Brake System (KENR8395-13)

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21/12/2022 10:06 SIS 2.

2017/06/29 Brake System (KENR8395-13)

SMCS - 4250 i07081432

Personal injury or death can result from sudden machine

- 1
Sudden movement of the machine or release of air pressure or

202 085
oil pressure can cause injury to persons on or near the machine.

To help prevent possible injury before testing and adjusting any

2 3
air system or hydraulic system, perform the procedure in the

13: /12/2 253

Testing and Adjusting, "General Information" section.

KE :17- 6 1
©2 N R 0 3
Do not check for leaks with your hands. Pin hole (very small)

839 :00
leaks can result in a high velocity oil stream that will be invisible
close to the hose. This oil can penetrate the skin and cause

personal injury. Use cardboard or paper to locate pin hole leaks.

Cat 2 C2 5
e r
Con pilla terpi
fide r: llar
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during
performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting, and
repair of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with

ntia Inc
suitable containers before opening any compartment or
disassembling any component containing fluids.

lG .
Refer to Special Publication, PERJ1017, "Dealer Service Tool
Catalog" for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain

fluids on Cat® products.

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and

Make sure that the transmission is in the NEUTRAL position. Stop the engine. Perform a visual inspection before you troubleshoot a problem.
Refer to Testing and Adjusting, Visual Inspection  . During the visual checks, use a magnet to separate ferrous particles (iron and steel) from
nonferrous particles (aluminum, rubber, and paper).

Note: If any particles are found during any visual checks, all components of the hydraulic system and of the brake cooling system must be cleaned.
Do not use any damaged parts. Damaged parts must be replaced with new parts.

Refer to the following publications for more information:

Operation and Maintenance Manual

Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, "Hydraulic System"

Troubleshooting The Braking System

Terminology… 1/29
21/12/2022 10:06 SIS 2.0

Illustration 1 g03485153
Typical Cat® Electronic Technician (Cat® ET) data log
(A) Time between charges is the time from cut out pressure (3) to cut in pressure (1), usually 25 to 45 seconds
(1) Cut-In Pressure of 14479 kPa (2100 psi) is the minimum accumulator pressure while the system is cycling
(2) Stand by Pressure of 1034 kPa (150 psi) is the lowest pressure that the pump will produce during the cycle
(B) Charge time is the time the pump is charging the accumulator, typically less than 10 seconds
(3) Cut-Out Pressure of 20684 kPa (3000 psi) is the maximum accumulator pressure while the system is cycling
The information in Illustration (1) is a data trace from a Cat® Electronic Technician (Cat® ET) data log. The data trace includes service brake
accumulator pressure, secondary brake accumulator pressure, and brake pump pressure. The combined information is a typical brake charge
cycle. The terminology in the caption helps diagnose brake system issues.

Using Cat ET

Illustration 2 g02327913
Parameter setting screen in Cat ET

1. Install Cat ET to the machine. Select the following channels to record data on:

Brake pump pressure

Secondary brake accumulator pressure

Service brake accumulator pressure

2. Take a Cat ET data log file of the system. Sample the system at 240 samples per minute.

3. Start the machine. Run the machine at LOW idle and record data for 5 minutes.

4. Open the data log file and select the channels. Select the "OK" button.… 2/29
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Illustration 3 g03485161
Typical view
A Cat ET data log file
5. Click the settings button (6) in the lower left-hand corner.

Illustration 4 g02328033
A view of the setting using the data log viewer

6. Type zeros in the "Y min" column (7). Type 3200.00 in the "Y max" column (8). Select "OK" button (9).

Symptom/Fault Code: Frequent Brake Charging for the Parking and Secondary
Brake Accumulators
Problem: Time From Cutout to Cut-in Shorter Than Normal (Less Than 60 Seconds). Measured With Machine in Park and without the
Application of the Retarder or Service Brakes With Machine at Operating Temperature.  
Possible Component Non-Component Root
How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Root Causes  Causes 
Apply and release the parking brake. Brake pressure Service with new diverter valve for
Diverter Valve for the
should be within tolerance. If the pressure is unstable, the parking and secondary brake.
Parking and Secondary Contamination 
ensure that the system cleanliness is ISO 18/15 or Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15 or
better.  better. 
Apply and release the parking brake. Brake pressure Service with new parking brake
Parking Brake Solenoid should be within tolerance. If the pressure is unstable, solenoid valve.
Valve  ensure that the system cleanliness is ISO 18/15 or Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15 or
better.  better. 
Service with new solenoid valve for
Solenoid Valve for
Check to see if both primary and secondary purging the brake accumulators.
Purging the Brake Contamination 
accumulator pressures are dropping rapidly.  Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15 or
better.… 3/29
21/12/2022 10:06 SIS 2.0

If pressure is high, replace defective

parking brake solenoid valve or
diverter valve for the parking and
Apply parking brake and measure the pressure at the
Brake Pack (Seal secondary brake.
Overpressurization  brake packs. All four pressures should be within
Damage)  Replace if one or more brake packs
are significantly lower than the
Inspect for seal damage. 
Check to see if the AETA self test is working properly.
Ensure that the left and right rear parking brake Service with new TCS/AETA valve.
TCS/AETA Valve  Contamination  pressure increases and decreases smoothly. If one Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15 or
side does not cycle, then inspect and repair the AETA better. 
Service with new check valve
Check Valve (Parking Clean around the check valve. (parking brake accumulator).
Brake Accumulator)  Remove and inspect for damage.  Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15 or
Tow Motor Check Valve The pressure at the hoist pilot pressure tap will be
Contamination  Replace Check Valve. 
Stuck Open  equal to secondary Accumulator pressure. 
Service Brake
Low pre-charge or oil on Measure the pre-charge. If pre-charge does not hold a
Accumulator or Parking
gas side of piston  Watch to see which accumulator is cycling rapidly.  charge, replace the accumulator. 
Brake Accumulators 

Table 1

Symptom/Fault Code: Service Brake/Retarder Pressure Too High

Problem: Service Brake and Retarder Actuation Pressure Out of Specifications 
Component Root How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Root Causes 
Perform brake system pressure check. The pressure at the slack adjuster Service with new kit for
Diverter Valve Contamination should be 240 ± 35 kPa (35 ± 5 psi) less than the brake pedal pilot the diverter valve
(Front/Rear Service Out of Adjustment pressure. (service brakes).
Brake)  (XLP only)  If the spring bias on the diverter valves is too low, the brake pressure will Make sure that oil is
be high.  ISO 18/15 or better. 
Service with new pedal
Perform brake system pressure check. The brake pedal pilot pressure valve.
Brake Pedal Valve  Contamination 
must be within specification.  Make sure that oil is
ISO 18/15 or better. 
Perform brake system pressure check. If the pedal pilot pressure and Service with new ARC
Solenoid Valves
relay spring bias is correct, but the brake pressure with manual retarder solenoid valve.
(Automatic Retarder Contamination 
and/or ARC pressure is not, then there may be an issue with front or rear Make sure that oil is
ARC solenoid.  ISO 18/15 or better. 
Slack Adjustor Stuck / Only flowing oil through make up piston in slack adjustor. Brake pressure
Contamination  Replace Slack adjustor. 
sticking  may be high or unstable for 2-8 seconds. 

Table 2

Symptom/Fault Code: Service Brake and Retarder Pressure Too Low

Problem: Service Brake and Retarder Actuation Pressure Out of Specifications 
Component Root How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Root Causes 
Replace if one or more
Apply retarder and service brakes independently and measure the brake packs are
Brake Pack (Seal Over
pressure at the brake packs. All four pressures should be within significantly lower than the
Damage)  pressurization 
tolerance.  others.
Inspect for seal damage. 
Service with kit for the
Perform brake system pressure check. The pressure at the slack
Diverter Valve Contamination diverter valve (service
adjuster should be 240 ± 35 kPa (35 ± 5 psi) less than the brake pedal
(Front/Rear Service Out of Adjustment brakes).
pilot pressure. If the spring bias on the relay valves is too high, the
Brakes)  (XLP only)  Make sure that oil is ISO
brake pressure will be low. 
18/15 or better. 
Service with new pedal
Perform brake system pressure check. The brake pedal pilot pressure valve.
Brake Pedal Valve  Contamination 
must be within specifications.  Make sure that oil is ISO
18/15 or better.… 4/29
21/12/2022 10:06 SIS 2.0

Perform brake system pressure check. If the pedal pilot pressure and Service with New ARC
Front/Rear ARC relay spring bias is correct, but the brake pressure with manual retarder solenoid valve.
Solenoid Valves  or ARC pressure is not, then there may be an issue with front or rear Make sure that oil is ISO
ARC solenoid.  18/15 or better. 

