100 Underearth Locations
100 Underearth Locations
100 Underearth Locations
100 Underearth
Design, Editing and Layout: Adrian Kennelly
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Introduction they are careful never to put themselves
in a position where they, too, could end up
This is a collection of 100 different loca- being slaves.
tions that can be dropped into an under- 3. Arched Juncture: The juncture of sev-
ground journey. The locations are more eral tunnels, this is notable for the arches
suited to natural locations than dungeons, that mark each entrance. The arches have
but many large dungeons descend low clearly been added to the exiting stone,
enough that they venture into the un- and do not appear to be necessary to hold
derearth realms. Each location is named up the entrances in any way. This hasn’t
and described and many of them could stopped the archways from being well
have potential adventure and encounter constructed with tightly-fitting blocks of
hooks, and some could be dangerous to stones, each of which is carved in an un-
visit. known rune.
4. Barricaded Caves: Many green veins
Using the Locations mark the walls of these caves, where cop-
per has turned green with verdigris. This
Locations can be rolled for randomly using isn’t the most noteworthy feature of the
d100 but given their nature it is recom- caves, though, as that honour is earned
mended that they be manually selected. by the barricades that block off many of
the entrances. The barricades are made of
1. Abandoned Mithril Delve: This delve green copper also, the copper having been
was once a valuable source of mithril for mined from within them. The barricades
one of the underearth realms and, indeed, are marked with many warding sigils, sug-
it still has much mithril left within. How- gesting that they were built to keep some-
ever, the delve has been abandoned after thing on the other side of them from pass-
miners kept disappearing. To start with, ing through.
only the occasional miner on their own
5. Beguiling Slime Caves: These caves
would disappear without trace. As time ad-
appear to be pleasant, for underground
vanced, more miners would disappear and
caves, and a safe place to relax and recu-
even those posted to ensure their safety
perate. Bioluminescence illuminates the
would vanish as well. Eventually, no min-
caves and pools of clean, clear water can
er would work in the delve and there was
also be seen, with bioluminescent organ-
little point in trying to force anyone to do
isms dancing in them. This is all an illusion,
so, as the losses meant it was effective-
though. The caves are actually home to
ly impossible to recover the mined mithril
several species of slime, one of which is
anyway. It’s still not known what causes
far more intelligent than normal and has
the disappearances.
somehow gained the ability to cast illu-
2. Adamantine Delve of the Dark Elf sions. The illusion serves the purpose of
Lady: An adamantine mine with a bad luring prey into the caves to be eaten by
reputation controlled by a powerful dark elf the slimes.
matriarch. The mine itself is rich in ada-
6. Bellowing Magma Caves: A complex
mantine, and is well-defended as a result,
of interconnected caves that are filled with
but all the workers are slaves of many
churning masses of molten rock. The caves
different races and are treated very badly.
are very dangerous to creatures who lack
The mine is known as a place where slaves
protection from fire; the sheer heat emit-
go to die. No-one has ever come out of it
ted by the magma will quickly kill those
alive, and there is a constant demand for
lacking protection. Every so often, a bel-
new workers. This makes the matriarch
lowing noise resounds through the com-
very popular with slave dealers, although
plex. Some claim that the sound is that of
an immense beast, either a monster of fire flakes of ash that are constantly drifting in
or something imprisoned. Others say that from some sort of elemental gateway. No
it is simply caused by superheated air be- matter how much is done to try to clean
ing forced through the caves by an upwell- the cavern out, the ash keeps drifting back
ing of magma. in, covering every surface in a thick lay-
7. Bridge of the Barbarian Overlord: er of it. The ash is not normal, either; not
Spanning a raging torrent of a river is a only elemental, it seems to be fiendish
massive, well-constructed stone bridge. as well, as if something vile was burning.
The bridge is clearly ancient, yet is still in The ash, when it first enters, is hot, but
excellent shape, and is safe to cross. The cools down. Breathing it starts off being
barbarian overlord, whose name is lost to unpleasant and painful and ends up being
history, did not build the bridge, but did fatal without protection. Even when cold, it
control it. They were the leader of a bar- burns the skin.
barous and degenerate group of extreme- 11. Cavern of Souls: This unstable cavern
ly warlike dwarves, and it is thought that sees frequent collapses of parts of the roof
those dwarves were the last remnants of or walls, leaving the floor covered in rub-
the civilisation who did build the bridge. ble. Crossing the cavern is difficult, thanks
The dwarves charged a percentage fee for to the rubble, and dangerous, thanks to
all who wished to cross the bridge, before the collapses. Skeletal remains can be
they eventually disappeared. found beneath the rock piles if they are
8. Cave of the Devout: This cave is used searched. Those within the cavern when
for casting auguries by a small, extreme- a collapse happens claim that they have
ly fanatical, sect who follow an unknown heard faint howling at the same time,
deity. Rather than using birds, as would described as being like the wailing of lost
be the normal case, the sect uses the bats souls. Nothing has ever been proven about
that inhabit the cavern. The bats are treat- the presence of souls, said to be those of
ed well and there are thousands of them. creatures crushed beneath the falling rocks
As a result, the cave floor is covered in a over the years, but the name has stuck.
thick layer of their droppings, as are the 12. Cavern of the Divine Mystic: This
members of the sect. The entire cave and cavern is warmer than the surroundings
its occupants reek, which makes it rarely and constantly filled with swirling steam.
visited by others. The steam emanates from an unknown
9. Cave of the Noble Runes: Every sur- source and droplets of water quickly bead
face of this cave has been smoothed and on every surface. Iron and steel brought
then carved with runes. There are literally into the cave rusts even more quickly than
thousands of runes within the cave and would be expected, and the steam has an
some, known as the Noble Runes, have odd smell. Those in the cavern see odd
been inlaid after carving with gold, silver shapes moving in the mist; the shapes are
and platinum. The runes presumably mean not there but come from an odd halluci-
something, and the cave does radiate mag- nogenic property of the steam. The Divine
ical but, to date, no-one has been able Mystic makes its home here, attended by
to understand the runes, what they do or servitors, and interprets the swirling mists
what most of the magic is. The only magic into prophecies of the future, for those with
has been identified is that the runes are enough coin.
