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BS Civil Engineering Curriculum 2022

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Curriculum of BS Civil Engineering Program

Approved in the 6th Meeting of Board of Studies of

Civil Engineering Department


Department of Civil Engineering

Faculty of Engineering
Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and
Information Technology, Rahim Yar Khan
Table of Contents

Vision of the Department: ..........................................................................................................2

Mission of the Department:........................................................................................................2

Program Educational Objectives ................................................................................................2

Program Learning Outcomes .....................................................................................................3

Mapping of PLO’s with PEO’s: .................................................................................................5

Curriculum Design .....................................................................................................................6

Scheme of Studies ......................................................................................................................7

List of Engineering Courses .....................................................................................................10

List of Non Engineering Courses .............................................................................................12

List of Management Elective Courses .....................................................................................13

Mapping of Courses with PLO’s..............................................................................................14

Course Outline .........................................................................................................................22

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Vision of the Department:
Vision of the Department is to achieve the national and international acceptance by
developing the learning environment for theoretical and practical education and purposeful
research that produce competent and problems solver Civil Engineers in the seven (07) major
areas: Hydraulics and Water Resources, Structural Engineering, Materials and Forensic
Engineering, Geo-technical Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Environmental
Engineering and Construction Project Management.

Mission of the Department:

Mission of the Department is to impart high quality Civil Engineering education by modern
teaching techniques and research methodologies for acquiring the latest, creative and lifelong
learning knowledge of engineering, sciences and technology. The mission also focusses the
development of professional and ethical qualities to be a successful Engineer and responsible
member of society for national and international infrastructural and socio-economic

Program Educational Objectives

The department of Civil Engineering has defined its Program Education Objectives (PEO’s)
aimed to achieve the mission and vision of the department that are aligned with the mission
and vision of the university.

Program Educational Objectives for Civil Engineering department are statements that
describe the career and professional accomplishments that graduates of the Civil Engineering
will achieve after graduation. Graduates of Civil Engineering department at KFUEIT shall be
able to solve engineering Problems within a greater context by doing the following:

PEO-1: Apply knowledge, strong reasoning and quantitative skills to design and implement
creative and sustainable solutions to Civil Engineering problems.

PEO-2: Engage in life-long learning and provide design expertise using modern tools
keeping in view the environmental impact.

PEO-3: Graduates shall have effective communication skills, critical thinking, interpersonal
and management skills as leaders for the regional development & economic uplift of the local

The PEO’s has been defined keeping in view university vision and mission

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PEO 1 is related to the attributes including hard core technical knowledge of the Civil

PEO 2 emphases on economic, environmental and sustainability considerations to society

through their problem-solving capabilities, and commitment to continue their life-long
technical and professional development

PEO 3 focuses on personal attributes including ethics, leadership, communication skills,

dedication and life-long learning.

All these objectives are clearly mapped with the vision and mission statement of the

Program Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO’s) are traits which program wants to inculcate in its
graduates by the time of graduation. It is expected that by the time of graduation the students
must have attained a specific set of knowledge, skills and behavioral traits. The Program
Learning Outcomes (PLO’s) provided by PEC have been adopted for all the undergraduate
engineering programs of the University. Following graduate attributes (Gas) have been
selected for the B.Sc. Civil Engineering Program.

PLO-1 Engineering Knowledge:

An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and

engineering specialization for the solution of complex engineering problems.

PLO-2 Problem Analysis:

An ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering

problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural
sciences and engineering sciences.

PLO-3 Design/Development of Solutions:

An ability to design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems,
components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public
health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

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PLO-4 Investigation:

An ability to investigate complex engineering problems in a methodical way including

literature survey, design and conduct of experiments, analysis and interpretation of
experimental data, and synthesis of information to derive valid conclusions.

PLO-5 Modern Tool Usage:

An ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to complex engineering
activities, with an understanding of the limitations.

PLO-6 The Engineer and Society:

An ability to apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health,

safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional
engineering practice and solution to complex engineering problems.

PLO-7 Environment and Sustainability:

An ability to understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and

environmental context and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.

PLO-8 Ethics:

Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of
engineering practice.

PLO-9 Individual and Team Work:

An ability to work effectively, as an individual or in a team, on multifaceted and/or

multidisciplinary settings.

PLO-10 Communication:

An ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing, on complex engineering

activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

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PLO-11 Project Management:

An ability to demonstrate management skills and apply engineering principles to one’s own
work, as a member and/or leader in a team, to manage projects in a multidisciplinary

PLO-12 Lifelong Learning:

An ability to recognize importance of and pursue lifelong learning in the broader context of
innovation and technological developments.

Mapping of PLO’s with PEO’s:

Program Educational Objectives
Sr. Program Learning Outcomes
No. (PLO’s)
1 Engineering Knowledge ✓
2 Problem Analysis ✓
3 Design/Development of Solutions ✓
4 Investigation ✓
5 Modern Tools Usage ✓
6 The Engineers and Society ✓
7 Environment and Sustainability ✓
8 Ethics ✓
9 Individual and Team Work ✓
10 Communication ✓
11 Project Management ✓
12 Life Long Learning ✓

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Curriculum Design
No. of Total Credit Overall
Domain Category of Course
Courses hours %age
Engineering Computing 4 7
Engineering Foundation 17 28
Major Based Core (Breadth) 11 19
Major Based Core (Depth) 18 31
Inter Disciplinary Engineering 70
3 4
Breadth (Electives)
Civil Engineering Project 2 6
Sub total 55 95
Non- Humanities 4 10
Engineering Management Sciences 6 12
Natural Sciences 9 20
Sub Total 19 42
Total 74 137 100

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Scheme of Studies
Sr. Contact Credit
Course Code Course Title
# Hours Hours
1 CIEN-1101 Construction Materials 2 2
2 CIEN-1201 Construction Materials Lab 3 1
3 COSC-1101 Programming Fundamentals 3 3
4 COSC-1201 Programming Fundamentals Lab 3 1
5 CIEN-1102 Civil Engineering Drawing 1 1
6 CIEN-1202 Civil Engineering Drawing Lab 6 2
7 ELEN-1108 Basic Electrical Engineering 1 1
8 ELEN-1208 Basic Electrical Engineering Lab 3 1
9 MATH-1131 Applied Calculus 3 3
10 ISLS-1112/ETIC-1112 Islamic Studies/ Ethics 2 2
Total Hours 27 17
Sr. Contact Credit
Course Code Subject
# Hours Hours
1 CIEN-1103 Surveying-I 1 1
2 CIEN-1203 Surveying-I Lab 6 2
3 CIEN-1104 Engineering Geology 2 2
4 PHYS-1124 Engineering Mechanics 2 2
5 PHYS-1224 Engineering Mechanics Lab 3 1
6 MSCI-2114 Business Management 2 2
7 ENGL-1119 Communication Skills 3 3
8 PAKS-1113 Pakistan Studies 2 2
Total Hours 19 15
Sr. Contact Credit
Course Code Course Title
# Hours Hours
1 CIEN-2101 Mechanics of Materials 2 2
2 CIEN-2201 Mechanics of Materials Lab 3 1
3 CIEN-2102 Fluid Mechanics-I 3 3
4 CIEN-2202 Fluid Mechanics-I Lab 3 1
5 CIEN-2103 Geotechnical Engineering-I 3 3
6 CIEN-2203 Geotechnical Engineering-I Lab 3 1
7 CIEN-2104 Civil Engg. Drawing & Graphics 1 1
8 CIEN-2204 Civil Engg. Drawing & Graphics Lab 6 2
9 MSCI-5143 Total Quality Management 3 3
10 MATH-2122 Differential Equations 3 3
Total Hours 29 20
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Sr. Contact Credit
Course Code Course Title
# Hours Hours
1 CIEN-2105 Surveying-II 2 2
2 CIEN-2205 Surveying-II Lab 3 1
3 CIEN-2106 Elementary Structural Analysis 2 2
4 CIEN-2107 Plain & Reinforced Concrete-I 3 3
5 CIEN-2207 Plain & Reinforced Concrete-I Lab 3 1
6 MSCI-2112 Engg. Economics 2 2
7 MSCI-3109 Construction Project Management 2 2
8 MSCI-3209 Construction Project Management lab 3 1
9 STAT-2104 Probability and Statistics 3 3
Total Hours 24 17
Sr. Contact Credit
Course Code Course Title
# Hours Hours
1 CIEN-3101 Fluid Mechanics-II 3 3
2 CIEN-3201 Fluid Mechanics-II Lab 3 1
3 CIEN-3102 Structural Analysis 2 2
4 CIEN-3103 Geotechnical Engineering-II 3 3
5 CIEN-3203 Geotechnical Engineering-II Lab 3 1
6 CIEN-3104 Environmental Engineering-I 2 2
7 CIEN-3204 Environmental Engineering-I Lab 3 1
8 CIEN-3105 Transportation Engineering-I 2 2
9 CIEN-3205 Transportation Engineering-I Lab 3 1
10 MATH-2124 Numerical Analysis 3 3
Total Hours 27 19
Sr. Contact Credit
Course Code Course Title
# Hours Hours
1 CIEN-3106 Steel Structures 2 2
2 CIEN-3107 Hydraulic Engineering 2 2
3 CIEN-3207 Hydraulic Engineering Lab 3 1
4 CIEN-3108 Structural Mechanics 2 2
5 CIEN-3208 Structural Mechanics Lab 3 1
6 CIEN-3109 Engineering Hydrology 2 2
7 CIEN-3209 Engineering Hydrology Lab 3 1
8 CIEN-3110 Quantity & Cost estimation 2 2
9 CIEN-3210 Quantity & Cost estimation lab 3 1
10 ENGL-2111 Technical Writing & Presentation Skills 3 3
Total Hours 25 17

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Sr. Contact Credit
Course Code Course Title
# Hours Hours
1 CIEN-4101 Plain & Reinforced Concrete-II 3 3
2 CIEN-4201 Plain & Reinforced Concrete-II Lab 3 1
3 CIEN-4102 Transportation Engineering-II 2 2
4 CIEN-4202 Transportation Engineering-II Lab 3 1
5 CIEN-4103 Environmental Engineering-II 2 2
6 CIEN-4104 Structural Engineering 2 2
7 CIEN-4204 Structural Engineering-Lab 3 1
8 CIEN-4601 Civil Engineering Project I 3 3
9 CIEN-4105 Geo-Informatics 2 2
10 CIEN-4205 Geo-Informatics Lab 3 1
Total Hours 26 18
Sr. Contact Credit
Course Code Course Title
# Hours Hours
1 CIEN-4106 Irrigation Engineering 3 3
2 CIEN-4206 Irrigation Engineering Lab 3 1
3 CIEN-4107 Design of Structures 2 2
4 CIEN-4207 Design of Structures Lab 3 1
5 CIEN-4109 Architecture & Town Planning 2 2
6 CIEN-4602 Civil Engineering Project II 3 3
7 MSCI-3113 Hazards & Disaster Management 3 3
Total Hours 19 15

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List of Engineering Courses
Sr. Course Credit
Course Name Knowledge Area
# Code Hours
1 CIEN-1101 Construction Materials Engineering Foundation 2
2 CIEN-1201 Construction Materials Lab Engineering Foundation 1
3 COSC-1101 Programming Fundamentals Computing 3
Programming Fundamentals
4 COSC-1201 Computing 1
5 CIEN-1102 Civil Engineering Drawing Engineering Foundation 1
Civil Engineering Drawing
6 CIEN-1202 Engineering Foundation 2
7 ELEN-1108 Basic Electrical Engineering 1
Engineering Elective
Basic Electrical Engineering Inter-Disciplinary
8 ELEN-1208 1
Lab Engineering Elective
9 CIEN-1103 Surveying-I Engineering Foundation 1
10 CIEN-1203 Surveying-I Lab Engineering Foundation 2
11 CIEN-2101 Mechanics of Materials Engineering Foundation 2
12 CIEN-2201 Mechanics of Materials Lab Engineering Foundation 1
13 CIEN-2102 Fluid Mechanics-I Engineering Foundation 3
14 CIEN-2202 Fluid Mechanics-I Lab Engineering Foundation 1
15 CIEN-2103 Geotechnical Engineering-I Engineering Foundation 3
Geotechnical Engineering-I
16 CIEN-2203 Engineering Foundation 1
Civil Engg. Construction &
17 CIEN-2104 Engineering Foundation 1
Civil Engg. Construction &
18 CIEN-2204 Engineering Foundation 2
Graphics Lab
19 CIEN-2105 Surveying-II Core (Breadth) 2
20 CIEN-2205 Surveying-II Lab Core (Breadth) 1
21 CIEN-2106 Elementary Structural Analysis Engineering Foundation 2
22 CIEN-2107 Plain & Reinforced Concrete-I Core (Breadth) 3
Plain & Reinforced Concrete-I
23 CIEN-2207 Core (Breadth) 1
24 CIEN-3101 Fluid Mechanics-II Core (Breadth) 3
25 CIEN-3201 Fluid Mechanics-II Lab Core (Breadth) 1
26 CIEN-3102 Structural Analysis Core (Breadth) 2
27 CIEN-3103 Geotechnical Engineering-II Core (Depth) 3
Geotechnical Engineering-II
28 CIEN-3203 Core (Depth) 1
29 CIEN-3104 Environmental Engineering-I Core (Breadth) 2
Environmental Engineering-I
30 CIEN-3204 Core (Breadth) 1
31 CIEN-3105 Transportation Engineering-I Core (Breadth) 2
32 CIEN-3205 Transportation Engineering-I Core (Breadth) 1
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33 CIEN-3106 Steel Structures Core (Depth) 2
34 CIEN-3107 Hydraulic Engineering Core (Depth) 2
35 CIEN-3207 Hydraulic Engineering Lab Core (Depth) 1
36 CIEN-3108 Structural Mechanics Core (Depth) 2
37 CIEN-3208 Structural Mechanics Lab Core (Depth) 1
38 CIEN-3109 Engineering Hydrology Engineering Foundation 2
39 CIEN-3209 Engineering Hydrology Lab Engineering Foundation 1
40 CIEN-3110 Quantity & Cost estimation Computing 2
41 CIEN-3210 Quantity & Cost estimation lab Computing 1
Plain & Reinforced Concrete-
42 CIEN-4101 Core (Depth) 3
Plain & Reinforced Concrete-
43 CIEN-4201 Core (Depth) 1
II Lab
44 CIEN-4102 Transportation Engineering-II Core (Depth) 2
Transportation Engineering-II
45 CIEN-4202 Core (Depth) 1
46 CIEN-4103 Environmental Engineering-II Core (Depth) 2
47 CIEN-4104 Structural Engineering Core (Depth) 2
48 CIEN-4204 Structural Engineering-Lab Core (Depth) 1
49 CIEN-4106 Civil Engineering Project I Civil Engineering Project 3
50 CIEN-4107 Irrigation Engineering Core (Depth) 3
51 CIEN-4207 Irrigation Engineering Lab Core (Depth) 1
52 CIEN-4108 Design of Structures Core (Depth) 2
53 CIEN-4208 Design of Structures Lab Core (Depth) 1
54 CIEN-4109 Architecture & Town Planning 2
Engineering Elective
55 CIEN-4110 Civil Engineering Project II Civil Engineering Project 3
Total Credit Hours 95

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List of Non Engineering Courses
Sr. Credit
Course Code Subject Knowledge Area
# Hours
1 MATH-1131 Applied Calculus Natural Sciences 3
Islamic Studies/ Ethics Humanities 2
2 1112
3 CIEN-1104 Engineering Geology Natural Sciences 2
4 PHYS-1124 Engineering Mechanics Natural Sciences 2
5 PHYS-1224 Engineering Mechanics Lab Natural Sciences 1
6 MSCI-2114 Business Management Management Sciences 2
7 ENGL-1119 Communication Skills Humanities 3
8 PAKS-1113 Pakistan Studies Humanities 2
9 MSCI-5143 Total Quality Management Management Sciences 2
10 MATH-2122 Differential Equations Natural Sciences 3
11 MSCI-2112 Engg. Economics Management Sciences 2
12 MSCI-3109 Construction Project Management Management Sciences 2
Construction Project Management
MSCI-3109 Management Sciences 1
13 lab
14 STAT-2104 Probability and Statistics Natural Sciences 3
15 MATH-2124 Numerical Analysis Natural Sciences 3
Technical Writing & Presentation
ENGL-2111 Humanities 3
16 Skills
17 CIEN-4105 Geo-Informatics Natural Sciences 2
18 CIEN-4205 Geo-Informatics Lab Natural Sciences 1
19 MSCI-3107 Hazards & Disaster Management Management Sciences 3
Total Credit Hours 42

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List of Management Elective Courses

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name

1 MSCI-XXXX Entrepreneurship
2 MSCI-XXXX Business Management
3 MSCI-XXXX Technology Startups
4 MSCI-XXXX Total Quality Management
5 MSCI-XXXX Engineering Management
6 MSCI-XXXX Technology Management
7 MSCI-XXXX Manufacturing management
8 MSCI-XXXX Software Management/Information System
9 MSCI-XXXX Knowledge Management
10 MSCI-XXXX Supply Chain Management

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Mapping of Courses with PLO’s

Semester 1


The Engineers and

Problem Analysis

Environment and

nt of Solutions

Individual and
Modern Tools



Team Work

Life Long


Course Title

1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12
CIEN-1101 Construction Materials C2 C5
CIEN-1201 Construction Materials Lab C3 P2
Programming Fundamentals C2 C2,C3
Programming Fundamentals Lab P4
CIEN-1102 Civil Engineering Drawing C3 P4 P4
CIEN-1202 Civil Engineering Drawing Lab C2 P2
ELEN-1108 Basic Electrical Engineering C2
ELEN-1208 Basic Electrical Engineering Lab P2
Applied Calculus C2 C3
1112/ETIC- Islamic Studies/ Ethics A1,C1 A2

