DLL-EAPP 2NDQ-8th-week

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Teacher: JAYVEE A. DIWA Learning Area: PURPOSES
January 9-13,2023
Mon-Thur. 2ND
Teaching Dates and Time: 11:00-12:00 Quarter:


Objectives must be meet over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed,
I. OBJECTIVES additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are using Formative Assessment strategies.
Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be
derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards: The learner understands the principles and uses of surveys, experiments and scientific observations.

B. Performance The learner produces a well-written report for various disciplines.


C. Learning  The learner determines The learner  The learner gathers  The learner conducts
Competencies/Obje the objectives and designs, tests and information from surveys, surveys, experiments
ctives: structures of revises survey experiments, or or
various kinds of reports questionnaires* observations* observations*
Write the LC Code
CS_EN11/12A-EAPP- CS_EN11/12A- CS_EN11/12A-EAPP- CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-
for each EAPP-IIe-j-7
IIe-j-6 IIe-j-9 IIe-j-8

Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
II. CONTENT Writing Report Survey/Field Report/Laboratory/Scientific Technical Report

III. LEARNING Lists the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative
RESOURCES materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Module 5 Module 5 Module 5
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages

3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Visual aids ,Powerpoint Visual aids ,Powerpoint Visual aids, Powerpoint Worksheet
Resources Presentation and Worksheet Presentation and Presentation and worksheet

 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
A. Reviewing Previous Review the previous Activity : Conducting a Survey “Let’s Get Involved in the Real
Lesson or lesson about Writing a Ask the students what Three steps in conducting a World”
Presenting the New Position Paper. Ask should and should not of survey will be discussed.
Directions: You have experienced
doing survey in the classroom. Now it
them about their stand a survey questionnaire.
Lesson is the best time to go out and venture
on their chosen issue; the online world.
There are three steps in
1. Has COVID-19 A. Design a survey questionnaire
conducting a survey.
pandemic changed that will gather some of the
the world for its residents’ values and opinions
best or for its 1.Decide on a four or five option on certain important issues in

2. Is online learning
HOLIDAY survey question. Then make a
tally chart having its heading and
your community.
Following the guidelines of
constructing a survey
effective or not? appropriate title. questionnaire, make five
C. Conduct an online survey in
The question should follow the your respective community.
guidelines of making an effective Interview FIVE people from
survey question. Formulate each group category below:
questions that address to the aim
and need of the research. The (Parents of)
question should be clear, concise
and efficient. The heading and the 0 - 5
title should reflect the focus of the years old
6 - 11
2.Conduct a survey then tally all years old
the answers.

12 - 18
In conducting a survey, ethics
years old
should be observed. You should
be polite and show respect to the
respondents. You should maintain 19 - 39
a friendly atmosphere so that years old
respondents may not feel so
intimidated. Make sure all
answers are noted. Plan for a 40 - 60
years old
more systematic way of tallying.
D. Then devise your own method
3.Count the answers marking the in tabulating the gathered
answers to your five-survey
item having the least to the
greatest tallies. Then make a
graphic representation of the
E. Graph the results and choose
results. your own format. (you may
use other charts or any other
The students will answer
Activity 2.2 “It’s Your Turn”
A. G i v e F.f Write i a onev - paragraph
explanation stating your
1st findings of the survey.

G. Submit your output to your

teacher. (The teacher will give
4th the e-mail address)

favorite home quarantine

activities. Rank them
according to the frequency of
engaging in it. Number them

B. Establishing a Presenting some pictures Analyze each using the The learners gathers
Purpose for the and they will identify what guidelines on what informations from their
Lesson these pictures shows. should or should not for conducted surveys and
effective questions. Be organized or sort it before it
able to determine could be disseminated as of
whether the question is Ask each member of your family the following;
effective or not (mark to give his/her rank of the home
check). Then provide quarantine activities you listed in Displaying data- Once the
the reason of your Test A. Just add rows to include data has been collected, it
answer. all other members of the family.
can be displayed in several
(Please follow
 data can be
displayed on a
 most common way of
displaying data is the
bar graph or frequency
 Frequency
diagrams can also
be used to display
grouped data
 An alternative to a
frequency diagram is
a bar-line.
 Another way of
displaying data is on
a pie chart

C. Presenting Objectives of the lesson The students will GATHERING INFORMATION FROM
Examples/Instances presented and the various answer SURVEYS
of the Lesson kinds of reports, meaning of What I Can Do Types of Survey Questions will
survey and survey be discussed as its points to
questionnaire will be Directions: remember in crafting survey
discussed. Suppose you are chosen questions.
as the youth representative
of your barangay and you
are asked to introduce an
advocacy on Covid-19 1. Open-ended
Youth Empowerment. questions
Decide how to find out the Example: Why did you choose to
possible response of your vote for candidate X? Kindly
community about it. In explain.
order to determine the
people’s attitude toward it,
conduct an online survey
by framing a survey
2. Dichotomous Questions
questionnaire. Consider
Example: HIV/AIDS is transmitted
the guidelines in
through saliva:
constructing effective
True False
questions in your five-
question survey to
administer in your 3.Multiple–response questions
respective barangay. Example: How were you
able to know about the
graduate program of
Development Policy
offered in De La Salle
University? Check all that
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By word of mouth (friends,