protected; anyone who attempts to steal 13. Cavern of the Earth Cult: Filled with
the precious metals from the Noble Runes many shaped rock formations and careful-
is struck by a bolt of electricity. ly-tended crystalline growths, this cavern
10. Cavern of Fiendish Ash: This cav- is temple of a cult that worships creatures
ern is difficult to enter for the air is full of of elemental earth. Such elemental beings
can often be found within the cavern, and far, such attempts have not succeeded,
some are there as guardians to prevent for other groups have banded together to
desecration. One enormous hexagonal drive such off.
crystal with several smaller outgrowths 17. Cavern of the Omen Mists: This
serves as an altar, one whose flattened cavern is continually filled with swirling
upper surface has several gemstones scat- mist. The mist doesn’t make it impossible
tered on it. Another, even larger, flat hex- to see, but it does drastically reduce how
agonal crystal is set in the wall behind the far can be seen in the cavern, no mat-
altar. The crystal is over 20’ across and ter what form of sight is used. The mist
rumoured to be a portal to the plane of glows slightly to magical vision and seeps
earth. through from a tiny portal from the ele-
14. Cavern of Fire: Though not active- mental planes. Those who spend time in
ly filled with fire, this cavern is extremely the cavern can see the mists twisting and
warm and contains many pools of bubbling forming into shapes. It’s believed that
water. The water is geothermally heated correctly studying the mists and the way in
and the pools are boiling and dangerous to which they move can grant omens of the
enter. Spatters of minerals cover the rock future.
around the pools and steam fills the air. 18. Cavern of the Titans: This huge ver-
Moisture that has condensed on the surfac- tical cavern is far higher than it is wide,
es of the rock makes footing uncertain and stretching up and down for a good fraction-
falling into a pool of boiling water by acci- al of a mile. Enormous buildings, titanic in
dent is possible if footing is lost. size, cling to the cavern’s sides, though it
15. Cavern of the Forgettable Mists: is unclear how any of them were reached,
Strange, swirling mists fill this cavern and as there are no stairs nor any other means
make it far more dangerous than it might of passage carved into the walls. It’s pre-
first appear. The mists contain a strange sumed that magic was used. Each build-
gas, one that makes those inhaling them ing is far too large for even a tall giant’s
start to forget things. This can start with needs, and each is also completely empty,
simple things, such as what they were do- with no signs of decorations, furnishings or
ing or why they entered. The lesser effects possessions.
can easily mean that a creature remains in 19. Caves of Crystal Gloom: The sur-
the mists for longer, and if they remain in faces of these caves are inset with many
them for long enough, they will eventually clusters of crystals, which might normally
forget how to move and breathe. The floor be expected to reflect light around them.
is covered in the bones of those who died However, in these caves, the crystals seem
thanks to the influence of the mists. actually swallow light up, rather than re-
16. Cavern of the Healthful Airs: This flect it. Any light source brought into the
cavern is filled with air that is constantly caves illuminates a smaller area than
moving and has a definite elemental con- normal and that light which they do cast
nection. The shifting of the air seems to seems less effectual than it should be. Re-
be magical in nature, for nothing has been portedly, the crystal clusters, which are all
found that appears to be a source of the dark in colour, are gradually getting even
drafts. Living creatures who spend time in darker over time as they are exposed to
the cavern claim that the air makes them more light.
feel better and more healthy, and it is a 20. Caves of the Cursed Echoes: A set
popular place to visit as a result, though of caves known for, and named after, their
it also sometimes becomes a site of con- odd echoes. Any sound within the caves is
flict as one faction or another tries to take echoed back, no matter how quiet, which
control of the cavern for its own side. So means the caves are full of noise whenever
creatures are within them. Sounds oth- 24. Chromatic Lake: This immense lake
er than words are echoed back normally, blocks travel underground for many miles
but some peculiarity, possibly some an- and the ferry is the only way to safely
cient magic, results in spoken words being cross it. Unlike many underground lakes,
changed when they are echoed. Mean- this one is dancing with colours from some
ings are distorted in such a way that what strange bioluminescent creatures that
is echoed back suggests the speaker is reside in the lake. The creatures are an
cursed to have something bad happen to unusual type of carnivorous, freshwater,
them. subterranean jellyfish and are incredibly
21. Caves of the Doom Bringer: The poisonous. Any living being entering the
entrances to this network of caves bear lake is quickly mobbed by the jellyfish and,
inscriptions warning that beyond lies the unless immune to poison, is rapidly killed,
Doom Bringer. The inscriptions are ancient, then eaten.
and no-one knows who the Doom Bring- 25. Coldest Shaft: A shaft descends
er might now be; perhaps a forgotten or from the centre of this cave deep into the
renamed deity. The caves are still avoid- realms below. A constant, freezing cold
ed, for they are filled with noxious and draught blows up this shaft, and the cave
flammable gas. Those entering without a is covered in a layer of frost as a result.
source of flame end up succumbing to the The sides of the shaft are covered in frost
gas and collapsing and dying from the gas. and, in some places, patches of ice, mak-
Those who enter with a naked flame perish ing descent tricky at best. Cold air would
more quickly as the caves erupt in a sheet not be expected to rise upwards like this,
of flame. and it is believed that some force below
22. Chasm of the Addanc: A chasm is behind this, though none know what it
cutting deep into the ground, is depths might be.
