Smart Backpack

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Faculty : College of Computing, Informatics and Media (KPPIM)

Program : Bachelor Of Computer Science (Hons.)

Program Code : CS230

Course : Technology Entrepreneurship

Course Code : ENT300

Semester : 5

Name and : 1. Aina Nadiah binti Abd Rahman (2020449882)

Student ID
2. Ainnatul Nafizah binti Ismail (2021101285)

3. Nasrul Hakimi bin Azman (2020866318)

4. Nur Huwaida binti Saedon (2020834526)

5. Nurain Shuhada binti Abu Bakar (2020875412)

6. Nurhaidah binti Mohd Khalid (2020477408)

Submitted to

Encik Ahmad Kamal bin Mohd Yusop

Submission Date


1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... 4

2 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Problem Statement ......................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Methodology ................................................................................................................... 6

2.3 Limitations....................................................................................................................... 6

3 TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTIONS ............................................................................................ 7

4 NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT (NPD) ............................................................................... 9

4.1 Definition ......................................................................................................................... 9

4.2 Classification Of NPD ................................................................................................... 10

4.3 New Product Development Process ............................................................................ 10

4.3.1 Research & Development ...................................................................................... 10 Idea Generation............................................................................................... 11 Idea Screening ................................................................................................ 11 Market Survey ................................................................................................. 13 Consumer Trend Canvas (CTC) ..................................................................... 16

4.3.2 Product Design/Features....................................................................................... 19

4.3.3 Concept Testing ..................................................................................................... 20

4.3.4 Build A Prototype................................................................................................... 21

4.3.5 Test Marketing ....................................................................................................... 23

5 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................... 26

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 27

APPENDICES............................................................................................................................... 28



Figure 1: New Product Development (NPD) Process .......................................................... 9

Figure 2: Ambor Travel Backpack ..................................................................................... 12
Figure 3: Kopack Laptop Backpack ................................................................................... 13
Figure 4: First impression on smart backpack ................................................................... 13
Figure 5: What respondent look for in terms of backpack functionality.............................. 14
Figure 6: Respondents feedback on smart backpack features .......................................... 15
Figure 7: Respondents feedback on how smart backpack features improves their current
backpack functionality ....................................................................................................... 15
Figure 8: Consumer Trend Canvas (CTC) ........................................................................ 16
Figure 9: Smart Backpack Prototype ................................................................................. 22
Figure 10: Improvised Smart Backpack............................................................................. 22
Figure 11: Improvised Smart Backpack............................................................................. 23
Figure 12: Respondents feedback on eco-friendliness of the product ............................... 24
Figure 13: Respondents feedback on does the product solve their problem ..................... 24
Figure 14: Respondents rating on the product .................................................................. 25
Figure 15: Respondents rating on the innovation .............................................................. 25


Table 1: Technology Descriptions ....................................................................................... 7

Table 2: Basic Needs of Smart Backpack ......................................................................... 17
Table 3: Product Design/Features ..................................................................................... 19



The most recent statistics on crime in Malaysia reveal that although there has been a decrease in
the number of crimes, the number of cases is still high. Theft and robbery were the offences with
the highest number of cases, which has raised concerns in the community, especially among those
who are constantly on the go and depend on public transportation but must walk a considerable
distance to get to the stop where they must wait. At the same time, Malaysia has high rate number
of rainfalls especially during monsoon season. This situation has also been taken into account on
designing the Smart Backpack using suitable material: waterproof, to encounter this problem. The
inbuilt tracker, solar panel, and power bank may all be assured to be safe with the right material, in
complement to the user's belongings. In order to address the issue presented: a high number of
theft and robbery cases, a tracker is installed in the bag to locate the backpack in the event that it
went stolen. Additionally, using a smartphone in daily life has become essential because the
majority of tasks require at least a smartphone to be completed. The user does not need to worry if
their smartphones are running out of battery since there is a power source that uses the energy
from the Sun to turn solar energy into electricity to charge their gadgets. This is because there is
an incorporated power bank and solar panel.

