177-Article Text-337-1-10-20201026
177-Article Text-337-1-10-20201026
177-Article Text-337-1-10-20201026
The research area is administratively located in the Tumpang Pitu Pit Site, Sumberagung Village,
Pesanggaran District, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province which is included in the coordinate
system of the Universal Transfer Mercator (UTM) WGS 84 zone 50S. Compared with phreatomagmatic
activity, which is caused by interaction / direct contact between the body of magma and water, phreatic
activity releases less energy, and consequently smaller phreatic breccia dimensions. Phreatic breccia or
hydrothermal breccias are quite often misinterpreted as phreatomagmatic structures. Hydrothermal
breccias are formed in the hydrothermal system, generally at a depth of 200-300 m, and rarely at a
depth of 500-1000 m. Based on geological structure analysis, it can be seen on the structure pattern map
in the Tumpang Pitu area, there are 2 major faults in the Northwest - Southeast direction. These 2 major
faults are the main controller for the formation of minor faults in the Tumpang Pitu area. There is a
structural pattern that develops between these 2 major faults, which is a "metallogentically fertile
structure" fault or in this pattern mineralization occurs. Based on field observations, core drilling, ASD
analysis, and petrographic analysis, the type of alteration based on the mineral assemblage is divided
into five, they are quartz, quartz-alunite, quartz kaolinite, kaolinite-montmorillonite-chlorite, and
kaolinite-montmorillonite alteration. Mineralization rocks in the study area are volcanic and volcanic
clastic rocks and occur as vuggy replacements and stockworks, disseminated, fractures, and veins.
Hydrothermal breccias in the Tumpang Pitu area are characterized by enrichment zones of the
hydrothermal system with an abundance of sulfides (Goetite, Hematite and Limonite), with Jigsaw and
Crackle breccia textures, the mass in the form of sulfide minerals Goetite, Limonite, Hematite, 50-90%
silica content and weak to strong vuggy texture. Veins and veinlet that develop are Sugary quartz -
sulphide veins (chalcopyrite, bornite) (A Type), sulphide-center line crystalline veins (B Type), pyrite +
quartz-chalcopyrite veins (D Type), early biotite (EB Type), High sulfidation epithermal veins (pyrite-
bornite-chalcocite-covellite-tetrahedrite-tennatite-enargite) (HSE type), and Magnetite veins (M Type).
Assuming homogenisation temperature is identical to formation temperature, the Tumpang Pitu
epithermal gold deposit HS is formed at the intermediate temperature 270◦C and 310◦C. The average
melting temperature is -0.3◦C and -0.7◦C which correspond to the salinity of hydrothermal fluid of 0.5 to
2% by weight equivalent to NaCl. Paleo depths from shallow and deep samples taken were around 650m
and 1220m
Tumpang Pitu area is one of several mineral prospects of Tujuh Bukit Project, located in the south
east portion of the Project area. Tujuh Bukit Project area covers 11,621 hectares under mining
exploration title "IUP" the form of exploration/ mining title introduced under the new Mining Act.
Intrepid, through a joint venture agreement with Indonesian title holder, PT Indo Multi Niaga.
Tumpang Pitu prospect is administratively located at Sumber Gandeng village, Pasanggaran
district, Banyuwangi regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. This location is reachable with four
wheel or two wheel vehicle, about 58 km to the southwest from Banyuwangi city, or
approximately 205 km south-east of Surabaya, capital of the Province of East Java
Mineralisation type of Tumpang Pitu prospect was interpreted as high sulphidation Au-Ag±Cu
zone overlying and partially overprinting a porphyry Cu-Au-Mo system. In addition to its
continued development of both high sulphidation resource and the extensive deeper sulphide
porphyry system within the Tumpangpitu prospect, Intrepid has recently started exploration
activities on a number of newly discovered areas.
Gunung Raung
793 |
Proceeding on Engineering and Science Series (ESS)
Vol. 1 (1), 792-803
The Hydrothermal Breccias Characteristics of The Tumpangpitu Porphyry Cu-Au-High Sulphidation
Epithermal Au Prospect, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia
Sutarto, Sutanto, Cicih, L., Hidayat, P., Khafarel L.P., Rigenaji P., and Kenny, L.