cloaked in darkness. The sound of running 26. Confusing Caves: This small com-
water can be heard echoing up from below, plex of caves is surprisingly difficult to
possibly a river that originally carved the navigate. This isn’t just because they wind
chasm. There is a narrow bridge stretching around each other in a way that is difficult
across the chasm, but travellers never use to map; it is also because the caves are full
it alone or in small parties, because of the of webbing. Strands of spider web, from
legendary Addanc that reputedly lives in thin and easily parted to thick, rope-like
the water below. No-one has ever seen the strands block passage through the caves.
beast, or seen it and lived, but, occasional- The thicker webbing is difficult to cut and
ly, a traveller or party known to have gone it is all much more resistant to fire than is
this way never arrives at their destination. normally the case. Even stranger, no spi-
23. Chieftess’s Mud Caves: A series of ders have ever been seen within the caves,
interconnected caves filled with warm, yet the webbing will always come back if
bubbling mud that have been claimed by damaged.
the chieftess of a local tribe as her per- 27. Cracked Caves: This small complex
sonal spa. The chieftess is convinced that of caves is riddled with many cracks in the
the mud has various magical properties, walls, ceilings and floors, through which
even if no-one else has been able to detect water has entered, flooding them. There
such, and spends much of her time bath- are a few pockets of air remaining, but the
ing in the mud and receiving visitors there. air in these ranges from stale to foul. Rem-
The only thing most know is that the mud nants of dwellings can be found within the
smells truly appalling, with a vile stench caves, dwellings that were clearly occupied
of rotting matter, and certainly no other by air breathers. At some point in the past,
group wishes to claim them. the cracks appeared and water poured
through, inundating the caves rapidly and fect the imbiber and there is at least some
drowning their occupants. evidence to back it up. It borders several
28. Cursed Arena: This cavern has been different territories and fights within the
shaped into a gladiatorial arena of some cavern are common as different groups try
type, with rows of seating surrounding a to take control of it. One of the observed
central area, but by the looks of the state properties of the pools is that, no matter
of decay it is in, no-one has used it as how much blood is spilled in the cavern,
such in some time. The arena is said to be and there has been a lot over the years,
cursed by the spirits of all those who were the water in the pools quickly becomes
forced to fight and die in it, and that they pure once more, untainted by blood and
can animate the sand to attack any of the ichor.
living who dare to enter it. It’s not known 32. Elusive Tunnel: A series of small
whether or not this is true, but certain- caves linked together by a similarly small
ly some people who enter are never seen tunnel. Though all are big enough for a
again. human-sized creature to easily use them,
29. Decrepit Cave: A cave whose walls they are not big enough for any major use,
are streaked with liquid, pools of which or bigger creatures. Nothing even attempts
gather on the floor in hollows. The stone to use the tunnel and caves, not even for
of the walls, floor and ceiling of the cave is travelling, unless they have no other op-
all in very poor shape, and cave-ins, floor tion, thanks to a peculiarity about the en-
collapses and rubble falling from the walls trances. Namely, that they are sometimes
are all very common. The floor collapses impossible to find. A few travellers have
open up new hollows in the floor, and the entered the area over the years and never
cave-ins and rockfalls are another hazard, managed to find their way out again.
posing the risk of stone falling on the head 33. Excavation of the Ancient Build-
of those in the cave as well as heaping up ers: Over the years, many different groups
piles of loose rocks. Strong vibrations and have excavated parts of this enormous
sounds can increase the likelihood of these. cavern, digging in search of artefacts and
The reason for them all is the liquid, which relics left by a long-lost group that inhabit-
is a very strong acid of unknown origin. It ed it that are simply known as the Builders.
weakens the cave’s structure and is a seri- The Builders had an ability to shape rock
ous hazard in and of itself. that has been unmatched by any group
30. Defiled Grotto: This grotto was once since, even the most skilled dwarves, and
sacred to a deity of good and had a small this secret is what those who excavate the
priesthood who served it. Many years ago, cavern are looking for. To date, no-one has
the grotto came under attack by the forc- discovered how the Builders managed to
es of an evil deity and the defenders, even mould and shape stone.
though they were powerful, were over- 34. Eyebiter’s Caves: There is nothing
come by the attackers. Those who survived in the caves that actually bite the eyes;
the attack were tortured and killed on the the name comes from the guano that fills
grotto’s altar, their blood soaking into the them. The area is home to thousands of
white marble from which it was made and, bats and the caves have built up large
through the powers of the clerics of evil, amounts of guano on the floor as a result.
stained it black. The grotto was defiled and The amount of guano creates eye-watering
is now a festering sink of evil. gasses which is how the caves got their
31. Disputed Cavern: This large cavern name, and seeing in them without eye
contains many clear pools of water that dot protection is difficult. Sometimes the gas-
the floor. The water is not only pure but ses build up to dangerous levels, but they
reputedly has magical properties that af- eventually seep away. A few of the un-
derearth civilisations harvest the guano for over a deep sinkhole, providing the only
use on their fungal farms, and heavily-pro- easy and safe means of getting across the
tected guano collectors can sometimes be hole without the use of flight. Tall parapets
encountered. guard the arched bed of the bridge and
35. Forest of Giant Mushrooms: A large ugly stone gargoyles glare out over the
cavern filled with a mushroom forest. The sides, mounted on top of pillars that the
mushrooms are of unusually large size, parapets join. The gargoyles are incredibly
with the largest and oldest of them reach- realistic, but appear to be just a matter of
ing over 30’ into the air. The biggest mush- superior crafting rather than real.
rooms have a tough, woody texture and 39. Gutted Lair: This small group of cav-
are no good for eating but are useful as a erns was once home to an outpost of one
construction material. Some of the smaller of the major humanoid underground civili-
mushrooms, and those that grow on the sations, believed to be either dark dwarves
larger fungi, are edible, but a few are also or elves. Centuries ago, something got into
poisonous. The cavern is often visited by the complex and destroyed the lair, killing
groups seeking to harvest the mushrooms all of the inhabitants. The most notewor-
for food and construction material. thy element of this, and how the lair got
36. Forgettable Mine: A rich gold mine its current name, is that whatever creature
that is generally not known by this name killed all the inhabitants did so by gut-
because the name is quite accurate and ting them all, then stringing them up by
most creatures do not even know it exists. their intestines. It isn’t known if this was
The deep dwarves who work the mine are a warning, an act of revenge or simply
the ones who know it by this name. Others something having fun.
