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Journal of Modernization
index.php/JEKO JEM 13(1) 2017, 1-15

Effect of Service Quality, Marketing Mix and Satisfaction

Students towards Customer Loyalty

Rokhmat Subagiyo1 , M. Aqim Adlan2

Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business IAIN Tulungagung


The objective of the study was to analyze: (1) the influence of service quality factors directly and significantly
to the satisfaction, (2) the direct and significant influence of service marketing mix factors on student
satisfaction, (3) the influence of service quality factors indirectly on the loyalty; (4) the influence of service
marketing mix factor indirectly to loyalty, (5) the influence of student satisfaction factor directly to student
loyalty. The research method used in this research was quantitative type explanatory research, the sampling
technique used was purposive sampling that was active student of Islamic Banking IAIN Banking
Tulungagung as many as 320 students. Analysis technique using path analysis. The result of this research
was service quality had a significant effect to student satisfaction, marketing mix had significant effect to
student satisfaction, service quality had no significant effect to student loyalty, marketing mix had significant
influence to student loyalty and student satisfaction had significant effect to student loyalty.

Keywords: Service Quality; Marketing Mix, Student Satisfaction; Student Loyalty


The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) the influence of service quality factors directly and
significantly on satisfaction, (2) the influence of service marketing mix factors directly and significantly on
satisfaction (3) the influence of service quality factors indirectly on loyalty; (4) the influence of service
marketing mix factors indirectly on loyalty (5) the influence of student satisfaction factors directly on student
loyalty. The research method used in this research is quantitative research and the type of research is
explanatory research, the sampling technique used is purposive sampling , namely active students majoring
in Islamic Banking as many as 320 people. The analysis technique uses path analysis. The results of this
study are service quality has a significant effect on student satisfaction, marketing mix has a significant
effect on student satisfaction, service quality has no significant effect on student loyalty, marketing mix has
a significant effect on student loyalty and student satisfaction has a significant effect on student loyalty.

Keywords: Service Quality; Marketing Mix ; Student Satisfaction; Student Loyalty

Permalink/DOI : How to cite

: Subagiyo, R., & Adlan, M. (2017). Effect of Service Quality, Marketing Mix and
Student Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty. Journal of Modernizing Economics,
13(1), 1-15. doi:
Article History : Articles accepted : January 2017; revised January 2017; received March 2017

address : Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, IAIN ISSN 0216-373X (print)
Tulungagung Jl. Major Sujadi Timur No. 46 Tulungagung ISSN 2502-4578 (online)
East Java E-mail:
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Journal of Modernization Economics, 13(1) 2017, 1-15

This is because customers whose customer

loyalty cannot be obtained by the company
Currently, the criteria for quality service continuously, if these customers do not get
products must be measured through the satisfaction, they tend to act negatively.
concept of customer satisfaction. This is Conversely, if someone is satisfied with the
because competition between service company's marketing mix, the customer will
providers is increasing so that service be loyal to the company.
providers must emphasize service quality
through improving service quality. Service The Islamic Banking Department of
quality emphasizes customer satisfaction IAIN Tulungagung continues to strive to
because the characteristics of service improve the quality of services in the form of
products are intangible and cannot be stored physical facilities for a six-story building,
so that service products sold are services and teachingsupporting
activities. However,
for learning
offered to consumers that affect consumer lecturers at the Faculty of Islamic Economics
satisfaction and desire to repurchase the and Business, IAIN Tulungagung, who are
service products offered. Therefore, it is still unable to provide maximum service to
important for companies to improve the quality their students.
of services that measure reliability , assurance
and certainty (assurance), tangibles, empathy
(Empathy) and responsiveness ( Parasuraman,
Valarie, & Leonard L, 1988).