As it integrates and combines several technologies into one, this Smart Backpack offers a variety
of features that can enhance and resolve the concerns of the user. Due to its various functions, it
can be claimed that this backpack is very technological and versatile. Recent customer feedback
found that the majority of respondents agreed that this Smart Backpack may help them with the
concerns mentioned previously, regardless the customers' occupation. However, if the users'
occupations and monthly income are considered, it is determined that the target market consists of
workers and travellers. Students can certainly invest in the Smart Backpack because it is made for
daily use, but since it is a bit pricey for students, especially those who have no income, the focus is
on people with monthly income. However, this multipurpose backpack is still affordable for people
whose regular incomes are consistent with the description of a high-tech backpack.



The new product that has been suggested for this project is a Smart Backpack that has four key
features: it is waterproof, anti-theft, anti-lost, and includes a built-in power supply that will use solar
energy. This report has detailed the specifics of how this proposed product is designed.

2.1 Problem Statement

Technology has always served as the primary medium for everyone in this modern era to
communicate, complete jobs and run errands, conduct business, and help people live
comfortably. There is no denying that technology has made life easier for people because of
all the wonderful effects it has on them. Nevertheless, there are bad effects as well, one of
which being the increase in criminal cases. Crimes are broken down into two categories:
violent crimes like robberies, assaults, rapes, and murder, and property crimes like car theft,
home invasions, and other thefts. According to Malaysia's 2021 Crime Statistics, among
these incidents, robbery and other thefts had the highest rates of both property crime and
violence. According to Crime Statistics, Malaysia, 2021, among these crimes, robbery and
other theft recorded the greatest cases for violent and property crime, with a total of 5,636 for
robbery and a total of 16,695 for other theft (Mohamad, 2022).

On top of that, despite what might be expected, the rate of technological progress is
quickening, which is significantly raising the need for electricity (Burrus, 2013). Humans
require electricity to run their devices, which they use daily and everywhere. This is a very
simple example. Since the amount of non-renewable resources is finite and fossil fuels
contribute for roughly 80% of all energy consumed worldwide annually, renewable energy
sources, such as the sun, plants, biomass, wind, and geothermal energy, can be used as an
alternative (Brown et al., 2022). Given that they are perpetual, renewable energy sources
should never be wasted.

Additionally, Malaysia has a consistent temperature, high humidity, little wind, and abundant
rainfall. Even during seasons of severe drought, it is extremely uncommon to have a full day
with a totally clear sky considering Malaysia is located in the equatorial doldrum region
(Pusat Iklim Nasional, 2023). On the other hand, aside from during the northeast monsoon
seasons, it is also unlikely to see a few-day period with absolutely no sunshine. Since
Malaysia experiences heavy rains throughout the year, particularly in January, November,
and December, Malaysians may struggle to protect their belongings from rain-related
damage, especially if they rely on public transportation to get from one destination to another.


In order to address the issues, it has been suggested that a smart backpack be produced
through innovation. One system is connected to multiple services by the proposed smart
backpack. One of the features of this backpack is its limitless power supply, which is
provided by a solar panel on the front of the bag. Additionally, it has a tracker that allows the
user discover himself in case he gets lost as well as his backpack if it goes missing. To
prevent items from being harmed by rain, this bag is additionally made of a waterproof

2.2 Methodology

All information was collected through several methods as listed below:

• Survey or Questionnaire
Survey is done using Google Form as the medium to distribute the questionnaire through
a link to the potential customers. This survey is done with the purpose of market research
to gain insights on the potential customers and wider marketplace. The Google Form
consists of 11 questions including questions on age, occupation, income, and questions
regarding the functionality of the smart backpack and how the bag is going to solve their
problems. The link of the form is distributed to people with various age groups through
• Research
Research and studies have been made on the existing backpacks. Based on the stated
problem above, majority of the existing backpacks have applied the innovation distinctly.
Backpacks with solar panels but no inbuilt trackers are already available on the market.
Besides this, solar panels and embedded trackers are not included in certain backpacks
that are built of waterproof materials or even of sturdy materials to deter theft. Hence,
with the idea of features being merged into one, the Smart Bag is suggested as a high-
tech, versatile backpack.

2.3 Limitations

The development of a smart backpack is restricted by a number of limitations. The first is that
it is rather expensive to install a solar panel. The cost of the bag could well increase as a
result. The second limitation is that the phone and the tracker in the backpack should always
be connected to each other through the tracker’s application in order to keep the backpack
on track. The phone should always have adequate battery life otherwise, it will be challenging
to find the backpack once it disappeared. Moreover, since solar energy is used as a power
source, the energy is only converted when the Sun is present.