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Semester 2

Problem Analysis

ment of Solutions

Environment and

The Engineers

Individual and
Modern Tools



Team Work
and Society

Life Long

Course Title

1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12
CIEN-1103 Surveying-I C2 C3
CIEN-1203 Surveying-I Lab C4 P2
CIEN-1104 Engineering Geology C1,C3
Engineering Mechanics C2 C3
Engineering Mechanics Lab C2 P2 A3
MSCI-2114 Business Management
Communication Skills C3 A2
Pakistan Studies C4 C4 C1

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Semester 3

Problem Analysis

ment of Solutions

Environment and

The Engineers

Individual and
Modern Tools



Team Work
and Society

Life Long

Course Title

1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12
CIEN-2101 Mechanics of Materials C2 C3
CIEN-2201 Mechanics of Materials Lab C3 P2
CIEN-2102 Fluid Mechanics-I C2 C3
CIEN-2202 Fluid Mechanics-I Lab C3 P2
CIEN-2103 Geotechnical Engineering-I C2 C4 C3
CIEN-2203 Geotechnical Engineering-I Lab C3 P2
Civil Engg. Construction &
CIEN-2104 C2 C3 P4
Civil Engg. Construction &
CIEN-2204 C3 P4
Graphics Lab

MSCI-5143 Total Quality Management

Differential Equations C3 C3,C4

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Semester 4

Problem Analysis

ment of Solutions

Environment and

The Engineers

Individual and
Modern Tools



Team Work
and Society

Life Long

Course Title

1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12
CIEN-2105 Surveying-II C3 C2
CIEN-2205 Surveying-II Lab P2 P3
CIEN-2106 Elementary Structural Analysis C2 C3
CIEN-2107 Plain & Reinforced Concrete-I C3,C6
Plain & Reinforced Concrete-I
CIEN-2207 P2
MSCI-2112 Engineering Economics C2 C3
Construction Project
MSCI-3109 C1,C3 C3
Construction Project
MSCI-3209 C2 C6
Management lab
Probability and Statistics C2,C4 C3

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Semester 5

Problem Analysis

ment of Solutions

Environment and

The Engineers

Individual and
Modern Tools



Team Work
and Society

Life Long

Course Title

1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12
CIEN-3101 Fluid Mechanics-II C4 C3
CIEN-3201 Fluid Mechanics-II Lab C2 P2
CIEN-3102 Structural Analysis C4
CIEN-3103 Geotechnical Engineering-II C2 C4 C5
CIEN-3203 Geotechnical Engineering-II Lab P3 P2
CIEN-3104 Environmental Engineering-I C2 C6
CIEN-3204 Environmental Engineering-I Lab C3 P2
CIEN-3105 Transportation Engineering-I C2 C3
CIEN-3205 Transportation Engineering-I Lab C3 A3 P2
Numerical Analysis C3,C4 C3

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Semester 6

Problem Analysis

ment of Solutions

Environment and

The Engineers

Individual and
Modern Tools



Team Work
and Society

Life Long

Course Title

1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12
Steel Structures C2 C6
Hydraulic Engineering C2 C3,C4
Hydraulic Engineering Lab C3 P2
Structural Mechanics C3 C4
Structural Mechanics Lab C3 P2
Engineering Hydrology C2 C4
Engineering Hydrology Lab C3 P2
Quantity & Cost estimation C3 C3 C2
Quantity & Cost estimation lab P4 C3
ENGL- Technical Writing & Presentation
C2 C3
2111 Skills

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Semester 7

Environment and

The Engineers

Individual and
Modern Tools



Team Work
and Society

Life Long


ment of


Course Title

1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12
CIEN-4101 Plain & Reinforced Concrete-II C6
Plain & Reinforced Concrete-II
CIEN-4201 C3 P2
CIEN-4102 Transportation Engineering-II C2 C3
Transportation Engineering-II
CIEN-4202 C5 P2
CIEN-4103 Environmental Engineering-II C3 C2
CIEN-4104 Structural Engineering C2 C4 C6
CIEN-4204 Structural Engineering-Lab C3 P2
CIEN-4105 Geo-Informatics C2 C3
CIEN-4205 Geo-Informatics Lab P4,A3
CIEN-4601 Civil Engineering Project I C6 P4 A3 A4 A3 A4

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Semester 8

Problem Analysis

ment of Solutions

Environment and

The Engineers

Individual and
Modern Tools



Team Work
and Society

Life Long

Course Title

1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12
CIEN-4107 Irrigation Engineering C2 C5
CIEN-4207 Irrigation Engineering Lab C6 P1
CIEN-4108 Design of Structures C5 C6
CIEN-4208 Design of Structures Lab C5 C6 P2
CIEN-4109 Architecture & Town Planning C2,C6
MSCI-3107 Hazards & Disaster Management C2 C4 A3 A4
CIEN-4602 Civil Engineering Project II C6 C6 P4 A3 A4 A3 A4 A4 A3

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Course Outline
Title of the Course: Construction Materials Course Code: CIEN-1101
Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Nil
Course Learning Outcomes:
CLO Learning Taxonomy Related
CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Explain various properties of construction
1 Cognitive 2 1
Select appropriate constructional materials
2 Cognitive 5 3
for various uses.

Course Contents:

Materials and their Properties

Introduction of materials, Construction materials, Physical, mechanical and chemical
properties, Electrical and thermal properties
Binding Materials (Cement and Lime)
Introduction and manufacture of Ordinary Portland Cement, Constituents of cement, Types of
cement and their use, Properties and field tests of cement, Special cements, Introduction and
preparation of lime, Setting and hardening of lime, Applications of lime, Comparison (cost
and characteristics) of lime and cement
Fine & Coarse Aggregates and Stones
Definition and introduction of aggregates, Mechanical and physical properties of aggregates,
Importance and methods of grading of aggregates, Introduction, types, applications,
characteristics of good building stones, Artificial stones
Cementitious materials
Introduction and methods of preparation of paste, Properties and application of paste,
Introduction and methods of preparation of mortars, Properties and application of mortars,
Introduction about concrete, Components and manufacture of concrete, properties of
concrete, Types of concrete
Metals (Steel and Aluminum)
Introduction to steel, Mechanical and physical properties of steel, Application of steel in civil
engineering projects, Introduction to aluminum, Mechanical and physical properties of
aluminum, Application of aluminum in civil engineering projects
Ceramics, Bricks and Blocks
History and evolution of ceramics, Manufacture of ceramics, Properties and applications of
ceramics in buildings, History and evolution of bricks, Properties and applications of bricks,
Dimensions, manufacture and classification of bricks, History and evolution of blocks,
Properties and applications of blocks, Dimensions, manufacture and classification of blocks
Glass and Wood
Constituents of glass and methods of manufacturing, Types, uses and significance of glass in
civil engineering, Advantages and drawbacks of glass, Structure of tree and general
characteristics, Types, seasoning and preservation of wood, Lamination of wood
Pavement Materials
Bitumen, Asphalt, Road Metal
Miscellaneous Construction Materials
Asbestos, Plaster of Paris, Abrasives, Rubber, Cork, Plastics, Paint, Thermometry and

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acoustics, Bamboo, Natural, artificial and steel fibers, Modern Materials (Fiber reinforced
polymer etc.)
Recommended Books:
1. Edward Allen, Joseph Iano, (2013), Fundamental of Building Construction Materials and
Methods, 6th Edition, John Wiley & Sons. NY.
2. William F., Smith, (2009), Foundation of Materials Science & Engineering, 5th Edition,
McGraw Hill.
3. Duggal, S. K, (2010), Building Materials, New Age International.
Title of the Course: Construction Materials Lab Course Code: CIEN-1201
Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related
CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Perform experiments related to engineering
1 Psychomotor 2 9
Estimate the physical parameters using
2 Cognitive 3 2
experimental data.

Following practical may be carried out for the course.

1. To determine consistency, initial and final setting time of various samples of cement and
then to discuss the results.
2. To determine the hydraulic properties of lime.
3. To determine different densities of coarse aggregate.
4. To carry out sieve analysis of various samples of coarse aggregates, draw gradation curves
for those and to discuss its effects on the properties of concrete.
5. To determine different densities of fine aggregate.
6. To carry out sieve analysis of various samples of fine aggregates, draw gradation curves
for those and to discuss its effects on the properties of concrete.
7. To determine the compressive strength of mortar with various mix ratios.
8. To determine water absorption of bricks and to discuss the results.
9. To determine compressive strength of bricks and to discuss the results.
10. To identify various types of wood samples by observation
11. To determine flexural strength of provided samples of timber.
Title of the Course: Programming Fundamentals Course Code: COSC-1101
Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related
CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Describe importance of computer
1 programming and its applications in civil Cognitive 2 1
Explain different basic syntax/functions of
2 computer programming in C++ for quick Cognitive 2 5
lengthy calculations and logical results.
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Prepare simple computer programs related
3 to civil engineering domain in C++ and Cognitive 3 5

Course Contents:

Introduction to Programming
Introduction to Programming Language C++ / Visual BASIC (VB), the character set,
Constants, variables and keywords, Rules of constructing integer, Real and character
constants, Flow charts and Algorithms
The Loop Control Structure
The for loop, Nesting of loops, Multiple initializations in the for loop, the while loop, The
break statement, The continue statement, The do-while loop
The Case Control Structure
Decisions using switch, Switch versus if-else ladder, the go to keyword
Function definition, passing values between functions, Functions declaration and prototypes
10.5 Arrays and Strings
Introduction to arrays and strings, 2D arrays
Programming Languages
Programming of Civil Engineering Problems
Programming of simple and elementary civil engineering problems
Introduction to pointers, File handling, Structures
Introduction to MS Office with advanced applications of MS Excel

Recommended Books:
1. Gottfried, BS Programming with Structured Basics (Schaum Series), McGraw-Hill.(Latest
2. Deitel & Deitel, T.R. Nieto, Visual C++ 6 (Latest Edition)
3. Steven Holzner , Black Book of C++ (Latest Edition)
4. Evangelos Petroutsos, Mastering Visual Basic
6, Sybex Computer Books Inc. USA, 1998
5. Stephen J. Chapman , MATLAB Programming for Engineers (Latest Edition)

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Title of the Course: Programming Fundamentals Lab Course Code: COSC-1201
Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Produce simple computer programs to solve
1 Psychomotor 4 5
civil engineering and daily life problems

Following practical may be carried out

1. Introduction (Computer hardware and components, Numbers System, Conversion
between bases)
2. Introduction (Integers, Unsigned Integers, Signed Integers, Number Representations and
Ranges, ASCII Codes, Algorithms and Flowcharts)
3. Introduction to Programming Language C++ / VB & Input/output, Operators, Selection
4. Loop (For, while and do-while loops)
5. Functions in Programming Language C++ / VB

Title of the Course: Civil Engineering Drawing Course Code: CIEN-1102

Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 1
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Illustrate and understand the fundamental
1 Cognitive 3 1
concepts of engineering drawing.
Produce drawings of simple objects and
2 Psychomotor 4 9
structures following drawing standards.
Demonstrate skills in making engineering
3 drawings manually by following drawing Psychomotor 4 10

Course Outline:

Introduction to Engineering Drawing and Types of Civil Engineering Drawings

Drawing, sketch, painting and map, Drawing instruments and their use, Type of drawing lines
and appropriate uses, General rules for drawing lines, Gothic lettering, Dimensioning,
Planning of a drawing sheet, Drawing types with respect to technicality (Survey plan, contour
plan, geotechnical plan, infrastructures drawing, architectural drawing, structural drawing,
plumbing drawing, electrical drawing, HVAC drawing), Drawing types with respect to

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project execution (Proposals/PC-1 drawing, Submission /Tender drawing, Working
/Construction drawing, Completion /As-built drawing)
Conceptual Drawings and Projection system
Conceptual drawing, Projection system and its variables, Classification of projections,
Perspective and parallel projections, Oblique projection, axonometric projection (isometric
projection) Orthographic projections (First-angle and third-angle projection) and their
comparison, Importance of line types and rules, Glass box concept and six principle views,
Comparison between isometric and orthographic views, Sections, Details behind the cutting
plane, Parts not sectioned, Scaling
Architectural Plan, Elevation and Section of a Simple Building
Architectural views (Plan, elevation and section) of a simple building, General terminologies
and symbols including schedule of opening, Architectural design of a house, Seismic
requirement for architectural design, General notes
Structural Details of a Simple Building
Foundation plan, Plinth plan, Lintel plan, Slab plan, Cross-sectional details of foundation,
columns, vertical stiffeners, plinth band, lintel band, lintels, beams and slabs, General notes
Architectural and Structural Details of Boundary Wall and Staircase
Plan, elevation and section of a boundary wall, Structural design considerations, Simple
staircase and its components terminology, Architectural details of a simple stair, Structural
details of a simple stair, Types of stairs
Structural Details of Water Tank
Base slab, Top slab, Section, Sump pit detail, Cover detail, General notes
Plumbing, sanitation, and Roof Drainage Plan of a Simple Building
Typical water supply system, Water and waste water removal system, Roof drainage slopes,
Standard Plumbing symbols, General notes
Electrical and HVAC Drawings of a Simple Buildings
Typical layout of electrification, Symbols used for electrical layout, Typical layout of HVAC,
Symbols used for HVAC layout, General notes

Recommended Books:
1. Horchsel R. P; Engineering Drawing and Geometry, John Willy & Sons, 2nd Edition,
2. Jensen C.H and Mason F. H. S “Drafting Fundamentals”, McGraw Hill, 5th Edition.
3. N. D. Bhatt; Engineering Drawing, 50th Edition (2010), Charotar Book Stall
4. Parkinson, A. C. A First Year Engineering Drawing. English language Book Society.
Reprint 1964.
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5. Basics of Engineering Drawing by Dr. Zahid Ahmed Siddiqi, 2016.

Title of the Course: Civil Engineering Drawing Lab Course Code: CIEN-1202
Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 6
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Perform the tasks related to engineering
1 Psychomotor 2 9
Explain basic concepts of engineering
2 Cognitive 2 2

Following practical may be carried out

1. Border line / margin, title box, gothic lettering, isometric views, orthographic views (first
and third angles) and sections
2. Architectural plan, elevation and section of a simple building
3. Structural details of a simple building
4. Architectural and structural details of a boundary wall
5. Architectural and structural details of stair case
6. Structural details of a water tank
7. Plumbing, sanitation, and roof drainage plan of a simple building
8. Electrical and HVAC drawings of a simple building

Title of the Course: Basic Electrical Engineering Course Code: ELEN-1108

Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 1
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Understand the basic knowledge of
1 electrical engineering related to civil Cognitive 2 1

Course Outline:

Electrical Elements and Circuits

Electric current, voltage, power and energy, Ohm's law, inductance, capacitance, Kirchhoff’s
laws, Introduction to node voltage and loop current methods, AC single and poly-phase

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system, DC machines, AC synchronous machines, AC induction machines, transformers
converting machines
Power Plant Installations and Distribution System
Power systems layout, Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electric power,
Introduction to domestic electrification
Diode transistor and simple rectifier circuit, Principles of house wiring and industrial wiring,
illumination, Electrical know how related to experimental design instrumentations like
corrosion rate measurements, strain gauges, LDT’s, LVDT’s etc.
Basic Concepts
Fundamentals of heat transfer, conduction, convection, radiation, Thermal conductivity,
overall heat transfer coefficients, Practical equations, Laws of thermodynamics
Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
Introduction to HVAC components, Heating and cooling load and its calculations, Comfort
charts; Outline of A.C. Systems; Consideration for air-conditioning in buildings; Natural
ventilations; Insulating materials

Recommended Books:

1. Basic Mechanical Engineering Elements by Griffith J. Paul (Latest Edition)

2. Basic Electrical Engineering by Del Toro, 2nd Edition, 2001, Prentice Hall.
3. Ryner Joel , Applied Thermodynamics, 5th Edition, 1996, Longman
4. T. D. & Mcconkey, Applied Thermodynamics, 5th Edition, 2004, Longman
5. Basic Electrical Technology by T.K. Nagasarkar & Suhkija, 2nd Edition, 2007
6. Theraja, B.L. Electrical Technology, S. Chand. 2008

Title of the Course: Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Course Code: ELEN-1208
Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Demonstrate and execute various
experiments related to fundamental of
1 Psychomotor 2 9
electricity and

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The Design work and/or experiments related to above mentioned outline shall be covered in
the Laboratory/Design class.

