Maestro Scripting Language

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Maestro Scripting


Rev. 17 del 17-05-22


1 Introduction 8

2 Basic Concept 9

3 Project 11
3.1 Project management 11
3.1.1 Creating programs (.xcs) 11
3.2 Machining parameters 14
3.2.1 Reference parameters 14
3.2.2 Y position of workpiece referred to opposite side stop 15
3.2.3 Configuration default blocking options 15
3.2.4 Technological compatibility on mirror working fields 15
3.2.5 Automatic table set up on machine program loading 16
3.2.6 Workpiece side presser exclusion at program beginning 16
3.2.7 Maintaining the process sequence 17
3.2.8 Process sequence modification due to multiple drillings 17
3.2.9 Workpiece fall prevention 17
3.2.10 ToeKick scrap unload 18
3.2.11 Program optimization enable 18
3.2.12 Comment definition 18
3.2.13 Description definition 19
3.2.14 Dynamic working fields enable 19
3.2.15 Edge banding optimization 20
3.2.16 Workpiece machinings shift 20
3.2.17 Intermediate unloading 21
3.3 Parametrics 21
3.3.1 Parameter creation 21
3.3.2 Getting parameter value 22
3.4 WorkPiece 23
3.4.1 WorkPiece creation 23 Finished WorkPiece 23 Box WorkPiece 23 Extrusion WorkPiece 24 Raw WorkPiece 24 Over materials WorkPiece 24 Extrusion WorkPiece 25
3.4.2 WorkPiece positioning 26 Workpieces position on canonical areas 26 Lower left working field 26 Upper left working field 27 Lower right working field 28 Upper right working field 29

1 Workpieces position on non canonical working fields 30 Workpieces position in standard mode 30 Lower left working field 31 Upper left working field 32 Lower right working field 33 Upper right working field 33 Workpieces position in Layout mode 34
3.4.3 WorkPiece selection 35
3.4.4 WorkPiece deletion 35
3.4.5 WorkPiece X position detection 36
3.5 WorkPlan 36
3.5.1 WorkPlan creation 37
3.5.2 WorkPlan selection 37
3.5.3 WorkPlan deletion 38
3.5.4 WorkPlane rename 38
3.6 Planes 39
3.6.1 Standard planes 39
3.6.2 User plane 39 Parallel planes 39 Slanted plane 40 Plane by three points 40 Plane created by placement and rotations 40 Parametric plane created by placement and rotations 41
3.6.3 Plane selection 42
3.6.4 Plane deletion 43
3.7 2D Geometries 44
3.7.1 Creating geometries 44 Point 44 Parametric point 45 Segment 45 Segment by start point and end point 45 Parametric segment by start point and end point 46 Arc 46 Arc by 3 points 46 Parametric arc by 3 points 47 Arc by start point end point and radius 47 Parametric arc by start point end point and radius 48 Arc by start point end point and center point 49 Arc by start point center point and angle 50 Circle 50 Circle by center point and radius 50 Parametric circle by center and radius 51 Circle by center point and a point on circumference 52 Ellipse 53

2 Ellipse by center and axes 53 Parametric ellipse by center and axes 54 Polyline 54 Polyline creation 54 Parametric polyline creation 55 Add to polyline a segment 55 Add to polyline a parametric segment 56 Add to polyline an arc by 3 points 56 Add to polyline a parametric arc by 3 points 57 Add to polyline an arc by 2 points and center 57 Add to polyline a parametric arc by 2 points and center 58 Add to polyline an arc by 2 points and radius 59 Add to polyline a parametric arc by 2 points and radius 59 Add to polyline an arc by center and angle 60 Polyline closing 60 Fillet to polyline elements 61 Chamfer to polyline elements 61
3.7.2 Plane reference 62
3.7.3 Geometry deletion 63
3.8 Machining operations 63
3.8.1 Machining types 65 Drilling 65 Parametric Drilling 65 Through drilling 66 Parametric through drilling 67 Slanted drilling 68 Routing 69 Slanted routing 71 Parametric slanted routing 75 Chamfer 76 Slot 78 Saw cut 79 Contour 80 Pocket 81 Toekick pocket 82 Dowel 83 Parametric dowel 84 Dowel drilling 85 3D Routing 86 Pattern 87 Pattern creation 87 Pattern reset 88 Trimming 88
3.8.2 Lead in and lead out 89

3 Lead in 89 Lead out 90
3.8.3 Strategies 91 Drilling strategies 92 Single step drilling strategy 92 Multi step drilling strategy 92 Milling strategies 93 Unidirectional strategy 93 Bidirectional strategy 94 Helicoidal strategy 95 Zig zag strategy 95 Saw strategies 96 Sectioning strategy 96 Pocket strategies 97 Contour parallel pocket strategy 97 ToeKick strategy 98
3.8.4 Machine functions 99 Jerk machine function 100 Jerk 3D machine function 100 NC Auto speed machine function 101 Main Pneumatic hood machine function 102 Auxiliary pneumatic hood 102 Opposite pneumatic hood 103 Main Motorized hood machine function 104 Automatic motorized hood machine function 104 Generic hood machine function 105 Clean mode machine function 106 Pneumatic DustPan machine function 106 Motorized DustPan machine function 108 Five axis head unroll machine function 109 Axis brake machine function 110 ToolBlower machine function 111 Electronic zero prober machine function 111 Pressure rollers machine function 112 Mechanical pressure machine function 113
3.8.5 Machining attributes 113 Machine attributes types 113 Feed attribute (FEED) 113 Depth attribute (DEPTH) 115 Micro junction attribute (TAB) 116 Start point attribute 117 Start point position attribute 118 End point attribute 119
3.8.6 Correction reference 119

3.8.7 Machining inversion 120
3.8.8 Tool compensation 121
3.8.9 Toolpath generation mode 122
3.8.10 Breakeable machining 123
3.8.11 Machining lead in safety distance 123
3.8.12 Machining lead out safety distance 124
3.8.13 Machine selection 125
3.8.14 Drilling spindles selection 125
3.8.15 Machining priority 126 Working center machine 126 Clamps machine 128
3.8.16 Explicit toolpath 132 Explicit toolpath creation 132 Explicit toolpath first point 132 Adding a linear toolpath to explicit toolpath 133 Add an arc toolpath by 3 points to explicit toolpath 134 Add an arc toolpath by 2 points and center to explicit toolpath 135 Add an arc toolpath by 2 points and radius to explicit toolpath 135 Add an arc toolpath by center and angle 136 Explicit toolpath attributes 137 Explicit toolpath feed attribute (FEED) 137 Explicit toolpath depth attribute (DEPTH) 138 Explicit toolpath selection 139 Explicit toolpath deletion 140
3.8.17 Machining technologies 142 Machining technologies application 142
3.8.18 Feedrate profiles 143 Feedrate profile application 143 Feedrate profile reset 143
3.9 Macro 143
3.9.1 Macro usage 144 Macro inserting 144 Macro parameters passing 146
3.10 NC Functions 146
3.10.1 WorkPiece pressure 146
3.10.2 Machine parking 147
3.10.3 WorkPiece probing 147
3.10.4 Clean table 148
3.10.5 Tool length probing 148
3.10.6 WorkPiece translation and rotation probing 149
3.10.7 User message 149
3.10.8 Null operation 150
3.10.9 Iso operation 150
3.10.10 CombiFlex unload 151

3.10.11 Check Y dimension 151
3.10.12 Workpiece center 151
3.10.13 Workpiece lifting 152
3.10.14 Tool integrity check 152
3.11 Workpiece Blocking 153
3.11.1 Blocking profile 153 Blocking profile creation 153 Add to blocking profile a segment 154 Add to blocking profile an arc by 3 points 154 Add to blocking profile an arc by 2 points and center 154 Add to blocking profile an arc by 2 points and radius 155 Add to blocking profile an arc by center and angle 155 Add to blocking profile a tangent segment 156 Add to blocking profile a tangent arc 156 Blocking profile closing 156
3.11.2 Blocking devices positioning 156 Positioning reference definition 157 Blocking bar positioning 157 Mobile bar positioning 158 Support base positioning 158 Clamp positioning 159 Horizontal clamp positioning 160 Clamp for jamp positioning 160 Suction cup positioning 161 Hepod suction cup positioning 162 Suction cup positioning on multi functional table 163
3.12 Mathematical functions 163
3.13 Additional functions 164

4 Tools 165

5 Edge banding 166

5.1 Technology selection 166
5.2 Edge selection for geometry 167
5.3 Technology application 168
5.4 Full Examples 168

6 Labeling 169
6.1 Label definition 169
6.2 WorkPiece label definition 170
6.3 Label parameters definition 170

7 Nesting 171
7.1 Part 171
7.1.1 Part creation 171
7.1.2 Part labeling 172

6 Part label definition 172 Part label parameters definition 173
7.1.3 Part selection 174
7.1.4 Part removal from machine table 175
7.2 Remnant 176
7.2.1 Remnant creation 176
7.2.2 Remnant labeling 177 Remnant label definition 177 Remnant label parameters definition 178
7.2.3 Remnant selection 178
7.2.4 Remnant removal from machine table 179
7.3 Scrap 180
7.3.1 Scrap creation 180
7.3.2 Scrap selection 181
7.3.3 Scrap removal from machine table 182
7.4 Full Examples 183

8 XConverter 192
8.1 Working modes 194
8.1.1 Mode 0 - Xcs Import 194
8.1.2 Mode 1 - WorkPiece Import 195
8.1.3 Mode 2 - Project optimization 195
8.1.4 Mode 3 - Xcs import, workpiece import and optimization 196
8.1.5 Mode 4 - Xxl import 196
8.1.6 Mode 5 - Pgm import 197
8.1.7 Mode 10 - Pgmx process and Xxl generation 198
8.1.8 Mode 11 - Mixx project creation 199
8.1.9 Mode 12 - Automatic clamps setup 201
8.1.10 Mode 13 - Automatic suction cups setup 202
8.1.11 Mode 14 - Import Pgm and automatic suction cups setup 202
8.1.12 Mode 16 - Project time execution estimation 203
8.1.13 Mode 18 - Advanced Dxf import 204
8.1.14 Mode 20 - Project check 204
8.1.15 Mode 21 - Build and check project to load on the machine 205
8.1.16 Mode 22 - Build project to load on the machine 206
8.1.17 Mode 23 - Xcs import build project to load on machine 207
8.1.18 Mode 24 - Global parameters file update from csv file 207
8.1.19 Mode 25 - Update project parametrics from csv file 208

9 Appendix 208
9.1 Canonical working fields 209
9.2 Non canonical working fields 210

1 Introduction

This manual provides a guide in using the Maestro Scripting Language.

Maestro scripting language (MSL) is a programming language that, through the

Maestro platform primitives, is used to create scripting in textual format to create:

1. Machining-macros

2. Machining programs

MSL is based on Microsoft’s C# programming language; therefore all its instructions

and constructs can be used. For the language syntax see the C# programming
language reference manuals (an extensive literature on the subject can be found in
the internet).

Programming via scripting provides an extremely powerful textual programming

language and provides instructions that allow access to all the operational functions
that can be performed interactively with Xilog-Maestro: definition of the shape and
position of the workpieces, machining assignment, entering machine functions
Furthermore it allows the use of parametrics, flow control (conditional instructions,
cycles, jumps,...) and algebraic expressions.

Maestro scripting language (MSL) is aimed at:

1. Process technologists, advanced users and SCM branches/agents, need a

flexible and powerful instrument to produce machining-macros or parametric
machining programs autonomously.

2. External software houses (operational software, CAD/CAM, etc…) that must

produce post-processors for machining programs in PGMX format for
Maestro. MSL in fact can be used to construct a complete project, with a
description of the workpieces to machine, the geometries and machining and
the phases required for the machining sequence. In short it is the
Xilog-Maestro input point for external applications.

In particular, the second case applies to situations where the woodworking workshop
already has software to manage the production of door and window frames, stairs,
furniture or other products, and it needs to transfer the information to Maestro.

This manual describes how to transfer the geometric data and the data that
describes the entire machining process for a specific workpiece to Maestro.

Various instruments or methods available in the Maestro environment will be used to

transfer the machining process.

2 Basic Concept

The main basic objects that can be managed with MSL and that can be defined and
created in a generic script are:

1. Machining parameters
2. Workpiece
3. Plane
4. Geometry
5. Machining operation
6. Workplan

The instructions of a generic scripting file are interpreted and executed in sequence.

During the scripting execution phase, when a new object part of one of the basic
types defined in the list is created, the object created automatically becomes the
active object for the specific type.

For every type of object listed, during the scripting execution an updated state is
maintained with the active object, the last one created during the interpretation.

The active object is used by the system to automatically associate the information
necessary to create new objects.

See below for some application examples:

1. Geometries: when a geometry is created, the plane that it is associated to is

the active plane (current plane).

2. Machining operation: when a machining operation is created it is associated

with the geometry and the active workpiece. Furthermore, the operation is
associated to the current work phase or, if no work phase has been defined, it
is associated to the default phase.

For the complete list of the instructions available to create scripting files in .XCS
format, see the XilogMaestroScripting.chm manual in the Languages folder found in
the folder that Xilog Maestro is installed in.

Many of the instructions require the Name and Description string type of parameters,
in order to associate a name and description to the instruction. The system checks
that a script does not contain more than one instruction with the same name. It is
therefore important to use different names for the Name parameter. The user can
also choose not to specify any value either for the Name or the Description, by
entering an empty string as the parameter value (e.g. “”). In this case the system will
associate a correct default name to the object created.

3 Project
Project refers to an object that can contain the definition of one or more workpieces
with 2D geometries and associated machining.

The project contains all the information needed to define a machining process.
The project must have one or more workpiece, where could be defined reference
geometries to create machinings.

3.1 Project management

The project is managed in MSL by writing .xcs files.

3.1.1 Creating programs (.xcs)

The programs (XCS) are used to define a complete part program to machine one or
more workpieces in textual mode. They can be imported interactively in the Maestro
editor (see script import function) or they can be converted in pgmx programs, in
batch mode, with the XConverter tool that is distributed with the Maestro software.

The definition of machining programs with the scripting language is usually used so
that from an external environment to Maestro or with a generic post-processor, a
complete workpiece can be defined without using the interactive environment.

To create a program in .xcs format there is no specific help function. The program
must be created on a text file with .xcs extension and it must contain only
instructions recognized by Maestro, described in this manual and the basic
instructions of the language C#.

For the complete list of the instructions available to create scripting files in .XCS
format, see the XilogMaestroScripting.chm manual in the Languages folder found in
the folder that Xilog Maestro is installed in.

The program as well as containing recognized instructions and with the correct
syntax, it must also have a set of instructions compatible with each other and have
the definition of the finished workpiece.

See below for an example of a workpiece program defined with the scripting
// definitions for the program header
SetMachiningParameters("AB", 1, 21, 1114112, false);

// definition of the finished workpiece


// definition of the raw workpiece


// definition of the workpiece position

SetWorkpieceSetupPosition(4.25,423,0, 0);

//definition of the external blocking profile

AddSegmentToBlockingProfile(35.46,82, "");

// definition of blade cut

SetApproachStrategy(true, true, 1.5);
CreateSegment("Blade Cut at 0 mm_4", 937,464, 0, 937,464, 80);
SetRetractStrategy(true, true, 1.5, 0);
CreateSlot("Blade Cut at 0 mm_5",0,"Blade Cut at 0 mm", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting ,"E025","3",2,-1,-1.5,0);

// definition of blade cut

CreateSegment("Blade Cut at 5 mm_8", 30.29, 79,789, -8,667, -3,398);
CreateSlot("Blade Cut at 5 mm_9",0,"Blade Cut at 5 mm", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting ,"E025","3",2,-1,-1.5,0);

// head routing definition

SetApproachStrategy(false, true, 1.5);
SetDustpanOffset(10, 0, false);
CreatePolyline("Frame External Routing_10",37,464,80);
AddArc2PointRadiusToPolyline(0,0, 850,false,false);
SetRetractStrategy(false, true, 1.5, 0);
CreateRoughFinish("Frame External Routing1",0,"Frame External Routing", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting

// Definition of the Swap phase


// definition of the workpiece position

SetWorkpieceSetupPosition(4.25,423,0, 0);

//definition of the internal blocking profile

CreateBlockingProfile("Frame_Right_3",0,0, -42);
AddSegmentToBlockingProfile(937.464280.0, "");

// definition of routing with the grain

SetApproachStrategy(false, true, 1.5);
SetDustpanOffset(10, 0, false);
CreatePolyline("Frame External Routing_6",937,464,80);
SetRetractStrategy(false, true, 1.5, 0);

CreateRoughFinish("Frame External Routing2",0,"Frame External Routing", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting

3.2 Machining parameters

Machining parameters are a set of parameters associated with the project that let to
load and execute it on machine.
Machining parameters definition is better to do as first instructions of the project,
before to create all necessary objects to create the project.

3.2.1 Reference parameters

Defined with instruction SetMachiningParameters.

This instruction is used to configure the machine parameters used to execute the
program. Generally this function must be the first instruction in the script, because it
configures the main parameters for the correct execution of the program. This
instruction is not necessary for programs for PowerFlex machines.
The table below shows the input parameters for the instruction.

Name Type Description

executionFields String Work area
repetitions Int32 Number of repetitions
tableOptions Int64 Type of blocking configuration
mechanicalOptions Int64 Mechanical options configuration
continuousCycle Bool Enables the continuous cycle execution
SetMachiningParameters parameters

The example below shows an extract code where the SetMachiningParameters

instruction is applied on an operation in AB area machine that requires only one
execution repetition:

SetMachiningParameters("AB", 1, 0, 1114112, false);

SetWorkpieceSetupPosition(10,435,0, 0);
Instruction returns an object of type MachineParameters that gives access to
project machining parameters.
Same object could be extracted using the instruction GetMachineParameters.

3.2.2 Y position of workpiece referred to opposite side stop

Defined with instruction SetRelatedToOppositeSideStop.

The instruction is used to set Y value of the mobile side stop to load the workpiece.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

isRelatedToOppositeSideStop Bool true if workpiece has to be referred to
opposite side stop, otherwise false.
SetRelatedToOppositeSideStop parameters

Esempio :

3.2.3 Configuration default blocking options

Defined with instruction SetRelatedToOppositeSideStop.

The instruction is used to use the default blocking type set in the machine panel
When set with the true value, this function actually overrides the setting of the
"tableOptions" input parameter of the SetMachiningParameters instruction.

Name Type Description

useDefaultForTableOptions Bool true for configuration blocking options,
otherwise false.
SetDefaultForTableOptions parameters

3.2.4 Technological compatibility on mirror working fields

Defined with instruction SetTechnologicalMirror.

This instruction is used to maintain tool technology along toolpath, climbing or
conventional, also on mirrored working fields. Machining is modified in the way the
tool works with the same technology also on mirrored working fields.

Name Type Description
isTechnologicalMirror Bool true to maintain tool technology on X or Y
specular working fields, otherwise false.
SetTechnologicalMirror parameters

3.2.5 Automatic table set up on machine program loading

Defined with instruction SetAutoSetup.

This instruction is used to set up the machine table automatically on program loading
on the machine. In this way is not necessary to set up the machine table entering
“Set up” in Maestro.
Set up is executed on machine program loading.

Name Type Description

autoSetup Bool true to enable automatic setup during Post
Processing, otherwise false.
SetAutoSetup parameters

3.2.6 Workpiece side presser exclusion at program


Defined with instruction SetRelatedToOppositeSideStop.

Instruction is used to exclude the workpiece side presser at program beginning.Valid
for CX100 machine. For other machines it takes no effect.

Name Type Description

isWorkPieceSidePresserDisabledOnStart Bool true to disable side presser at part
program start, otherwise false.
SetWorkPieceSidePresserDisabledOnStart parameters


3.2.7 Maintaining the process sequence

Defined with instruction SetRelatedToOppositeSideStop.

Instruction is used to maintain the original sequence of program operations even
after optimization.

Name Type Description

preserveWorkingSequence Bool true to maintain part program executable
sequence on optimized part program, otherwise
SetPreserveWorkingSequence parameters

3.2.8 Process sequence modification due to multiple


Defined with instruction SetRelatedToOppositeSideStop.

The instruction is used, even if maintaining the machining sequence is enabled, to
modify the optimised program to perform multiple drills in one operation.

Name Type Description

multipleDrillingsCanChangeWorkingSequence Bool true to allow multiple drilling to
modify program executable sequence,
otherwise false.
SetMultipleDrillingsCanChangeWorkingSequence parameters

3.2.9 Workpiece fall prevention

Defined with instruction SetWorkPieceFallPrevention.

The instruction is used to enable the workpiece fall prevention function in case of
long workpiece. This avoids opening clamps at program ending. Valid for CX
machine. For other machines it takes no effect.

Name Type Description
useWorkPieceFallPrevention Bool Enable anti-fall function
SetWorkPieceFallPrevention parameters

3.2.10 ToeKick scrap unload

Defined with instruction SetToeKickWait .

The instruction is used to enable the activation of scrap unload in the presence of

Name Type Description

waitForLeftToeKick Bool true to enable left ToeKick scrap unload.
waitForRightToeKick Bool true to enable right ToeKick scrap unload.
SetToeKickWait parameters
SetToeKickWait (true,true);

3.2.11 Program optimization enable

Defined with instruction SetOptimization.

The instruction is used to enable the activation of program optimization on machine

Name Type Description

enableOptimization Bool true to enable automatic optimization during
Post Processing, otherwise false.
SetOptimization parameters


3.2.12 Comment definition

Defined with instruction SetComment.
The instruction is used to create a comment to the project.

Name Type Description

comment string comment to the project.

SetComment parameters

SetComment(“Project comment”);

3.2.13 Description definition

Defined with instruction SetDescription.

The instruction is used to create a description to the project.

Name Type Description

description string description to the project.

SetDescription parameters


SetDescription(“Project description”);

3.2.14 Dynamic working fields enable

Defined with instruction SetEnableDynamicAreas.

The instruction is used to enable dynamic working fields handling if it is enabled on
machine configuration.
Dynamic working fields handling lets to increase or decrease the working field length
on a semi part of the machine table, in the way a project can use a different working
field respect to configuration working field definition.

Name Type Description

enableDynamicAreas bool true to enable dynamic areas use, otherwise

SetEnableDynamicAreas parameters


3.2.15 Edge banding optimization

Defined with instruction SetEdgeBandingOptimization..

The instruction is used to enable Edge Banding process optimization.
These options are used at program loading time to optimize the edge banding

Name Type Description

isRotationOptimizationEnabled bool true to enable edgebanding head rotation,
otherwise false.
isAutostartOptimizationEnable bool true to enable Autostart machine function,
d otherwise false.
isClosingOptimizationEnabled bool true to enable closing optimization,
otherwise false.
isLampOptimizationEnabled bool true to enable lamp optimization, otherwise
isApproachOptimizationEnable bool true to enable lead in optimization,
d otherwise false.
isRetractOptimizationEnabled bool true to enable lead out optimization,
otherwise false.
isRollStopOptimizationEnabled bool true to enable speed optimization, otherwise
isSpeedOptimizationEnabled bool true to enable speed optimization, otherwise
isTrimmingOptimizationEnable bool true to enable trimming rotation
d optimization, otherwise false.
SetEdgeBandingOptimization parameters


SetEdgeBandingOptimization(true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,


3.2.16 Workpiece machinings shift

Defined with instruction SetWorkPieceShift.
The instruction enable the workpiece machinings shift after probing. Shift could be
automatic, probing values along X and/or Y are applied to move machinings, or
manual, X and/or Y shifts applied are the value passed as parameters.

Name Type Description

isAutomaticWorkPieceShiftEna bool <c>true</c> to enable automatic probing
bled shift, <c>false</c> manual probing shift.

workPieceShiftX double Manual shift along X. Valid only if
isAutomaticWorkPieceShiftEnabled is false.
workPieceShiftY double Manual shift along Y.Valid only if
isAutomaticWorkPieceShiftEnabled is false.

SetWorkPieceShift parameters

The example below set a manual shift of 2 along X and 3 along Y to machinings after
SetWorkPieceShift(false, 2, 3);

The example below sets an automatic shift to machinings after probing.

SetWorkPieceShift(true, 0, 0);

3.2.17 Intermediate unloading

Defined with instruction SetIntermediateUnloadingType.
The instruction sets the intermediate unloading for clamps machine with intermediate
unloading available.

Name Type Description

intermediateUnloadingType bool Intermediate unloading type
0 - Not Specified.
1 - Right unload.
2 - Left unload.
3 - Right unload with clamp repositioning.
4 - Left unload with clamp repositioning.
5 - Right unload with clamp repositioning and
6 - Left unload with clamp repositioning and

SetIntermediateUnloadingType parameters

The example below set the intermediate right unload


3.3 Parametrics

3.3.1 Parameter creation

Defined with instruction AddVariable.

The instruction creates a parameter that can be used to create parametric
objects or to create objects that can be parametric calculated.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

name string Name of parameter
value Object Value of parameter (Double,Int32,String,Bool)
type int Type of parameter :
0 - Decimal
1 - Integer
2 - Boolean.
unitType int Physical unit of parameter :
0 - Adimensional
1 - Length (mm)
2 - Speed (m/min)
description string Description of parameter
isReadOnly bool true to define a read only variable, otherwise false to
define a modifiable variable.
isExportable bool true to define a variable visible and modificable from
Machine Panel, false to define a variable not visible and
not modificable from machine panel.
AddVariable parameter

The example below creates different types of parameters, length type, speed type,
angle type, conditional type and number type.

AddVariable("Length", 100, 0,1, "Length",false,true);

AddVariable("Speed", 8, 0,2, "Speed", true,true);
AddVariable("Angle", 45, 0,0, "Angle", true,true);
AddVariable("Condition",true, 2,0,"Enable",false,true);
AddVariable("Number",true, 1,0,"Number",false,true);

3.3.2 Getting parameter value

Defined with instruction GetVariableTypedValue<T>.

The instruction gets the value of a parameter previously defined from its name.
IlThe type T must be the same as the parameter (integer, decimal, boolean).

This allows during machine panel xcs loading (available only with Active), to specify
a different value than default value for parameters, and gives the possibility to create
objects with different values than default.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

name string Name of parameter
T type of parameter
GetVariableTypedValue parameters

The example below shows how to get a parameter value in order to use it to create
other objects.
Two parameters are created with name X and Y and using the instruction
GetVariableTypedValue the value is assigned to the local variable of double type.
Those 2 local variables could be used as input parameters in instruction methods.

AddVariable("X", 100, 0,1, "Posizione X",false,true);

AddVariable("Y", 200, 0,1, "Posizione Y",false,true);
double x = GetVariableTypedValue<double>("X");
double y = GetVariableTypedValue<double>("Y");
CreatPoint("Point", x, y);

In this case, statically, x and y values are equal to default values 100 e 200 and
created point will have this coordinates, but if xcs file will be loaded in machine panel
(available only with Active), it is possible to pass different values to X and Y
(example 300, 400) and instruction returned values will be new passed values, so
the point will be created with coordinates 300, 400.
In this way, if the 2 parameters are used to create another object (example a point),
this object will be created with passed values instead of default values.

3.4 WorkPiece

The workpiece must be defined as either “finished workpiece” or “raw workpiece”.

More than one workpiece can be entered in a project.

3.4.1 WorkPiece creation Finished WorkPiece

The dimensions and the shape of the finished workpiece can be specified with
various instructions. Box WorkPiece

Defined with instruction CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox.

The WorkPiece is created as Box from length, width and depth.

Name Type Description

name string Workpiece name
dx double Workpiece length
dy double Workpiece width
dz double Workpiece thickness
CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox parameters

In the example below a workpiece called “Example workpiece” with dimensions
1800x800x18 is created:

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Example workpiece",1800 800 18); Extrusion WorkPiece

Defined with the instruction CreateFinishedWorkpieceFromExtrusion.

The instruction creates a workpiece from extrusion along axis Z starting from a
closed geometry defined on the XY plane. The reference geometry for the workpiece
“boundary” is the active geometry defined in the script before the call at the
instruction CreateFinishedWorkpieceFromExtrusion. The instruction let also to
create workpiece holes, simply passing geometry names as input parameter. Hole
geometries must be created previously to call the instruction.

Name Type Description

Name string Workpiece name
Dz double Workpiece thickness
internalProfiles string[] (opt) List of internal profiles geometries names
CreateFinishedWorkpieceFromExtrusion parameters

See the example below for the definition of a finished and raw of an arch workpiece

// Create finished workpiece

CreateFinishedWorkpieceFromExtrusion("Telaio_Up",63); Raw WorkPiece

The dimensions and the shape of the raw workpiece can be specified with various
primitives. Over materials WorkPiece

Defined with the instruction CreateRawWorkpiece. Raw WorkPiece is created as a

box from the finished workpiece box, increasing it by overmaterials.Overmaterials
are applied to the standard plane of finished workpiece.

Name Type Description

Name string Workpiece name

bx1 double Machining allowance in x-
bx2 double Machining allowance in x+
by1 double Machining allowance in y-
by2 double Machining allowance in y+
bz1 double Machining allowance in z-
bz2 double Machining allowance in z+
CreateRawWorkpiece Parameters

In the example below a box finished workpiece called “Example workpiece” is

created with dimensions 1600x800x18 and associated to a raw with overmaterials
left (x-) and right (x+) equal to 10mm, front (y-) 6mm, back (y+) 2 mm, bottom (z-)
and top (0+) equal to 0 mm.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Example workpiece",1106 ,81 ,68);

CreateRawWorkpiece("Example workpiece",10 ,10 ,6 ,2 ,0 ,0); Extrusion WorkPiece

Defined with the instruction CreateRawWorkpieceFromExtrusion.

The instruction creates a workpiece from extrusion along axis Z starting from a
closed geometry defined on the XY plane. The reference geometry for the workpiece
“boundary” is the active geometry defined in the script before the call at the
instruction CreateFinishedWorkpieceFromExtrusion. The instruction let also to
create workpiece holes, simply passing geometry names as input parameter. Hole
geometries must be created previously to call the instruction.

