15 +vol +02+hendriadi+119-126
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The increasingly dynamic market conditions and competition between companies encourage business owners, including
small and medium business owners (SMEs) in Indonesia and other countries to understand how SMEs can maintain or
improve marketing and financial performance in the era of digitalization. To compete, strategic management and expert
policies encourage companies, including SMEs to apply practices in the field of strategic management in today's
digitalization era. This study aims to measure how strong the influence of implementing strategic management practices
and digitalization on the performance of SMEs in Sulawesi-South Indonesia (Makassar, Gowa, Maros, & Pare-Pare),
especially performance related to sales turnover, break-even point (BEP), and profit. This study uses quantitative
methods with primary data and data sources through the interview process and questionnaires. The interview process
was conducted with the heads of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in South Sulawesi (Makassar, Gowa, Maros, &
Pare-Pare), while the questionnaires were distributed directly to 200 respondents by survey officers. Of the 200
questionnaires distributed to respondents, 180 of them (90%) met the requirements for processing and analysis. The
results showed that Strategic Planning had a negative and significant effect on the sales volume of SMEs, Strategic
Planning had a positive and insignificant effect on the BEP of SMEs, Strategic Planning had a negative and significant
effect on SME Business Profit, Implementation Strategy had a negative and insignificant effect on the volume SME sales,
Implementation Strategy has a positive and insignificant effect on SME BEP, Implementation Strategy has a negative
and insignificant impact on SME Business Profits, Strategic Evaluation has a positive and significant impact on SME
sales volume, Strategic Evaluation has a positive and significant impact on SME BEP , Strategic Evaluation has a
negative and insignificant effect on SME operating profit, the use of technology has a positive and insignificant effect on
the sales volume of SMEs, the use of technology has a negative and negative effect. not significant to the BEP of SMEs,
the use of technology has a positive and significant effect on the operating profit of SMEs.
With increasingly fierce business competition and increasingly dynamic market conditions, many small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia and in other countries are expanding their efforts to understand how
SMEs can maintain or improve their marketing and financial performance. In order to be competitive, some strategic
management and policy experts have pushed for the influence of strategic management practices on performing
companies. The results of previous studies indicate that the relationship between strategic management practices and
firm performance is inconsistent. Some argue that there is a strong relationship between the two variables, but no less
believe that the two variables do not have a strong influence relationship [1]; [2]. As a result, to date there is still a
research gap with respect to the effects of strategic management practices on business performance.
This study aims to measure how strong the influence of strategic management practices and the use of technology
on the performance of SMEs in the Province of South Sulawesi (Makassar, Gowa, Maros, & Pare-Pare), Indonesia in
Journal On Management and Education Human Development 2022, Issue 01 Volume 02, Pages: 119-126
particular related to performance with sales volume, break-even point (BEP), and profit. This NS study also explores
whether education level and size of SMEs have a role in moderating the effect of strategic management practices on
sales volume, BEP and SME profits.
Journal On Management and Education Human Development 2022, Issue 01 Volume 02, Pages: 119-126
Research that aims to analyze the influence of strategic management practices on the performance of SMEs
provides an important way because this type of research can expand valuable knowledge for SME owners or managers
to have an initiation about how strategic management practices can offer good mechanisms that can improve the
performance of their SMEs.
In this study, business performance is defined as SME's performance in marketing (sales volume), and finance
(break-even point & Profit). These three businesses were selected based on the ease of investigating the performance of
SMEs. In addition, based on previous limited empirical findings with respect to the relationship between strategic
management practices and the financial performance of SMEs, this study aims to analyze the effect of strategic
management practices on the performance of SMEs in South Sulawesi.
2.4 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Competitiveness
Micro and Small Enterprises Badrinath and Wignaraja (2004) [38] state that there are three approaches that can
be applied to build and strengthen the competitiveness of micro and small enterprises, namely: (i) closer partnership
between government and business; (ii) effective involvement of national institutions in the value chain; and (iii) more
optimal application of the latest technology. Innovation in the application of information and communication technology
(ICT) in business—or putting the letter “e” in work—is a competitive controlling factor that needs attention (Badrinath
and Wignaraja, 2004) [39]. The opinions of the two researchers above are widely supported or in line with a number of
studies. on the relationship between the use of information and communication technology (ICT) with the performance
and competitiveness of micro and small enterprises.
Some of them are Eckhardt and Shane (2006), Locke (2006), Hua (2007), Amarasena (2008), Ashrafi and (2008),
Ion and Andreea (2008), Masa'deh et al. (2008), Olugbode et al. (2008), Lee et al. (2009), and Sugiharto et al. (2007,
2008a, 2008b, 2010a, 2010b). Amarasena (2008) [40] in their research concludes that in order to improve the
performance of export- oriented micro and small enterprises, the use of information and communication technology— in
this case the internet, needs to be combined with other factors, especially human resources. Micro and small businesses
focus more on the technological aspect and ignore the human resource aspect a bit. Ion and Andreea (2008) [41], who
researched the application of information and communication technology (ICT) among micro and small and medium
enterprises in the service sector, found that ICT assists business actors in (i) scanning the business environment both in
looking for business opportunities and in identifying business threats, (ii) increase innovation and productivity, and (iii)
improve organizational performance. Therefore, the use of ICT in micro and small businesses is highly recommended by
these two researchers.
Journal On Management and Education Human Development 2022, Issue 01 Volume 02, Pages: 119-126
3.3. Research Conceptual Framework
Based on the hypothesis above, the research concept the framework can be described as follows (Figure 1).
Sales Volume
Operating Profit
Break Even
The analytical method used in this research is mostly quantitative method, namely the path analysis model (PA),
as shown in Figure 1, which is used to measure the direction and closeness of the causal relationship between research
variables for each path model that is made according to the hypothesis study.
Journal On Management and Education Human Development 2022, Issue 01 Volume 02, Pages: 119-126
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