who visit the mine normally forget about 40. Hallucinatory Hideout: A hidden area
its existence soon after leaving. An en- that is only rarely found and, when it is,
chantment was placed by a powerful mage often contains the remains of the previous
to keep the mine’s existence secret, as it occupants. Something within the hide-
is sited some way from the major deep out causes those who remain in it for too
dwarf citadels and is hard to defend as a long to start suffering from hallucinations.
result. By ensuring most do not remember These hallucinations are always pleasant,
its existence, the deep dwarves are able to to the degree that those having them nei-
reduce potential attacks. ther want to move nor eat, and eventually
37. Gem-studded Cavern of Elemental waste away and die. It’s thought that the
Fire: This cavern is extremely hot, rang- hideout was once the lair of a creature who
ing from extremely unpleasant at the en- used the hallucinations as a hunting meth-
trances to lethal heat the further inside a od and, although the creature may have
creature travels. Without protection from vanished long ago, the effect remains.
heat, creatures will be unable to survive in 41. Hierophant’s Dust: This cavern is al-
the cavern. The heat comes from a spin- most completely filled with dust, enough to
ning ball of fire in the centre of the cavern, make the air difficult to breathe and to cre-
a portal to the plane of elemental fire. The ate a potential fire hazard if a naked flame
walls are studded with valuable gemstones, or spark is introduced. The dust has been
formed by the elemental fire interact- completely burnt away more than once,
ing with the surrounding rock, and they but it always comes back; it’s believed
are the sole reason why most are foolish through a portal of some kind. Markings on
enough to try to enter. the rock can be interpreted as being from
38. Gothic Bridge: This gothic-styled a hierophant, after whom the cavern is
bridge is well constructed from dark rock named, who was doing some experiments
and equally well maintained. It arches into elemental earth. Experiments that are
presumed to have gone wrong; the dust isn’t known what creature created them,
does radiate elemental energy but it is not although it’s believed some sort of large,
pure earth. wormlike creature is responsible. No such
42. Hydra’s Tunnel: A large tunnel that, creature has ever been discovered within
despite being a useful shortcut between the maze, now, and it’s believed whatev-
some areas of the underearth, is most- er lived here either died or moved on. The
ly avoided by travellers. Those that do “Infinite” part of the name comes from
use the tunnel are rarely seen again. The the curious portals scattered around the
reason for the avoidance and the disap- maze. They are nearly imperceptible and
pearances is the gargantuan hydra that transport a creature passing through them
calls the tunnel home. Many have tried to to another portion of the maze, making it
slay the hydra over the years, but failed, seem far bigger than it is.
and most of their bones can be found lin- 46. Jewelled Pit: This pit is a stunning
ing the tunnel. Oddly, despite its size, the sight when illuminated, for many appar-
hydra almost always strikes with surprise, ent gemstones of different sizes stick out
appearing apparently instantly in front of from its sides. The pit fades away into
travellers. darkness, though, and none are reputed
43. Imposing Pits: A cavern riddled with to have ever hit the bottom of it. Quite a
deep, wide pits that drop a long way down. few people have descended into the pit
The edges of the pits are quite safe with to try and prise the gemstones out of the
no chance of crumbling if a creature stands sides. These gems turn out to be less valu-
too close to an edge. Careful examination able near the top and greatly depleted.
shows that the pits are constructed and More valuable ones appear to be in the
have been reinforced so that they don’t walls deeper down, and more than a few
crumble. Quite what the reason for the who have gone after these have ended up
pits’ creation was isn’t known and no-one plunging to possibly their deaths.
is known to have descended to their bot- 47. Khan’s Steam Caves: A small com-
tom and returned afterwards. plex of caves that have many plumes of
44. Inactive Temple: This large cavern steam emitting from cracks in the floor.
was clearly once a temple, with the raw The caves are at the upper edge of a
rock polished and shaped into altars, nich- source of geothermal activity, and oc-
es, seats and all the other religious accou- casional tremors are not unknown. The
trements. Various stains on the rock mark steam caves were once connected to the
where sacrifices were held and blackened surface, but a tremor caused the passage-
areas mark former firepits, now long-extin- way leading there to collapse. At that time,
guished with even most of the ash gone. It they were the private retreat of a surface
isn’t known who the temple was to, as any ruler, and some signs of occupation, such
religious markings related to the deity have as stone benches and tables, can still be
been utterly destroyed. All that can be found. More fragile items have deteriorated
seen is that, many decades ago, the tem- over the years thanks to the steam, and
ple fell out of use, possibly through violent algae blooms can be found on many of the
means. walls.
45. Infinite Maze: This maze consists of 48. Knight Errant’s Warrens: The war-
the tunnels created by some sort of bur- rens are a labyrinthine maze of passages in
rowing creature. The burrows are large which it is very easy to get lost, and they
enough for a human-sized creature to are named after a famed knight errant who
easily stand erect, and twist, turn and did just that. The knight ventured into the
wrap around each other in a disorienting warrens on a quest and was never seen
manner. The burrows are clearly old and it again. Most who venture into the warrens
never come out of them again. There are it rarely come out in one piece, even as-
rumoured to be gateways hidden within the suming they come out at all. The area is
labyrinth through which unsuspecting trav- filled with tunnels and caves of many dif-
ellers pass, arriving in extraplanar regions ferent sizes, but no matter where travellers
that are hazardous to visit. head, whatever lives in the caves seems
49. Lair of the Barren Dragon: No-one to be able to get to them, no matter how
knows how and why this area came to be small the location. No-one seems to have
named after a dragon, for no dragon lairs clearly seen it, but the rumour is that it is
there and there is no record of any dragon some sort of amorphous creature that can
ever having done so. There is no question mould its form to fit through the tiniest
that the area is barren, though, as noth- crack and come upon people unawares.