Title of the Course: Applied Calculus Course Code: MATH-1131

Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Acquire knowledge related to basic concepts
1 Cognitive 2 1
of calculus, statistics, and ODEs
Apply concepts of calculus for analysis and
2 Cognitive 3 2
solution of engineering related problems

Course Outline:

Complex Numbers:
Basic Operations, Graphical Representations, Polar and Exponential Forms of Complex
Limits and Continuity
Introduction to Limits, Rates of Change, Continuity
Definition and Examples, Relation between Differentiability and Continuity, Equations of
tangents and normal, Derivative as slope, as rate of change (graphical representation),
Differentiation and successive differentiation and its application to rate, speed and
acceleration, Maxima and minima of function of one variable and its applications, Convexity
and concavity, Points of inflexion
Indefinite Integrals, Definite Integrals, Integration by substitution, by partial fractions and by
parts, Integration of trigonometric functions, Riemann Sum, Fundamental Theorem of
Calculus, Area Under the Graph of a Nonnegative Function, Area Between curves, Improper
Transcendental Functions
Inverse functions, Hyperbolic and trigonometric identities and their relationship, Logarithmic
and Exponential Functions
Vector Calculus

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Three-Dimensional Geometry, Vectors in Spaces, Rectangular and polar co-ordinate systems
in three dimensions, Direction cosines, Plane (straight line) and sphere, Partial Derivatives,
Partial differentiation with chain rule, Total derivative, Divergence, Curl of a Vector Field
Analytical Geometry
Arc-Length and Tangent Vector, Lengths of curves, Radius of gyration
Fubini’s Theorem for Calculating Double Integrals, Areas Moments and Centers of Mass,
Centroid of a plane figure, Centre of gravity of a solid of revolution, Moment of inertia,
Second moment of area, Centers of pressure and depth of centre of pressure, Triple Integrals,
Volume of a Region in Space, Volumes of solids of revolution, Curvature, radius and center
of curvature
Recommended Books:
1. Schaum’s series, Calculus, Schaum’s Series(Latest Edition)
2. Schaum’s series, Complex, Variables Va Schaum’s series, (Latest Edition)
3. Antom, H. Calculus and Analytic Geometry, John Wiley and Sons (Latest Edition)
4. Talpur, Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Ferozsons (Latest Edition)
5. Yousuf, S.M. Mathematical Methods, Ilmi Kutab Khana (Latest Edition)

Title of the Course: Islamic Studies/Ethics Course Code: ISLS-1112/

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Discuss fundamentals of Quran, Ahadees
1 Affective 1 6
and their values in everyday life.
Recognize the importance of Islamic
architecture in modern day engineering
2 Cognitive 1 6
considering social and religious
Discuss as well as interpret the social and
3 Affective 2 8
religious aspects of Islamic ethics.

Course outline:

Introduction to Quranic Studies

Basic Concepts of Quran, History of Quran, Uloom-ul -Quran
Study of Selected Text of Holy Quran
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Verses of Surah Al-Baqra Related to Faith (Verse No-284-286)
Verses of Surah Al-Hujrat Related to Adab Al-Nabi (Verse No-1- 18)
Verses of Surah Al-Mumanoon Related to Characteristics of faithful (Verse No-1-11)
Verses of Surah al-Furqan Related to Social Ethics (Verse No.63-77)
Verses of Surah Al-Inam Related to Ihkam(Verse No-152-154)
Verses of Surah Al-Ihzab Related to Adab al-Nabi (Verse No.6,21,40,56,57,58.)
Verses of Surah Al-Hashar (18,19,20) Related to thinking, Day of Judgment
Verses of Surah Al-Saf Related to Tafakar,Tadabar (Verse No- 1,14)
Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W)
Life of Muhammad Bin Abdullah (Before Prophet Hood), Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in
Makkah, Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Makkah
Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W)
Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Madina, Important Events of Life Holy Prophet in Madina,
Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Madina
Introduction to Sunnah
Basic Concepts of Hadith, History of Hadith, Kinds of Hadith, Uloom-ul-Hadith, Sunnah &
Hadith, Legal Position of Sunnah
Selected Study from Text of Hadith
Introduction to Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
Basic Concepts of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence, History & Importance of Islamic Law &
Jurisprudence, Sources of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence, Nature of Differences in Islamic
Law, Islam and Sectarianism
Islamic Culture & Civilization
Basic Concepts of Islamic Culture & Civilization, Historical Development of Islamic Culture
& Civilization, Characteristics of Islamic Culture & Civilization, Islamic Culture &
Civilization and Contemporary Issues
ISLAM & Science
Basic Concepts of Islam & Science, Contributions of Muslims in the Development of
Science, Quran & Science
Islamic Economic System
Basic Concepts of Islamic Economic System, Means of Distribution of wealth in Islamic
Economics, Islamic Concept of Riba, Islamic Ways of Trade & Commerce
Political System of Islam

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Basic Concepts of Islamic Political System, Islamic Concept of Sovereignty, Basic
Institutions of Govt. in Islam
Islamic History
Period of Khlaft-e-Rashida, Period of Ummayyads, Period of Abbasids
Social System of Islam
Basic concept of social system of Islam, Elements of Family, Ethical values of Islam.

Recommended Books:

1. Hussain Hamid Hassan, “An Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law” leaf Publication
Islamabad, Pakistan, (Latest Edition).
2. Ahmad Hasan, “Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence” Islamic Research Institute,
International Islamic University, Islamabad (1993)
3. Mir Waliullah, “Muslim Jurisprudence and the Quranic Law of Crimes” Islamic Book
Service (1982)
4. H.S. Bhatia, “Studies in Islamic Law, Religion and Society” Deep & Deep Publications
New Delhi (1989)
5. Dr. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, “Introduction to Al Sharia Al Islamia” Allama Iqbal Open
University, Islamabad (2001)

Title of the Course: Surveying-I Course Code: CIEN-1103

Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 1
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
EXPLAIN basic surveying techniques used
1 Cognitive 2 1
for surveying and levelling.
APPLY surveying techniques to
compute/prepare maps and plans, contour
2 Cognitive 3 2
maps, profiles, areas, volumes, cross-
sections, etc.

Course outline:

Introduction to land surveying, Definitions of basic surveying terms branches and their
application, Instruments used

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Survey Techniques
Distance measurement techniques, Compass survey, Traversing and triangulation, Plane table
surveying, Computation of areas and volumes by various methods, Tachometry, Theodolite
Modern Methods in Surveying
Principles of EDM operation, EDM characteristics, Total stations, field procedures for total
stations in topographic surveys, Construction layouts using total station
Leveling and Contouring
Methods and types of levels, precise leveling, Methods and applications of contouring
Computations and Plotting
Maps and plans, plotting, contour maps, profiles, cross-sections, prismoidal formula,
Computations of area and volumes by graphical analysis and use of surveying software

Recommended Books:

1. Wolf P. R. & Ghilani C. D., (2012), Elementary Surveying-An introduction to Geometrics,

13th Edition, Prentice Hall, USA.
2. Kavanagh, B., (2014), Surveying principles and Application, Prentice Hall (9th Edition).
3. Irvine, W., (1995), Surveying for Construction, McGraw-Hill (4th Edition).
4. Davis, R. E., (1966), Surveying Theory and Practice, McGraw-Hill (7th Edition).
5. Russel, P. W. and Brinker, C., (1997), Elementary Surveying, Harper Collins (9th Edition).
6. James M. Anderson and Edward M. Mikhail, (1984), Introduction to Surveying,
International Student Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company.

Title of the Course: Surveying-I lab Course Code: CIEN-1203

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 6
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related
CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Perform the experiments related to basic
1 Psychomotor 2 9
Plot area maps using experimental data
2 Cognitive 4 5
from modern tools

Following practical may be carried out

1. Measuring of a building, by using Measuring Tape and Pacing.

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2. Measurement of distance by ranging and chaining
3. Determination of True North, Azimuth, Magnetic declination between true and magnetic
4. Reduce level measurement of different point with Auto-level using Height of Instrument
5. Direct ranging in vision obstructed area.
6. Indirect ranging of survey line due to obstruction of raised ground.
7. Locating various objects by chain surveying and determine offsets
8. Study of various parts and temporary adjustment of prismatic compass
9. Measurement of bearings of sides of traverse with prismatic compass
10. Measurement of bearings of sides of building by prismatic compass and computation of
correct included angles
11. Study and temporary adjustment of Plane table
12. Locating given traverse by Plane Table surveying using Radiation Method (One Full size
drawing sheet)
13. Locating given traverse by Plane Table surveying using Intersection Method (One Full
size drawing sheet)
14. Locating given traverse by Plane Table surveying using Traverse Method (One Full size
drawing sheet)
15. Study of various parts of automatic level.
16. Temporary adjustment of an automatic level
17. Determine the height, distance and angle measurement of two points by using automatic
18. Determination of elevation of various points with automatic level by collimation plane
method and rise & fall method

Title of the Course: Engineering Geology Course Code: CIEN-1104

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Describe basic concepts of geology,
1 formation of rocks and structural features of Cognitive 1 1
Apply knowledge of geology in civil
2 Cognitive 3 1

Course Outline:

Introduction to various branches of geology, Origin and internal constitution of the earth.
Rocks and Minerals, Structural Features
Main groups, Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, Important minerals and ores,
Rock cycle, Glaciers and glaciations, Dip, strike, folds, faults, joints, unconformities

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conformable and un conformable series of strata, Effects of folding, Faulting and jointing on
civil engineering projects and their recognition in the field
Weathering and Erosion, Volcanoes
Agents of weathering and erosion, Weathering classification, Cycle of erosion, normal,
glacial and marine erosion, Land forms, Mass wasting, Formation of meanders and ox-bow
lakes, Formation of volcanoes, Causes of volcanoes, Nature and types of volcanic eruptions,
Products of eruptions, Types of volcanoes, Geysers.
Definition, causes of landslides, Classification of landslides, Preventive measures against
Definition and related technical terms, Causes of earthquake, Classification of earthquakes,
Earthquake or seismic waves, Mechanism of earthquake, Measuring of earthquake intensity
(modified mercali intensity scale) Effects of earthquake and protective measures against
earthquake, Tunneling, Engineering geology of tunnels, Geological survey prior to tunneling,
Lining of tunnels and their section, Selection of tunnel site and its requirements.
Geological Survey Maps
Physical method of subsurface mapping, exploratory geological surveys at engineering sites
Engineering Applications
Importance of geology for civil engineering projects, important building stones and other
construction materials, Role of geology in selection of sites for dams, reservoirs and pertinent
geological investigations, Geology of foundations, cutting tunnels, highways, airfields and

Recommended Books:

1. Blyth, F.G.H. A Geology for Engineers, Butterworth-Heinemann, 7th Edition, 1984

2. Bell, Engineering Geology, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2nd Edition, 2006
3. Dimitri PL Krynine, Principles of Engineering Geology & Geotechnics, McGraw-Hills Inc.
4. Ali H Kazmi and M. Qasim Jan, Geology and tectonics of Pakistan, Graphic Publishers,

Title of the Course: Engineering Mechanics Course Code: PHYS-1124

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
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Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Understand the basic concepts of mechanics
1 Cognitive 2 1
and its application in civil engineering
Apply fundamental concepts of statics &
2 kinematics for analyzing forces in statically Cognitive 3 2
determinate structures.
Calculate important geometric properties of
3 Cognitive 3 2
plane areas

Course Outline:

Basic Concepts:
Concepts of space, time, mass, velocity, acceleration and force, Scalar and vector quantities,
Newton's laws of motion, Law of gravitation.
System of Forces:
Force System, Resultant, and resolution of co-planer forces using parallelogram, triangle &
polygon law and funicular polygon, Simple cases of resultant and resolution of forces in
Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies:
Conditions of equilibrium of co-planar forces, analytical and graphical formulations, Free
body concept, conditions of support and attachment to other bodies, Support Reactions under
different types of loading, Introduction to shear force and bending moment diagrams. Degree
of restraint and static determinacy, statically determinate problems especially of civil
engineering importance, Equilibrium of two-force and three-force bodies.
Properties of areas:
Geometrical properties of plane areas, first moment of area, centroid, second moment of area,
principal axes, polar second moment of area and radius of gyration.
Coulomb's theory of friction, Problems involving friction on flat and curved surfaces.
Rectilinear and curvilinear motion, Dynamic equilibrium.

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Work, energy and power, Virtual work formulation of equilibrium of coplanar force, Potential
energy, energy criterion for equilibrium, stability of equilibrium, application to simple cases,
Newton’s equation of motion.

Recommended Books:

1. Hibbeler, R. C. Engineering Mechanics- Statics and Dynamics, Prentice Hall (13th

Edition), 2013
2. Ferdinand P. Beer and E. Russel Johnston Jr. “Vector Mechanics for Engineers”, 7th
Edition, 2008
3. F. L. Singer, Engineering Mechanics, 4th ed, Harper and Row Publisher, 1987.
4. J. L. Mariam & L. G. Kraige; Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics; John Wiley &
Sons, 6th Edition, 2007

Title of the Course: Engineering Mechanics Lab Course Code: PHYS-1224

Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Perform the experiments related to
1 Psychomotor 2 9
engineering Mechanics.
Estimate the physical parameters using
2 Cognitive 2 2
experimental data.
Following practical may be carried out
1. Study/Use of Small Instruments
2. Verification of principal of moments
3. Verification of parallelogram law and triangular law of forces
4. Verification of Conditions of Equilibrium/System of Forces
5. To determine the reaction of the simply supported beam under various loadings.
6. To determine the center of mass of various figures, cut out the wooden plank by
experiment & calculations.
7. To find the tension in various parts of a Hanging rope loaded at various points.
8. To determine the force acting in the tie and jib of a simple jib crane (Wall Crane).
9. To verify the principle of moment.
10. To verify law of friction between solid bodies and to find the coefficient of friction
between wood and other materials.

Title of the Course: Communication Skills Course Code: ENGL-1119

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Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Apply the acquire knowledge and skill of
1 communication in their respective fields of Cognitive 3 9
Consolidate and extend students’ vocabulary
and grammar, that will enable them to
2 Affective 2 10
present and contribute towards drafting of
text effectively

Course Outline:

Paragraph writing
Practice in writing a good, unified and coherent paragraph
Essay writing
Introduction to essay writing, structure, types of essay and development of essay
CV and job application
Translation skills, Urdu to English
Study skills
Skimming and scanning, intensive and extensive, and speed reading, summary and précis
writing and comprehension
Academic skills
Letter/memo writing, minutes of meetings, use of library and internet
Presentation skills
Personality development (emphasis on content, style and pronunciation), Organizing and
Structuring a presentation, Questioning Skills, How to get FEED BACK?
Note: documentaries to be shown for discussion and review

Recommended Books:

A. Grammar
1. Practical English Grammar by A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet.
2. Third edition. Oxford University Press 1986. ISBN 0 19 431350 6.
B. Writing
1. Writing. Intermediate by Marie-Chrisitine Boutin, Suzanne Brinand and Francoise
Grellet. Oxford Supplementary Skills. Fourth Impression 1993. ISBN 019 435405 7
Pages 45-53 (note taking).
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2. Writing. Upper-Intermediate by Rob Nolasco. Oxford Supplementary Skills. Fourth
Impression 1992. ISBN 0 19 4354065 (particularly good for writing memos, introduction
to presentations, descriptive and argumentative writing).
C. Reading
1. Reading. Advanced. Brian Tomlinson and Rod Ellis. Oxford Supplementary Skills.
Third Impression 1991. ISBN 0 19 4534030.
2. Reading and Study Skills by John Langan
3. Study Skills by Riachard York

Title of the Course: Pakistan Studies Course Code: PAKS-1113

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Describe important historical event,
geographical demarcation and to state deep
1 Cognitive 1 12
understanding about past events and future
Analyze the revival of Islamic Society in the
changing world Environment in context of
2 Cognitive 4 6
political and constitutional history of
Gain basic understanding of contemporary
socio-political and environmental structure
3 Cognitive 4 7
of Pakistan and compare different social

Course outline:

Historical Perspective
Ideological rationale with special reference to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Muhammad
Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Factors leading to Muslim separatism,
People and Land, Indus Civilization, Muslim advent, Location and Geo-Physical features.
Government and Politics in Pakistan
Political and constitutional phases: 1947-58, 1958-71, 1971-77, 1977-88, 1988-99, 1999-
2008, 2008-2013, 2013 - onward
Contemporary Pakistan
Economic institutions and issues, Society and social structure, Ethnicity, Foreign policy of
Pakistan and challenges, Futuristic outlook of Pakistan
Socio-Economic International Relations

Page 39 of 100
Recommended Books:

1. Burki, Shahid Javed. State & Society in Pakistan, The Macmillan Press Ltd 1980.
2. Akbar, S. Zaidi. Issue in Pakistan’s Economy. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2000.
3. Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Kayyun Toota, Lahore: Idara-e-Saqafat-e-Islamia, Club
Road, Lahore.
4. Sayed, Khalid Bin. The Political System of Pakistan. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1967.
5. Haq, Noor ul. Making of Pakistan: The Military Perspective. Islamabad: National
Commission on Historical and Cultural Research, 1993.

Title of the Course: Mechanics of Materials Course Code: CIEN-2101

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Engineering Mechanics

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Discuss materials and the basic concept of
1 stress, strain and elastic response of Cognitive 2 1
Apply fundamental concepts of stress and
strain to analyze and design structural
2 Cognitive 3 2
members subjected to various loadings

Course outline:

Stress, Strain and Mechanical Properties of Materials

Uniaxial state of stress and strain, Relationships between elastic Constants, Response of
materials under different sets of monotonic loading (including impact), Normal and shearing
stress and strains, Distribution of direct stresses on uniform and non-uniform members,
Thermal stresses and strains
Bending Theory
Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams, Relationship between load, shear force and
bending moment, Theory of bending, Moment of resistance and section modulus, Bending
and shearing stress distribution in beams, Stresses in composite sections
Deflections of Beams
Curvature, slope and deflection of beams using integration methods
Theory of Torsion
Theory of torsion of solids and hollow circular shafts, Shearing stress distribution, angle of
twist, strength and stiffness of shaft
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Stress and Strain Transformations
Biaxial state of stresses, Resolution of stresses, Principal plane, and principal stresses and
strains, Graphical representation of stress and strains, Mohr’s circle of stresses and strains.

Recommended Books:

1. Pytel, A. & F. L.Singer, Strength of Material, Harper & Row Publishers, New York.
2. Hibbler, R. C., Mechanics of Materials, Prentice Hall, 6th Edition, 2004.
3. Warnock, F. V., Benham, P. P., Mechanics of Solids and Strength of Materials, Pitman
Publishing, 1970.
4. James M. Gere & Barry. J. Goodno, Mechanics of Materials, 7th Edition, 2008, CL
5. James M. Gere & Stephen P. Timoshenko, Mechanics of Materials, 4th Edition, 1997,
PWS Pub Co.