Table 3

Symptom/Fault Code: Parking Brake Pressure Too High

Problem: Parking Brake Actuation Pressure Out of Specifications 
Possible Component Root Non-Component
How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Causes  Root Causes 
Relief valve Stuck open  Contamination  Brake Pump at Relief pressure  Replace or reset Relief Valve. 
Service with new diverter valve for
Diverter Valve for the Parking the parking and secondary brake.
and Secondary Brake  Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15 or
Perform brake system pressure check. The brake better. 
pedal pilot pressure must be within specification.  Service with new parking brake
Parking Brake Solenoid solenoid valve.
Valve  Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15 or

Table 4

Symptom/Fault Code: Parking Brake Pressure Too Low

Problem: Parking Brake Actuation Pressure Out of Specifications 
Possible Component Non-Component
How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Root Causes  Root Causes 
Service with new diverter
Diverter Valve for the valve for the parking and
Parking and Contamination  secondary brake.
Secondary Brake  Make sure that oil is ISO
Perform brake system pressure check. The brake pedal pilot 18/15 or better. 
pressure must be within specification. 
Service with new parking
Solenoid Valve for the brake solenoid valve.
Parking Brake  Make sure that oil is ISO
18/15 or better.
Replace if one or more
Over Apply parking brake and measure the pressure at the brake packs. brake packs are significantly
Brake Pack 
pressurization  All four pressures should be within tolerance.  lower than the others.
Inspect for seal damage. 
Check to see if the "AETA" self test is working properly. Ensure that Service with new "AETA"
the left and right rear parking brake pressure increases and valve.
"AETA/TCS" Valve  Contamination 
decreases smoothly. If one side does not cycle, then inspect and Make sure that oil is ISO
repair the "AETA" valve.  18/15 or better. 

Table 5

Symptom/Fault Code: Hoist Pilot Pressure Too High

Problem: Hoist Pilot Pressure Out of Specifications 
Possible Component Root Non-Component
How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Causes  Root Causes 
Tow Motor Check Valve The pressure at the hoist pilot pressure tap will
Contamination  Replace Check Valve. 
Stuck Open  be equal to secondary Accumulator pressure. 
Hoist Pressure Reducing Adjust and/or replace hoist pressure
N/A  Check hoist pilot pressure. 
Valve (Incorrect Setting)  reducing valve if not within tolerance. 

Table 6

Symptom/Fault Code: Hoist Pilot Pressure Too Low

Problem: Hoist Pilot Pressure Out of Specifications 
Possible Component Non-Component
How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Root Causes  Root Causes 
Check for excessive leakage. Plug the TCS pilot port
Excessive Leakage in TCS Inspect the "AETA/TCS" Valve for
Contamination  on the brake manifold. Check to see if the pilot
Pilot  damage. 
pressure returns to an acceptable value.… 5/29
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Check for excessive leakage. Plug the hoist pilot port

Excessive Leakage in Hoist Inspect the Hoist Valves for
Contamination  on the brake manifold. Check to see if the pilot
Valve  damage. 
pressure returns to an acceptable value. 
Excessive Leakage on Replace any damaged seal, or
BCD Solenoid and TCS N/A  Check for seal damage.  replace the BCD solenoid valve or
Pilot Valve  the TCS pilot valve. 
Adjust and/or replace hoist pressure
Hoist Pressure Reducing May be low due to incorrect setting or may have
Contamination  reducing valve if not within
Valve  drifted low due to wear. 
FL1 Hoist Pilot Screen
Contamination  Remove screen and inspect.  Replace Screen if plugged. 

Table 7

Symptom/Fault Codes
If the machine experiences brake system-related problems, the on-board VIMS system will display one (or more) of the following error codes:

Event Identifier (EID) Codes for 793F, 795F AC, and 797F Off-Highway Trucks 

EID  Level  Description 

86-89  3  Brakes Dragging 
525  3  High Brake Pump Pressure Event 
526  3  Brake Pump Pressure Not Responding to Command 
527  (2),(3)  High Brake Pump Command 
528  2, 3  Service Brake Accumulator Pressure Not Responding 
652  2, 3  Low Service Brake Accumulator Pressure 
653  2, 3  Low Secondary Brake Accumulator Pressure 
660  2, 3  Secondary Brake Accumulator Pressure Not Responding 
716  3  Conflicting Brake Pressure Information 
1443  2  Brake Accumulator Pressure Charging Rapidly 

Table 8

Symptom/Fault Code: High Brake Pump Pressure Event EID 525 (3)
Refer to Systems Operation, KENR8738 , "Control Valve (Brake)" for the locations of the components in the table below.

Problem: EID 525 High Brake Pump Pressure Event is active if the brake pump pressure is greater than 20685 kPa (3000 psi)for more
than 90 seconds. 
Possible Component Non-Component
Component  How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Root Causes  Root Causes 
Contamination: Open circuit/short to ground fault codes
Brake system oil logged in Cat ET. Measure coil resistance Replace Solenoid Valve
significantly dirtier when cool 20° C (68° F). The resistance (Brake Pump Unloader)
than ISO 18/15  should be close to 32 ± 2 ohms.  (12). 
Stuck Closed: Measure actual brake pump
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi)
gauge on brake pump pressure tap. Brake
Valve improperly installed Harness connector pump pressure at 22408 ± 345 kPa
causing screen damage  not locked in place (3250 ± 50 psi) relief pressure constantly.   
Locking tab broken Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a
on mating 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. Pressure at
Partially stuck closed connector.  OR1 is the same as (stuck closed)   
Make sure that oil is ISO
18/15 or better. If more than
two ISO codes high, kidney
Solenoid Valve loop machine and change
(Brake Pump Bent or damaged solenoid Remove solenoid and visually inspect filter. If kidney loop not
Unloader) (12)  valve.   screen for damage.  available, change oil.… 6/29
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Stuck Closed: Measure actual brake pump

pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi)
gauge on brake pump pressure tap. Brake
pump pressure at 22408 ± 348 kPa
(3250 ± 50 psi) relief pressure constantly.  Replace Unloader Valve. 
Make sure that oil is ISO
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a 18/15 or better. If more than
Contamination: 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. Pressure at two ISO codes high, kidney
Brake system oil OR1 is less than (stuck closed) brake pump loop machine and change
significantly dirtier pressure. filter. If kidney loop not
Stuck Closed 
Unloader Valve  than ISO 18/15  available, change oil. 
Increase Relief Valve (Main)
  (13) pressure setting. 
Replace Relief Valve (Main)
Drifting Low: Measure actual brake pump
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) Make sure that oil is ISO
gauge on brake pump pressure tap. Brake 18/15 or better. If more than
Contamination: pump pressure below Brake Accumulator two ISO codes high, kidney
Pressure Setting Drifting Brake system oil cut out pressure ( 20684 kPa (3000 psi)). loop machine and change
Relief Valve Low causing a stalled significantly dirtier Low Idle Charging may stall or charge time filter. If kidney loop not
(Main) (13)  charge than ISO 18/15  be extended. available, change oil. 
Harness connector With machine off, verify that the sensors are
  not locked in place  reading less than 517 kPa (75 psi). 
Failed In Range / Stuck at Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge on the
one pressure (sensor tells brake accumulator pressure taps to verify
Brake ECM to continue to charge that the accumulator pressure matches the
Accumulator when in fact the sensor Locking tab broken gauge pressure. With machine running at
Pressure should be telling the ECM on mating low idle check to see if the gauge matches Replace Brake Accumulator
Sensors  to cut out) connector.  the sensor in Cat ET.  Pressure Sensors. 
Harness connector With machine off, verify that the sensors are
not locked in place  reading less than 517 kPa (75 psi). 
Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge on the
brake accumulator pressure taps to verify
that the accumulator pressure matches the
Brake Pump gauge pressure. With machine running at
Pressure Failed In Range / Stuck at Locking tab broken low idle check to see if the gauge matches Replace Brake Pump
Sensors  one pressure  on mating connector. the sensor in Cat ET. Pressure Sensors. 
Orifice plug loose    Remove OR1 Access plug and inspect.   
Measure actual brake pump pressure. Install
35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge on brake pump Remove OR1 Plug and
pressure tap. Brake pump pressure at basket screen from port.
22408 ± 345 kPa (3250 ± 50 psi) relief Replace O-ring on plug and
OR1 Orifice  seal damaged.   pressure constantly.  reinstall. 
Remove filter element and inspect for
damage and loose pieces of yellow plastic.
System Remove and inspect Accumulator purge Contact product support
Filter Element  Damaged on Installation  Overheating  solenoid screens for debris.  through the DSN. 

