Lesson 1

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Lesson 1: The Concepts of Politics and Governance

What I Need to Know

Political Science deals with the study of power in society, politics, and
government. The dynamic character of human society and the differences in
contexts of different states have resulted in different views, theories, and definitions
on the on the concepts underlying politics and governance. Having basic knowledge
on political science can be empowering for every citizen, especially in a democratic
country like the Philippines. These are various theories in political science, but we
only have to study the concepts in the Philippines.

Learning Competencies:

At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:

 Articulate definitions of politics

 Differentiate the various views on politics
 Explore the connection between the phenomenon (politics) and the method
of inquiry (Political Science)
 Recognize the value of politics
 Differentiate governance from government

What I Know

Before you start studying the lesson in this module, take this simple test
first to find out how much you already know about the topics in this module.

Encircle the letter of the correct answer to each of the following questions.

1. This is the exercise of power, the science of government, the making of

collective decision the allocation of scarse resources and the practice of
deception and manipulation.

a. Politics

b. Economics

c. Politica Science

d. Law

2. This is defined as systematic study of political and government institutions
and processes.

a. Politics

b. Social Science

c. Political Science

d. Governance

3. This is the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions

are implemented or not implemented.

a. Government

b. Governance

c. Politics

d. Economy

4. This is defined as the group of people with the authority to govern a country
or state.

a. Government

b. Governance

c. Politics

d. Economy

5. The father of Political Science.

a. Aristotle

b. Niccolo Machiavelli

c. Harold Laswell

d. Abraham Maslow

6. It means “city-state”, a small independent self- contained political society.

a. Polis

b. Politika

c. Polites

d. Politics

7. This is the central concept in politics and governance.

a. Rules

b. Justice
c. Law

d. Government

8. This is the crucial requirement for good governance.

a. Rule of Law

b. Transparency

c. Accountability

d. Participation

9. This is essential cornerstone of good governance.

a. Participation

b. Transparency

c. Accountability

d. Responsiveness

10.The concept of governance is as old as human civilization

a. True

b. False

If all your answers are correct, very good! This shows that you already know
much about the topics in this module. You may still study the module to review
what you already know. Who knows, you might learn a few more new things as

If you got a low score, don’t feel bad. This only shows that this module is for
you. It will help you understand some important concepts that you can apply in
your daily life. If you study this module carefully, you will learn the answers to all
the items in the test and a lot more! Are you ready?

What’s In

Using the concept map, write at least four words that comes into your mind
when you hear the words politics and political science.



What’s New?

Activity 1

Study the following concepts whether they belong, to Politics or Political Science
using the Table below.

a. the actual process of how humans interact in groups

b. seeks to study the origin, nature and functions of the state, government and
it’s all organs
c. the practices of elective and non-elective political systems
d. theory of state and government
e. studied by few
f. constitute man’s activities in the real world
g. the process by which people try to influence government issues, problems, and
activities taking place in society
h. day-to-day actual activities of the government
I. everyone is involved
j. the scientific study of politics

Politics Political Science

What is It?

The Meaning of Politics

Politics is the study of “who gets what, when, and how” as Harold Laswell
states. Who gets power, authority, and leadership. When they are able to get such
and how they able to get it? This is linked to the idea that politics is “the master of
science” as called by Aristotle (Roskin,et.al.,2012) He further elaborated that
politics is present in all our daily dealings in the Polis (the Greek city-states). This
leads to the concept that Politics indeed could also be viewed as social activity-
three is always an interaction between among the members of the society to
resolved disagreement and conflicts to attain common solutions. Also the politics is
said to be natural outgrowth of human development having capable of reasoning
that named mas as a political animal (Dooley et, al.,2013).

