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Jazan University
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

ME417: Renewable Energy

Lab Report 3
Solar Photovoltaic panels

Student Name : Hassan Nasser Komait

ID: 201906672
Group: 2628
Supervisor: Dr. Sofiene Mellouli


How Does Solar Photovoltaic panels Work...............................................4
Types of Solar Photovoltaic panels ………………………………………6
Components of Solar Photovoltaic system …….……………...........…….9
Connecting Panels Together………………………………………….…..9
Maintenance and Cleaning of PV Panels………………………………..12
Hot spots Causes and effects……………………………………………15
Conclusion …………………………………………………...…………17

❖ Introduction
Photovoltaics is the conversion of particles of light into electricity. Solar
panels are usually made from several units of PV cells made of
semiconductor materials, such as silicon, that form an electrical circuit.
When sunlight is captured, electrons are released and captured in the form
of an electric current.
A photovoltaic power station, also known as a solar park or farm, is a
large-scale photovoltaic system (PV system) designed to supply power into
the national electricity grid. Unlike distributed solar panels on buildings,
our photovoltaic plants supply electricity at the utility level. The most
typical PV panel system is the grid-connected system, which as its name
indicates, is connected to the national grid. This means that at night, when
the solar panels do not work, you can use electricity from the grid. The
second type of PV panel system is the stand alone system, which is not
connected to the grid. In this case you can add solar batteries to the system
to have electricity when it gets dark.
This system can be really convenient in remote areas where there is no
alternative for other sources of electricity. Nowadays, thousands of people
power up their homes and business with the help of PV panels.

Figure.1: off grid and on grid solar PV systems.

❖ How Does Solar Photovoltaic panels Work

Figure.2: The way theat PV cell works.

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) cells generate electricity by absorbing sunlight

and using that light energy to create an electrical current. There are many
PV cells within a single solar panel, and the current created by all of the
cells together adds up to enough electricity to help power your school,
home and businesses.
Similar to the cells in a battery, cells in a solar panel are designed to
generate electricity; except a battery's cells make electricity from
chemicals and a solar panel's cells generate electricity by capturing sunlight
instead.Sunlight is composed of photons, or particles of radiant solar
energy. These photons contain various amounts of energy depending on
the wavelength of the solar spectrum.

Figure.3: The cell components and how it works.

Individual solar cells vary in size from about 1 cm to about 10 cm across.

A cell of this size can only produce 1 or 2 watts, which isn't enough power

for most applications. To increase power output, cells are electrically
connected into a module. Modules are connected to form an array.
The term "array" refers to the entire generating plant, whether it is made
up of one or several thousand modules.
The performance of a photovoltaic array is dependent upon sunlight.
Climate (e.g. clouds, fog) has a significant effect on the amount of solar
energy received by a PV array and, in turn, its performance
Solar photovoltaic (PV) is the generation of electricity from the sun's
energy, using PV cells.
A Solar Cell is a sandwich of two different layers of silicon that have been
specially treated so they will let electricity flow through them in a specific
A Solar Panel is made up of many solar cells.
A Solar array is a collection of multiple solar panels that generate
electricity as a system

Figure.4: The array component's panel and cell.

When the photons strike a solar cell, some are absorbed while others are
reflected. When the material absorbs sufficient photon energy, electrons
within the solar cell material dislodge from their atoms.
The electrons migrate to the front surface of the solar cell, which is
manufactured to be more receptive to the free electrons. When many
electrons, each carrying a negative charge, travel toward the front surface
of the cell, the resulting imbalance of charge between the cell's front and
back surfaces creates a voltage potential like the negative and positive
terminals of a battery. When the two surfaces are connected through an
external load, electricity flows.

Figure.5: The layers of the PV panels.

❖ Types of Solar Photovoltaic panels

The three most common types of solar panels on the market are
monocrystalline solar panels, polycrystalline solar panels and thin film
solar panels. Different types of solar panels are developed for different
conditions. In this post, we will go through the differences between the
different solar panels on the market.
Monocrystalline solar panels
Monocrystalline solar panels have been on the market for the longest time.
We usually associate these solar panels with the most common solar panels
used for homes. These solar panels are a good fit for our Scandinavian
climate, since the solar cells are able to produce solar energy from little
amounts of sunlight.
Price: Monocrystalline solar cells are slightly more expensive than
polycrystalline and thin film solar cells, because the manufacturing process
is more complicated.

Figure.6: Monocrystalline solar PV panels.

Technical info: Monocrystalline solar cells consist of a crystal. The solar
cells are negatively affected by high temperatures, which does not affect
us in Sweden.
Appearance: Monocrystalline solar cells have a shimmering blue tone.
Efficiency: Approx. 15-19%
Lifespan: After 25 years, you can expect about 80% of the efficiency.

Polycrystalline solar panels

Polycrystalline solar panels are the most common solar cells in solar panels
on the market but are considered to be slightly less efficiency than
monocrystalline solar cells. Solar cells are often seen at large plants and
farms that have plenty of space.

Figure.7: polycrystalline solar PV panels.

