DLL 3-6
DLL 3-6
DLL 3-6
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Mrs. Loribelle P. Maldepeña Learning Area UCSP
Teaching Dates and Time June 25-29, 2018 2:00-3:00 Quarter FIRST
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates an understanding of the rationale for studying anthropology, political science and sociology.
The learner demonstrates an understanding of culture and society as anthropological and sociological concepts.
B. Performance Standard The learner appreciates the value of disciplines of Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science as Social Science.
The learner appreciates the nature of culture and society from the perspectives of anthropology and sociology.
C. Learning Competency/Objectives At the end of the 60 minute At the end of the 60 minute period At the end of the 60 minute period At the end of the 60 minute period
Write the LC code for each. period the students will be able the students will be able to: the students will be able to: the students will be able to:
to: Recognize the common Identify the subjects of Inquiry Explain anthropological and
Analyze social, political and concerns or intersections of and Goals of Anthropology, sociological perspectives on
cultural change anthropology, sociology and Political Science and culture and society
UCSP11/12SPU-Ib-3 political science with respect to Sociology. UCSP11/12DCS-Ic-6
Share comparison of before the phenomenon of change. UCSP11/12SPU-Ib-5 Name the social scientists
and after social, political and UCSP11/12SPU-Ib-4 who contributed much in
cultural change. Define Anthropology, sociology the development of social
Value the importance of and political science. sciences
knowing the impacts of Value the importance of Appreciate the contributions
these changes in everyone’s knowing these social sciences of these social scientists
lives. as guide in our daily living.
II. CONTENT Starting points for the understanding of culture, society and politics
Defining culture and society from the perspectives of anthropology and sociology
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages As of this moment, there are still no teacher’s guides printed for this learning area. Nevertheless, the teacher makes use of available materials.
2. Learner’s Materials pages As of this moment, there are still no learner’s materials printed for this learning area. Nevertheless, the teacher makes use of available materials.
3. Textbook pages 17-22 17-22 23-25 26-29
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource www.prezi.com www.prezi.com www.slishare.net www.prezi.com www.slishare.net www.prezi.com www.slishare.net
A. Reviewing previous lesson or No review will be done since this The review of the lesson will be The review of the lesson will be The review of the lesson will be
presenting the new lesson. is the first meeting for the new done in a question and answer form done in a question and answer done in a question and answer
quarter. However the new form. form.
lesson will be presented in a
Picture tell process
B. Establishing a purpose for the What changes our culture, What is the relationship of the What pushes you to be what you Who do you think are the social
lesson society and politics? diagram to sociology, anthropology are right now? scientists who contributed much to
(MOTIVATION) and political science? the development of sociology in
the U.S, Europe and Philippines
C. Presenting examples/Instances of Graphic Organizer: Reporting Reporting Name of Social Scientists
the new lesson Identify the factors affecting the Sociology Inquiries and goals of sociology, Enumerate social scientists which
(ACTIVITY) changes of the following areas: Anthropology political science and anthroplogy contributed much to the
Society Political Science development of sociology.
D. Discussing new concepts and ASK: ASK: ASK: ASK:
practicing new skills # 1 1. How do you feel doing 1. What are the various areas 1. What are the inquiries and 1. How do you feel doing
(ANALYSIS) the activity? of social sciences? goals of political science, the activity?
2. What brought the 2. What are the goals of anthropology and 2. How do sociology
changes of society, anthropology, political sociology? developed in different
culture and politics? science and sociology? countries?
E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will have in depth The teacher will have in depth The teacher will have an in depth The teacher will have an in depth
practicing new skills # 2 discussion on social, political discussion on sociology, discussion about this topic discussion on the development of
and cultural change. anthropology and political science sociology/
F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative Assessment )
G. Finding practical application of How will you use your learning in How relevant is the study of various How relevant is the study of the Why study sociology?
concepts and skills in daily living social, political and cultural areas of social science? goals of these mentioned sciences How is sociology related to other
(APPLICATION)/ (VALUES change? sciences in contributing an
INTEGRATION) understanding of ourselves and
the society we live in?
H. Making generalizations and Summarize the lesson and Summarize the lesson and discuss Summarize the lesson and discuss Summarize the lesson and
abstractions about the lesson discuss further if needed further if needed further if needed discuss further if needed
I. Evaluating learning 1. According to him, Illustrate me and explain 1. Give at least one goal and 2. The study of the structure
(ASSESSMENT) changes in the society Recognize the common concerns or briefly explain of the society. SOCIAL
and human beings interactions of anthropology, STATIC
bring about the sociology and political science with 3. It is concentrated itself
changes in culture in respect to phenomenon of change in with social evolutions and
contemporary times a form of diagram change. SOCIAL
due to factors affecting DYNAMICS.
social mobility like 4. This theory suggests that
migration, urbanization, society is continually in
transnationalism and struggle for improvement
globalization. ISABEL neglecting its less
PANOPIO conflictive and more
2. It refers to all integrative facets.
alterations affecting CONFLICT THHEORY.
new traits or trait
complexes, too
changes in culture’s
content and structure.
3. It refers to variations
and modifications in the
pattern of social
organization of sub-
groups within a society
itself. SOCIAL
4. It is a change in the
realm of civil and
political societies and in
the structure of
relations among civil
society , political
society and the sate
J. Additional activities for application
or remediation
VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional
supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?