Concept Paper
Concept Paper
Concept Paper
The digital age is accompanied by a host of new issues, most prominent among them the
handling of the teenager's case concerning cyberbullying. The increased reliance on digital tools to
communicate and educate is such that the effect of cyberbullying on the students' academic
performance has become a matter of paramount importance. Cyberbullying has been defined as the
use of electronic means to harass or intimidate others using digitized media, which may include
spreading rumors, destructive messages, embarrassing content intended to intimidate, or control the
victim (Smith & Slonje, 2017). Cyberbullying research cuts across various disciplines: psychology,
sociology, communication, education, law, and media studies. Its focus is on psychological
consequences, social dynamics, prevention, and legal responses (Kowalski et al., 2014).
Cyberbullying is a widespread issue, as studies suggest that 34% of students between the ages of 12
and 17 have been the victims at some time (Cyberbullying Research Center, 2018). The after-effects
of cyberbullying are serious since victims who commit suicide are generally at an increased risk for
psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal tendency.
This paper will address how cyberbullying affects senior high school learners at East Gusa
National High School; students undergoing online harassment experience higher anxiety levels and
absenteeism and find it hard to concentrate in class, gradually pulling down grades and participation
levels. There is a need to take action through targeted awareness programs, the strengthening of
anti-cyberbullying policies, and providing mental health support services to affected students.
● Theoretical Framework
The first theory was the relational-culture theory (RCT) proposed by (Comstock et al.,
2008). It serves as a lens through which to examine how students' understanding of discrimination is
impacted through relationships with peers, educators, and broader social systems in terms of how
societal disconnections impact marginalized groups.
The second theory was the minority stress theory by (Meyer, 2003). This theory further
complements this by focusing on the unique stressors that LGBTQIA+ individuals face because of
societal prejudice and discrimination, offering insight into the importance of fostering awareness to
alleviate such stressors.
Yet another theory that Bandura forwarded in 1977 is social learning theory, that suggests
how student's perceptions and attitudes evolve by seeing others' actions, then emulating them while
interaction from their immediate family to the larger schools and the media determine their
perception on the same matters LGBTQIA+
● Related Studies
The study of Toomey et al., (2012) focused on high school students' understanding of
LGBTQ+ discrimination, revealing that female students in upper grades, such as Grade 12, tend to
have a higher awareness of issues related to LGBTQ+ discrimination than their male counterparts.
Female students were more likely to recognize both overt and subtle forms of discrimination, partly
due to their social circles and exposure to discussions on social justice within peer and educational
According to Harris (2017) LGBTQ+ Awareness and Attitudes Among High School Students
explored high school students' awareness and attitudes toward LGBTQ+ issues, revealing that
students with more exposure to LGBTQ+ topics—through education or peer interactions—tended to
have more supportive attitudes. It also demonstrated gender differences, with female students
showing greater support for gay rights than their male counterparts.
The Impact of School Climate on LGBTQIA+ Students by (Kosciw et al., 2018) addresses
the relationship between school climate and how it affects the experiences of LGBTQIA+ students,
including discrimination. It reveals that positive school climate, characterized by having inclusive
curricula and policies in schools, significantly reduces experiences of bullying and discrimination.
Instead, it emphasizes that fostering an inclusive environment in schools would call for greater
awareness and acceptance among the students.
GLSEN National School Climate Survey (2019) study of LGBTQIA+ students in U.S. high
schools found verbal harassment, bullying, and exclusion of LGBTQIA+ students. The report
stresses the importance of inclusive education and awareness programs in schools for LGBTQIA+
students as those schools with LGBTQIA+-inclusive policies and curricula experience less
discrimination and more acceptance by students.
The main focus of the paper is to find out how does cyberbullying affect the academic
performance of senior high school students at East Gusa National High School. It will seek to answer
the following research questions.
1.What is the prevalence of cyberbullying among senior high school students at East Gusa National
High School?
2.What are the common forms of cyberbullying experienced by senior high school students?
3.What is the relationship between cyberbullying and students' academic performance (e.g., grades,
attendance, and class participation)?
4.How does cyberbullying affect the mental health and well-being of senior high school students?