Politics is the exercise of power, the science of government, the making of

collective decisions, the allocations of scarce resources and the practice of
deception and manipulation. Moreover, Politics is consisting of people acting
politically, by organizing political interest groups and trying to induce governments
to act in ways that will promote interests over those opponents. To further
understand politics, it must start by knowing something about how people acquire
their political beliefs, values, and notions how they act and should act politically.
Politics could also be viewed as “the process of making government policies”. Thus,
it comes to the study of political science. The development of political science as a
discipline could be traced from the time of Aristotle when he wrote the first
systematic focused on political affairs known as the Politics that named after him
the Father of Political Science. The Father of Modern Political Science, Nicollo
Machiavelli, wrote “The Prince” a handbook for rulers in the art of government.
Thus, in contemporary time Prof. Francis Lieber also wrote “Manual of Political
Ethics”; the first systematic treatise on political science that gives as a well through
understanding of the discipline. In the Philippines, Department of Political Science
was established in the College of Liberal Arts in 1915, University of the Philippines.
Teodoro M. Kalaw is the first Filipino student of politics and defined political
science in his Manual Ciencia Politica in 1018 as, “the nature and organization of
the State, the structure, and functions of the high branches of government, and the
theory of political and civil liberties (agpalo,1998).”

Political Science is defined as the systematic study of political and

governmental institutions and process (Ranney,1995). It is a discipline that seeks
to understand the relationship between individual and political institutions.
Political institution defined as collections of relevant rules and routines that
determines appropriate actions regarding relations between roles and situations
involving the determination of what the situation is, what role is being fulfilled, and
what obligation of that part in that situation is (Peter, 2012). Bluntschli, a Swiss
scholar, defined political science as the science, which concerned with the state,
which endeavors to understand and comprehend the state in its fundamental
conditions, in its essential nature, its various form of manifestation, its
development (Molten ans Islam,2011). To Paul Janet as cited by Molten and Islam
(2011), a French scholar, political science is, “that part of science which treats the
foundations of the state and the principles of government”. Thus, the other
definitions clearly indicate that political science is not only limited to the study of
the state and government, but it also includes the society in macro perspective in
so far as various institutions of the state are interrelated with one another.

Characteristics of Politics
1. Politics will help you to know your rights.

2. Politics clarifies what you yourself believes.

3. Politics is a living, breathing subject.

4. Politics helps you to understand our nation’s parties.

5. Politics prepares you for adult life.

The Science of Politics

1. It is the basic knowlegde and understanding of the state and the principles and
ideals which underlie its organization and activities.

2. It is primarily concerned with the association of human beings into ‘body politic’
or in a political community.

3. It deals with those relations among men and groups which are subjects to
control by the state with the relations of men and groups to the state itself and
the relations of the state to another state.

How Politics can be studied?

1. NORMATIVE vs. POSITIVE APPROACH-Focuses in answering the questions:
(What is?) Positive Approach Example: “The Department of Education
documented more than 1,700 cases of child abuse and bullying in school year
2013-2014.” (What should be?) Normative Approach Example: “Bullying and
other forms of violence in schools should be viewed not just a school problem
but a societal problem as well.”

2. BEHAVIORAL APPROACH-Focuses on the study of the individual (voter, leader,

party leader, etc.) particularly the actors of the political system, their emotions,
biases and predispositions. Behaviorists, therefore, study the political process

by looking at how it relates or influences the individual’s behavior, motivations,
personalities or feelings of human actors (Orji, 2009).

3. RATIONAL CHOICE APPROACH-Focuses on the study of human behavior,

wherein individuals are motivated by their wants, their self-interest or goals
which will explain their preferences. Furthermore, according to this approach,
humans act to maximize their outcome, that is, to get the most benefit and
profit from their actions.


1. Why do you think we study the basic concepts of political science?

2. What are the differences and the connection between politics and Political

3. Which aspect of political science are you interested in? Why?

What’s More

Assessment 1

Study the following statement. Write T if the statement is true. Write F if the
statement is false.

______1. Political science is the study of power and government systems.

______2. Power is not a central concept in political science.
______3. The study of politics involves a complex process of quantitative and
qualitative interpretations based on available data.
______4. Politics is universal and is always the same.
______5. Politics involve issues, problems, and activities taking place in the society.
______6. Politics is the actual process of how humans interact in groups.
______7. Political Science is the process by which people try to influence them
______8. Only government officials have the right to study politics.
______9. Politics is generally defined as the activity that influences an individual or
a group of people.as the study of people.
______10. According to Niccolo Machiavelli “Man by nature, is a political animal”.

