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● ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology..
● It includes a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to
communicate, create, disseminate, store, and manage information.
● ICT skills help us to communicate, run our business and stay connected with
our family and friends. Hence, every person needs to acquire ICT skills and
build them to stay updated with the latest software and applications (apps).
● The basic ICT skills that you need are
•Knowing how to operate computers; and
• Knowing how to browse the Internet for collecting, storing and
disseminating information.
ICT at Workplace
● ICT has become part of our workplace in all sectors of economy, right from
carrying out money transactions through the online banking system to
development of textbooks or research papers in educational institutions.
● At workplace, we use different computer software and applications to
complete tasks like making documents, calculations, tables, graphs, etc. We
can also use applications to do every day work, like buying things, booking
train or bus tickets, Internet banking and making online payments.
● Modern ICT employs a variety of media forms, which includes text, graphics,
animation, audio and video, etc. It also involves creating, curating, managing
images and documents; gathering and processing data and presenting them;
working with audio and video tools to create media rich communications, etc.

ICT at Home
● These days most of the people uses television for entertainment
and phones for calling up other people. New devices, such as
smartphones with an Internet connection are now being used to
stay connected with family and friends on a regular basis
through social media networks, such as Facebook, Instagram
and Twitter.
● We use computers and mobile phones for talking to each other,
sending and receiving information, watching videos and news,
listening to music and playing games.

Use Of ICT In Different

ICT Tools
● Smartphones and tablets are becoming more and more important as Smartphones
most people carry them around and use them in daily activities like
sending e-mails and messages, sharing pictures, etc. Without these, Mobile phones are ICT tools for talking
most people cannot work with others. The spreading of an idea, or to people but smartphones are more
of news occurring somewhere in the world is now possible through advanced. With a smartphone you can
social sites on the internet. As long as one person is able to connect make calls and do things that you
to the internet and express their view about a situation or simply normally do using a computer, such as
about an idea, then the information that individual will want to browsing the web, sending e-mails,
share, will get out into the world. Smartphones are now being used making video calls, playing games,
to stay connected with social media and exchange information. listening to music, watching movies
and much more. Smartphones are also
Tablets called mobile phones as you can use
For some activities, such as reading a book for a them anywhere .They use wireless
longtime, the screen of a mobile may be too small. For networks to make calls and to connect
such activities, we can use a tablet . It is bigger to the Internet.
than a smartphone and you can perform all the
functions that one can perform on a computer or
a smartphone.
Applications or Apps
● How does a smartphone perform so many functions? It does so with the
help of software applications (Apps). On the screen of a Smartphone or
Tablet, you see a lot of small pictures (or ‘icons’). If you touch these, they
start programs or functions required for watching movies, playing games,
using camera, etc.
● Apps are software programs (a set of instructions, or a set of modules or
procedures, that allow for a certain type of computer operation) that
perform different functions. Some of the apps are already present on the
phone or tablet. These are called “default” apps. Besides, there are hundreds
of other apps that can be purchased and downloaded or downloaded free of
cost from online stores. There are several online stores, including Google
Play Store for Android and Apple App Store for Apple.
Commonly found applications
● Some of the default apps installed on all smartphones/mobiles
are :

Parts of a Computer and
● Parts of Computer: A computer system is a programmable machine designed to store and retrieve information and perform arithmetic and logical
operations to produce meaningful results in desired format. It consists of three main units: Input Unit, Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Output Unit.
● Input Devices helps the user to enter raw data and instructions into the computer system. For example, Keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanners.
● Output devices produces meaningful results in the desired format for the user. For Example, Printer, Monitor, Speaker, Projector.
● Central Processing Unit (CPU) performs the required operations as per given instructions. The CPU is further divided into three parts: (i) control unit
(CU), (ii) arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) or Processing Unit, and (iii) memory unit (MU).
● There are 3 main parts of the CPU.
• Control unit: It acts like a receiver and a manager of a company. It receives inputs from user and controls different parts to do the operations required.
• Processing unit: It acts as an accountant of a company and performs all the mathematical and logical calculations.
• Memory unit: It acts as the storage room of a company, where data is stored temporarily (RAM) as well as for a long time (ROM).
● Data is stored in the form of bits and bytes. Bit (Binary Digit, represented by 0 or 1) is the smallest storage unit. Eight bits combined form a byte,
which in turn represents a character (numerals/letters/symbols).
• 8 bits make a byte and 1024 bytes make a kilobyte (KB).
• 1024 KB make 1 megabyte (MB)
• 1024 megabyte make 1 gigabyte (GB)
• 1024 gigabyte make 1 terabyte (TB)
● More the number of bytes, larger and a greater number of files can be stored.