Physiographically, the Tumpang Pitu area and its vinicity is a part of the East Java Southern
Mountain Zone, mostly occupied by both plutonic and volcanic igneous rocks, volcanic clastic
rocks, silisic clastic rocks and also carbonate rocks. Magmatism at this area is represented by
existence of lava basalt, basaltic andesite and andesite of Merubetiri Formation and Sukamade
Formation, and granodiorite-adamelite that intrude the older rocks of Merunetiri Formation,
Sukamade Formation, and Batuampar Formation. Magmatism processes of igneous rocks on
Merubetiri area and its vinicity is begun in Early Oligocene. All of lavas of Merubetiri Formation
have a tholeitic affinity. It means that Early Oligocene’s magmatism-volcanism activity was still
relatively young. Volcanic arc of magmatism of Miocene than move to the northward. Most
volcanic rocks of Mandiku Formation are a product of Miocene magmatism, mostly have a calc-
alcaline affinity.
Rock suites at this hill are particularly at middle part of the area has been altered to be advanced
argillic alteration zone (dickite ± pyrophyllite ± alunite ± halloysite) and also got many vuggy
silica. While at the east slope part has been altered to be argillic zone (dickite ± monmorillonite ±
halloysite ± paragonite). In several outcrops are seen quartz vein stockworks that filled by iron
oxide minerals (formed boxworks). Ore mineralization is mostly found inform at hydrothermal
breccia. Wall rocks including diorite, dacite porphyry and tuff-breccia are also mineralized. Core
drilling minerals shows the presence of chalcopyirite-sphalerite-covellite mineral assemblages
which are usually found near the surface (<300m). While in depth of about 300-600 m, displays
the occurrence of magnetite-chalchocite vein-stockwork system, which suggest the presence of
possible of porphyry system. Gossan deposits (hematite±goetite) with many boxworks is found at
Merah island, is extended to 50 x 100 m, located in offshore of about 250 m south of the Tumpang
Pitu hill complex. Prophylitic alteration zone is identified in the rivers at westside of the Tumpang
Pitu hill. The alteration zone is characterized by the presence of chlorite ± epidote ± quartz ±
calcite assemblages, replacing primary minerals such as pyroxenes, plagioclases, and volcanic
glasses of andesite rocks.
Most of hydrothermal deposit type recognized in Java arc are epithermal systems. Epithermal
mineralization in West Java lie within and on flanks of Bayah Dome. Two noticeably different
style of adularia-sericite epithetmal gold deposits are found in the Bayah Dome, they are reffered
as Pongkor and Cirotan types (Marcoux and Milesi, 1994). The Cirotan type deposits are
characterized by the abundant of sulphides, include Cirotan, Cikotok and Cikidang prospects,
while the Pongkor types have very low shulphide content, include Pongkor and Ciawitali
prospects (Marcoux and Milesi, 1994).
Several styles of mineralization include porphyry Cu-Au, epithermal Au including low- and high-
sulfidation, carbonate base metal epithermal Au, quartz-sulfide Au, and volcanogenic exhalative
Mn have been recognized in some parts of Central Java and the Autonomous Region of
Yogyakarta (Sukmmandaru et.al. 2005). Porphyry Cu-Au deposit type, is only discovered in
Selogiri, Wonogiri (Imai et al.,2009).
Low sulphidation epithermal, polimetallic veins, skarn type, and porphyry type have been
identified widespread in the Southern Mountain of East Java. The Tumpang Pitu Prospect is the
first deposit identified as porphyry system, in the east part of Java. Detailed scientific study on this
deposit is still limited. Therefore this research will focus on detailed petrology, rock geochemistry
and mineral geochemistry of hydrothermal diacnostic minerals as well as study on hydrothermal
fluid evolution by mean of fluid inclusion analysis.
794 |
Proceeding on Engineering and Science Series (ESS)
Vol. 1 (1), 792-803
The Hydrothermal Breccias Characteristics of The Tumpangpitu Porphyry Cu-Au-High Sulphidation
Epithermal Au Prospect, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia
Sutarto, Sutanto, Cicih, L., Hidayat, P., Khafarel L.P., Rigenaji P., and Kenny, L.
795 |
Proceeding on Engineering and Science Series (ESS)
Vol. 1 (1), 792-803
The Hydrothermal Breccias Characteristics of The Tumpangpitu Porphyry Cu-Au-High Sulphidation
Epithermal Au Prospect, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia
Sutarto, Sutanto, Cicih, L., Hidayat, P., Khafarel L.P., Rigenaji P., and Kenny, L.
Figure 2. The distribution of the Tertiary magmatic arcs, Tertiary volcanic rocks and intrusions,
center of the Cenozoic volcanos as well as basement crust types of Java island. The distribution of
Tertiary-Quaternary volcanic rocks and intrusions is from the Geological Map of Indonesia Scale
1:1.000.000 Jakarta Sheet (Gafoer and Samodra, 1993) and Surabaya Sheet (Ratman et al., 1998),
basement crusts is from Setijadji et al. (2006) and Setijadji and Maryono (2012). Tertiary
magmatic arcs is from Soeria-Atmadja et al. (1994) while the distribution of Tertary volcanic
center is compiled from Setijadji et al. (2006), Hartono and Bronto (2007), Bronto et al. (2008)
and Abdissalam et al. (2009) (Sutarto et al., 2015).
