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Bio diversity


Bio diversity
Bio diversity is defined as the variety and the variability among all groups of living
organisms and the ecosystem in which they occur.

Importance of biodiversity.
1. Biodiversity is very important for human life.
2. It is responsible for providing all essential needs for the human life on
3. Many medicine, clothing, fiber, foods are obtained from naturally occurring
4. Biodiversity is responsible for regulating the global climate.
5. It is responsible for maintenance of soil, recycling of nutrients.

Levels of biodiversity
a) Genetic diversity
b) Species diversity
c) Ecosystem diversity

Genetic level
It refer to the variation of genes within the species . Genes are basic units of all
life on earth. The number of genes present in one species is very different from
the number of genes present in other species
For example number of genes in E.coli is 4000. On the other hand in rice number of
genes is 32,000- 50,000, for man the number of genes is between 35,000 to
40,000. This variation of genes is known as genetic diversity.
Species diversity
The number of species present in a system is called species diversity it includes all
species in an area from microbes to plants animals. Each species in an ecosystem
has a definite role to play. The loss of one entity may affect the whole ecosystem.
Species diversity can be understood from two parameters namely

a) Species richness
b) Species eveness

1. Species richness
Species richness refers to the species abundance (i.e) the number of individual
species per unit area.

2. Species eveness
It refers to the eveness of the individuals in a species . Species eveness is again
be classified into two types. They are
High species eveness
Low species eveness.

Ecosystem diversity
Ecosystem diversity refers to the variation of community type and abiotic
environments present in an area.

There are three types ecosystem diversity.

They are
i) Alpha Diversity
It refers to the diversity within the community. It is the diversity of organisms
living in the habitat.
ii) Beta Diversity
It refers to the diversity between communities.
iii) Gamma Diversity
It is the diversity of the habitats over a large geographic area. The overall
difference in diversity between two geographic regions is called gamma divewrsity.
India – A mega diversity nation

 India has a very rich biodiversity of wild life plants and animals
 It is considered to be one of the mega-diversity nations.
 Among the 34 mega diversity centers in the world, India ranks tenth among
the plants and mammal rich centers.
 It ranks fourth among Asian countries
 Out 34 “Hot spots “identified in the world, India houses 4 HOTSPOTS.
 They are Eastern Himalayas, North East India, Western Ghats and
Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
 India is very rich biodiversity with a sizable percentage of endemic Flora
and fauna.
 7% of the global species are found in India
 India ranks 10th among the plant rich countries in the world
 It ranks 11 in terms of number of endemic species of higher vertebrates.
 It ranks 6 th among the centers of diversity and origin of agricultural
 Many species of animals endemic to India
For example 38 species of animals which are not found anywhere in the
world is found India similarly 69 species of endemic birds, 100species of
frogs and 214 species of reptiles are endemic to Indian sub continent

 80% of world’s one horned Rhinoceros, 100% Asiatic lion, 65% of the
Asian elephants and 80% of world’s Gharials are found in India.
 India is reported to have 16500-19400 taxa of flowering plants.
 India has 14 Biosphere reserves , 89 National parks and 497 Sanctuaries
 Eastern Himalayas is called the “Cradle of speciation” as it has rich
flowering plants.
Values of Biodiversity

The world is inhabited by great diversity of life forms, animals and plants living
in diverse habitats. This diversity is vital to human survival as they provide all
essential things necessary for life.

Classification of values of biodiversity.

1. Consumptive value
These are direct values, where the biodiversity products are harvested and
consumed directly.
 Large number of plants and animals are consumed by human being as food.
 90% of our present food is obtained from wild tropical plants.
 80,000 edible plants species are reported to be present in wild life.

Drugs and Medicine

 About 75% of the world population depends upon plants for medicine.
 Penicillin is used as an antibiotic derived from a fungus called PENICILLIUM.
 Neem tree has got very good medicinal values . More than 30 medicines
have been prepared from the different parts of the tree which is used for
curing Fever, cough, stomach and skin diseases.