Name Type Description

Name string Workpiece name
Dz double Workpiece thickness
Bx double (opt def. 0) Distance in x of the raw geometry from the
origin of the finished workpiece
By double (opt def. 0) Distance in y of the raw geometry from the
origin of the finished workpiece
Bz double (opt def. 0) Distance in z of the raw geometry from the
origin of the finished workpiece
internalProfiles string[] (opt) List of internal profiles geometries names
CreateRawWorkpieceFromExtrusion Parameters

See the example below for the definition of a finished and raw of an arch workpiece

// Create finished workpiece

// Define raw workpiece


3.4.2 WorkPiece positioning

Defined with instruction SetWorkpieceSetupPosition.

Instruction is used to place the current workpiece in the machine table in the current

Name Type Description

x double X position of the workpiece.
y double Y position of the workpiece
z double Z position of the workpiece
zRot double Rotation with respect to the Z axis of the
SetWorkpieceSetupPosition parameters

Current workpiece position could be extracted by the instruction

GetWorkPieceSetupPosition. Workpieces position on canonical areas

Workpieces position on canonica areas (see appendix 9.1 Canonical working fields)
is always done referring to the workpiece corner closest to working area origin.
Workpiece positioning is made by the instruction described in the paragraph 3.4.2
WorkPiece positioning. Lower left working field

Workpiece position is defined by its lower left corner with respect to working field

The example below positions 3 workpieces (200, 100), (300,200), (400, 200) at
positions (200,100), (600,100), (1000,100) respect to working field origin.

SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);



SetWorkpieceSetupPosition(1000,100,0,0); Upper left working field

Workpiece position is defined by its upper left corner with respect to working field

The example below positions 3 workpieces (200, 100), (300,200), (400, 200) at
positions (200,100), (600,100), (1000,100) respect to working field origin.

SetMachiningParameters("E", 1, 0, 0, false);



SetWorkpieceSetupPosition(1000,100,0,0); Lower right working field

Workpiece position is defined by its lower right corner with respect to working field

The example below positions 3 workpieces (200, 100), (300,200), (400, 200) at
positions (200,100), (600,100), (1000,100) respect to working field origin.

SetMachiningParameters("D", 1, 0, 0, false);



SetWorkpieceSetupPosition(1000,100,0,0); Upper right working field

Workpiece position is defined by its upper right corner with respect to working field

The example below positions 3 workpieces (200, 100), (300,200), (400, 200) at
positions (200,100), (600,100), (1000,100) respect to working field origin.

SetMachiningParameters("H", 1, 0, 0, false);



SetWorkpieceSetupPosition(1000,100,0,0); Workpieces position on non canonical working fields

Workpieces position on non canonical areas (see appendix 9.2 Non canonical
working fields) could be done in standard mode or in Layout mode.
Workpiece positioning is made by the instruction described in the paragraph 3.4.2
WorkPiece positioning. Workpieces position in standard mode

Workpieces position on non canonical working fields in standard mode is made

referring to the origin working field of the closest corner of the rectangle that contains
all workpieces. Workpiece position depends on all other workpieces positions and
must be remind that the reference point of the workpiece and the reference point of
the rectangle that contains all workpieces change with reference to working field

Referring to the below image

where the brown rectangles identify workpieces, blu rectangle identifies the
workpieces container and the black rectangle identifies the working field, it is defined

BoundaryLength : Length of workpieces boundary (along X).

BoundaryWidth : Width of workpieces boundary (along Y).
BoundaryXOrigin : X position of boundary corner referred to working field origin.
BoundaryYOrigin : Y position of boundary corner referred to working field origin.
WorkpieceLength : Length of workpiece to position (along X).
WorkpieceWidth : Width of workpiece to position (along Y).
WorkpieceXPosition : X position desired value of workpiece.
WorkpieceYPosition : Y position desired value of workpiece.

WorkpieceXPositionInstruction : X position value of the workpiece to put in the

positioning instruction.
WorkpieceYPositionInstruction : Y position value of the workpiece to put in the
positioning instruction. Lower left working field

Workpieces positioning is made with reference to the lower left corner of the
rectangle that contains all workpieces.

X and Y position value to insert in the position instruction have to be calculated by
this formulas:

WorkpieceXPositionInstruction = BoundaryLength - WorkpieceXPosition

-WorkpieceLength + BoundaryXOrigin

WorkpieceYPositionInstruction = BoundaryWidth - WorkpieceYPosition

-WorkpieceWidth + BoundaryYOrigin Upper left working field

Workpieces positioning is made with reference to the upper left corner of the
rectangle that contains all workpieces.

X and Y position value to insert in the position instruction have to be calculated by

this formulas:

WorkpieceXPositionInstruction = BoundaryLength - WorkpieceXPosition
-WorkpieceLength + BoundaryXOrigin

WorkpieceYPositionInstruction = BoundaryWidth - WorkpieceYPosition

-WorkpieceWidth + BoundaryYOrigin Lower right working field

Workpieces positioning is made with reference to the lower right corner of the
rectangle that contains all workpieces.

X and Y position value to insert in the position instruction have to be calculated by

this formulas:

WorkpieceXPositionInstruction = BoundaryLength - WorkpieceXPosition

-WorkpieceLength + BoundaryXOrigin

WorkpieceYPositionInstruction = BoundaryWidth - WorkpieceYPosition

-WorkpieceWidth + BoundaryYOrigin Upper right working field

Workpieces positioning is made with reference to the upper right corner of the
rectangle that contains all workpieces.

X and Y position value to insert in the position instruction have to be calculated by
this formulas:

WorkpieceXPositionInstruction = BoundaryLength - WorkpieceXPosition

-WorkpieceLength + BoundaryXOrigin

WorkpieceYPositionInstruction = BoundaryWidth - WorkpieceYPosition

-WorkpieceWidth + BoundaryYOrigin Workpieces position in Layout mode

Workpieces position on non canonical working fields in Layout mode could be done
by putting on positioning instruction the desired workpiece position values like in
Layout. It is applied in the same way in all kinds of working fields.

Defined with the instruction ConfigWorkpiecePositioningMode.

Input value equal to 0 means standard position, input value equal to 1 means X and
Y positions are referred to the working field origin.

Name Type Description

mode int Workpiece setup reference mode
0: standard
1: user coordinates referred to area origin

ConfigWorkpiecePositioningMode parameters

In the example below workpieces are positioned at (200,100), (600, 100), (1000,
100) referred to working field origin.
SetMachiningParameters("H", 1, 0, 0, false);

//Layout mode




3.4.3 WorkPiece selection

Defined with instruction SelectWorkpiece.

The instruction lets to select the specified workpiece as active workpiece.
The workpiece can be selected with numeric index

Name Type Description

index int WorkPiece index to select
SelectWorkpiece parameters

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("WorkPiece",1106 ,81 ,68);


or by name

Name Type Description

name string WorkPiece name to select
SelectWorkpiece parameters

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("WorkPiece",1106 ,81 ,68);


3.4.4 WorkPiece deletion

Defined with instruction DeleteWorkpiece.

The instruction deletes the workpiece from the project.

WorkPiece can be deleted by an index that represents the position in the workpiece
list. The first sequence position is 0.

Name Type Description

index int Index of workpiece to delete.

DeleteWorkpiece parameters

In the example below the workpiece in position 1 (“Piece2”) will be deleted.
CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Piece1", 1600, 1200, 18);
CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Piece2", 1600, 1200, 18);

WorkPiece can be deleted by name

Name Type Description

name string Name of workpiece to delete.

DeleteWorkpiece parameters

In the example below the workpiece named “Piece2” will be deleted.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Piece1", 1600, 1200, 18);
CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Piece2", 1600, 1200, 18);

3.4.5 WorkPiece X position detection

Defined with the instruction SetWorkpieceNeedXPositionDetection.
The instruction specifies that the active workpiece needs X position detection on the

Name Type Description

needXPositionD bool Specifies that the active workpiece needs X position
etection detection on the workplane.

Parametri SetWorkpieceNeedXPositionDetection

The example below enables the X position detection for workpiece 2.

SetMachiningParameters("H", 1, 0, 0, false);




3.5 WorkPlan

A WorkPlan defines the sequence of the executable to execute on the machine.
When a new project is generated a default workplan, called “Setup”, is created
automatically. This is also the case when executing a scripting project

3.5.1 WorkPlan creation

Defined with instruction CreateWorkplan.

The instruction creates a Workplan in the project.

Name Type Description

name string Name of Workplan

CreateWorkplan parameters

The example below creates a workplan named “WorkPlan” and activates it

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("WorkPiece", 1600, 1200, 18);

3.5.2 WorkPlan selection

Defined with instruction SelectWorkplan.

The instruction selects the specified workplan as active workpiece.

The workplan can be selected with numeric index

Name Type Description

index int WorkPlan index to select
SelectWorkplan parameters

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("WorkPiece",1106 ,81 ,68);


or by name

Name Type Description

name string WorkPlan name to select
SelectWorkplan parameters

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("WorkPiece",1106 ,81 ,68);


3.5.3 WorkPlan deletion

Defined with instruction DeleteWorkplan.

The instruction deletes the workplan from the project.

WorkPlan can be deleted by an index that represents the position in the workplan
list. The first sequence position is 0.

Name Type Description

index int Index of workplan to delete.

DeleteWorkplan parameters

In the example below the workplan in position 1 (“WorkPlan2”) will be deleted.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("WorkPiece", 1600, 1200, 18);

WorkPlan can be deleted by name

Name Type Description

name string Name of workpiece to delete.

DeleteWorkplan parameters

In the example below the workplan named “WorkPlan2” will be deleted.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("WorkPiece", 1600, 1200, 18);

3.5.4 WorkPlane rename

Defined with instruction RenameWorkplan.

The instruction renames the active workplan.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

name string Name to use to rename the workplan.

Parametri RenameWorkplan

In the example below workplan named “WorkPlan1” is renamed as “WorkPlanNew1”

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("WorkPiece", 1600, 1200, 18);

3.6 Planes
Plane is associated to a finished workpiece and let to manage 2d objects creation.
Planes are of 2 types, standar and user.
Standard plane are always created by workpiece creation, the instruction to create a
workpiece automatically creates the box planes. User planes can be created and
associated to a workpiece.

3.6.1 Standard planes

Generating a finished workpiece requires the automatic creation of standard

workplanes. In particular, for a parallelepipedal shaped workpiece six planes will be
automatically generated :
- “Top” = upper side
- “Bottom” = bottom side
- “Right” = right side
- “Left” = left side
- “Front” = front side
- “Back” = back side)

In case of extrusion workpiece, standard planes are relative to the box that contains
the extrusion.

3.6.2 User plane

User planes are defined by a placement and by Z and X absolute rotation. Parallel planes

Defined with instruction CreateWorkplane.

Creates a plane parallel to the active plane. Plane is created as a new plane equal to
active plane translating to Z axis direction.

Name Type Description
name String Workplane name
offsetZ Double Plane translation value along Z
CreateWorkplane parameters

In the example below a plane called “Workplane” is created, parallel to the upper
side and a plane “Workplane2” parallel to the right side:

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Example workpiece",1800 800 18);

CreateWorkplane("Workplane", -10);
CreateWorkplane("Workplane2", -800); Slanted plane

Slanted planes are user planes created by placement and rotations.

Defined with instruction CreateWorkplane. This instruction has more than one
prototype to create planes. Plane by three points

Used to create a plane starting from the identification of three points on the plane.

Name Type Description

Name String Workplane name
p1X Double Coordinate X of point 1
p1Y Double Coordinate Y of point 1
p1Z Double Coordinate Z of point 1
p2X Double Coordinate X of point 2
p2Y Double Coordinate Y of point 2
P2Z Double Coordinate Z of point 2
p3X Double Coordinate X of point 3
p3Y Double Coordinate Y of point 3
P3Z Double Coordinate Z of point 3
CreateWorkplane parameters

In the example below a plane called “Workplane” is created, starting from points (30,
40, 0), (100, 200, 5), (1000, 40, 0):

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Example workpiece",1800 800 18);

CreateWorkplane("Workplane", 30, 40, 0, 100, 200, 5, 1000, 40, 0); Plane created by placement and rotations

Used to create a plane by the origin of the plane and its rotation in relation to the
axes X and Z. Plane is created positioning it on specified origin and rotate it first
around Z axis and after X axis.

Name Type Description
Name String Workplane name.
X0 Double X coordinate of the origin.
Y0 Double Y coordinate of the origin.
Z0 Double Z coordinate of the origin.
ZRotation Double Angle of rotation around Z axis.
XRotation Double Angle of rotation around X axis.
CreateWorkplane parameters

In the example below a plane called “Workplane ” is created, with origin in point
(1000, 500, 0), rotation of 45° in relation to axis Z and 45° in relation to axis X:

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Example workpiece",1800 800 18);

CreateWorkplane("Workplane", 1000, 500, 0, 45, 45); Parametric plane created by placement and rotations

Used to create a parametric plane by the origin of the plane and its rotation in
relation to the axes X and Z. Plane is created positioning it on specified origin and
rotate it first around Z axis and after X axis.

Name Type Description

Name String Workplane name.
X0 Double X coordinate of the origin, could be an expression.
Y0 Double Y coordinate of the origin, could be an expression.
Z0 Double Z coordinate of the origin, could be an expression.
ZRotation Double Angle of rotation around Z axis, could be an expression.
XRotation Double Angle of rotation around X axis, could be an expression.
CreateWorkplane parameters

In the example below a plane called “Parametric plane” is created, with origin in point
(x, y, z), rotation of parameter “rotZ” in relation to axis Z and rotation of parameter
“rotX” in relation to axis X:


AddVariable("x", 10, 0, 1, "", false, true);

AddVariable("y", 10, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("z", 10, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("rotZ", 45, 0, 0, "", false, true);
AddVariable("rotX", 45, 0, 0, "", false, true);

CreateWorkplane("Parametric plane", "x", "y", "z", "rotZ", "rotX");

See parametric chapter to create parameters.

3.6.3 Plane selection

Defined with instruction SelectWorkplane.

To specify the plane that will be used for the geometries and the machining
operations, the active plane must be specified.
Ii is used to select a plane as “active plane”. To do this the name of the workplane
being activated is required. The workplane can be a plane created by the user with
one of the previously described instructions or one of the standard machining sides
(top, bottom, right, left, front, back). If the user does not activate a plane, the top
plane is selected by default as the active workplane.

Plane can be selected by name

Name Type Description

Name String Workplane name
“Top” = upper side; “Bottom” = bottom side
“Right” = right side; “Left” = left side
“Front” = front side; “Back” = back side
SelectWorkplane parameters

In the example below the left plane of the workpiece is selected as active plane, on
which the geometry of a rhombus is performed, then the bottom plane is selected on
which a cross is performed:

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Example workpiece",1800 800 40);

CreatePolyline("Rhombus", 300, 20);
AddSegmentToPolyline( 400, 40);
AddSegmentToPolyline( 500, 20);
AddSegmentToPolyline( 400, 0);
CreateSegment("Segment1", 900, 0, 900, 800);
CreateSegment("Segment2", 0, 400, 1800, 400);

or by index

Name Type Description

index int Index of the workplane to activate.

SelectWorkplane parameters

Where index is:

0- Top plane
1- Right plane
2- Left plane

3- Front plane
4- Back plane
5- Bottom plane

In the example below the left plane of the workpiece is selected as active plane, on
which the geometry of a rhombus is performed, then the bottom plane is selected on
which a cross is performed:

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Pezzo esempio", 1800, 800, 40);

CreatePolyline("Rombo", 300, 20);
AddSegmentToPolyline( 400, 40);
AddSegmentToPolyline( 500, 20);
AddSegmentToPolyline( 400, 0);
CreateSegment("Segmento1", 900, 0, 900, 800);
CreateSegment("Segmento2", 0, 400, 1800, 400);

3.6.4 Plane deletion

Defined with instruction DeleteWorkplane.

The instruction deletes the plane from the project.

Plane can be deleted by an index that represents the position in the plane list. The
first sequence position is 0.

Name Type Description

index int Index of plane to delete.

DeleteWorkplane parameters

In the example below the workpiece in position 6 (“User plane”) will be deleted.
Position value is equal to 6 because for each workpiece will always be added the 6
standard planes.
CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Piece", 1600, 1200, 18);
CreateWorkplane("User plane", 10);

Plane can be deleted by name

Name Type Description

name string Name of plane to delete.

DeleteWorkplane parameters

In the example below the plane named “User plane” will be deleted.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Piece", 1600, 1200, 18);
CreateWorkplane(“Piano utente”, 10);
DeleteWorkplane(“Piano utente”);

3.7 2D Geometries

Remember that, as set out in chapter 2, the creation of a 2D geometry is always

associated to the active workplane (current plane) and that, as it is associated to a
plane, the geometry created is always expressed in local coordinates to the plane. In
particular the active plane is always associated to a local reference system,
consisting of a right handed Cartesian triad, integral with the plane and with origin in
the left bottom end of the plane (axis X along the horizontal component of the plane,
axis Y along the vertical component, axis Z exit from the plane). The geometries that
the user can create are therefore always dependent on the Cartesian coordinates X
and Y, related to the local reference system associated to the current plane. It is
important to note that after being created the geometry becomes the “active
geometry”, that is, it will be the geometry on which the subsequent machining
instructions will be applied.

3.7.1 Creating geometries

See below for the instructions available to create geometries available with MSL. Point

Defined with instruction CreatPoint.

The instruction is used to create a cartesian point.

Name Type Description

Name string Geometry name
x double Point X coordinate
y double Point Y coordinate

CreatPoint parameters

In the example below, a cartesian point called “Point” will be created at coordinates
(10,10). Firstly the operation workpiece is defined. Furthermore as the plane for the
geometry has not been specified, the top side plane is considered as active by

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1800, 800, 18);

CreatPoint("Point", 10, 10);

44 Parametric point

Defined with instruction CreatePoint.

The instruction is used to create a parametric cartesian point.

Name Type Description

Name string Geometry name
x object Espression of point X coordinate
y object Espression of point Y coordinate

CreatePoint parameters

In the example below, a parametric cartesian point called “Point” will be created at
coordinates (“X”,”Y”). Firstly the operation workpiece is defined. Furthermore as the
plane for the geometry has not been specified, the top side plane is considered as
active by default.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1800, 800, 18);

AddVariable("X", 10, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Y", 10, 0, 1, "", false, true);
CreatPoint("Point", "X", "Y"); Segment Segment by start point and end point

Defined with instruction CreateSegment .

The instruction creates a segment from start point to the end point.

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name
startX double Coordinate X of start point
startY double Coordinate Y of start point
endX double Coordinate X of final point
endY double Coordinate Y of final point
CreateSegment parameters

In the example below a segment called “Example segment” is created with a start
point (30,70) and final point (650,500). Firstly the operation workpiece is defined.
Furthermore as the plane for the geometry has not been specified, the top side plane
is considered as active by default.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece",1800 800 18);
CreateSegment("Segment", 30, 70, 650, 500); Parametric segment by start point and end point

Defined with instruction CreateSegment .

The instruction creates a parametric segment from expressions of start point and the
end point.

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name
startX object Expression of coordinate X of start point
startY object Expression of coordinate Y of start point
endX object Expression of coordinate X of final point
endY object Expression of coordinate Y of final point
CreateSegment parameters

In the example below a segment called “Parametric segment” is created with a start
point (Xi,Yi) and final point (Xf,Yf). Firstly the operation workpiece is defined.
Furthermore as the plane for the geometry has not been specified, the top side plane
is considered as active by default.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece",1800 800 18);

AddVariable("Xi", 10, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Yi", 10, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Xf", 100, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Yf", 100, 0, 1, "", false, true);

CreateSegment("Parametric segment", 30, 70, 650, 500); Arc Arc by 3 points

Defined with instruction CreateArc3Points.

The instruction creates an arc by 3 points.

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name
p1X double Coordinate X of point 1
p1Y double Coordinate Y of point 1
p2X double Coordinate X of point 2
p2Y double Coordinate Y of point 2
p3X double Coordinate X of point 3
p3Y double Coordinate Y of point 3
CreateArc3Points parameters

In the example below an arc called “Arc” is created by instruction
CreateArc3Points with first point P1(0,0), second point P2(100,100) and third
point P3 (200, 0).Furthermore as the plane for the geometry has not been specified,
the top side plane is considered as active by default.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox(“Piece", 1800, 800, 18);

CreateArc3Points("Arc", 0, 0, 100, 100, 200, 0); Parametric arc by 3 points

Defined with instruction CreateArc3Points.

The instruction creates a parametric arc by 3 points.

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name
p1X object Expression of coordinate X of point 1
p1Y object Expression of coordinate Y of point 1
p2X object Expression of coordinate X of point 2
p2Y object Expression of coordinate Y of point 2
p3X object Expression of coordinate X of point 3
p3Y object Expression of coordinate Y of point 3
CreateArc3Points parameters

In the example below an arc called “Parametric arc” is created by instruction

CreateArc3Points with first point P1(X1,Y1), second point P2(X2,Y2) and third
point P3 (X3, Y3).Furthermore as the plane for the geometry has not been specified,
the top side plane is considered as active by default.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox(“Piece", 1800, 800, 18);

AddVariable("X1", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Y1", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("X2", 50, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Y2", 100, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("X3", 100, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Y3", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);

CreateArc3Points("Parametric arc", "X1", "Y1", "X2", "Y2", "X3", "Y3"); Arc by start point end point and radius

Defined with instruction CreateArc2PointRadius.

The instruction creates an arc from start point, end point and radius.

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name
startX double Coordinate X of start point

startY double Coordinate Y of start point
endX double Coordinate X of final point
endY double Coordinate Y of final point
radius double Arc radius
isClockwise bool Clockwise direction
isOver180 bool Arc angle greater than 180°
CreateArc2PointRadius parameters

In the example below an arc called “Arc” is created by instruction

CreateArc2PointRadius with start point Pi(0,0), end point Pf (200, 0) and radius
100.Furthermore as the plane for the geometry has not been specified, the top side
plane is considered as active by default.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox(“Piece", 1800, 800, 18);

CreateArc2PointRadius("Arc", 0, 0, 200, 0, 100, true, false); Parametric arc by start point end point and radius

Defined with instruction CreateArc2PointRadius.

The instruction creates a parametric arc from start point, end point and radius.

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name
startX object Expression of coordinate X of start point
startY object Expression of coordinate Y of start point
endX object Expression of coordinate X of final point
endY object Expression of coordinate Y of final point
radius object Expression of radius
isClockwise bool Clockwise direction
isOver180 bool Arc angle greater than 180°
CreateArc2PointRadius parameters

In the example below an arc called “Parametric arc” is created by instruction

CreateArc2PointRadius with start point Pi(Xi,Yi), end point Pf (Xf, Yf) and radius
R.Furthermore as the plane for the geometry has not been specified, the top side
plane is considered as active by default.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox(“Workpiece", 1800, 800, 18);

AddVariable("Xi", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Yi", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Xf", 100, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Yf", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("R", 100, 0, 1, "", false, true);

CreateArc2PointRadius("Parametric arc", "Xi", "Yi", "Xf", "Yf", "R", true, false);

48 Arc by start point end point and center point

Defined with instructionCreateArc2PointCenter.

The instruction creates an arc from start point, end point and center point.

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name
startX double Coordinate X of start point
startY double Coordinate Y of start point
endX double Coordinate X of final point
endY double Coordinate Y of final point
centerX double Coordinate X of centre point
centerY double Coordinate Y of centre point
isClockwise bool Clockwise direction
CreateArc2PointCenter parameters

In the example below an arc called “Arc” is created by instruction

CreateArc2PointCenter with first point Pi(0,0), end point Pf (200, 0) and center
point Pc(100, 0).Furthermore as the plane for the geometry has not been specified,
the top side plane is considered as active by default.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox(Pezzo esempio", 1800, 800, 18);

CreateArc2PointCenter("Arco", 0, 0, 200, 0, 100, 100, 0, true);

Parametric arc by start point end point and center point

Defined with instructionCreateArc2PointCenter.

The instruction creates a parametric arc from start point, end point and center point.

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name
startX object Expression of coordinate X of start point
startY object Expression of coordinate Y of start point
endX object Expression of coordinate X of final point
endY object Expression of coordinate Y of final point
centerX object Expression of coordinate X of centre point
centerY object Expression of coordinate Y of centre point
isClockwise bool Clockwise direction
CreateArc2PointCenter parameters

In the example below an arc called “Parametric arc” is created by instruction

CreateArc2PointCenter with first point Pi(Xi,Yi), end point Pf (Xf, Yf) and center
point Pc(Xc, Yc).Furthermore as the plane for the geometry has not been specified,
the top side plane is considered as active by default.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox(“Workpiece", 1800, 800, 18);
AddVariable("Xi", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Yi", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Xf", 100, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Yf", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Xc", 50, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Yc", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);

CreateArc2PointCenter("Parametric arc", "Xi", "Yi", "Xf", "Yf", "Xc", "Yc", true); Arc by start point center point and angle

Defined with instruction CreateArcCenterAngle.

The instruction creates an arc from start point, center point and arc angle.

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name
startX double Coordinate X of start point
startY double Coordinate Y of start point
centerX double Coordinate X of centre point
centerY double Coordinate Y of centre point
angle double Arc angle
CreateArcCenterAngle parameters

In the example below an arc called “Arc” is created by instruction

CreateArcCenterAngle with first point Pi(1000,500), center point Pc(1500,200)
and angle 45°.Furthermore as the plane for the geometry has not been specified, the
top side plane is considered as active by default.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Pezzo esempio", 1800, 800, 18);

CreateArcCenterAngle ("Arc esempio", 1000, 500, 1500, 200, 45); Circle Circle by center point and radius

Defined with instruction CreateCircleCenterRadius .

The instruction creates an anti clockwise circle from center point and radius.

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name
centerX double Coordinate X of centre point
centerY double Coordinate Y of centre point
radius double Circle radius
CreateCircleCenterRadius parameters

In the example below a circle called “Circle” is created by instruction
CreateCircleCenterRadius with center point Pc(1000,400), radius 300 and
rotation anti clockwise. Furthermore as the plane for the geometry has not been
specified, the top side plane is considered as active by default.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1800, 800, 40);

CreateCircleCenterRadius ("Circle", 1000, 400, 300);

The instruction creates a circle from center point and radius and rotation direction.

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name
centerX double Coordinate X of centre point
centerY double Coordinate Y of centre point
radius double Circle radius
isClockwise bool Clockwise direction
CreateCircleCenterRadius parameters (with rotation direction)

In the example below a circle called “Circle” is created by instruction

CreateCircleCenterRadius with center point Pc(1000,400), radius 300 and
rotation clockwise. Furthermore as the plane for the geometry has not been
specified, the top side plane is considered as active by default.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1800, 800, 40);

CreateCircleCenterRadius ("Circle", 1000, 400, 300, true); Parametric circle by center and radius

Defined with instruction CreateCircleCenterRadius .

The instruction creates an anti clockwise parametric circle from center point and

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name
centerX object Expression of coordinate X of centre point
centerY object Expression of coordinate Y of centre point
radius object Expression of circle radius
CreateCircleCenterRadius parameters

In the example below a parametric circle called “Parametric circle” is created by

instruction CreateCircleCenterRadius with center point Pc(Xc,Yc), radius R and
rotation anti clockwise. Furthermore as the plane for the geometry has not been
specified, the top side plane is considered as active by default.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1800, 800, 40);

AddVariable("Xc", 50, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Yc", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);

AddVariable("R", 10, 0, 1, "", false, true);

CreateCircleCenterRadius ("Parametric circle", "Xc", "Yc", "R");

The instruction creates a parametric circle from center point and radius and rotation

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name
centerX object Expression of coordinate X of centre point
centerY object Expression of coordinate Y of centre point
radius object Expression of circle radius
isClockwise bool Clockwise direction
CreateCircleCenterRadius parameters (with rotation direction)

In the example below a parametric circle called “Parametric circle” is created by

instruction CreateCircleCenterRadius with center point Pc(Xc,Yc), radius R and
rotation clockwise. Furthermore as the plane for the geometry has not been
specified, the top side plane is considered as active by default.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Pezzo", 1800, 800, 40);

AddVariable("Xc", 50, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Yc", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("R", 10, 0, 1, "", false, true);

CreateCircleCenterRadius ("Parametric circle", "Xc", "Yc", "R", true); Circle by center point and a point on circumference

Defined with instruction CreateCircleCenterPoint.

The instruction creates an anti clockwise circle from the center point and a point on
the circumference.

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name
centerX double Coordinate X of centre point
centerY double Coordinate Y of centre point
pointX double Coordinate X of the circumference point
pointY double Coordinate Y of the circumference point
CreateCircleCenterPoint parameters

In the example below an anti clockwise circle called “Cerchio esempio” is created by
instruction CreateCircleCenterPoint with center point Pc(1000,400), point on
circumference Pcf(900, 400). Furthermore as the plane for the geometry has not
been specified, the top side plane is considered as active by default.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Pezzo esempio", 1800, 800, 40);

CreateCircleCenterPoint("Cerchio esempio", 1000, 400, 900, 400);

The instruction creates a circle from the center point, a point on the circumference
and rotation direction.

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name
centerX double Coordinate X of centre point
centerY double Coordinate Y of centre point
pointX double Coordinate X of the circumference point
pointY double Coordinate Y of the circumference point
isClockwise bool Clockwise direction
CreateCircleCenterPoint parameters (with rotation direction)

In the example below a clockwise circle called “Cerchio esempio” is created by

instruction CreateCircleCenterPoint with center point Pc(1000,400), point on
circumference Pcf(900, 400). Furthermore as the plane for the geometry has not
been specified, the top side plane is considered as active by default.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Pezzo esempio", 1800, 800, 40);

CreateCircleCenterPoint("Cerchio esempio", 1000, 400, 900, 400, true); Ellipse Ellipse by center and axes

Defined with instruction CreateEllipseCenterAxes .

The instruction creates an ellipse from center point, major radius, minor radius and
rotation angle in relation to X axis.