Table 9

Symptom/Fault Code: Brake Pump Not Responding EID 526 (3)… 7/29
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Illustration 5 g02433236
Tools to help diagnose issue: Cat ET data log, VIMS snapshot, etc.
Refer to Systems Operation, KENR8738 , "Control Valve (Brake)" for the locations of the components in the table below.

Problem: EID 526 Brake Pump Pressure Not Responding to Command is active if the engine is running, and the brake system is
commanding a charge, and pump pressure is less than 2100 kPa (305 psi) for more than 3 seconds. 
Component  Component Root How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Root Causes 
Hook up Cat ET and compare the time from
Unloader Status changes to how fast the
Contamination: Brake brake pump pressure rises. If the pressure
Seal Damaged system oil significantly rises too slowly, the valve could have an Replace Solenoid Valve (Brake
causing leaking.  dirtier than ISO 18/15  internal failure.  Pump Unloader) (12). 
Valve improperly
installed causing
screen damage  
Stuck Open: Measure actual brake pump
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge
on brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump
Slow to close pressure at standby constantly.
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a
35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. Pressure at OR1
Partially stuck is less than (stuck open) brake pump Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
open pressure. or better. If more than two ISO
Solenoid Valve codes high, kidney loop machine
(Brake Pump Bent or damaged Remove solenoid and visually inspect screen and change filter. If kidney loop
Unloader) (12)  solenoid valve.   for damage. not available, change oil. 
Hook up Cat ET and compare the time from
Unloader Status changes to how fast the
brake pump pressure rises. If the pressure
rises too slowly, the valve could have an
internal failure.  Replace Unloader Valve. 
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a
35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. Pressure at OR1
is the same as (stuck open) brake pump
Stuck Open  pressure.
Stuck Open: Measure actual brake pump
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge
on brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
pressure at standby constantly. or better. If more than two ISO
Contamination: Brake codes high, kidney loop machine
system oil significantly Remove valve and visually inspect to and change filter. If kidney loop
Unloader Valve  Slow to Close dirtier than ISO 18/15  determine if valve stuck open not available, change oil.… 8/29
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Replace Relief Valve (Main)

Stuck Open  (13). 
Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
Stuck Open: Measure actual brake pump or better. If more than two ISO
Contamination: Brake pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge codes high, kidney loop machine
Relief Valve system oil significantly on brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump and change filter. If kidney loop
(Main) (13)  dirtier than ISO 18/15  pressure at low pressure constantly.  not available, change oil. 
Orifice Plugged    Remove OR1 Access plug and inspect. 
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a Remove OR1 Plug and basket
35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. See if pressure screen from port. Flush orifice
OR1 Orifice    is slow to build in the OR1 Port  and reinstall 
With machine off, verify that the sensors are
reading less than 517 kPa (75 psi). 
Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge on the
brake accumulator pressure taps to verify that
the accumulator pressure matches the gauge
Brake Pump Failed In Range / pressure. With machine running at low idle
Pressure Stuck at one check to see if the gauge matches the sensor Replace Brake Pump Pressure
Sensors  pressure    in Cat ET. Sensors. 
Screen Plugged  Remove OR1 Access plug and inspect. 
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a Remove OR1 Plug and basket
OR1 Orifice 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. See if pressure screen from port. Flush orifice
Basket Screen    is slow to build in the OR1 Port  and reinstall 
Remove filter element and inspect for damage
and loose pieces of yellow plastic. Remove
Damaged on and inspect Accumulator purge solenoid Contact product support through
Filter Element  Installation  System Overheating  screens for debris.  the DSN. 

Table 10

Symptom/Fault Code: High Brake Pump Command EID 527 (2),(3)

Illustration 6 g02433236
Tools to help diagnose issue: Cat ET data log, VIMS snapshot, etc.… 9/29
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Illustration 7 g02433262
A Cat ET data log file
(E) Poor charge time
(15) Poor stability

Illustration 8 g02433264
A Cat ET data log file
(F) Good charge time
(16) Good stability
Refer to Systems Operation, KENR8738 , "Control Valve (Brake)" for the locations of the components in the table below.

Problem: EID 527 (2) High Brake Pump Command is active if the engine is running, and the brake system is charging for more than 90
seconds without cutting out.
Problem: EID 527 (3) High Brake Pump Command is active if the engine is running, and the brake system is charging for more than 300
seconds without cutting out. 
Component  Component How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Root Causes 
Root Causes… 10/29
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Contamination: Brake Open circuit/short to ground fault codes logged in

system oil Cat ET. Measure coil resistance when cool 20° C
Seal Damaged significantly dirtier (68° F). The resistance should be close to 32 ± 2 Replace Solenoid Valve (Brake
causing leaking.  than ISO 18/15  ohms.  Pump Unloader) (12). 
Stuck Closed: Measure actual brake pump
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge on
Valve improperly brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump pressure
installed causing Harness connector at 22408 ± 345 kPa (3250 ± 50 psi) relief
screen damage not locked in place  pressure constantly. 
Stuck Open: Measure actual brake pump
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge on
brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump pressure
at standby constantly. 
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a
35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. Pressure at OR1 is Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
Partially stuck Locking tab broken the same as (stuck closed) or less than (stuck or better. If more than two ISO
open or closed on mating connector.  open) brake pump pressure. codes high, kidney loop
Solenoid Valve machine and change filter. If
(Brake Pump Bent or damaged Remove solenoid and visually inspect screen for kidney loop not available,
Unloader) (12)  solenoid valve.   damage.  change oil. 
Stuck Closed: Measure actual brake pump
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge on
brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump pressure
at 22408 ± 345 kPa (3250 ± 50 psi) relief
pressure constantly.  Replace Unloader Valve. 
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a
35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. Pressure at OR1 is
Stuck Open or the same as (stuck open) or less than (stuck
Closed  closed) brake pump pressure.
Stuck Open: Measure actual brake pump
pressure. Install 5000psi gauge on brake pump Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
pressure tap. Brake pump pressure at standby or better. If more than two ISO
Contamination: Brake constantly. codes high, kidney loop
system oil machine and change filter. If
significantly dirtier Remove valve and visually inspect to determine if kidney loop not available,
Unloader Valve  Seal damage than ISO 18/15  valve stuck open change oil.
Increase Relief Valve (Main)
Stuck Open: Measure actual brake pump (13) pressure setting. 
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge on
brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump pressure Replace Relief Valve (Main)
Stuck Open  at low pressure constantly.  (13).
Drifting Low: Measure actual brake pump Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge on or better. If more than two ISO
Pressure Setting Contamination: Brake brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump pressure codes high, kidney loop
Drifting Low system oil below Brake Accumulator cut out pressure ( machine and change filter. If
Relief Valve causing a stalled significantly dirtier 20685 kPa (3000 psi)). Low Idle Charging may kidney loop not available,
(Main) (13)  charge than ISO 18/15  stall or charge time be extended.  change oil.
Contamination: Brake
system oil
significantly dirtier
than ISO 18/15 
Pumping over relief
Poor Volumetric valve for an extended If you cannot reach cutout at low idle, this may be
Brake Pump  Efficiency  period > 90 seconds a sign that the pump efficiency is too low.  Replace Brake Pump. 
Harness connector With machine off, verify that the sensors are
not locked in place  reading less than 517 kPa (75 psi). 
Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge on the brake
Brake accumulator pressure taps to verify that the
Accumulator Failed In Range / accumulator pressure matches the gauge
Pressure Stuck at one Locking tab broken pressure. With machine running at low idle check Replace Brake Accumulator
Sensors  pressure  on mating connector. to see if the gauge matches the sensor in Cat ET. Pressure Sensors. 
Replace Solenoid Valve Gp
(Brake Accumulator Purge)
Short to Battery  Short To Battery Fault Code  (14) 
Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
or better. If more than two ISO
Solenoid Valve Contamination: Brake codes high, kidney loop
Gp (Brake system oil If you cannot reach cutout at low idle and both machine and change filter. If
Accumulator significantly dirtier accumulators cycle rapidly, then the valve could kidney loop not available,
Purge) (14)  Stuck Open than ISO 18/15  be stuck open.  change oil.
Incorrectly Contamination: Brake
Check Valve installed in place system oil
(Hoist Pilot of tow motor significantly dirtier Verify arrow on hex of check valve is flowing in
Check)  check.  than ISO 18/15  the correct direction.  Properly install check valve.… 11/29
21/12/2022 10:06 SIS 2.0