The Lower part of Merubetiri Formation is compiled by intercalation of volcanic berccias, lava
andesites, and tuffs. While in upper part consist of limestones intercalated by marls and calcareous
tuffs. Merubetiri Formation is estimated aged Late Oligocene-Early Middle Miocene. Sukamade
Formation comprise intercalation of sandstones and claystones, as product of turbidity processes.
Age of Sukamade Formation is about Early Miocene-Middle Miocene. Batuampar Formation
comprises a volcanic sandstones and volcanic breccia intercalated by conglomerates, tuff,
claystones, and limestone is estimated aged Early Miocene-Middle Miocene. At the Tumpang Pitu
area, most of these rocks were being strongly altered, and as host rocks of hydrothermal alteration-
mineralisation of the Tumpang Pitu prospect and the Salakan prospect as well as . Stratigraphic
contact between the Merubetiri Formation, Sukamade Formation, and Batuampar is
interfengering. Many intrusive rocks were found widespread at the Tumpang Pitu area and the
vicinity, comprising granodiorite, dacite, andesite, microdiorite. These intrusive rocks are about
Midlle Miocene age and intrude the Batuampar Formation, Merubetiri Formation, and Sukamade
The Kalibaru Formation comprises a Quartenary volcaniclastic rocks, such as volcanic breccia,
tuff, aglomerat, and tuffaceous sandstone. The unit rocks appear to represent part of the volcanic
product that is largely derived from Raung Volcano to the north. In the Tumpang Pitu area and the
vicinity, these volcanic rocks lie on the Tertiary volcanic rock of the Batuampar Formation. Puger
Formation is dominated by Middle Miocene-Late Miocene coral reef limestones. Overlaying
Puger Formation is Late Miocene volcanic rocks of Mandiku Formation. Both Puger Formation
and Mandiku Formation have unconformity stratigraphic contact with underlying rock units of
Merubetiri Formation, Sukamade Formation, and Batuampar Formation. In the north-east part, the
most of Tertiary rocks are covered by the Quartenary volcanic clastic rocks of Raung volcano,
Argopura volcano, and Ijen volcano. Based on the regional geology map (Blambangan and Jember
quadrangle, Fig.3), trend direction of the mmajor structures, dominated by the NW-SE trending,
and NE-SW trending, although N-S trending also found at the Tumpangpitu area. At the
Tumpangpitu area, Cu-Au mineralisation prospect, also follow the structural trend, especially NW-
SE structural trending.
796 |
Proceeding on Engineering and Science Series (ESS)
Vol. 1 (1), 792-803
The Hydrothermal Breccias Characteristics of The Tumpangpitu Porphyry Cu-Au-High Sulphidation
Epithermal Au Prospect, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia
Sutarto, Sutanto, Cicih, L., Hidayat, P., Khafarel L.P., Rigenaji P., and Kenny, L.
2. Petrography and Ore Mineragraphy analysis. Petrography analysis using thin section
preparation will help to identify primary (rock forming minerals) and secondary minerals
that formed by hydrothermal alteration as well as rock textures. This analysis will help to
describe the kind of rock type and also the alteration hydrothermal type. Whereas
mineragraphy analysis using polished section preparation is to identify opaque minerals
(ore minerals), their textures and occurences.
3. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis to identify micro seconday minerals, especially to
differentiate clay minerals. This analysis will conducted at Department of Geology UGM
Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
4. Fluid inclusion is one of inclusions trapping in body a mineral in form as fluid (liquid
and vapor) and sometimes contain crystal (solid) in surface temperature. Fluid inclusion
analysis can provide information about the conditions existing during the formation of the
enclosing mineral, such as temperature, pressure, and hydrothermal fluid compositions.
The selected samples will be analysed using Linkham THSME 600 freezing and heating
stage, Department of Mineralogy and Economic Geology, RWTH Aachen, Germany.