DSLU Website
Telephone inquiry

DSLU Social Networking

Physical appearance/
inquiry page

Others, please specify:

3. Matrix questions
Example: Qualities of a Good Leader
Beside each of the qualities
of a good leader, kindly
indicate how well the person
in inquiry manifests the said
quality with 1 being the
lowest and 5 as the highest.

Sample Matrix Question Set

Qualities/ Rating 1 2 3 4 5

4. Contingency Questions
4. Have you ever tried any illegal
drugs and/or substances?
Yes No

4.1 If yes, what illegal drugs and/or

substances have you used? Check all
that apply.
Crystal Meth
Others, please

D. Discussing New Shows the picture of different Points to remember in crafting

Concepts and method of administering a survey questions
Practicing New survey.
Skills #1 1. Keep the questionnaire as short
as possible.
2. Ask short, simple, and clearly
worded questions.
3. Start with demographic
questions to help respondents get
started comfortably.
4. Use dichotomous (yes/no) and
Personal Approach Telephone multiple choice questions.
Survey 5. Use open-ended questions
6. Avoid using leading-questions.
Make your question ask for the
Self- administered
Approach other person’s opinion.
Do not make it clear what your
own opinion is. (this would be
called a biased question or a
leading question).
A bad example would be:
Online Survey
Fishing is a very cruel pastime. Do
you agree?
A better question might be: Do
Mail Survey
you think that fishing is a cruel
A) strongly agree
B) agree
C) neutral
D) disagree
E) strongly disagree
7.Pre-test a questionnaire on a
small number of people.
8. Think about the way you intend
to use the collected data when
preparing the

E. Discussing New Answer Activity 1.1“Let’s Fill it Answer the following

Concepts and Up”

Practicing New
questions on crafting
Skills #2 survey questions
Method Advantage Disadvantage
s s
1. Face-to-
face 1.Which of these questions are
leading questions?
Interview A leading question is one
2. Telephone
that leads the person
Survey answering it towards a
3. Paper-
and-pencil particular answer.
4. Mail
a. Do you agree with the
majority of people that bank
5. Online
Survey workers earn too much?
b. How has this course
improved your English?
c. Do you smoke?
d. Do you agree that giving
your child a bottle is a really bad
e. How many times in the past
week have you travelled by bus?
f. How many TV sets do you
have in your house?
g. Do you agree that eating
chocolates raises your IQ?

2. Here are some open-ended

questions. Write suggestions for
each tick boxes. The first one has
been done as an example.
A. Which type of film do you
like watching? Tick all that apply.





None of the above

B. The company is having a
party. What type of food should
there be?
C. What sports should the new
sport center offer?
D. What electronic gadgets do
you use?
E. Give your opinion on the
bus service in town.

F. Developing
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)

G. Finding Practical  
Applications of
Concepts and Skills
in Daily Living
H. Making
and Abstractions
about the Lesson
I. Evaluating . Assessment
Directions: Read each item carefully
Learning and follow directions. Write the letter
of the
appropriate answer on
your paper.

1. It is a formal piece of writing

based on research.
A. position paper B.
writing a questionnaire C.
survey report
2. A technique of gathering data by
asking questions to people who are
taught to
have a desired information.
A. deductive method B.
survey method C.
questionnaire method
3. The following are the guidelines in
writing a survey report, except:
A. keep it simple
B. modes of ordering
C. basic qualities of a good
4. What is the purpose of writing a
survey report?
A. to have better report
B. to study a research topic
C. to conduct a survey
5. It is a textual generalization,
consisting of text and
A. demand B. summary
C. findings D. writing
6. In conducting a survey report it is
important that the objective
A. not clear B. accurate
C. focused D. readable
7. In writing a summary, what
should not include?
A. do not include your own
comments or evaluation
B. the summary should not
cover the original text as
C. the material should not be
presented in a neutral fashion.
D. none of the above
8. Summarizing teaches students
how to discern the most
important ideas in a text.
A. yes B. no C.
maybe D. not sure
9. Which of the following structure
state the aim/purpose of the
report, when and how the
report gathered?
A. conclusion B. main
body C. objective D.
10. It is where all the information
collected and analyzed is
presented clearly and in detail.
A. introduction B.
conclusion C.
main body D.
J. Additional
Activities for
Application or

Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn?
VI. REFLECTION Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials
did I used/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by: Noted:


SHS Teacher School Principal I

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