Incorrectly Contamination: Brake

installed in place system oil
Check Valve (Tow of hoist pilot significantly dirtier Verify arrow on hex of check valve is flowing in
Motor Check)  check.  than ISO 18/15  the correct direction.  Properly install check valve. 
Remove filter element and inspect for damage
and loose pieces of yellow plastic. Remove and
Damaged on inspect Accumulator purge solenoid screens for Contact product support
Filter Element  Installation  System Overheating  debris.  through the DSN. 

Table 11

Symptom/Fault Code: Service Brake Accumulator Not Responding EID 528 (2, 3)

Illustration 9 g02433236
Tools to help diagnose issue: Cat ET data log, VIMS snapshot, etc.
Refer to Systems Operation, KENR8738 , "Control Valve (Brake)" for the locations of the components in the table below.

Problem: EID 528 Service Brake Accumulator Pressure Not Responding is active if the engine is running, and the brake system is
commanding a charge, and service accumulator is less than 11032 kPa (1600 psi) for more than 60.5 seconds. Level 3 is the same with
the addition of machine is moving. 
Component  Component How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Root Causes 
Root Causes 
Hook up Cat ET and compare the time from
Contamination: Brake Unloader Status changes to how fast the brake
Seal Damaged system oil significantly pump pressure rises. If the pressure rises too Replace Solenoid Valve (Brake
causing leaking.  dirtier than ISO 18/15  slowly, the valve could have an internal failure.  Pump Unloader) (12). 
Valve improperly
installed causing
screen damage  
Stuck Open: Measure actual brake pump
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge
on brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump
pressure at standby constantly.
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
Partially stuck 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. Pressure at OR1 or better. If more than two ISO
open is less than (stuck open) brake pump pressure. codes high, kidney loop
Solenoid Valve machine and change filter. If
(Brake Pump Bent or damaged Remove solenoid and visually inspect screen kidney loop not available,
Unloader) (12)  solenoid valve.   for damage. change oil.… 12/29
21/12/2022 10:06 SIS 2.0

Hook up Cat ET and compare the time from

Unloader Status changes to how fast the brake
pump pressure rises. If the pressure rises too
slowly, the valve could have an internal failure.  Replace Unloader Valve. 
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a
35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. Pressure at OR1
is the same as (stuck open) brake pump
Stuck Open  pressure.
Stuck Open: Measure actual brake pump
Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge
on brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump or better. If more than two ISO
pressure at standby constantly. codes high, kidney loop
Contamination: Brake machine and change filter. If
system oil significantly Remove valve and visually inspect to determine kidney loop not available,
Unloader Valve  Seal Damaged dirtier than ISO 18/15  if valve stuck open or for seal damage change oil.
Stuck Open: Measure actual brake pump
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge
on brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump Replace Relief Valve (Main)
Stuck Open  pressure at low pressure constantly.  (13). 
Drifting Low: Measure actual brake pump
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
on brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump or better. If more than two ISO
Pressure Setting pressure below Brake Accumulator cut out codes high, kidney loop
Drifting Low Contamination: Brake pressure ( 20685 kPa (3000 psi)). Low Idle machine and change filter. If
Relief Valve causing a stalled system oil significantly Charging may stall or charge time be kidney loop not available,
(Main) (13)  charge dirtier than ISO 18/15  extended.  change oil.
Orifice Plugged    Remove OR1 Access plug and inspect. 
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a Remove OR1 Plug and basket
35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. See if pressure is screen from port. Flush orifice
OR1 Orifice    slow to build in the OR1 Port  and reinstall 
With machine off, verify that the sensors are
  reading less than 517 kPa (75 psi). 
Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge on the
brake accumulator pressure taps to verify that
Brake the accumulator pressure matches the gauge
Accumulator Failed In Range / pressure. With machine running at low idle
Pressure Stuck at one check to see if the gauge matches the sensor in Replace Brake Accumulator
Sensors  pressure  Cat ET. Pressure Sensors. 
Screen plugged    Remove OR1 Access plug and inspect. 
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a Remove OR1 Plug and basket
OR1 Orifice 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. See if pressure is screen from port. Flush orifice
Basket Screen    slow to build in the OR1 Port  and reinstall 
Remove filter element and inspect for damage
and loose pieces of yellow plastic. Remove and
Damaged on inspect Accumulator purge solenoid screens for Contact product support
Filter Element  Installation  System Overheating  debris.  through the DSN. 
Contamination: Brake
system oil significantly
dirtier than ISO 18/15 
Pumping over relief
Poor Volumetric valve for an extended If you cannot reach cutout at low idle, this may
Brake Pump  Efficiency  period > 90 seconds be a sign that the pump efficiency is too low.  Replace Brake Pump. 
Replace Solenoid Valve Gp
(Brake Accumulator Purge)
Short to Battery  Short To Battery Fault Code  (14) 
Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
or better. If more than two ISO
Solenoid Valve codes high, kidney loop
Gp (Brake Contamination: Brake If you cannot reach cutout at low idle and both machine and change filter. If
Accumulator system oil significantly accumulators cycle rapidly, then the valve could kidney loop not available,
Purge) (14)  Stuck Open dirtier than ISO 18/15  be stuck open.  change oil.

Table 12

Symptom/Fault Code: Low Service Brake Accumulator Pressure EID 652 (2, 3)… 13/29
21/12/2022 10:06 SIS 2.0

Illustration 10 g02433406
Tools to help diagnose issue: Cat ET data log, VIMS snapshot, etc.
Refer to Systems Operation, KENR8738 , "Control Valve (Brake)" for the locations of the components in the table below.

Problem: EID 652 Low Service Brake Accumulator Pressure is active if the engine has been running for 10 seconds, the truck has been
in gear for 2.5 seconds, and Accumulator pressure is less than 12300 kPa (1784 psi) for more than 2.5 seconds. Level 3 is the same
with the addition of machine is moving. 
Component  Component How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Root Causes 
Root Causes 
Hook up Cat ET and compare the time from
Unloader Status changes to how fast the
Contamination: Brake brake pump pressure rises. If the pressure
Seal Damaged system oil significantly rises too slowly, the valve could have an Replace Solenoid Valve (Brake
causing leaking.  dirtier than ISO 18/15  internal failure.  Pump Unloader) (12). 
Valve improperly
installed causing
screen damage  
Stuck Open: Measure actual brake pump
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge
on brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump
Slow to Close pressure at standby constantly.
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a
35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. Pressure at
Partially stuck OR1 is less than (stuck open) brake pump Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15 or
open pressure. better. If more than two ISO codes
Solenoid Valve high, kidney loop machine and
(Brake Pump Bent or damaged Remove solenoid and visually inspect screen change filter. If kidney loop not
Unloader) (12)  solenoid valve.   for damage. available, change oil. 
Hook up Cat ET and compare the time from
Unloader Status changes to how fast the
brake pump pressure rises. If the pressure
rises too slowly, the valve could have an
internal failure.  Replace Unloader Valve. 
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a
35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. Pressure at
OR1 is the same as (stuck open) brake
Stuck Open  pump pressure.
Stuck Open: Measure actual brake pump
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge
on brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump
pressure at standby constantly. Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15 or
better. If more than two ISO codes
Contamination: Brake Remove valve and visually inspect to high, kidney loop machine and
system oil significantly determine if valve stuck open or for seal change filter. If kidney loop not
Unloader Valve  Slow to Close dirtier than ISO 18/15  damage available, change oil.… 14/29
21/12/2022 10:06 SIS 2.0

Orifice Plugged    Remove OR1 Access plug and inspect. 

Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a Remove OR1 Plug and basket
35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. See if pressure screen from port. Flush orifice and
OR1 Orifice    is slow to build in the OR1 Port  reinstall 
With machine off, verify that the sensors are
  reading less than 517 kPa (75 psi). 
Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge on the
brake accumulator pressure taps to verify
that the accumulator pressure matches the
Brake Failed In Range / gauge pressure. With machine running at low
Accumulator Stuck at one idle check to see if the gauge matches the Replace Brake Accumulator
Pressure Sensors  pressure  sensor in Cat ET. Pressure Sensors. 
Screen plugged    Remove OR1 Access plug and inspect. 
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a Remove OR1 Plug and basket
OR1 Orifice 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. See if pressure screen from port. Flush orifice and
Basket Screen    is slow to build in the OR1 Port  reinstall 
Remove filter element and inspect for
damage and loose pieces of yellow plastic.
Damaged on Remove and inspect Accumulator purge Contact product support through
Filter Element  Installation  System Overheating  solenoid screens for debris.  the DSN. 
Contamination: Brake
system oil significantly
dirtier than ISO 18/15 
Pumping over relief If you cannot reach cutout at low idle, this
Poor Volumetric valve for an extended may be a sign that the pump efficiency is too
Brake Pump  Efficiency  period > 90 seconds low.  Replace Brake Pump. 
Replace Solenoid Valve Gp
Short to Battery  Short To Battery Fault Code  (Brake Accumulator Purge) (14) 
Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15 or
Solenoid Valve Gp better. If more than two ISO codes
(Brake Contamination: Brake If you cannot reach cutout at low idle and high, kidney loop machine and
Accumulator system oil significantly both accumulators cycle rapidly, then the change filter. If kidney loop not
Purge) (14)  Stuck Open dirtier than ISO 18/15  valve could be stuck open.  available, change oil.
Leaking Accumulator Follow Accumulator Gas Charging Recharge Accumulator to
Low Pre-charge  Gas Valve  Procedure  specifications 
Hook up hose to charge valve and let the oil
drain into a bucket. Start the truck and let the
Oil Trapped in the accumulator piston push the oil into the Replace or rebuild the
Gas side of the bucket. There should not be more than a cup accumulator if too much oil is
Accumulator  accumulator Failed piston seals  of oil.  leaking past the piston seals. 

Table 13

Symptom/Fault Code: Low Secondary Brake Accumulator Pressure EID 653 (2, 3)
Refer to Systems Operation, KENR8738 , "Control Valve (Brake)" for the locations of the components in the table below.

Problem: EID 653 Low Secondary Brake Accumulator Pressure is active if the engine has been running for 10 seconds, the truck has
been in gear for 2.5 seconds, and Accumulator pressure is less than 12300 kPa (1784 psi) for more than 2.5 seconds. Level 3 is
machine is moving and Secondary Brake Accumulator Pressure is less than 6900 kPa (1001 psi) for 2.5 seconds. 
Component  Component How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Root Causes 
Root Causes… 15/29
21/12/2022 10:06 SIS 2.0

Hook up Cat ET and compare the time from

Unloader Status changes to how fast the
Contamination: Brake brake pump pressure rises. If the pressure
Seal Damaged system oil significantly rises too slowly, the valve could have an Replace Solenoid Valve (Brake
causing leaking.  dirtier than ISO 18/15  internal failure.  Pump Unloader) (12). 
Valve improperly
installed causing
screen damage  
Stuck Open: Measure actual brake pump
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge
on brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump
Slow to Close pressure at standby constantly.
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a
35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. Pressure at
Partially stuck OR1 is less than (stuck open) brake pump Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15 or
open pressure. better. If more than two ISO codes
Solenoid Valve high, kidney loop machine and
(Brake Pump Bent or damaged Remove solenoid and visually inspect screen change filter. If kidney loop not
Unloader) (12)  solenoid valve.   for damage. available, change oil. 
Hook up Cat ET and compare the time from
Unloader Status changes to how fast the
brake pump pressure rises. If the pressure
rises too slowly, the valve could have an
internal failure.  Replace Unloader Valve. 
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a
35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. Pressure at
OR1 is the same as (stuck open) brake
Stuck Open  pump pressure.
Stuck Open: Measure actual brake pump
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge
on brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump
pressure at standby constantly. Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15 or
better. If more than two ISO codes
Contamination: Brake Remove valve and visually inspect to high, kidney loop machine and
system oil significantly determine if valve stuck open or for seal change filter. If kidney loop not
Unloader Valve  Slow to Close dirtier than ISO 18/15  damage available, change oil.
Orifice Plugged    Remove OR1 Access plug and inspect. 
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a Remove OR1 Plug and basket
35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. See if pressure screen from port. Flush orifice and
OR1 Orifice    is slow to build in the OR1 Port  reinstall 
With machine off, verify that the sensors are
  reading less than 517 kPa (75 psi). 
Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge on the
brake accumulator pressure taps to verify
that the accumulator pressure matches the
Brake Failed In Range / gauge pressure. With machine running at low
Accumulator Stuck at one idle check to see if the gauge matches the Replace Brake Accumulator
Pressure Sensors  pressure  sensor in Cat ET. Pressure Sensors. 
Screen plugged    Remove OR1 Access plug and inspect. 
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a Remove OR1 Plug and basket
OR1 Orifice 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. See if pressure screen from port. Flush orifice and
Basket Screen    is slow to build in the OR1 Port  reinstall 
Remove filter element and inspect for
damage and loose pieces of yellow plastic.
Damaged on Remove and inspect Accumulator purge Contact product support through
Filter Element  Installation  System Overheating  solenoid screens for debris.  the DSN. 
Contamination: Brake
system oil significantly
dirtier than ISO 18/15 
Pumping over relief If you cannot reach cutout at low idle, this
Poor Volumetric valve for an extended may be a sign that the pump efficiency is too
Brake Pump  Efficiency  period > 90 seconds low.  Replace Brake Pump. 
Replace Solenoid Valve Gp
Short to Battery  Short To Battery Fault Code  (Brake Accumulator Purge) (14) 
Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15 or
Solenoid Valve Gp better. If more than two ISO codes
(Brake Contamination: Brake If you cannot reach cutout at low idle and high, kidney loop machine and
Accumulator system oil significantly both accumulators cycle rapidly, then the change filter. If kidney loop not
Purge) (14)  Stuck Open dirtier than ISO 18/15  valve could be stuck open.  available, change oil.… 16/29
21/12/2022 10:06 SIS 2.0

Leaking Accumulator Follow Accumulator Gas Charging Recharge Accumulator to

Low Precharge  Gas Valve  Procedure  specifications 
Hook up hose to charge valve and let the oil
drain into a bucket. Start the truck and let the
Oil Trapped in the accumulator piston push the oil into the Replace or rebuild the
Gas side of the bucket. There should not be more than a cup accumulator if too much oil is
Accumulator  accumulator Failed piston seals  of oil.  leaking past the piston seals. 

Table 14

Symptom/Fault Code: Secondary Brake Accumulator Pressure Not Responding EID

660 (2, 3)

Illustration 11 g02433236
Tools to help diagnose issue: Cat ET data log, VIMS snapshot, etc.
Refer to Systems Operation, KENR8738 , "Control Valve (Brake)" for the locations of the components in the table below.