Title of the Course: Mechanics of Materials Lab Course Code: CIEN-2201

Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Engineering Mechanics Lab

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Perform experiments related to mechanical
1 Psychomotor 2 9
properties of materials
Estimate the physical parameters using
2 Cognitive 3 2
experimental data
Following practical may be carried out

1. Charpy Impact test Experiment

2. Comparison of Compressive strength of Wooden cubes in Different Directions,
3. Compressive strength of bricks
4. Transverse Shear test on Steel Remove: Modulus of elasticity of Beam
5. Determination of the compressive strength of cement.
6. Determination of tensile strength of cement.
7. Determination of yield strength, ultimate strength, rupture strength and percentage
elongation of mild steel bar.
8. To perform the Izod Impact Test for the given metals.
9. Determination of the modulus of elasticity of the material of the given rectangular beam.
10. Determination of the modulus of rigidity of the material of the given specimen with
circular cross-section.

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Title of the Course: Fluid Mechanics-I Course Code: CIEN-2102

Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Explain the basic concept of fluid statics and
1 kinematics and describe various fluid Cognitive 2 1
Apply fundamental concepts for problem
2 Cognitive 3 2
solving in fluid statics and kinematics.

Course outline:

Solids and fluids (liquids and gases), Units and dimensions, Physical properties of fluids;
density, specific weight, specific volume, specific gravity, surface tension, compressibility,
Viscosity and its measurement, Newton's equation of viscosity, Hydrostatics, Kinematics,
Hydrodynamics, Hydraulics
Fluid Statics
Pressure intensity and pressure head, Pressure and specific weight relationship, Absolute and
gauge pressure, Measurement of pressure, Piezometer, manometer, Pressure transducers,
Differential manometer and Borden gauge
Forces on Immersed Bodies
Forces on submerged planes & curved surfaces and their applications, Buoyancy and
floatation, Equilibrium of floating and submerged bodies
Fluid Kinematics
Steady and unsteady flow, Laminar and turbulent flow, Uniform and non-uniform flow, Path
line streamlines and stream tubes, Velocity and discharge, Control volume, Equation of
continuity for compressible and incompressible fluids
Different forms of energy in a flowing liquid, Bernoulli's equation and its application, Energy
line and Hydraulic Gradient Line, Introduction to density currents, free and forced vortex,
Forces on pressure conduits, reducers and bends, stationary and moving blades, Torques in
rotating machines
Flow Measurement

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Orifices and mouthpieces, sharp-crested weirs and notches, Pitot tube and pitot static tube,
Venturimeter, orificemeter
Steady Flow through Pipes
Darcy-Weisbach equation for flow in pipes, Losses in pipe lines, Hydraulic grade lines and
energy lines, Pipes in series and parallel, Transmission of energy through pipes, Introduction
to computer aided analysis of pipe networks
Uniform Flow in Open Channels
Chezy’s and Manning’s equations, Bazin’s and Kutter’s equation, Most economical
rectangular and trapezoidal sections

Recommended Books:

1. Daugherty, R. L., J. B. Franzini and Fenimore, Fluid Mechanics with Engineering

Application, McGraw-Hill New York (Latest Edition)
2. Monson Young, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, (Latest Edition)
3. Douglus, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill Inc.
4. Jack P. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill Inc.
5. Merle Potter, Mechanics of Fluid, CL- Engineering (2011)

Title of the Course: Fluid Mechanics-I Lab Course Code: CIEN-2202

Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Perform experiments related to basic fluid
1 Psychomotor 2 9
Estimate the hydraulic parameters using
2 Cognitive 3 2
experimental data.

Following practical may be carried out

1. To determine physical properties of a fluid.

2. Verification of Raynold’s Number for different flow conditions like Laminar,
Transitional and Turbulent Flow
3. To determine the co-efficient of discharge using Venturimeter
4. To study the Free and Forced Vortex and comparison of actual and theoretical profile
5. To determine the co-efficient of discharge using flow meter with Nozzle
6. To determine the metacentric height and locate the positions of various important points
of a floating body.
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7. To determine hydrostatic force on a submerged plane surface and depth of centre of
8. To verify the Bernoulli’s theorem for steady flow of water.
9. To determine the hydraulic coefficients of an orifice.
10. To determine the coefficient of discharges for rectangular and triangular notches.
11. Verification of Raynold’s Number for different flow conditions like Laminar,
Transitional and Turbulent Flow
12. To determine the co-efficient of discharge using Venturimeter
13. To study the Free and Forced Vortex and comparison of actual and theoretical profile
14. To determine the co-efficient of discharge using flow meter with Nozzle

Title of the Course: Geotechnical Engineering-I Course Code: CIEN-2103

Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Understand the soil formation, its index,
1 Cognitive 2 1
engineering properties and behaviour
Analyze the effects of loads, additives and
2 Cognitive 4 2
water on behavior and properties of soil
Prepare a soil investigation program and
3 Cognitive 3 4
perform classification of soil

Course outline:

Applications of soil mechanics in engineering practice, Types of soils and their properties,
Formation of soils
Index Properties of Soil
Weight-volume relationships, Plasticity of soil, Structure of soil
Engineering Classification of Soil
Important classification of soil, Grain size distribution by sieve analysis, Hydrometric
analysis, Atterberg's limits, Classification systems
Permeability and Seepage in Soils
Darcy's law, Factors affecting permeability, Laboratory and field determination of
permeability, Introduction to equipotential lines, Introduction to flow nets, Estimation of
seepage quantity and gradients
Stress Distribution and Shear Strength of Soil

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Geostatic stresses, Total stresses and pore pressure, Columb's law, Shear strength of cohesive
and non-cohesive soils, Laboratory and field tests for determination of shear strength
Settlement Analysis
Definition, total settlement, differential settlement, angular distortion, immediate settlement,
Primary and secondary consolidation settlements, Normally and pre-consolidated soils,
Mechanics of consolidation, theory of one dimensional consolidation, assumptions and
validity, Determination of compression index and coefficient of consolidation, magnitude and
time rate of consolidation settlement, Determination of consolidation and elastic settlements,
Causes of settlement and methods of controlling settlement, Allowable total and differential
Soil Compaction
Mechanism, moisture density relationship, Compaction standards, Factors affecting
compaction, Field control and measurement of in-situ density, Field compaction equipment,
Relative density

Recommended Books:

1. Introduction to Soil Mechanics by Baraja, M. Das (1983), (Latest Edition).

2. An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering by Holtz and Kovac.
3. Basic Soil Mechanic by R. Whitlow, (Latest Edition).
4. Geotechnical Engineering by Cernika, (Latest Edition).
5. Theoretical Soil Mechanics by Terzaghi, (Latest Edition).
6. Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics by Aziz Akbar and Siddique Qureshi, 2nd Edition

Title of the Course: Geotechnical Engineering-I Lab Course Code: CIEN-2203

Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Perform experiments related to basic soil
1 Psychomotor 2 9
Estimate the hydraulic parameters using
2 Cognitive 3 2
experimental data.
Following practical may be carried out

1. Sieve Analysis
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2. Wash Analysis
3. Hydrometer Analysis
4. Unit Weight
5. Moisture Content/In-Situ-Lab Test
6. Proctor Test (Standard & Modified)
7. Permeability (Constant and Falling Head)
8. Atterberg Limit (Liquid, plastic, shrinkage)
9. Sp. Gravity
10. Relative Density
11. In-Situ Density

Title of the Course: Civil Engineering Construction & Course Code: CIEN-2104
Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Civil Engineering Drawing
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Explain the fundamentals of architectural
1 drawing and learn different functions of Cognitive 2 1
latest AutoCAD version
Demonstrate concepts of broader aspects of
civil engineering drawing and have skills to
2 Cognitive 3 3
prepare architectural and structural
Produce civil engineering drawings using
3 Psychomotor 4 5
AutoCAD software

Course outline:

Introduction to Contour Plan, Infrastructure layout, and Site Plan

▪ General notes
▪ Contour plan
▪ Infrastructure layout
▪ Site plan

Architectural Details of a Simple Two Storied Building

▪ Broad prospective about architectural details

▪ General notes
▪ Ground floor plan
▪ First floor plan
▪ Roof and mumty plan
▪ Elevations
▪ Longitudinal and transverse sections

Structural Details of a Simple Two Storied Framed RCC Building

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▪ Broad prospective about structural RCC details
▪ General notes
▪ Foundation plan and related details
▪ Framing of plinth beams and related details
▪ Framing of floor beams and related details
▪ Framing of roof and mumty beams and related details
▪ Slab reinforcement layout
▪ Misc. details (stair case and water tank)
▪ Structural details of boundary wall

Plumbing and Electrical Details of a Simple Two Storied Building

▪ Broad prospective about plumbing and electrical details

▪ General notes for plumbing details
▪ External water supply and sewerage layout
▪ Internal water supply and sewerage layout (all plans)
▪ General notes for electrical details Electrification for all plans

Structural Details of Steel Roof Truss

▪ Broad prospective about structural steel details

▪ General notes
▪ Framing plan
▪ Truss elevation
▪ Member cross-sections and connection details

Drawings and Detailing of Hydraulic and Drainage Structures

▪ Broad prospective about hydraulic and drainage structural details

▪ General notes
▪ Layout plan
▪ Sectional details

Drawings and Detailing of Highway and Motor way

▪ Broad prospective about highway and motorway structural details

▪ General notes
▪ Layout plan
▪ Sectional details 8. Computer Aided Drawing and Modeling
▪ Use of 2D CAD softwares
▪ Introduction to 3D CAD softwares
▪ Introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Recommended Books:
1. M. Chakarborti, Civil Engineering Drawing, UBS Publications, (Latest Edition).
2. Gurcharan Singh, Civil Engineering Drawing, (Latest Edition). Malik Book Dept., Lahore
3. Mastering AutoCAD 2017 and AutoCAD LT 2017 by George Omura with Brian Benton,
(latest edition), 2016.

Page 47 of 100
4. Boughton, B. Reinforced Concrete Detailer’s Manual (Reference Book), HarperCollins,
Publishers Ltd. London

Title of the Course: Civil Engineering Construction & Course Code: CIEN-2204
Graphics Lab
Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Civil Engineering Drawing Lab
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Prepare Manual Drawings for Architectural
1 Cognitive 3 3
and structural members.
Produce civil engineering drawings using
2 Psychomotor 4 5
AutoCAD software
Following practical may be carried out

▪ Introduction to Auto Cad, Auto Cad practice, and Contour Plan, Infrastructure
layout, and Site Plan
▪ Architectural Details of a Simple Two Storied Building
▪ Structural Details of a Simple Two Storied Framed RCC Building
▪ Plumbing and Electrical Details of a Simple Two Storied Building
▪ Structural Details of Steel Roof Truss
▪ Drawings of Hydraulic and Drainage Structures
▪ Drawings of Highway and Motor way
▪ Simple Drawing in BIM


Title of the Course: Differential Equations Course Code: MATH-2122

Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Applied Calculus
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Apply different methods of solving 1st and
1 Cognitive 3 1
2nd order ordinary differential equations
Analyze the physical significance of
2 different types of 2nd order differential Cognitive 4 2
equations in engineering.
Apply partial derivatives to solve Heat,
3 Wave, and Laplace equations in different Cognitive 3 2
coordinate systems.

Course outline:

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Introduction and formulation, classification of differential equations, existence and uniqueness of
solutions, introduction of initial value and boundary value problems First order ordinary
differential equations: Basic concepts, formation and solution of differential equations.
Separable variables, Exact Equations, Homogeneous Equations, Linear equations, integrating
factors. Some nonlinear first order equations with known solution, differential equations of
Bernoulli and Ricaati type, Clairaut equation, modeling with first-order ODEs, Basic theory of
systems of first order linear equations, Homogeneous linear system with constant coefficients,
Non homogeneous linear system Second and higher order linear differential equations: Initial
value and boundary value problems, Homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations,
Superposition principle, homogeneous equations with constant coefficients, Linear independence
and Wronskian, Nonhomogeneous equations, undetermined coefficients method, variation of
parameters, Cauchy-Euler equation, Modeling.
Sturm-Liouville problems: Introduction to eigen value problem, adjoint and self-adjoint
operators, self-adjoint differential equations, eigen values and eigen functions, Sturm-Liouville
(S-L) boundary value problems, regular and singular S-L problems, properties of regular S-L

Series Solutions: Power series, ordinary and singular points, Existence of power series solutions,
power series solutions, types of singular points, Frobenius theorem, Existence of Frobenius series
solutions, solutions about singular points, The Bessel, modified Bessel Legendre and Hermite
equations and their solutions.

Recommended Books:
1. Zill D. G. and Michael R., Differential equations with boundary-value problem, 5th edition,
Cullin Brooks/Cole, 1997.
2. Boyce W. E. and Diprima R. C., Elementary differential equations and boundary value
problems, 7th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Arnold V. I., Ordinary Differential Equations, Springer, 1991.
4. Apostol T., Multi Variable Calculus and Calculus, 2nd edition, John Wiley and sons, 1997.

5. Richard B., Gabriel C., Differential Equations, 4th Edition (Schaum's Outlines) 4th Edition,
McGraw-Hill Education; 2014


Title of the Course: Surveying-II Course Code: CIEN-2105

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Surveying-I
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
1 CALCULATE various types of curves Cognitive 3 1
APPLY knowledge to carry out
construction, control hydrographic surveys,
2 Cognitive 2 2
field astronomy, photogrammetry and GPS

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Course outline:

Highway and Railway Curves

▪ Circular curves, deflections and chord calculations

▪ Setting out circular curves by various methods
▪ Compound curves, reverse, vertical, parabolic curves
▪ Computation of high or low point on a vertical curve
▪ Design considerations, spiral curves, spiral curve computations
▪ Approximate solution for spiral problems, super elevations

Construction Surveys

▪ Introduction, horizontal and vertical control

▪ Buildings, rail roads, Route surveys
▪ Pipeline and other construction surveys

Hydrographic Surveys

▪ Objectives of hydrographic survey and electronic charting

▪ Vertical control, depth and tidal measurements
▪ Position fixing techniques
▪ Sounding plan, horizontal control

Control Surveys

▪ Geodesy universal transverse mercator grid system,

▪ Modified transverse mercator grid system
▪ Lambert projection
▪ Computations for lambert projection

Field Astronomy

▪ Solar and stellar observations for position and azimuth determination


▪ Introduction
▪ Application of aerial and terrestrial photogrammetry
▪ Stereoscopy

GPS surveying techniques and applications

▪ Survey planning, initial ambiguity resolution

▪ Vertical positioning

Tunnel Surveying

▪ Introduction
▪ Use of gyroscope
Recommended Books:

Page 50 of 100
1. Wolf P. R. & Ghilani C. D., (2012), Elementary Surveying – An introduction to
Geomatics, 13th Edition, Prentice Hall, USA.
2. Thomas, M. Lillesand & Ralph W. Kiefer, (2005), Remote Sensing and Images
Interpretation, 5th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Kavanagh Barry, (2010), Surveying with Construction Applications, 7th Edition,
Pearsons Education.


Title of the Course: Surveying-II Lab Course Code: CIEN-2205

Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Surveying-I Lab
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Perform and Demonstrate the experiments
1 Psychomotor 3 9
related to advanced surveying
Execute the plotting of area maps using
2 Psychomotor 2 5
modern tools based on experimental data

Following practical may be carried out

1. To find the height of an inaccessible point

2. Layout computation of building using total station
3. Setting out of Compound curve using Rankine’s method of deflection angle
4. Setting out of Reverse/Broken back curve using Rankine’s method of deflection angle
5. Setting out of vertical curve
6. Stereoscopy
7. Sounding of water body to measure the area and flow rate.
8. Carrying out of a road alignment project (Determination of NSL of road cross
9. Carrying out of a road alignment project (Plotting of NSL and design levels in field
10. Carrying out of a road alignment project (Layout of design levels of road cross
11. Study the different parts and temporary adjustment of theodolite
12. To measure the horizontal angle by using theodolite
13. To plot an open traverse (Direct Angles) using theodolite
14. To plot a closed traverse using theodolite
15. To set out a simple curve by Rankine’s method of Deflection angle
16. using Theodolite
17. Find out distances in height on an uneven ground by using tacheometry method
18. To draw contours on Plane Table sheet to show by direct method
19. To find the Co-ordinates and Elevation of a Point with GPS
20. To find the height of an inaccessible point
21. Layout computation of building using total station
22. Setting out of Compound curve using Rankine’s method of deflection angle
23. Setting out of Reverse/Broken back curve using Rankine’s method of deflection angle

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24. Setting out of vertical curve
25. Stereoscopy
26. Sounding of water body to measure the area and flow rate.
27. Field work with Total Station


Title of the Course: Elementary Structural Analysis Course Code: CIEN-2106

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Nil
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Describe basic concepts of Structural
1 Analysis for statically determinate Cognitive 2 1
Apply Structural Analysis concepts to
2 determine deflections and forces in different Cognitive 3 2
types of structures.