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name
centerX double X coordinate of the center point.
centerY double Y coordinate of the center point.
majorRadius double Value of the major radius.
minorRadius double Value of the minor radius.
angle double The angle of the major axis and the X axis of the active
CreateEllipseCenterAxes parameters

In the example below an ellipse called “Example ellipse” is created with a centre
point (1000,500), major semi-axis 450, minor semi-axis 200, angle 30°.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Example workpiece",1800 800 18);

CreateEllipseCenterAxes ("Example ellipse", 1000, 500, 450, 200, 30);

53 Parametric ellipse by center and axes

Defined with instruction CreateEllipseCenterAxes .

The instruction creates an ellipse from center point, major radius, minor radius and
rotation angle in relation to X axis.

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name
centerX object Expression of coordinate X of the center point.
centerY object Expression of coordinate Y of the center point.
majorRadius object Expression of the major radius.
minorRadius object Expression of the minor radius.
angle object Expression of the angle of the major axis and the X axis
of the active plane.
CreateEllipseCenterAxes parameters

In the example below an ellipse called “Example ellipse” is created with a centre
point (Xc,Yc), major semi-axis MR, minor semi-axis mr, angle A.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1800, 800, 18);

AddVariable("Xc", 50, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Yc", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("MR", 450, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("mr", 200, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("A", 30, 0, 0, "", false, true);

CreateEllipseCenterAxes ("Parametric ellipse", "Xc", "Yc", "MR", "mr", "A"); Polyline

Polyline is a complex geometric element composed of an ordered sequence of

elements of type segment and arc of circle.
Polyline creation needs the definition of an instruction sequence to create it, and to
add geometric elements (segment and arc) of an ordered sequence where to respect
the rule that the last point of the current element must be equal to the first point of
the next element.
In details, polyline creation needs a first call to an instruction to define start point
(CreatePolyline), a collection of instructions to add elements and one instruction
(ClosePolyline) to automatically close the polyline. If the instruction
(ClosePolyline) is not used, polyline can be closed manually otherwise it is open. Polyline creation

Defined with instruction CreatePolyline.

The instruction creates the polyline with start point from which next elements will be

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name.
startX double X coordinate of the first point of the polyline.
startY double Y coordinate of the first point of the polyline.
CreatePolyline parameters

In the example below a polyline named “Polyline” is created with a start point (200,
550). This polyline is not consistent, because it defines only the start point to add
segments and arcs.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1800, 800, 18);

CreatePolyline("Polyline", 200, 550); Parametric polyline creation

Defined with instruction CreatePolyline.

The instruction creates the parametric polyline with start point from which next
elements will be added

Name Type Description

name string Geometry name.
startX object Expression of X coordinate of the first point of the
startY object Expression of Y coordinate of the first point of the
CreatePolyline parameters

In the example below a polyline named “Parametric polyline” is created with a start
point (Xi, Yi). This polyline is not consistent, because it defines only the start point to
add segments and arcs.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1800, 800, 18);

AddVariable("Xi", 50, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Yi", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
CreatePolyline("Parametric polyline", "Xi", "Xf"); Add to polyline a segment

Defined with instruction AddSegmentToPolyline.

The instruction adds a segment to the current polyline, with start point equal to
current point and end point equal to specified point.

Nome Tipo Descrizione
endX double X coordinate of the last point
endY double Y coordinate of the last point
nameElement string Name of added element
AddSegmentToPolyline parameters

In the example below a polyline named “Polyline” is created with a segment with a
start point (200, 500) and end point (300, 600).

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1800, 800, 18);

CreatePolyline("Polyline", 200, 500);
AddSegmentToPolyline(300, 600); Add to polyline a parametric segment

Defined with instruction AddSegmentToPolyline.

The instruction adds a parametric segment to the current polyline, with start point
equal to current point and end point equal to specified point.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

endX object Expression of X coordinate of the last point
endY object Expression of Y coordinate of the last point
nameElement string Name of added element
AddSegmentToPolyline parameters

In the example below a polyline named “Parametric polyline” is created with a

segment with a start point (Xi, Yi) and end point (Xf, Yf).

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1800, 800, 18);

AddVariable("Xi", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Yi", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Xf", 100, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Yf", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);

CreatePolyline("Parametric polyline", "Xi", "Xi");

AddSegmentToPolyline("Xf", "Xf"); Add to polyline an arc by 3 points

Defined with instruction AddArc3PointsToPolyline.

The instruction adds to the polyline an arc by 3 points. First point is the current point,
second point and third point are specified in the instruction.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

p2X double X coordinate of point 2
p2Y double Y coordinate of point 2

p3X double X coordinate of point 3
p3Y double Y coordinate of point 3
nameElement string Name of added element
AddArc3PointsToPolyline parameters

In the example below a polyline named “Polyline” is created with an arc with a start
point (200, 500), second point (300, 600) and end point (400, 500).

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1800, 800, 18);

CreatePolyline("Polyline", 200, 500);
AddArc3PointsToPolyline(300, 600, 400, 500); Add to polyline a parametric arc by 3 points

Defined with instruction AddArc3PointsToPolyline.

The instruction adds to the polyline a parametric arc by 3 points. First point is the
current point, second point and third point are specified in the instruction.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

p2X object Expression of coordinate X of point 2
p2Y object Expression of coordinate Y of point 2
p3X object Expression of coordinate X of point 3
p3Y object Expression of coordinate Y of point 3
nameElement string Name of added element
AddArc3PointsToPolyline parameters

In the example below a polyline named “Parametric polyline” is created with a

parametric arc with a start point (X1, Y1), second point (X2, Y2) and end point (X3,

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1800, 800, 18);

AddVariable("X1", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Y1", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("X2", 100, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Y2", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("X3", 50, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Y3", 100, 0, 1, "", false, true);

CreatePolyline("Parametric polyline", "X1", "Y1");

AddArc3PointsToPolyline("X2", "Y2", "X3", "Y3"); Add to polyline an arc by 2 points and center

Defined with instruction AddArc2PointCenterToPolyline.

The instruction adds to the polyline an arc by start point, center point and end point
and rotation direction.

Nome Tipo Descrizione
endX double X coordinate of final point
endY double Y coordinate of final point
centerX double X coordinate of centre point
centerY double Y coordinate of centre point
isClockwise bool true clockwise direction, false anti clockwise
nameElement string Name of added element
AddArc2PointCenterToPolyline parameters

In the example below a polyline named “Polilinea” is created with an arc with a start
point (200, 500), center point (300, 500) and end point (400, 500) and rotation

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1800, 800, 18);

CreatePolyline("Polyline", 200, 500);
AddArc2PointCenterToPolyline(400, 500, 300, 500, true); Add to polyline a parametric arc by 2 points and center

Defined with instruction AddArc2PointCenterToPolyline.

The instruction adds to the polyline a parametric arc by start point, center point and
end point and rotation direction.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

endX object Expression of coordinate X of final point
endY object Expression of coordinate Y of final point
centerX object Expression of coordinate X of centre point
centerY object Expression of coordinate Y of centre point
isClockwise bool true clockwise direction, false anti clockwise
nameElement string Name of added element
AddArc2PointCenterToPolyline parameters

In the example below a polyline named “Parametric polyline” is created with an arc
with a start point (Xi, Yi), center point (Xc, Yc) and end point (Xf, Yf) and rotation

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1800, 800, 18);

AddVariable("Xi", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Yi", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Xc", 50, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Yc", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Xf", 100, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Yf", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);

CreatePolyline("Parametric polyline", "Xi", "Yi");

AddArc2PointCenterToPolyline("Xf", "Yf", "Xc", "Yc", true);

58 Add to polyline an arc by 2 points and radius

Defined with instruction AddArc2PointRadiusToPolyline.

The instruction adds to the polyline an arc by start point, end point, radius and
rotation direction.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

endX double X coordinate of final point
endY double Y coordinate of final point
radius double Arc radius
isClockwise bool true clockwise direction, false anti clockwise
isOver180 bool Arc angle greater than 180°
nameElement string Name of added element
AddArc2PointRadiusToPolyline parameters

In the example below a polyline named “Polyline” is created with an arc with a start
point (200, 500), end point (400, 500) radius 100 and rotation clockwise.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1800, 800, 18);

CreatePolyline("Polyline", 200, 500);
AddArc2PointRadiusToPolyline(400, 500, 100, true, true); Add to polyline a parametric arc by 2 points and radius

Defined with instruction AddArc2PointRadiusToPolyline.

The instruction adds to the polyline a parametric arc by start point, end point, radius
and rotation direction.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

endX object Expression of the X coordinate of final point
endY object Expression of the Y of final point
radius object Expression of the arc radius
isClockwise bool true clockwise direction, false anti clockwise
isOver180 bool Arc angle greater than 180°
nameElement string Name of added element
AddArc2PointRadiusToPolyline parameters

In the example below a polyline named “Parametric polyline” is created with an arc
with a start point (Xi, Yi), end point (Xf, Yf) radius R and rotation clockwise.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1800, 800, 18);

AddVariable("Xi", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Yi", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Xf", 100, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Yf", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("R", 100, 0, 1, "", false, true);

CreatePolyline("Parametric polyline", "Xi", "Yi");
AddArc2PointRadiusToPolyline("Xf", "Yf", "R", true, true); Add to polyline an arc by center and angle

Defined with instruction AddArcCenterAngleToPolyline.

The instruction adds to the polyline an arc by start point, center point and angle.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

centerX double Coordinate X of centre point
centerY double Coordinate Y of centre point
angle double Arc angle
nameElement string Name of added element
AddArcCenterAngleToPolyline parameters

In the example below a polyline named “Polilinea” is created with an arc with a start
point (200, 500), center point (300, 500) and angle 45 degree.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Pezzo", 1800, 800, 18);

CreatePolyline("Polilinea", 200, 500);
AddArcCenterAngleToPolyline(300, 500, 45); Polyline closing

Defined with instruction ClosePolyline.

The instruction closes the current polyline connecting polyline current point with
polyline first point.

The example below creates a polyline rectangle. The polyline is created with 3
rectangle sides and instruction creates the last rectangle side connecting the end
point of the third element with the first point of the polyline.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Pezzo", 1800, 800, 18);

CreatePolyline("Polilinea", 0, 0);
AddSegmentToPolyline(100, 0);
AddSegmentToPolyline(100, 100);
AddSegmentToPolyline(0, 100);

the same closed polyline can be created manually by adding the last segment
connecting the end point of the third element with the first point of the polyline.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Pezzo", 1800, 800, 18);

CreatePolyline("Polilinea", 0, 0);
AddSegmentToPolyline(100, 0);
AddSegmentToPolyline(100, 100);
AddSegmentToPolyline(0, 100);
AddSegmentToPolyline(0, 0);

In case of parametric polyline the instruction adds automatically the parametric of the
last polyline element.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1800, 800, 18);

AddVariable("X1", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Y1", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("X2", 100, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Y2", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("X3", 100, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Y3", 100, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("X4", 0, 0, 1, "", false, true);
AddVariable("Y4", 100, 0, 1, "", false, true);
CreatePolyline("Parametric polyline", "X1", "Y1");
AddSegmentToPolyline("X2", "Y2");
AddSegmentToPolyline("X3", "Y3");
AddSegmentToPolyline("X4", "Y4");
ClosePolyline(); Fillet to polyline elements

Defined with instruction AddFilletToPolyline.

The instruction creates fillet between previous element and current element,
inserting a circle of specified radius.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

radius double Fillet radius
option int Creation options: option = 0 => Direct fillet. option =
1 => Inverse fillet. option = 2 => Clockwise fillet.
option = 3 => Counterclockwise fillet.

Parametri AddFilletToPolyline

The example below creates a polyline named “Polilinea”, with 2 elements connected
with an arc of radius 10.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Pezzo", 1800, 800, 18);

CreatePolyline("Polilinea", 0, 0);
AddSegmentToPolyline(100, 0);
AddSegmentToPolyline(100, 100); Chamfer to polyline elements

Defined with instruction AddChamferToPolyline.
The instruction creates a chamfer between previous element and current element,
inserting a segment.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

length1 double Length on first segment
length2 double Length on second segment
option int options : 0 direct

Parametri AddChamferToPolyline

The example below creates a polyline named “Polilinea”, with 2 elements connected
with a segment with length on first segment 10 and length on second segment 20.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Pezzo", 1800, 800, 18);

CreatePolyline("Polilinea", 0, 0);
AddSegmentToPolyline(100, 0);
AddChamferToPolyline(10, 20);
AddSegmentToPolyline(100, 100);

3.7.2 Plane reference

Defined with instruction SetReferencePosition.

The instruction creates a geometry referred to a plane corner (bottom left, top left,
bottom right, top right). This means geometric quotes are relative to plane corner and
not to the standard system reference equal to the bottom left plane corner. Valid only
for standard planes and not valid for user planes.

Name Type Description

referencePosit int reference position: 0=Bottom Left, 1=Top Left, 2=Bottom
ion Right, 3=Top Right.

SetReferencePosition parameters

In the example below will be created 4 cartesian points each one referred to the top
plane corner.All points have the same coordinates (10,10).
In this way created points will be at :
BottomLeft (10,10)
TopLeft (10,1190)
BottomRight (1590,10)
TopRight (1590,1190)

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1600, 1200, 18);

CreatPoint("BottomLeft", 10, 10);

CreatPoint("TopLeft", 10, 10);
CreatPoint("BottomRight", 10, 10);
CreatPoint("TopRight", 10, 10);

3.7.3 Geometry deletion

Defined with instruction DeleteGeometry.

The instruction deletes the geometry from the project.

Geometry can be deleted by an index that represents the position in the geometries
add sequence.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

index int Index of geometry to delete.

DeleteGeometry parameters

In the example below cartesian point with index 1, corresponding to “Point2” will be
CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1600, 1200, 18);
CreatPoint("Point1", 10, 10);
CreatPoint("Point2", 10, 10);

La geometria può essere eliminata a partire dal nome

Nome Tipo Descrizione

name string Nome della geometria da eliminare.

DeleteGeometry parameters

In the example below cartesian point named “Point2” will be deleted

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("Workpiece", 1600, 1200, 18);
CreatPoint("Point1", 10, 10);
CreatPoint("Point2", 10, 10);

3.8 Machining operations

As a rule for every type of operation a series of parameters can be defined to

describe the mode used for the operation. For example the following can be defined:

type of tool, tool machining approach and retraction, infeed speed, tool rotation and
feed, type of head and other parameters specific to the machining operation
Machining operation definition is made by a set of mandatory parameters that have
to be always specified and a set of optional parameters that could be not specified.
Optional parameters can be not specified and in this case default values will be
Optional parameters that can be not specified are always all parameters following
the last specified parameter.
The example below shows an instruction with two mandatory parameters and three
optional parameters

Instruction(MandatoryParameter1, MandatoryParameter2, OptionalParameter1=10,

OptionalParameter2=20, OptionalParameter3=30)

can be used specifying just mandatory parameters


In this case unspecified optional parameters will use default values, in the example
10, 20, 30.

The example below shows the case where the optional parameter
“OptionalParameter2” will be passed with value 50


In this case, in addition to mandatory parameters, it is necessary to specify all

optional parameters before the parameter to specify, in the example
OptionalParameter1, while optional parameter OptionalParameter3 could be not
specified because is after the last specified parameter.

The example below shows the instruction with all optional parameters specified by
their default values.


About parameters that can be passed to instructions, be careful to use the tool name
parameter, it must be the same name used to define it in the ToolManager tools file
definition. If a tool is created with the name “Fresa D10 L20”, this will be the name to
use as a tool parameter in machining creation.

Machinings could be created in a way the toolpath generator generates the toolpath,
or it is possible to define an explicit toolpath to execute on the machine where the
toolpath generator does not generate anything.

See the Maestro manual for the specific meaning of the operations listed above. See
below for a description of the most common operations.

3.8.1 Machining types Drilling

Defined with instruction CreateDrill.

The instruction creates a drill in X,Y position and with specified diameter and depth.
Other parameters are optional.

Name Type Description

name string Operation name
x double Coordinate X of the hole
y double Coordinate Y of the hole
depth double Hole depth
diameter double Hole diameter
description string Operation description
typeOfProcess TypeOfProcess Type of process (specify
tool string (opt) Tool name ("-1" for automatic selection)
head string (opt) Work head number ("-1" for automatic
dischargeSteps int (opt def. 0) Discharge steps number
rotSpeed double (opt def -1) Tool rotation speed
boringSpeed double (opt def -1) Slow down speed
kindOfHole string (opt def -1) Type of hole (tool:P=flat, L=lance, S=taper.
The default value is P)
taperHeight double (opt def 0) Taper height
securityQuote double (opt def Safety quota
holeTaperDiameter double (opt def 0) Hole diameter of taper or bliz (valid only
with taper or bliz).
CreateDrill parameters

In the example below a drilling machining is created with mandatory parameters X,Y,
depth and diameter


CreateDrill("Drill",10,20,15,8, "",TypeOfProcess.Drilling);

In the example below a drilling machining is created with mandatory parameters X,Y,
depth and diameter and optional parameter rotSpeed.


CreateDrill(“Drill”,10,20,15,8, “”,TypeOfProcess.Drilling, “-1”, “-1”, 0 , 15000); Parametric Drilling

Defined with instruction CreateDrill.
The instruction creates a parametric drill in X,Y position and with specified diameter
and depth. Other parameters are optional.

Name Type Description

name string Hole name
x object Coordinate X of the hole
y object Coordinate Y of the hole
depth object Hole depth
diameter object Hole diameter
description string Operation description
typeOfProcess TypeOfProcess Type of process (specify
tool string (opt) Tool name ("-1" for automatic selection)
head string (opt) Work head number ("-1" for automatic
dischargeSteps int (opt def. 0) Discharge steps number
rotSpeed object (opt def Tool rotation speed
boringSpeed object (opt def Slow down speed
kindOfHole object (opt def -1) Type of hole (tool:P=flat, L=lance, S=taper.
The default value is P)
taperHeight object (opt def Taper height
securityQuote object (opt def Safety quota
holeTaperDiameter object (opt def Hole diameter of taper or bliz (valid only
null) with taper or bliz).
CreateDrill parameters

In the example below a parametric drilling machining is created with mandatory

parameters X,Y, depth and diameter


AddVariable(“X”, 100, 0,1);

AddVariable(“Y”, 100, 0,1);
AddVariable(“Depth”, 15, 0,1);
AddVariable(“Diameter”, 8, 0,1);

CreateDrill("Drill",”X”,”Y”,”Depth”,”Diameter”, "",TypeOfProcess.Drilling); Through drilling

Defined with instruction CreateThroughDrill.

This instruction creates a through drill in X,Y position, with specified diameter and
depth automatically calculated respect to plane.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

Name string Hole Name
x double Coordinate X of the hole

y double Coordinate Y of the hole
diameter double Hole diameter
overcutLength double Hole overcut length
description string Descrizione della lavorazione
typeOfProcess TypeOfProcess Type of process (specify
tool string (opt) Tool name ("-1" for automatic selection)
head string (opt) Work head number ("-1" for automatic
dischargeSteps int (opt def. 0) Discharge steps number
rotSpeed double (opt def -1) Tool rotation speed
boringSpeed double (opt def -1) Slow down speed
kindOfHole string (opt def -1) Type of hole (tool:P=flat, L=lance, S=taper.
The default value is P)
taperHeight double (opt def 0) Taper height
securityQuote double (opt def Safety quota
holeTaperDiameter double (opt def 0) Hole diameter of taper or bliz (valid only
with taper or bliz).
CreateThroughDrill parameters

In the example below a through drill will is created with mandatory parameters X,Y,
diameter and overcut length.


CreateThroughDrill("Hole",10,20,8,14, "",TypeOfProcess.Drilling);

In the example below a through drill is created with mandatory parameters X,Y,
diameter and overcut length and optional parameter rotSpeed.


CreateThroughDrill(“Hole”,10,20,8,14, “”,TypeOfProcess.Drilling, “-1”, “-1”, 0 , 15000); Parametric through drilling

Defined with instruction CreateThroughDrill.

This instruction creates a parametric through drill in X,Y position, with specified
diameter and depth automatically calculated respect to plane.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

Name string Hole Name
x object Coordinate X of the hole
y object Coordinate Y of the hole
diameter object Hole diameter
overcutLength object Hole overcut length
description string Descrizione della lavorazione
typeOfProcess TypeOfProcess Type of process (specify
tool string (opt) Tool name ("-1" for automatic selection)

head string (opt) Work head number ("-1" for automatic
dischargeSteps int (opt def. 0) Discharge steps number
rotSpeed object (opt def -1) Tool rotation speed
boringSpeed object (opt def -1) Slow down speed
kindOfHole object (opt def -1) Type of hole (tool:P=flat, L=lance, S=taper.
The default value is P)
taperHeight object (opt def 0) Taper height
securityQuote object (opt def Safety quota
holeTaperDiameter object (opt def 0) Hole diameter of taper or bliz (valid only
with taper or bliz).
CreateThroughDrill parameters

In the example below a through drill will is created with mandatory parameters X,Y,
diameter and overcut length defined by parameters.


AddVariable(“X”, 100, 0,1);

AddVariable(“Y”, 100, 0,1);
AddVariable(“Diameter”, 8, 0,1);
AddVariable(“OvercutLength”, 14, 0,1);

CreateThroughDrill("Hole",10,20,8,14, "",TypeOfProcess.Drilling);

In the example below a through drill is created with mandatory parameters X,Y,
diameter and overcut length and optional parameter rotSpeed.


CreateThroughDrill(“Hole”,”X”,”Y”,”Diameter”,”OvercutLength”, "",TypeOfProcess.Drilling); Slanted drilling

Defined with instruction CreateSlantedDrill.

This instruction creates a slanted drill, a drill not defined on a plane, but defined with
X,Y,Z respect to absolute system reference and with a rotation around Z absolute
axis (Vector) and a rotation around X absolute axis (Tilting).

Name Type Description

name string Operation name
x double Coordinate X of the hole
y double Coordinate Y of the hole
z double Coordinate Z of the hole
angleA double Angle (in degrees) of the tool on the
horizontal plane, in relation to axis x
angleB double Angle (in degrees) of the tool on the
horizontal plane, in relation to axis Z
depth double Hole depth
diameter double Hole diameter

description string Operation description
typeOfProcess TypeOfProcess Type of process (specify
tool String (opt) Tool name ("-1" for automatic selection)
head String (opt) Work head number ("-1" for automatic
dischargeSteps int (opt def. 0) Discharge steps number
rotSpeed double (opt def -1) Tool rotation speed
boringSpeed double (opt def -1) Slow down speed
kindOfHole string (opt def -1) Type of hole (tool:P=flat, L=lance, S=taper.
The default value is P)
taperHeight double (opt def 0) Taper height
securityQuote double (opt 0) Safety quote
holeTaperDiameter object (opt def 0) Hole diameter of taper or bliz (valid only
with taper or bliz).
CreateSlantedDrill parameters

The example below creates a slanted drilling located in (10,20,18) with 60 degree
Vector and 45 degree Tilting.

CreateSlantedDrill("Hole",10,20,18,45,60, "",TypeOfProcess.Drilling); Routing

Defined with instruction CreateRoughFinish.

The instruction creates a 2D routing on active geometry associated with a plane.
Routing can be created only with milling tools, different tools are not allowed like saw
tools. The tool name is a mandatory parameter. Geometry could be whatever of 2D
geometry type, open or closed.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

Name string Name of machining
Depth double Depth of the operation.
description string Description of the operation (optional
typeOfProcess TypeOfProcess Type of operation, if not set a generic
operation will be created (optional
Tool String (opt) Tool, if null or -1, tool will be selected
automatically (optional parameter).
Head string (opt) Head to be used, if null or -1 head will be
selected automatically (optional parameter).
correction int (opt def 0) Tool correction. C = 0, Tool center
(default) C = 1, left correction C = 2,
right correction C = 3, in depth correction
C = 13, left correction + in depth
correction C = 23, right correction + in
depth correction
inputSpeed double (opt def -1) Entry speed into piece. (V in XGO Xilog), if
not set the value programmed in the tooling
will be used (optional parameter).

rotSpeed double (opt def -1) Rotation speed of tool (S in XG0 Xilog), if
not set the value programmed in the tooling
will be used (optional parameter).
Speed double (opt def -1) Milling speed, if not set the value
programmed in the tooling will be used
(optional parameter).
overMaterial double (opt def 0) Overmaterial, if not set 0 will be used
(optional parameter).
CreateRoughFinis parameters

The example below creates 2D routings width depth 10 and tool named “EndMill
D20” on the same geometry associated with the top plane. Created routings are on
center tool, left tool compensation and right tool compensation. With compensation is
possible to define an over material.


// Plane selection

// Geometry creation

// Operation creation in center tool

CreateRoughFinish("Routing1",10,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"EndMill

// Operation creation in left tool compensation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing2",10,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"EndMill

// Operation creation in right tool compensation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing3",10,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"EndMill

The example below creates 2D routings width depth 10 and tool named “EndMill
D20” on different geometries associated with the top plane. Each routing has is own
geometry. Created routings are on center tool, left tool compensation and right tool
compensation. With compensation is possible to define an over material.


// Plane selection

// Geometry creation

// Operation creation in center tool

CreateRoughFinish("Routing1",10,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"EndMill

// Geometry creation


// Operation creation in left tool compensation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing2",10,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"EndMill

// Geometry creation

// Operation creation in right tool compensation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing3",10,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"EndMill
D20","-1",2,-1,-1,3,0); Slanted routing

Defined with instruction CreateSlantedRoughFinish.

The instruction creates a 2D slanted routing on active geometry associated with a
plane that must be the top plane or a plane parallel to the top plane. Routing can be
created only with milling tools, different tools are not allowed like saw tools. The tool
name is a mandatory parameter. Geometry could be whatever of 2D geometry type,
open or closed.

The instruction creates a center tool slanted routing.

Name Type Description

name string Operation name
angleA double Angle (in degrees) of routing rotation
angleB double Angle (in degrees) between tool axis and
vertical plane
toolApproach int Tool approach to the geometry:
0 = tool parallel to axis X positive of the
absolute reference system;
1 = tool perpendicular to the programmed
trajectory (tool right side of path);
2 = tool perpendicular to the programmed
trajectory (tool left side of path);
3 = tool parallel to the tangent to the
programmed trajectory, in the path start
point (angle remains fixed during the
4 = tool parallel to the tangent to the
programmed trajectory, in the current point
(tool remains parallel to the path during
the operation);
depth double Operation depth
description string Operation description
typeOfProcess TypeOfProcess Type of process (specify TypeOfProcess.
tool String (opt) Tool name ("-1" for automatic selection)
head String (opt) Work head number ("-1" for automatic

inputSpeed double (opt def -1) Input speed
rotSpeed double (opt def -1) Tool rotation speed
speed double (opt def -1) Feed speed
overMaterial double (opt def 0) Overmaterial (the default value is 0)
CreateSlantedRoughFinish parameters

The example below creates 2D slanted routings width depth 20 and tool named
“EndMill D20” on the same geometry associated with the top plane. Created routings
have different tool approaches.


// Plane selection

// Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Segment1", 0, 0, 100, 0);

// Slanted routing creation with tool approach 0

CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting1", 60, 45, 0, 20, "Slanted Routing",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 0);

// Slanted routing creation with tool approach 1

CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting2", 60, 45, 1, 20, "Slanted Routing",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 0);

// Slanted routing creation with tool approach 2

CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting3", 60, 45, 2, 20, "Slanted Routing",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 0);

// Slanted routing creation with tool approach 3

CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting4", 60, 45, 3, 20, "Slanted Routing",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 0);

// Slanted routing creation with tool approach 4

CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting5", 60, 45, 4, 20, "Slanted Routing",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 0);

The example below creates 2D slanted routings width depth 20 and tool named
“EndMill D20” on different geometries associated with the top plane. Created
routings have different tool approaches.


// Plane selection

// Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Segment1", 0, 0, 100, 0);
// Slanted routing creation with tool approach 0
CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting1", 60, 45, 1, 20, "Slanted Routing",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 0);

// Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Segment2", 0, 50, 100, 50);
// Slanted routing creation with tool approach 1
CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting2", 60, 45, 2, 20, "Slanted Routing",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 0);

// Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Segment3", 0, 100, 100, 100);
// Slanted routing creation with tool approach 2
CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting3", 60, 45, 3, 20, "Slanted Routing",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 0);

// Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Segment4", 0, 100, 100, 100);
// Slanted routing creation with tool approach 3
CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting4", 60, 45, 4, 20, "Slanted Routing",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 0);

// Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Segment5", 0, 100, 100, 100);
// Slanted routing creation with tool approach 4
CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting5", 60, 45, 5, 20, "Slanted Routing",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 0);

The example below creates 2D slanted routings width depth 20 and tool named
“EndMill D20” on the same geometry associated with a plane parallel to the top
plane. Created routings have different tool approaches.


// Top plane selection

// Creation of a plane parallel to top plane
CreateWorkplane(“Parallel plane”, 20);

// Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Segment1", 0, 0, 100, 0);
// Slanted routing creation with tool approach 0
CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting1", 60, 45, 0, 20, "Slanted Routing",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 0);

// Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Segment2", 0, 50, 100, 50);
// Slanted routing creation with tool approach 1
CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting2", 60, 45, 1, 20, "Slanted Routing",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 0);

// Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Segment3", 0, 100, 100, 100);
// Slanted routing creation with tool approach 2
CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting3", 60, 45, 2, 20, "Slanted Routing",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 0);

// Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Segment4", 0, 100, 100, 100);
// Slanted routing creation with tool approach 3
CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting4", 60, 45, 3, 20, "Slanted Routing",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 0);

// Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Segment5", 0, 100, 100, 100);
// Slanted routing creation with tool approach 4
CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting5", 60, 45, 4, 20, "Slanted Routing",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 0);

The instruction creates a slanted routing with tool compensation. The Z axis rotation
angle must be equal to 0 (angleA).

