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CH 02

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1, 2, 3 = straightforward, intermediate, Answer: –4.00 m/s2.

The negative sign in the

challenging result shows that the acceleration is in the
negative x direction.
2. A motorist drives north for 35.0 min
at 85.0 km/h and then stops for 15.0 min. He 22. A certain automobile manufacturer
then continues north, traveling 130 km in claims that its super-deluxe sports car will
2.00 h. (a) What is his total displacement? accelerate from rest to a speed of 42.0 m/s in
(b) What is his average velocity? 8.00 s. Under the (improbable) assumption
that the acceleration is constant, (a)
Answer: (a) 180 km; (b) 63.4 km/h determine the acceleration of the car. (b)
Find the distance the car travels in the first
7. At t = 1.00 s, a particle moving with 8.00 s. (c) What is the speed of the car 10.0 s
constant velocity is located at x = –3.00 m, after it begins its motion, assuming it
and at t = 6.00 s the particle is located at x = continues to move with the same
5.00 m. (a) From this information, plot the acceleration?
position as a function of time. (b) Determine
the velocity of the particle from the slope of Answer: (a) 5.25 m/s2; (b) 168 m; (c) 52.5 m/s
this graph.
24. The minimum distance required to
Answer: (b) 1.60 m/s stop a car moving at 35.0 mi/h is 40.0 ft.
What is the minimum stopping distance for
8. The position of a particle moving the same car moving at 70.0 mi/h, assuming
along the x axis varies in time according to the same rate of acceleration?
the expression x = 3t2, where x is in meters
and t is in seconds. Evaluate its position (a) Answer: 160 ft
at t = 3.00 s and (b) at 3.00 s + Δt. (c)
Evaluate the limit of Δx/Δt as Δt approaches 28. The initial velocity of a body is 5.20
zero to find the velocity at t = 3.00 s. m/s. What is its velocity after 2.50 s (a) if it
accelerates uniformly at 3.00 m/s2 and (b) if
Answer: (a) 27.0 m; (b) 27.0 m + (18.0 m/s)Δt it accelerates uniformly at –3.00 m/s2?
+ (3.00 m/s2)(Δt)2; (c) 18.0 m/s
Answer: (a) 12.7 m/s; (b) –2.30 m/s
12. A particle is moving with a velocity
of 60.0 m/s in the positive x direction at t = 29. A drag racer starts her car from rest
0. Between t = 0 and t = 15.0 s, the velocity and accelerates at 10.0 m/s2 for the entire
decreases uniformly to zero. What was the distance of 400 m (1/4 mi). (a) How long did
acceleration during this 15.0-s interval? it take the race car to travel this distance?
What is the significance of the sign of your (b) What is the speed of the race car at the
answer? end of the run?
Answer: (a) 8.94 s; (b) 89.4 m/s its maximum altitude? (c) Determine the
velocity and acceleration of the ball at t =
34. An indestructible bullet 2.00 cm long 2.00 s.
is fired straight through a board that is 10.0
cm thick. The bullet strikes the board with a Answer: (a) 1.53 s; (b) 11.5 m;
speed of 420 m/s and emerges with a speed (c) v = –4.60 m/s, a = –9.80 m/s2
of 280 m/s. (a) What is the average
acceleration of the bullet as it passes 53. Automotive engineers refer to the
through the board? (b) What is the total time rate of change of acceleration as the
time that the bullet is in contact with the “jerk.” If an object moves in one dimension
board? (c) What thickness of board such that its jerk J is constant, (a) determine
(calculated to 0.1 cm) would it take to stop expressions for its acceleration ax, velocity
the bullet, assuming the bullet’s vx, and position x, given that its initial
acceleration through all parts of the board acceleration, speed, and position are axi, vxi,
is the same? and xi, respectively. (b) Show that ax2 = axi2 +
2J(vx – vxi).
Answer: (a) –4.90 × 105 m/s2; (b) 3.57 × 10–4 s;
(c) 0.180 m Answer:
(a) a = Jt + ai, v = 1/2 Jt2 + ait + vi,
36. A train is traveling down a straight x = 1/6 Jt3 + 1/2 ait2 + vit + xi
track at 20.0 m/s when the engineer applies (b) a2 = ai2 + 2J(v – vi)
the brakes. This results in an acceleration of
–1.00 m/s2 as long as the train is in motion. 56. A motorist is traveling at 18.0 m/s
How far does the train move during a 40.0-s when he sees a deer in the road 38.0 m
time interval starting at the instant the ahead. (a) If the maximum negative
brakes are applied? acceleration of the vehicle is –4.50 m/s2,
what is the maximum reaction time Δt of
Answer: 200 m the motorist that will allow him to avoid
hitting the deer? (b) If his reaction time is
50. A ball thrown vertically upward is actually 0.300 s, how fast will he be
caught by the thrower after 20.0 s. Find (a) traveling when he hits the deer?
the initial velocity of the ball and (b) the
maximum height it reaches. Answer: (a) 0.111 s; (b) 5.53 m/s

Answer: (a) 98.0 m/s; (b) 490 m 57. Another scheme to catch the
roadrunner has failed. A safe falls from rest
51. A ball is thrown vertically upward from the top of a 25.0-m-high cliff toward
from the ground with an initial speed of Wile E. Coyote, who is standing at the base.
15.0 m/s. (a) How long does it take the ball Wile first notices the safe after it has fallen
to reach its maximum altitude? (b) What is
15.0 m. How long does he have to get out of
the way?

Answer: 0.509 s

65. A teenager has a car that speeds up

at 3.00 m/s2 and slows down at –4.50 m/s2.
On a trip to the store, he accelerates from
rest to 12.0 m/s, drives at a constant speed
for 5.00 s, and then comes to a momentary
stop at an intersection. He then accelerates
to 18.0 m/s, drives at a constant speed for
20.0 s, slows down for 2.67 s, continues for
4.00 s at this speed, and then comes to a
stop. (a) How long does the trip take? (b)
How far has he traveled? (c) What is his
average speed for the trip? (d) How long
would it take to walk to the store and back
if he walks at 1.50 m/s?

Answer: (a) Σt = 45.7 s; (b) 574 m; (c) 12.6

m/s; (d) 765 s

68. A car and train move together along

parallel paths at 25.0 m/s, with the car
adjacent to the rear of the train. Then,
because of a red light, the car undergoes a
uniform acceleration of –2.50 m/s2 and
comes to rest. It remains at rest for 45.0 s
and then accelerates back to a speed of 25.0
m/s at a rate of 2.50 m/s2. How far behind
the rear of the train is the car when it
reaches the speed of 25.0 m/s, assuming
that the speed of the train has remained
25.0 m/s?

Answer: 1.38 × 103 m

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