5. Major elements analysis use XRF (X-Ray Fluorecense) instrumens, while trace elements
and rare earth elements (REE) analysis by mean of ICP-MS, Geochemistry Laboratory,
Department of Mineralogy and Economic Geology, RWTH Aachen, Germany. With the
Major elements, trace elements and rare earth elements (REE) datas, we can to know the
evolution of magmas and the evolution of hydrothermal fluis as well as its tectonic
797 |
Proceeding on Engineering and Science Series (ESS)
Vol. 1 (1), 792-803
The Hydrothermal Breccias Characteristics of The Tumpangpitu Porphyry Cu-Au-High Sulphidation
Epithermal Au Prospect, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia
Sutarto, Sutanto, Cicih, L., Hidayat, P., Khafarel L.P., Rigenaji P., and Kenny, L.
Figure 3. Lithology of the Tumpangpitu prospect area was mapped by PT. Hakman (1999).
Hellman (2010)
798 |
Proceeding on Engineering and Science Series (ESS)
Vol. 1 (1), 792-803
The Hydrothermal Breccias Characteristics of The Tumpangpitu Porphyry Cu-Au-High Sulphidation
Epithermal Au Prospect, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia
Sutarto, Sutanto, Cicih, L., Hidayat, P., Khafarel L.P., Rigenaji P., and Kenny, L.
zone a (clay minerals -sericite zones), advanced argillic zones (alunit-pyrophyllite, as reported by
Helman, 2010) and prophylitic zone (chlorite-epidote-calcite-clay minerals zone). Argillic zone
found at south part slope of the Tumpangpitu mount, and also Fe-oxide like limonit that form
gossan cap found at the pulau Merah (Red island). In these zones also found a lot of quartz veins
associated with sulphide minerals and oxide minerals, especially pyrite and hematite. In the river
surrounding the Tumpangpitu area and other places, found a lot of mineral alterasions of the
prophylitic assemblages, such as chlorites, epidotes, calcites and quartzs. Sulphide and oxide such
as pyrites, chalcopyrites, malachites hematites usually found associate with the alteration silicate
mineral and quartz veins.
Most of the altered rocks of Gunung Manis hill (Petak 56) and the alluvial deposits, usulally
contain a gold mineralization, associated with the present of quartz-sulphide veins dan lack of
carbonate veins (1-4 cm of thick). Chlorites, silicas, clay minerals are the commonly secondary
mineral found at this area, associated with sulphide minerals especially chalcopyrites and pyrites.
Most of the local miner who extract gold mineralization mined at Gunung Manis, usually they
made a 80-100 cm horizontal and vertical tunel from a surface to the 100 m depth.
Both The Gumuk Gendruwo Hill and Lompongan Hill, contain strong hidrothermaly altered
granodiorites. The altered rocks at Gumuk Gendruwo showing grey white-ligh brownish grey
coloured, iquigranular, 1-2 mm chrystal size, primary mineral composition are quartzs, plagioclas,
minor biotite and alkali feldsfar. Most part of the primary mineral altered and replaced by some
clay mineral, quartzs, chlorites, hematite-goetites, malachites and quartz-pyrite veins/veinlets (0,4-
2cm). The secondary minerals asemblages may becaused by hydrothermal processes and as well as
weathering (oxidation) processes. Lompongan Hill consist of altered volcanic breccia, showing
strong argilitasion and oxidation. Quartz veins which associated with gold mineralization also
found in the local miner pits, usulally located at about 20-30 m of depth. Native gold grains (0.2-
0.4 mm size) found associated with quartz vein in one pit.
Hydrothermal Breccia
Many hydrothermal breccias types are found in the Tumpang Pitu area and surrounding. Sillitoe
(1985) classified ore-related hydrothermal breccia into magmatic hydrothermal breccia,
hydromagmatic breccia (phreatic and phreatomagmatic), magmatic breccia, intrusive breccia and
tectonic breccia. There are at least two type of hydrothermal breccia have recognized in this
research, i.e. magmatic-hydrothermal breccia and phreatomagmatic breccia, which were found at
the Tumpang Pitu and Lompongan hill area (Table 1).. Magmatic hydrothermal breccia mostly
occured in contact between diorite and quartz diorite. It is characterized by angular
fragments/clasts supported or infilled by silica and sulphides matrix derived from hydrothermal
fluids precipitation.This breccia is characterized by abundant of the juvenil clasts, indicating
contact between hot magma with fluid or water. The juvenil clasts usually compossed by volcanic
glass, rounded-angular shape.
