The research will discuss an open issue which is timely as the world tries to
researchers claim that the majority victims of cyber bullying are mostly students that
now have a negative perception in education as the environment. Students are more
interaction but because of bullying, some are forced to drop out or never interact with
people. According to Belsey (2004) "cyberbullying involves the use of information and
individual or group that is intended to harm others" (Belsey, 2004). In 2006, the National
Crime Prevention Council worked with Harris Interactive Inc., to create a study on
cyberbullying. The study found that 43% of the 824 middle school and high school-aged
students surveyed in the United States had been cyberbullied in the past year (cited in
unreported to parents and administrators. This is due to victims feeling they needed to
learn to deal with it themselves and also being afraid that if they tell their parents, their
internet privileges will be reduced or taken away. It has been found that 90% of
respondents in the Juvonen and Gross study (2008) reported not telling adults about
stress, low self-esteem, and depression. It has been found that cyberbullying can also
have extreme repercussions such as suicide and violence. Marr and Field (2001)
referred to suicide brought on by bullying as "bullycide" (Marr & Field, 2001, p. 1). As
elementary, middle, and high school students in fourteen different studies throughout
the United States. The first two studies were online exploratory samples used to obtain
a general understanding of the problem. As such, the numbers obtained are higher than
average and not representative because they only include online teens who volunteered
to participate. Our twelve most recent studies, however, have all been random samples
of known populations, so we can be fairly confident in the reliability and validity of the
data obtained (click here for more information about the methodology). Overall, about
27% of the teens we have surveyed over the last eleven studies have told us that they
have been cyberbullied at some point in their lifetimes. About 10% said they were
cyberbullied in the 30 days preceding the survey. Similarly, about 16% of those who we
surveyed admitted that they had cyberbullied others at some point in their lifetimes
(about 6% in the most recent 30 days). In 2020 we surveyed 1,034 tweens (9-12 year-
olds) across the United States and found that about 15% of them had been cyberbullied
at some point in their lifetimes (about 3% had cyberbullied others). More detailed
information about our various studies involving teens (12- to 17-year-olds) can be
found here. Our recent study findings involving tweens (9- to 12-year-olds) can be
found here.
This study aims to find out the Impacts and Effects of Cyber Bullying to the
Academic Performance of Senior High School Students of Holy Rosary Academy of Las
Pinas City in line to the scheme of learning and to determine whether students have
positive or negative view in this issue, whereby helps in understanding various attitudes,
Statement of The Problem: The study aims to perceive the impacts and effects of
Cyber Bullying to the performance of Senior High School students of Holy Rosary
1. How do Senior High School students of Holy Rosary Academy of Las Pinas City
This research will benefit the students, parents and teachers, the school
and suggestions that will be of paramount importance to fully apprehend the students’
This study will include the do Senior High School students of Holy Rosary
Academy of Las Pinas City who’s age is ranging from 17 and above and is willing to
help in the progress of this study. The participant in this study is also completely
As stated by, ( The growth and advancement of the digital space has led
suffer from peer aggression (Michel & Heirman, 2011). This research aims at the
investigation of the impacts of cyberbullying in academics. Research and analysis show that
such bullying has damaging emotional and psychological effects to the victims such that it
hinders the academic productivity of learners. Instead of developing the youth, advanced
technology has created avenues for more stress on the learners through cyberbullying
(Elizabeth, 2010).
The results signify that cyber bullying indeed affected students academically as well as
emotionally. Ninetyfive percent of the participants (95%) denoted that they were scared
and worried about cyber bullying in the classrooms. The majority of the respondents
300(85%) were of the view that if concrete action was not taken to curb cyber bullying,
respondents 255(70.8%) held the view that cyber bullying had an adverse effect on the
victims’ academic performance. Data collected from the parents 55 (22%) indicated that
their children are worried without apparent reasons. Parents further indicated that they
suspect cyber bullying might be the main cause of their mood change. Few parents
(10%) designated that their children are depressed most probably due to cyber bullying.
Results from observation specify that 35% of the population in the class showed sign of
worries on their faces. The instruments used to collect data were video recording, note
taking and digital photography. Many extra ordinary incidents such as students’ gesture,
facial expressions and body languages are simply selfexplanatory about difficulties they
In the research of (Yehuda Peled, 2019), Moreover, research findings have shown that
drinking alcohol, smoking, depression and low commitment to academics (Walker et al.,
2011). The victims of cyberbullying, under great emotional stress, are unable to
concentrate on their studies, and thus their academic progress is adversely affected
(Faryadi, 2011). Since the victims are often hurt psychologically, the depressive effect of
Malaysian university study with 365 first year students, the majority of the participants
specifically their grades (Faryadi, 2011). Also, 85% of the respondents agreed that
whereas for students without learning disabilities, the predictors were low social
support, low well-being, and low body perception. The transition to academic institutions
Undergraduate students are not only developing academically and intellectually, they
deciding about a career and lifestyle, and maintaining personal health and wellness.
Many students are interacting with people from diverse backgrounds who hold different
values and making new friends. Some are also adapting to living away from home for
the very first time (Inkelas et al., 2007). The concept of academic development involves
purpose, and general satisfaction with the academic environment are also important
methods. They are mainly used by researchers to collect reliable data which will later be
group discussion and experiment. The research instrument that the researchers used in
knowing the Impacts and Effects of Cyber Bullying to the student’s academic
performance City is survey questionnaires; this contains Multiple Choice Questions and
still in the midst of a crisis, it is not feasible for the survey to be done naturally; instead
for the research to be done, the researchers used Google Forms as a medium to
conduct the survey. The study employed a descriptive research design. The main
questions ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ are more priority rather than the question of
‘why something has happened. For that reason observation and survey tools are often
used to gather data (Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2007). The researchers utilized descriptive
research to investigate the Impacts and Effects of Cyber Bullying to the Academic
Performance of Senior High School Students of Holy Rosary Academy of Las Pinas
City, the perception being observed by the researchers are later described based on
approach being studied is in electronic set up and often offers initial results in focused