Price: Compared to monocrystalline solar panels, polycrystalline solar

panels are slightly cheaper, as the manufacturing process is simpler.
Technical info: Polycrystalline solar cells consist of several crystals in each
cell and are not as sensitive to heat as monocrystalline solar cells.
Appearance: Monocrystalline solar panels have a shimmering blue tone.
Efficiency: Approx. 15-19%
Lifespan: After 25 years, you can expect about 80% of the efficiency.

Thin film solar panels

Figure.8: thin film solar PV panels.

Both the appearance and the manufacturing process of thin film solar cells
differ from the crystalline solar cells. Foremost, the material can be made
to have a flexible texture, which opens up the possibility of using thin film
solar cells on rounded surfaces. For example, thin film solar cells can be
glued directly to roof tiles.
Price: Thin film solar panels are slightly cheaper than crystalline solar
panels, but they do also have a shorter lifespan.
Technical info: Thin film solar cells consist of a thin layer of silicon that is
applied to metal, glass, silicon or plastic. Unlike crystalline solar panels,
thin film solar panels are not as affected by high temperatures.
Appearance: The solar cells look like black thin film.
Efficiency: Approx. 10-15%
Lifespan: Generally, shorter lifespan than a crystalline solar panel.
What type of solar panels should I choose?
Different types of solar panels meet different types of needs. If you have
limited amount of space on your roof, you most likely want to get as much
solar energy with as few solar panels as possible. In that case, you want to
prioritize high efficiency, which can lead to solar panels that are slightly
more expensive. If you on the other hand have plenty of space, you have
the opportunity to have more solar panels to a lower price, while you may
need to compromise on efficiency.

❖ Components of Solar Photovoltaic system

Figure.9: solar PV system.

1. Solar Module is the essential component of any solar PV system that

converts sunlight directly into DC electricity.
2. Solar Charge Controller regulates voltage and current from solar arrays,
charges the battery, prevents battery from overcharging and also
performs controlled over discharges.
3. Battery stores current electricity that produces from solar arrays for
using when sunlight is not visible, nighttime or other purposes.
4. Inverter is a critical component of any solar PV system that converts DC
power output of solar arrays into AC for AC appliances.
5. Lightning protection prevents electrical equipments from damages
caused by lightning or induction of high voltage surge. It is required for
the large size and critical solar PV systems, which include the efficient

❖ Connecting Panels Together

Connecting solar panels together is a simple and effective way of
increasing your solar power capabilities. Going green is a great idea, and
as the sun is our ultimate power source, it makes sense to utilize this energy
to power our homes. As solar power becomes more accessible, more and
more homeowners are buying photovoltaic solar panels.

Solar Panels in Series of Same Characteristics

Figure.10: Solar Panels in Series of Same Characteristics

In this method ALL the solar panels are of the same type and power rating.
The total voltage output becomes the sum of the voltage output of each
panel. Using the same three 6 volt, 3.0 amp panels from above, we can see
that when these pv panels are connected together in series, the array will
produce an ouput voltage of 18 Volts (6 + 6 + 6) at 3.0 Amperes, giving 54
Watts (volts x amps) at full sun.
Solar Panels in Series of Different Voltages

Figure.11: Solar Panels in Series of Different Voltages

In this method all the solar panels are of different types and power rating
but have a common current rating. When they are connected together in
series, the array produces 21 volts at 3.0 amps, or 63 watts. Again the
output amperage will remain the same as before at 3.0 amps but the voltage
output jumps to 21 volts (5 + 7 + 9) .

Solar Panels in Series of Different Currents

Figure.12: Solar Panels in Series of Different Currents

In this method all the solar panels are of different types and power rating.
The individual panel voltages will add together as before, but this time the
amperage will be limited to the value of the lowest panel in the series string,
in this case 1 Ampere. Then the array will produce 19 Volts (3 + 7 + 9) at
1.0 Ampere only, or only 19 watts out of a possible 69 watts available
reducing the arrays efficiency.
Solar Panels in Parallel of Same Characteristics

Figure.13: Solar Panels in Parallel of Same Characteristics

In this method ALL the solar panels are of the same type and power rating.
Using the same three 6 Volt, 3.0 Amp panels as above, the total output of
the panels, when connected together in parallel, the output voltage still
remains at the same value of 6 volts, but the total amperage has now
increased to 9.0 Amperes (3 + 3 + 3), producing 54 watts at full sun.

Solar Panels in Parallel with Different Voltages and Currents

Figure.14: Solar Panels in Parallel with Different Voltages and Currents

Here the parallel currents add up as before but the voltage adjusts to the
lowest value, in this case 3 volts. Solar panels must have the same output
voltage to be useful in parallel. If one panel has a higher voltage it will
supply the load current to the degree that its output voltage drops to that of
the lower voltage panel.

