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CSE369 Lab1&2 Wi22

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Intro to Digital Logic, Lab 1 (& 2)

An Introduction to Verilog and Digital Components

Lab Objectives
The first lab will introduce you to the Altera’s Terasic DE1-SoC development board and our primary
design tool this quarter, Intel’s Quartus Prime. Both of these components are very important for all
future labs so please pay attention.

We have combined the first two labs into one (with the later due date) to account for delays in
picking up lab kits. As this is the first lab, we strongly recommend that you treat this as two
separate labs (i.e., complete Tasks 1-3 around Lecture 2 and then Tasks 4-5 by the due date) so
that you have sufficient time to deal with any setup issues you may encounter. Even without
your lab kit, you can complete Tasks 1, 3, 4, and part of 5.

Task #1 – Verilog Design and Simulation

The designs in this class will be done through the Intel Quartus Prime software. This is preloaded on
machines in the department, and you are free to do all the work on these PCs. However, you can install
the software on your own computer, if desired. If you use macOS, refer to the special instructions in

You will perform steps from the tutorial MANY times in subsequent labs, so taking notes on how
to do important tasks will save you lots of time later.

Open from the course website and complete Sections 0 through 8. You will
simulate two designs: and . Be sure to do all of the steps and ask the course staff for
help when you encounter issues. During your lab demo, you will need to show your simulation of
and give a brief verbal explanation of what actually does.

Task #2 – Logic Investigation

Read through from the course website. Make sure you know where the LEDs,
switches, and pushbuttons are on the DE1 and then connect it to your computer and power on your
board. Feel free to play around with preloaded program to get a feel for the board inputs and outputs.
Now finish the rest of to program your board with the provided top-level
module . The relevant portion of the code is copied below (Figure 1), but the full code should
be downloaded from the course website. Refer to the code comments and play with the appropriate
inputs to discern the logical behaviors of our input and output signals:

1) Which logical value (0 = FALSE = GND, 1 = TRUE = VDD) turns the red LEDs on?

2) Which position (up or down) of the slider switch outputs a TRUE?

3) Which position of the pushbutton (pressed or unpressed) outputs a TRUE?

Figure 1: Starter code for top-level module that defines the inputs and outputs that we will use in Lab 1.

Task #3 – Add Simple Logic

Now modify to implement the following additional logic. You will only need to add one line of
code beneath each comment. Refer to on the course website
for the syntax for gate modules and logical operators.

1) Place an inverter (NOT gate) between SW2 and LEDR4.

2) Use a second inverter to connect the output of the first inverter to LEDR5.

3) Place a two-input NOR gate between two unused switches and an unused LED (your choice).

Recompile your modified project and load it onto your board to make sure that it behaves as you would
expect. Don’t forget to upload your modified alongside your lab report.

Task #4 – Digit Recognizer (Design)
Electronics can be cold and impersonal so let’s change that by having your DE1 recognize you! We want
to design a circuit that will light up an LED only when you input the last digit of your student ID
number. Your goal is to design the circuit out of NOT, NAND, and NOR gates using the fewest number of
gates possible.

To make it fair to those with more “difficult” student ID numbers, inverters hooked directly to a
switch output are not counted towards the “gates used” total (see Figure 2).

1) Find the last digit of your student ID number in the “Digit” column of Table 1 below – this is
known as Binary-coded decimal ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary-coded_decimal ).
2) Design the circuit by hand that will output a 1 only when the switch code matches your
particular Digit. Be sure that it also outputs a 0 for invalid inputs (e.g., all switches are 1).

SW3 SW2 SW1 SW0 Digit

0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 2
0 0 1 1 3
0 1 0 0 4
0 1 0 1 5
0 1 1 0 6
0 1 1 1 7
1 0 0 0 8
1 0 0 1 9 Figure 2: Schematic of your breadboard circuit. Only gates used
Table 1: Map of the last digit of your student ID inside the Digit Recognizer count towards your total "gates used."
number to the state of switches 0-3. Only use the input NOT gates that help you simplify your design.

Task #5 – Multi-Digit Recognizer (Implementation)

Recognizing only one digit is a bit simplistic, so we’d like to scale it up to handle more digits.
1) Copy your Lab 1 project folder (or unzip a fresh copy of ) into a new Lab
2 project folder.
2) Download from the “Files→Labs→Lab 1” page of the course website into your Lab 2
project folder, add it to your Quartus project, and set it as your top-level module. Note that this
file contains a prewritten testbench for you to use!

Note that the testbench uses an “ ” statement to generate the input patterns, with
delays and a statement. However, the testbench is non-synthesizable (i.e., the code
doesn’t compile to hardware and is therefore only useful/meaningful in simulation).

3) In , implement the logic for a circuit that recognizes the last two digits of your student ID
number. will be the rightmost digit, encoded as in Task #4, and will be the
next digit, using a similar code (e.g., the digit 8 is encoded as , , , ).
Make sure to test your design in simulation BEFORE mapping it to the FPGA.

Lab Grading
Working Design: 90 points for correctness, style, and testing.
Logic Minimization: Up to 10 points for using as few logic gates as possible in Task #4.
Each gate (NOT, NAND, NOR) counts the same, though any NOT gates connected directly to
a switch input are not counted. The fewer gates, regardless of the number of chips, the
better the grade.
Note that we do not care about the number of gates in Part II (Verilog) – we’ll start worrying
about FPGA efficiency in later labs.

Lab Demonstration/Turn-In Requirements

Lab Report (before Wednesday section, submit as PDF on Gradescope)
• A simple, accurate explanation of what the circuit does. (Note: we do NOT want a
written description of the circuit gates, we want a description of what it actually does – if you’re
not sure, see how we described how the circuit works)
• The value of the signal (TRUE or FALSE) that makes the LEDs light up.
• The position of the switches (up or down) that cause them to output TRUE.
• The position of the pushbuttons (pressed or unpressed) that cause them to output TRUE.
• A circuit diagram of your 1-digit recognizer circuit.
• A screenshot of the ModelSim simulation for your 2-digit recognizer design (always with
• How many hours (estimated) it took to complete this lab in total, including reading, planning,
designing, coding, debugging, and testing.
• As separate files, upload your finished code ( and ).
In-Person Demo (during your demo slot)
• Demonstrate your working simulation of the circuit.
• Demonstrate your working NOR and double inverter circuits.
• Explain your ModelSim simulation of your 2-digit recognizer circuit.
• Demonstrate your 2-digit recognizer working in hardware.

Be prepared to demo circuits from separate projects. Compile the bit files for both projects
ahead of time so that you don’t need to wait during your demo. In order to switch, close your
current Quartus project, open the next project, open , and then
load onto the DE1-SoC.

Lab 1 & 2 Rubric
Grading Criteria Points

Q1: description 8 pts

Q2: LED question 4 pts

Q3: Switch question 4 pts

Q4: Pushbutton question 4 pts

Q5: Circuit diagram of 1-digit recognizer 5 pts

▪ Logic minimization 10 pts

Q6: ModelSim screenshot of 2-digit recognizer 3 pts

▪ Explanation of waveforms 5 pts

Time spent 2 pts

SystemVerilog code uploaded 5 pts

LAB DEMO 50 pts

100 pts

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