Course outline:

Introduction to Structural Analysis

▪ Types of structures
▪ Structural idealization and loads
▪ Redundancy and stability of structures

Analysis of Determinate Pin Jointed Structures

▪ Method of joints
▪ Method of sections
▪ Method of moments and shears
▪ Graphical method

Analysis of Statically Determinate Rigid Jointed Plane Frames

▪ Axial force diagrams

▪ Shear force diagrams
▪ Bending moment diagrams

Moving Loads

▪ Influence lines for reactions

▪ Shear force and bending moment in statically determinate beams and paneled
▪ Influence lines for member forces in pin jointed frames
▪ Calculation of maximum stress function (reaction, shear, bending moment, axial
force) in these structures

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Three Hinged Arches, Cables and Suspension Bridges

▪ Basic considerations in analysis and design

▪ Moving loads on three hinged arches and suspension bridge

Rotation and Deflection

▪ Rotation and deflection of beams by moment area method

▪ Conjugate beam method
▪ Castigliano’s second theorem
▪ Rotation and deflection of plane trusses and frames
▪ Principle of virtual work, unit load method, graphical method
Recommended Books:

1. R. C. Hibbler, Structural Analysis, Prentice Hall, 9th Edition (2016).

2. C.K. Wang, Intermediate Structural Analysis, McGraw-Hill. (5th or later Edition).
3. K. M. LEET & Chia-Ming Uang, Fundamentals Structural Analysis Prentice Hall, 7th
Edition, 2009.
4. H. H. West, Fundamentals of Structural Analysis, John Willey-New York, 2nd Edition,
2002. 5. N.J. Alexender Chajes, Structural Analysis, Prentice Hall, 3rd Edition, 1995.W. J.
Spencer, Fundamental Structural Analysis, Palgrave MacMillon, 1988 New York, Inc.


Title of the Course: Plain & Reinforced Concrete-I Course Code: CIEN-2107
Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
ILLUSTRATE various properties of
1 Cognitive 3 3
DESIGN various structural reinforced
2 Cognitive 6 3
concrete elements.

Course outline:

Plain Concrete (Properties, Application and Testing)

▪ Concrete constituent material and its mechanical properties

▪ Properties of freshly mixed concrete
▪ Durability aspects and factors contributing towards durability
▪ Creep and shrinkage of concrete
▪ Mix design and quality control
▪ Additives and admixtures
▪ Air entrainment
▪ Lightweight concrete
▪ Hot and cold weather concrete
▪ Precast concrete with special reference to cement concrete blocks
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▪ Determination of fundamental structural properties of concrete and non-destructive
testing (NDT)

Reinforced Concrete (Basic Principles, Working Stress and Ultimate Strength Method)

▪ Basic principles of reinforced concrete design and associated assumptions, behavior

of reinforced concrete members in flexure, design philosophy, design codes, factor
of safety and load factors, prevailing methods of design of reinforced concrete
▪ Working stress method, serviceability criteria and checks for deflection, crack
width, and crack spacing, Importance of working stress method related to pre-stress
▪ Ultimate strength method, analysis of prismatic and non-prismatic sections in
flexure, compatibility based analysis of sections and code requirements for flexure

Structural Framing and Load Calculations of a Simple Structure for Gravity Design

▪ Structural framing
▪ Load calculations, types of basic loads, service and factored load combinations
▪ Load distribution and calculations for slabs, beams, columns and footings

Slab Analysis and Design for Gravity Loading

▪ One-way solid and ribbed slabs

▪ Two way solid slabs using coefficient method
▪ General discussion on other slab systems
▪ Design detailing

Beam Analysis and Design for Gravity Loading

▪ Flexure analysis and design of beams (singly, doubly, rectangle section, T/L
sections, simple span, one end and both end continuous etc)
▪ Shear analysis and design of beams
▪ Design detailing


▪ Analysis of sections in pure compression,

▪ Design of short columns under pure compression and with eccentric loading,
▪ Design detailing


▪ Isolated footings
▪ Structural design of simple rectangular footing and combined footing.
▪ Design detailing

Concrete Detailing (Bond, Anchorage & Development Length)

▪ Design and detailing for bond, anchorage, development length, laps and splices

Recommended Books:

Page 54 of 100
1. Hassoun, M. N. & Al-Manaseer, A, (2015),Structural Concrete: Theory and Design, 6th
2. Chu-Kia Wang, Charles G. Salmon, José A. Pincheira, (2006), Reinforced Concrete
Design, Wiley; 7th Edition

3. Arthur H Nilson, David Darwin, Charles W. Dolan, Arthur Nilson, Charles Dolan, (2016)
Design of Concrete Structures. 14th Ed., McGraw-Hill
4. James K Wight and James G. Macgregor, Reinforced design: Mechanics and design,
(2011), 6th Edition 5. M. Neville, (2011), Properties of Concrete, 5th edition, John Wiley
5. N.V.Nayak & A.K.Jain, Handbook on Advanced Concrete Technology 6. Concrete
Structures, Part-I, 3rd Edition, by Zahid Ahmed Siddiqi, 2016

Title of the Course:Plain & Reinforced Concrete-I Course Code: CIEN-2207

Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Perform experiments related to properties of
1 Psychomotor 2 9
Estimate the physical parameters using
2 Cognitive 3 2
experimental data.
Following practical may be carried out:

▪ To study the compressive strength of concrete using cube and cylinder

▪ To find workability of concrete using slump cone method
▪ Aggregate (sp. Gravity test)
▪ Determination of Bulk Density of Coarse & Fine Aggregate
▪ Determination of fineness of cement by dry sieving
▪ Consistency test of cement
▪ Determination of setting times of cement test should be included.
▪ Compaction Factor Test
▪ Vee-Bee Test
▪ FM of Coarse Aggregate & Fine Aggregate


Title of the Course: Engineering Economics Course Code: MSCI-2112

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Nil
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
1 Explain facts and basic concepts of Cognitive 2 1
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engineering economics.
Use economic data to solve the interest and
2 Cognitive 3 2
cash flow problems.

Course outline:

Fundamentals of Engineering Economics

▪ Basic concepts and principles of Economics

▪ Micro-economics theory
▪ The problems of financial scarcity
▪ Basic concept of Engineering Economy
▪ Consumer and Producer goods, Goods and services
▪ Price-supply-demand-relationship
▪ Equilibrium, Elasticity of demand &supply
▪ Measures of economic worth, Non-monitory values
▪ Theory of pricing
▪ Theory of production
▪ Laws of return

Capital Financing and Allocation

▪ Funding, funding agencies and planning commission

▪ Capital Budgeting, allocation of capital among independent projects
▪ Financing with debt capital
▪ Financing with equity capital
▪ Trading on equity
▪ Financial leveraging

Business Organization and Industrial Relationship

▪ Types of ownership
▪ Types of stocks, partnership and joint companies
▪ Banking and Specialized credit institution
▪ Labour problems, labour organization, prevention and settlement of disputes,
Markets, competition and monopoly.

Linear Programming

▪ Mathematical statement of linear programming problems

▪ Graphic solution simplex procedure,
▪ Duality problem
Depreciation and Taxes

▪ Depreciation concept
▪ Economic life
▪ Methods of depreciation
▪ Profit and returns on capital, productivity of capital
▪ Gain (loss) on the disposal of an asset
▪ Depreciation as a tax shield 6. Selection between Alternatives
▪ Time value of money and financial rate of return, present value, future value and
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▪ Rate of Return Analysis
▪ Incremental analysis
▪ Cost-benefit analysis
▪ Payback period
▪ Sensitivity and breakeven analysis,
▪ Alternatives having different lives, making of buy decisions and replacement
decisions Suggested

Recommended Books:

1. Fundamentals of Engineering Economics, 3rd ed., by Chan S. Park, Published by Pearson

Education (2012)
2. Engineering Economy. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York .DeGarmo, E. Paul;
Sullivan, G. William and Bontadelli, A. James, 6th Edition (1979).
3. Engineering Economic and Cost Analysis. Harper & Row, Publishers, New York. Collier,
A. Courtland and Ledbetter, B. William (1982).
4. Principles of Engineering Economic Analysis. John Wiley & Sons.White, A. John; Agee
H. Marvin and Case, E. Kenneth, 2nd Edition (1984).
5. Engineering Economy by Leland T. Blank, Anthony J. Tarquinii 7TH edition
Title of the Course: Construction Project Management Course Code: MSCI-3109
Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Define basics of project management related
1 Cognitive 1 1
to the civil engineering projects.
Apply different techniques of project
2 management for planning and scheduling to Cognitive 3 11
control and facilitate project execution.

Course outline:


▪ Construction challenges, key players in construction projects

▪ Management issues and need for improved organization and management structures
with particular reference to local construction industry
▪ Project management objectives
▪ Processes and responsibilities
▪ Project Life Cycle (PLC)
▪ Value engineering
▪ Normal track versus Fast track construction

Project Scoping, Bidding and Preconstruction Planning:

▪ Defining project scope

▪ Pre-Qualification process
▪ Bidding process
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▪ Overview of preconstruction planning aspects including area and site investigation,
constructability review
▪ Site layout planning
▪ Contractor’s site (team) organization chart
▪ Preliminary schedules
▪ Mobilization plan

Project Planning, Scheduling and Controlling by Deterministic Models:

▪ Work Breakdown Structure

▪ Project activities and their types
▪ Estimating activity durations,
▪ Establishing activity sequencing; Arrow Diagramming Method (ADM) overview
▪ Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM)
▪ Scheduling using Rectangular bar chart
▪ CPM Scheduling
▪ Determining the minimum total cost of a project
▪ Resource scheduling and leveling
▪ Cost loaded schedule
▪ S-curve
▪ Cash flow analysis
▪ Overview of Project control during construction
▪ Record keeping
▪ Project supervision
Project Planning, Scheduling and Controlling by Probabilistic Models:

Program Evaluation & Review Technique (PERT)

Statistical tools including mean, variance and standard Deviation, Probability
distribution, Beta curves and center limit theorem.
Recommended Books:
1. Saleh Mubarak 2015 Construction Project Scheduling and Control 3rd Edition, Wiley
2. Frederick E. Gould, Managing the construction process: estimating, scheduling, and project
control, Pearson Prentice Hall 2010
3. Jimmie W. Hinze, Construction Planning and Scheduling, 3rd Edition
4. William R. Mincks, Hal Johnston, Construction Jobsite Management, 3rd Edition.


Title of the Course: Construction Project Management Course Code: MSCI-3209

Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Plan various activities to monitor physical
1 Cognitive 6 11
and financial progress of a project
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Discuss application of Primavera software in
2 Cognitive 2 5
planning of projects
Following practical may be carried out

1. Development of Construction Project Schedule using Scheduling Softwares. The task may
include (as per requirement);
2. Creating Projects.
3. Defining Project Calendar.
4. Defining Activities (including activity codes, names, duration etc.)
5. Defining activity relationships.
6. Performing Scheduling.
7. Defining Work Breakdown Structure.
8. Defining Constraints.
9. Defining Applying Grouping & Filtering.
10. Introductory tasks related to Resource Pool.

Title of the Course: Probability and Statistics Course Code: STAT-2104

Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil
Course Learning Outcomes:

Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Description
Domain Level PLO
EXPLAIN basic probability concepts and their
1 Cognitive 2 2
use in different problems
COMPARE different types of random
2 variables and their usage in science and Cognitive 4 2
APPLY basic statistical techniques such as
3 Cognitive 3 3
regression, curve fitting to engineering data

Course outline:

Statistical measures, statistical description and graphical representation of data. Sets;

introduction to probability theory; permutations and combinations; random variables;
probability distributions; mean, standard deviation, variance and expectation. Binomial,
Poisson, hypergeometric and normal distributions; normal approximation to binomial
distribution; distributions of several random variables.

Recommended Books:

1. De Groot M. H. and Schervish M. J., Probability and Statistics, 3rd edition, Addison-
Wesley, Reading, Ma, USA, 2002.

Page 59 of 100
2. Papoulis A., Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, 3rd edition, McGraw
Hill, New York, 1991.
3. Sincich T., Statistics by Examples, Dellen Publishing Company, 1990.

Title of the Course: Fluid Mechanics-II Course Code: CIEN-3101

Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Fluid Mechanics-I
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Analyze flow through pipes and its
1 Cognitive 4 2
Apply basic principles of fluid mechanics
2 Cognitive 3 3
for computations in hydraulic machinery

Course outline:

Hydrodynamics Review

▪ Ideal and real fluid

▪ Differential equation of continuity
▪ Rotational and irrational flow
▪ Stream function and velocity potential function
▪ Brief description of flow fields
▪ Orthogonality of stream lines and equipotential lines
▪ Flow net and its limitations
▪ Different methods of drawing flow net.

Steady Flow through Pipes

▪ Laminar and turbulent flow in circular pipes, semi empirical theories of turbulence
▪ General equation for friction
▪ Velocity profile in circular pipes, pipe roughness
▪ Nukuradse’s experiments
▪ Darcy-Weisbach Equation
▪ Implicit and Explicit Equations for Pipe Friction Factor
▪ Moody’s diagrams
▪ Pipe flow problems
▪ Minor losses
▪ Branching pipes

Flow around immersed bodies

▪ Lift and drag force

▪ Boundary layer along smooth flat plate
▪ Thickness of boundary layer, shear stresses and velocity distributions
▪ Types of boundary layers (laminar, turbulent and laminar and turbulent)
▪ Friction drag coefficient
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Impact of Jets

▪ Impulse momentum principle

▪ Force of jet on stationary flat and curved plates
▪ Force of jet on moving flat and curved plates
▪ Forces of plumbing fittings

Water Turbines

▪ Types, impulse and reaction turbines

▪ Momentum equation applied to turbines
▪ Specific speed, Turbine characteristic curves

Centrifugal Pumps

▪ Types
▪ Classifications
▪ Construction features, operation and efficiencies
▪ Specific speed and characteristic curves

Reciprocating Pumps

▪ Types
▪ Maximum suction lift, construction features, specific speed, cavitation and operation

Introduction to related software

Recommended Books:

1. Daugherty, R. L. Franzini B. & Finnemore E. J., Fluid Mechanics, McGraw Hill Book Co.
(Latest Edition)
2. Douglus, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill Inc. (Latest Edition)
3. Jack P., Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics , McGraw-Hill Inc. (Latest Edition)
4. Merle Potter, Mechanics of Fluid, CL- Engineering (2011)


Title of the Course: Fluid Mechanics-II Lab Course Code: CIEN-3201

Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Fluid Mechanics-I Lab
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Discuss the components of hydraulic
1 Cognitive 2 4
Perform experiments related to hydraulic
2 Psychomotor 2 9

Following practical may be carried out:

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1. To observe laminar and turbulent flows using Reynold’s Apparatus.
2. To measure head loss in a pipe line of constant diameter.
3. To determination the coefficient of discharge of different flow conditions using Pitot
4. To verify the velocity profile of fluid flow in a pipe using Pitot Tube
5. To verify the Impulse Momentum Principle by using various deflectors.
6. To perform experiment on Pelton wheel to plot its characteristics curves.
7. To make the study of Francis Turbine.
8. To perform experiment on Francis Turbine to plot its characteristics curves.
9. To perform experiment on Centrifugal Pump to plot its characteristics curves.
10. To perform experiment on Double Acting Reciprocating Pump to determine the
coefficient of discharge and slip of the pump
11. To determination the coefficient of discharge of different flow conditions using Pitot
12. To verify the velocity profile of fluid flow in a pipe using Pitot Tube


Title of the Course: Structural Analysis Course Code: CIEN-3102

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Elementary Structural Analysis
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Analyze indeterminate structures using force
1 Cognitive 4 2
method of analysis
Analyze indeterminate structures using
2 Cognitive 4 2
displacement method of analysis

Course outline:

Analysis of Indeterminate Structures Using Force Approach

▪ Compatibility methods for beams and frames with and without support settlement

Analysis of Indeterminate Structures Using Displacement Approach

▪ Moment distribution for beams and frames for prismatic and non- prismatic
members with and without side-sway and support settlement
▪ Slope deflection method for beams and frames with and without support settlement

Matrix Methods

▪ Introduction to flexibility method

▪ Introduction to stiffness method
▪ Development of member and structure stiffness matrices
▪ Bending moment and shear force diagrams Use of appropriate software for matrix

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Finite Element Method:

▪ Introduction to finite elements

▪ Shape functions for bar element

Recommended Books:

1. Hibbeler, R. C., (2011), Structural Analysis, Prentice Hall; 8th Edition.

2. Aslam Kassimali, (2014), Structural Analysis, 5th Edition
3. Wang, C. K., (1984), Intermediate Structural Analysis, McGraw-Hill Education - Europe.
4. West, H. H., (1989), Analysis of Structures: An Integration of Classical and Modern
Methods , John Wiley and Sons Ltd; 2nd Edition.
5. Alexander, Chajes, (1990), Structural Analysis
6. Rizwan, S.A., (2003), Theory of Indeterminate Structures, 2nd Ed.


Title of the Course: Geotechnical Engineering-II Course Code: CIEN-3103

Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Geotechnical Engineering-I
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Discuss the engineering properties of soil,
1 stress distribution, concepts of slope failure Cognitive 2 1
and dynamic loading
Analyze the engineering behavior of soil
2 Cognitive 4 2
and stability of slopes
Evaluate design of various geotechnical
3 Cognitive 5 3

Course outline:

Earth Pressures

▪ Definition, pressure at rest, active and passive earth pressures

▪ Coulomb's and Rankine's theories
▪ Bell’s equation for cohesive frictional soils
▪ Earth pressure diagrams for different loading configurations

Bearing Capacity of Soils

▪ Definition of: gross, net, effective, and ultimate allowable bearing capacity
▪ Selection of bearing capacity type against particular loading
▪ Practical problems and solutions
▪ Presumptive values from codes, from plate load test
▪ Bearing capacity theories Bearing capacity from SPT and CPT data

Page 63 of 100
Geotechnical investigation report

▪ Table of content
▪ Site introduction and site specific requirement for geotechnical investigations
▪ Which geotechnical information is to be included in report and how?

