September 14, 2008: 24 Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Feast of St.

Francis of Assisi Tending Our Gardens Stewardship In Everyday Life

September 14, 2008 ny 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Would you like to have your pets blessed? Join us “What have you done with the garden entrusted to you?” — Machado
at 9:00 am on Saturday, October 4th, at the Many are familiar with the phrase “time, talent, and treasure” as a de-
Readings for Mass Baby Peaches Cradle Program—September 27 & 28 church to have a blessing for your family pets. scription of Christian stewardship, and these are indeed important as-
Members of St. Matthew’s are invited to share their love pects of it. However, stewardship is much more. It entails accepting all
September 14, 2008 September 21, 2008 through the Cradle Program, sponsored by Baby Peaches, a non- Religious Education News aspects of our lives as gift, and inviting God into each.
1st Reading Nm 21:4-9 Is 55:6-9 profit organization that donates baby products and parenting I believe God cares deeply about how we take care of our bodies, emo-
materials to disadvantaged mothers at local hospitals. Choose a There will be no PSR or PRISM next weekend!
2nd Reading Phil 2:6-11 Phil 1:20-24, 27 In order to allow the children and the teens of our parish family to par- tions, and relationships. God wants us to use everything we have to
heart or two or three or more from the Cradle in the entrance bring about the kingdom in our lives and the world around us.
ticipate fully in the celebration of St. Matthew's Feast Day and the culmi-
Gospel Jn 3:13-17 Mt 20:1-16 way, and share your love with our newborn citizens. For more In March of 2004, Bishop Robert Morneau gave a presentation on
nation of our annual Novena to St. Matthew, both PSR and PRISM will
information call Tina Patrick at 678-481-9976 or email have holidays next Sunday. Classes/meetings will resume September 28. “The Spirituality of Stewardship” at the annual Regional Stewardship
We welcome the following Conference in Atlanta.
Most needed items at this time: Rattles - Washcloths - Women’s Faith Formation
new parishioners to our Parish Family Pacifiers - Thermometers - Sleepers (0-3 mo.) - Plug Covers - Women’s Faith Formation is will be meeting on the second and fourth
He presented this idea of stewardship as different gardens that we are
called to tend in our lives. We will cover the difference gardens over
Carlos, Janelle, Gabi & Sydney Schweinfurth Latches - Monetary donations for parenting materials Mondays of September due to the Labor Day holiday. We will meet
the next few weeks, as a guide for discernment.
Grady, Joanne, Matthew & Ashley Boyce Monday night, September 22, 2008 at 7:00 pm in The La Salette Day
Joaquin, Lety, Christian, Brenda & Joaquincito Pinon Chapel. We chose The Shack by William P. Young as our first book for It is important to realize that this is simply a starting point: a tool to
Jennifer & Raegan Thompson Calendar of Upcoming Events discussion. All women of the parish are welcome. help you start asking your own questions. Only you can ultimately de-
termine how God is calling you in your life.
September 16 9:30AM Church Cleaning
Ministry Highlight In celebrating this month of Our Lady’s final journey to God in her glo- It is important to note that this process should not necessarily be seen
as a way of adding more tasks to your life, but as a call to balance and
September YAM Calendar See Bulletin Board rious Assumption, let us ask her motherly intercession to draw souls to
Nursery Care the Sacred Heart of her Son. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults openness. Stewardship addresses what we do in our lives, but more
Our volunteers provide a safe and happy environment for the (RCIA) is a journey too – of conversion to God and what he intends for importantly how we do them.
young children of our parishioners during both Sunday masses.
Adult Choir Rehearsals! us. RCIA is the process by which persons who was never baptized, or As you read through the questions, check off areas in which you would
Children ages 6 months thru 4 years old are accepted. Volunteers September 16th & September 23rd was baptized in other Christian tradition, become members of the like to be more attentive or spend more energy. Feel free to star ques-
should plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before Mass and plan to stay a Church, a people on a pilgrimage to our Heavenly Father. Please con-
tions related to areas where you are doing well. When you are done, go
Youth Choir Rehearsals! tact King Cooper at (770) 774-1182 for more information.
few minutes after Mass to straighten up. Teens are strongly encour- back and circle one to three areas you want to work on.
ages to volunteer. No experience needed, just a loving heart. For September 14th & September 28th
Bible Study
information about this ministry call Gail Routon 770.487.2502. Daytime Bible study will begin Tuesday, September 23rd from 10:15 to Garden of History
