26th Sunday Insert

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26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Beyond Words
Two sons were asked to work in the vineyard of their father. One said he would do so, but he
didn’t. The other said he wouldn’t, but he did. It was this second son who did what the father

God, our Father, invites us all to work in the vineyard, preparing the world for the coming of
the kingdom. Some of us talk about the work that needs to be done, calling attention to the so-
cial ills that divide us: the poverty and hunger, the discrimination and oppression, the militarism
and war.

Others of us do something about these problems: challenging the systems that produce poverty
and hunger, struggling to overcome discrimination and oppression, agitating for peace and an
end to militarism.

The challenge of Jesus Christ is to look to others’ interests rather than to one’s own. It is to
look beyond one’s small world, which may be filled with satisfaction and fulfillment, to look out
into that world where people suffer and die. And it is to go beyond talk and become involved in
action for the transformation of the world.

Two sons were asked to work in the vineyard of their father. One of them did what the father
Gerald Darring

“It is not enough to recall principles,

state intentions, point to crying injus-
tices and utter prophetic denuncia-
tions; these words will lack real
weight unless they are accompanied
for each individual by a livelier aware-
ness of personal responsibility and
by effective action.”
Pope Paul VI, Octagesimo Adveniens
(1971) 48
September 28, 2008
Some καιρός / kairos thoughts…
καιρός / kairos—Greek—time—viewed as an occasion rather than an extent

Magdalen’s perfume

did she laugh

the nard flow
Prayer List
I am sure Pray the rosary for world peace, Avis Cox, Fr. Clarence Biggers, Gladys and Ben
Kramkowski, Rita Moenk, Doug Bearden, Sarah Snider, Thornton/Lynch family,
Ryan Amsberry, Annie & family, Connie, her mother & family, Blake, Erik,

she Campbell family, Jonathan & family, Sharon & family, Will, FMS, Cap. Corp.,
Patrick & Brittany, Broughman family, Fannie Crowder & family, VAL, Father
Ingram’s father & family, Karen’s mother, Cheryl Mobley & family, William

did and that Hudson, Robert, Walter, Danielle, Christopher, Barbara, Katherine, Nicholas,
Kaylin, Kasie, Mary Beth & family, Mary Ann Mahoney & family, Donna &
family, Ann Chancellor & family, Sheila & family, cancer patients & families,
military & families, Brandon, Plantation Villa residents, Don, Mrs. Carpenter, Mr.
& Mrs. Rooks, Katherine & family, Mr. Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. Barlow, Jane & family,
Scott & family, Diane & Peter, Michele & Gary, Lucy’s father & family, Bobbie,
Joan & family, Karl’s mother & family, June & family, Tina & family, Belinda &
only Christ family, OLM family, Kat, Delgratia & family, Mr. Gomez & family, Sara’s mother,
Dr. Lynch & family, Rob/Allie & family, Chuck & family, Frank & family, Liesa
& family, mother of Dr. Petros, Dr. Issa & family, Odessa, Anita’s mother &
knew family, Ruby, Ruby’s mother & family, Davies family, Katie & family, family of
Angie, Ann & family, Gretchen & family, Eileen, Scott & family, Robert, Flavia &
family, Tony’s family, Roy & Martha Wright, Roy, Alice Swygert, Alan, Nard,

and herself Tony, Glenda, Nelson, J. Bob, Munn, Vogt, Wolfe families, Russell & family, Ola,
Gene Wilson & family, Jane Brock & family, Janet Kramer & family, Elayne &
family, Winnie, Phil & family, Tony, Stan, Emily & family, Ruthie & Ed, Mr.
Bergin & family, Russell & family, Mrs. Sanseverino & family, CC Center,
veterans & families Jessie Emmett, Mark, Michael’s mother, Carrie, VAMC,
Rambo’s mother & family, Josephine Mary, Mary Anna, S. Paul, Tony, J. W.

laughing with Wilson & family, Jason & Kim, Josie, Kelly, Mickey’s family, Jon & Janet Cook &
family, Karen’s cousin, Mike Aguado & family, Carl & family, Dr. Lopez &
family, Dr. Vanapalli & family, Dr. Nair & family, Garrett & family, family of

Him anda Poem from liturgy.slu.edu

Duffie, Aaron Christian, Marina & family, Mitchell’s father & family, Estella’s
mother & family, Kerry’s mother & family, Gail & family, Beth & family,
Bernard, Anna & family, Sara Lucas & family, Mary Gilliam & family, Delgratia &
family, Bobbie Elayne & family, Carol, Cheryl Mobley & family, Bettie & family,
Jane & family, Scott, Chris & family, Michael & family, Carolyn Williamson,
Berger family, Mendez family, Ikai family, Joshua Moser, Stephanie Christian,
Patricia Finch, Madelene Brewer, Ed Schaffer, Joyce Jones, Jim Schirm, Chris B.,
One person says “yes” and does nothing; Justine, Anna & Henry, Doris Bishop, Joey Milani, Mary Ondovchik, Ann Rudy,
Peggy Cable, Claude Rickman, Dames gang, Chris & Stevie, Paula, Dan & kids,
the other says “no,” yet does what is Jim Cannon, Nancy Truesdale, Marcus Osborn, Amy & family, Phil Lee, Denise
& Sam Kell, Elaine Cole, Elysa Cole-Ali, Marie McDemmond, Anthony Morgan
asked. Who does God’s will? The one who Sr. & Jr, Eric Hawthorne, Lynn & Leroy Burrows, Shirley Walton, Russ family,
Carlo Dellaquila, Katherine Catti, Joanna, Jean & Michael Spataro, Maria Beck,
talked or the one who acted? Our Lord Je- Justino Prado, Stephanie, Mark, & baby Fletcher, Heidi Fitzgerald, Caron, Carline,
Anais, & Ken Pierre, Janel Hughes, Chad Nostrant, Deundre Davis, Randy
sus acted out God’s will and emptied him- Taylor, Brian Strickland, Florence & Vincent Santaniello, J.T., Ana Maria , Erwin
& Erwin G. Molano, Ligia Restrepo, Isabel Vribe, Anderson family, Chris Stahler
self out to be like a slave. His work on the family, Frank, Mary Jo Shamas, Frances Homsey, August Kneidinger, Barbara
Zebertas, Debbie McCloud, Tony Pinson, Mary Campbell, LaTeekey Cook &
cross saved us from death and gained us family, Gary Toler, Sonya Robinson, Irene Davis, Charles & Connie Sullivan,
God’s life. You must be the same as Christ Matt & Melanie Stanley, Dawn, Don & Noel Ruberti, Emilia, Karen Baird,
Connie Metzger, Wideman family, Sr. Mary Bonaventure, Hattie Jackson, Martha
Jesus. Acting out the Trinity’s call in our Chapin, Groover family, Jane & Chinelo E., Lane, Wagener family, Siks family,
Bob Imsand, Joan, Dorene Trumble, Danielle Vincent, Carole Chiani, Carol Ross,
lives makes life in Christ possible! Heather & Heidi, Walter Meeks, Madi Lawton, unspoken, Lamont Davis, Garger
family, Tommy & family, John & family, Wayne & Vicki White, Richard Winters,
Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, S.T.D. © 2002, OCP. All rights reserved. Helen Anderson, Kelly Timken

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