Table 1: Technology Descriptions

No. Technology Description

1 Solar Panel The primary technology that is implemented is

a solar panel for backpacks. A monocrystalline
flexible solar panel is included with solar
backpacks. It includes a battery, charge
controller, several leads, and connectors, and
they might even include a power bank to store
the energy for later use. Most quality solar
backpacks can produce 120 watts of electricity
each day, sufficient to power most of your
minor electronic devices (smartphones,
tablets, etc.) Photovoltaic cells, a type of
technology used in the panels, make the bag
function (PV cells). The semiconductor
generates electrical energy when sunlight
strikes the board. This is then transmitted to
the charge controller or the lithium-ion battery
for later usage, depending on how your solar
backpack operates.

2 GPS Tracker Real-time tracking and location of a person,

vehicle, or object are made possible by the
GPS Tracker. This compact, battery-operated
tracking gadget can be covertly positioned or
concealed on the asset. The recovery of stolen
vehicles, high-altitude balloon projects, asset
monitoring, and backpack tracking are some
excellent uses for this tracker. It is waterproof,
has motion sensing and an SOS button, and
enables quick installation. This tracker will help


the user to locate the backpack through its

application that will need to be installed by the



4.1 Definition

New product development (NPD) is the process of designing and developing new goods or
services to be marketed in the market (Cooper, 2019). Making new products might involve
both the creation of something completely original and the enhancement of an already
existing product. NPD, as contrast to regular product development, focuses solely on
creating a fresh idea to see it through the complete product development process. The
ability to provide products that fulfil customers' demands and desires is no longer more
crucial in the competitive current marketplace. Businesses cannot depend on existing
products to keep ahead of the competition as customer demands and behaviors,
technology, and market dynamics are all changing quickly. They must innovate, which
entails creating and effectively launching brand-new products. Each approach to a finished
product is unique when it comes to new product development (Singh, 2022). Although the
process of product development can differ from business to business, it can be divided into
seven key stages as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: New Product Development (NPD) Process

Before putting the products on the market, it's crucial to make sure they offer value to
potential buyers, that there is a market for them, and that they are of the greatest possible
quality. The best products also contribute to the growth of society, either through the line of
products itself or through the creation of new jobs and sources of income (Gastaldello,
2021). A new product can increase a company's market share, spur expansion, and bring in
new revenue sources to ensure economic sustainability.


4.2 Classification Of NPD

According to Max (2016), from Booz, Allen, and Hamilton (1982), there are 6 types of new
product development as listed below:

1. New-to-The-World
These products and services are very completely new because they open up a brand-
new market while making up a very small percent of the new category of products.

2. New Product Lines

It would be a new product line when a business offers a product from a new category
that they have not offered before.

3. Additions to Existing Product Lines

When a business introduces a brand-new item that strengthens its line of current
products, it adds to its already existing product lines.

4. Improvement or Revision of Existing Products

These new items take the place of older ones by offering better functionality or
perceived value.

5. Repositions
Targeting new market segments is an option for existing products.

6. Cost Reductions
There might be new goods created that perform similarly however are less expensive

4.3 New Product Development Process

4.3.1 Research & Development

Research and development refers to the processes used by businesses to produce
and market new goods and services (R&D). Additionally, this marks the beginning of
the evolutionary process. The objective is often to sell more products and services
while improving the bottom line of the business. The ideation stage of the research
and development (R&D) process includes concept generation, idea screening, and
market research.

For the idea generation stage, there are many techniques accessible, including
brainstorming. The most important method for coming up with fresh ideas is to in
some way encourage creativity. The process of developing new ideas include a
methodical and ongoing search for potential markets for new products. It involves
talking about the procedures required to generate fresh ideas as well as the sources
of those ideas. New product concepts can be developed with the help of focus
groups, staff, a SWOT analysis, market and consumer trends, and fundamental

This project employs idea generation to understand what consumers, including

travelers, employees, and students, value about the product and what they think
about their existing goods-carrying vessel, in this case, a backpack. It started of with
few many problems in the conventional backpack that we observe. Some includes
the lost of important belongings due to backpack lost and not being able track it.
There is also issue with their current backpack being prone to damage caused by
water. Moreover, common problem includes their current backpack is not big
enough to store their belongings and having to carry extra power supply such as
power bank when they are in need of power source.