Slope Stability and methods of analysis

▪ Types of slopes
▪ Factors affecting stability and remedies
▪ Types of failure
▪ Ordinary methods of slices
▪ Taylor's stability number method
▪ Swedish circle method

Earth and Rock Fill Dams

▪ Definition of an earth dam, types of earth and rock fill dams

▪ Components of an earth dam and their functions
▪ General design considerations and typical cross-sections

Introduction to deep foundations

▪ Types of piles, load carrying capacity of piles, group action, negative skin friction,
pile load test

Soil Improvement

▪ Basic principles,
▪ Objectives and methods

Soil Dynamics

▪ Sources of dynamic loading, spring-mass-dashpot system

▪ Application to machine foundations, liquefaction

Recommended Books:

1. Principles of Foundation Engineering by Baraja M. Das, (Latest Edition)

2. Soil Mechanics by Jumikus, (Latest Edition)
3. Soil Mechanics by Das, (Latest Edition)
4. Advanced Soil Mechanics by Das, (Latest Edition)
5. Foundation Analysis and Design by Bowles, (Latest Edition)
6. Soil Engineering by Sprangler and Handy, (Latest Edition)
7. Foundation Analysis by Teng, (Latest Edition)
8. Foundation Design and Construction by Tomlism, (Latest Edition)
9. Geotechnical Engineering – Principles and Practices by D.P. Coduto, (Latest Edition)
10. Foundation Design – Principles and Practices by D.P. Coduto, (Latest Edition)
11. Soil and Foundations by Liu & Evett (6th Edition)

Page 64 of 100
Title of the Course: Geotechnical Engineering-II Lab Course Code: CIEN-3203
Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Geotechnical Engineering-I Lab

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Perform experiments related to engineering
1 Psychomotor 2 9
properties of soil
Applying modern tools to predict the soil
2 Psychomotor 3 5
behavior under different loading conditions

Following practical may be carried out

• Direct Shear Test

• Unconfined Compression of Soil
• Tri-Axial Compression Test (Saturation, UU, CU, CD)
• Standard penetration Test
• Sampling of Soil
• Consolidation Test of Soil


Title of the Course: Environmental Engineering-I Course Code: CIEN-3104

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Nil
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
DESCRIBE the demand and services for
1 Cognitive 2 1
water supply.
DESIGN water distribution networks and
2 Cognitive 6 3
treatment systems.

Course outline:


▪ Environmental Engineering
▪ Water Engineering
▪ Sanitary Engineering
▪ Air & Noise Pollution

Water Pollution

▪ Water chemistry and characteristics

▪ Introduction to sources of pollution
Page 65 of 100
▪ Effects on water quality
▪ Control parameters

Water Demand and Supply

▪ Population forecast
▪ Water uses & consumption
▪ Types and variations in demand
▪ Maximum demand & fire demand

Water Quality

▪ Water impurities & their health significance

▪ Water quality guidelines/standards (US., WHO and NSDW Pakistan etc)
▪ Water quality monitoring

Water Sampling and Testing

▪ Sampling techniques and examination of water (physical, chemical and

microbiological parameters)
▪ Water borne diseases

Water Treatment

▪ Treatment of surface & ground water

▪ Screening, (types of settling), coagulation and flocculation
▪ Filtration
▪ Design aspects of slow sand and rapid sand filters and their operations
▪ Pressure filters
▪ Membrane Technology (Reverse Osmosis, Ultrafiltration)

Miscellaneous Water Treatment Techniques

▪ Fluoridation, Iron & Manganese removal

▪ Water softening methods
▪ Water disinfection and chemicals
▪ Chlorination
▪ Emergency treatment methods
▪ Ozone
▪ Ultraviolet

Water Distribution

▪ Layout and design of water transmission works and distribution networks (Hardy
Cross and Equivalent Pipe method)
▪ Service reservoirs
▪ Fixtures and their installation
▪ Tapping of water mains
▪ Urban and Rural Water Supply

Use of relevant software in design

Page 66 of 100
Recommended Books:

1. Mackenzie L. Davis, David A. Cornwell, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, 4th

Edition, 2008
2. McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 4th Edition (October
3, 2006) 3. S. Peavy, D. R. Rowe, George Technologious, Environmental
Engineering8oiupulkj 4. Terence J. McGhee, Water Supply and Sewerage, 6th Edition,
McGraw Hill
5. Howard McGraw-Hill Publishing Company; 7th Edition (March 1987)


Title of the Course: Environmental Engineering-I Lab Course Code: CIEN-3204

Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Perform experiments related to
1 Psychomotor 2 9
environmental engineering
Estimate the physical parameters using
2 Cognitive 3 2
experimental data

Following practical may be carried out

▪ To determine optimum dosage for turbid water by jar test.

▪ To determine Dissolved Oxygen of a given water sample.
▪ To determine Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) of a given sample.
▪ To determine the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of a given sample.
▪ Determination of Coliform bacteria of a given water sample by Multiple Tube
Fermentation method.
▪ To determine the amount of nitrogen in a given sample.
▪ Study of single beam Spectrophotometer.
▪ pH probe calibration and determination of pH. of different water samples using pH probe
▪ Determination of Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and NaCl % in given water
▪ Determination of spectrophotometer and its working using photometric measure method
▪ Determination and removal of temporary and permanent hardness
▪ Study of simple and light emitting microscope and observation of microorganisms in turbid
▪ Working mechanism of Burnout Furnace and to make a Bio char and Charcoal.
▪ Design of Water Supply Scheme
▪ Sewerage Design


Title of the Course: Transportation Engineering-I Course Code: CIEN-3105

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Nil

Page 67 of 100
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
EXPLAIN concepts of transportation
1 Cognitive 2 1
systems and its planning.
Apply principles of transportation
2 engineering in geometric design using Cognitive 3 2
various parameters

Course Outline:

Introduction to Transportation Systems and Planning

▪ Modes of transportation, need and scope of comprehensive plan

▪ Phases of planning
▪ Principles of planning
▪ Communication (road network, rail-road network & airport), port and harbor facilities
▪ Introduction to design aspects
▪ Overview of Mass Transit Systems

Railway Engineering

▪ Elements of track
▪ Types of gauges
▪ Types of rail sections, Rail joints, Creep and wear of rail, Fish Plate bearing plates and
check rails
▪ Types of sleepers, their merits and demerits, Sleeper density spacing and stiffness of
▪ Types of ballast, Requirements for good ballast, Renewal of ballast
▪ Formation of single and double track
▪ Formation failures, Selection of site for a railway station
▪ Layout of stations and yards
▪ Modern methods for construction of tracks
▪ Maintenance, tools and organization
▪ Introduction to design aspect
▪ Points and crossings
▪ Signalization and navigation

Airport Engineering

▪ Type &elements of Airport planning

▪ Factors affecting Airport Site Selection
▪ Airport Classification
▪ Airport Drainage Systems
▪ Various Runway Configurations
▪ Introduction to design aspect Instrument Landing Systems (ILS)

Ports and Harbour Engineering

▪ Classification of harbours

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▪ Ports and harbours of Pakistan
▪ Design principles and requirements of harbours
▪ Wharves and jetties
▪ Breakwaters and groynes
▪ Channel regulation and demarcation
▪ Types of docks and their construction
▪ Transit sheds and warehouses

Recommended Books:

1. Jason C. Yu, Transportation Engineering Introduction to Planning, Design and Operations,

Elsevier Science Ltd. (June 1982).
2. Horonjeff, R. Planning and Design of Airports, McGraw-Hill Professional; 4th Edition
(December 1, 1993).
3. Gregory P. Tsinker, Port Engineering Planning Construction Maintenance and Security,
John Wiley, 2004.
4. William Walter Hey, Railway Engineering, Wiley; 2nd Edition (June 16, 1982)

Title of the Course: Transportation Engineering-I Lab Course Code: CIEN-3205

Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Perform experiments related to pavement
1 Psychomotor 2 9
Estimate the physical parameters using
2 Cognitive 3 2
experimental data
Argue the use of sustainable materials in
3 Affective 3 7
pavement construction

Following practical may be carried out

1. Determination of the Flakiness and the Elongation Index for the given Aggregate
2. Determination of angularity number for the given aggregate sample.
3. Specific Gravity (Relative Density) and water absorption test for Aggregates
4. LOS ANGLES abrasion test on aggregates
5. Aggregate Impact Value test
6. Flash and fire point test for asphalt by Cleve land open Cup
7. Penetration Test on Bituminous Materials
8. Specific Gravity test on Bituminous material
9. Measuring surface frictional properties using British Pendulum skid resistance tester
10. Softening Point of Bitumen (ring and ball apparatus)
Title of the Course: Numerical Analysis Course Code: MATH-2124
Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3
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Pre-Requisite Nil
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Apply different numerical methods to
perform polynomial interpolation, curve
1 Cognitive 3 1
fitting, differentiation, integration, and
estimation of algebraic nonlinear equations
Solve ordinary differential equations and
compute optimum points in optimization Cognitive 4 1
problems using numerical techniques
Apply a simulation tool to implement
Cognitive 3 5
various numerical methods

Course Outline:

Computer arithmetic, approximations and errors; methods for the solution of nonlinear
equations and their convergence: bisection method, regula falsi method, fixed point iteration
method, Newton-Raphson method, secant method; error analysis for iterative methods.
Interpolation and polynomial approximation: Lagrange interpolation, Newton’s divided
difference, forward-difference and backward-difference formulae, Hermite interpolation.

Numerical integration and error estimates: rectangular rule, trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s one-
three and three-eight rules. Numerical solution of systems of algebraic linear equations:
Gauss-elimination method, Gauss-Jordan method; matrix inversion; LU-factorization;
Doolittle’s, Crout’s, Cholesky’s methods; Gauss-Seidel and Jacobi methods; matrix norms;
method of least squares; eigenvalues and eigenvectors: inclusion methods, power method.

Recommended books:

1. Atkinson K. E., An Introduction to Numerical Analysis, 2nd edition, John Wiley, New
York, , 1989.
2. Burden R. L. and Faires J. D., Numerical Analysis, 8th edition, PWS, 2005.
3. Chapra S. C. and Canale R. P., Numerical Methods for Engineers, 5th edition, McGraw
Hill, New York, 2006.

Title of the Course: Steel Structures Course Code: CIEN-3106

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Nil
Course Learning Outcomes:

Page 70 of 100
CLO Learning Taxonomy Related
CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Describe specifications and design
1 philosophy for the design of structural steel Cognitive 2 1
Design various structural steel members and
2 Cognitive 6 3
their connections

Course Outline:


▪ Use of steel as a structural material

▪ Mechanical properties
▪ Types and shapes of structural steel members
▪ Specifications and design codes
▪ Design philosophies, load and safety factors.

Fundamentals of Working Stress Method

▪ Overview of Allowable Stress Design (ASD)

▪ Service load and allowable stresses

LRFD Method of Design

▪ Factor of safety, loads and load combination.

▪ Concept of load and resistance factors
▪ Plastic design and limits on design
▪ Analysis and design of tension members
▪ Analysis and design of Compression Members.
▪ Local and overall stability
▪ Euler's buckling load in columns.
▪ Analysis and design of beams.
▪ Compact, non-compact and slender sections
▪ Bending strength
▪ Shear Strength
▪ Lateral torsional buckling.
▪ Biaxial Bending
▪ Purlins, sag rods
▪ Beam-column and axial-flexure interaction
▪ Second order effects
▪ Moment magnification.
▪ Plate girder proportioning and design.
▪ Simple welded and bolted connections
▪ Overview of moment and shear connections

Recommended Books:

1. William Segui, Steel Design, CENGAGE Learning,5th Edition (2013)

2. Charles G. Salmon, John E. Johnson, Faris A. Malhas, Steel Structures: Design and
Behavior, 5th Edition (2008), Prentice Hall.

Page 71 of 100
3. Gaylord, E.H. and C. N. Gaylord, Design of Steel Structures, McGraw-Hill Companies;
4. Spiegel & L. Burner. Applied Structural Steel Design, Prentice Hall, 2002

5. Steel Structures by Zahid Ahmed Siddiqi, 4th Edition, 2017.


Title of the Course: Hydraulic Engineering Course Code: CIEN-3107

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Fluid Mechanics-I & Fluid Mechanics-II
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Discuss hydraulic similitude and sediment
1 Cognitive 2 1
Apply principles of hydraulic engineering to
2 Cognitive 3 2
open channel flow
3 Analyze various hydraulic structures Cognitive 4 2

Course Outline:

Steady Flow in Open Channel

▪ Specific energy and critical depth

▪ Dynamic equation of gradually varied flow, surface profiles and back water curves
▪ Humps and constrictions
▪ Hydraulic jump
▪ Broad crested weirs, venturi flume and critical depth meters

Unsteady Flow

▪ Flow through pipes, orifices and over weirs under varying heads
▪ Unsteady flow through pipe lines, water hammer, instantaneous and slow closure of
▪ Surges in open channel

Dimensional Analysis and Similitude

▪ Similitude in hydraulic models, similitude requirements, geometric, kinematics and

dynamics similarities, dimensionless numbers and their significance
▪ Releigh’s method
▪ Buckingham’s PI-theorem and its application, physical models, techniques and
analysis Introduction to numerical models

Dams and Hydro Power Engineering

▪ Selection of hydropower sites

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▪ Components and layout of hydropower schemes
▪ Types of storage dams, forces on dams, design of gravity dams
▪ Reservoir engineering, operation and regulation of storage reservoirs
▪ Sediment Transport in Channels
▪ Sedimentation Problems in Reservoirs

Recommended books:

1. Linsley, R. K., J. Franzini, Water Resources Engineering, McGraw-Hill; 4th Edition (June
1, 1992).
2. David, A. Chin, Water Resources Engineering, Prentice Hall; 2nd Edition (April 13, 2006).
3. Linslay, R. K. and Joseph, B. F. Water Resources Engineering, McGraw- Hill, Inc.
4. Robert, L. D, Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications
5. Hanif, C, Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition (2008) 6. Iqbal, A, Irrigation and
Hydraulic Structures, Theory, Design and Practice, 3rd Edition, 2007


Title of the Course: Hydraulic Engineering Lab Course Code: CIEN-3207

Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Fluid Mechanics-I Lab & Fluid Mechanics-II Lab
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Perform experiments related to flow and
1 Psychomotor 2 9
sediment transport through open channel
Estimate the hydraulic parameters using
2 Cognitive 3 2
experimental data

Following practical may be carried out

1. To perform experiment on flume to plot E~y diagram and q~y diagram for uniform flow.
2. To produce a hydraulic jump in tilting flume.
3. To analyze water hammer phenomena through water hammer apparatus.
4. To measure discharge on Ordinary Depth Flume.
5. To measure discharge on Critical Depth Flume.

Title of the Course: Structural Mechanics Course Code: CIEN-3108

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Mechanics of Materials

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO

Page 73 of 100
Apply concepts of stress and strain
1 Cognitive 3 1
transformation in structural members.
Analyze structural members under complex
2 Cognitive 4 2
loading conditions.

Course Outline:

Enhanced Topics Related to Beam Bending and Shear

▪ Unsymmetrical bending
▪ Shear flow, shear center
▪ Analysis of curved beams
▪ Beams on elastic foundations.

Theory of Elasticity

▪ Analysis of stresses and strains due to combined effect of axial, bending and twisting
▪ Elementary theory of elasticity
▪ Equilibrium and compatibility equations
▪ Stress and deformation relationships
▪ Stress transformation
▪ Theories of failure

Torsion of Thin Tubes and Open Sections

▪ Torsion of non-circular shafts

▪ Membrane analogy
▪ Torsion in thin tubes and open sections.


▪ Analysis of thin and thick cylinders.

Theory of Plasticity

▪ Elementary theory of plasticity

▪ Plastic hinges
▪ Shape factor
▪ Collapse mechanism.

Energy Methods

▪ Energy methods-General area of application and its usefulness.


▪ Struts and columns

▪ Euler, Rankine and other formulas for buckling load of columns
▪ Stability analysis of columns under eccentric loading.


Page 74 of 100
▪ Fatigue due to cyclic loading
▪ Discontinuities and Stress Concentration,
▪ Corrosion Fatigue,
▪ Low Cyclic Fatigue
▪ ɛ-N relations.

Recommended books:

1. Arthur P. Boresi. & Richard J. Schmidt, Advanced Mechanics of Materials, John Wiley;
6th Edition (2002)
2. Pytel, A. & Ferdinand L. Singer, Strength of Material, Harper and Row Harper Collins
College Div; 4th Sub Edition (1987)
3. R.C. Hibbeler, Mechanics of Materials, Prentice Hall; 8th edition (2010)
4. James M. Gere & Barry. J. Goodno, Mechanics of Materials, 7th Edition, 2008, CL
5. James M. Gere & Stephen P. Timoshenko, Mechanics of Materials, 4th Edition, 1997,
PWS Pub Co.
6. Mechanics of Materials by Zahid Ahmed Siddiqi, 2015


Title of the Course: Structural Mechanics Lab Course Code: CIEN-3208

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Mechanics of Materials Lab
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Perform experiments related to structural
1 Psychomotor 2 9
Estimate the physical parameters using
2 Cognitive 3 2
experimental data

Following practical may be carried out

▪ Determination of torsion of bars with open and closed cross sections.