Extraordinary Minister Make-Up Training 11:30 am in room 3. All are invited. No previous experience is necessary. God calls us to understand our past and use that knowledge for a better
Please join us as we explore God's word together! future. The Bible tells of our experiences as God’s people through his-
Visit Fr. Vic’s blog at There will be an Extraordinary Minister make-up training ses-
For more information contact Doris Cooper at 770.632.0426 or Linda tory, in our failures and triumphs. Some of us are more aware than oth-
sion on Wednesday, September 24th at 6:30 pm in the church. Spencer at 770.632.8880. ers of the gift that each new day is.
Feelin’ Lucky?? This will be the /FINAL/ training session for this year for Ex-
traordinary Ministers, so if you have not attended a previous ses-
Do you stay informed about recent history (“current events”) through
PRISM media sources?
We’ve got the perfect deal for you! sion, please plan on attending. Congratulations to the following teens who were elected as 2008-2009 Do you take advantage of books, documentaries, and other resources
November 1rd, 2008 Dixie Wing Hangar, Fal- PRISM officers: that give us perspective on history?
Carlos Barboza - president Lucia Benzor—parliamentarian
con Field, Peachtree City. An entire evening
out, also known as Casino Night. Dinner,
Altar Server Training Allie Diaz - recording secretary Matt Hammond—reporter
Do you consider history and news critically, and how you can make a
difference in the world?
Andrew Stotelo—corresponding secretary Alexis Morris—historian Do you share your personal stories with others, particularly those in
dancing gaming galore, auctions and fun. Tick- Training for altar servers will take place on: Nick Scharko - treasurer
ets are $50 per person. A deal for a whole night newer generations?
Saturday - September 20th @ 9:00am Please pray for the 30 teens and five adults taking part in the annual Do you regularly reflect on your own life and what you have learned
out on the town! Sunday - September 28th @ 9:45am PRISM overnight fall retreat this weekend in the Griffin area, from early from your personal experiences?
Benefactors are the outreach ministries (St. Saturday - October 4th @ 9:00am Saturday to late Sunday afternoon. Do you reflect on where you have experienced Christ daily?
Vincent de Paul) of three parishes: Saint Mat- Have you had some experience that you have a responsibility to act on?
Just as a reminder, you must attend one training session to remain SMAT7
thew, Saint Mary Magdalene and Holy
active in this ministry. St. Matthew Parish has a new group for teens who have been confirmed,
Trinity. Helping others in need.
Tickets are limited and will go on sale soon! Minister of Hospitality Training
up to age 19. The name of the group is SMAT7 which stands for Saint
Matthew's Anointed Teens 7 (7 gifts of the Holy Spirit). Our purpose is
Financial Giving in our Parish Family
to help Confirmed Catholic teens at Saint Matthew Parish, maintain an
Mass Intentions The following are training dates for new and veteran ministers of ongoing relationship with their faith, create opportunities for faith for- September 7, 2008
hospitality. Remember you must attend one training session to re- mation, and provide a community for sharing and learning with other
main active in this ministry. Catholic teens. We meet the first and third Thursdays of the month for Offertory $16,560.00
Monday 7PM St. Matthew Parish Family
Sunday, September 14th @ 12:30 pm fun, fellowship, and planning. We are planning a lock-in in the near fu- Given in checks & envelopes (256) $15,587.00
Tuesday 7PM St. Matthew Parish Family ture and other activities. To find out more or become a member, con-
Wednesday 7PM Kathy Hampton SPORTS TICKER...Our parish had the largest fan following but
tact Todd Wilmore at 678-850-6552 or email Parish Debt Reduction $968.00
fell just a little short in the opening game of the Catholic Men's CAFE 945 Explores the Heritage of Vatican II Second Collection $1,279.00
Thursday 7PM Ambrose & Juliana Okoro League basketball season last weekend as we fell to St Mary Magda- This Sunday, September 14, CAFE 945 will begin exploring the Second
Friday 7PM St. Matthew Parish Family lene 32-25 despite a great team effort. A well rounded attack kept Vatican Council from the viewpoint of 45 years later. This first discus- Upcoming Second Collections
us in the game until the final minutes and a great season is still sion will focus on Vatican II as a Roadmap for the Future of the
Saturday 5PM St. Matthew Parish Family ahead. Plan to cheer on our men on Sunday, September 21 when Church. Presentation by Deacon Gayle. CAFE 945 will be closed on September 14—St. Vincent de Paul Society
Sunday 10:00AM Ora Wiltz we challenge Our Lady of Mercy at 4 p.m. Admission is free! Sunday, September 21, in honor of St. Matthew's Feast Day. September 21—No second collection

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