Problem: EID 660 Secondary Brake Accumulator Pressure Not Responding is active if the engine is running, and the brake system is
commanding a charge, and secondary accumulator pressure is less than 11032 kPa (1600 psi) for more than 60.5 seconds. Level 3 is
the same with the addition of machine is moving. 
Component  Component How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Root Causes 
Root Causes 
Hook up Cat ET and compare the time from
Contamination: Brake Unloader Status changes to how fast the brake
Seal Damaged system oil significantly pump pressure rises. If the pressure rises too Replace Solenoid Valve (Brake
causing leaking.  dirtier than ISO 18/15  slowly, the valve could have an internal failure.  Pump Unloader) (12). 
Valve improperly
installed causing
screen damage  
Stuck Open: Measure actual brake pump
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge
on brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump
pressure at standby constantly.
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
Partially stuck 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. Pressure at OR1 or better. If more than two ISO
open is less than (stuck open) brake pump pressure. codes high, kidney loop
Solenoid Valve machine and change filter. If
(Brake Pump Bent or damaged Remove solenoid and visually inspect screen kidney loop not available,
Unloader) (12)  solenoid valve.   for damage. change oil.… 17/29
21/12/2022 10:06 SIS 2.0

Hook up Cat ET and compare the time from

Unloader Status changes to how fast the brake
pump pressure rises. If the pressure rises too
slowly, the valve could have an internal failure.  Replace Unloader Valve. 
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a
35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. Pressure at OR1
is the same as (stuck open) brake pump
Stuck Open  pressure.
Stuck Open: Measure actual brake pump
Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge
on brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump or better. If more than two ISO
pressure at standby constantly. codes high, kidney loop
Contamination: Brake machine and change filter. If
system oil significantly Remove valve and visually inspect to determine kidney loop not available,
Unloader Valve  Seal Damaged dirtier than ISO 18/15  if valve stuck open or for seal damage change oil.
Stuck Open: Measure actual brake pump
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge
on brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump Replace Relief Valve (Main)
Stuck Open  pressure at low pressure constantly.  (13). 
Drifting Low: Measure actual brake pump
pressure. Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
on brake pump pressure tap. Brake pump or better. If more than two ISO
Pressure Setting pressure below Brake Accumulator cut out codes high, kidney loop
Drifting Low Contamination: Brake pressure ( 20685 kPa (3000 psi)). Low Idle machine and change filter. If
Relief Valve causing a stalled system oil significantly Charging may stall or charge time be kidney loop not available,
(Main) (13)  charge dirtier than ISO 18/15  extended.  change oil.
Orifice Plugged    Remove OR1 Access plug and inspect. 
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a Remove OR1 Plug and basket
35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. See if pressure is screen from port. Flush orifice
OR1 Orifice    slow to build in the OR1 Port  and reinstall 
With machine off, verify that the sensors are
  reading less than 75psi. 
Install 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge on the
brake accumulator pressure taps to verify that
Brake the accumulator pressure matches the gauge
Accumulator Failed In Range / pressure. With machine running at low idle
Pressure Stuck at one check to see if the gauge matches the sensor in Replace Brake Accumulator
Sensors  pressure  Cat ET. Pressure Sensors. 
Screen plugged    Remove OR1 Access plug and inspect. 
Remove the access plug for OR1. Install a Remove OR1 Plug and basket
OR1 Orifice 35000 kPa (5000 psi) gauge. See if pressure is screen from port. Flush orifice
Basket Screen    slow to build in the OR1 Port  and reinstall 
Remove filter element and inspect for damage
and loose pieces of yellow plastic. Remove and
Damaged on inspect Accumulator purge solenoid screens for Contact product support
Filter Element  Installation  System Overheating  debris.  through the DSN. 
Contamination: Brake
system oil significantly
dirtier than ISO 18/15 
Pumping over relief
Poor Volumetric valve for an extended If you cannot reach cutout at low idle, this may
Brake Pump  Efficiency  period > 90 seconds be a sign that the pump efficiency is too low.  Replace Brake Pump. 
Replace Solenoid Valve Gp
(Brake Accumulator Purge)
Short to Battery  Short To Battery Fault Code  (14) 
Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
or better. If more than two ISO
Solenoid Valve codes high, kidney loop
Gp (Brake Contamination: Brake If you cannot reach cutout at low idle and both machine and change filter. If
Accumulator system oil significantly accumulators cycle rapidly, then the valve could kidney loop not available,
Purge) (14)  Stuck Open dirtier than ISO 18/15  be stuck open.  change oil.

Table 15

Symptom/Fault Code: Frequent Brake Charging for the Service Brake Accumulator
EID 1443 (2)… 18/29
21/12/2022 10:06 SIS 2.0

Illustration 12 g02328135
A Cat ET data log file showing poor time between charges
(C) 3 seconds between charges

Illustration 13 g02328157
A Cat ET data log file showing good time between charges
(D) 38 seconds between charges

Illustration 14 g02457578
(10) Secondary pressure does not fall off
Look at the data trace shown in Illustration 14 to determine which system the leakage is coming from. Illustration 14 shows that the leak is
somewhere in the service brake side of the system. The secondary pressure does not fall off and primary is the one triggering cut in. Look for leaks
in the primary accumulator side of the system.… 19/29
21/12/2022 10:06 SIS 2.0

Problem: EID 1443 Time From Cutout to Cut-in is Shorter Than Normal (Less Than 25 Seconds). Measured With Machine in Park
Without the Application of Retarder or Service Brakes With Machine at Operating Temperature. 
Possible Component Non-Component
How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Root Causes  Root Causes 
Apply retarder and service brakes independently, measure
Service with kit for diverter valve

Diverter Valve (Front that pressure at the brake packs, all four pressures should
(service brakes).
Service Brake) (Seal Contamination  be within tolerance. Pressure should fall to less than
Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
Damage or Stuck Open)  103 kPa (15 psi). If pressure does not fall, then the valve

or better. 

may be stuck open. 

202 085
Apply retarder and service brakes independently, measure
Solenoid Valve (Front Service with new ARC solenoid
that pressure at the brake packs, all four pressures should
Automatic Retarder valve.

2 3
Contamination  be within tolerance. Pressure should fall to less than

13: /12/2 253

Control) (Seal Damage or Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
103 kPa (15 psi). If the pressure does not, then the valve
Stuck open)  or better. 
may be stuck open. 

Apply retarder and service brakes independently, measure

Solenoid Valve (Rear Service with new ARC solenoid

that pressure at the brake packs, all four pressures should

Automatic Retarder valve

KE 17-
Contamination  be within tolerance. Pressure should fall to less than
Control) (Seal Damage or Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
103 kPa (15 psi). If the pressure does not, then the valve
Stuck open)  or better 

may be stuck open. 

©2 R 0 3
Service with new solenoid valve

839 :00
Solenoid Valve for Purging
for purging the brake
the Brake Accumulators Check to see if both primary and secondary accumulator
Contamination  accumulators.
(Seal Damage or Stuck pressures are dropping rapidly. 

Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15

Cat 22 C 5
or better. 
Hoist Pressure Reducing Service with new hoist pressure
Measure the hoist pilot pressure and verify that the

Valve (Seal Damage, Seat reducing valve.

Contamination  pressure is to specification and is stable. If the valve is

Con pilla terpi
Wear, Unstable pressure Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
unstable, verify system cleanliness. 
output)  or better. 
Solenoid Valve for the Service with new BCD solenoid.

fide r: llar
Clean around the solenoid valve.
Brake Cooling Diverter (If Contamination  Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
Remove solenoid valve and inspect for damage. 
equipped)  or better. 

TCS Pilot Diverter (Seal

ntia Inc
Clean around the diverter valve.
Service with new TCS pilot

Damage)  Remove diverter valve and inspect for damage.  Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15

lG or better. 

Check Valve for the Service Service with new check valve.
Clean around the check valve.
Brake Accumulator (Seal Contamination  Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
Remove check valve and inspect for damage. 