Therefore, a new innovation was developed after much research and discussion to
address the requirement and demands. We had the notion to develop a smart
backpack. Consequently, with the intention of enhancing the functionality of the
traditional backpack into a smart, dependable, and effective backpack. Idea Screening

Idea screening is a process that contrasts new items to determine which ones are
most advantageous for your business. Technical problems, strategic fit, and a
number of other market prospects are some of the specific factors that should be
used to separate the best concept from the passable ones. A effective screening
process idea could help to focus the entire development process and boost success
chances. Concept screening assists in cutting down the amount of unworkable
concepts to a manageable number that can then be developed into prototypes. The
objective is to maintain the most promising ideas while reducing the number of
others. An online survey was used to start the idea screening process for this
project, and from there it moved on to the most popular backpack model currently on
the market.

There are two backpack that is in the market that is comparable with the idea of
smart backpack. The first one is Ambor Travel Backpack and Kopack Laptop
Backpack. The Ambor Travel Backpack have a few distinctive features which is fits
laptops up to 17.3" in size, with outside measurements of 19.5, 12.5, and 5.3 inches.
It is straightforward and useful, light and comfy, and excellent for travel. Additionally,
it functions well as a computer bag, hiking bag, everyday bag, and college student
backpack. The anti-theft design technique used in this bag. provides security for
user journey by including a theft-proof combination lock and strong metal zippers
that prevent thieves from readily opening your bag. Additionally, a USB charging
bag with a charging cable is included for easy charging of smartphones, tablets, and
other electronic devices. It has a headphone jack, allowing users to enjoy their
favourite music while walking with the backpack in hand. Figure 2 shows the design
of Ambor Travel Backpack.

Figure 2: Ambor Travel Backpack

Next one is Kopack Laptop Backpack. This backpack is made of tough fabric that is
both water and scratch resistant. The main compartment's 4-tooth anti-puncture
zipper offers dual theft protection. This laptop backpack has a secret compartment
for your laptop that is hidden at the back of the bag under the shoulder strap,
however there is no lock included. The user can simply plug in and charge their
gadget anywhere with this backpack's built-in charging cord, which is located inside
the bag. However, a power bank is not supplied. The user can store their items in
this little backpack's 10 or more compartments in an organized manner. Figure 3
shows the design of Kopack Laptop Backpack.


Figure 3: Kopack Laptop Backpack

From the comparison of this backpack, the smart backpack idea is born. Smart
backpack is a backpack that have all the above mentioned features combined.
Smart backpack also have some added features for user convenience which is built
in tracker, embedded solar power supply for power source and also a smart
application to track the backpack activity. The smart backpack will also have a larger
storage capacity with a durable waterproof material offered. Market Survey

The survey conducted indicates that the majority of respondents have a positive
view on the smart backpack innovation. Figure 4 shows how many positive and
negative impression on our innovation.

Figure 4: First impression on smart backpack


Figure 5 shows an analysis of what respondent look for in terms of backpack

functionality. 78.2% of respondent prefer to have a multipurpose and built in power
supply on their backpack. Another 61.8% prefer anti-theft feature which is a
backpack embedded with a tracking device. Moreover, 60% of the respondents
wants a large storage capacity backpack. Another 52.7% prefer to have anti-lost

Figure 5: What respondent look for in terms of backpack functionality

Figure 6 indicates that majority of respondents agree that smart backpack have the
criteria they need for a backpack which in percentage total up to 96.4%. Figure 7
shows how they think smart backpack help improves their current situation with their
backpack. 74.5% of the respondent said that they do not have a backpack equipped
with a power supply and 67.3% of them admit that they have once lost their
backpack and the backpack cannot be traced. Another 56.4% said that their
backpack is not waterproof so their belongings are easily be impacted by water
damage. The rest which is 41.8% of the respondent agree that their backpack is not
large enough to store their necessities.


Figure 6: Respondents feedback on smart backpack features

Figure 7: Respondents feedback on how smart backpack features improves their current
backpack functionality

15 Consumer Trend Canvas (CTC)
In order to transform the invention before it can be commercialized, the consumer trend canvas may help collect and analyse
data about the issue of basic needs. Figure 8 displays the consumer trend canvas for Smart Backpack.