This can have an impact on the interest

of prospective new students to enter FEBI
IAIN Tulungagung. In addition, there are
Service marketing mix is an important employees who often leave their jobs, so that
factor and is needed as a strategy for the implementation of administrative tasks is
marketing activities which is used as a hampered, and work is often delayed because
reference so that the implementation of the the employee doing the work is not in his
marketing strategy and positioning that has office. Because of this, it is important for
been determined is carried out properly. There higher education service providers to know
are differences between the product marketing and know the impact on loyalty.
mix and the service marketing mix, due to the
different characteristics of goods and services.
According to Tjiptono, (2005: 155), there are
seven elements of the service marketing mix,
including: product, promotional price, place,
people, process and customer service. Literature review
Service Quality
Customer loyalty to a product can be According to Parasuraman et al., (1988)
determined by one of the products, prices, defining service quality is a function of the
promotions, places, people, processes and differences between expectation and
consumer services which are not necessarily performance along the quality dimensions.
caused by customer satisfaction. Service quality is the difference between expectations and

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reality received by the customer. its existence to external parties.; (2) The
According to Bitner (1994) service quality second dimension , namely reliability , is
is the consumer's overall impression of a dimension that measures the company's
the inferiority/superiority of the organization ability to provide services as promised
and the services offered. Based on this accurately and reliably; (3) The third
theory, service quality is a level of dimension , responsiveness is a policy to
excellence and is an output that is not in assist and provide fast and appropriate
physical form that has benefits for services to customers, by conveying clear
customers and high and low levels based information; (4) Fourth dimension ,
on expectations. customer. Therefore, the assurance and certainty (assurance),
best service quality comes from customer namely knowledge of politeness, and the
opinion and can be obtained consistently ability of company employees to foster
by improving service and paying special customer trust in the company and (5)
attention to service performance standards, Fifth dimension, empathy (emphaty) is
both internal service standards and giving sincere and individual attention or
external service standards. personally to customers by trying to
understand consumer desires.

The definition of service quality

according to Lewis & Blooms (1983: 99),
Service quality is a measure of how well Quality of higher education services,
the service level delivered matches Garvin, (1987) proposes eight dimensions
customer expectations." This definition that can explain both the quality of
emphasizes the measure of how well the products and services, namely: (1)
level of service provided is able to match performance (performance), (2) features
customer expectations. Therefore, the (features), (3) reliability (reliability), ( 4)
quality of service can only be realized conformance , (5) durability , (6)
through the fulfillment of customer needs serviceability , (7) aesthetics , (8) perceived
and desires as well as the accuracy of quality . Quality in higher education may
delivery to match customer expectations. be more difficult to define than in other
sectors. McElwee and Redman (1993)
used the service quality dimension model
Dimensions Service Quality College (SERVQUAL) developed by Parasuraman
High et al. 1988) as themodel
an adapted
Research conducted by Zeithaml, education. In the structure of the
Parasuraman & Berry (1988) involving SERVQUAL framework, the main
800 customers (which are divided into four emphasis is placed on the functional
companies) aged more than 25 years can (interactive) aspects of quality. Hill, also
be concluded that there are five dimensions examines the implications of the theory of
of SERVQUAL as follows: (1). The first service quality in higher education.
dimension , according to the SERVQUAL
concept, service quality is tangible, namely
the ability of a company to demonstrate The use of services by customers is
influenced by the level of service quality,

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Journal of Modernization Economics, 13(1) 2017, 1-15

Therefore, service quality must be managed concept related to guidelines or rules