Damage or Stuck open)  or better. 
Apply retarder and service brakes independently. Measure
Replace pedal valve.
Brake Pedal Valve (Stuck the pressure that goes into the control valve (brake).
Contamination  Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
open)  Pressure should fall to 0 kPa (0 psi). If the pressure does
or better. 
not, then the valve may be stuck open. 
If pressure is high, replace
defective pilot valve, if one or
Apply retarder and service brakes independently and
Brake Pack (Seal more brake packs are
Over-pressurization  measure the pressure at the brake packs. All four
Damage)  significantly lower than the
pressures should be within tolerance. 
Inspect for seal damage. 
Service Brake Accumulator Low pre-charge or If pre-charge does not hold a
Measure the precharge.
or Parking Brake oil on gas side of charge, replace the
Watch to see which accumulator is cycling rapidly. 
Accumulators  piston  accumulator. 

Table 16

Check: Check the Oil level in the hydraulic tank.… 20/29
21/12/2022 10:06 SIS 2.0

Illustration 15 g01977504
(1) Sight gauge for the hoist and brake cooling
(2) Sight gauge for the brake actuation oil
Check the oil level in the hydraulic tank. Look for air or water in sight gauge (1) and sight gauge (2). Add oil to the hydraulic tank, if necessary. See
the Operation and Maintenance Manual for the correct type of oil.

Note: The oil levels in the hydraulic tank need to be checked with the body lowered.

Problem: There is an indication of water in the oil.

Probable Cause

Illustration 16 g01950738
(3) Rear brake oil cooler
(4) Front brake oil cooler
(5) Optional front brake oil cooler (if equipped)

Failure of the rear brake oil cooler (3)

Failure of either front brake oil cooler (4) or front brake oil cooler (5)

Problem: There is an indication of air in the oil.

Probable Cause

There is leakage in the oil lines. See "Check: Check for oil leakage.".

Problem: The oil level is too low.

Illustration 17 g00288132
Final drive plug
Probable Cause

There is leakage in the oil lines. See "Check: Check for oil leakage.". Add oil before you perform any tests.

Brake cooling oil may leak into the final drive. Check the oil level in each final drive.… 21/29
21/12/2022 10:06 SIS 2.0

Check: Check for oil leakage.

Inspect all oil lines, all hoses, and all connections for damage or for leaks. Look for oil on the ground under the machine.

Note: If oil can leak out of a fitting or out of a connection, air can enter the system. Air in the system can be as harmful as having too little oil.

Check: Check the oil filter for brake actuation oil.

Illustration 18 g01950742
(1) Oil filter for the brake actuation oil
(2) Bypass switch for the brake actuation
Remove oil filter (1) for the brake actuation oil. Inspect oil filters (1) for foreign material. Cut the oil filter open, if necessary.

Note: Oil filter (1) for the brake actuation oil has an oil bypass valve. The bypass valve allows the oil to bypass the oil filter elements whenever the
pressure difference between the inlet oil and the outlet oil becomes too high. Any oil that does not flow through the filter element goes directly into
the hydraulic circuit. Dirty oil can cause sticking valves and restrictions in valve orifices. Bypass switch (2) will notify the operator of a restriction.

Problem: Rubber particles are found.

Probable Cause

Seal failure

Hose failure

Problem: Shiny steel particles are found.

Probable Cause

Mechanical failure of brake actuation pump section

Check: Check the oil filter for the hoist and brake cooling oil.

Illustration 19 g01950769
Oil filter for the brake cooling oil
(1) Oil filter for the hoist and brake cooling oil
(2) Bypass switch… 22/29
21/12/2022 10:06 SIS 2.0

Remove oil filter (1) for the hoist and brake cooling oil. Inspect oil filter (1) for foreign material. Cut the filter open, if necessary.

Note: Oil filter (1) for the hoist and brake cooling oil has an oil bypass valve. The bypass valve allows the oil to bypass the oil filter element or the
screen whenever the pressure difference between the inlet oil and the outlet oil becomes too high. Any oil that does not flow through the filter
element or through the screen goes directly into the hydraulic circuit. Dirty oil can cause sticking valves and restrictions in valve orifices. Bypass
switch (2) will notify the operator of a restriction.

Problem: Rubber particles are found.

Probable Cause

Seal failure

Hose failure

Problem: Shiny steel particles are found.

Probable Cause

Mechanical failure of gear pump for the hoist and for the brake cooling system

Refer to "Check: Check the screens for the brake oil coolers.".

Check: Check the screens for the brake oil coolers.

Illustration 20 g01950774
(1) Screen for the rear brake oil cooler (if equipped)
(2) Screen for the front brake oil coolers (if equipped)

Illustration 21 g01950777
(3) Screen for the front and rear oil coolers (if equipped)
Remove screen (1), screen (2), or screen (3) brake cooling oil. Inspect the screens for foreign material or for restrictions.

Problem: Rubber particles are found.

Probable Cause

Seal failure… 23/29
21/12/2022 10:06 SIS 2.0

Hose failure

Problem: Shiny steel particles are found.

Probable Cause

Illustration 22 g01950772
(3) Gear pump for the brake cooling system

Mechanical failure of gear pump (3) for the brake cooling system

Check: Check inside the hydraulic tank.

Illustration 23 g01950782
Side view of the hydraulic tank
(1) Brake cooling motor
(2) Check valves
(3) Screens
(4) Brake cooling pumps
(5) Drain port for the hoist and brake section of the hydraulic tank
(6) Drain port for the steering section of the hydraulic tank
Drain the oil from the hydraulic tank at drain port (5) for the section of the hydraulic tank that is for the hoist and brake. Inspect the bottom of the
hydraulic tank for debris. Remove the hoses from the back of the hydraulic tank to remove return screens (3) and clean the screens.

Problem: Rubber particles are found.

Probable Cause… 24/29
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Seal failure

Hose failure

Problem: Shiny steel particles are found.

Probable Cause

Illustration 24 g01950789
(9) Gear pump for the brake cooling system

Mechanical failure of the brake actuation pump section

Mechanical failure of the gear pump for the hoist and for the brake cooling system

Mechanical failure of gear pump (9) for brake cooling system

Problem: Pieces of black fiber are found. These pieces are part of the brake disc.
Probable Cause

Failure of the wheel brakes.

Problem: Shiny steel particles and/or chrome particles are found.

Probable Cause

There is a mechanical failure of a hydraulic cylinder and/or of a cylinder rod. Inspect the cylinder rods for scoring.

Troubleshooting for Brake Oil Overheating

If an overheating condition in the hydraulic system occurs, the operator will probably become aware of the overheating condition through the
Advisor.… 25/29
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Illustration 25 g01950790
(1) Brake oil temperature gauge
(2) Display for the Advisor

The Advisor receives signals from temperature sensors. At each of the four brakes, there is a temperature sensor that senses the temperature of
the oil. Brake oil temperature gauge (1) will display this sensor input.

Illustration 26 g00595874
(A) Temperature reading of 110°C (230°F)
(B) Temperature reading of 124°C (255°F)

Check brake oil temperature gauge (1) regularly. During this test sequence, do not allow the temperature of the brake oil to get too hot. Heat can
cause damage to the brakes.

When the oil temperature is too hot for the current conditions, Advisor (2) will alert the operator. An event will be displayed on the display for
Advisor (2). If the brake oil is too hot, reduce the load on the machine or slow the machine speed. Also, downshift the transmission to a lower
speed. For extra cooling, park the truck in a convenient location. Put the transmission in NEUTRAL, and run the engine at approximately 1500 rpm.