Figure 8: Consumer Trend Canvas (CTC)

1. Basic Needs

Table 2: Basic Needs of Smart Backpack

Users does not have to carry multiple power

Backpack equipped with
a) supply gadget such as powerbank and
power supply
generator to use a power source.

The backpack zipper is specifically placed on

the back of the backpack rather than on top.
b) Comes with anti-theft feature
This feature enable user to be aware of any
attempt of opening the backpack itself.

The backpack offers an abundant size of

c) Large storage size storage to enable user carrying more item at

The product use a high quality material to

Use sustainable material
d) provide waterproof property on the backpack
provide waterproof property

2. Drivers of Change
i. Shift
Shift is basically long term and widespread changes. In the future, it is
expected for this product that it will provide an eco-friendly way of optimizing
energy. This product will also offer abundance of space for storage, provide
user’s property theft prevention and user’s belonging damage protection.
ii. Trigger
Triggers are recent and short-term changes of technology. It is certain that
this product can counteract the consumer problem coming from plethora of
energy wastage, increased criminal cases and climate change issue due to
energy wastage.

3. Innovation Potential
Smart Backpack is embedded with a suitable size of solar pane for user ease of
use. It will also have a build in tracker to prevent lost of necessary and important

belonging and will utilize anti-slash and water resistant material to provide
enhance product lifespan.

4. Inspiration
Here are the inspiration of the Smart Backpack:

Ambor Business Travel Backpack

This product have an anti-theft design
with fixed password lock and durable
metal zipper and also a large capacity.

Kopack Laptop Backpack

This product have a water-resistant
and asnti-scratch material durable
fabric and also multiple compartment.

5. Who?
Our targeted users is male and female with the age range of 18 to 45 years old.
Specifically workers and travelers because this backpack is quite expensive but
have multiple useful feature for those who have a stable income and want a
durable product.


4.3.2 Product Design/Features

In this section, it will be explained in detail about the design and features of Smart
Backpack. The bag is specially designed according to the latest design, which uses
an anti-theft design and waterproof materials so that the items inside the bag remain
safe. There are several features introduced to help with current problems that are
always user-facing. One of the features is a GPS tracker built into the bag. With
dimensions of 0.7 cm in height and 3.2 cm in length, the hidden tracker can track the
location of this product at any time and from any location. The location will be
displayed in the mobile app that is linked with the tracker. Next, this Smart Backpack
is modified to have a power supply that can automatically charge the power bank.
Power is generated by using solar panels that trap sunlight and convert it to
electricity. With this feature, users can charge their devices without worrying about
running out of power bank batteries. This design is to satisfy market needs. Table 3
shows the explanation about the design of innovation product, Smart Backpack.

Table 3: Product Design/Features

The design Explanation

There are solar panel with 15cm

length and 12cm height. This
bag is already embedded with
Solar panel the solar panel. This bag is
chosen because it will ease
people since this bag offer
power supply to charge devices.
The reflector is to help to reflect
light in the night.

Smart Backpack equipped with

GPS tracker. This tracker size is
small because it will not
increase the original weight of
Smart Backpack.


This figure show inside the

Smart Backpack. There is
storage that is design
specifically to put power bank.
The wire to connect between the
solar panel and power bank also
in that space.

4.3.3 Concept Testing

1. Purpose

The purpose of this concept test is to identify whether the Smart Backpack able to
provide features needed by student and office workers and eliminate the poor
concepts. In concept testing also help to estimate the sales or trial rate the product.
This will also help gather information to improve the product.

2. Sample Population

The target for this concept testing would be students, office workers and traveller.
This target population is the most suitable as they are using backpack almost in their
daily life. This would allow them to give idea and innovation for Smart Backpack

3. Survey Format

In the survey, sketching of the Smart Backpack is provided in questionnaires. The

respondents had given brief explanation of what the product can do and details about
the product. There are few questions in the questionnaire asking their experience with
the product. For example, “What is your first impression of the product?”, “What do
you look for in terms of your backpack functionality?”, “Is this product consisting of
criteria that you need?” and others.

