Week 1 Lesson

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At the end of the lesson, the students will
1. define the meaning of ethics
2. differentiate ethics and morality
3. discuss ethics as a philosophical discipline
4. give practical examples for the three branches of ethics

Discuss the expectations and classroom policies for the class in ethics
Process Questions:
a. When do you say that an act is ethical or moral?
b. What do you need to have or do to be able to determine if an act is ethical or moral?
c. Name three instances in your life which you think you have made an ethical decision.

I. What is Ethics?
• Ethics comes from the Greek word “ethos” which means custom or character or a way of
• It is otherwise known as moral philosophy.
• It refers to rules or guidelines that establishes what conduct is regarded right or wrong for
a certain group or class or a customary way to behave in society.
• It determines the rightness and wrongness of act through reason.

II. Morality and Ethics

Ethics Morality
Greek word: ethikos or ethos Latin word mos, moralis, moralitas
These are rules of conduct recognized and These are principles or habits with respect to
accepted by a class or group or culture. It right or wrong conduct. It defines how
describes and defines how things are things should be according to an individual’s
according to the rules. The rules are dictated ideas and principles. The principles are
by a system or external to the person personal, individual and internal.
The “right thing to do” is determined and An act is done due to one’s personal belief
defined by the class or group or society. of it being right.
It is theoretical or the process of It is practical or the actual content of what is
determining what is right and wrong right and wrong

III. Ethics as a Philosophical Discipline

a. Nature of Philosophical Inquiry
“The task of philosophy is to examine the relationship between consciousness and Being.
Being is only accessible through consciousness. The goal is to discover the essential
structures Being and the objective entities that correspond to it.
-Edmund Husserl
b. Manner of Philosophical Inquiry
“The object of philosophy is the clarification of thoughts. It makes clear and delimit sharply
the thoughts. It is not a theory but an activity.”
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
c. Purpose of Philosophical Inquiry
“Philosophy is a view of life. It gives direction to life, offers a design for living. It is meant
to order life and guide action.”
- Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

- Ethics is a rationalization of human action. Its objectivity, coherence, validity and credibility
are grounded within a universal framework.

IV. Branches of Ethics

a. Meta-Ethics- an effort to answer fundamental philosophical question about theories in
b. Normative Ethics- it determines what makes an act right or wrong; or what makes a
situation good or bad.
c. Applied Ethics- it addresses ethical questions encountered in life.

Process Questions
a. If you were to translate the meaning of ethics based on Dr. Radhakrishnan’s understanding of
philosophy, what would it be?
b. What aspects of your life do you think ethics is most relevant? Why?

Difference between ethics and morality
Branches of ethics

1. Difference between Morality and Ethics.
Provide 5 concrete samples of situations or issues that are regarded to be moral issues or
ethical issues. Choose one from each and explain why the situation is ethical or moral issue.

Moral Issues Ethical Issues

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

2. Video Learning as a supplement. Watch the video individually.


Formative Assessment

• Oral Response/ written response to the process questions- Answer all the process
questions. For those in Sync and Async modes, write your answers using default format
of Word (Microsoft Office) and submit it via BB Learn.
• Activity (Difference between Morality and Ethics)- Refer to the activity for the detailed
• Enumeration- Give practical or concrete examples of the three branches of ethics. Write
your answers to the questions and submit it via BB learn.

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