Name Type Description

name string Operation name
angleA double Angle (in degrees) of routing rotation
angleB double Angle (in degrees) between tool axis and
vertical plane
toolApproach int Tool approach to the geometry:
0 = tool parallel to axis X positive of the
absolute reference system;
1 = tool perpendicular to the programmed
trajectory (tool right side of path);
2 = tool perpendicular to the programmed
trajectory (tool left side of path);
3 = tool parallel to the tangent to the
programmed trajectory, in the path start
point (angle remains fixed during the
4 = tool parallel to the tangent to the
programmed trajectory, in the current point
(tool remains parallel to the path during
the operation);
depth double Operation depth
description string Operation description
typeOfProcess TypeOfProcess Type of process (specify TypeOfProcess.
tool String (opt) Tool name ("-1" for automatic selection)
head String (opt) Work head number ("-1" for automatic
correction double (opt def 0) Tool correction. C = 0, Tool center
(default) C = 1, left correction C = 2,
right correction C = 3, in depth correction
C = 13, left correction + in depth
correction C = 23, right correction + in
depth correction
inputSpeed double (opt def -1) Input speed
rotSpeed double (opt def -1) Tool rotation speed
speed double (opt def -1) Feed speed
overMaterial double (opt def 0) Overmaterial (the default value is 0)

CreateSlantedRoughFinish parameters

The example below creates 2D slanted routings width depth 20 and tool named
“EndMill D20” on the same geometry associated with the top plane. Created routings
have different tool compensations.


// Plane selection

// Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Segmento", 0, 0, 100, 0);

// Slanted routing creation in center tool
CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting1", 60, 45, 0, 20, "Slanted Routing",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", 0, -1, -1, -1, 0);

// Slanted routing creation in left compensation

CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting2", 60, 45, 1, 20, "Slanted Routing",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", 1, -1, -1, -1, 0);

// Slanted routing creation in right compensation

CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting3", 60, 45, 2, 20, "SlantedRouting",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", 2, -1, -1, -1, 0); Parametric slanted routing

Defined with instruction CreateSlantedRoughFinish.

The instruction creates a parametric slanted routing on active geometry associated
with a plane that must be the top plane or a plane parallel to the top plane. Routing
can be created only with milling tools, different tools are not allowed like saw tools.
The tool name is a mandatory parameter. Allowed parameters are angles and depth.
Geometry could be whatever of 2D geometry type, open or closed.

Name Type Description

name string Operation name
angleA object Angle (in degrees) of routing rotation
angleB object Angle (in degrees) between tool axis and
vertical plane
toolApproach int Tool approach to the geometry:
0 = tool parallel to axis X positive of the
absolute reference system;
1 = tool perpendicular to the programmed
trajectory (tool right side of path);
2 = tool perpendicular to the programmed
trajectory (tool left side of path);
3 = tool parallel to the tangent to the
programmed trajectory, in the path start
point (angle remains fixed during the
4 = tool parallel to the tangent to the
programmed trajectory, in the current point
(tool remains parallel to the path during
the operation);
depth object Operation depth
description string Operation description
typeOfProcess TypeOfProcess Type of process (specify TypeOfProcess.
tool String (opt) Tool name ("-1" for automatic selection)
head String (opt) Work head number ("-1" for automatic
correction int (opt def 0) Tool correction. C = 0, Tool center
(default) C = 1, left correction C = 2,
right correction C = 3, in depth correction

C = 13, left correction + in depth
correction C = 23, right correction + in
depth correction
inputSpeed object (opt def Input speed
rotSpeed object (opt def Tool rotation speed
speed object (opt def Feed speed
overMaterial object (opt def Overmaterial
isCnc bool (opt def true if Cnc compensation, false if Cad
false) compensation(optional parameter).
CreateSlantedRoughFinish parameters

The example below creates 2D slanted routings width depth 20 and tool named
“EndMill D20” on the same geometry associated with the top plane. Created routings
have angles and depth parametrized.

// WorkPiece creation

// Parameter definition
AddVariable("A", 100, 0,0);
AddVariable("B", 100, 0,0);
AddVariable("Depth", 20, 0,1);

// Plane selection

// Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Segment", 0, 0, 100, 0);

// Slanted routing creation with angles and depth parametrized

CreateSlantedRoughFinish("SlantedRouting", "A", "B", 1, "Depth", "Slanted routing",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, false); Chamfer

Defined with instruction CreateChamfer.

The instruction creates a chamfer on the top plane of workpiece. Chamfer is applied
to a geometry that must be defined on the top plane. Geometry could be whatever of
2D geometry type, open or closed.

Name Type Description

name string Operation name
chamferWidth double Chamfer width
chamferHeight double Chamfer height
overcutLength double Overcut length
toolPosition int Tool position in relation to the geometry:
0 = tool on left of geometry on the top
plane ;

1 = tool on left of geometry on the bottom
plane ;
2 = tool on right of geometry on the top
plane ;
3 = tool on right of geometry on the bottom
plane ;
description string Operation description
typeOfProcess TypeOfProcess Type of process (specify TypeOfProcess.
tool String (opt) Tool name ("-1" for automatic selection)
head String (opt) Work head number ("-1" for automatic
inputSpeed double (opt def -1) Input speed
rotSpeed double (opt def -1) Tool rotation speed
speed double (opt def -1) Feed speed
overMaterial double (opt def 0) Overmaterial (the default value is 0)
CreateChamfer parameters

The example below creates a chamfer with height and width 10 and a tool named
“EndMill D20” on a geometry associated with the top plane.

CreateSegment("Segment", 0, 0, 0, 800);
CreateChamfer("Chamfer", 10, 10, 0, 0, "Chamfer", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa
D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 0);

77 Slot

Defined with instruction CreateSlot.

The instruction creates a slot, a machining with tool of type mill or saw, on a linear
geometry. Geometry could be defined in whatever plane. Machining could be defined
with tool compensation, a different start and end depth, and could be inclined with
respect to Z axis reference. Inclination is allowed only on standard planes and
planes parallel to standard planes. Slot made by saw tool can be only horizontal or

Name Type Description

name string Operation name
depth double Slot depth
description string Operation description
typeOfProcess TypeOfProcess Type of process (specify TypeOfProcess.
tool String (opt) Tool name ("-1" for automatic selection)
head String (opt) Work head number ("-1" for automatic
correction int (opt def 0) Tool correction (0=central, 1=left, 2=right.
The default value is 0)
inputSpeed double (opt def -1) Input speed
rotSpeed double (opt def -1) Tool rotation speed
speed double (opt def -1) Feed speed
overMaterial double (opt def 0) Overmaterial (the default value is 0)
angle double (opt def 90) Operation angle in relation to the
endDepth double (opt null) End depth
width double (opt null) Width of operation, if not set the value
programmed in the tooling will be used
(optional parameter).
CreateSlot parameters

The example below creates slots with tool named “Fresa D20” depth 10 on geometry
defined on top plane with different tool compensation values


// Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Segment", 0, 0, 100, 0);

// Slot creation in center tool

CreateSlot("Slot1",10,"Slot", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting ,"Fresa
D20","-1",0,-1,-1,-1,0,90, null, null);

// Slot creation in left compensation

CreateSlot("Slot2",10,"Slot", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting ,"Fresa
D20","-1",1,-1,-1,-1,0,90, null, null);

// Slot creation in right compensation

CreateSlot("Slot3",10,"Slot", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting ,"Fresa
D20","-1",2,-1,-1,-1,0,90, null, null);

The example below creates slot with tool named “Fresa D20” start depth 10 and end
depth 20 on geometry defined on top plane in center tool


// Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Segment", 0, 0, 100, 0);

// Slot creation in center tool

CreateSlot("Slot",10,"Slot", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting ,"Fresa
D20","-1",0,-1,-1,-1,0,90, 20, null); Saw cut

Defined with instruction CreateBladeCut.

The instruction creates a saw cut, a through machining made by a saw cut tool on a
linear geometry. Geometry must be defined only on the top plane.
Machining could be inclined, it is possible to define tool compensation, cut reference
and material position. Material position defines workpiece uncutted material. A plane
is automatically generated with reference to material position. Cut reference defines
cut position along Z absolute axis.

Name Type Description

name string Operation name
description string Operation description
typeOfProcess TypeOfProcess Type of process (specify TypeOfProcess.
tool String (opt) Tool name ("-1" for automatic selection)
head String (opt) Work head number ("-1" for automatic
angle double (opt def 90) Inclination angle respect to Z abolute axis
correction int (opt def 0) Tool correction (0=central, 1=left, 2=right,
3=depth , 13=left/ depth , 23=right/depth.
The default value is 0)
inputSpeed double (opt def -1) Input speed
rotSpeed double (opt def -1) Tool rotation speed
speed double (opt def -1) Feed speed
overMaterial double (opt def 0) Overmaterial (the default value is 0)

cutPositionUpper bool (opt def true) Blade cut reference position (true = upper
position reference)
materialPositionLeft bool (opt def true) Workpiece position for subsequent operation
(true = workpiece on the left of the cut)
referenceOffset double (opt def 0) Distance from the blade cut reference
extraDepth double (opt def 0) Extra cut depth
CreateBladeCut parameters

The example below creates saw cuts with saw tool named “Lama D300” with
different parameter combinations


//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Segment", 0, 0, 100, 0);

//Saw Cut machining in center tool orthogonal to top plane,

//top plane cut reference, left material
CreateBladeCut("SawCut1", "Saw Cut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Lama D300", "-1",
90, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, true, true, 0, 0);

//Saw Cut machining in left tool compensation orthogonal to top plane,

//top plane cut reference, left material
CreateBladeCut("SawCut2", "Saw Cut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Lama D300", "-1",
90, 1, -1, -1, -1, 0, true, true, 0, 0);

//Saw Cut machining in right tool compensation orthogonal to top plane,

//top plane cut reference, left material
CreateBladeCut("SawCut3", "Saw Cut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Lama D300", "-1",
90, 2, -1, -1, -1, 0, true, true, 0, 0);

//Saw Cut machining in center tool inclination 45 degree, top plane cut reference,
//left material
CreateBladeCut("SawCut4", "Saw Cut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Lama D300", "-1",
45, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, true, true, 0, 0);

//Saw Cut machining in left tool compensation inclination 45 degree, top plane cut
//reference, left material
CreateBladeCut("SawCut5", "Saw Cut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Lama D300", "-1",
45, 1, -1, -1, -1, 0, true, true, 0, 0);

//Saw Cut machining in right tool compensation inclination 45 degree,top plane cut
//reference, left material
CreateBladeCut("SawCut6", "Saw Cut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Lama D300", "-1",
45, 2, -1, -1, -1, 0, true, true, 0, 0); Contour

Defined with instruction CreateContour.

The instruction creates a contour, a machining with mill tool working on a side.
Machining could be applied to a workpiece, in this case reference geometry is
created from the workpiece profile on too plane, or can be applied to a geometry
where it is possible to specify internal or external side to machine.

Name Type Description
name string Operation name
depth double Operation depth
typeOfContour int Type of contour (0 = workpiece, 1 = selected
sideOfContour int Contour side (0 = internal, 1 = external)
description string Operation description
typeOfProcess TypeOfProcess Type of process (specify TypeOfProcess.
tool String (opt) Tool name ("-1" for automatic selection)
head String (opt) Work head number ("-1" for automatic
correction int (opt def 0) Tool correction (0=central, 1=left, 2=right.
The default value is 0)
inputSpeed double (opt def -1) Input speed
rotSpeed double (opt def -1) Tool rotation speed
speed double (opt def -1) Feed speed
overMaterial double (opt def 0) Overmaterial (the default value is 0)
CreateContour parameters

The example below creates a contour on workpiece with a mill tool named “Fresa

//Workpiece contour
CreateContour("Contour", 18, 0, 1, "Workpiece contour", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,
"Fresa D20", "-1", 0, -1, -1, -1, 0);

The example below creates an external contour on the geometry used to create the
workpiece extrusion with a mill tool named “Fresa D20”

CreatePolyline("WorkPiece profile",0,0);
//Contour on geometry
CreateContour("Contour", 18, 1, 1, "Contour on geometry",
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20", "-1", 0, -1, -1, -1, 0); Pocket

Defined with instruction CreateContourPocket.

The instruction creates a pocket, a machining that removes all material inside a
closed geometry. Machining can be defined only with mill tools. By default, pocket
strategy is contour parallel. It is possible to specify bosses, closed geometry inside
the outer geometry indicating part of material to not machine.

Name Type Description
name string Operation name
depth double Operation depth
description string Operation description
typeOfProcess TypeOfProcess Type of process (specify TypeOfProcess.
tool String (opt) Tool name ("-1" for automatic selection)
head String (opt) Work head number ("-1" for automatic
inputSpeed double (opt def -1) Input speed
rotSpeed double (opt def -1) Tool rotation speed
speed double (opt def -1) Feed speed
overlap double (opt def 50) Overlap percentage
finalPass bool (opt false) Final pass application
bossNames string[] Name of the geometries that define the
CreateContourPocket parameters

The example below creates a closed pocket on a circle with mill tool named “Fresa

CreateCircleCenterRadius ("Cerchio", 25, 25, 10, false);
CreateContourPocket("Svuotatura", 10, "Svuotatura cerchio",
TypeOfProcess.ConcentricalPocket, "Fresa D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 50, false);

The example below creates a closed pocket on a circle containing a boss with mill
tool named “Fresa D20”

CreateCircleCenterRadius ("Isola", 40, 40, 15, false);
CreateCircleCenterRadius ("Cerchio esterno", 40, 40, 30, false);
CreateContourPocket("Svuotatura", 10, "Svuotatura cerchio",
TypeOfProcess.ConcentricalPocket, "Fresa D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 50, false,
"Isola"); Toekick pocket

Defined with instruction CreateToeKickPocket.

The instruction creates a Toekick pocket, a machining that completely removes a
workpiece corner or a workpiece open side. Machining can be applied only to closed
geometries defined on workpiece top plane. Machining can be defined only with mill
tools. By default, pocket strategy is Toekick.

Name Type Description

Name string Operation name
description string Operation description
typeOfProcess TypeOfProcess Type of process (specify TypeOfProcess.
tool String (opt) Tool name ("-1" for automatic selection)
head String (opt) Work head number ("-1" for automatic

OvercutLength double (opt def 0) Overcut length.
inputSpeed double (opt def -1) Input speed
rotSpeed double (opt def -1) Tool rotation speed
speed double (opt def -1) Feed speed
Parametri CreateToeKickPocket

The example below creates a toekcik pocket on a rectangle on a workpiece corner

with a tool named “Fresa D20”

//Plane selection

CreatePolyline("Geometry", 0,0);

CreateToeKickPocket("ToekickNoStrategy", "", TypeOfProcess.ToekickPocket, "Fresa D20",

"-1"); Dowel

Defined with the instruction CreateDowelOperation.

The instruction creates a doweling, a machining that allows inserting a dowel in a
hole in the workpiece. No tool is necessary.
Doweling can be used by herself if hole is already done, or in combination with dowel
drilling operation.

Name Type Description

Name string Name of doweling
x double Coordinate X of the dowel
y double Coordinate Y of the dowel
dowelOuterLength double Dowel length out of workpiece
description string Description of the operation (optional
retractDistance double (opt def. 0) Retract distance from dowel outer tip, if
not set 0 will be used (optional parameter).
dowelReleaseSpeed double (opt def -1) Speed on dowel releasing, if not set rapid
speed will be used (optional parameter).
glueThickness double (opt def Glue Layer Thickness.
dowelDiameter double (opt null) Diameter of the dowel.
dowelLength double (opt null) Length of the dowel.
approachDistance double (opt null) Approach distance from work plane.
head string (opt) Head to be used, if null or -1 head will be
selected automatically (optional parameter).
dowelInsertionDista double (opt null) Distance of dowel insertion, if not set
nce default value will be used (optional

isDowelAlreadyInser bool (opt false) true if the dowel is already inserted,

ted otherwise false.

dowelReleaseDistanc double (opt 0) Distance on dowel realesing added to
e standard release distance (optional

CreateDowelOperation parameters

The example below creates a dowel with outer length 15.

CreateDowelOperation("Dowel", 100, 100, 15, "Dowel", 0, -1,0, 8, 30); Parametric dowel

Defined with the instruction CreateDowelOperation.

The instruction creates a parametric doweling, a machining that allows inserting a
dowel in a hole in the workpiece where X and Y coordinates are parametrized. No
tool is necessary.
Doweling can be used by herself if hole is already done, or in combination with dowel
drilling operation.

Name Type Description

Name string Name of doweling
x double Coordinate X of the dowel
y double Coordinate Y of the dowel
dowelOuterLength double Dowel length out of workpiece
description string Description of the operation (optional
retractDistance double (opt def. 0) Retract distance from dowel outer tip, if
not set 0 will be used (optional parameter).
dowelReleaseSpeed double (opt def -1) Speed on dowel releasing, if not set rapid
speed will be used (optional parameter).
glueThickness double (opt def Glue Layer Thickness.
dowelDiameter double (opt null) Diameter of the dowel.
dowelLength double (opt null) Length of the dowel.
approachDistance double (opt null) Approach distance from work plane.
head string (opt) Head to be used, if null or -1 head will be
selected automatically (optional parameter).
dowelInsertionDista double (opt null) Distance of dowel insertion, if not set
nce default value will be used (optional

CreateDowelOperation parameters

The example below creates a parametric dowel with outer length 15.


AddVariable("X", 100, 0,0);

AddVariable("Y", 100, 0,0);


//Dowel with X and Y parametrized
CreateDowelOperation("Dowel", "X", "Y", 15, "Dowel", 0, -1,0, 8, 30); Dowel drilling

Defined with the instruction CreateDowelDrillingOperation.

The instruction creates the hole to insert dowel and must be used in association with
the instruction to insert dowel.

Name Tipo Descrizione

Name string Name of the doweling
x double Coordinate X of the dowel.
y double Coordinate Y of the dowel.
dowelOuterLength double Dowel length out of workpiece.
description string Description of the operation (optional
tool string (opt) Tool, if null or -1, tool will be selected
automatically (optional parameter).
head string (opt) Head to be used, if null or -1 head will be
selected automatically (optional parameter).
dischargeSteps int (opt def. 0) Number of chip discharge steps.
rotSpeed double (opt def -1) Rotation speed of tool (S in Xilog), if not
set the value programmed in the tooling will
be used (optional parameter).
boringSpeed double (opt def -1) Boring speed.
securityQuote double (opt null) Security quote.
glueThickness double (opt 0.5) Glue Layer Thickness.
dowelDiameter double (opt def Diameter of the dowel.
dowelLength double (opt def Length of the dowel.
CreateDowelDrillingOperation parameters

Drilling and doweling define a complex process, where there will be created an
association between doweling that is master machining and drilling that is dependent
In this way, after process building, modifying dowel operation, drilling will be modified
as a consequence
A complex process is defined by an initialization process instruction
InitializeComplexProcess and a create process instruction
The example below creates a doweling process, made by drilling and doweling.

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("WorkPiece",1600, 1200, 18);

//Complex process initialization
//Dowel drilling creation
CreateDowelDrillingOperation("Dowel drilling", 100, 100, 15, "Dowel drilling");
//Dowel operation
CreateDowelOperation("Dowel", 100, 100, 15, "Dowel", 0, -1,0, 8, 30);
//Create complex process

85 3D Routing

Defined with instruction Create3DRoughFinish.

The instruction creates a 3D routing made by a sequence of linear elements
identifying linear movement and orientation of the tool along each of them. Each
linear element is defined by an absolute position X,Y,Z and by rotation with respect
to the Z axis and to the X axis of the absolute reference system. Machining has not
associated a geometry.

This kind of instruction defines an explicit toolpath, the toolpath will not be generated
by the toolpath generator and will be executed exactly as is defined.

The instruction creates the 3D machining lavorazione 3D

Nome Tipo Descrizione

Name string Name of machining
description string Description of the operation
typeOfProcess TypeOfProcess Type of operation, if not set a generic
operation will be created (use
TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting) (optional
Tool String (opt) Tool, if null or -1, tool will be selected
automatically (optional parameter).
Head string (opt) Head to be used, if null or -1 head will be
selected automatically (optional parameter).
inputSpeed double (opt def -1) Entry speed into piece. (V in XGO Xilog), if
not set the value programmed in the tooling
will be used (optional parameter).
rotSpeed double (opt def -1) Rotation speed of tool (S in XG0 Xilog), if
not set the value programmed in the tooling
will be used (optional parameter).
speed double (opt def -1) Milling speed, if not set the value
programmed in the tooling will be used
(optional parameter).
inputZRotation Double (opt null) Angle of rotation around the Z-axis
(optional parameter).
inputXRotation double (opt null) Angle of rotation around the X-axis
(optional parameter).

Create3DRoughFinish parameters

the instruction CreateToolpath3D creates the toolpath start point

Nome Tipo Descrizione

name string Name of the toolpath.
startX double X coordinate of the first point of the
startY double Y coordinate of the first point of the

startZ double Z coordinate of the first point of the

CreateToolpath3D parameters

and the instruction AddSegmentToToolpath creates the toolpath element

Nome Tipo Descrizione

endX double X coordinate of the last point of the
endY double Y coordinate of the last point of the
endZ double Z coordinate of the last point of the
ZRotation double (opt null) Rotation around Z applied to the current
XRotation double (opt null) Rotation around X applied to the current

Parametri AddSegmentToToolpath

The example below creates a 3D routing with a tool named “Fresa D20” with linear
elements with rotation change in each element

CreateFinishedWorkpieceBox("WorkPiece", 1600, 1200, 18);

//3D Routing
Create3DRoughFinish("3D Routing", "3D Routing", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Fresa D20",
"-1", -1, -1, -1, 90, 45);
//Creating first toolpath point
CreateToolpath3D("PercorsoUtensile3D", 90, 45, 20);
//Create toolpath elements
AddSegmentToToolpath(1600, 0, 18, 180, 45);
AddSegmentToToolpath(1600, 1200, 0, 270, 45);
AddSegmentToToolpath(0, 1200, 18, 0, 45);
AddSegmentToToolpath(0, 0, 20, 90, 45); Pattern Pattern creation

Defined with instruction CreatePattern.

The instruction creates a rectangular pattern to the associated machining.
Applicable to drilling and doweling. The instruction is active until it will be reset.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

NumberOfRows int Number of rows.
NumberOfColumns int Number of columns.
RowDistance double Distance between rows.
ColumnDistance double Distance between columns.
RotationAngle Double Rotation 1
RowLayoutAngle double Rotation 2 (required for oblique patterns).

CreatePattern parameters

The example below creates a rectangular pattern of holes with 3 rows, 2 columns,
rows distance 32, column distance 32


CreateDrill("Drill",10,20,15,8, "",TypeOfProcess.Drilling, "-1", "-1", 0 , 15000);

The example below creates a rectangular pattern of dowels with 3 rows, 2 columns,
rows distance 32, column distance 32


CreateDowelOperation("Dowel", 100, 100, 15, "Dowel", 0, -1,0, 8, 30); Pattern reset

Defined with instruction ResetPattern.

The instruction reset the pattern, following machinings will be created single.

The example below creates a rectangular repetition drill followed by a single drill


CreateDrill("Drill1",10,20,15,8, "",TypeOfProcess.Drilling, "-1", "-1", 0 , 15000);
CreateDrill("Drill2",10,20,15,8, "",TypeOfProcess.Drilling, "-1", "-1", 0 , 15000); Trimming

Defined with instruction CreateTrimming.

The instruction creates a Trimming on active geometry

Name Type Description

name string Name of the operation
description string Description of the operation

trimmingType int Type of Trimming :

0 Single Feature
1 Joined to EdgeBanding
tool String (opt) Tool name ("-1" for automatic selection)
head String (opt) Work head number ("-1" for automatic
approachAngle int (opt def. 0) Approach tool inclination Angle to the
normal to the path (degrees)

infeedAdvance double (opt def 0) Shifting of the start point of the
trajectory: negative value reduce of that
value the first segment of profile, positive
value (only per closed profile) extend of
that value the first segment of profile
outfeedDelay double (opt def 0) Shifting of the end point of the trajectory:
negative value reduce of that value the last
segment of profile, positive value (only per
closed profile) extend of that value the
last segment of profile
inputSpeed double (opt def -1) Input speed
rotSpeed double (opt def -1) Tool rotation speed
speed double (opt def -1) Feed speed
overMaterial double (opt def 0) Overmaterial
retractAngle double (opt def 0) Retract tool inclination Angle to the normal
to the path (degrees)
CreateTrimming parameters

The example below creates a trimming operation on active geometry.


//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Segment", 0, 0, 100, 0);

//Creation of trimming independent to edge banging

CreateTrimming("Trimming", "Trimming", 0, "Refilatore", "-1", 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0,

3.8.2 Lead in and lead out Lead in

Defined with instruction SetApproachStrategy.

The instruction applies a lead in to a maching, it specifies the way the tool approach
to the first working point. Instruction is modal, it is active until it is reset.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

isLinear bool If true approach is linear, otherwise is
an arc of circle.
false = approccio ad arco di cerchio.
isQuote bool If true approach is in quote from the
start point, otherwise is in descent
starting from the security Z.
Distance double Distance of the approach segment/arc.
Speed double (opt def null) Speed to be used for the approach
Parametri SetApproachStrategy parameters

The example below creates a machining with different kind of lead in


// Plane selection

// Geometry creation

//Linead down lead in

SetApprochStrategy(true, true, 1.2, );

CreateRoughFinish("Routing1",10,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Linear quote lead in

SetApprochStrategy(true, false, 1.2);

CreateRoughFinish("Routing2",10,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Arc down lead in

SetApprochStrategy(false, false, 1.2);

CreateRoughFinish("Routing3",10,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Arc quote lead in

SetApprochStrategy(false, true, 1.2);

CreateRoughFinish("Routing4",10,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The instruction ResetApproachStrategy resets the active lead in. Lead out

Defined with instruction SetRetractStrategy.

The instruction applies a lead out to a maching, it specifies the way the tool retract
from the last working point. Instruction is modal, it is active until it is reset.

Name Type Description

isLinear bool Type of retraction:
true = linear retraction;
false = circle arc retraction.
isQuote bool Type of retraction start:
true = in quota, from the start point;
false = in upstroke, from security height
along Z.

distance double Radius multiplier for segment/retraction
arc segment (distance = tool radius
overlapLength double Profile overlap length
speed double (opt) Segment/ retraction arc speed
SetRetractStrategy parameters

The example below creates a machining with different kind of lead out


// Plane selection

// Creazione geometria

//Allontanamento lineare in discesa

SetApprochStrategy(true, true, 1.2, );

CreateRoughFinish("Fresatura1",10,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Allontanamento lineare in quota

SetApprochStrategy(true, false, 1.2);

CreateRoughFinish("Fresatura2",10,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Allontanamento ad arco in discesa

SetApprochStrategy(false, false, 1.2);

CreateRoughFinish("Fresatura3",10,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Allontanamento ad arco in quota

SetApprochStrategy(false, true, 1.2);

CreateRoughFinish("Fresatura4",10,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The instruction ResetRetractStrategy resets the active lead out.

3.8.3 Strategies

Machining strategy defines the way a machining is executed to reach the machining depth
and are applied only to the first following machining.

91 Drilling strategies

Strategies applicable to drilling machinings. Single step drilling strategy

Defined with instruction CreateSingleStepDrillingStrategy.

The instruction applies to drilling a single step strategy, in one pass depth is reached. Multi step drilling strategy

Defined with instruction CreateMultiStepDrillingStrategy.

The instruction applies to drilling a multi step strategy. Depth will be reached in N
steps. It is possible to specify the number of steps or the steps depth.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

isStepDepth bool If true step depth parameter is used, else
false number of steps parameter is used.
stepNumber int (opt def 1) Number of steps.
stepDepth double (opt def 0.0) Depth of each step.

isSafetyQuoteReturn bool (opt def false) true if each step return is at safety
quote, false if each step return is inside
CreateMultiStepDrillingStrategy parameters

The example below creates a drilling executed in 3 steps with return inside piece


CreateMultiStepDrillingStrategy(true, 0, 3);
CreateDrill("Drilling1",10,20,20,8, "",TypeOfProcess.Drilling, "-1", "-1", 0 , 15000);

The example below creates a drilling executed with step depth 4 with return inside


CreateMultiStepDrillingStrategy(false, 4, 0);
CreateDrill("Drill2",10,20,20,8, "",TypeOfProcess.Drilling, "-1", "-1", 0 , 15000);

The example below creates a drilling executed in 3 steps with return at safety quote


CreateMultiStepDrillingStrategy(true, 0, 3, true);
CreateDrill("Drilling1",10,20,20,8, "",TypeOfProcess.Drilling, "-1", "-1", 0 , 15000);

The example below creates a drilling executed with step depth 4 with return at safety


CreateMultiStepDrillingStrategy(false, 4, 0, true);
CreateDrill("Drill2",10,20,20,8, "",TypeOfProcess.Drilling, "-1", "-1", 0 , 15000); Milling strategies

Strategies applicable to drilling machinings. Unidirectional strategy

Defined with instruction CreateUnidirectionalMillingStrategy.

The instruction applies a strategy to the machining where the final depth is reached
with passes in the same direction, stroke connection at safety quote or inside the
workpiece at the end of each pass. In case of lead in or lead out is possible to apply
it at each pass.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

allowMultiplePasses bool If true, this is the standard roughing
operation with multiple passes, i. e.
several layers of material are removed
sequentially, taking into account the
maximum cutting depth. If false, this is
the special roughing operation for
pre-cast features with one pass
cuttingDepth double Pass depth in the direction axial to the
finishCuttingDepth double Final pass depth in the direction axial to
the tool. If programmed is the pass that
allows to reach the final depth
strokeConnectionType int (opt def 1) Tool behavior when it moves between two
passes. 0 = Tool remains into the
workpiece and moves at the start point of
the next pass (straghtline) 1 = Tool exits
from the workpiece, moves in rapid and
moves at the start point of the next pass

isApproachRetractPas bool If true for each depth step an

sStrategy approach/retract will be applied, if false
the only approach/retract applied is at
starting and ending of machining.
CreateUnidirectionalMillingStrategy parameters

The example below creates a routing with step depth 3, final depth 5, stroke
connection at safety quote, lead in lead out only on first pass.


