurs on the ( )وزنof (فع ُل َ Compulsory --» ِ )يthen ( )وis dropped. َ َ َي ْوض ُع َيض ُع Note: If it occurs on the ( )وزنof (فع ُل َ َ)يthen ( )وis mostly dropped --» but not always.When it is not dropped it is ()سماىع. 2 ٌ َ This rule applies on ()اسم مصدر: Compulsory ٌْ --» ٌ َ ِعدة ٌ ْ ِوعد ِعدة - If the ( )وزنof ( )مصدرis (;)ف ْع ُل ِ example ()وعد ِ - And if ( )وwas dropped from its (( )فعل مضارعRefer rule 1) then : Step 1: ( )وis also dropped from ()مصدر. Step 2: ( )حركةof ( )وis given to the letter after it. Step 3 A ( )فتحةis given to ()ع كلمة Step 4 ( )ة مربوةis added with a tanween at the end. ٌ ٌ َ ٌ 3 ِم ْي َعاد If a single ( )وis ( )ساكنand its preceding letter is ( )مكسورthen ( )وis Compulsory ِم ْوعاد --» ِم ْي َعاد ٌ َ ٌ َ changed to a ()ى. ِم ْوزان --» ِم ْ زيان Note: This rule generally applies to ( )اسم الةbut also relevant for ِا ْو َج ْل --» ِا ْي َج ْل ()فعل امر 4 ُ ِ ُي ْو ِس \ ُم ْو ِق ٌن If a ( )ىis ( )ساكنand its preceding letter is ( )مرفوعthen ( )ىis Compulsory ِسُ ِ ُي ْي --» ِس ُ ِ ُي ْو changed to a ()و. ُم ْي ِق ٌن --» ُم ْو ِق ٌن ُ ْ َ ُ ْ ُ ْ َ 5 ا َوا ِعد If two ( )وoccur at the beginning of a word and the both are Compulsory َو َوا ِعد --» ا َوا ِعد ( )متحركthen we will change the first ( )وinto a ()همزة. ُ ُ 5.1 ا ْو ِر َي If two ( )وoccur at the beginning of a word and the first one is Permissable ُو ْو ِر َي --» ا ْو ِر َي ( )متحركwhile the second one is ( )ساكنthen we will change the first َ َ ُ ( )وinto a ()همزة. ُو ْوَل --» ا ْوَل َ َ َّ َ ََ َ َ َّ 6 ِاتقد If in ( )باب افتعالthe ( )وor ( )ىoccur at the start of the ()حروف اصىل Compulsory ِا ْوتقد --» ِاتقد then we will change the ( )وor ( )ىto a ( )تand we will merge the َ َّ two ( )تand make it ( )ادغامi.e. apply ()تشديد. ِا ْوت َص َل --» ِات َص َل Note: This rule applies only in the case that ( )وor ( )ىare (حروف ِسَ َ ِا ْو َت --» ِسَ َ ِا َّت )اصىل, not if they are coming through the rules of ()مهموز.