properly so that customers are satisfied. regarding the service marketing mix which
Customer satisfaction can be created with consists of a combination of ten (10) core
good service quality, namely the higher the variables in the service marketing system
level of service quality, the greater the in education that can be used to reach
perceived customer satisfaction and consumers as the target market. The
conversely, the lower the level of service variables forming the elements of service
quality, the smaller the perceived customer marketing are combined and coordinated
satisfaction. educational institutions to carry out their
duties as effectively as possible. Educational
institutions do not only choose the best
Marketing Mix combination, but also must coordinate
Kotler (2002), Marketing mix is the set various elements of the service marketing
of marketing tools that the firm uses to mix variables to implement their policies
pursue its marketing objectives in the target and programs appropriately.
market. McCarthy classified these tools into
four broad groups that he called the four Ps
of marketing: product, price, place, and Student Satisfaction
promotion . The marketing mix is a number Oliver and Swans (1989)
of marketing tools used by companies to define customer satisfaction
is a
convince the target market or target market. characteristic of customers who feel
The marketing mix (marketing mix) is the surprised at their expectations. Bery and
elements of marketing that influence each Parasuraman (1985) explained that
other so that if one is not properly organized customer satisfaction is aexpected
between comparison
onemarketing strategy.
it will affect the overall and performance (performance).
to Boone
Kurtz (1995), "customer satisfaction is the
ability of goods or services to meet or
This study uses a marketing mix consisting exceed buyer needs and expectations".
of four (4) variables according to the opinion Customer satisfaction is when customers
put forward by Kotler (1997), namely: (1) buy and use a product, and are able to
product (product); (2) price; 3) promotion meet or even exceed their needs and
(promotion) and (4) place (place on).

Service companies must try to

develop targeted marketing policies in order Engel. et al (1995) stated that
to create effective services and achieve customer satisfaction is an after-purchase
customer satisfaction. The supporting evaluation that gives results (outcomes)
variables in the marketing mix provide that equal or exceed customer expectations,
mutual support, which in turn the company while dissatisfaction arises when the results
will combine these combinations in order obtained do not meet customer expectations.
to get the right target market and can Kotler (1997) revealed that customer
influence the demand for its products. satisfaction is a person's feeling of pleasure
Educational institutions or colleges have or disappointment that comes from a
comparison between his impression of

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the performance (or outcome) of a product and random), (2) behavioral responses (e.g.,
its expectations. Supranto (2001) defines purchases), (3) leisure time, (4) with multiple
satisfaction as the level of one's feelings after decision-making units, (5) with respect to one or
comparing the performance/results he feels
hiswith more alternative brands of several brands, and
expectations. which (6) a psychological functioning (decision-making,
Based on the theoretical understanding, it
can be concluded that customer satisfaction is From the description of this definition, it
an evaluation of the post-consumption of a can be concluded that loyalty is a series of
product or service. Although there are many commitments that are strongly held to rebuy or
different definitions of customer or customer re-support the preferred product or service in the
satisfaction, the important thing is that customer future, even though there are situational
satisfaction cannot be measured with objective influences and conditions from the marketing
measures, customer satisfaction must be seen environment that have the potential to cause
in the abstract and is a phenomenon that can be customers to move on. other products or services.
measured with many indicators.

Customers decide to buy a product or not Loyal consumers under any circumstances and
are influenced by many factors including service. wherever have a firm commitment to continue to
Reflection of whether or not the service provided repurchase and reuse the company's goods and
by a company can be seen by the satisfaction or services.
dissatisfaction of the customer. If the customer
is satisfied, the more likely he is to make a repeat Fatmah (2005) explains the development
purchase in the future. Satisfied customers tend of customer loyalty is divided into four stages
to say good things about the product and the known as the "Model 4 Stages of Loyalty
company concerned to others. Strength".
(The Four Stage Model of Loyalty Strength)
which includes cognitive loyalty, affective loyalty,
conative loyalty and action loyalty. This model
illustrates that consumers become loyal first on
Customer Loyalty the cognitive aspect, then on the affective aspect,
Founier and Yao (1997) state that and ends with the conative aspect accompanied
customer loyalty is an attitude that describes the by motivation and commitment. Based on this
actual behavior of customers who are not shown description
or not realized, but analysis and a clear picture it can be explained that loyalty can be composed
are needed to underlie the structure of customer of four phases namely (cognitive, affective,
attitudes. conative and action).
Loyalty includes two things, namely loyalty as a
Jacoby and Kyner (1973) suggest that customer behavior and loyalty as an attitude.
loyalty is expressed by six necessary conditions Research on customer loyalty generally
and collectively by integrating the two approaches: focuses more on things that are closely related
these conditions express that brand loyalty is a to products or brand loyalty, however, loyalty to
(1) biased process (eg, service companies is very rare.