5.What interventions or support systems are in place to help students cope with the effects of
6.What measures can the school implement to mitigate the impact of cyberbullying on academic
● Research Objectives
1.To identify the prevalence of cyberbullying among senior high school students at East Gusa
National High School.
2.To examine the common forms of cyberbullying experienced by senior high school students.
3.To analyze the relationship between cyberbullying and students' academic performance, including
grades, attendance, and class participation.
● Research Design
This will be a descriptive-comparative research design, describing and comparing the two
awareness levels among male and female students on LGBTQIA+ discrimination. The descriptive
phase of the study will concern assessing the general awareness of the students regarding the kind of
discrimination that the LGBTQIA+ faces, its impact to society, and other connected. This research
design is thus well-suited for assessing both general awareness of issues related to LGBTQIA+
communities and how gender impacts attitudes to these challenges in ways which can be informative
and helpful, potentially guiding future education initiatives or awareness campaigns/policy advice
(Creswell, 2014).
The participants in this study are 145 Grade 12 students coming from East Gusa National
High School. Participants' age will be between 17 and 25 years old. Participants will have almost
equal representation by gender with 93 participants being male, or 64% while 52 participants being
females, or 35%. It will determine whether their awareness is based on personal experience,
education, or peer influence, and which differences exist between male and female students regarding
their knowledge and attitudes towards LGBTQIA+ issues.
The primary method of data collection for this study will be survey instrumentation. A structured
questionnaire will be designed to gather information on the prevalence and forms of cyberbullying,
as well as its impact on the academic performance and mental well-being of senior high school
students. The survey will consist of both closed-ended questions (e.g., Likert scales, multiple-choice
questions) and open-ended questions to allow participants to share detailed insights.
Survey Design
Before the survey is conducted, participants will be provided with a brief orientation to
explain the purpose of the study, ensure informed consent, and address ethical considerations,
including the confidentiality and anonymity of their responses.
Survey Administration
The survey will be distributed to 145 Grade 12 students at East Gusa National High School.
Students will complete the questionnaire in a controlled setting during a scheduled session, ensuring
a high response rate.
Data Security
All completed surveys will be securely collected and stored to maintain data privacy and
protect participants’ identities.
Data Analysis
The collected data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics to address
the study’s objectives and research questions.
Descriptive Statistics
Frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations will be computed to describe the
prevalence and common forms of cyberbullying among participants.
Summary statistics will also be used to present data on participants’ academic performance
(e.g., grades, attendance, participation) and mental well-being.
Inferential Statistics
Comparative Analysis: T-tests or ANOVA will be used to determine if there are significant
differences in the impact of cyberbullying based on demographic factors (e.g., gender, age).
By employing these methods, the analysis aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the
effects of cyberbullying on senior high school students and offer actionable insights to address the
issue effectively.
Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design.
Harvard University Press.
Comstock, D. L., Hammer, T. R., Strentzsch, J., Cannon, K., Parsons, J., & Salazar, G. (2008).
Relational-cultural theory: A framework for bridging relational, multicultural, and social justice
competencies. Journal of Counseling & Development, 86(3), 279–287.
Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches
(4th ed.). SAGE Publications.
Harris, J. (2017). LGBTQ+ awareness and attitudes among high school students. Journal of Social
Research, 45(2), 123–145.
Kosciw, J. G., Greytak, E. A., Palmer, N. A., & Boesen, M. J. (2018). The 2017 National School
Climate Survey: The experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth in our
nation's schools. GLSEN.
Kowalski, R. M., Giumetti, G. W., Schroeder, A. N., & Lattanner, M. R. (2014). Bullying in the
digital age: A critical review and meta-analysis of cyberbullying research among youth.
Psychological Bulletin, 140(4), 1073–1137.
Meyer, I. H. (2003). Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual
populations: Conceptual issues and research evidence. Psychological Bulletin, 129(5), 674–697.
Smith, P. K., & Slonje, R. (2017). Cyberbullying: Definitions and prevalence. In P. K. Smith, & G.
Steffgen (Eds.), Cyberbullying through the new media: Findings from an international network (pp.
3–19). Psychology Press.
Toomey, R. B., McGuire, J. K., & Russell, S. T. (2012). High school students’ understanding of
LGBTQ+ discrimination. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 41(4), 495–508.