4. Smart Backpack Functions

Smart Backpack comes with hidden GPS tracker. If the user is forgetting the location
of their backpack, the GPS tracker is an important tool that can help they locate their
backpack using a mobile app. Anti-theft design is chosen because it provides safety
to the user and their things since the zip is likely difficult to find. Lastly, solar panel on
the backpack function is to trap the sunlight and convert it to electricity. There is
embedded power bank inside the bag, so the user no need to worry if their devices
running out of battery when they are outside with no power supply to charge their

4.3.4 Build A Prototype

The Smart Backpack has undergone some improvements and advances in terms of
the backpack functionality that customers seek based on the responses to the
questionnaire. Smart Backpack increased its size to 35 cm in height, 28 cm in length,
and 15 cm in breadth since consumers also want a large amount of storage space.
Smart Backpack has developed a larger-sized solar panel with measures of 27 cm in
height and 20 cm in length to help extend the amount of time it takes to create power
supply to charge the built-in power bank.

In order to track the backpack continuously without anyone being aware of it, the GPS
tracker is placed in a concealed location, which is inside the materials at the
designated location. User can always the location of the backpack through the
application of the tracker that the user needs to install the application in his
smartphone. Besides, potential users want their backpack to serve multiple purposes,
thus storage for laptop will be also provided. The prototype sketched can be seen in
Figure 9 until 11.


Figure 9: Smart Backpack Prototype

Figure 10: Improvised Smart Backpack


Figure 11: Improvised Smart Backpack

4.3.5 Test Marketing

Before releasing a widescale product, test marketing is a critical step. It is intended to
assess how a product will be received on a larger scale by launching it on a small
scale. A test marketing campaign can help determine whether a marketing strategy,
marketing channels, or distribution method is effective. There are numerous
approaches to test marketing. As for this product, questionnaires have been
distributed to potential customers with age ranging from 18 to 40 and above. The
Google Form platform was used to administer a survey through questionnaires.
Figure 12 shows that 92.7% of the respondents agree that the smart backpack is eco-
friendly. The eco-friendliness of the product comes from the embedded solar power
supply as it allows users to optimize renewable energy in their daily life.


Figure 12: Respondents feedback on eco-friendliness of the product

Figure 13 shows that 98.2% of the respondents thinks that the innovation of this
product can actually solve their daily problem with their backpack issues.

Figure 13: Respondents feedback on does the product solve their problem

Figure 14 shows that 32 out of the 55 respondents rates the product at the highest
scale which is 5. Another 18 respondents rate it at 4 and the rest rate it as 3 which is
neutral. Moreover, in Figure 15 shows the same number of rating for the innovation.
On majority, the respondents is satisfied with on the innovation and look forward for
the innovation.


Figure 14: Respondents rating on the product

Figure 15: Respondents rating on the innovation

From the survey, it can be concluded that majority of the respondents found this
product as a good product for solving their problems. Advertising strategy plays an
important role for the steady progress of this product’s life cycle. Given people 's
current preference for gadgets, digital marketing platforms such as Google,
Instagram, and Facebook advertising tools are used to reach larger audiences at a
lower cost. Furthermore, digital marketing provides immediate and real-time
marketing results, allowing us to fine-tune and streamline marketing tactics to
maximize sales and profit. As for this Smart Backpack, since it will be a little bit pricey
correspond to its multifunctions, the target audience will be workers and travellers.
Finally, discovering competitors is also crucial that it must be carefully determined
where to dispatch the product in the greatest quantity possible in order to determine
the effects of competing products on the cost of the product.


New product development is an essential strategy for businesses to stay ahead of the
competition and meet the changing needs of their existing customers. By developing products
that address real customer problems, new product development assists an organization in
achieving sustainable growth. Assist in solving a common customer problem in an original
way. In terms of existing potential customers, it is vital to comprehend who will ultimately make
purchases and why they will buy the product by creating customer persona and identifying
their professions, goals, and pain points. In regard to value propositions, the company must
determine what distinguishes its product from its rivals and why people should consider
purchasing it. Aside from that, it is essential to figure out how the company will deliver the
product's values to targeted users. As a result, it is critical to select the appropriate advertising
strategies to promote the product, such as social media, e-mail, and paid advertising.

In a nutshell, new product development is a crucial mechanism for ensuring that the
development of the product proceeds without a hitch. With NPD, the company that
manufactures the backpack can tackle the inevitable challenges that arise throughout
development in a methodical and effective manner since they are prepared for the problem
that is anticipated to arise.



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