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometry",0,0, 100, 0);

//Strategy creation
CreateUnidirectionalMillingStrategy(true, 3, 5, 1, false);
CreateRoughFinish("Routing1",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The example below creates a routing with step depth 3, final depth 5, stroke
connection at safety quote, lead in and lead out arc type at quote on each pass.


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometry",0,0, 100, 0);

//Lead in
//Strategy creation
CreateUnidirectionalMillingStrategy(true, 3, 5, 1, true);
CreateRoughFinish("Routing1",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa
D20","-1",0,-1,-1,3,0); Bidirectional strategy

Defined with instruction CreateBidirectionalMillingStrategy.

The instruction applies a strategy to the machining where the final depth is reached
with passes in the same direction, stroke connection at safety quote or inside the
workpiece at the end of each pass. In case of lead in or lead out is possible to apply
it at each pass.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

allowMultiplePasses bool If true, this is the standard roughing
operation with multiple passes, i. e.
several layers of material are removed
sequentially, taking into account the
maximum cutting depth. If false, this is
the special roughing operation for
pre-cast features with one pass
cuttingDepth double Pass depth in the direction axial to the
finishCuttingDepth double Final pass depth in the direction axial to
the tool. If programmed is the pass that
allows to reach the final depth

CreateBidirectionalMillingStrategy parameters

The example below creates a routing with step depth 3, final depth 5.


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometry",0,0, 100, 0);

//Strategy creation
CreateBidirectionalMillingStrategy(true, 3, 5, 1, false);
CreateRoughFinish("Routing1",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa
D20","-1",0,-1,-1,3,0); Helicoidal strategy

Defined with instruction CreateHelicMillingStrategy.

The instruction applies a strategy to the machining where the final depth is reached
with a helicoidal toolpath.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

cuttingDepth double Pass depth in the direction axial to the
allowsFinishCutting bool True to execute the final pass, false
finishCuttingDepth double Final pass depth in the direction axial to
the tool. If programmed is the pass that
allows to reach the final depth
CreateHelicMillingStrategy parameters

The example below creates a routing with step depth 3, final depth 5.


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometry",0,0, 100, 0);

CreateHelicMillingStrategy(3, 5, true);
CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa
D20","-1",0,-1,-1,3,0); Zig zag strategy

Defined with instruction CreateZigZagMillingStrategy.

The instruction applies a strategy to the machining where the final depth is reached
with a zig zag toolpath.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

feedCuttingDepth double Depth of feed pass.

returnCuttingDepth double Depth of return pass.

finishCuttingDepth double Final pass depth in the direction axial to

the tool. If programmed is the pass that
allows to reach the final depth

CreateZigZagMillingStrategy parameters

The example below creates a routing with feed depth 3, return depth 4 and final
depth 5.


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometry",0,0, 100, 0);

CreateZigZagMillingStrategy(3, 4, 5);
CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa
D20","-1",0,-1,-1,3,0); Saw strategies Sectioning strategy

Defined by the instruction CreateSectioningMillingStrategy.

The instruction applies to a saw cut machining a sectioning strategy, with a first cut
to the specified depth along the cutting direction and a return pass at final depth.
Strategy lets to keep the saw tool inside the workpiece between first cut and final cut,
or to modify this position.

Name Type Description

firstCutDepth double First cut depth
outDistance double Out distance from
sideMovingDistance double (opt def 0) Movement at right angles to the programmed
linear trajectory, based on the current

tool correction (positive value for
outside movement and negative for inside).
reateSectioningMillingStrategy parameters

The example below applies to a saw cut machining a sectioning strategy with first cut
depth 3 and out distance 10.


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometry",0,0, 100, 0);

CreateSectioningMillingStrategy(3, 10, 0);
//Saw cut machining
CreateBladeCut("SawCut", "Saw cut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting, "Lama D300", "-1",
90, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, true, true, 0, 0); Pocket strategies Contour parallel pocket strategy

Defined with the instruction CreateContourParallelStrategy.

The instruction applies to a closed pocket a contour parallel strategy, where tool
passes follow the geometry profile. Strategy defines the way to execute pocketing,
direction, rotation and applies if enabled multi pass along tool axis.

Name Type Description

insideToOutSide int (opt def true) Operation direction:
true = operation performed from inside to
false = operation performed from outside
to inside;
rotationDirection int (opt def 1) Operation rotation direction:
0 = clockwise;
1 = counterclockwise.
allowMultiplePasses bool (opt def false) Multiple pass roughing:
true = standard roughing with multiple
passages (different layers of material are
removed in sequence, complying with the
maximum cutting depth);
false = special roughing with a single
pass (for prefabricated)
cuttingDepth double (opt def 0) Passage depth in the tool axial direction.
finishCuttingDepth double (opt def 0) Final passage depth in the tool axial
direction (if used corresponds to the

final pass, used to reach the final
programmed depth).
strokeConnectionType int (opt def 1) Tool movement between two passages:
0 = tool remains inside the workpiece and
moves to the start point of the next pass;
1 = tool exits the workpiece and moves
quickly to the start point of the next
isHelicStrategy bool (opt def false) Enables the helic strategy

isApproachRetractPas bool (opt false) If true for each depth step an

sStrategy approach/retract will be applied, if false
the only approach/retract applied is at
starting and ending of machining.

allowanceSide double (opt def 0) Layer of material which will be left on

side of profile, positive value to leave
material inside profile, negative value to
create pass outside profile.

CreateContourParallelStrategy parameters

The example below applies a contour parallel strategy to a closed pocket with multi
passes enabled, passes depth 5 and final pass 2

//Geometry creation
CreateCircleCenterRadius ("Circle", 25, 25, 200, false);
CreateContourParallelStrategy(true, 0 true, 5, 2);
CreateContourPocket("Pocket", 10, "Circle pocketing",
TypeOfProcess.ConcentricalPocket, "Fresa D20", "-1", -1, -1, -1, 50, false); ToeKick strategy

Defined with the instruction CreateToekickMillingStrategy.

The instruction applies to a closed pocket a Toekick strategy to completely remove a
workpiece corner or a workpiece open side with rough passes and a final finish pass.

Name Type Description

radialFinishMaterial double (opt def 0) Width of material to remove with radial
Width finish pass.
isRadialRoughPassHor bool (opt def true) <c>true</c> if rough passes are executed
izontal horizontally, <c>false</c> vertically.
rotationDirection double (opt 0) Direction used to perform machining.
0 = clockwise
1 = counterclockwise.
finishPassInputDista double (opt def 0) Lead in distance to apply at first point
nce of radial finish pass.

finishPassOutputDist double (opt def 0) Lead out distance to apply at first point
ance of radial finish pass.
finishPassSlowDistan double (opt def 0) Lead in distance slow speed to apply to
ce radial finish pass.
finishPassSlowSpeed double (opt def -1) Lead in slow speed to apply to radial
finish pass.
allowMultiplePasses bool (opt def false) If true, this is the standard roughing
operation with multiple passes, i. e.
several layers of material are removed
sequentially, taking into account the
maximum cutting depth, if false, this is
the special roughing operation for
pre-cast features with one pass.
axialCuttingDepth double (opt def 0) Depth pass along tool axis
axialFinishCuttingDe double (opt def 0) Finish depth pass along tool axis. It is
pth the pass to reach the machining final

CreateContourParallelStrategy parameters

The example below applies a Toekick strategy to pocket.

//Plane selection

CreatePolyline("Geometry", 0,0);

CreateToekickMillingStrategy(10, false, 1, 20, 30, 5, 7, true, 4, 5);
CreateToeKickPocket("ToekickNoStrategy", "", TypeOfProcess.ToekickPocket, "Fresa D20",

3.8.4 Machine functions

To program the machine and perform specific procedures during the operations the
user can use certain instructions called machine functions.
This category includes, for example, functions used to enable, disable and configure
the positioning of pneumatic hoods (PneumaticHood), the dustpan (Dustpan), etc....
Please note that this type of instructions are usually treated as “modal” functions
inside the scripting. This means that the configurations set with these functions
remain active for the subsequent operations, unless the settings are changed (reset
or new setting). The operations that use these configurations do not “consume” the

setting: the user must remember to reset or change the configuration set if he no
longer wants to use it in the subsequent operations, otherwise it remains active.
There are also functions called “non-modal”. These functions set configurations
whose validity is linked only to the first use: the first operation (after setting) uses and
“consumes” the configuration. In this case, after the operation, the configuration is no
longer available for the subsequent operations and it must be reset. By way of an
example, many instructions defined “operation strategies”, described later, are part of
this category.

See below for the main machine functions available to the user and the main input
parameters that they accept. Jerk machine function

Defined with instruction SetJerk.

The instruction sets jerk.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

gain double Valore di Jerk
(0 : ripristino valori di default;
>= 60 : valore consigliato per foratura;
>= 90 : valore consigliato per sgrossatura;
>=160 : valore consigliato per finitura)
Parametri SetJerk

The example below shows an application of the Jerk instruction for a routing


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometria",0,0, 100, 0);

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The instruction ResetJerk resets the machine function. Jerk 3D machine function

Defined with instruction SetJerk3D.
The instruction sets jerk 3D.

Name Type Description

gain double Jerk3D value:
0 = disabled;
1 = roughing;
2 = intermediate;
3 = finish.
SetJerk3D parameters

The example below shows an application of the Jerk 3D instruction for a routing


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometria",0,0, 100, 0);

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The instruction ResetJerk3D resets the machine function. NC Auto speed machine function

Defined with instruction SetCNAutoSpeed.

The instruction sets the NC automatic speed.

The example below shows an application of the NC Auto Speed instruction for a
routing operation


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometria",0,0, 100, 0);

//CN Auto speed

SetCNAuto Speed();
CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The instruction ResetCNAutoSpeed resets the machine function.

101 Main Pneumatic hood machine function

Defined with instruction SetPneumaticHoodPosition.

The instruction sets the main hood pneumatic position. Position is a discrete value.

Name Type Description

position int Pneumatic hood position:
0 = high hood
1 = low hood in position 1
2 = low hood in position 2
3 = low hood in position 3
4 = low hood in position 4
5 = low hood in position 5
6 = low hood in position 6
7 = low hood in position 7
8 = low hood in position 8
SetPneumaticHoodPosition parameters

The example below shows an application of the instruction to set hood position for a
routing operation


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometria",0,0, 100, 0);

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The instruction ResetJerk3D resets the machine function. Auxiliary pneumatic hood

Defined with instruction SetAuxiliaryHoodPosition.

The instruction sets the main hood pneumatic position. Position is a discrete value.

Name Type Description

position int Auxiliary hood position:
0 = high hood
1 = low hood in position 1
2 = low hood in position 2
3 = low hood in position 3
4 = low hood in position 4

5 = low hood in position 5
6 = low hood in position 6
7 = low hood in position 7
8 = low hood in position 8
SetAuxiliaryHoodPosition parameters

The example below shows an application of the instruction to set hood position for a
routing operation


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometria",0,0, 100, 0);

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The instruction ResetAuxiliaryHoodPosition resets the machine function. Opposite pneumatic hood

Defined with instruction SetOppositePneumaticHoodPosition.

The instruction sets the main hood pneumatic position. Position is a discrete value.

Name Type Description

position int Opposite hood position:
0 = high hood
1 = low hood in position 1
2 = low hood in position 2
3 = low hood in position 3
4 = low hood in position 4
5 = low hood in position 5
6 = low hood in position 6
7 = low hood in position 7
8 = low hood in position 8

The example below shows an application of the instruction to set hood position for a
routing operation


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometria",0,0, 100, 0);

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The instruction ResetOppositePneumaticHood resets the machine function. Main Motorized hood machine function

Defined with instruction SetMotorizedHoodPosition.

The instruction sets the main motorized hood position. Positions are continue. If
value is null, the position is automatically calculated, otherwise the hood will be set at
specified value.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

position double (def null) Hood position

SetMotorizedHoodPosition parameters

The example below shows an application of the instruction to set main hood position
for a routing operation


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometria",0,0, 100, 0);

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The instruction ResetMotorizedHood resets the machine function. Automatic motorized hood machine function

Defined with instruction SetAutomaticMotorizedHood.

The instruction sets the main motorized hood in automatic mode. The position is
automatically calculated.

Name Type Description
isUpperReference bool (def null) true to refere the hood to upper reference,
false to refere the hood to lower reference.

offsetTopPlane double (def null) Offset respect to upper reference, allowed

only with upper reference, with lower
reference will be ignored.
isAutoAdaptiveEn bool (def null) true to enable CN auto adaptive mode,
abled otherwise false. Valid only with upper
autoAdaptiveOffs double (def null) Offset applied on auto adaptive mode is
et enabled, if auto adaptive mode is disabled
will be ignored.
SetAutomaticMotorizedHood parameters

The example below shows an application of the instruction to set main hood in
automatic mode for a routing operation


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometry",0,0, 100, 0);

SetAutomaticMotorizedHood(true, 10, true, 5);
CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The instruction ResetMotorizedHood resets the machine function. Generic hood machine function

Defined with instruction SetHoodPosition.

The instruction sets the main hood in relation of main hood type (motorized or

Name Type Description

position double (def null) Hood position, if null hood position will be
automatic calculated, otherwise hood is
placed at specified value in relation of
main hood type.

SetHoodPosition parameters

The example below shows an application of the instruction to set main hood in
automatic mode for a routing operation


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometry",0,0, 100, 0);


CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The instruction ResetHood resets the machine function. Clean mode machine function

Defined with instruction SetCleaningMode.

The instruction sets clean machine function.

The example below shows an application of the instruction to set clean mode for a
routing operation


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometria",0,0, 100, 0);

//Clean mode
CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The instruction ResetCleaningMode resets the machine function. Pneumatic DustPan machine function

Defined with instruction SetDustpanOffset.

The instruction enables the pneumatic dustpan. Position is a discrete value.

The instruction below lets to manage the dustpan by herself.

It is possible to set the dustpan offset, the position and the lead in lead out.

Name Type Description
offset double Dustpan distance (between dustpan and
measured net radius/net radius measured at
right angles to the tool path)
position int Dustpan position:
0 = off;
1 = on in position 1;
2 = on in position 2;
isInOutEnable bool (opt def null) true to enable approach and retract;
otherwise false
isTrajectoryForc bool (opt def null) true to force trajectory to avoid unexpected
ed movement due to discontinuity segments;
otherwise false

SetDustpanOffset parameters

The example below shows an application of the instruction to set dustpan for a
routing operation


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometry",0,0, 100, 0);

SetDustpanOffset(10, 1, false);
CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

There is another possibility to set the dustpan using both the instructions
SetDustpanOffset e SetDustpanPosition at the same time.
The instruction SetDustpanOffset sets the offset without enabling the device and
without setting the position.

Name Type Description

offset double Dustpan distance (between dustpan and
measured net radius/net radius measured at
right angles to the tool path)
SetDustpanOffset parameters

The instruction SetDustpanPosition enables the device to set position and lead in
lead out.

Name Type Description
position int Dustpan position:
0 = off;
1 = on in position 1;
2 = on in position 2;
isInOutEnable bool (opt def null) true to enable approach and retract;
otherwise false
isTrajectoryForc bool (opt def null) true to force trajectory to avoid unexpected
ed movement due to discontinuity segments;
otherwise false

SetDustpanPosition parameters

The example below shows an application of the instruction to set dustpan for a
routing operation


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometry",0,0, 100, 0);

SetDustpanPosition(1, false);
CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

L’istruzione ResetDustpan resetta la funzione macchina. Motorized DustPan machine function

Defined with instruction SetMotorizedDustpanPosition.

The instruction enables the motorized dustpan. Position is a continuous value

The instruction below enables the dustpan device, setting the position and lead in
lead out.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

position double (opt def DustPan position.
isInOutEnable bool (opt def true to enable approach and retract; otherwise
null) false
isTrajectoryForc bool (opt def true to force trajectory to avoid unexpected
ed null) movement due to discontinuity segments;
otherwise false

SetMotorizedDustpanPosition parameters

The example below shows an application of the instruction to set dustpan for a
routing operation


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometry",0,0, 100, 0);

SetMotorizedDustpanPosition(100, false);
CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The instruction below SetMotorizedDustpanOffset sets the ’offset and must be

used in combination with previous instruction

Nome Tipo Descrizione

offset double Dustpan distance (between dustpan and measured
net radius/net radius measured at right angles
to the tool path)

SetMotorizedDustpanOffset parameters

The example below shows an application of the instruction to set dustpan for a
routing operation


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometry",0,0, 100, 0);

SetMotorizedDustpanPosition(100, false);
CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The instruction ResetMotorizedDustpan resets the machine function. Five axis head unroll machine function

Defined with instruction SetUnrollHeadMode.

The instruction enables the machine function to recover 5 axis angular recover.

Name Type Description

mode int (opt def 0) Mode.
0 = disabled;
1 = perpendicular input and output;
2 = tangential input and perpendicular
3 = perpendicular input and tangential
4 = tangential input and output;
radiusMultiplier double (opt def 1.0) Radius multiplier
SetUnrollHeadMod parameters

The example below creates a routing with 5 axis head unroll.


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometry",0,0, 100, 0);

//5 axis head unroll

SetUnrollHeadMode(0, 1.2);
CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The instruction ResetMotorizedDustpan resets the machine function. Axis brake machine function

Defined with instruction SetBrakes.

The instruction enables the machine function to brake the rotative axis.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

activeBrakes string Active brakes (es. “B”, “B,C”).

SetBrakes parameters

The example below creates a routing with rotative axis brake


//Plane selection


//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometry",0,0, 100, 0);

//Brake axis

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa
D20","3",0,-1,-1,3,0); ToolBlower machine function

Defined with instruction SetToolBlower.

The instruction enables the machine function to blow the tool.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

toolBlowerMode int Tool blowing mode
0 Ari.
1 Air and oil.
2 Head.
3 Air tank.
4 Air and oil tank.

SetToolBlower parameters

The example below creates a routing with tool blowing


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometry",0,0, 100, 0);

//Tool blowing

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa
D20","3",0,-1,-1,3,0); Electronic zero prober machine function

Defined with instruction SetElectronicZeroProber.

The instruction enables the machine function to probe zero.

Nome Tipo Descrizione
gain double Gain
offset double Offset
compression double Compression

SetElectronicZeroProber parameters

The example below creates a routing with electronic zero probing


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometry",0,0, 100, 0);

//Electronic zero prober

SetElectronicZeroProber(10, 20, 1);

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The instruction ResetElectronicZeroProber resets the machine function. Pressure rollers machine function

Defined with instruction SetPressureRollers.

The instruction enables the machine function to use the pressure rollers during
machining execution..

Nome Tipo Descrizione

offset double Positioning offset of pressure device

SetPressureRollers parameters

The example below creates a routing with pressure rollers


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometry",0,0, 100, 0);

//Pressure rollers


CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The instruction ResetPressureRollers resets the machine function. Mechanical pressure machine function

Defined with instruction SetMechanicalPresser.

The instruction enables the machine function to use the mechanical pressure.

The example below creates a routing with mechanical pressure


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation
CreateSegment("Geometry",0,0, 100, 0);

//Mechanical pressure

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

The instruction ResetMechanicalPresser resets the machine function.

3.8.5 Machining attributes

Machining attributes are properties that can be associated to geometry elements or

toolpath elements.
Machining attributes can be specified in each geometry element or toolpath element
to modify the toolpath. Machine attributes types Feed attribute (FEED)

Feed attribute (FEED) modifies the machining feed in the specified position of the
geometry element or toolpath element.

The attribute can be applied to element start point

Name Type Description

name string Attribute name “FEED”
value double Attribute value (for the Booleans use 0
for FALSE, other than zero for TRUE).
SetAttribute parameters

The example below applies a feed attribute to a routing in the start point of the
second geometry element. Feed starts from this point.


//Plane selection

SetAttribute("FEED", 5);

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

or can be applied in a position of the element

Name Type Description

name string Name of the attribute. “FEED”
value double Attribute value (for the boolean use 0 for FALSE,
different than zero for TRUE).
uPar Double Position attribute (allowable values 0.0-1.0)
Parameters SetParametricAttribute

The example below applies a feed attribute to a routing in the middle point of the
second geometry element. Feed starts from this point.


//Plane selection

SetParametricAttribute("FEED", 5, 0.5);


CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa
D20","3",0,-1,-1,3,0); Depth attribute (DEPTH)

Depth attribute (FEED) modifies the machining depth in the specified position of the
geometry element or toolpath element.

The attribute can be applied to element end point

Name Type Description

name string Attribute name “DEPTH”
value double Attribute value (for the Booleans use 0
for FALSE, other than zero for TRUE).
SetAttribute parameters

The example below applies a depth attribute to a routing in the end point of the
second geometry element.


//Plane selection

SetAttribute("DEPTH", 5);

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

or can be applied in a position of the element

Name Type Description

name string Name of the attribute. “DEPTH”
value double Attribute value (for the boolean use 0 for FALSE,
different than zero for TRUE).
uPar Double Position attribute (allowable values 0.0-1.0)
Parameters SetParametricAttribute

The example below applies a depth attribute to a routing in the middle point of the
second geometry element.


//Plane selection

SetAttribute("DEPTH", 5, 0.5);

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa
D20","3",0,-1,-1,3,0); Micro junction attribute (TAB)

Micro junction attribute (TAB) modifies the machining toolpath to leave a portion of
unmachined material.

The attribute can be applied to element end point

Name Type Description

name string Attribute name “TAB”
value double Attribute value (for the Booleans use 0
for FALSE, other than zero for TRUE).
SetAttribute parameters

The example below applies a micro junction attribute to a routing in the end point of
the second geometry element.


//Plane selection

SetAttribute("TAB", 5, 2);


CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

or can be applied in a position of the element

Name Type Description

name string Name of the attribute. “TAB”
value double Attribute value (for the boolean use 0 for FALSE,
different than zero for TRUE).
uPar Double Position attribute (allowable values 0.0-1.0)
Parameters SetParametricAttribute2

The example below applies a micro junction attribute to a routing in the middle point
of the second geometry element.


//Plane selection

SetParametricAttribute2("TAB", 5, 2, 0.5);

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa
D20","3",0,-1,-1,3,0); Start point attribute

Defined with instruction SetStartPointAttribute.

Start point attribute modifies the machining start point.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

elementIndex int Index of the element to set start point
value double Start point relative position on the element
expressed in percentage

SetStartPointAttribute parameters

The example below applies a start point on a routing in the middle point of the
second element.


//Plane selection


SetStartPointAttribute(1, 50);

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa
D20","3",0,-1,-1,3,0); Start point position attribute

Defined with instruction SetStartMachiningPosition.

Start point position attribute modifies the machining start point position.
The application is relative to machining and not relative to geometry or toolpath.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

position int Start point position of machining :
0 not defined
1 middle of first side
2 middle of longest side
3 vertex of first side

Parametri SetStartMachiningPosition

The example below applies a start point position on a routing in the middle point of
the longest side.


//Plane selection



CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

118 End point attribute

Defined with instruction SetEndPointAttribute.

End point attribute modifies the machining end point

Nome Tipo Descrizione

elementIndex int Index of the element to set end point
value double End point relative position on the element
expressed in percentage

SetEndPointAttribute parameters

The example below applies an end point on a routing in the middle point of the
second element.


//Plane selection


SetEndPointAttribute(1, 50);

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

3.8.6 Correction reference

Defined with instruction SetProbingReferenceReferencePoint.

The instruction allows you to specify the correction reference for machining
operations on PowerFlex machines. If part measurement is enabled on the machine,
the machining will be corrected, to keep its position unchanged from the reference
point. The method must be inserted into the script before any machining operation
on which it is intended to specify a reference correction that differs from the standard

one. Remember that on PowerFlex machines, the standard correction gives as a
reference point:
● the upper left corner for processing on the upper face:
● the left lower corner for processing on the left, front and bottom faces;
● the lower right corner for processing on the right and rear sides.

Name Type Description

referencePoint int Identifies the reference point on the active
work plane for machining corrections after
measuring the part. Instruction used on
PowerFlex machines.

0 = no dot (standard correction)

1 = upper left corner
2 = lower left corner
3 = upper right corner
4 = lower right corner
5 = central point

SetProbingReferenceReferencePoint parameters

The example below creates a routing with probing correction upper left.


//Plane selection



CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

3.8.7 Machining inversion

Defined with instruction SetMachiningDirection.

The instruction modifies the machining direction with respect to geometry direction.
Generated toolpath could be in the same direction of geometry or could be in the
opposite direction.

Name Type Description

sameDirection bool Type of direction:
true = Machining in the same direction of
the geometry;

false = machining in the opposite
direction of the geometry;

SetMachiningDirection parameters

The example below creates a routing with direction opposite to geometry. Toolpath
will be clockwise.


//Plane selection



CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

3.8.8 Tool compensation

Defined with instruction SetToolCorrection.

The instruction modifies the tool compensation of a machining with respect to
geometry. Compensation is relative to radial tool position with respect to geometry
(central, left, right) and is relative to axial position (length compensation).

Name Type Description

correction int Tool compensation:
0 - Center tool
1 - Left compensation
2 - Right compensation
3 - Length compensation
13 - Left and length compensation
23 - Right and length compensation
overMaterial double (opt def 0) Overmaterial to apply to compensation

SetToolCorrection parameters

The example below creates routing with different compensation values.


//Plane selection



//Routing center tool

CreateRoughFinish("Routing1",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing with left compensation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing2",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing with right compensation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing3",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing with length compensation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing4",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing with left compensation and length compensation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing5",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing with right compensation and length compensation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing6",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

3.8.9 Toolpath generation mode

Defined with instruction SetCompensationMode.

The instruction modifies the toolpath generator for the machining compensation. Tool
compensation could be generated by Cad or by NC at machine execution time.

Name Type Description

isCnc bool true for tool compensation generated by CN
è generata dal CN, false for tool
compensation generated by Cad

SetCompensationMode parameters

The example below creates routings with different toolpath generation modes.


//Plane selection


//Routing with NC toolpath generation
CreateRoughFinish("Fresatura1",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing with Cad toolpath generation

CreateRoughFinish("Fresatura2",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

3.8.10 Breakeable machining

Defined with instruction SetBreakableMode.

The instruction indicates to optimizer that the machining could be breaked and
replaced with N instructions in order to execute it on the machine.

Name Type Description

isBreakable bool true machining can be broken, false
machining can not be broken.

approachAndRetractOn bool true if milling lead in and lead out must

Parts be applied to sub-parts, false otherwise.

SetBreakableMode parameters

The example below creates routing that can be breaked.


//Plane selection


//Breakable Routing
SetBreakableMode(true, false);
CreateRoughFinish("Fresatura1",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

3.8.11 Machining lead in safety distance

Defined with instruction SetApproachSecurityDistance.

The instruction modifies the lead in safety distance. If not defined, value is the
options default value.

Name Type Description

value double (def opt null) Lead in safety distance

SetApproachSecurityDistance parameters

The example below creates a routing with lead in safety distance 10..


//Plane selection


//Breakable Routing
SetBreakableMode(true, false)
CreateRoughFinish("Fresatura1",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing with lead in safety distance 10

CreateRoughFinish("Fresatura2",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

3.8.12 Machining lead out safety distance

Defined with instruction SetRetractSecurityDistance.

The instruction modifies the lead out safety distance. If not defined, value is the
options default value.

Name Type Description

value double (def opt null) Lead out safety distance

SetRetractSecurityDistance parameters

The example below creates a routing with lead out safety distance 10.


//Plane selection


//Breakable Routing
SetBreakableMode(true, false)
CreateRoughFinish("Fresatura1",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing with lead out safety distance 10


CreateRoughFinish("Fresatura2",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

3.8.13 Machine selection

Defined with instruction SetMachine.

The instruction selects the machine to execute the machining. Allowed only in multi
machine program.

Name Type Description

id int Machine index starting from 1

SetMachine parameters

The example below creates a routing with lead out safety distance 10.


//Plane selection


//Breakable Routing
SetBreakableMode(true, false)
CreateRoughFinish("Fresatura1",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//First machine selection

CreateRoughFinish("Fresatura2",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

3.8.14 Drilling spindles selection

Defined with instruction SetSpindles.

The instruction selects the spindles to use to create drilling. First spindle is the
reference spindle

Name Type Description

id int Machine index starting from 1

SetMachine parameters

The example below creates a drilling with spindle 1, 5, 7.


SetSpindles(1, 5, 7);
CreateDrill("Hole",10,20,15,8, "",TypeOfProcess.Drilling);

3.8.15 Machining priority

Defined with instruction SetPriority.

The instruction sets the execution priority to a machining.
Machining priority is used to define the way the optimizers modifies the working
Priority value must be greater or equal 0, 0 value means the machining is not
Priority behaviour is different from a working center machine and a clamps machine.

Name Type Description

priority int Machining priority (from 1 to N)

SetPriority parameters Working center machine

In the working center machine case, priorities are used to indicate to the optimizers
which machinings have the same technology and must be executed on the same
group and the group execution sequence.
All machinings with the same technology must have the same priority value.
Priority value defines the sequence with 2 or more machinings have to be executed.
It is positively increasing and the execution sequence is from 1 to N.

Starting from a project like this

Machining 1
Machining 2
Machining 3
Machining 4
Machining 5
Machining 6

where odd machinings have to be executed first and even machinings after

Machining 1
Machining 3
Machining 5

Machining 2
Machining 4
Machining 6

it is necessary to set odd machinings with same priority values and even machinings
with same priority value

Machining 1 - Priority 1
Machining 3 - Priority 1
Machining 5 - Priority 1

Machining 2 - Priority 2
Machining 4 - Priority 2
Machining 6 - Priority 2

In this way, odd machinings have priority 1 and even machinings have priority 2, the
optimizers must optimize all machinings with priority 1 in the same group and all
machinings with priority 2 in another group, respecting the group sequence.