ing is capable of growing in it, or living in 53. Lair of the Sublime Humans: A
it for long. Plants wither and die, and so name that has not been accurate in many
does animal life as well. Only undead seem years for a small cavern complex that was
to be able to survive. The truth is there is settled by a cult of surface humans who
a dragon there, the Barren Dragon, a dor- considered themselves to be superior to
mant undead remnant of a dragon from all others, and segregated themselves to
long ago that drains life out of things to enhance their superiority and purity. Cen-
sustain itself. turies of interbreeding, cannibalism and
50. Lair of the Half-Orcs: A small group degeneration has resulted in an almost
of interconnected caves that have only blind subgroup of feral humans that live in
one, known, entrance, and that being the filthy ruins of the subterranean enclave
heavily fortified. The occupants have some built by their ancestors.
secret escape routes, but those are, of 54. Lord’s End: This is a dead-end tunnel
course, secret. The complex is inhabited in more ways than one, and it terminates
by a group of half-orcs who have nowhere at a sheer rock face. Though no sign of it
else to go. They have no liking for orcs remains, the dead end was the site of a
but found no acceptance amongst others, final battle between the forces of an under-
especially humans, and ended up deep ground lord and his enemies. The lord and
underground as a result. They do a small his troops were completely destroyed, with
amount of trade with outsiders, but such not even a monument put up for them, as
are almost never trusted; the half-orcs with the lord dead, his territory was also
have been let down too many times before. lost. Today, it is not known who died, or
51. Lair of the Nomadic Beast: A pecu- what they were, only that someone met
liarly-named beast lair, given that nomadic their final destruction at the end of this
and lair hardly seem to go together. The tunnel.
lair is definitely occupied by some sort of 55. Luminescent Caves: These caves
strange beast, though no-one has appar- constantly glow with bioluminescence in
ently seen it clearly enough to make out different colours, and not, if they are ex-
what it truly is. A number of beings have amined, because of fungi or other biolu-
headed into the lair, to see if it is ever un- minescent lifeforms inhabiting them. The
occupied. Those that have returned have glow comes from the fabric of the caves
reported always finding something present, themselves, which appears to be alive in
that they had to flee. Those that failed to some way and generating the glow. The
return presumably failed to flee. Given that caves are beautiful to look at, but there
the creature never appears to leave its lair, are rumours that not everything living that
it isn’t known why it is called nomadic. enters them leaves again. Some think that
52. Lair of the Protean Monster: This the caves entrap, kill and eat some of the
region is avoided, for those that travel into visitors.
56. Magma Cavern of the Dinosaur: A get very far into the hives tunnels before
cavern that is filled with roiling magma and they have to either retreat or are over-
ranges from dangerously hot to outright le- come. Some survivors have reported sig-
thal for beings that are incapable of surviv- ils on the walls apparently dedicated to a
ing extreme heat. Oddly, the cavern does nameless insect deity, after whom the hive
not seem to be connected to any volcanic is named.
areas that would provide the magma, and 60. Netted Wind Caves: A series of caves
none of the locations around it are similar, through which there is a constant howl-
leading to a belief that the magma comes ing gale blowing. The winds are strong
from an elemental portal. The dinosaur of enough that they pick up and blow many
the name is a strange creature that lives small objects and creatures, and many se-
within the cave. Seemingly formed of mag- ries of nets are strung through the caves.
ma itself, the creature takes the shape of a The nets are strong and finely woven,
dinosaur, and will attack those who enter. and catch what the wind blows through
57. Masons’ Slave Pits: These notorious the caves. The items and creatures are
slave pits, which are the focus of a great then harvested by those that strung up
deal of underearth trade, are not run, or the nets, given them a source of food and
associated, with any group of masons, or interesting, albeit small, objects, together
any group calling itself such. The pits are with a large amount of junk.
made of extremely fine quality stonework, 61. Obliterated Cavern: This cavern is a
but it doesn’t appear to be dwarven in very dangerous place to visit as even the
style. When the current occupiers moved smallest movement or sound has a chance
in, the salve pits were empty and had been of bringing down part of the roof. Piles of
for years. Those who built the slave pits rubble already litter the floor, making pas-
were for many years called the Precursor sage through the area very difficult. Many
Masons; now, it has been shortened to just years ago, some sort of fight happened
Masons, and the slave pits are named after within the cavern, believed to involve the
them. magic of elemental earth. After that, the
58. Mud Jellies Cavern: A cavern with cavern became very unstable and, no mat-
strong connections to both elemental earth ter how much material has already fallen
and water, resulting in strongly elemental from the roof, more can always fall.
mud. The cavern is feet-deep in elemental 62. Offering Fissure: Strange mists swirl
mud and travelling through it is unpleasant and dance in this fissure, flowing up from
and messy for the unprepared. It can also deep below ground. Descending into the
be dangerous, due to the presence of the mists is dangerous, as they affect the
Mud Jellies, weird creatures of elemental minds of those doing so, causing them to
mud that resemble nothing so much as let go and plunge to their deaths. The fis-
jellyfish found in the sea, only made from sure is believed to be connected to a be-
mud. The Mud Jellies are not poisonous, ing of knowledge, perhaps even a deity. A
but they are large and drag people into the platform reaches out over the fissure, from
mud to suffocate them. which querants can throw offerings into the
59. Nameless Hive: A seemingly endless fissure, and ask a question. If the offering
warren of tunnels and chambers that is the is of sufficient value, the mists will curl up
lair of a particularly aggressive species of around the querant and impart an answer
deep-dwelling giant insects. Anyone who to the question. The answer may or may
enters into the hive is quickly set upon by not be easy to understand.