▪ Determination of the buckling load under different conditions.
▪ Verification of the Euler’s theory of buckling.
▪ Bending of symmetrical and unsymmetrical cross-sections.
▪ Elastic deformation of curved beams
▪ Determination of stresses under combined bending and torsion
▪ Stresses in thin and thick wall cylinders


Title of the Course: Engineering Hydrology Course Code: CIEN-3109

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Nil
Course Learning Outcomes:

Page 75 of 100
CLO Learning Taxonomy Related
CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Discuss basic concepts of hydrology &
1 Cognitive 2 1
water resources
Measure various hydrological parameters
2 Cognitive 4 2
using different techniques

Course outline:


▪ Hydrology
▪ Hydrologic cycle and the water balance equation
▪ Practical uses of hydrology
▪ Importance of hydrology

Water Resources

▪ Planning and development of water resources projects

▪ Domestic
▪ Industrial
▪ Agricultural and other water usages
▪ Water resources in Pakistan

Water Management

▪ Water management practices at basin level, canal level and farm level


▪ The atmosphere and its composition, dew point and its measurement devices
▪ Saturation deficit
▪ The general circulation of wind system, the monsoons and western disturbances
▪ Measurement of air temperature, relative humidity, radiation, sunshine, atmospheric
pressure and wind velocity & direction


▪ Forms and types of precipitation

▪ Factors necessary for the formation of precipitation
▪ Measurement of precipitation
▪ Interpretation of precipitation data
▪ Computation of average rainfall over a basin

Evaporation and Transpiration

▪ Factors affecting evaporation

▪ Measurement of evaporation
▪ Evapo-transpiration

Stream Flow

Page 76 of 100
▪ Water Stage and its measurement
▪ Stage Gauges and its types
▪ Selection of control and metering section
▪ Methods of measurement of stream flow
▪ Current meter
▪ Interpretation of stream flow data

Runoff & Hydrographs

▪ Factors affecting runoff

▪ Estimating the volume of storm runoff
▪ Characteristics of Hydrograph
▪ Components of a hydrograph
▪ Hydrograph separation
▪ Estimating the volume of direct runoff
▪ Introduction to unit hydrograph concept
▪ S-curve
▪ Application of probability in determining maxima/minima of discharge

Floods and their estimates

▪ Introduction to floods and its causes

▪ Methods to estimate floods
▪ Return period and its estimation
▪ Flood Frequency analysis

Stream Flow Routing

▪ Reservoir routing
▪ Channel routing
▪ Flood Control
▪ Introduction to Hydrological Modeling


▪ Introduction
▪ Sources and discharge of ground water
▪ Water table and artesian aquifer
▪ Ground water hydraulics
▪ Pumping test
▪ Tube well technology
Computer Application
▪ Development of design worksheets and use of software (if any).

Recommended books:

1. Warren Viessman, Jr. and Gary L. Lewis, Introduction to Hydrology, 5th Edition Prentice
2. R. K. Linsley, Max A. Kohler, and Joseph L. Paulhus, Hydrology for Engineers, McGraw-
Hill Education (ISE Editions); International 2 Revised edition (June 1, 1982)
3. Linsley, R. K., J. Franzini, Water Resources Engineering, McGraw Hill; 4th Edition (June
1, 1992).
Page 77 of 100
4. Surface Water Hydrology by N.M. Awan (Vol. 1), National Book Foundation 5.
Engineering Hydrology An Introduction by Abdul Razzaq Ghumman, Prosperous Pakistan
Publishers, Lahore, 2006.


Title of the Course: Engineering Hydrology Lab Course Code: CIEN-3209

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
1 Perform experiments related to hydrology Psychomotor 2 9
Estimate the physical parameters using
2 Cognitive 3 2
experimental data

Following Practical may be carried out

1. To plot saturation curve and to find the saturation deficit, relative humidity and dew point
2. To examine the consistency of precipitation data record at a station and to adjust it.
3. To estimate the average rainfall over the basin area by using various methods.
4. To extend the rating curve by two methods.
5. To derive the ordinates of a unit hydrograph for the catchment.
6. To covert duration of a unit hydrograph from one to another.
7. To explore rainfall-runoff relationships using basic hydrology system
8. To asses hydraulic parameters for a confined aquifer using Theis method.
9. To measure the precipitation using standard and tipping bucket rain gauge
10. To study the rate of evaporation using evaporation pan
11. Study of wind speed and its calculation using Anemometer
12. To determine the permeability and seepage effect of water under sheet piles using
permeability apparatus
13. Study the effect of slope and catchment condition on time of concentration Tc
14. To study the seepage effect on different soil systems and their conditions
15. Electrical Resistivity

Title of the Course: Quantity & Cost estimation Course Code: CIEN-3110
Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
APPLY concept and skills for quantity take-
1 Cognitive 3 1
off for different civil engineering works.

Page 78 of 100
CARRY OUT rate analysis, productivity
2 Cognitive 3 2
and pricing.
DISCUSS concepts related to legal and
3 contractual aspects of cost of construction Cognitive 2 11

Course Outline:

Quantity Takeoff
▪ Review of basic take-off mathematics and measurement Units.
▪ Takeoff Rules and Measurement Accuracy
▪ Organization of take-off
▪ Quantity take-off and Pricing of Labor, Material and Equipment for; Sitework,
Concrete, Masonry, Carpentry, and Finishes Works.
▪ Estimating Procedures and Considerations for Concrete Retaining Wall, Piles, Steel
Truss, Road, Sewer and Water Mains Pipe Works.
▪ Maintaining of Measurement Books

Development of Estimates, Pricing and Related Aspects

▪ Types and methods of estimates (conceptual estimates, preliminary, detailed

▪ Rate analysis
▪ Labor productivity
▪ Cost analysis of construction materials
▪ Estimate Setup, Overhead, Profit, Sources of Estimating Errors, Escalation,
Contingency, Life-Cycle Costing and Analysis.
▪ Concept of Cost Code
▪ Use of different types of indices for conceptual estimates

Contractual Aspects Related to Bidding

▪ Specifications and their types for various items of construction projects

▪ Overview of payment schemes in construction projects
▪ Preparation of Civil Engineering tender/bid proposal documents evaluation methods
of proposals and bids.
▪ Preparation of documents for bid submissions
▪ Overview of Standard form of contract/bidding documents with special reference to
clauses related to cost related issues of the projects (such as PEC, FIDIC, AIA etc.)
▪ General practice in government departments for schedule of rates and specifications.

Recommended books:

1. Marks Kalin, Robert S. Weygant, Harold J. Rosen & John R. Regenar, Construction
Specifications Writing: Principles and Procedures, 2010, Wiley.
2. Stephen J. Peterson, Construction Estimating Using Excel, Prentice Hall
3. Standard Form of Bidding Documents by Pakistan Engineering Council
4. Jimmie Hinze, Construction Contracts, 3rd Edition, 2010, McGraw-Hill


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Title of the Course: Quantity & Cost estimation Lab Course Code: CIEN-3210
Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Produce bill of quantities and perform rate
1 Psychomotor 4 3
Prepare contract documents for various
2 Cognitive 3 11
construction projects using PEC guidelines.

Following practical may be carried out

1. Use of spreadsheets for rate analysis, bid preparation etc.

2. Use of Quantity take-off software.


Title of the Course: Technical Writing & Presentation Course Code: ENGL-2111
Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Recognize and comprehend organizational
communication system for improved
1 knowledge of technical writing skills needed Cognitive 2 10
professionally. Understanding of do’s and
don’ts of technical communication.
Apply of acquired understanding for
2 Cognitive 3 12
communication in life-long learning.
Review correct use of English language in
writing and speaking in response to real Cognitive 2 10

Course Outline:

▪ Presentation skills
▪ Essay writing
▪ Descriptive, narrative, discursive, argumentative
▪ Academic writing
▪ How to write a proposal for research paper/term paper How to write a research
paper/term paper
▪ (emphasis on style, content, language, form, clarity, consistency)
▪ Technical Report writing
▪ Progress report writing

Page 80 of 100
Recommended Books:

1. Writing. Advanced by Ron White. Oxford Supplementary Skills. Third Impression 1992.
ISBN 0 19435407 3 (particularly suitable for discursive, descriptive, argumentative and
report writing).
2. College Writing Skills by John Langan. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2004.
3. Patterns of College Writing (4th edition) by Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell.
St. Martin’s Press.
4. The Mercury Reader. A Custom Publication. Compiled by norther Illinois
University. General Editors: Janice Neulib; Kathleen Shine Cain; Stephen Ruffus
and Maurice Scharton. (A reader which will give students exposure to the best of
twentieth century literature, without taxing the taste of engineering students)


Title of the Course: Plain & Reinforced Concrete-II Course Code: CIEN-4101
Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Plain & Reinforced Concrete-I

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
DESIGN various structural reinforced
1 Cognitive 6 3
concrete elements.
DESIGN various reinforced concrete
2 Cognitive 6 3
structural systems.

Course Outline:

Flat Slab, Flat Plate & Waffle Slab:

▪ Analysis and design of flat plate for flexure and shear under gravity loading.
▪ Analysis and design of flat slabs for flexure and shear under gravity loading.
▪ Analysis and design of waffle slabs for flexure and shear under gravity loading.
Design for Torsion

Slender Columns:

▪ Analysis and design of slender columns subjected to combined flexure and axial
▪ Guidelines for design of shear walls-an over view.

Design of Different Types of Foundations:

▪ Analysis and design of eccentric, strap, strip and mat footings

▪ Pile caps.

Stairs, Water tanks, Reservoirs:

▪ Analysis and Design of Various Types of Stairs and Staircases,

Page 81 of 100
▪ Analysis and Design of water tanks and reservoirs.

Prestressing Principles & Design Philosophy:

▪ Principles of prestressing, properties of high strength materials,

▪ Importance of high strength concrete and steel used in prestressing,
▪ Behavioral aspects of prestressed beams and comparison with reinforced concrete
▪ Post tensioning and pre-tensioning techniques,
▪ Profiles of post-tensioned tendons, bonded and non-bonded tendons, comparison and
hard-ware requirements.
▪ Prestress losses, immediate and time dependent losses, lump sum and detailed
estimation of prestress loss.
▪ Analysis and design of prestressed beams.

Introduction to earthquake resistant design of structures.

Design of gravity and cantilever retaining walls.

Introduction to computer aided analysis and design

Recommended Books:

1. Hassoun, M. N. & Al-Manaseer, A, (2015), Structural Concrete: Theory and Design, 6th
2. Chu-Kia Wang, Charles G. Salmon, José A. Pincheira, (2006), Reinforced Concrete
Design, Wiley; 7th Edition
3. Arthur H Nilson, David Darwin, Charles W. Dolan, Arthur Nilson, Charles Dolan, (2016)
Design of Concrete Structures. 14th Ed., McGraw-Hill
4. James K Wight and James G. Macgregor, Reinforced design: Mechanics and design,
(2011), 6th Edition
5. Nilson A. H., Design of Prestressed concrete, John Wiley and Sons, Wiley, 1987 6.
Concrete Structures, Part-II, 3rd Edition by Zahid Ahmed Siddiqi, 2016


Title of the Course: Plain & Reinforced Concrete-II Course Code: CIEN-4201
Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Plain & Reinforced Concrete-I Lab

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Perform experiments related to reinforced
1 Psychomotor 2 9
concrete members
Estimate the physical parameters using
2 Cognitive 3 2
experimental data

Following experiments may be carried out:

Page 82 of 100
• To prepare mix design for various strengths of concrete
• To determine the strength of concrete using core extraction and to discuss the results
from control cylindrical samples
• To study the behavior of flexural members (mid-point and third point loading of beam)
• To study the permeability of concrete samples with various mix ratio
• Schmidt hammer test on hardened concrete
• Split Tensile Strength Test
• Ultra sonic pulse velocity test
• Soundness of Cement
• Rebar Locator Test


Title of the Course: Transportation Engineering-II Course Code: CIEN-4102

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisites Transportation Engineering-I
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Explain the basics of traffic engineering for
1 Cognitive 2 1
effective traffic management
Apply principles of pavement engineering
2 Cognitive 3 2
for the analysis and design of pavements.

Course Outline:

Introduction to Road Systems

▪ Location Survey in Rural and Urban Areas

▪ Urban Location Controls
▪ Highway Planning
▪ Roads in Hilly Areas

Highway Engineering

▪ Highway Components
▪ Elements of a typical cross-section of road
▪ Types of cross-section

Classification of Highways

▪ Highway Materials
▪ Types & Characteristics
▪ Specifications & Tests
▪ Introduction to resilient behavior
Geometric Design

▪ Design controls and criteria

▪ Sight distance requirements

Page 83 of 100
▪ Horizontal curves
▪ Super elevation
▪ Transition curve
▪ Curve widening
▪ Grade line
▪ Vertical curves

Pavement Design

▪ Types of pavements
▪ Wheel loads
▪ Equivalent single axle load
▪ Repetition and impact factors
▪ Load distribution characteristics
▪ Design of flexible and rigid pavements
▪ Highway drainage
▪ Pavement failures
▪ Introduction to non-destructive testing
▪ Pavement evaluation
▪ Construction, Maintenance and rehabilitation

Traffic Engineering

▪ Operating and design speeds

▪ Traffic flow parameters, their relationships and data collection
▪ Traffic Survey, O & D Survey
▪ Traffic Safety
▪ At-grade and grade-separated intersections
▪ Traffic control devices
▪ Capacity analysis
▪ Traffic management, Level of service and signal timing for an intersection

Introduction to relevant computer software

▪ Highway infrastructure design

Recommended books:

1. Jason C. Yu, Transportation Engineering Introduction to Planning, Design and Operations,

Elsevier Science Ltd (June 1982)
2. Croney D., The Design and Performance of Road Pavements, 3rd Edition McGraw-Hill
Professional (September 4, 2008)
3. Salter R. J., Highway Traffic Analysis and Design, Palgrave Macmillan; 3rd Edition
(September 1996).
4. Fred L. Mannering, Scott S. Washburn, Walter P. Kilareski Principles of Highway
Engineering and Traffic Analysis, Wiley; 4th Edition (September 9, 2008).


Title of the Course: Transportation Engineering-II Course Code: CIEN-4202

Page 84 of 100
Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Transportation Engineering-I Lab

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Perform experiments related to pavement
1 Psychomotor 2 9
Evaluate foundations considering various
2 Cognitive 5 4
geotechnical parameters

Following practical may be carried out

1. Aggregate Gradation Test

2. Impact Value of Aggregates
3. Los Angles Abrasion Test
4. S G & Absorption Test of Coarse Aggregates
5. Shape Test of Aggregates
6. Lab CBR Test
7. Penetration test of bitumen
8. Ductility test of bitumen
9. Softening point test of bitumen
10. Flash and fire point test of bitumen.
11. Viscosity test for bituminous materials
12. Marshall Stability and flow test


Title of the Course: Environmental Engineering-II Course Code: CIEN-4103

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Environmental Engineering-I
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Statement
No. Domain Level PLO
Describe fundamental concepts of
1 wastewater generation, transportation, Cognitive 2 7
treatment and disposal.
Identify the components of solid waste
2 Cognitive 3 6
management system.

Course outline:

Introduction to Environmental Legislation and Regulations

▪ Basic definitions and differences in terms

▪ International Acts, Treaties, Agendas and Accords
▪ Environmental Protection Agency

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▪ Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997
▪ National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) and International Standards

Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment

▪ Definitions, activity, consequence, effect-impact, relationship, magnitude, duration

and significance.
▪ Assessment types
▪ IEE & EIA in context to PEPA applicable to development projects
▪ EIA process
▪ EIA Study
▪ EIA Analysis
▪ EIA Techniques
▪ Environmental & Monitoring Plan

Estimation of Sewage Quantities

▪ Population characteristics
▪ Population forecasting
▪ Waste water generation
▪ Rainfall intensity formulas, hydrograph & weather flow, sewage quantities
▪ Variations and rates of flows
▪ Velocity gradient & limiting velocities.

Characteristics of Sewage

▪ Sampling techniques and examination of wastewater (Physical, chemical and

microbiological parameters) Biochemical Oxygen demand (BOD)
▪ Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
▪ Microbiology of sewage
▪ Effluent disposal guideline and standards
▪ Pakistan National Environmental Quality

Sewer System

▪ Sewer system (Types, shapes, size and materials of sewers, pipe strengths and tests)
▪ Design, construction, laying and maintenance of sewer system
▪ Separate & Combined systems
▪ Sewer appurtenances

Sewage Treatment and Disposal: Primary, secondary & tertiary treatment

▪ Screening grit chamber, skimming tanks & sedimentation tanks

▪ Activated sludge treatment, tricking filters
▪ Rotating biological contactors
▪ Aerobic systems, lagoons and oxidation ponds, etc.

Sewage Disposal

▪ Receiving body assimilation capacity

▪ Stream pollution and self-recovery, sludge handling, treatment & disposal
▪ Effluent re-use
Page 86 of 100
Building drainage

▪ Soil pipes, anti-syphon pipes and waste water pipes

▪ Sanitary fixtures and traps
▪ House connection and testing of house drainage
▪ Cross connection and back syphon age control

Solid waste management

▪ Types, characteristics, sources and quantities of solid waste

▪ Collection, disposal (Landfill, composting, incineration, RDF, waste to energy) and

Software applications

Recommended Books:

1. Gerard Kiely, Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill International Edition, (1997)

2. Integrated Solid Waste Management, by George Tchobanoglous, International Edition,
McGraw-Hill (January 1, 1993)
3. Wood, C, Environmental Impact Assessment (A Comparative Review). Longman
Scientific and Technical. Longman House Burnt Hill, Harlow Essex. UK, (1995)
4. Petts, J. and Eduljee, G., Environmental Impact Assessment for Waste Treatment and
Disposal Facilities. John Willey & Sons Inc. UK. (1994)
5. UNESCO, Solid Waste Management for Developing Countries, (Latest Edition)
6. Standard Handbook of Environmental Engineering by Corbitt, R.A., 2nd Edition, 1999.


Title of the Course: Structural Engineering Course Code: CIEN-4104

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Structural Analysis
Course Learning Outcomes:

Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Description
Domain Level PLO
Analyze various structural components using
1 Cognitive 4 2
matrix methods
Explain pre-stressed concrete and bridge
2 Cognitive 6 3
Describe SDOF system for free and forced
3 Cognitive 2 1
vibration with and without viscous damping

Course Outline:

Prestressed Concrete: Principles, techniques and types, tendon profiles etc. Losses of
prestress, Analysis of Prestressed concrete for service load, cracking load and ultimate
strength. Design and detailing of simply supported post-and pre-tensioned beams.