A sample result could be

Machining 5
Machining 1
Machining 3

Machining 6
Machining 2
Machining 4

where it is shown that inside the same group the machining sequence is changed,
but the priority sequence is respected, odd machinings before even machinings.

The example below shows the complete example priority definition


//Plane selection


//Routing 1 priority 1
CreateRoughFinish("Routing1",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing 2 priority 2
CreateRoughFinish("Routing2",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing 3 priority 1
CreateRoughFinish("Routing2",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing 4 priority 2
CreateRoughFinish("Routing4",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing 5 priority 1
CreateRoughFinish("Routing5",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing 6 priority 2
CreateRoughFinish("Routing6",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa
D20","3",0,-1,-1,3,0); Clamps machine

In the clamps machine case, priorities are used to indicate to optimizers which
machinings are to be inserted in the same clamping and which sequence they have
to respect.
To have machinings in the same clamping, it is necessary to create groups, groups
are created setting incremental values to priorities, the first next machining with a
priority value lower or equal to last priority defines a new group.
Machining with priority value equal to 0 could be in whatever clamping.

Starting from a project like this

Machining 1
Machining 2
Machining 3
Machining 4
Machining 5
Machining 6

where odd machinings have to be executed in the same clamping and even
machinings have to be in another clamping

First clamping

Machining 1
Machining 3
Machining 5

Second clamping

Machining 2
Machining 4

Machining 6

it is necessary to set to odd machinings priority increasing starting from 1 and to set
to even machining priority increasing starting from 1

Machining 1 - Priority 1
Machining 3 - Priority 2
Machining 5 - Priority 3

Machining 2 - Priority 1
Machining 4 - Priority 2
Machining 6 - Priority 3

In this way, odd machinings will be inserted in the same clamping and executed in
the specified sequence,

Machining 1
Machining 3
Machining 5

and even machinings will be inserted in the next clamping and executed in the
specified sequence

Machining 2
Machining 4
Machining 6

The example below shows the complete example priority definition


//Plane selection


//Routing 1 priorità 1
CreateRoughFinish("Routing1",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing 3 priorità 2
CreateRoughFinish("Routing3",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing 5 priorità 3
CreateRoughFinish("Routing5",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing 2 priorità 1

CreateRoughFinish("Routing2",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing 4 priorità 2
CreateRoughFinish("Routing4",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing 6 priorità 3
CreateRoughFinish("Routing6",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

Groups definition must be done in an incremental sequence, all machinings with

priority lower or equal to last priority value creates a new group.

Starting from previous example machinings

Machining 1
Machining 2
Machining 3
Machining 4
Machining 5
Machining 6

where is necessary to have one clamping for odd machinings and one clamping for
even machinings

Machining 1 - Priority 1
Machining 3 - Priority 2
Machining 5 - Priority 3

Machining 2 - Priority 1
Machining 4 - Priority 2
Machining 6 - Priority 3

if the priority sequence is not respected the result will be very different.
For example changing the machining sequence definition

Machining 1 - Priority 1
Machining 2 - Priority 1

Machining 3 - Priority 2
Machining 4 - Priority 2

Machining 5 - Priority 3
Machining 6 - Priority 3

the result will be very different than expected and will be

First clamping

Machining 1 - Priority 1

Secon clamping

Machining 2 - Priority 1
Machining 3 - Priority 2

Third clamping

Machining 4 - Priority 2
Machining 5 - Priority 3

Forth clamping

Machining 6 - Priority 3

The example below shows the complete example priority definition


//Plane selection


//Routing 1 priority 1
CreateRoughFinish("Routing1",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing 2 priority 1
CreateRoughFinish("Routing2",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing 3 priority 2
CreateRoughFinish("Routing3",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing 4 priority 2
CreateRoughFinish("Routing4",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing 5 priority 3
CreateRoughFinish("Routing5",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Routing 6 priority 3
CreateRoughFinish("Routing6",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

3.8.16 Explicit toolpath

Explicit toolpath is a 2.5D toolpath that can be explicit defined and is not affected by
toolpath generation calculation. It can be executed directly on the machine as is
The toolpath is defined with a sequence of linear and arc elements with X,Y,Z
position relative to the associated machining plane system reference.
The explicit toolpath definition needs first to create a machining in the classic way
(plane, geometry, machining) and after assigning to it a toolpath.
It is important to define a machining to create the shape of machining (“what to do”)
and the toolpath to define the way to machine it (“how to do”).
In this case it is not allowed to use instructions to define lead in , lead out, strategies
etc. Explicit toolpath creation Explicit toolpath first point

Defined with instruction CreateToolpath.

The instruction creates the toolpath start point from which will be inserted next
elements. Start point coordinates are local to the machining plane. This instruction
must be always followed by instructions to insert linear and arc elements else the
toolpath is not consistent.

Name Type Description

name string Tool path name
startX double Coordinate X of the first tool path point.
startY double Coordinate Y of the first tool path point.
startZ double Coordinate Z of the first tool path point.
CreateToolpath parameters

The example below creates a routing with an explicit toolpath with first point
coordinates (0,0,-10).


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation


CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Explicit toolpath creation

CreateToolpath("Toolpath", 0,0,-10);

The instruction creates the toolpath start point from which will be inserted next
elements and lets you define if it is necessary to generate the tool compensation of
the toolpath. Start point coordinates are local to the machining plane. This instruction
must be always followed by instructions to insert linear and arc elements else the
toolpath is not consistent.

Name Type Description

name string Tool path name
startX double Coordinate X of the first tool path point.
startY double Coordinate Y of the first tool path point.
startX double Coordinate Z of the first tool path point.
isCompensationEnable bool true if is requesting to generate tool
d compensation on provided toolpath,
otherwise false.

CreateToolpath parameters

The example below creates a routing with an explicit toolpath with first point
coordinates (0,0,-10).


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Explicit toolpath creation

CreateToolpath("Toolpath", 0,0,-10, true); Adding a linear toolpath to explicit toolpath

Defined with instruction AddSegmentToToolpath.

The instruction adds to the active toolpath a linear toolpath where the first point is the
last point of the current toolpath and the end point is the specified point.

Name Type Description
endX Double Coordinate X of the last tool path point.
endY Double Coordinate Y of the last tool path point.
endZ Double Coordinate Z of the last tool path point.
AddSegmentToToolpath parameters

The example below creates a routing with an explicit toolpath made by a linear
toolpath with first point coordinates (0,0,-10) and end point coordinates (0,100,-20).


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Explicit toolpath creation

CreateToolpath("Toolpath", 0,0,-10);
AddSegmentToToolpath(0,100,-20); Add an arc toolpath by 3 points to explicit toolpath

Defined with instruction AddArc3PointsToToolpath.

The instruction adds to the active toolpath an arc by 3 points. First point is the last
point of the current toolpath and the second and third point are the specified points.

Name Type Description

p2X Double Coordinate X of the second point.
p2Y Double Coordinate Y of the second point.
p3X Double Coordinate X of the third point.
p3Y Double Coordinate Y of the third point.
p3Z Double Coordinate Z of the third point.
AddArc3PointsToToolpath parameters

The example below creates a routing with an explicit toolpath made by a 3 points arc
toolpath (0,0,-10), (100, 50), (0, 100, -30)


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation


CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Explicit toolpath creation

CreateToolpath("Toolpath", 0,0,-10);
AddArc3PointsToToolpath(100,50, 0, 100, -30); Add an arc toolpath by 2 points and center to explicit toolpath

Defined with instruction AddArc2PointCenterToToolpath.

The instruction adds to the active toolpath an arc by 2 points and center. First point is
the last point of the current toolpath, the second and center point are the specified

Name Type Description

p2X Double Coordinate X of the second point.
p2Y Double Coordinate Y of the second point.
p3X Double Coordinate X of the third point.
p3Y Double Coordinate Y of the third point.
p3Z Double Coordinate Z of the third point.
AddArc2PointCenterToToolpath parameters

The example below creates a routing with an explicit toolpath made by an

anticlockwise arc by 2 points and center (0,0,-10), (100, 50), (0, 100, -30)


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Explicit toolpath creation

CreateToolpath("Toolpath", 0,0,-10);
AddArc2PointCenterToToolpath(0,100, -30, 0, 50, false); Add an arc toolpath by 2 points and radius to explicit toolpath

Defined with instruction AddArc2PointRadiusToToolpath.

The instruction adds to the active toolpath an arc by 2 points and radius. First point is
the last point of the current toolpath, the second point and radius are specified.

Name Type Description

endX double Coordinate X of the last tool path point.
endY double Coordinate Y of the last tool path point.
endZ double Coordinate Z of the last tool path point.
radius double Arc radius
isClockwise bool Arc constructed clockwise
isOver180 bool Arc angle greater than 180°
AddArc2PointRadiusToToolpath parameters

The example below creates a routing with an explicit toolpath made by an

anticlockwise arc by 2 points (0,0,-10), (0, 100, -30), and radius 50.


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Explicit toolpath creation

CreateToolpath("Toolpath", 0,0,-10);
AddArc2PointCenterToToolpath(0,100, -30, 50, false, false); Add an arc toolpath by center and angle

Defined with instruction AddArcCenterAngleToToolpath.

The instruction adds to the active toolpath an arc by center point and angle. First
point is the last point of the current toolpath, the center point and angle are specified.

Name Type Description

centerX double Coordinate X of centre point
centerY double Coordinate Y of centre point
endZ double Coordinate Z of the last tool path point.
angle double Arc angle
AddArcCenterAngleToToolpath parameters

The example below creates a routing with an explicit toolpath made by an

anticlockwise arc by center point (0,50, 0), and angle 180 degree.


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Explicit toolpath creation

CreateToolpath("Toolpath", 0,0,-10);
AddArcCenterAngleToToolpath(0,50, -30, 180); Explicit toolpath attributes Explicit toolpath feed attribute (FEED)

Feed attribute (FEED) modifies the toolpath feed in the specified position of the
toolpath element.

The attribute can be applied to element start point

Name Type Description

name string Attribute name “FEED”
value double Attribute value (for the Booleans use 0
for FALSE, other than zero for TRUE).
SetAttribute parameters

The example below applies a feed attribute to an explicit toolpath in the start point of
the second toolpath element.


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation


CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Explicit toolpath creation

CreateToolpath("Toolpath", 0,0,-10);
SetToolpathAttribute("FEED", 30);
AddSegmentToToolpath(0,0); Explicit toolpath depth attribute (DEPTH)

Depth attribute (DEPTH) modifies the toolpath depth in the specified position of the
toolpath element.

The attribute can be applied to element end point

Name Type Description

name string Attribute name “DEPTH”
value double Attribute value (for the Booleans use 0
for FALSE, other than zero for TRUE).
SetAttribute parameters

The example below applies a depth attribute to an explicit toolpath in the end point of
the second toolpath element.


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Explicit toolpath creation

CreateToolpath("Toolpath", 0,0,-10);
SetToolpathAttribute("DEPTH", 30);

138 Explicit toolpath selection

Defined with instruction SelectToolpath.

The instruction selects the toolpath as active toolpath.

Toolpath can be selected by index

Name Type Description

index int Index of toolpath to select
SelectToolpath parameters


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing1",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Explicit toolpath creation

CreateToolpath("Toolpath1", 0,0,-10);
AddArcCenterAngleToToolpath(0,50, -30, 180);

//Geometry creation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing2",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Explicit toolpath creation

CreateToolpath("Toolpath2", 0,0,-10);
AddArcCenterAngleToToolpath(0,50, -30, 180);

//First toolpath selection


or by name

Name Type Description

name string Name of the toolpath to select
SelectToolpath parameters


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing1",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Explicit toolpath creation

CreateToolpath("Toolpath1", 0,0,-10);
AddArcCenterAngleToToolpath(0,50, -30, 180);

//Geometry creation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing2",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Explicit toolpath creation

CreateToolpath("Toolpath2", 0,0,-10);
AddArcCenterAngleToToolpath(0,50, -30, 180);

//First toolpath selection

SelectToolpath("Toolpath1"); Explicit toolpath deletion

Defined with instruction DeleteToolpath.

The instruction deletes the toolpath from the project.

Toolpath can be deleted by index

Name Type Description

index int Index of toolpath to delete.
DeleteToolpath parameters


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation


CreateRoughFinish("Routing1",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Explicit toolpath creation

CreateToolpath("Toolpath1", 0,0,-10);
AddArcCenterAngleToToolpath(0,50, -30, 180);

//Geometry creation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing2",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Explicit toolpath creation

CreateToolpath("Toolpath2", 0,0,-10);
AddArcCenterAngleToToolpath(0,50, -30, 180);

//First toolpath deletion


or by name

Name Type Description

name string Name of the toolpath to select
DeleteToolpath parameters


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation

CreateRoughFinish("Routing1",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Explicit toolpath creation

CreateToolpath("Toolpath1", 0,0,-10);
AddArcCenterAngleToToolpath(0,50, -30, 180);

//Geometry creation


CreateRoughFinish("Routing2",20,"", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting,"Fresa

//Explicit toolpath creation

CreateToolpath("Toolpath2", 0,0,-10);
AddArcCenterAngleToToolpath(0,50, -30, 180);

//First toolpath deletion


3.8.17 Machining technologies

Machining technologies let the user to create machinings applying to a reference geometry
one of available technologies in Maestro. Technologies are machining information
containers Machining technologies application

Defined with instruction ApplyTechnology.

The instruction creates a routing on active geometry from all machining information
contained inside the technology.

Name Type Description

name string Name of the technology to apply
ApplyTechnology parameters

L’esempio seguente mostra l’applicazione di una tecnologia di nome “Fresatura

D10.tchx” a una geometria


//Plane selection

//Geometry creation


//Technology application
ApplyTechnology("Fresatura D10");

3.8.18 Feedrate profiles

Feedrate profiles are applicable to drilling machinings and are used to manage speeds to
execute the operation to lead in the material, to work inside the material and the lead out
from material. Feedrate profile application

Defined with instruction SetFeedrateProfile.

The instruction applies to a drilling machining the feedrate profile associated to
specified name. Feedrate profile (.fbpx) must be previously created.
It is still active until it is reset.

Name Type Description

feedrateProfileName string Name of feedrate profile to apply.
SetFeedrateProfile parameters

The example below applies a feedrate profile named “Depth drill feedrate profile” to
drilling machining.


//Plane selection

CreateDrill("Drilling",10,20,15,8, "",TypeOfProcess.Drilling);

//Feedrate profile application

SetFeedrateProfile("Depth drill feedrate profile"); Feedrate profile reset

Defined with instruction ResetFeedrateProfile.

The instruction reset the active feedrate profile.

3.9 Macro

Inside a MSL file is possible to use Macros installed on Maestro or Macro created by
the user.

3.9.1 Macro usage Macro inserting

Defined with the instruction CreateMacro or in equal mode with instruction

The instruction inserts a Macro with default values inside the project. Macro is
created on active plane.

Name Type Description

name string Nome of the Macro inside project
macroName string Identification name of the Macro

CreateMacro parameters

The example below inserts a Macro with default values inside the project.


//Plane selection
//Macro creation
CreateMacro("Macro", "Cerniera3");

or it is possible to pass parameters in input to override Macro default values.

Parameters must be passed respecting the definition sequence, in a Scripting Macro
(.cs), sequence is defined by AddParameter inside the constructors, not considering
workpiece parameters (“WorkpieceLength”, “WorkpieceWidth”, “WorkpieceHeight”).

Name Type Description

Name string Name of the Macro inside project
macroName string Name of Macro
macroParameters Object[] Array of Macro input parameters

Parametri CreateMacro

For example, a Macro with this parameter in the constructor

AddParameter("WorkpieceLength", 1200, typeof(Double), "WorkpieceLengthDescription",

ParameterType.WorkpieceLength, false, FisicalUnitType.Lenght, false);
AddParameter("WorkpieceWidth", 800, typeof(Double), "WorkpieceWidthDescription",
ParameterType.WorkpieceWidth, false, FisicalUnitType.Lenght, false);

AddParameter("WorkpieceHeight", 18, typeof(Double), "WorkpieceHeightDescription",
ParameterType.WorkpieceHeight, false, FisicalUnitType.Lenght, false);

AddParameter("P1",0, typeof(Double), "", ParameterType.UserDefined, true,

FisicalUnitType.Lenght, false);
AddParameter("P2",0, typeof(Double), "", ParameterType.UserDefined, true,
FisicalUnitType.Lenght, false);
AddParameter("P3",0, typeof(Double), "", ParameterType.UserDefined, true,
FisicalUnitType.Lenght, false);

To override P2 parameter, it is necessary to pass all preceding parameters, the

following parameters can be omitted and default values will be used.

In the case of a Macro with this parameters in the constructor

AddParameter("WorkpieceLength", 1200, typeof(Double), "WorkpieceLengthDescription",
ParameterType.WorkpieceLength, false, FisicalUnitType.Lenght, false);
AddParameter("WorkpieceWidth", 800, typeof(Double), "WorkpieceWidthDescription",
ParameterType.WorkpieceWidth, false, FisicalUnitType.Lenght, false);
AddParameter("WorkpieceHeight", 18, typeof(Double), "WorkpieceHeightDescription",
ParameterType.WorkpieceHeight, false, FisicalUnitType.Lenght, false);
AddParameter("ReferencePosition", 0, typeof(Int32), "Spigolo di riferimento",
ParameterType.ReferencePosition, true, FisicalUnitType.UnitLess, false);
AddParameter("X", 126, typeof(Double), "Centro in X foratura cerniera",
ParameterType.UserDefined, true, FisicalUnitType.Lenght, false);
AddParameter("Y", 22.5, typeof(Double), "Centro in Y foratura cerniera",
ParameterType.UserDefined, true, FisicalUnitType.Lenght, false);
AddParameter("Z", 13, typeof(Double), "Profondità foratura cerniera",
ParameterType.UserDefined, true, FisicalUnitType.Lenght, false);
AddParameter("H", 13, typeof(Double), "Profondità foratura gruppo",
ParameterType.UserDefined, true, FisicalUnitType.Lenght, false);
AddParameter("J", 3, typeof(Double), "Diametro gruppo foratura", ParameterType.UserDefined,
true, FisicalUnitType.Lenght, false);
AddParameter("V", 2, typeof(Double), "Avanzamento cerniera", ParameterType.UserDefined,
true, FisicalUnitType.Speed, false);
AddParameter("X1", 48, typeof(Double), "Distanza foratura gruppo in X",
ParameterType.UserDefined, true, FisicalUnitType.Lenght, false);
AddParameter("Y1", 6, typeof(Double), "Distanza foratura gruppo in Y",
ParameterType.UserDefined, true, FisicalUnitType.Lenght, false);
AddParameter("D", 35, typeof(Double), "Diametro cerniera", ParameterType.UserDefined, true,
FisicalUnitType.Lenght, false);
AddParameter("V2", 2, typeof(Double), "Avanzamento gruppo foratura",
ParameterType.UserDefined, true, FisicalUnitType.Speed, false);
AddParameter("RotationAngle", 0, typeof(Double), "Angolo di rotazione",
ParameterType.UserDefined, true, FisicalUnitType.UnitLess, false);
AddParameter("Machine", 0, typeof(Int32), "Macchina", ParameterType.Machine, true,
FisicalUnitType.UnitLess, false);
AddParameter("HeadsGroupType", "0", typeof(String), "Tipo gruppo teste",
ParameterType.HeadsGroupType, true, FisicalUnitType.UnitLess, false);
AddParameter("HeadsGroupNumber", 0, typeof(Int32), "Numero gruppo teste",
ParameterType.HeadsGroupNumber, true, FisicalUnitType.UnitLess, false);
AddParameter("Head", "0", typeof(String), "Testa", ParameterType.Head, true,
FisicalUnitType.UnitLess, false);

to override X,Y position is necessary to pass the ”ReferencePosition” parameter

before the X, Y parameters.


//Plane selection
//Macro creation
CreateMacro("Macro", "Cerniera3", 0, 200, 300); Macro parameters passing

Defined with instruction SetMacroParam.

The instruction passes a parameter value by name and must be called before the
instruction CreateMacro to override default values.
Parameters are specified by name and the instruction can be used with Scripting
Macros and with User Macro.

Name Type Description

parName string Name of parameter
value Object Value of parameter (Double,Int32,String,Bool)
Parametri SetMacroParam parameters

The example below creates a Macro specifying X, Y parameters.

Macro is created with all default values except X and Y that will assume specified


//Plane selection
//Macro creation
SetMacroParam("X", 100);
SetMacroParam("Y", 200);
CreateMacro("Macro", "Cerniera3");

3.10 NC Functions

NC functions can be inserted in the project flow to execute accessories operations to


3.10.1 WorkPiece pressure

Defined with instruction CreateWorkpiecePressureOperation.
The instruction creates the workpiece pressure operation.

Name Type Description

name string NC function name.
startX double X coordinate of pressure start point.
startY double Y coordinate of pressure start point.
endX double X coordinate of pressure end point.
endY double Y coordinate of pressure end point.
compression double Workpiece compression
description string (opt def Nc function description.
approachSpeed double (opt def -1) Lead in speed, if not set, pressure head rapid
speed will be used.
workingSpeed double (opt def -1) Feed speed, if not set, pressure head feed
speed will be used.

CreateWorkpiecePressureOperation parameters

The example below creates a workpiece pressure nc function.

CreateWorkpiecePressureOperation("NC function", 10, 10, 20, 20, 1);

3.10.2 Machine parking

Defined with instruction CreatePark.

The instruction creates the workpiece pressure operation.

Name Type Description

name string NC function name.
stopType String Type of stop to perform:
Nothing = No stop
NoUnlock = Stop with start wait
Unlock = Stop with release and start wait
toMinQuote bool Type of parking
false = no park at minimum quota
true = park at minimum quota
CreatePark parameters

The example below creates a machine parking nc function.

CreatePark("NC function", "Nothing", false);

3.10.3 WorkPiece probing

Defined with instruction CreateWorkPieceProbing.

The instruction creates the workpiece probing operation.

Name Type Description
name string NC function Name.
X double Probing X quota
Y double Probing Y quota
tool string Tool for probing
head string Probing head
type int (opt def 0) Type of probing
0 = All faces
1 = Point
headReturnAfterPro int (opt def 0) Return mode after probing:
bing 0 = Parking quota
1 = Probing quota
2 = Skimming quota
CreateWorkPieceProbing parameters

The example below creates a workpiece probing nc function.

CreateWorkPieceProbing("NC function", 10, 10, "Probing tool", "3");

3.10.4 Clean table

Defined with instruction CreateCleanPlaneHood.

The instruction creates the workpiece cleaning operation with hood.

Name Type Description

name string NC function Name.
cycleSpeed double (opt def 25) Clean cycle speed
cleaningType int (opt def 0) Type of cleaning
0 = None
1 = Workpiece
2 = Spoilboard
startX double (opt def null) X coordinate of start cleaning point
relative to workpiece origin.
endX double (opt def null) Y coordinate of start cleaning point
relative to workpiece origin.
hoodPosition double (opt def null) Hood position
cleanAllPlane bool (def opt true) Clean mode, true to clean all table,
false to clean a part of table.
CreateCleanPlaneHood parameters

The example below creates a workpiece cleaning nc function.

CreateCleanPlaneHood("NC function", 25, 0, 100, 100);

3.10.5 Tool length probing

Defined with instruction CreatePrismaProbing.
The instruction creates the tool length probing to correct the tool length.

Name Type Description

name string NC function Name.
X object Probing X quota.
Y object Probing Y quota.
tool string Tool to correct.
speed object (opt def null) Probing speed (optional)
CreatePrismaProbing parameters

The example below creates a tool length probing nc function to probe the tool “Fresa
D20” length.

CreatePrismaProbing("NC function", 100, 100, "Fresa D20");

3.10.6 WorkPiece translation and rotation probing

Defined with instruction CreateWorkPieceTranslationRotationProbing.

The instruction creates the probing of workpiece translation and rotation.

Name Type Description

name string NC function Name.
probingXFirstPointQuote object First probing point X
probingXSecondPointQuote object Second probing point X
probingYPointQuote object Probing Y position
probingZQuote object Probing Z position
tool string Tool for probing
Head String Head to use
CreateWorkPieceTranslationRotationProbing parameters

The example below creates the probing of workpiece translation and rotation

CreateWorkPieceTranslationRotationProbing("NC function", 100, 100, 10, 10, "Probing tool");

3.10.7 User message

Defined with instruction CreateMessage.

The instruction creates a message for the user displayed on the machine panel.

Name Type Description

name string NC function name.
text string Text displayed for the operator
waitForUserInput bool = true Wait for operator
releaseWorkpiece bool = true workpiece release request
CreateMessage parameters

The example below creates a message for the user.

CreateMessage("NC function", "Workpiece has to be overturned", true, true);

3.10.8 Null operation

Defined with instruction CreateNullOperation.

The instruction creates a special operation that can be used to abort some active
operation (head lift up, head park).

Name Type Description

name string NC function name.
X double (opt def null) Parking X quota (optional)
Y double (opt def null) Parking Y quota (optional)
Q double (opt def null) Quotas reference: (optional)
0 = Quotas referred to machine zero
1 = Quotas referred to workpiece zero
speed double (opt def 0) Movement speed (optional)
spindleEnable bool (opt def false) Spindle state (optional)
false = Spindle off
true = Spindle on
Tool string (opt def “-1”) Tool to fit (optional)
Head string (opt def “-1”) Head (optional)
CreateNullOperation parameters

The example below creates a null operation.

CreateNullOperation("NC function", 100, 200, 0, 0, true, "Fresa D20");

3.10.9 Iso operation

Defined with instruction CreateIso.

The instruction creates a Iso instruction.

Name Type Description

name string NC function name.
Instruction String ISO instruction to execute
optionalParamete String Optional parameters to the ISO instruction

isXiso bool Xiso instruction
false = it’s not a Xiso instruction
true = it is a Xiso instruction
CreateIso Parameters

The example below creates a Iso instruction

CreateIso("G0 X0 Y0","G0 X0 Y0","", true);

3.10.10 CombiFlex unload

Defined with instruction CreateWorkPieceWidthProbing.

The instruction creates CombiFlex unload.

Nome Tipo Descrizione

name string NC function name.
zQuote double Unload quote along Z axis.
yOffset double Offset along Y axis.
CreateWorkPieceWidthProbing parameters

The example below creates CombiFlex unload

CreateWorkPieceWidthProbing("NC function", 10, 10);

3.10.11 Check Y dimension

Defined with instruction CreateCombiflexUnloadUnitClamp.

The instruction creates CombiFlex unload.

Name Type Description

name string NC function name.
distance double Y distance where check dimension

The example below creates CombiFlex unload

CreateWorkPieceWidthProbing("NC function", 10);

3.10.12 Workpiece center

Defined with instruction CreateCenterWorkpiece.

The instruction can be used to place the workpiece on the machine table with a robot

Name Type Description

name string NC function name.
referencePointX double X picking coordinate to center the
referencePointY double Y picking coordinate to center the
CreateCenterWorkpiece parameters

The example below creates a workpiece centering

//Workpiece alignment
CreateCenterWorkpiece("Workpiece alignment", 900, 400);

3.10.13 Workpiece lifting

Defined with instruction CreateLiftWorkpiece.
The instruction can be used to lift the workpiece from the machine table with a robot

Name Type Description

name string NC function name.
overturnWorkpiece bool true to overturn the workpiece, otherwise
referencePointX double X picking coordinate to center the
referencePointY double Y picking coordinate to center the
CreateLiftWorkpiece parameters

The example below creates a workpiece lifting

//Workpiece lifting
CreateLiftWorkpiece("Workpiece lifting", true, 900, 400);

3.10.14 Tool integrity check

Defined with instruction CreateToolIntegrityCheck.
The instruction can be used to check the tool integrity and must be placed at the end
of the program.

Name Type Description
name string Nc function name.
tool string Name of the tool to check

head string (def -1) Head number to execute the check.(Optional)

CreateToolIntegrityCheck parameters

The example below creates the integrity tool check for a tool named “Fresa D20”
with automatic head selection

//Tool integrity check
CreateToolIntegrityCheck("Tool integrity check", "-1", "Fresa D20");

3.11 Workpiece Blocking

Workpiece blocking defines the layout of blocking devices used to block the
workpiece on the machine table and could be divided into supports blocking or
suction cups blocking.Type of disposition and blocking is related to machine table
type and to blocking devices used.

3.11.1 Blocking profile

Support blocking needs the definition of a blocking profile, a profile used to indicate
where is possible to put supports.
The blocking profile defines which side or sides are useful to block a specific
workpiece. It must be used in the case of calling the automatic blocking disposition.
Blocking profile must be created on each workplan inside the project to allow the
automatic support disposition. Blocking profile creation

Defined with instruction CreateBlockingProfile.

The instruction creates a blocking profile with start point and defines the minimum
clamping distance for support.

Name Type Description

name string Name of the blocking profile
startX double Coordinate X of the first blocking profile point.
startY double Coordinate Y of the first blocking profile point.
offset double Minimum clamping expressed with negative values.

CreateBlockingProfile parameters

The example below creates a blocking profile in the Setup workplan with start point
and a minimum clamping value 5. This profile is not consistent, it is just the first point
to insert segment and arcs.

//Blocking profile creation
CreateBlockingProfile("SetupBlockingProfile", 1210, 70,-5); Add to blocking profile a segment

Defined with instruction AddSegmentToBlockingProfile.

The instruction adds a segment to the active blocking profile with specified end point.

Name Type Description

endX double Coordinate X of the final blocking profile point.
endY double Coordinate Y of the final blocking profile point.
nameElement string Name of added element

AddSegmentToBlockingProfile parameters

The example below creates a segment blocking profile in the Setup workplan on the
back side of the workpiece with a minimum clamping value 5.

//Blocking profile creation
CreateBlockingProfile("SetupBlockingProfile", 1210, 70,-5);
AddSegmentToBlockingProfile(-10, 70); Add to blocking profile an arc by 3 points

Defined with instruction AddArc3PointsToBlockingProfile.