as many insects as can attack them, with 63. Olympian Ziggurat: A huge cavern
more coming as the intrusion is communi- that nevertheless seems quite small due
cated to the other insects in the hive. Few to the immense ziggurat that takes up the
majority of the space. The ziggurat, build completely filled with rubble, making pas-
from a dull grey stone, has only a small sage through it very difficult. The debris
area between its base and the cavern ranges from being merely dust, which rises
walls, and the very top of it is just below in the air in choking clouds when disturbed,
the ceiling, with barely enough room to to jagged pieces a foot across, which can
stand upright. The ziggurat lacks any form slice their way through clothing and soft
of ornamentation or inscription and, if footwear. Oddly, there are no larger pieces
checked, is found to be completely solid. of rubble to be found. If the debris is ex-
64. Pestilent Lake: A large underground amined closely, pieces can be found that
lake that would be a useful source of wa- have regular shapes and smooth lines,
ter if it wasn’t for the health problems it suggesting that some of the rubble comes
causes. The lake is foul and drinking the from artificially shaped pieces of rock that
water is extremely unhealthy, with those have been destroyed.
doing so risking disease and death. Even 68. Putrescent Juncture: A small cav-
the vapours rising from the lake are haz- ern that has a number of tunnels radiating
ardous to inhale, and as a result only those off from it that joins several underground
resistant to such illnesses use the area. It regions together. It would perhaps have
isn’t known why the lake is so diseased, for been taken over and fortified by one of the
it has fresh water entering it, yet it never groups that travels through the juncture,
seems to become clean. if it wasn’t for the ever-present rot. The
65. Phosphorescent Caves of the Wan- cave is filled with a constant smell of rot
derers of the Wilds: A number of small, and mould, and sometimes explosive, gas-
tightly interconnected caves that are ses fill the air. Attempts to clear it out fail,
marked by the constant glowing of the because the cavern affects organic matter
walls, which provide a level of light that brought into it. Anything, including living
is enough to see by. The light appears to organisms, that remains in the cavern for
come from within the cave walls them- more than an hour or so starts to decay.
selves, but it actually comes from a tiny 69. Putrid River: An underground river
fungus organism that grows within the that flows sluggishly through its course,
rock. The caves are permanently occupied the water barely qualifying as that. The
by members of the Wanderers of the Wilds, river is filled with decaying matter of all
seemingly insane underearth explorers. types and covered in a scum of algae. The
The Wanderers are not actually insane, but smell of the river alone is nauseating to
the fungus that provides the light for their many and the water is totally unsafe to
home also gives off nigh-undetectable hal- drink. The liquid is not merely stagnant
lucinogenic spores. and scum-filled; it is actively poisonous.
66. Predatory Cavern: This cavern has a Something upriver empties into the water,
high, vaulted ceiling that helps give it the rendering it foul and killing most life that
appearance of a vast, underearth temple. drinks or tries to enter the water.
A careful investigation of the rock suggests 70. Pyramid of the Fire Dragon: A large
that the cavern has been partly shaped, cavern in the centre of which stands a step
rather than being purely natural, presum- pyramid constructed of large, reddish-co-
ably to make it more impressive. Visitors to loured blocks of a stone not native to the
the cavern report an uneasy feeling, as if area. Despite the name of the pyramid,
some vast predatory presence was watch- there are no dragons relating to fire to be
ing them, just beyond the edges of reality. found here, nor any evidence that such
Most are unable to stay under that gaze for ever were. Instead, the name derives from
very long. sigils inscribed in to the blocks of the pyr-
67. Pulverised Cavern: This cavern is amid that dedicate it to a being called the
Fire Dragon; the pyramid is believed to from the various surfaces. The amethyst
have been to worship this being. is oddly fragile and attempts to harvest it
71. Ranger Tunnels: These are a series rarely result in usable pieces being collect-
of tunnels created by long ago flows of ed. The bottom of the cyst has been mostly
lava. The lava has long since gone, leaving cleared of amethyst protrusions, except for
the circular tunnels behind. The tunnels a single large one that takes the shape of a
are fortified in places, preventing access throne. The throne bears markings that in-
through them unless permitted, for they dicate it is the throne of the Beast Master,
serve as the home and base of a group of whoever that might be.
subterranean rangers. These rangers patrol 75. Sepulchral Quarry: This area of dark
the surrounding area, driving off or kill- granite has clearly been mined for stone
ing those who violate their strictures. The over the years, as there are many signs
ranger group is unwilling to let travellers where stone has been cut from the walls
through without what they consider to be and shaped, as well as a few broken pieces
a very good reason, nor do they appreciate on the floor. Examining the broken pieces
trespassers. reveals that they are funerary in nature
72. Scarred Stricture: This tunnel nar- and the quarry has a quiet and sombre hue
rows down to a degree that makes it dif- to it. Sound seems to be muffled by some-
ficult for any human-sized creature to fit thing in the area and even shouting does
through, although it can be done. The walls not carry as well as it should. Light, too,
of the gap are scarred and scored in many seems to be absorbed, as if there was a
places where creatures wearing metal dark mist in the air.
armour have got stuck and needed to be 76. Shielded Ice Caves: This small com-
forced out in some way. Smaller beings use plex of caves is unusually and probably
the stricture as a way to escape larger foes unnaturally cold, and the walls, roofs and
as, even if those foes can fit through the floors are all covered in thick layers of ice.
gap, the time it takes doing so often gives If the caves are examined thoroughly un-
the creatures’ prey time to escape. der the ice, it can be proven that the ice
73. Screaming Sinkhole: An enormous isn’t natural and is magically formed. An-
sinkhole cuts into the floor hear, leading cient magics placed on the caves cause
much deeper underground. The sides and them to ice over, magics that were appar-
edges of the sinkhole are constantly crum- ently part of a shielding system for a lost
bling and those standing too near or at- underearth civilisation, used to protect its
tempting to descend can find the ground outer reaches.