❖ Maintenance and Cleaning of PV Panels

Solar panel cleaning is fairly simple: they just need to be kept respectively
clean and to not be overshadowed by trees. If dust or snow becomes an
issue, they need to be rinsed off with warm water. If you don't feel like
doing it yourself, you can always contact a window cleaning company and
they will do the work.
PV panels are likely to last 25-30 years or more, but the solar panel
inverter needs to be replaced after ten to fifteen years. However, it is
always good to play it safe and check with your installer to find out what
the specific maintenance requirements for your system are, as well as its
respective insurance.
There are many solar panel facts that point to it being an excellent source
of renewable energy and there are plenty of reasons why you should start
taking advantage of the benefits it brings. In addition to reducing your
carbon footprint, you will also cut down on your electricity bills. What’s
more, PV panels are easy to maintain and will last for a long time.

How to clean solar panels
There are several ways to keep solar panels clean, from manual washing to
fully automated technologies. While rainwater can remove some of the
grime that collects on panels over time, it can also cause dirt to accumulate
at the bottom of the panels, and it isn’t sufficient to remove heavy pollution.
Robotics technology is enabling companies like Italy-based Washpanel to
produce automatic and semi-automatic robots specifically designed for
solar panel cleaning. It provides portable semi-automatic robots for panels
installed on places such as carports, greenhouses, and shed roofs. And it
offers fixed roof robots for large installations in dusty environments that
require regular cleaning.

Figure.15: Solar Panels semi-automatic robots cleaner.

Soap-less brushes and sponges

Solar maintenance companies like US-based Bland Company and Premier
Solar Cleaning have found that using deionized water with a rolling or
vehicle-mounted brush allows them to clean panels without using soap,
which leaves a residue that not only shades panels but attracts dirt.
Lubricant manufacturer Polywater produces a Solar Panel Wash to help
water lift off grime without leaving a film behind. SunSystem Technology
uses a blend of diluted vinegar and hydrogen peroxide to remove dirt.
And, homeowners can wash their solar panels manually using a garden
hose and a soft sponge without cleaning agents.

Figure.15: Soap-less brushes and sponges

Waterless vibration
Scientists at Heriot-Watt University in Scotland and in a project funded by
NASA in the US have developed ways to cause solar panels to vibrate to
shake surface dust loose. The Heriot-Watt solution attaches a direct-current
(DC) motor to the back of a panel that can be tuned to induce vertical

Manual cleaning work

Manually cleaning the PV panels is a good old-fashioned way! Robots,
waterless vibration or special coating solutions are innovative and efficient,
however, there are many scenarios where these types of solutions can be
quite expensive and inefficient. This applies specially for small
installations, residential or commercial scale, as well as special structures
and installations such as agrivoltaics.

Figure.16: Manual cleaning work

Nanoparticle coatings
Scientists at the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder
Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI) unit of India’s Department of
Science and Technology have developed a solar panel coating to prevent
dirt from accumulating in harsh environments. In India, PV panel
efficiency is affected by a combination of high temperatures, high
humidity, and high pollution.
The nanoparticle-based technology repels dust so that it is easily washed
off with water and is highly transparent, so that the coating does not reduce
panel efficiency. India’s Marichin Technologies is producing the coating
for commercial adoption.

Figure.15: The nanoparticle-based technology

❖ Hot spots Causes and effects

The output of a cell declines when shaded by a tree branch, building,
module dust or any other factor. The output declines proportionally to the
amount of shading. For completely opaque objects such as a leaf, the
decline in current output of the cell is proportional to the amount of the cell
that is obscured. Hot-spot heating occurs when there is one low current
solar cell (because of shading) in a string of at least several high short-
circuit current solar cells, as shown in the figure below:-

Figure.17: string of at least several high short-circuit current solar cells.

Hot-spot heating occurs when a large number of series connected cells

cause a large reverse bias across the shaded cell, leading to large dissipation
of power in the poor cell. Essentially the entire generating capacity of all
the good cells is dissipated in the poor cell. The enormous power
dissipation occurring in a small area results in local overheating, or “hot-
spot”, which in turn leads to destructive effects, such as cell or glass
cracking, melting of solder or degradation of the solar cell.
The causes are as below: –

Figure.18: hot spot on PV panels.

Shading/soiling: overhead objects (ex. trees, poles, etc.), vegetation

overgrowth, surface fouling, foreign objects on surface
Mechanical damage: broken glass, broken/bent frame, collisions of
modules with each other or other objects, improper fixturing
Internal module failures: cell material defects (ex. shunts, high series
resistance, etc.), cell cracks, local de-lamination, poor solder joints

The effects of shading and soiling can be mitigated during the system
design phase. A detailed study can be performed to determine the effects
of trees, poles, or other objects that may shade the modules throughout the
day and throughout the year. Soiling can be mitigated with periodic
maintenance of the system.
In conclusion, it can be said that hot-spot can have severe effect on the
plant life and its performance. But, it can be avoided through a robust O&M

❖ Conclusion
It is clear that the PV energy will become the most important
alternative renewable energy in the future, but some important
steps must occur before, such as increase worldwide government
subsidies, use of thinner and more efficient solar cells,
development of more reliable, efficient power electronics
converters, based on Silicon Carbide devices and/or integrated
structures, and use of more efficient digital control algorithms.


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