2023 - std10 - Landscape Analysis Through Maps

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EasyA+2023 notes prepared by Rajesh K &Sujitha K G, GHS Cherpulassery-9048251133

Landscape analysis through maps
1.Topographic Maps
*large scale maps
*depict in minute detail all the natural and manmade features on the earth's surface.
*These maps contain the important surface features such as the undulations of the
terrain, rivers, other water bodies, forests,agricultural land, barren land, villages,
towns, and transport and telecommunication systems.
*The preparation of Topographic maps in India is done by Survey of India.

2.What are the uses of topographic maps ?

• To analyse the physical and the cultural features of the earth surface.
• For military operations and the preparation of military maps.
• Identification and studying of the natural and the cultural resources of a region
for economic planning.
• For urban planning.

3.How many toposheets are used for picturising the whole world?
*2222 sheets

4.India's toposheets are known as million sheets.Why?

*As each of the maps in this series is in 1:1000000 scale,
these are known as million sheets.
5.Write a short note on million sheets.
*prepared in 1:1000000 scale.
*4° latitudinal and 4° longitudinal extent
6.Write a short note on degree sheets.
*prepared in 1:250000 scale
*1° latitudinal and 1° longitudinal extent
7.Some conventional signs and symbols representing certain Geographic

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EasyA+2023 notes prepared by Rajesh K &Sujitha K G, GHS Cherpulassery-9048251133

8.The conventional colours used to represent different geographic features.

Latitudes and longitudes

Non perennial waterbodies BLACK
Railway lines, telephone and telegraph lines
Boundary lines

Oceans, rivers, wells, tube wells……

(perennial waterbodies)

Trees and shrubs

Cultivable land YELLOW

Barren land WHITE

Settlements, roads, paths

Grid lines (eastings, northings and their numbers) RED

Contour lines and their values BROWN

Sand dunes and sand hills

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EasyA+2023 notes prepared by Rajesh K &Sujitha K G, GHS Cherpulassery-9048251133

9.What are eastings and northings?

To show the precise location of minor geographical features in toposheets,
north-south and east-west lines in red colour are added .
The north-south lines are called eastings and the east-west lines are called
The value of Eastings increases towards the East.
The value of northings increases towards the north.
The grids formed jointly by the eastings and the northings are called reference grids.
10.Find out the location of various geographical features in the given grid,
1) using the 4-figure grid reference method.
2) using the 6-figure grid reference method.

2 9

1 4 7

1)using the 4-figure grid reference method.

1.Fort-8134 2.pond-8235 3.well-8335 4.tube well-8334 5.bridge-8236
6.Church-8436 7.temple-8434 8.light house-8537
9.grave yard-8535 10.settlements-8534
2) using the 6-figure grid reference method.
3)well-83 8 35 2 4)tube well-83 8 34 4 6)Church-84 6 36 2
7)Temple-84 8 34 6 8)light house-85 3 37 3

11.What is contour line?

Contours are imaginary lines drawn on maps connecting those places having
equal elevation from the sea level.

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EasyA+2023 notes prepared by Rajesh K &Sujitha K G, GHS Cherpulassery-9048251133

12. contour values

The respective altitude will be marked with each contour line.
These are called contour values.
With the help of contour values we can find out the altitude of the places shown in
13.The difference between the value of two adjacent contours is called contour interval.
14.What are the uses of contour lines in topographic maps?
The following three things can be assessed from the contour lines in topographic
• Altitude of the place
• Nature of the slope
• Shape of the landform

15.What is the application of Intervisibility assessment using topographic sheets?

If any two places are mutually visible, then we can say that these places are
Intervisibility assessment is being applied for erecting electric posts,
mobile towers and wireless transmission towers.

16.What is Marginal information in topographic maps ?

The general information given outside the margins in topographic maps is known as
marginal/primary information.
The toposheet number, name of the area, latitudes and longitudes,
values of northings and eastings, scale of the map, contour interval,
years of survey and publication and the agency in charge of the survey
are the marginal information in a toposheet.

17.What are the physical features shown in topographic maps?

Water bodies such as rivers, streams, springs, etc. as well as the different landforms.

18.What are the Cultural features shown in toposheets?

Settlements, different types of roads, boundaries, places of worship,
agricultural lands, post office, police station, bridges, wells and tube wells
are a few cultural features shown in toposheets.


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