giving way beneath them. What makes the 77. Shrouded Chasm: This deep chasm
sinkhole stand out is the constant scream- has a well-constructed stone bridge that
ing that comes up through the hole at the makes it comparatively easy to cross at
bottom of it. Most claim that the screaming the best of times. The best of times rarely
is simply the sound of the wind howling happens, though, for the chasm is plagued
through the comparatively small hole. Oth- by the Shroud, an obscuring fog that reg-
ers point out that there is never any wind ularly rises up out of the depths. The fog
coming from the sinkhole, so it’s doubtful would not be that big a problem, given that
that wind is the source of the sound. there is a bridge, but whatever is in it has
74. Secret Cyst of the Beast Master: hallucinatory effects on those within. More
The cyst is difficult to find from outside, as than one creature has been driven mad by
there is only one entrance, and that one is the visions seen in the Shroud and thrown
well hidden. Inside, the cyst is a spherical themselves from the bridge.
geode measuring many tens of feet across, 78. Sinuous Tunnels: A series of smaller
with outcroppings of amethyst protruding tunnels and caves that weave in, around
and over each other, creating a maze light and refract it. However, these spar-
of curving passages that are difficult to kling motes of crystal are also a source of
map and easy to get lost in. Though it danger, as breathing them in is hazardous.
might seem like the shape and nature of 82. Strict Warrens: These warrens are a
the tunnel and cave complex is what led series of narrow, tight passages that ra-
to its name, that is not the only reason. diate out from a juncture. The passages
The tunnels play home to a large number themselves are a veritable maze of tunnels
of strange, albino, subterranean snake- that wander around in three dimensions,
like creatures; snake-like for, despite ranging in size. The juncture is suitable for
their resemblance to snakes, they are human-sized creatures but the warrens
warm-blooded. are not. The name “Strict” originally was
79. Sludge Pit of the Shadow Magus: “Constricting” but it has shortened over the
A pit that is reputed to be deep, although years. Many of the warrens narrow down
it is almost impossible to tell, as it is filled so much in size at various points that it is
almost to the brim with a strange sludge. easy to become stuck and, indeed, many
The sludge in the pit does not seem to creatures have. Bones and possessions can
be quite there, appearing to be more a be found within the warrens where crea-
semi-solid shadow of sludge and muck tures have become stuck and died, to be
rather than truly real. Rumour is that the eaten by smaller creatures.
pit is where a strange mage, the Shadow 83. Stronghold of the Sea Troll: This
Magus, dumps the leftovers from his ex- juncture of several tunnels is dominated by
periments and the nearly-destroyed rem- a large fortification, belonging to the Sea
nants of shadowy servitors. Troll. The Sea Troll demands a toll from all
80. Soundless Palace: A curious place, an who pass through but, in return, his forces
underground cavern that has been carved do keep the area clear of trouble and will
into what looks like a serious of buildings, assist any groups who have paid their toll if
with doors and windows in the walls and they run into trouble. If the toll hasn’t been
in some of the larger stalactites and sta- paid, such groups are offered a chance to
lagmites. Several buildings have also been pay up, but at a substantially higher rate.
built in the cavern and, if it is explored, The Sea Troll is both a long way from any
it can be found that the entire place into sea and is unusually intelligent and dis-
what appears to be a single, unusual pal- ciplined. Some suspect that the Sea Troll
ace. The palace shows signs of extensive was not originally a troll, but some other
decoration in the past, but is now empty, being that was changed into its current
and is completely silent. Nothing can make shape.
an audible sound within the cavern or the 84. Taloned Juncture: The shape of these
palace. tunnels, if mapped out, looks very similar
81. Sparkling Grotto: This grotto is a to a taloned hand, adjoined to a palm. In
truly impressive place to visit. Clusters of the centre of the palm is a sinkhole leading
crystal in the walls, ceiling and floor catch down into the depths. It can be a useful
the light and refract it in many directions way to descend below, but the ground of
and in different colours, and there does the sinkhole is unsafe to walk near, so care
always seem to be light within the grotto, must be taken. If the area is carefully ex-
although its origin is unknown. The grotto amined, it can be found that the juncture
does radiate enchantment, if looked for, doesn’t merely resemble a taloned hand,
and magic may be the origin of the light. it exactly mimics the shape of one. Either
The refracted beams shift, painting colours it was excavated to be that shape, or it
over the interior. The air itself sparkles as formed from where an enormous hand was
tiny fragments in the air also catch the once entombed in the rock.
85. Tapestried Fungal Garden: This the Troop want repeat customers and don’t
large cavern is filled with many different want to gouge so much that users might
types of carefully-tended fungi. The gar- start objecting violently.
den is under the control of one of the un- 89. Tumbledown Mine: Piles of dirty
derearth realms and fungal gardeners from salt mark the entrance of this apparent-
that realm can often be found looking after ly abandoned mine and more loose salt
the different fungi. Many of the fungi are can be found inside, ground into the floor
edible, but some are grown for different and coating the walls and beams. This is a
reasons, such as to produce deadly poi- former salt mine, and it can be seen that
sons. The walls of the cavern are covered there is still plenty of salt inside it, but it
in fungi that have been carefully grown and was abandoned long ago and the timbers
nurtured to resemble tapestries, with fun- holding up the roof are warped and fragile.
gal sheets and hangings stylistically depict- Parts of the mine have already caved in
ing different scenes. and trickles of rock and dirt sift down from
86. The Sealed: Once, there was a major above at the slightest vibration. Too much
tunnel running through here with various disturbance will cause large parts of the
large caves and caverns leading off from it, mine to collapse.