 Forest have been used for ages for fuel wood. Fire woods are consumed by
villages and tribal.
 The fossil fuels such as coal, petreoleum and natural gas are also the
products of fossilized biodiversity.
2. Productive value.
 These are commercially usable obtained from biodiversity values. Where the
product is marketed and sold.
 Animal products such as musk from musk deer, silk from silk worm, wool
from sheeps
 Many industries depends on the resources from the bio diversity
e.g paper, plywood, silk ivory work, leather, pearl industries,

3. Social value.
Values associated with the social life, customs, religion and psycho-spiritual
aspects of the people.
 Many plants are considered holy and sacred in our country.
e.g Tulsi,mango,lotus.
 The leaves ,flowers and fruits of the plant are used in worship.
 Animals such as cow, snake, bull, peacock are also consider as holy and are

4. Ethical value.
Ethical value are also known as existence value. It is known as existence value.
“LIVE and LET LIVE”. It involves ethical like “ ALL LIFE MUST BE RESERVED”
For e.g we do not derive anything from kangaroo, zebra or giraffe, but we desire
that these species should exist in nature and derive pleasure by seeing them.

Aesthetic value
Bio diversity has great aesthetic value
 People are much attracted by the beauty of the nature, dense forest, high
mountains, deep valley , roaring waterfalls, singing birds etc,
 Eco – tourism gives monetary benefit to the country.

5. Optional Values.

Option value is the value of knowing that there are biological resources existing on
this biosphere that may one day prove to be effective for something important in
 This value means the potential of biodiversity, which is unknown today, may
be explored tomorrow.
 The most dreadful diseases ,such as AIDS,Cancer can be cured in future
by the medicine that can be obtained from tropical forest or marine

Threats to biodiversity

Due to the exponential increase in human population, there is an ever increasing

demand for land, house, raw materials, fuels, food etc. People have hunted, fished
and gathered species for food, fuel, fiber and shelter Deforestation and soil
erosion has occurred resulting in the loss of biodiversity.

If this trend continues, a large number of species will be destroyed in the next
few decades.

Threats to biodiversity is mainly due to

1) Habitat loss
2) Poaching of wild life
3) Man wild life conflict

Habitat loss

Habitat loss is the prime cause of distribution of biodiversity. Habitat is the

sum of environmental factors, such as food, water and shelter, which are
essential for the living organisms to live comfortably and reproduce in a
given area. The loss of habitat is mainly due to the deforestation acvtivities
and expansion of various developmental activities and projects.

Some more causes of habitat loss are

 Agricultural activities
 Extraction ( including mixing, fishing, logging and harvesting)
 Developmental activities (human settlements)
 Human activities, such as grazing and hunting.
 Production of drugs- pharmaceutical companies collects wild plants
 Forest encroachment and construction of dames
 Discharge of industrial effluents and chemicals kills the aquatic


 Man is fascinated by nature and trees to make items from the different
parts of animals such as skin bone, teeths etc.
 Poaching is illegal killing of animals by man for meat, skin, sport organ
transplant, research. Poaching leads to the loss of animal diversity.
 Tribal peoples hunt wild animal for their food. Poaching is also done by
business people to earn more amount of money by trading the animal
 Animals like monkey and tortoise, birds like peacock are poached for
preparing medicine.
 Many tribal depends on wild plants and animals for their medicine

Subsistence poaching

If animals are killed for getting food, it is called as subsistence poaching

Commercial poaching

Hunting and killing of animals for want of animal products, such as skin fur, nail,
bone, teeth , hair called commercial poaching.

Animals poached
a) Bengal tiger b)Elephant c) Male gorilla d) Sea horses and turtles

High –tech fishing technique has exhausted fish population in marine ecosystem –
Dynamite fishing

Preventive measure

1. Biodiversity law should be strengthened

2. Avoid buying items made of animal parts
3. Illegal hunting and killing to be stopped immediately
Man – Wild life conflict.

 The conflict between man wild life started with the evolution of man. But
the intensity has increased due to the activities of modern man.
 Man –wild life conflict arise when the wild animals like elephant, tiger,
leopard etc.
 If they are unable to get proper food and water in the forest area, come out
of their natural habitat and cause damages to human properties

Factors affecting Man –wild life conflicts

1. Deforestation is the main cause of man- wild life conflict, due to reduce in
forest area, animals move out of their habitat in search of food and water
2. Human Encroachment of forest area
3. Urbanization in wild life area
4. Villages used to put electric wiring around their crop fields . wild animals try
to cross the wiring fences get injured or killed.
5. Since wild animals damages the crops villagers take revenge to kill them.
6. Garbage near human settlement or food crops near forest attract wild
7. Comensation amount not enough for villagers , hence agonized farmers take
revenge and kill the animals.

Prevention of Man –Wild life conflict

1. More space should be provided for forest area.

2. Development and constructional work in and around forest area should be
3. Solar power fencing must be provided along with electric proof trenches to
prevent the animals entering the fields.
4. The crop pattern should be changed near the forest area
5. Crop and cattle compensation schemes should be started.

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