Page 87 of 100
Bridge Engineering: Site selection for a bridge, types and structural forms of bridges,
Construction methods. Vehicle load transfer to slab and stringers. Design and detailing of
simple RC deck and girder bridges.

Matrix Methods of Analysis: Virtual force principle and flexibility method, flexibility of
bar, beam and general flexural elements, analysis of 2D framed structures with temperature,
support settlement and lack of fit. Virtual displacement principle and displacement method,
element stiffness matrix for bar, beam and plane frame element, coordinate transformation.
Compatibility and equilibrium. Assembly of structure stiffness matrix. Analysis by stiffness
method of 2D trusses, beams and frames including temperature effects, lack of fit and
settlement of supports. Reliability of computer results. Computer applications of above using
interactive computer programs. Analysis by stiffness method of 2D-Reliability of computer
results. Computer applications of above using interactive computer programs.

Introduction to Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering: Vibration of SDOF

lumped mass system, free and forced vibration with and without viscous damping. Natural
vibration of SDOF systems. Response of SDOF systems: to harmonic excitation, to specific
forms of excitation of ideal step, rectangular, pulse and ramp forces. Unit impulse response.
Vibration of MDOF systems with lumped mass. Hamilton’s principle, modal frequency and
mode shapes, Computer applications of above. Introduction to basic terminology in EQ
engineering. Form of structures for EQ resistance. Ductility demand, damping etc. Seismic
zoning of Pakistan Equivalent lateral force analysis. Detailing of RC structures for EQ

Recommended Books:

1. Hibbeler, R. C. Structural Analysis, Prentice Hall; 8th Edition (March 7, 2011).

2. Wang, C. K. Intermediate Structural Analysis, McGraw-Hill Education - Europe
(January 1, 1984).
3. West, H. H. Analysis of Structures: An Integration of Classical and Modern
Methods , John Wiley and Sons Ltd; 2nd Edition (August 23, 1989).


Title of the Course: Structural Engineering Lab Course Code: CIEN-4204

Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil
Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO Description Learning Taxonomy Related

Page 88 of 100
Domain Level PLO
Perform experiments related to structural
1 Psychomotor 2 9
Estimate the physical parameters using
2 Cognitive 3 2
experimental data

Following Practical may be carried out:

1. Experimental verification of law of reciprocal deflections using universal testing

2. Determination of deformations of determinate & indeterminate beams using universal
testing frame.
3. Determination of deformations of determinate & indeterminate frames using universal
testing frame.
4. Determination of natural period of single degree of freedom system.
5. Determination of damping coefficient for single degree of freedom system.


Title of the Course: Geo-Informatics Course Code: CIEN-4105

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Surveying-II

Course Learning Outcomes:

Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Description
Domain Level PLO
Learn about Geographic Information System
1 Cognitive 2 1
2 Learn about Remote Sensing (RS) Cognitive 2 1
Be able to use related software for GIS/RS
3 Cognitive 3 5
application related to civil engineering

Course Outline:

Introduction to Geo Informatics and Resources of information

▪ Photogrammetric surveying
▪ Satellite System
▪ Aerial and Satellite photogrammetry
▪ Google Earth

Geographic Information System (GIS)

▪ Fundamentals of GIS
▪ Spatial Data types and acquiring consideration
▪ Data models and structures
▪ Coordinate Systems
▪ Datums and map projections and their transformation
▪ Attribute-based operation
▪ Introduction to Spatial Analysis
Page 89 of 100
Remote Sensing (RS)

▪ Basic Concepts
▪ Physicals basis of Remote Sensing
▪ Earth Resources Satellites / Platforms
▪ Sensors
▪ Types of Resolutions
▪ Geo-referencing
▪ Image Processing Techniques and Classification
▪ Global Positioning System (GPS)
▪ Navigational Satellites
▪ Positioning Systems (GLONASS, GPS & Galileo)
▪ Fundamentals and Elements of GPS
▪ System Operation & Characteristics
▪ Errors and Atmospheric effects Differential GPS (DGPS)

Field and Laboratory Work with Software

▪ Training on GPS instruments based surveys

▪ Integration GPS data in GIS
▪ Exercises on Image processing software and recent GIS software
▪ Demonstration on RS/GIS applications in engineering disciplines

Recommended Books:

1. Michael Kennedy (2002), The Global Positioning System and GIS: An introduction 2nd
Edition, Taylor & Frances, New York, ISBN-0- 415-28608-5
2. Thomas, M. Lillesand & Ralph W. Kiefer (2005), Remote Sensing and Image
Interpretation, 5th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Clarke, K. (2004) Getting Started with Geographic Information System, Prentices Hall,
New York, 2nd Edition ISBN-1879102897
4. Chang, K. T., Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, 3rd Ed. McGraw-Hill
Higher Education.


Title of the Course: Geo-Informatics Lab Course Code: CIEN-4205

Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Surveying-II Lab

Course Learning Outcomes:

Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Description
Domain Level PLO
Demonstrate task related to advance GIS
1 based software and to develop coordinate Psychomotor 4 5
system by using GIS and remote sensing
Show continual desire to conceptualize field
2 Affective 3 5
and laboratory work

Page 90 of 100
Following practical may be carried out:

1. To locate the features on the ground, measure lengths and areas of the objects using
Google earth.
2. To covert coordinate system of a map using GIS software.
3. To covert projection of a map using GIS software.
4. To generate a point coverage showing the meteorological station map.
5. To find the coordinates of a point on ground using GPS.
6. To use Differential GPS to carry out the topographic survey of the area.
7. Image processing using any Remote Sensing Software.


Title of the Course: Civil Engineering Project-I Course Code: CIEN-4106

Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Description
Domain Level PLO
To be able to design solutions, systems,
1 mechanisms, and methods in order to meet Cognitive 6 3
specified requirements efficiently
To demonstrate students’ abilities in applying
2 modern tools and an engineering Psychomotor 4 5
specialization to solve engineering problems
To demonstrate student’s ability to realize the
3 impact of engineering solution in societal and Affective 3 7
environment contexts
To maintain highest ethical and professional
4 Affective 4 8
standards in pursuing the design project
To function as an effective team member by
5 following the proposed plan to successfully Affective 3 9
finish the project
To enhance the ability of student to display
their communication skills through Affective
6 4 10
presentations, written reports, and project’s


Title of the Course: Irrigation Engineering Course Code: CIEN-4107

Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Hydraulic Engineering

Course Learning Outcomes:

Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Description
Domain Level PLO

Page 91 of 100
Discuss the fundamental concepts of irrigation
1 engineering, canal network and regulatory Cognitive 2 1
structures & understand soil
Design of main irrigation and hydraulic
2 Cognitive 5 3
Explain the basics of water logging, salinity,
3 Cognitive 2 1
drainage and land reclamation

Course outline:

Steady Flow in Open Channel

▪ Specific energy and critical depth

▪ Dynamic equation of gradually varied flow, surface profiles and back water curves
▪ Humps and constrictions
▪ Hydraulic jump
▪ Broad crested weirs, venturi flume and critical depth meters

Unsteady Flow

▪ Flow through pipes, orifices and over weirs under varying heads
▪ Unsteady flow through pipe lines, water hammer, instantaneous and slow closure of
valves Surges in open channel

Dimensional Analysis and Similitude

▪ Similitude in hydraulic models, similitude requirements, geometric, kinematics and

dynamics similarities, dimensionless numbers and their significance
▪ Releigh’s method
▪ Buckingham’s PI-theorem and its application, physical models, techniques and
▪ Introduction to numerical models

Dams and Hydro Power Engineering

▪ Selection of hydropower sites

▪ Components and layout of hydropower schemes
▪ Types of storage dams, forces on dams, design of gravity dams
▪ Reservoir engineering, operation and regulation of storage reservoirs
▪ Sediment Transport in Channels
▪ Sedimentation Problems in Reservoirs

Canal Irrigation

▪ Elementary concept about canal head works, selection of their site and layout, weirs
and barrages, various components and functions
▪ Canal Head Regulator
▪ Measures adopted to control silt entry into canals, silt ejectors and excluders
▪ Design of weirs on permeable foundations, sheet piles and cut off walls
▪ Design of irrigation channels (Lined/Unlined)
▪ Kennedy’s and Lacey’s Theories
▪ Rational methods for design of irrigation channels
Page 92 of 100
▪ Comparison of various methods
▪ Canal lining: advantages and types
▪ Maintenance of irrigation canals

Hydraulic Structures

▪ Canal Falls, flumes, canal outlets

▪ Cross drainage works: types and functions

Water logging and salinity

▪ Causes and effects of water logging, reclamation of water logged soils

▪ Drains and tube wells
▪ Causes and effects of salinity and alkalinity of lands in Pakistan
▪ Reclamation methods
▪ Drainage network in irrigated areas

▪ Definition, Land reclamation

▪ Surface Drainage
▪ Subsurface Drainage
▪ Estimation of discharge capacity of Cross-drainage structures
▪ Disposal of drainage effluents

Design using Software

▪ Computer aided design of irrigation channels

Recommended books:

1. Linsley, R. K., J. Franzini, Water Resources Engineering, McGraw-Hill; 4th Edition (June
1, 1992).
2. David, A. Chin, Water Resources Engineering, Prentice Hall; 2nd Edition (April 13, 2006).
3. Linslay, R. K. and Joseph, B. F. Water Resources Engineering, McGraw- Hill, Inc.
4. Robert, L. D, Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications
5. Hanif, C, Open Channel Hydraulics, 2nd Edition (2008)
6. Iqbal, A, Irrigation and Hydraulic Structures, Theory, Design and Practice, 3rd Edition,

Title of the Course: Irrigation Engineering Lab Course Code: CIEN-4207

Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Hydraulic Engineering Lab

Course Learning Outcomes:

Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Description
Domain Level PLO
Design barrages and cross drainage works for
1 Cognitive 6 3
simple conditions.
2 Sketch the design of barrage and cross Psychomotor 1 9

Page 93 of 100
drainage works
Following practical/experiments may be taken up for the course.

▪ To perform experiment on flume to plot E~y diagram and q~y diagram for uniform
▪ To produce a hydraulic jump in tilting flume.
▪ To analyze water hammer phenomena through water hammer apparatus.
▪ To measure discharge on Ordinary Depth Flume.
▪ To measure discharge on Critical Depth Flume.
▪ Layout and design of an irrigation scheme.
▪ Design of a typical outlet.
▪ Design of a barrage.
▪ Layout of Irrigation Scheme


Title of the Course: Design of Structures Course Code: CIEN-4108

Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Description
Domain Level PLO
Justify selection of structural systems for
1 Cognitive 5 2
various functions
Design complete RC structures of various
2 natures and importance in compliance with the Cognitive 6 3
standard codes of practices

Course outline:

▪ Review of structural scheme.

▪ Structural systems for buildings, integration of analysis, design and codes of
▪ practice and design criteria report.
▪ Structural design and detailing of one/two storied houses, multistoried RC
and steel framed buildings for residential, commercial and industrial use.
▪ Review of design of a structure.
▪ Introduction to computer aided analysis, design and detailing of structures
Recommended Books:
1. Hibbeler, R. C. Structural Analysis, Prentice Hall; 8th Edition (March 7, 2011).
2. Wang, C. K. Intermediate Structural Analysis, McGraw-Hill Education - Europe
(January 1,1984).
3. West, H. H. Analysis of Structures: An Integration of Classical and Modern Methods,
John Wiley and Sons Ltd; 2nd Edition (August 23, 1989).
4. Lothers, J. E. Steel Structures, National Book Foundation 2.
5. Gaylord, E. H. and C. N. Gaylord, Design of Steel Structures , McGraw-Hill
Companies; 3rd Sub-Edition (September 1, 1991)
Page 94 of 100
6. Spiegel & L. Burner. Applied Structural Steel Design, Prentice Hall, 2002
7. William Segui, LRFD Steel Design, CL-Engineering; 4th Edition (November 21,
8. Charles G. Salmon, John E. Johnson, Faris A. Malhas, Steel Structures:
Design and Behavior, 5th Edition (2008), Prentice Hall.


Title of the Course: Design of Structures Lab Course Code: CIEN-4208

Credit Hours: 1 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil
Course Learning Outcomes:

Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Description
Domain Level PLO

1 Justify selection of structural systems for Cognitive 5 2

various functions
Design complete RC structures of various
2 natures and importance in compliance with Cognitive 6 3
the standard codes of practices
Sketch the detail structural working drawings Psychomotor 2 9
Use of design software for the design of structural systems

Title of the Course: Architecture & Town Planning Course Code: CIEN-4109
Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 2
Pre-Requisite Nil
Course Learning Outcomes:

Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Description
Domain Level PLO
EXPLAIN concepts of Architecture and its
1 Cognitive 2 3
implications on Engineering and Design.
COMBINE the principles of town planning in
2 the development of modern cities and towns Cognitive 6 3
based on best practices and guidelines.

Course Outline:


▪ Historical Development
▪ General introduction to history of architecture
▪ Emergence/Development of Islamic Architecture
▪ Geographical, climatic, religious, social and historical influences
▪ Architectural beauty

Page 95 of 100
Qualities, Factors and Use of Materials

▪ Strength, vitality, grace, breadth and scale

▪ Proportion, colour and balance
▪ Stone, wood, metals, concrete, composites, ceramics

Architectural Aspects of Building Planning

▪ Walls and their construction

▪ Openings and their position, character and shape
▪ Roofs and their development and employment
▪ Columns and their position, form and decoration
▪ Moulding and their form decoration
▪ Ornament as applied to any buildings
Town Planning

▪ Definitions
▪ Trends in Urban growth
▪ Objectives of town planning
▪ Modern planning in Pakistan and abroad

Preliminary Studies
▪ Study of natural resources, economic resources, legal and administrative problems
▪ Civic surveys
▪ Preparation of relevant maps

Land Use Patterns, Street Patterns

▪ Various theories of land use pattern

▪ Location of Parks and recreation facilities
▪ Public and semi-public buildings
▪ Civic centers, commercial centers, local shopping centers
▪ Public schools, industry & residential areas
▪ Layout of street, road crossing & lighting
▪ Community planning

City Extensions and Urban Planning

▪ Sub Urban development

▪ Neighborhood Units
▪ Satellite Towns and Garden City
▪ Issues related to inner city urban design and emergence/upgradation of squatter


Title of the Course: Hazards & Disaster Management Course Code: MSCI-3107
Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil
Course Learning Outcomes:

Page 96 of 100
Learning Taxonomy Related
CLO Description
Domain Level PLO
Explain hazards and disasters and use their
1 Cognitive 2 1
management for different scenarios.
Value the different phases of disaster
2 Cognitive 4 2
Debate on sustainability after disaster
3 Affective 3 7
Develop emergency preparedness plan for
4 different Affective 4 12

Course Outline:

Introduction to Hazards and Disasters

▪ earthquakes,
▪ floods,
▪ droughts,
▪ landslides,
▪ cyclones,
▪ Social & Economic Aspects of Natural and human induced hazards,
▪ Hazard and Disaster Investigation.

Disaster Management:

▪ Pre-Disaster Phase (Prevention, Mitigation & Preparedness),

▪ Disaster Phase (Response, relief and recovery),
▪ Post-Disaster Phase (Rehabilitation, Development),
▪ Damage assessment,
▪ Disaster management policies and institutional infrastructure from national to local

Monitoring of Infra-structure facilities:

▪ strategies for protection against possible damages;
▪ Maintenance for different infrastructure facilities.
▪ Rehabilitation and repair strategies,
▪ Predictions and preparedness strategies for natural disasters such as Earthquakes etc;
▪ Emergency management;

▪ Awareness Programs;
▪ Follow-on Disasters;
▪ Recovery plans;
▪ Strategies for protection,
▪ Risk and Vulnerability Analysis;
▪ Disaster Mitigation

Recommended Books:

1. Thomas D. Schneid, Disaster Management and preparedness, CRC Press; 1st Edition
(November 22, 2000)
2. David Alexander, Principles of Emergency planning and Management, Published in the
Page 97 of 100
United State of America by Oxford University Press Inc. 1998 Madison Avenue, New York
3. Timothy Beatley, Philip Berke, David J. Brower 1999 Natural Hazard Mitigation:
Recasting Disaster Policy and Planning Island Press ISBN: 1559636025
4. Charlotte Benson, Edward J. Clay (2004) Understanding the Economic and Financial
Impacts of Natural Disasters World Bank Publications ISBN: 0821356852
5. The primer on Disaster Risk management in Asia
6. Mr. Aloysius J. Rego Director of Knowledge Sharing and partnerships and CoTeam Leader
of Disaster management System team Asian Disaster preparedness Center (ADPC) 2003.


Title of the Course: Civil Engineering Project-II Course Code: CIEN-4110

Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3
Pre-Requisite Nil

Course Learning Outcomes:

Learning Taxonomy Related

CLO Description
Domain Level PLO
To be able to design solutions, systems,
1 mechanisms, and methods in order to meet Cognitive 6 3
specified requirements efficiently
To demonstrate students’ abilities in applying
2 modern tools and an engineering Psychomotor 4 5
specialization to solve engineering problems
To demonstrate student’s ability to realize the
3 impact of engineering solution in societal and Affective 3 7
environment contexts
To maintain highest ethical and professional
4 Affective 4 8
standards in pursuing the design project
To function as an effective team member by
5 following the proposed plan to successfully Affective 3 9
finish the project
To enhance the ability of student to display
their communication skills through Affective
6 4 10
presentations, written reports, and project’s
To provide an encouraging platform to the
students to demonstrate management skills Affective
7 4 11
and apply engineering principle to manage
project within timeline
To exhibit the interest of student in lifelong
learning process for a technological Affective
8 3 12
development in an ongoing organization or an
innovative idea.
Analyze engineering data critically and
9 Cognitive 6 4
through systematic investigations, make

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conclusions and recommendations for
performance improvement of systems.


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