and the complex was a major stronghold 90. Tunnel of the Orc Slayer: A small,
of a subterranean race. Now, every known secondary tunnel that will not fit many
entrance to the complex has been sealed people walking abreast, this was the site
off with warding sigils engraved into each of a legendary battle between a dwarf
seal. No-one knows why the caves were hero and a large group of orcs. The dwarf,
sealed, only that the inhabitants delved now known simply as the Orc Slayer, was
into something they really shouldn’t have helped by the tunnel’s diameter, which
and were imprisoned within their caves by prevented the orcs coming at him in great
a coalition of other civilisations. numbers at a name. He was able to slay
87. Tiered Cave: This cave is clearly vol- many - the numbers range from dozens
canic in origin, as the floor is covered in to hundreds - orcs, and preventing them
solidified lava. What looks like a miniature from passing through, protecting a group
volcano rises from the centre of the cave, of retreating dwarven families, although
and a faint plume of steam and ash ris- the dwarven hero eventually died of his
es from it. The temperature in the cave is wounds.
higher than normal, but there is no real 91. Ultramarine Cave: The stone of this
sign of current activity bar the plume. The cave has a beautiful, ultramarine colour,
lava itself is unusual, as it has formed tiers one that makes anything constructed with
gradually rising up to the volcano, rather it quite striking in appearance. The rock
like terraces cut into a hill. The result is al- also seems to be easy to mine and shape
most certainly not totally natural in origin. yet, despite all this, nothing has mined any
88. Troop’s Ferry: This ferry crosses a of the rock. A few loose rocks found on the
deep and fast underground river and is the floor have been used for a number of pur-
primary safe way of crossing the river for poses but it seems nothing has attempted
many miles in several directions. The ferry mining the native rock itself. Given that the
is controlled by an organised group known cave is known of, and that it is not that far
simply as the Troop, although it is believed off the beaten track, this lack of use seems
that they are named after their founder, odd.
who had that name. The Troop is well- 92. Underground Swamp of the Crio-
armed and equipped and those wishing to sphinx: A fetid and unpleasant mass of
use their ferry have to pay a toll. The toll rotting vegetation, stagnant water and
isn’t cheap, but it isn’t excessive either; noxious gasses, this swamp covers a huge
amount of terrain underground. It is home set of underground druids, who hold reg-
to a criosphinx, and is certainly not the ular sacrifices of sentient creatures here.
sort of place that such a creature would The burn mark is where a wicker woman
normally be found, as they prefer warm is erected, and the sacrifices are impris-
deserts and hills, not cold, underground oned inside this construction of wicker-like
swamps. The criosphinx was cursed many mushroom stalks, then burnt alive. A pit
years ago, and its home sank below the behind the burn mark is where the ash
earth, turning into the swamp it is now. and bone fragments of the sacrifices are
The creature is bound to the location, and dumped after they cool.
has been driven mad over the years and 97. Vile Tar Pit: Most of the floor of this
will attack anyone who enters its domain. cave is taken up by an immense pit of tar
93. Underwater Caves of the Grand that bubbles slowly. Occasionally, the bub-
Guardian: These caves were flooded cen- bles burst, spattering hot tar on the walls
turies ago and were prior to that home to and anyone in the cave. The tar is hot, but
the Grand Guardian and that being’s fol- not burning, yet it still causes pain to the
lowers. It’s not known now just what the touch. The tar pit was where a creature of
Grand Guardian was or what they were immense evil died, and the tar is contam-
supposedly guarding. It’s believed, though, inated and defiled as a result. The leftover
that they did have some enemies who magical energy is what keeps the tar warm
were somehow responsible for flooding the and it is infused with so much evil that it
caves and killing those within, perhaps by causes pain to any creatures that the tar
diverting an underground river. Remnants touches who are not similarly evil.
of buildings can still be found within the 98. Water Cavern of the Vampiric El-
caves, but everything else seems to have ementals: This water-filled cavern does
been destroyed by time and water. have a strong tie to elemental water, and
94. Unforgiving Cavern: A nearly circu- it’s believed that occasionally a gate to the
lar cavern at the end of an underground plane of water opens up, allowing elemen-
river where the river plunges to a lower tals to come through. It isn’t clear to most
level through a hole in the floor. The water just how an elemental can be vampiric,
swirls in a whirlpool, making the cavern a though. The cavern does have an effect on
dangerous place to end up, and more than creatures of elemental water who spend
a few have gone to their deaths when they too long within it. They do become vam-
were dragged into the whirlpool’s unforgiv- piric in nature in many ways but, because
ing grasp. they can only prey on those with a strong
95. Unseelie Tunnel: A minor tunnel that connection to elemental water, most are
would not gain much notice if it were not unaware of the change.
for the frequent claims that it functions 99. Waterfall of the Dire Beasts: A
as a part-time gateway to the Unseelie notorious location where a major under-
realms. There is no definite proof of it be- ground river thunders into a deep pool at
ing such, but some travellers have reported the bottom of a tall cliff. The river is a ma-
seeing Unseelie creatures and a few have jor travel route and the waterfall has to be
disappeared whilst travelling the tunnel. portaged around. It is home to some pecu-
Most who use it make sure to have some liar monsters, the dire beasts of the name,
cold iron on their person as protection. that are amphibious in nature. The beasts
96. Vault of the Wicker Woman: A huge prey on those passing by the waterfall,
cavern that is noteworthy for the very leaping out of the water at passing boats
large burn mark in the centre and the ex- or at walkers. They don’t attack everything
tensive coating of soot on the ceiling above that passes, which tends to lull travellers
it. The vault is a religious site for a brutal into a false sense of security.
100. Woeful Caves: This small complex of the caves en-masse and the caves were
caves is filled with bones; thousands and sealed. This appears to have happened
thousands of them. The bones all appear some time ago, for many of the seals have
to be about the same age and inscriptions since been breached, presumably by rob-
on the walls suggest that they are the bers looking to see if the dead were buried
remains after an underearth city was hit with their possessions.
by a plague. The bodies were dumped into
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