Symptom/Fault Code: Service Brakes Dragging/Overheating EID 86-89 (25,3)

Problem: Brake Cooling Temperature Too High (Above 120° C (248° F)) 
Component Root How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Root Causes 
Unloader tank spikes Refer to Table 11 in the
Unloader System Back pressure from Refer to Table 11 in the "Symptom/Fault Code: High Brake Pump "Symptom/Fault Code: High
Failure  high pump command Command EID 527 (2),(3)" Section.  Brake Pump Command EID 527
fault  (2),(3)" Section. 
Check brake system pressure to ensure that pressure upstream Service with new kit for the
Diverter Valve
of the slack adjustor drops to 0 kPa (0 psi) in less than 1 second diverter valve (service brakes).
(Front Service Contamination 
with normal operating conditions. If the pressure takes more than Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
1 second to decay, then the valves may not be shifting properly.  or better.… 26/29
21/12/2022 10:06 SIS 2.0

Check brake system pressure to ensure that pressure upstream Service with new kit for the
Diverter Valve (Rear of the slack adjustor drops to 0 kPa (0 psi) less than 1 second diverter valve (service brakes).
Service Brake)  with normal operating conditions. If the pressure takes more than Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
1 second to decay, then the valves may not be shifting properly.  or better. 
Check brake system pressure to ensure that pressure upstream Service with new ARC solenoid
Solenoid valve Contamination
of the slack adjustor drops to 0 kPa (0 psi) in less than 1 second valve.
(Front Automatic Minimum current set
with normal operating conditions. If the pressure takes more than Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
Retarder Control)  too high 
1 second to decay, then the valves may not be shifting properly.  or better. 
Check brake system pressure to ensure that pressure upstream Service with new ARC solenoid
Solenoid valve Contamination
of the slack adjustor drops to 0 kPa (0 psi) in less than 1 second valve.
(Rear Automatic Minimum current set
with normal operating conditions. If the pressure takes more than Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
Retarder Control)  too high 
1 second to decay, then the valves may not be shifting properly.  or better. 
Perform residual pressure check. If the residual pressure is Service Slack adjustor.
Slack Adjustor  N/A  higher than specification, then there may be a problem with the Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
slack adjustor.  or better. 
Ensure that pedal is clean and
Check brake system pressure to ensure that pressure upstream
Contamination free of debris.
of the slack adjustor drops to 0 kPa (0 psi) in less than 1 second
Brake Pedal Valve  Debris under heal Service with New Pedal Valve.
with normal operating conditions. If the pressure takes more than
stop of pedal.  Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
1 second to decay, then the valves may not be shifting properly. 
or better. 

Table 17

Symptom/Fault Code: Parking Brakes Dragging/Overheating EID 239 (2) / 240 (2)
Problem: Brake Cooling Temperature Too High (Above 120° C (248° F)) 
Possible Component Non-Component Root
How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Root Causes  Causes 
Unloader tank spikes Refer to Table 11 in the
Unloader System and/or back pressure from Refer to Table 11 in the "Symptom/Fault Code: High Brake "Symptom/Fault Code: High
Failure  high pump command Pump Command EID 527 (2),(3)" Section  Brake Pump Command EID
fault  527 (2),(3)" Section 
Check to see if the "AETA" self test is working properly.
Service with New "AETA" valve.
Ensure that the left and right rear parking brake pressure
TCS On/Off Valve  Contamination  Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
increases and decreases smoothly. If one side does not
or better. 
cycle, then inspect and repair the AETA valve. 
Check to see if the "AETA" self test is working properly.
Service with new "AETA" valve.
TCS Proportional Contamination Ensure that the left and right rear parking brake pressure
Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
Valve  Set too low  increases and decreases smoothly. If one side does not
or better. 
cycle, then inspect and repair the AETA valve. 
Check brake system pressure to ensure that pressure at Service with new diverter valve
Diverter Valve for the the brake pack drops to 0 kPa (0 psi) in less than 1 second for the parking and secondary
Parking and Secondary Contamination  with normal operating conditions. If the pressure takes brake.
Brake  more than 1 second to decay, then the valves may not be Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
shifting properly.  or better. 
Check brake system pressure to ensure that pressure at Service with new solenoid
Solenoid Valve for the the brake pack drops to 0 kPa (0 psi) in less than 1 second valve for the parking and
Parking and Secondary Contamination  with normal operating conditions. If the pressure takes secondary brake.
Brake  more than 1 second to decay, then the valves may not be Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
shifting properly.  or better. 
Perform manual brake wear
Glycol in the oil Check to see if the tolerance/stack up is OK.
Brake Pack  Tolerance Check to see if the coolers are leaking, or if the coolant is
Check for glycol in the oil
Stack up incorrect  low. 
With machine off, verify that the sensors are not reading
Left and Right
any pressure.
Pressure Sensors for Replace pressure sensors for
N/A  With Parking Brake released, the TCS valve pressure on
the Traction Control the TCS valve 
the sensors and the TCS valve pressure on the gauges
System Valve 
should match. 

Table 18

Problem: The oil temperature is hot.

The oil temperature is too hot according to brake oil temperature gauge (1). Advisor (2) is alerting the operator of high brake oil temperature.

Probable Cause

The truck is being operated improperly.

Reference: See the Operation and Maintenance Manual for the correct operating techniques of the brake and retarder system.… 27/29
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Operate the machine again. Make sure that engine rpm does not drop below 1700 rpm. This level ensures that enough oil flows through the brake
oil coolers to keep the oil at normal operating temperature.

Problem: The oil temperature is hot on a properly operated machine.

The oil temperature is too hot according to brake oil temperature gauge (1) and Advisor (2) after the truck is operated correctly. Advisor (2) can
display an event about the brake oil temperature.

Probable Cause

There is a restriction in the oil cooling system. Refer to the Braking System Testing and Adjusting, "Brake Cooling Pressure - Check". Also,
use a flow meter to determine if there is proper brake cooling oil flow.

One of the following pumps has failed: The gear pump for the hoist and for the brake cooling, the piston motor that drives the brake cooling
pump, or the brake cooling pump. Refer to this publication to check the appropriate filters or screens.

The pressure setting of the rear brake oil cooler relief valve is too low. Refer to the Braking System Testing and Adjusting, "Relief Valve
(Brake Oil Cooler) - Test and Adjust".

The pressure setting of the front brake oil cooler relief valve is too low. Refer to the Braking System Testing and Adjusting, "Relief Valve
(Brake Oil Cooler) - Test and Adjust".

Brake drag that can be caused by high command of the brake pump.

Conflicting Brake Pressure Information 716 (3)

Problem: Conflicting Brake Pressure Information 
Possible Non-
Component Root Component How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Causes  Root Causes 
Key OFF. Purge brake Accumulators. Key ON and compare all three brake
Replace suspect
Secondary brake sensors. The pressures should read close to 0 kPa () psi). Start machine and
Spikes in sensor or repair
accumulator recharge the brake accumulators. Monitor the three sensors while charging the
Hydraulic hydraulic circuit.
pressure sensor accumulators. The brake pump and accumulators should increase at the same
system  Confirm pressure
has failed  rate. If one sensor of the three does not match the other two sensors, that sensor
readings with a gauge. 
or hydraulic circuit needs investigated. 
Key OFF. Purge brake Accumulators. Key ON and compare all three brake
Replace suspect
Service brake sensors. The pressures should read close to 0 kPa () psi). Start machine and
Spikes in sensor or repair
accumulator recharge the brake accumulators. Monitor the three sensors while charging the
Hydraulic hydraulic circuit.
pressure sensor accumulators. The brake pump and accumulators should increase at the same
system  Confirm pressure
has failed  rate. If one sensor of the three does not match the other two sensors, that sensor
readings with a gauge. 
or hydraulic circuit needs investigated. 
Key OFF. Purge brake Accumulators. Key ON and compare all three brake
Replace suspect
sensors. The pressures should read close to 0 kPa () psi). Start machine and
Brake pump Spikes in sensor or repair
recharge the brake accumulators. Monitor the three sensors while charging the
pressure sensor Hydraulic hydraulic circuit.
accumulators. The brake pump and accumulators should increase at the same
failed  system  Confirm pressure
rate. If one sensor of the three does not match the other two sensors, that sensor
readings with a gauge. 
or hydraulic circuit needs investigated. 

Table 19

This code activates when there is a difference between the Service Brake Accumulator Pressure and the Secondary Brake Accumulator Pressure.
This code occurs when the difference in pressure exceeds 2345 kPa (340 psi) threshold, with the Brake Pump Pressure above Cut-Out, over 5
charging cycles, with the Engine running.

If this Event occurs while the Machine is in operation, perform the following tasks:

Park the Machine

Shut down the Machine safely

Turn the key to the ON position (Key ON), (Engine OFF)

The Brake ECM should create a Data Drifted High diagnostic for either the Service Brake Accumulator Pressure Sensor or the Secondary
Brake Accumulator Pressure Sensor.

The user should then follow the troubleshooting procedure for which ever diagnostic pops up.

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