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Journal of Modernization Economics, 13(1) 2017, 1-15

studied (Blomer et. al, 1999). Loyalty to carried out by I Ming Wang and Chich
a service tends to depend more on the Jen Shieh (2006), regarding the effect of
relationship between individuals, another service quality on library service user
case with loyalty to tangible goods. For satisfaction at Chang Jun Christian
service marketing, customers and front- University, concluded that service quality
line employees interact to create services has a significant and positive effect on
(Kotler, 2005). So service providers must library service user satisfaction. Based
work to interact effectively in a way that on the explanation above, the hypothesis
puts the skills of service employees on formulation is: H1: Service quality has a
the front lines, and in the service positive effect on customer satisfaction.
production and support processes of
these employees.
Indicators of loyalty according to Effect of Service Quality to
Kotler and Keller (2009) are (a). Repeat Student Satisfaction
(loyalty to product purchases), namely Dharmmesta and Irawan (2007),
buying back the results of goods stated, "Marketing mix or marketing mix
purchased from certain companies. (b). is a combination of four variables,
Retention (resistance to negative namely product, price structure,
influences about the company) is the promotional activities, and distribution system.
attitude of consumers who only believe The four elements of the marketing mix
in certain products and are immune to are interconnected and influence one
other company products so they are not another, so efforts must be made to
interested in buying other company produce a marketing policy that leads to
products. (c). Referrals (referring the effective service and customer
total existence of the company) are satisfaction.
positive recommendations to other So in the marketing mix there are
people about the product used. variables that mutually support one
another, which the company then
The Service Quality to combines to obtain the desired responses
Influence of Student in the target market. Therefore, the
Satisfaction Service Quality has better the company understands
an important role in determining consumer desires, the more satisfied
consumer or student satisfaction. consumers will be with the products
Parasuraman and Berry (1988), in simple offered. This is also supported by Hatane
terms, the notion of service quality can be Samuel's research (2006) which
expressed as a comparison between the concluded that the application of the
services consumers expect and the marketing mix has a significant effect on
services they receive. The results of the customer satisfaction.
same research were also carried out by
Hendro Widodo (2015), namely the quality Based on the explanation above, the
dimension has a significant influence on hypothesis formulation is: H2: Service
student satisfaction in the Elementary marketing mix has a positive effect on
School Teacher Education Study Program, customer satisfaction
Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta. research that

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Influence Satisfaction Student shows that student satisfaction has a

on There Customer Loyalty positive and significant effect on student
are several studies conducted on the loyalty to Salatiga Christian Vocational Schools.
relationship between service quality and This means that the higher the quality of
customer loyalty, including the results of services provided can affect student
research by Mokhtar and Maiyaki (2011) who satisfaction, resulting in a loyal attitude
examined mobile phone service users in to Salatiga Christian Vocational Schools.
Malaysia. Based on the explanation above, the
The results of the research conducted hypothesis formulation is: H4: Service
show that service quality has a significant quality has a positive effect on customer
positive relationship with customer loyalty. loyalty
The results of this study are similar to those
of Adimar (2016) regarding the effect of Influence Marketing Mix To
service quality on student loyalty in the Customer Loyalty
Management Study Program, Faculty of Suprihanti (2011) has conducted
Economics, Taman Siswa University, Padang research on the relationship between the
with positive and significant results. Likewise, Marketing Mix and KFC customer loyalty,
Reynold and Arnold (2000) said that with a with the result that the results of the
sense of satisfaction, customers will marketing mix have a positive and significant
repurchase only one supplier, so that relationship with customer loyalty. The
customers will become loyal to that supplier. results of this study are supported by the
Evidence that there is a positive relationship results of Ayed's research (2012) which
between satisfaction and loyalty (loyalty), states that there is a positive and significant
namely that the higher the level of satisfaction, relationship between the marketing mix and tourist loyalty in
the higher the level of loyalty. Based on the Then the results of research from Haryoso
explanation above, the hypothesis formulation & Suhartono (2012), in accordance with
is: H3: Student satisfaction has a positive the results of Antik Suprihatini and Ayed's
effect on customer loyalty research, namely the marketing mix has a
positive and significant relationship. Based
on the explanation above, the hypothesis
formulation is:
Influence Service Quality to H5: The marketing mix has a positive
Customer Loyalty effect on customer loyalty
Service quality, which consists of
tangibles, reliability, responsiveness,
assurance, and empathy
effect on, customer
which hasloyalty
a direct
indicators , namely saying positive things, In this study used a quantitative
giving recommendations to others (recommend approach through survey methods. The
friend ). ) and make continuous purchases sampling technique is purposive
(continue purchasing). sampling , namely the technique of
determining a sample by taking a sample
based on certain considerations. The
The results of research by Noventris Radja, number of samples is independent and
Supramono, and Sulasmono (2013), based on the size of each population at each level. Amou