The instruction adds an arc by 3 points to the active blocking profile.

Name Type Description

p2X double Coordinate X of point 2
p2Y double Coordinate Y of point 2
p3X double Coordinate X of point 3
p3Y double Coordinate Y of point 3
nameElement string Name of added element
AddArc3PointsToBlockingProfile parameters Add to blocking profile an arc by 2 points and center

Defined with instruction AddArc2PointCenterToBlockingProfile.

The instruction adds an arc by 2 points and center to the active blocking profile.

Name Type Description

endX double Coordinate X of final point
endY double Coordinate Y of final point
centerX double Coordinate X of centre point
centerY double Coordinate Y of centre point
isClockwise bool Clockwise direction
nameElement string Name of added element
AddArc2PointCenterToBlockingProfile parameters Add to blocking profile an arc by 2 points and radius

Defined with instruction AddArc2PointRadiusToBlockingProfile.

The instruction adds an arc by 2 points and radius the active blocking profile.

Name Type Description

endX double Coordinate X of final point
endY double Coordinate Y of final point
radius double Arc radius
isClockwise bool Clockwise direction
isOver180 bool Arc angle greater than 180°
nameElement string Name of added element
AddArc2PointRadiusToBlockingProfile parameters

The example below creates an arc blocking profile in the Setup workplan.
//Blocking profile creation
AddArc2PointRadiusToBlockingProfile(979.1878,80,486.667,true,false, "");
AddSegmentToBlockingProfile(80.,80, "");
AddSegmentToBlockingProfile(80,920, "");
AddSegmentToBlockingProfile(979.187,920, ""); Add to blocking profile an arc by center and angle

Defined with instruction AddArcCenterAngleToBlockingProfile.

The instruction adds an arc by center and angle to the active blocking profile.

Name Type Description

centerX double Coordinate X of centre point
centerY double Coordinate Y of centre point
angle double Arc angle
nameElement string Name of added element
AddArcCenterAngleToBlockingProfile parameters

155 Add to blocking profile a tangent segment

Defined with instruction AddArcCenterAngleToBlockingProfile.

The instruction adds a tangent segment to the active blocking profile.

Name Type Description

length double Segment length
nameElement string Name of added element
AddSegmentTanToBlockingProfile parameters Add to blocking profile a tangent arc

Defined with instruction AddArcTanToBlockingProfile.

The instruction adds a tangent arc to the active blocking profile.

Name Type Description

endX double Coordinate X of final point
endY double Coordinate Y of final point
option int The following values are allowed:
0 = direct tangent;
1 = inverse tangent;
2 = clockwise arc;
3 = counterclockwise arc.
nameElement string Name of added element
AddArcTanToBlockingProfile parameters Blocking profile closing

Defined with instruction CloseBlockingProfile.

The instruction closes with a segment the active blocking profile.

Name Type Description

nameElement string Name of added element
CloseBlockingProfile parameters

3.11.2 Blocking devices positioning

Blocking devices positioning could be done referring to workpiece origin or referring

to working field origin.

156 Positioning reference definition

Defined with instruction ConfigFixtureSetupPositioningMode.

The instruction lets you specify if blocking devices are to be placed referring to
workpiece origin or referring the working field origin. By default blocking devices are
referred to workpiece origin.

Name Type Description

mode int Reference mode :
0 standard, referred to the active workpiece
1 absolute coordinates referred to working field origin

ConfigFixtureSetupPositioningMode parameters

The example below shows the positioning of bars referring to workpiece origin

SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);
//Bar 1 at position 100 from workpiece origin
SetBarPosition(1, 100);
//Bar 2 at position 200 from workpiece origin
SetBarPosition(2, 200);
//Bar 3 at position 300 from workpiece origin
SetBarPosition(3, 300);

The example below shows the same previous positioning of bars referring to working
field origin

SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);
//Bar 1 at position 200 from working field origin
SetBarPosition(1, 200);
//Bar 2 at position 300 from working field origin
SetBarPosition(2, 300);
//Bar 1 at position 400 from working field origin
SetBarPosition(3, 400); Blocking bar positioning

Defined with instruction SetBarPosition.

The instruction defines the blocking bar position on the machine table. Bar is
identified by a logical index from 1 to N and grows moving in the direction of the
active area's specularity.

Name Type Description

id int Position bar id (value between 1 and the max number
of bars).

xPosition double Bar position along axis X (referred to the selected
reference system for the workpiece being machined).
SetBarPosition parameters

The example below set up the bars on machine table referring to workpiece origin

SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);
//Bar 1 at position 100 to workpiece origin
SetBarPosition(1, 100);
//Bar 2 at position 200 to workpiece origin
SetBarPosition(2, 200);
//Bar 3 at position 300 to workpiece origin
SetBarPosition(3, 300); Mobile bar positioning

Defined with instruction SetMobileBarPosition.

The instruction enables or disables a mobile bar on the machine table.Bar is
identified by a logical index from 1 to N and grows moving in the direction of the
active area's specularity.

Name Type Description

id int Position bar id (value between 1 and the max number of

position double Bar position :
-1 not used
1 ON
SetMobileBarPosition parameters

The example below set up on the mobile bar

SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);
//Bar 1 at position 100 to workpiece origin
SetBarPosition(1, 100);
//Mobile bar enable
SetMobileBarPosition(2, 1); Support base positioning

Defined with instruction SetSupportBasePosition.

The instruction set up along the active blocking bar a support base to host blocking
Support base is identified by a logical index from 1 to N and grows moving in the
direction of the active area's specularity.

Name Type Description
id int Support base id (value between 1 and the max number
of support bases).
yPosition double Support base position along axis Y (referred to the
selected reference system for the workpiece being
SetSupportBasePosition parameters

The example below set up the support base on bar

SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);
//Bar 1 at position 100 to workpiece origin
SetBarPosition(1, 100);
//Support base 1
SetSupportBasePosition(1, 100);
//Support base 2
SetSupportBasePosition(2, 200);
//Support base 3
SetSupportBasePosition(3, 300); Clamp positioning

Defined with instruction SetClampPosition.

The instruction sets up a clamp along the active blocking bar and defines the
blocking status.
Clamp is identified by a logical index from 1 to N and grows moving in the direction
of the active area's specularity.

Name Type Description

supportId int Clamp id (if the table is motor driven: identifies the
support base where the clamp must be fitted or moved if
the table is manual: identifies if there is the clamp
or it creates it).
yPosition double Clamp position along axis Y (referred to the selected
reference system for the workpiece being machined).
status int Blocking status:
0 = closed;
1 = open;
2 = closed on the workpiece.
code string Clamp code
SetClampPosition parameters

The example below set up clamps on bar

SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);

//Bar 1 at position 100 to workpiece origin
SetBarPosition(1, 100);
//Clamp 1
SetClampPosition(1, 100, 2, "H110-A-145");
//Clamp 2
SetClampPosition(2, 200, 2, "H110-A-145");
//Clamp 3
SetClampPosition(3, 300, 2, "H110-A-145"); Horizontal clamp positioning

Defined with instruction SetHorizontalClampPosition.

The instruction sets up a horizontal clamp along the active blocking bar and defines
the blocking status.
Clamp is identified by a logical index from 1 to N and grows moving in the direction
of the active area's specularity.

Name Type Description

supportId int Clamp id (if the table is motor driven: identifies the
support base where the clamp must be fitted or moved if
the table is manual: identifies if there is the clamp
or it creates it).
yPosition double Clamp position along axis Y (referred to the selected
reference system for the workpiece being machined).
status int Blocking status:
0 = closed;
1 = open;
2 = closed on the workpiece.
code string Clamp code
SetClampPosition parameters

The example below set up clamps on bar

SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);
//Bar 1 at position 100 to workpiece origin
SetBarPosition(1, 100);
//Clamp 1
SetHorizontalClampPosition(1, 100, 2, "H110-MF-150x294");
//Clamp 2
SetHorizontalClampPosition(2, 200, 2, "H110-MF-150x294");
//Clamp 3
SetHorizontalClampPosition(3, 300, 2, "H110-MF-150x294"); Clamp for jamp positioning

Defined with instruction SetClampForJambPosition.

The instruction sets up a clamp for jamb along the active blocking bar and defines
the blocking status.
Clamp is identified by a logical index from 1 to N and grows moving in the direction
of the active area's specularity.

Name Type Description

supportId int Clamp id (if the table is motor driven: identifies the
support base where the clamp must be fitted or moved if
the table is manual: identifies if there is the clamp
or it creates it).
yPosition double Clamp position along axis Y (referred to the selected
reference system for the workpiece being machined).
status int Blocking status:
0 = closed;
1 = open;
2 = closed on the workpiece.
code string Clamp code
SetClampForJambPosition parameters

The example below set up clamps for jamb on bar

SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);
//Bar 1 at position 100 to workpiece origin
SetBarPosition(1, 100);
//Clamp 1
SetClampForJambPosition(1, 100, 2, "H162-A-145-YM");
//Clamp 2
SetClampForJambPosition(2, 200, 2, "H162-A-145-YM");
//Clamp 3
SetClampForJambPosition(3, 300, 2, "H162-A-145-YM"); Suction cup positioning

Defined with instruction SetSuctionCupPosition.

The instruction sets up a suction cup along the active blocking bar and defines the
Suction cup is identified by a logical index from 1 to N and grows moving in the
direction of the active area's specularity.

Name Type Description

supportId int Suction cup id (if the table is motor driven:
identifies the support base where the suction cup must
be fitted or moved if the table is manual: identifies
the suction cup, if it exists or it creates it).
yPosition double Suction cup position along axis Y (referred to the
selected reference system for the workpiece being

angle double Suction cup rotation angle (if it supports rotation).
code string Suction cup code
SetSuctionCupPosition parameters

The example below set up suction cup on bar

SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);
//Bar 1 at position 100 to workpiece origin
SetBarPosition(1, 100);
//Suction cup 1
SetSuctionCupPosition(1, 100, 90, "H75-M-145x55");
//Suction cup 2
SetSuctionCupPosition(2, 200, 90, "H75-M-145x55");
//Suction cup 3
SetSuctionCupPosition(3, 300, 90, "H75-M-145x55"); Hepod suction cup positioning

Defined with instruction SetPopupSuctionCupPosition.

The instruction sets up a suction cup along the active blocking bar and defines the
Suction cup is identified by a logical index from 1 to N and grows moving in the
direction of the active area's specularity.

Name Type Description

supportId int Suction cup id (if the table is motor driven:
identifies the support base where the suction cup must
be fitted or moved if the table is manual: identifies
the suction cup, if it exists or it creates it).
yPosition double Suction cup position along axis Y (referred to the
selected reference system for the workpiece being
angle double Suction cup rotation angle (if it supports rotation).
isUp bool true to lift up the suction cup, false to low down the
suction cup
code string Suction cup code
SetPopupSuctionCupPosition parameters

The example below set up the Hepod suction cup on bar

SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);
//Bar 1 at position 100 to workpiece origin
SetBarPosition(1, 100);
//Suction cup 1
SetPopupSuctionCupPosition(1, 100, 90, true, "H75_165-M-145x230-XM");
//Suction 2
SetPopupSuctionCupPosition(2, 200, 90, true, "H75_165-M-145x230-XM");
//Suction 3
SetPopupSuctionCupPosition(3, 300, 90, true, "H75_165-M-145x230-XM");

162 Suction cup positioning on multi functional table

Defined with instruction SetMLTFSuctionCupPosition.

The instruction sets up a suction cup on the multi functional table.

Name Type Description

xPosition double Suction cup position along axis X (referred to the
selected reference system for the workpiece being
yPosition double Suction cup position along axis Y (referred to the
selected reference system for the workpiece being
angle double Suction cup rotation angle (if it supports rotation).
code string Suction cup code
SetMLTFSuctionCupPosition parameters

The example below set up suction cup on the multi functional table

SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);
//Suction cup 1
SetMLTFSuctionCupPosition(100, 100, 90, "H25-MF-S-90x90");
//Suction cup 2
SetMLTFSuctionCupPosition(200, 200, 90, "H25-MF-S-90x90");
//Suction cup 3
SetMLTFSuctionCupPosition(300, 300, 90, "H25-MF-S-90x90");

3.12 Mathematical functions

In a MSL project the following mathematical functions can be used.

Function Description and type of return

double abs(double value) Returns the absolute value of a specific value.
double ABS(double value)
double acos(double value) Returns the arc-cosine of a specific value.
double ACOS(double value)
double asin(double value) Returns the arc-sine of a specific value.
double ASIN(double value)
double atan(double value) Returns the arc-tangent of a specific value.
double ATAN(double value)
double sin(double value) Returns the sine of a specific value.
double SIN(double value)
double cos(double value) Returns the cosine of a specific value.
double COS(double value)
double tan(double value) Returns the tangent of a specific value.
double TAN(double value)
double ln(double value) Returns the logarithm of a specific value.
double LN(double value)
double log10(double value) Returns the logarithm to base ten of a specific value.
double LOG10(double value)

double exp(double value) Returns the exponential of a specific value.
double EXP(double value)
double sqrt(double value) Returns the square root of a specific value.
double SQRT(double value)
double pow(double x, double y) Returns the elevation to base power X and exponent Y.
double POW(double x, double y)
double rd(double value) Returns the rounding off by defect for a specific
double RD(double value)
decimal value.
double ru(double value) Returns the rounding off by excess for a specific
double RU(double value)
decimal value.

3.13 Additional functions

In a MSL project the following additional functions can be used.

Function Parameters Description and type of return

string GetVersion() None Reads the Maestro version in
execution and returns it as string
Int GetProgrammingOrigine() No uno Returns an integer value that
identified the programming
0 = SCM
1 = Morbidelli
void Print(string message) Message to print string. Used to print an error message.
(if the string starts with
“@” the parameter is the
identification key of the
message to print).
bool NDEF(double? value) Double type test variable. Used to check if the variable
contains a valid value.
Returns true if the variable does
not contain a valid value.
bool DEF(double? value) Double type test variable. Used to check if the variable
contains a valid value.
Returns true if the variable
contains a valid value.
bool NDEF(string value) String type test variable. Used to check if the variable
contains a valid value.
Returns true if the variable does
not contain a valid value.
bool DEF(string value) String type test variable. Used to check if the variable
contains a valid value.
Returns true if the variable
contains a valid value.

double V(double? par) Double type variable Returns the value in the variable
(if the variable is not defined it
returns zero).
double VALUE(double? par) Double type variable Returns the value in the variable
(if the variable is not defined it
returns zero).

4 Tools
In a MSL project it is possible to get tool properties.

Defined with instruction GetTool.

The instruction returns a Tool object containing tool properties.

Name Type Description

name string Name to identify tool
GetTool parameters

Available tool properties are :

Nome Tipo Descrizione

Description string Tool description
TotalLength double Tool overall assembly length
PilotLength double Tool pilot length
CutterLength double Tool sinking length
TotalDiameter double Tool overall assembly diameter
CuttingDiameter double Tool overall cutting diameter
Radius double Tool radius
BladeThickness double Tool thickness (only for saw tool)
MortiserWidth double Mortaising chain length (only for mortising
MortiserThickness double Mortaising chain thickness (only for
mortising tool)
MortiserRoundLength double Mortaising chain round length (only for
mortising tool)
MaxSpindleSpeed double Maximum tool rotation speed
MaxFeedSpeed double Maximum tool feed
StandardFeedSpeed double Standard tool feed
ToolFamily int Tool family
0- Not set
1- Drill tool
2- Mill tool
3- Saw tool
4- Probe tool
5- Pressure tool
6- Generic tool
7- Mortising tool

Tool properties

The example below shows how to get tool properties.


//Get of tool Fresa D20

Tool tool = GetTool("Fresa D20");
//Check tool existence
if(tool != null)
//Check mill tool
int toolFamily = tool.ToolFamily;
if(toolFamily == 2)
//Get tool radius
double radius = tool.Radius;

5 Edge banding
MSL lets you create the whole edge banding process using technologies.
Technologies must be created in the way each edge banding has to be associated
with all joined machinings and this is done defining colors in technology creation. For
example edge banding and end trimming must have the same color because they
are directly joined.
Technology application process is made by the definition of geometries where to
apply technology, technology selection and indication of geometry to apply and for
each geometry the definition of edge to apply.

5.1 Technology selection

Defined with instruction SelectTechnology.

The instruction selects the technology to be applied on geometry.
Geometry can be one and in this case the same edge is applied on each geometry
element, or can be expressed as a set of joined elements and in this case is possible
to apply different edge on each element.

Name Type Description

name string Name of technology to apply.
geometryNames string[] Names of geometries where to apply the edge
SelectTechnology parameters

The example below selects a technology named “EdgeBanding.tchx” to be applied
on rectangle sides.


//Rectangle defined by 4 independent sides

CreateSegment("Top", 0, 800, 620, 800);
CreateSegment("Bottom", 620, 0,0, 0);
CreateSegment("Right", 620, 800, 620, 0);
CreateSegment("Left", 0, 0, 0, 800);

//Selection of technology and definition of geometries

SelectTechnology("EdgeBanding", "Top", "Bottom", "Right" , "Left");

5.2 Edge selection for geometry

Defined with instruction SelectGeometryTechnology.

The instruction selects for the geometry the edge to apply. Edge selection identify
edge banding to apply to geometry and all joined machinings. Machinings are
identified from color.

Name Type Description

name string Name of technology to apply.
r int Red color component for machining inside
the technology
g int Green color component for machining inside
the technology
b int Blu color component for machining inside
the technology
SelectGeometryTechnology parameters

The example below applies a technology named “EdgeBanding.tchx” on rectangle

sides. The rectangle is defined by 4 joined segments (not a polyline).
On the side “Top”, “Right“ is applied the same edge, on the “Left” a different edge.
If presents inside the technology, for each selected side all joined machinings will be
applied (for example end trimming).


//Rectangle defined by 4 independent sides

CreateSegment("Top", 0, 800, 620, 800);
CreateSegment("Bottom", 620, 0,0, 0);
CreateSegment("Right", 620, 800, 620, 0);
CreateSegment("Left", 0, 0, 0, 800);

//Selection of technology and definition of geometries

SelectTechnology("EdgeBanding", "Top", "Bottom", "Right" , "Left");

//Selection of edge to apply on each geometry

SelectGeometryTechnology("Top", 255, 0, 0);//Red
SelectGeometryTechnology("Right", 255, 0, 0);//Red

SelectGeometryTechnology("Left", 255, 255, 0);//Yellow

5.3 Technology application

Defined with instruction ApplyTechnology.

The instruction creates an edge banding from a technology process.

The example below creates an edge banding process from a technology.


//Rectangle defined by 4 independent sides

CreateSegment("Top", 0, 800, 620, 800);
CreateSegment("Bottom", 620, 0,0, 0);
CreateSegment("Right", 620, 800, 620, 0);
CreateSegment("Left", 0, 0, 0, 800);

//Selection of technology and definition of geometries

SelectTechnology("EdgeBanding", "Top", "Bottom", "Right" , "Left");

//Selection of edge to apply on each geometry

SelectGeometryTechnology("Top", 255, 0, 0);//Red
SelectGeometryTechnology("Right", 255, 0, 0);//Red
SelectGeometryTechnology("Left", 255, 255, 0);//Yellow

//Technology application

5.4 Full Examples

The example below creates an edge banding process on a rectangle defined by 4
independent sides process. On side “Top” and “Right” is applied the edge
corresponding to red color, and on side “Left” the edge corresponding to yellow color.
Side “Bottom” is not edged.


//Rectangle defined by 4 independent sides

CreateSegment("Top", 0, 800, 620, 800);
CreateSegment("Bottom", 620, 0,0, 0);
CreateSegment("Right", 620, 800, 620, 0);
CreateSegment("Left", 0, 0, 0, 800);

//Selection of technology and definition of geometries

SelectTechnology("EdgeBanding", "Top", "Bottom", "Right" , "Left");

//Selection of edge to apply on each geometry

SelectGeometryTechnology("Top", 255, 0, 0);//Red
SelectGeometryTechnology("Right", 255, 0, 0);//Red
SelectGeometryTechnology("Left", 255, 255, 0);//Yellow

//Technology application

The example below creates an edge banding process on a rectangle defined by 4
independent sides process. On side “Top” and “Right” is applied the edge
corresponding to red color, and on side “Left” and “Bottom“ the edge corresponding
to yellow color.


//Rectangle defined by 4 independent sides

CreateSegment("Top", 0, 800, 620, 800);
CreateSegment("Bottom", 620, 0,0, 0);
CreateSegment("Right", 620, 800, 620, 0);
CreateSegment("Left", 0, 0, 0, 800);

//Selection of technology and definition of geometries

SelectTechnology("EdgeBanding", "Top", "Bottom", "Right" , "Left");

//Selection of edge to apply on each geometry

SelectGeometryTechnology("Top", 255, 0, 0);//Red
SelectGeometryTechnology("Right", 255, 0, 0);//Red
SelectGeometryTechnology("Left", 255, 255, 0);//Yellow
SelectGeometryTechnology("Bottom", 255, 255, 0);//Yellow

//Technology application

The example below creates an edge banding process on a rectangle defined by a

polyline to use the same edge corresponding to red color.


//Rectangle defined by a polyline


//Selection of technology and definition of geometries

SelectTechnology("EdgeBanding", "Geometry");

//Selection of edge to apply on each geometry

SelectGeometryTechnology("Geometry", 255, 0, 0);//Red

//Technology application

6 Labeling
In MSL it is possible to create a project applying a label to a workpiece.
Labeling needs the global definition of label name to use and for each workpiece
position and rotation of label.

6.1 Label definition

Defined with instruction SetProjectLabel.

The instruction defines the label name to be used in the project.

Name Type Description

labelName string Label name to be used in the project.

SetProjectLabel parameters

The example below defines the label to be used for workpieces inside the project.
SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);


6.2 WorkPiece label definition

Defined with instruction SetWorkPieceLabel.

The instruction places the project label on the active workpiece.

Name Type Description

xStart double X position of label referred to workpiece
yStart double Y position of label referred to workpiece
rotationDegree double Label rotation in degrees.

SetWorkPieceLabel parameters

The example below defines the label position on the active workpiece
SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);


//Label positioning
SetWorkPieceLabel(200, 200, 0);

6.3 Label parameters definition

Defined with instruction AddLabelParams.

The instruction adds label parameter to active workpiece. Parameter must respect
the number of available parameters and their order. If a parameter is not necessary
pass empty.

Name Type Description

labelParameters string[] Label parameters.

AddLabelParams parameters

The example below defines the label position on the active workpiece
SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);


//Label positioning
SetWorkPieceLabel(200, 200, 0);

//Workpiece label parameters

AddLabelParams("A", "B", "", "", "C");

7 Nesting
In MSL it is possible to create a Nesting project that defines a cutting scheme and all
labeling information
In the project it is possible to define nested parts, remnants to recover and scraps to
remove. Parts and remnants can be labeled.
Parts, remnants and scrap can have associated machinings.

7.1 Part

Part is a closed profile inside the sheet that identifies a workpiece.

7.1.1 Part creation

Part creation needs the definition of process beginning, the definition of the part with
outer boundary and internal holes boundary, the process ending.

Process beginning is defined by the instruction BeginPartCreation.

Process ending is defined by the instruction EndPartCreation.
Process boundary and hole boundaries creation is defined by the instruction

Name Type Description
name string Name of the part to create.
boundaryGeometryNa string Name of the boundary geometry of the part.
holeGeometryNames string[] (opt def Names of hole geometries of the parte
CreatePart parameters

The example below creates a rectangular part with a circular hole inside.
SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);

//Sheet definition

//Part creation beginning


//Part Boundary
CreatePolyline("PartBoundary", 10, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(10, 200);

//Part hole
CreateCircleCenterRadius("PartHole", 50, 50, 30);

//Part creation with boundary and hole

CreatePart("Part", "PartBoundary", "PartHole");

//Part creation ending


7.1.2 Part labeling

A label can be associated with a Part. Label must be previously defined in the sheet. Part label definition

Defined with instruction SetNestingPartLabel.

The instruction places the label inside the part.

Name Type Description

x double Label X position referred to part origin

y double Label Y position referred to part origin

angle double Label rotation in degree

SetNestingPartLabel parameters

The example below creates a rectangular part with a circular hole inside and label
placed at (50,50)
SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);

//Sheet definition


//Part creation beginning


//Part Boundary
CreatePolyline("PartBoundary", 10, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(10, 200);

//Part hole
CreateCircleCenterRadius("PartHole", 50, 50, 30);

//Part creation with boundary and hole

CreatePart("Part", "PartBoundary", "PartHole");

//Etichetta associata alla parte

SetNestingPartLabel(50, 50, 0);

//Part creation ending

EndPartCreation(); Part label parameters definition

Defined with instruction AddNestingPartLabelParameter.

The instruction set the label parameter to the active part.
Parameter is positional if not necessary, set empty value.

Name Type Description

labelParameter string Label parameter.

AddNestingPartLabelParameter parameters

The example below creates a rectangular part with a circular hole inside and label
placed at (50,50) and 4 label parameters.
SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);

//Sheet definition


//Part creation beginning


//Part Boundary
CreatePolyline("PartBoundary", 10, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 10);

AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(10, 200);

//Part hole
CreateCircleCenterRadius("PartHole", 50, 50, 30);

//Part creation with boundary and hole

CreatePart("Part", "PartBoundary", "PartHole");

//Part label
SetNestingPartLabel(130, 100, 0);

//Label parameters

//Part creation ending


7.1.3 Part selection

Defined with instruction SelectPart.

The instruction selects the specified part as the active part.

Name Type Description

name string Name of the part to select.

SelectPart parameters

The example below creates a part named “Part1” and a part named “Part2” and
selects “Part1”
SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);

//Sheet definition

//Part 1 creation beginning


//Part 1 Boundary
CreatePolyline("Part1Boundary", 10, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(10, 200);

//Part 1 creation with boundary

CreatePart("Part1", "Part1Boundary");

//Part 1 creation ending


//Part 2 creation beginning


//Part 2 Boundary

CreatePolyline("Part2Boundary", 500, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(700, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(700, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(500, 200);

//Part 2 creation with boundary

CreatePart("Part2", "Part2Boundary");

//Part 2 creation ending


//Select part 1

7.1.4 Part removal from machine table

Defined with instruction CreateRemovePart.
The instruction removes the active part from the machine table using a robot loader.

Name Type Description

name string Name of the NC function.

referencePointX double X picking coordinate to remove part.

referencePointY double Y picking coordinate to remove part.

pickingDimensionX double (default null) X part rectangle picking dimension, if null
part length will be used.
pickingDimensionY double (default null) Y part rectangle picking dimension, if null
part length will be used.

CreateRemovePart parameters

The instruction below remove the active part from machine table
SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);

//Sheet definition

//Part 1 creation beginning


//Part 1 Boundary
CreatePolyline("Part1Boundary", 10, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(10, 200);

//Part 1 creation with boundary

CreatePart("Part1", "Part1Boundary");

//Part 1 creation ending


//Part 2 creation beginning


//Part 2 Boundary
CreatePolyline("Part2Boundary", 500, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(700, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(700, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(500, 200);

//Part 2 creation with boundary

CreatePart("Part2", "Part2Boundary");

//Part 2 creation ending


//Select part 1

//Remove part 1
CreateRemovePart("RemovePart1", 100, 100, 100, 100);

7.2 Remnant

Remnant is a rectangular closed profile inside the sheet that identifies a portion of
material to be recovered and placed in the material store.

7.2.1 Remnant creation

Remnant creation needs the definition of process beginning, the definition of the
remnant with outer boundary, the process ending.

Process beginning is defined by the instruction BeginRemnantCreation.

Process ending is defined by the instruction EndRemnantCreation.
Process boundary creation is defined by the instruction CreateRemnant.

Name Type Description

name string Name of the remnant to create.
boundaryGeometryNa string Name of the boundary geometry of the
me remnant.
CreateRemnant parameters

The example below creates a rectangular remnant.

SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);

//Sheet definition

//Remnant creation beginning


//Remnant Boundary
CreatePolyline("RemnantBoundary", 10, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 10);

AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(10, 200);

//Remnant creation with boundary

CreateRemnant("Remnant", "RemnantBoundary");

//Remnant creation ending


7.2.2 Remnant labeling

A label can be associated with a Remnant. Label must be previously defined in the sheet. Remnant label definition

Defined with instruction SetNestingRemnantLabel.

The instruction places the label inside the remnant.

Name Type Description

x double Label X position referred to remnant origin

y double Label Y position referred to remnant origin

angle double Label rotation in degree

SetNestingRemnantLabel parameters

The example below creates a rectangular remnant and label placed at (50,50)
SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);

//Sheet definition


//Remnant creation beginning


//Remnant Boundary
CreatePolyline("RemnantBoundary", 10, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(10, 200);

//Remnant creation with boundary

CreateRemnant("Remnant", "RemnantBoundary");

//Remnant label
SetNestingRemnantLabel(50, 50, 0);

//Remnant creation ending


177 Remnant label parameters definition

Defined with instruction AddNestingRemnantLabelParameter.

The instruction set the label parameter to the active remnant.
Parameter is positional if not necessary, set empty value.

Name Type Description

labelParameter string Label parameter.

AddNestingRemnantLabelParameter parameters

The example below creates a rectangular remnant and label placed at (50,50) and 4
label parameters.
SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);

//Sheet definition


//Remnant creation beginning


//Remnant Boundary
CreatePolyline("RemnantBoundary", 10, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(10, 200);

//Remnant creation with boundary

CreateRemnant("Remnant", "RemnantBoundary");

//Remnant label
SetNestingPartLabel(50, 50, 0);

//Label parameters

//Remnant creation ending


7.2.3 Remnant selection

Defined with instruction SelectRemnant.

The instruction selects the specified remnant as the active remnant.

Name Type Description

name string Name of the remnant to select.

