Islamic Studies 6th Grade 1st Quiz 3rd Quarter

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State of Palestine www.eduarabian.

Ministry of Education
The Arabian Academy for Modern Education Facebook:@eduarabian
SAT/AP Department 00970594800020
Name __________________ Gr 6 SAT Date: _____________
Islamic Studies Quiz1
3rd Quarter, SY 2022/2023

Q1. Fill in the blanks ( 10 points)

treat idols Mi’raaj tray

Israa’ Al-Buraaq benefit ribaa

torture Musa Yunus jinn

1) Allah (swt) has created animals for our __________________________.

2) A Muslim should never _______________ an animal.
3) On the Day of Judgement, we will be accountable for how we ________________
4) The people of At-Taif worshipped _________________________ .
5) Moved by pity the owners of the vineyard sent a __________________ of grapes to the
Prophet .
6) Prophet Mohammad mentioned Prophet ____________________ to Addaas.
7) A huge crowd of ____________ were attracted by the beautiful verses of the Qur'an.
8) ______________________was bigger than a donkey and smaller than a mule.
9) The prophet saw the people who take ___________________ with bellies far too big to
be able to move around.
10) The Arabic word for the 'Night Journey' is _________________.

Q2. True or false (15 points)
_______1. Animals don’t have rights.
_______2. Sometimes it is OK to treat animals in a cruel way.
_______3. A Muslim should have mercy and compassion towards animals.
_______4. A Muslim must take care not to overload a beast of burden.

Teacher: Ana Mashni

Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim

State of Palestine
Ministry of Education
The Arabian Academy for Modern Education Facebook:@eduarabian
SAT/AP Department 00970594800020
_______5. The year of grief happened in the 5th year of prophethood.
_______6. The people of Quraysh accepted the call to Islam.
_______7. Prophet Mohammad travelled to Medina with Zayd ibn Haarithah.
_______8. The people of At-Taif did not welcome the prophet .
_______9. Addaas was a Christian slave.
_______10. Sidrat al-Muntahaa and AI-Bait ai-Ma’moor are in heaven.
_______11. The Night Journey and the Ascension were physical experiences, of both the
body and the soul.
_______12. Prophet Mohammad was absent for two days during the Night Journey
and the Ascension
_______13. Maalik is the angel in charge of Hell.
_______14. The people of Makkah believed the prophet when he told them about his
visit to masjid Al-Aqsa.
_______15. Prophet Mohammad described AI-Aqsa Mosque in great detail.
Q3. Choose the correct answer ( 5 points)
1) On the way back from At-Taif the prophet spent some time in ________________.
a) Waadee Nakhlah b) Qarn AI-Manaazil c) Mekkah

2) The year in which the prophet’s wife and uncle died was called the year of __________.
a) happiness b) sorrow c) grief

3) The people of At-Taif threw _____________ at the prophet.

a) garbage b) stones c)sticks

4) Khadijah bint Khuwaylid and Abu Talib died in the __________year of Prophethood.
a) fifth b) sixth c) tenth

5) Zayd ibn Haarithah was Prophet Mohammad’s __________________.

a) cousin b) freed slave c)nephew

Teacher: Ana Mashni

Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim

State of Palestine
Ministry of Education
The Arabian Academy for Modern Education Facebook:@eduarabian
SAT/AP Department 00970594800020
A. Mention 2 animals that help us doing hard work.
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________

B. Mention 2 other prophets that Prophet Mohammad met when he was in the heavens.
1. _________________________________________
2. _________________________________________
Q5 Match the prophet to the heaven
_______1. Isa a. 7th heaven
_______2. Musa b. 6th heaven
_______3. Ibrahim c. 5th heaven
_______4. Adam d. 4th heaven
_______5. Yousef e. 3rd heaven
_______6. Idrees f. 2nd heaven
_______7. Haroon g. 1st heaven

Teacher: Ana Mashni

Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim

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