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Journal of Modernization Economics, 13(1) 2017, 1-15

the population in the study was 1,597 students using of 320 respondents. The analysis technique used in
the Slovin formula to obtain a representative sample this research is path analysis.

Results and Discussion

Following are the results of path analysis in this study

Table 1. Results of Multiple Linear Regression Calculations Between Service Quality and Marketing Mix
Variables on Customer Satisfaction

Unstandardized standardized
Variable Coefficients Coefficients T calculate Significance
B std. Error Betas
Constant -0.796 0.204 -3,902 0.000
Service quality 0.088 0.007 0.553 12,088 0.000
Marketing Mix 0.113 0.018 0.286 6,261 0.000
T table 1.960 F table 2,633
R 0.762 0.580 F count 218.869
R2 Significance F 0.000
Source: Primary data processed

Table 2. Results of Multiple Linear Regression Calculations Between Service Quality and Marketing Mix
on Loyalty

Unstandardized standardized
Variable Coefficients Std. Coefficients T calculate Significance
B Error 0.226 Betas
Constant 2.695 0.008 11,909 0.000
Service quality 0.003 0.020 0.028 0.417 0.677
Marketing Mix 0.088 0.294 4.388 0.000
T table 1.980 F table 2.03
R 0.312 F count 17.099
R2 0.097 Significance F 0.000
Source: Primary data processed

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Table 3. Results of Multiple Linear Regression Calculations Between Student Satisfaction and
Loyalty Variables

Unstandardized standardized
T Significant
Variable Coefficients Coefficients
count fish
B std. Error Betas
Constant 3.287 0.119 27.506 0.000
Student Satisfaction 0.249 0.040 0.329 6.213 0.000
T table 1.980 F table 3.87
R 0.329 F count 38.605
R2 0.108 Significance t 0.000
Source: Processed primary data

Table 4. Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Variables

Influence Direct Indirect 0.553 Total

Quality of Service to
Student Satisfaction
Marketing Mix Satisfaction 0.286
Student Satisfaction Loyalty 0.028
Service quality Satisfaction 0.553 x 0.028= 0.553+0.0155=
Student Student Loyalty 0.0155 0.286 x 0.5685
Marketing Mix Satisfaction 0.028=0.008 0.028+0.008=0.036
Student Student Loyalty
Source: Primary data processed