SelectRemnant parameters

The example below creates a remnant named “Remnant1” and a remnant named
“Remnant2” and selects “Remnant1”
SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);

//Sheet definition

//Remnant 1 creation beginning


//Remnant 1 Boundary
CreatePolyline("Remnant1Boundary", 10, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(10, 200);

//Remnant 1 creation with boundary

CreateRemnant("Remnant1", "Remnant1Boundary");

//Remnant 1 creation ending


//Remnant 2 creation beginning


//Remnant 2 Boundary
CreatePolyline("Remnant2Boundary", 500, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(700, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(700, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(500, 200);

//Remnant 2 creation with boundary

CreateRemnant("Remnant2", "Remnant2Boundary");

//Remnant 2 creation ending


//Select remnant 1

7.2.4 Remnant removal from machine table

Defined with instruction CreateRemoveRemnant.
The instruction removes the active remnant from the machine table using a robot

Name Type Description

name string Name of the NC function.

referencePointX double X picking coordinate to remove remnant.

referencePointY double Y picking coordinate to remove remnant.

pickingDimensionX double (default null) X remnant rectangle picking dimension, if
null remnant length will be used.

pickingDimensionY double (default null) Y remnant rectangle picking dimension, if
null remnant length will be used.

CreateRemoveRemnant parameters

The instruction below remove the active remnant from machine table
SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);

//Sheet definition

//Remnant 1 creation beginning


//Remnant 1 Boundary
CreatePolyline("Remnant1Boundary", 10, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(10, 200);

//Remnant 1 creation with boundary

CreateRemnant("Remnant1", "Remnant1Boundary");

//Remnant 1 creation ending


//Remnant 2 creation beginning


//Remnant 2 Boundary
CreatePolyline("Remnant2Boundary", 500, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(700, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(700, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(500, 200);

//Remnant 2 creation with boundary

CreateRemnant("Remnant2", "Remnant2Boundary");

//Remnant 2 creation ending


//Select remnant 1

//Remove remnant 1
CreateRemoveRemnant("RemoveRemnant1", 100, 100, 100, 100);

7.3 Scrap

Scrap is a closed profile inside the sheet that identifies a waste portion of material.

7.3.1 Scrap creation

Scrap creation needs the definition of process beginning, the definition of the scrap
with outer boundary, the process ending.

Process beginning is defined by the instruction BeginScrapCreation.

Process ending is defined by the instruction EndScrapCreation.
Process boundary creation is defined by the instruction CreateScrap.

Name Type Description

name string Name of the scrap to create.
boundaryGeometryNa string Name of the boundary geometry of the scrap.
CreateScrap parameters

The example below creates a rectangular scrap.

SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);

//Sheet definition

//Scrap creation beginning


//Scrap Boundary
CreatePolyline("ScrapBoundary", 10, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(10, 200);

//Scrap creation with boundary

CreateScrap("Scrap", "ScrapBoundary");

//Scrap creation ending


7.3.2 Scrap selection

Defined with instruction SelectScrap.

The instruction selects the specified scrap as the active scrap.

Name Type Description

name string Name of the scrap to select.

SelectScrap parameters

The example below creates a scrap named “Scrap1” and a scrap named “Scrap2”
and selects “Scrap1”
SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);

//Sheet definition

//Scrap 1 creation beginning


//Scrap 1 Boundary
CreatePolyline("Scrap1Boundary", 10, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(10, 200);

//Scrap 1 creation with boundary

CreateScrap("Scrap1", "Scrap1Boundary");

//Scrap 1 creation ending


//Scrap 2 creation beginning


//Scrap 2 Boundary
CreatePolyline("Scrap2Boundary", 500, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(700, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(700, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(500, 200);

//Scrap 2 creation with boundary

CreateScrap("Scrap2", "Scrap2Boundary");

//Scrap 2 creation ending


//Select scrap 1

7.3.3 Scrap removal from machine table

Defined with instruction CreateRemoveScrap.
The instruction removes the active scrap from the machine table using a robot

Name Type Description

name string Name of the NC function.

referencePointX double X picking coordinate to remove scrap.

referencePointY double Y picking coordinate to remove scrap.

pickingDimensionX double (default null) X scrap rectangle picking dimension, if
null scrap length will be used.
pickingDimensionY double (default null) Y scrap rectangle picking dimension, if
null scrap length will be used.

CreateRemoveScrap parameters

The instruction below remove the active Scrap from machine table
SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);

//Sheet definition

//Scrap 1 creation beginning

//Scrap 1 Boundary
CreatePolyline("Scrap1Boundary", 10, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(200, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(10, 200);

//Scrap 1 creation with boundary

CreateScrap("Scrap1", "Scrap1Boundary");

//Scrap 1 creation ending


//Scrap 2 creation beginning


//Scrap 2 Boundary
CreatePolyline("Scrap2Boundary", 500, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(700, 10);
AddSegmentToPolyline(700, 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(500, 200);

//Scrap 2 creation with boundary

CreateScrap("Scrap2", "Scrap2Boundary");

//Scrap 2 creation ending


//Select scrap 1

//Remove scrap 1
CreateRemoveScrap("RemoveScrap1", 100, 100, 100, 100);

7.4 Full Examples

The example below creates a cut scheme containing a part with outer profile
incision, hole incision, outer profile cut, hole cut, machinings, a remnant with outer
profile cut, a scrap with outer profile cut. Parts and remnants are labeled.
Machinings are always referred to sheet origin, labels are always referred to parts or
remnants origin.
In this example, all machinings relative to part, remnant or scrap are created inside
part, remnant, scrap block definition.

SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);

//Sheet definition

//Project label

//Part creation beginning


//Part 1 start point

double part1XCoordinate = 10;
double part1YCoordinate = 10;

//Part Boundary
CreatePolyline("Part1Boundary", part1XCoordinate, part1YCoordinate);
AddSegmentToPolyline(part1XCoordinate + 200, part1YCoordinate);
AddSegmentToPolyline(part1XCoordinate + 200, part1YCoordinate + 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(part1XCoordinate, part1YCoordinate + 200);

//Part hole
CreateCircleCenterRadius("Part1Hole", part1XCoordinate + 50, part1YCoordinate + 50, 30);

//Part creation with boundary and hole

CreatePart("Part1", "Part1Boundary", "Part1Hole");

//Part 1 machining
CreateSegment("Segment1", part1XCoordinate,part1YCoordinate, part1XCoordinate + 100,
part1YCoordinate + 100);
CreateRoughFinish("Segment1Machining",5,"Part1BoundaryCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 2);

//Part 1 outer boundary incision

TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting ,"E034","-1", 2);

//Part 1 hole boundary incision

CreateRoughFinish("Part1HoleIncisionCut",5,"Part1HoleCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 1);

//Part 1 outer boundary cut

CreateRoughFinish("Part1BoundaryCut",18,"Part1BoundaryCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 2);

//Part 1 hole boundary cut

CreateRoughFinish("Part1HoleCut",18,"Part1HoleCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 1);

//Part label
SetNestingPartLabel(50, 50, 0);

//Label parameters

//Part creation ending


//Part creation beginning

//Part 2 start point

double part2XCoordinate = 500;
double part2YCoordinate = 10;

//Part Boundary
CreatePolyline("Part2Boundary", part2XCoordinate, part2YCoordinate);
AddSegmentToPolyline(part2XCoordinate + 200, part2YCoordinate);
AddSegmentToPolyline(part2XCoordinate + 200, part2YCoordinate + 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(part2XCoordinate, part2YCoordinate + 200);

//Part creation beginning

CreatePart("Part2", "Part2Boundary");

//Part 2 machining
CreateSegment("Segment2", 10,10,100,100);
CreateRoughFinish("Segment2Machining",5,"Part1BoundaryCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 2);

//Part 2 outer boundary cut

CreateRoughFinish("Part2BoundaryCut",18,"Part2BoundaryCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 2);

//Part label
SetNestingPartLabel(100, 100, 0);

//Label parameters

//Part creation ending


//Remnant creation beginning


//Remnant Boundary
CreatePolyline("Remnant1Boundary", 800, 0);
AddSegmentToPolyline(3000, 0);
AddSegmentToPolyline(3000, 1200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(800, 1200);

//Remnant creation with boundary

CreateRemnant("Remnant1", "Remnant1Boundary");

//Remnant outer cut

TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting ,"E034","-1", 2);

//Remnant label
SetNestingRemnantLabel(100, 100, 0);

//Label parameters

//Remnant creation ending


//Scrap creation beginning


//Scrap Boundary
CreatePolyline("Scrap1Boundary", 0, 500);
AddSegmentToPolyline(500, 500);
AddSegmentToPolyline(700, 700);
AddSegmentToPolyline(0, 1200);

//Scrap creation with boundary

CreateScrap("Scrap1", "Scrap1Boundary");

//Scrap outer cut

CreateRoughFinish("Scrap1BoundaryCut",18,"Scrap1BoundaryCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 2);

//Scrap creation ending


The example below creates a cut scheme containing a part with outer profile
incision, hole incision, outer profile cut, hole cut, machinings, a remnant with outer
profile cut, a scrap with outer profile cut. Parts and remnants are labeled.
Machinings are always referred to sheet origin, labels are always referred to parts or
remnants origin.
In this example, first, parts, remnants and scraps are created with label information,
and after all machinings are created using selection instructions.

SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);

//Sheet definition

//Project label

//Part creation beginning


//Part 1 start point

double part1XCoordinate = 10;
double part1YCoordinate = 10;

//Part Boundary
CreatePolyline("Part1Boundary", part1XCoordinate, part1YCoordinate);
AddSegmentToPolyline(part1XCoordinate + 200, part1YCoordinate);
AddSegmentToPolyline(part1XCoordinate + 200, part1YCoordinate + 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(part1XCoordinate, part1YCoordinate + 200);

//Part hole
CreateCircleCenterRadius("Part1Hole", part1XCoordinate + 50, part1YCoordinate + 50, 30);

//Part creation with boundary and hole

CreatePart("Part1", "Part1Boundary", "Part1Hole");

//Part label
SetNestingPartLabel(50, 50, 0);

//Label parameters

//Part creation ending


//Part creation beginning


//Part 2 start point

double part2XCoordinate = 500;
double part2YCoordinate = 10;

//Part Boundary
CreatePolyline("Part2Boundary", part2XCoordinate, part2YCoordinate);
AddSegmentToPolyline(part2XCoordinate + 200, part2YCoordinate);
AddSegmentToPolyline(part2XCoordinate + 200, part2YCoordinate + 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(part2XCoordinate, part2YCoordinate + 200);

//Part creation beginning

CreatePart("Part2", "Part2Boundary");

//Part label
SetNestingPartLabel(100, 100, 0);

//Label parameters

//Part creation ending


//Remnant creation beginning


//Remnant Boundary
CreatePolyline("Remnant1Boundary", 800, 0);
AddSegmentToPolyline(3000, 0);
AddSegmentToPolyline(3000, 1200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(800, 1200);

//Remnant creation with boundary

CreateRemnant("Remnant1", "Remnant1Boundary");

//Remnant label
SetNestingRemnantLabel(100, 100, 0);

//Label parameters

//Remnant creation ending


//Scrap creation beginning


//Scrap Boundary
CreatePolyline("Scrap1Boundary", 0, 500);
AddSegmentToPolyline(500, 500);
AddSegmentToPolyline(700, 700);
AddSegmentToPolyline(0, 1200);

//Scrap creation with boundary

CreateScrap("Scrap1", "Scrap1Boundary");

//Scrap creation ending


//Part 1 selection

//Part 1 machining
CreateSegment("Segment1", part1XCoordinate,part1YCoordinate, part1XCoordinate + 100,
part1YCoordinate + 100);
CreateRoughFinish("Segment1Machining",5,"Part1BoundaryCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 2);

//Part 1 outer boundary incision

TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting ,"E034","-1", 2);

//Part 1 hole boundary incision

CreateRoughFinish("Part1HoleIncisionCut",5,"Part1HoleCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 1);

//Part 1 outer boundary cut
CreateRoughFinish("Part1BoundaryCut",18,"Part1BoundaryCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 2);

//Part 1 hole boundary cut

CreateRoughFinish("Part1HoleCut",18,"Part1HoleCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 1);

//Part 2 selection

//Part 2 machining
CreateSegment("Segment2", 10,10,100,100);
CreateRoughFinish("Segment2Machining",5,"Part1BoundaryCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 2);

//Part 2 outer boundary cut

CreateRoughFinish("Part2BoundaryCut",18,"Part2BoundaryCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 2);

//Remnant selection

//Remnant outer cut

TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting ,"E034","-1", 2);

//Scrap selection

//Scrap outer cut

CreateRoughFinish("Scrap1BoundaryCut",18,"Scrap1BoundaryCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 2);

The example below creates a cut scheme containing a part with outer profile
incision, hole incision, outer profile cut, hole cut, machinings, a remnant with outer
profile cut, a scrap with outer profile cut. Parts and remnant are labeled.
Machinings are always referred to sheet origin, labels are always referred to parts or
remnants origin.
In this example, first, parts, remnants and scraps are created with label information,
and after all machinings are created using selection instructions to define an ordered
machining sequence.

SetMachiningParameters("A", 1, 0, 0, false);

//Sheet definition

//Project label

//Part creation beginning


//Part 1 start point

double part1XCoordinate = 10;
double part1YCoordinate = 10;

//Part Boundary
CreatePolyline("Part1Boundary", part1XCoordinate, part1YCoordinate);
AddSegmentToPolyline(part1XCoordinate + 200, part1YCoordinate);
AddSegmentToPolyline(part1XCoordinate + 200, part1YCoordinate + 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(part1XCoordinate, part1YCoordinate + 200);

//Part hole
CreateCircleCenterRadius("Part1Hole", part1XCoordinate + 50, part1YCoordinate + 50, 30);

//Part creation with boundary and hole

CreatePart("Part1", "Part1Boundary", "Part1Hole");

//Part label
SetNestingPartLabel(50, 50, 0);

//Label parameters

//Part creation ending


//Part creation beginning


//Part 2 start point

double part2XCoordinate = 500;
double part2YCoordinate = 10;

//Part Boundary
CreatePolyline("Part2Boundary", part2XCoordinate, part2YCoordinate);
AddSegmentToPolyline(part2XCoordinate + 200, part2YCoordinate);
AddSegmentToPolyline(part2XCoordinate + 200, part2YCoordinate + 200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(part2XCoordinate, part2YCoordinate + 200);

//Part creation beginning

CreatePart("Part2", "Part2Boundary");

//Part label
SetNestingPartLabel(100, 100, 0);

//Label parameters


//Part creation ending


//Remnant creation beginning


//Remnant Boundary
CreatePolyline("Remnant1Boundary", 800, 0);
AddSegmentToPolyline(3000, 0);
AddSegmentToPolyline(3000, 1200);
AddSegmentToPolyline(800, 1200);

//Remnant creation with boundary

CreateRemnant("Remnant1", "Remnant1Boundary");

//Remnant label
SetNestingRemnantLabel(100, 100, 0);

//Label parameters

//Remnant creation ending


//Scrap creation beginning


//Scrap Boundary
CreatePolyline("Scrap1Boundary", 0, 500);
AddSegmentToPolyline(500, 500);
AddSegmentToPolyline(700, 700);
AddSegmentToPolyline(0, 1200);

//Scrap creation with boundary

CreateScrap("Scrap1", "Scrap1Boundary");

//Scrap creation ending


//Part 1 selection

//Part 1 machining
CreateSegment("Segment1", part1XCoordinate,part1YCoordinate, part1XCoordinate + 100,
part1YCoordinate + 100);
CreateRoughFinish("Segment1Machining",5,"Part1BoundaryCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 2);

//Part 2 selection

//Part 2 machining
CreateSegment("Segment2", 10,10,100,100);
CreateRoughFinish("Segment2Machining",5,"Part1BoundaryCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 2);

//Part 1 selection

//Part 1 outer boundary incision

TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting ,"E034","-1", 2);

//Part 1 hole boundary incision

CreateRoughFinish("Part1HoleIncisionCut",5,"Part1HoleCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 1);

//Part 1 outer boundary cut

CreateRoughFinish("Part1BoundaryCut",18,"Part1BoundaryCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 2);

//Part 1 hole boundary cut

CreateRoughFinish("Part1HoleCut",18,"Part1HoleCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 1);

//Part 2 selection

//Part outer cut

CreateRoughFinish("Part2BoundaryCut",18,"Part2BoundaryCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 2);

//Remnant selection

//Remnant outer cut

TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting ,"E034","-1", 2);

//Scrap selection

//Scrap outer cut

CreateRoughFinish("Scrap1BoundaryCut",18,"Scrap1BoundaryCut", TypeOfProcess.GeneralRouting
,"E034","-1", 2);

8 XConverter
XConverter is an application contained inside Maestro suite used to execute
operations by DOS command lines.
A good way to invoke the XConverter is to create a batch file (.bat) with inside all
DOS commands necessary to execute the operations.

XConverter operations are called “mode” and are identified by a number.

Batch file must always have the instruction Call to execute the XConverter with the
full path where it is located in the file system. Usually, for 64 bit case Program Files
folder, for 32 bit case Program Files x86 folder.
Calling instruction usually is :

32 bit -
Call "c:\Program files x86\Scm Group\MaestroXConverter.exe" ^

64 bit -
Call "c:\Program files\Scm Group\MaestroXConverter.exe" ^

speciale char ^ must be always put at the line ending and next line must be in a new

Nella tabella sottostante sono indicati i comandi che possono essere inseriti
all’interno del file batch e possono essere utilizzati nei vari modi dsiponibili.

Comando Tipo Descrizione

-s Silent mode
-m string Working mode
-t string Tools file full path
-q string Tooling file full path (if not defined
option file is used)
-e string Edges file full path (if not defined option
file is used)
-i string Input file full path (from 1 to N)
-o string Output file full path (from 1 to N)
-env string Environment file full path
-cfgx string Configuration file full path (if not
defined option file is used)
-lbsx string Supports file full path (if not defined
option file is used)
-eplx string Percorso completo del file di layout del
piano di lavoro (se non definito viene
usato quello delle opzioni)

-supp string Nome del supporto di default da montare
sulle piastre

-ca string Valore del carico agevolato

-ow Indica se il file di uscita deve essere
-vp Verifica del progetto
-v string Percorso completo del file di variabili
d’ambiente di riferimento

XConverter parameters

8.1 Working modes

8.1.1 Mode 0 - Xcs Import

This mode imports xcs files and creates a pgmx file.

Tools file (.tlgx) must be explicitly indicated.
Input files can be specified with file system path and output files must be specified
with file system path or with an output folder.
Input files can be specified with an input folder and an output folder.

The example below shows a batch file with input and output explicitly defined

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 0 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.xcs" ^
-o "c:\Outputs\P1.pgmx" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input explicitly defined and output with

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 0 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.xcs" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input and output defined with folder

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 0 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

8.1.2 Mode 1 - WorkPiece Import

This mode creates a new project where all workpieces contained in input pgmx files
will be imported.
Tools file (.tlgx) must be explicitly indicated.
Input files can be specified with file system path and output file must be specified.

The example below shows a batch file with 3 input pgmx files explicitly defined and
the output file.

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 1 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.pgmx" "c:\Inputs\P2.pgmx" "c:\Inputs\P3.pgmx" ^
-o "c:\Outputs\POut.pgmx" ^

8.1.3 Mode 2 - Project optimization

This mode optimizes the input project.

Optimization parameters used are the optimization parameters defined in
optimization options.
Input files can be specified with file system path and output file must be specified by
file system path.

The example below shows a batch file with 1 input pgmx file and the output
optimized file path.

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 2 ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.pgmx" ^
-o "c:\Outputs\P1Out.pgmx" ^

8.1.4 Mode 3 - Xcs import, workpiece import and

This mode creates a new project where all workpieces contained in input xcs files
will be imported and optimized.
Tools file (.tlgx) must be explicitly indicated.
Input files can be specified with file system path and output file must be specified.

The example below shows a batch file with 3 input xcs files explicitly defined and the
output file.

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 3 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.xcs" "c:\Inputs\P2.xcs" "c:\Inputs\P3.xcs" ^
-o "c:\Outputs\POut.pgmx" ^

8.1.5 Mode 4 - Xxl import

This mode imports xxl files and creates a pgmx file.

Tools file (.tlgx) must be explicitly indicated.
Input files can be specified with file system path and output files must be specified
with file system path or with an output folder.
Input files can be specified with an input folder and an output folder.

The example below shows a batch file with input and output explicitly defined

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 4 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.xxl" ^
-o "c:\Outputs\P1.pgmx" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input explicitly defined and output with

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 4 ^

-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.xxl" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input and output defined with folder

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 4 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

8.1.6 Mode 5 - Pgm import

This mode imports pgm files and creates a pgmx file.

Tools file (.tlgx) must be explicitly indicated.
Input files can be specified with file system path and output files must be specified
with file system path or with an output folder.
Input files can be specified with an input folder and an output folder.

The example below shows a batch file with input and output explicitly defined

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 5 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.pgm" ^
-o "c:\Outputs\P1.pgmx" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input explicitly defined and output with

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 5 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.pgm" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input and output defined with folder

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 5 ^

-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

8.1.7 Mode 10 - Pgmx process and Xxl generation

This mode processes a pgmx file, checks it and produces an xxl output file.
Tools file (.tlgx) must be explicitly indicated.
Input files can be specified with file system path and output files must be specified
with file system path or with an output folder.
Input files can be specified with an input folder and an output folder.

The example below shows a batch file with input and output explicitly defined

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 10 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.pgmx" ^
-o "c:\Outputs\P1.xxl" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input explicitly defined and output with

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 10 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.pgmx" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input and output defined with folder

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 10 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

8.1.8 Mode 11 - Mixx project creation

This mode creates a new mixx project from a list of projects defined in a csv file.
Tools file (.tlgx) must be explicitly indicated.
Input files can be specified with file system path and output file must be specified.

The example below shows a batch file with csv input files and the output mixx file.

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 11 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\Distinta.csv" ^
-o "c:\Outputs\POut.mixx" ^

The .csv file must contains a set of lines describing pgmx files and associated
informations to use to create the Mixx

Lines are composed by a set of elements defined by a bracketed key "[TAG]"

separated by simbol "=" from associated value.Field must end with character ";".

Following allowed keys :

[PRG]=string; : Name of file pgmx.

[DX]=decimal value; : Panel length (single)

[DY]=decimal value; : Panel width (single)

[DZ]=decimal value; : Panel depth (single)

[BX]=decimal value; : X coordinate of panel positioning

[BY]=decimal value; : Y coordinate of panel positioning

[BZ]=decimal value; : Z coordinate of panel positioning

[R]=integer value; : Number of program repetitions

[FLD]=string; : Working field

[MES]=string; : Unit ("MM"=millimeter - "IN"=inches)

[OPM]=integer value; : Mechanical options (Xilog T field)

[BLK]=integer value; : Blocking options (Xilog V field)

[ORDER]=string; : Order

Mixx line representation is of this type : "[TAG]=Value":

[PRG]=string; [DX]=value; [DY]=value; [DZ]=value; [BX]=valore; [BY]=value;

[BZ]=value; [R]=value; [FLD]=value; [MES]=string; [OPM]=value;

Key "[PRG]", name of PGMX, is mandatory, all other keys are optional. If not defined,
default values will be applied.

Line keys sequence is not fixed, keys can assume each position on line.

To create a Mixx is necessary to have a folder with inside a set of informations.

Folder must contains csv file describing pgmx files to import and the list of pgmx

Two cases are possible

1) Pgmx files at same csv level inside folder :

For example, with a folder called “Project :





The Tag [PRG] inside each line of the csv must have pgmx file local to folder,




2) Pgmx files can be in sub folder:

For example, with a folder called “Project :








The Tag [PRG] inside each line of the csv must have pgmx file local to sub folder,







8.1.9 Mode 12 - Automatic clamps setup

This mode creates a new project where all workpieces contained in input xcs files
will be imported, optimized, automatically setup executed, generated initial e/o final
setup and cycles generated.
Tools file (.tlgx) must be explicitly indicated.
Input files can be specified with file system path and output file must be specified.

The example below shows a batch file with 2 input xcs files explicitly defined and the
output file.

Easy loading values can be specified with ca command and it is possible to check
project with v command.

The example below shows a batch file with 2 input xcs files and the generated
output file

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^
-s -m 12 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.xcs" "c:\Inputs\P2.xcs"^
-o "c:\Outputs\POut.pgmx" ^

The example below shows a batch file with 2 input xcs files with easy loading values
and the generated output file

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 12 ^
-ca 200 200 400 400 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.xcs" "c:\Inputs\P2.xcs" ^
-o "c:\Outputs\POut.pgmx" ^

8.1.10 Mode 13 - Automatic suction cups setup

This mode executes the suction cups automatic set up on input files.
Tools file (.tlgx) must be explicitly indicated.
Input files can be specified with file system path and output file must be specified.

The example below shows a batch file with pgmx input files to execute the
automatic suction cup set up and the output mixx file.

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 13 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.pgmx" ^
-o "c:\Outputs\POut.pgmx" ^

8.1.11 Mode 14 - Import Pgm and automatic suction cups


This mode imports a pgm and executes the suction cups automatic set up.
Tools file (.tlgx) must be explicitly indicated.

Input files can be specified with file system path and output file must be specified.

The example below shows a batch file with pgm input files to execute the automatic
suction cup set up and the output mixx file.

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 14 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.pgm" ^
-o "c:\Outputs\POut.pgmx" ^

This mode imports a pgm and executes the suction cups automatic set up.
Tools file (.tlgx) must be explicitly indicated.
Input files can be specified with file system path and output file must be specified.

The example below shows a batch file with pgm input files to execute the automatic
suction cup set up and the output mixx file.

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 14 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.pgm" ^
-o "c:\Outputs\POut.pgmx" ^

8.1.12 Mode 16 - Project time execution estimation

This mode executes the project time execution estimation on input files (pgmx, mixx)
and produces for each of them a csv file containing results.

The example below shows a batch file with pgmx input file to execute the time
execution estimation.

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 16 ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.pgmx" ^
-o "c:\Output\P1.csv" ^

8.1.13 Mode 18 - Advanced Dxf import

This mode imports advanced dxf files and creates a pgmx file.
Tools file (.tlgx) must be explicitly indicated.
Input files can be specified with file system path and output files must be specified
with file system path or with an output folder.
Input files can be specified with an input folder and an output folder.

The example below shows a batch file with input and output explicitly defined

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 18 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.dxf" ^
-o "c:\Outputs\P1.pgmx" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input explicitly defined and output with

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 18 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.dxf" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input and output defined with folder

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 18 ^
-t "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\Tlgx\Tools.tlgx" ^
-i "c:\Inputs" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

8.1.14 Mode 20 - Project check

This mode checks a pgmx file and produces the check results as output.Input files
can be specified with file system path and output files must be specified with file
system path or with an output folder.
Input files can be specified with an input folder and an output folder.

The example below shows a batch file with input and output explicitly defined

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 20 ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.pgmx" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input explicitly defined and output with

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 20 ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.pgmx" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input and output defined with folder

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 20 ^
-i "c:\Inputs" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

8.1.15 Mode 21 - Build and check project to load on the


This mode processes a pgmx file, checks machine loading and produces the check
results as output.Input files can be specified with file system path and output files
must be specified with file system path or with an output folder.
Input files can be specified with an input folder and an output folder.

The example below shows a batch file with input and output explicitly defined

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 21 ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.pgmx" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input explicitly defined and output with

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 21 ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.pgmx" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input and output defined with folder

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 21 ^
-i "c:\Inputs" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

8.1.16 Mode 22 - Build project to load on the machine

This mode processes a pgmx file, to load it on the machine.

Input files can be specified with file system path and output files must be specified
with file system path or with an output folder.
Input files can be specified with an input folder and an output folder.

The example below shows a batch file with input and output explicitly defined

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 22 ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.pgmx" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input explicitly defined and output with

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 22 ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.pgmx" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input and output defined with folder

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 22 ^
-i "c:\Inputs" ^

-o "c:\Outputs" ^

8.1.17 Mode 23 - Xcs import build project to load on


This mode imports a xcs file, processes it, checks machine loading and produces the
check results as output.Input files can be specified with file system path and output
files must be specified with file system path or with an output folder.
Input files can be specified with an input folder and an output folder.

The example below shows a batch file with input and output explicitly defined

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 23 ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.xcs" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input explicitly defined and output with

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 23 ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.xcs" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input and output defined with folder

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 23 ^
-i "c:\Inputs" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

8.1.18 Mode 24 - Global parameters file update from csv file

This mode updates the global parameters file with parameters indicated in a csv file.
Input files can be specified with file system path and the csv file pah can be specified
with v command.

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 24 ^
-v "c:\Inputs\Variable.csv" ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.evax" "c:\Inputs\P2.evax" ^

8.1.19 Mode 25 - Update project parametrics from csv file

This mode updates a pgmx file parametrically from parameters contained in a csv
Input files can be specified explicitly and if the output folder is missing it will be
directly updated, otherwise a copy will be created in the output folder.
Csv file has to be in the same folder of pgmx file and must have the same name.
For example, a P1.pgmx must have associated in the same folder a P1.csv file.

The example below shows a batch file with input explicitly defined

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 25 ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.pgmx" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input explicitly defined and output with

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 25 ^
-i "c:\Inputs\P1.pgmx" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

The example below shows a batch file with input and output defined with folder

Call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Scm Group\Maestro\XConverter.exe" ^

-s -m 25 ^
-i "c:\Inputs" ^
-o "c:\Outputs" ^

9 Appendix

9.1 Canonical working fields

Canonical working fields are all working fields where the workpiece is always placed
in a quadrant defined by a system reference with positive X axis and positive Y axis.

Lower left working field

Upper left working field

Lower right working field

Upper right working field

9.2 Non canonical working fields

Non canonical working fields are all working fields where system reference is always
the cartesian system reference and the workpiece is placed in a quadrant different
from the quadrant relative to positive X axis and positive Y axis.

Lower left working field

Upper left working field where the workpiece is placed in the quadrant defined by
positive X axis and negative Y axis (Q4).

Lower right working field where the workpiece is placed in the quadrant defined by
negative X axis and positive Y axis (Q2).

Upper right working field where the workpiece is placed in the quadrant defined by
negative X axis and negative Y axis (Q3).


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