Phreatomagmatic breccias are characterized by the presence of polymictic fragments, namely
juvenile material and wall rock material about 0.6 to 6.4 cm in size with the degree of rounding
intermediate to rounded and poorly sorted, matrix supported, consist of pyroclastic grains, from
sand to clay in size with silica cement and some oxides. Most of the phreatomagmatic breccias
have undergone strong alteration characterized by the presence of alteration minerals within
massive vugy-altered rock such as silica ± alunite ± pyrophyllite and silica + alunite ± dickite with
a vugy texture. The lithology of phreatomagmatic breccias has undergone moderate to weak
alteration which is characterized by the presence of altered mineral groups such as silica +
kaolinite ± dickite ± alunite and monmorillonite ± kaolinite which still show its original texture of
799 |
Proceeding on Engineering and Science Series (ESS)
Vol. 1 (1), 792-803
The Hydrothermal Breccias Characteristics of The Tumpangpitu Porphyry Cu-Au-High Sulphidation
Epithermal Au Prospect, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia
Sutarto, Sutanto, Cicih, L., Hidayat, P., Khafarel L.P., Rigenaji P., and Kenny, L.
the precursor rocks. The geometry of the phreatomagmatic breccias is in the form of pipe body and
contact with sub-vertical to vertical wall rocks, mostly in the epithermal environment.
Mineralization associated with the phreatomagmatic breccias is showed by the presence of massive
white silica minerals and some showing vugy filled with crystalline sulfur minerals, azurite, lazyite
and covelite. The density of mineralization in the study area occurs by dissemination by filling
vugy cavities (space filling). Phreatomagmatic breccias in the Tumpangpitu area refer to research
conducted by Harrison (2017) based on the radiometric dating method K-Ar has an age of 2.7
million years (Late Pliocene).
800 |
Proceeding on Engineering and Science Series (ESS)
Vol. 1 (1), 792-803
The Hydrothermal Breccias Characteristics of The Tumpangpitu Porphyry Cu-Au-High Sulphidation
Epithermal Au Prospect, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia
Sutarto, Sutanto, Cicih, L., Hidayat, P., Khafarel L.P., Rigenaji P., and Kenny, L.
Figure 5. Azurite, mallachiite, and covellite in the phreatomagmatic breccia. Fribrous covellite and
malachite infilled within matric the breccia.
Magmatic hydrothermal breccias are characterized by the presence of monomic fragments 0.25 to 8
cm in size with a angular roundness and poorly sorted. This rock is composed of mostly silica
fragments are supported by matrix that altered to lazyite, azurite, goethite, hematite, limonite,
jarosite and sulfide minerals. This rock has a massive structure with a jigsaw texture.The magmatic
hydrothermal breccia is occured due to the interaction between the injection of magmatic fluid and
meteoric water which causes the release of steam and collapses of walls that have undergone a
previous silicification process. These rocks have strong altered characterized bya the presence of
vugy massive silica ± alunite ± pyrophyllite and silica + alunite ± dickite.
Figure 6 Magmatic hydrothermal breccia that shows Jigzaw Puzzle texture 43 Pit B West (Dynasty
Hadyan Saputro and Jalu Bias F) (left). Covellite minerals relaced most of the sulphide minerals
and matrix breccia.
The geometry of the magmatic hydrothermal breccia is an irregular body and contact with sub-
vertical to vertical wall rocks in the epithermal and may also in porphyry environment.
801 |
Proceeding on Engineering and Science Series (ESS)
Vol. 1 (1), 792-803
The Hydrothermal Breccias Characteristics of The Tumpangpitu Porphyry Cu-Au-High Sulphidation
Epithermal Au Prospect, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia
Sutarto, Sutanto, Cicih, L., Hidayat, P., Khafarel L.P., Rigenaji P., and Kenny, L.
Mineralization is quite well developed in magmatic hydrothermal breccia mostly occurs by filling
the cavities (space filling) in the vugy texture. In the field is usually marked by a reddish color due
to high oxidation processes. The mineralization formed is in the form of malachite, azurite, sulfide
and oxide minerals such as hematite and goethite. The magmatic hydrothermal breccias in the
Tumpangpitu area refer to research conducted by Harrison (2017) based on the radiometric dating
method K-Ar has an age of 2.7 million years (Late Pliocene).
At least there are two types of hydrothermal berccias in the Tumpangpitu hydrothermal
mineralization, they are Phreatomagmatic breccia and magmatic hydrothermal breccia. The
geometry of the phreatomagmatic breccias is in the form of pipe body and contact with sub-vertical
to vertical wall rocks, mostly in the epithermal environment. In the other hand the magmatic
hydrothermal breccia is an irregular body and contact with sub-vertical to vertical wall rocks in the
epithermal and may also in porphyry environment.
I would like to thank management of PT. Bumi Suksesindo for supporting and permission for
field work and publish this paper.
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The Hydrothermal Breccias Characteristics of The Tumpangpitu Porphyry Cu-Au-High Sulphidation
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