In table 1, it can be seen that the Sharia at FEBI IAIN Tulungagung. This means
calculation results show a significance level of that if the marketing mix is increased again, the
0.000 <0.05, then H0 is rejected and H1 is Islamic Banking Students at FEBI IAIN
accepted, which means that there is a direct and Tulungagung will increase their level of
significant influence between the quality of satisfaction.
service on the satisfaction of Islamic Banking In table 2 the results are known
Students at FEBI IAIN Tulungagung. This means the calculation shows a significance level of
that improving the quality of service is provided 0.677 > 0.05, then H0 is accepted and H1 is
better, so that Islamic Banking Students at FEBI rejected. That is, there is no significant indirect
IAIN Tulungagung have increased satisfaction. effect between the quality of service on the
loyalty of Islamic Banking Students at FEBI IAIN
Tulungagung. This means that if the quality of
The calculation results in table 1 also service is further improved, Islamic Banking
show a significance level of 0.000 <0.05, so H0 Students at FEBI IAIN Tulungagung will not be
is rejected and H1 is accepted. more loyal.
That is, there is a direct and significant influence
between the marketing mix on banking student The calculation results are shown in table
satisfaction 2. shows the significance level

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Journal of Modernization Economics, 13(1) 2017, 1-15

of 0.000 <0.05 then H0 is rejected and H1 is Sharia Banking at FEBI IAIN Tulungagung.
accepted. This means that there is a This means that if the quality of service is
significant indirect effect between the given more attention, Islamic Banking
marketing mix and the loyalty of Islamic Students at FEBI IAIN Tulungagung will be
Banking Students at FEBI IAIN Tulungagung. more loyal. Exposure to the influence of
This means that if the marketing mix is given direct, indirect and total variables is presented
more attention, Islamic Banking Students at in table 4, regarding the results of path
FEBI IAIN Tulungagung will be even more analysis.
loyal. Therefore, as a whole it can be seen that the
Table 3 shows that the calculation total influence to increase loyalty, is more
results show a significance level of 0.000 effective through Service Quality on Loyalty
<0.05, so H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. than Marketing Mix on Loyalty.
That is, there is a significant direct effect
between student satisfaction on student


Service Quality (X1) E2


0.606/rX1X2 Student Satisfaction Loyalty
(X3) Student (Y1)

0.286 /b2X3X2
0.294 /b2Y1X2
Marketing Mix (X2) R 2 = 0.097 R = 0.312

R 2 = 0.580, R = 0.760 F count = 17.099

F count = 218,869

Figure 1. Path Analysis Model Based on Linear Regression Calculation Results

Influence of Quality of Service however, in order to further increase student

Direct against Satisfaction satisfaction in the services achieved, better
Student management of service quality is needed.
Quality of service which is formed from
five (5) indicators, namely physical evidence, Results of statistical analysis of data
reliability, responsiveness, assurance and proves that there is a significant direct effect
certainty as well as empathy which has between service quality on student satisfaction
shown to have been well managed so as to as indicated by the value of the standardized
make an important contribution to student direct effect as big as it can be seen that

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service quality factor (X1) has a regression this is also supported by Afrida Shela Mevita
coefficient value of 0.553; has a significant t and Heru Suprihadi (2013) that the marketing
value of 0.000; so that it has a positive and mix which consists of: products, prices,
significant effect on student satisfaction. distribution channels and promotions has a
significant effect on consumer satisfaction.
This result is also supported by the This is in line with the results of the
theory of service quality presented
by respondents' answers shown in table 3 as in
(1985), which says that service quality is the which shows that the marketing mix (marketing
difference between expectations and reality mix) which consists of product, price,
received by customers. distribution channel and promotion with the
assumption that tends to be positive, namely
The descriptive results of the research with an average value (mean) of 3.48 or
show empirically that the average (mean) rounded up to 3.5.
value of Islamic Banking student satisfaction
is 2.97 or rounded to 3. This means that Influence of Quality of Service
students consider it normal (not too good or Indirect To Loyalty
bad) for the five (5) dimensions of service
quality provided by the Faculty of Islamic Service quality does not have a positive
Economics and Business (FEBI) IAIN and significant effect on student loyalty. The
Tulungagung, such as direct evidence results of this study are in accordance with
(tangibles) (X1), reliability ( X2), the results of research conducted by
responsiveness ( X3), assurance ( X4), and Qomariah (2012), who examined the Effect
caring (empathy) (X5) of Service Quality and Institutional Image on
Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty (Study at
Muhammadiyah University in East Java) with
a significance value of 0.9, which means
The Influence of the Marketing Mix service quality has no effect on student
Direct against Satisfaction loyalty. Results not supported by research
Student conducted by Radja et al. (2013: 11) which
The marketing mix formed by product, states that there is an effect of service quality
price, place and promotion has a positive and at Salatiga Christian Vocational Schools on
significant influence on Islamic Banking student loyalty through mediation with the
student satisfaction at FEBI IAIN Tulungagung. Salatiga Christian Vocational High School
The marketing mix has a regression coefficient student satisfaction variable, with a probability
value of 0.286; has a significance value of t significance value of 0.00.
of 0.000.
This means that if the marketing mix increases Empirically the findings from the results
by 1 (one) unit, student satisfaction will also of this study indicate that
this case the IAIN
FEBI company, in
increase by 0.286 one unit. Tulungagung, must always improve the
quality of its services so that customer or
The results of this study are consistent student satisfaction increases.
with the results of research by Hatane (2006)
that the application of the retail marketing mix Based on table 4, Islamic banking students
has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Results recommend it to others