Basic Computer Operations
● Computer hardware and software: A computer system
consists of two main parts—the hardware and the
software. The physical parts that we can see, and touch
are called the hardware. It is the machinery of a
computer. These are the keyboard, monitor, CPU, etc.
The software that we cannot see makes the hardware
work the way we want. Some of the most commonly
used operating systems for laptops and desktop are
Ubuntu, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS.
● Login and logout: A login and password are like a key to
the lock which allows you to use the computer. When
you login to the computer with your login-ID and
password, the computer knows that you are an
authorized person and allows you to work on the
applications in the computer. Once you finish working,
you must log out or sign out so that no one else can see
your work.Shutting down a computer: You can shut
down the computer in Ubuntu by clicking “Systems” at
the top right and then click on Shut Down. When you
click Shut down, the Operating System will close all the
applications and turn off the computer.

Performing Basic File Operations and Communication and Networking
- Basics of Internet
● Need to perform basic file operations: Information on a computer is stored in electronic files, which can
be put into separate folders. It is easier to manage the electronic files as they can be simply copied,
moved, renamed or even deleted.
● Files and folders: All information stored in a computer is kept in files. Different types of files store
different types of information. Each file is given a file name and has a file name extension that identifies
the file type.A folder is a location where a group of files can be stored.
● Creating a file (using a text editor in Ubuntu):
● 1. To open a text editor, type ‘editor’ in the search dialog box. Then double-click the text editor option.
This will open a blank document. In Windows, you can open Notepad and type in the text.
● 2. Here you can add text.
● 3. To save the file click Save. In the Save As dialog box, browse to the Desktop folder, type the name as
‘Neha’ and click Save as
● The Internet is a huge network of computers around the world. Using the Internet, you can get any
information that is stored in a web page on the World Wide Web..

Communication and Networking – Internet Browsing

● World Wide Web: The World Wide Web (WWW) or simply the Web is a huge collection of information.
● It is made up of
• A web page
• A web browser
• A system to transfer information between the web browser and the web page.
● Web browser: A web browser (commonly referred to as a browser) is a software application for using and sharing
information on the World Wide Web.
● Hyperlinks: Very often, there are hyperlinks (highlighted and underlined words) present on web pages. If you
click a hyperlink, it will take you to another part on the same page or to a different page.
● Important parts of a web browser:
● (i) Address bar (Alt+d)
● (ii) Tabbed browsing (Ctrl+T)
● (iii) Back and forward buttons (Alt+Left or right arrow keys)
● (iv) Refresh button (F5)
Communication and Networking – Introduction to E-Mail

● Electronic mail or e-mail is a quick way of sending messages to people using the Internet.
Electronic mail is a message sent over the Internet from one person to another. It consists of
lines of text and images.

E-mail ID or Address: The general format of an e-mail
address is local_ part@domain. An example of an e-mail
address is abc@gmail.com.
• An e-mail address is made up of two parts separated by
the @ symbol. The part before the @ symbol is created
by the user and is usually the name of the person.
• The part after the ‘@’ symbol is the domain name of e-
mail service provider, i.e., the company that provides the
e-mail service. Here gmail.com is the domain name of
Advantages of e-mail: E-mails can be sent to multiple
users along with the attachments. They are fast as they
reach anyone around the world immediately, free as most
services do not charge money and it is
environment friendly, as no paper is used.

Communication and Networking –
Creating an E-Mail Account

● To set up an e-mail account, there are

a number of popular providers to
● (a) Gmail (run by Google)
● (b) Outlook mail (run by Microsoft)
● (c) Yahoo mail (run by Yahoo)

Communication and Networking
–Receiving and Replying to E-
● Receiving an e-mail Imagine your friend sends you an e-mail: The e-mail will appear in your Inbox. It shows the name of the
sender, subject and a title of the main message. It will remain bold till you open it.
1. Click on the mail to open it.
2. Once you have read the e-mail, you can reply, forward or delete the mail.
3. If the invitation was sent to many people, you get another option, i.e., Reply to All. When you click this, the reply will be
sent to all the people who received a copy of this mail.
● Replying to an e-mail: To reply to this e-mail:
● 1. Click on the Reply option at the bottom. This will open a space where you can write your reply. The email address of the
person to whom this e-mail will be sent is already present at the top.
● 2. Type your reply and click Send.
● Forwarding an e-mail: You can also forward this e-mail to your parents to inform them about the invitation.
1. When you click on “Forward”, a space is displayed with the old message copied to it.
2. You can give the e-mail address of the person(s) you want to forward to and write anything extra you want to add.
3. Then click on the “Send” button.
● Deleting an e-mail: You can delete the mail by clicking on the delete icon. This will remove the e-mail from your inbox and
move it to the “Trash” folder. It will remain there for a few days before it is removed from the system
~VIRAj kohli


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