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Journal of Modernization Economics, 13(1) 2017, 1-15

to be willing to study at FEBI IAIN does not affect customer loyalty, because
Tulungagung. The average value is 4.00, the significance value is 0.9 but in line with
which means that Islamic Banking students the results of research conducted by Kheng,
are loyal to FEBI IAIN Tulungagung. Mahamad, Ramayah, and Mosahab (2010)
with a coefficient value of 0.00.
The Influence of the Marketing Mix If it is related to customer loyalty, service
Indirect to Loyalty quality acts as a precursor variable for
The marketing mix has a significant creating customer satisfaction (Dick and
effect on student loyalty. The results of this Basu, 1994). The results of this study are
study are consistent with the results of the in accordance with the student's answers
research by Mevita and Suprihhadi (2013) to the three statement items for the student
which says that the marketing mix which loyalty variable with an average value of 4
consists of: product, price, distribution channel (loyal), which means high student loyalty
and promotion has a significant effect on to the Faculty of Economics and Islamic
customer satisfaction. each of 0.005, 0.004 , Business (FEBI) IAIN Tulungagung.
0.006 , 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05. This
is in accordance with the research of Iwan Conclusion
Ridwansyah and Arif Maulana (2013)
Based on the results of the research, the
marketing mix has a significant effect on the
conclusions in this research are: There is a
loyalty of Widyamandala university students,
direct and significant influence between
with a significance value of 0.00.
service quality on Islamic Banking Student
Satisfaction FEBI IAIN Tulungagung, because
Factually, these results are in accordance
the significance value is 0.000. With a large
with respondents' responses regarding places
influence of 0.553. These results support the
with an indicator of the location of the FEBI
first hypothesis. This means that if the quality
IAIN Tulungagung campus close to the main
of this service is improved, the satisfaction of
road with an average of 4.103 (agree); The
Islamic Banking students at FEBI IAIN
FEBI IAIN Tulungagung campus is easy to
Tulungagung will increase.
reach by public transportation with an average
score of 3,931 and the FEBI IAIN Tulungagung
The Marketing Mix has a direct and
campus is easy to find and access with a score of 3,975.
significant effect on Islamic Banking Student
Overall, respondents gave responses to the
Satisfaction FEBI IAIN Tulungagung, because
marketing mix variable of 3.48 (positive value).
the significance value is 0.000. The magnitude
of the influence of the marketing mix on
student satisfaction is 0.286.
The Influence of Student Satisfaction These results accept the second hypothesis,
Indirect To Loyalty which means that if the factors in the
marketing mix increase, it will increase Islamic
Student satisfaction has a positive and Banking Student Satisfaction FEBI IAIN
significant effect on student loyalty. The Tulungagung.
results of this study are not
Service Quality has no direct and
supports Nurul Qomariah's research (2012) significant influence on Banking Student
which states student satisfaction Loyalty

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