Activity 2:
Study the scrambled letters and try to unscramble or rearrange the letters to forma
1. LERU FO AWL- ______________________________________
2. GROVEANNCE- ______________________________________
3. TARPCNSREANY-_____________________________________
4. RSPENOISVEENSS- __________________________________
5. VERNOGENTM- ______________________________________

The Meaning of Governance

The concept of governance which is defined as the process of decision-
making and the process by which decisions are implemented. While government is
defined as the group of people with the authority to govern a country or state; a
particular ministry in office. (Oxford Dictionary). Governance is all of the processes
of governing, whether undertaken by a government, market or network, whether
over a family, tribe, formal or informal organization or territory and whether
through the laws, norms, power or language of an organized society. It relates to
"the processes of interaction and decision-making among the actors involved in a
collective problem that lead to the creation, reinforcement, or reproduction of social
norms and institutions. In lay terms, it could be described as the political
processes that exist in between formal institutions.

Good governance entails sound public sector management (efficiency,

effectiveness, and economy) accountability, exchange and the free of information
(transparency) and legal framework for development (justice, respect for human
rights and liberties) (Wyatt,2005). Good governance is defined focusing on
legitimacy (government should have the consent of the governed) accountability
(ensuring transparency, being answerable for actions and media freedom),
competence (effective policy making, implementation and service delivery), and
respect for law and human rights (Wyatt,2005).

Characteristics of Good Governance (UNESCO for Asia and the Pacific)


Participation as one of the aspects of good governance, by both men and

women, must partake directly or indirectly (having a representative) in every
governmental process. This is because participation is an essential cornerstone of
good governance.

Rule of law.
The rule of law means to say that good governance manifested through the
impartiality of fair legal framework such as the promotion of a full protection of
human right and dignity especially those members of minorities.
Transparency means that decisions were taken, and their enforcement are
done in a manner that follows rules and regulations. It also means that information
is freely available and directly accessible to those who will be affected by such
decisions and their enforcement.

It also means that enough information is provided and that it is provided in

easily under stable forms and media.


Good governance requires that institutions and processes try to serve all
stakeholders within a reasonable timeframe.

Equity and inclusiveness.

Equity and inclusiveness means that all members of the society, especially
the most vulnerable ones or the grassroots level, must be taken into consideration
in policy-making, Social equity refers to a kind of justice that gives more extensive
efforts in promoting equity and inclusiveness.

Consensus oriented.

Good governance requires mediation of the different interest in society to

reach a broad consensus in society on what is in the best interest of the whole
community and how this can be achieved. It also requires a broad and long-term
perspective on what is needed for sustainable human development and how to
achieve the goals of such development.

Effectiveness and efficiency.

Good governance means that processes and institutions produce results that
meet the needs of society while making the best use of resources at their disposal.
The concept of efficiency in the context of good governance also covers the
sustainable use of natural sources and the protection of the environment.


Accountability is a crucial requirement for good governance. Not only

governmental institutions but also the private sector and civil society organizations
must be accountable to the public and their institutional stakeholders.

Activity 3.
Answer the question below:

Differentiate government from governance.


Assessment 2.

Match column A with the correct answer on column B.

Column A Colum B

__1. Governance a. serve all stakeholders.

__2. Government b. produce results that meet needs while making the
best use of resources

__3. Participation c. mediates differing interests.

__4. Accountability d. defined as the group of people with the authority

to govern a country or state; a particular ministry
in office.

__5. Rule of Law e. It is the set of rules and laws framed by the
government that are to be implemented through
the representatives of the state.

__6. Responsiveness f. active involvement of all affected and interested

parties in the decision making process.

__7.Consensus g. accountable to the public.


__8. Transparency h. all its members have opportunities to improve or

maintain their well-being.

__9. Effectiveness and i. legal frameworks should be fair and enforced

efficiency impartially.

__10. Equity and j. free flow of information.


What I Have Learned

I. Define the following in not more than ten words.

1. Politics- _______________________________________________________

2. Political Science- ________________________________________________

3. Governance- ___________________________________________________

4. Government- ___________________________________________________

5. Rule of Law- ___________________________________________________

II. Summarize what you have learned in this lesson in three to five sentences.
Provide two or more sentences for reflection or opinion regarding politics and


What I Can Do
Create a SLOGAN that will established how the good politics can be applied
in our daily life.

The activity will be scored with the following rubrics:


Criteria Points

Relevance to the Topic 10 pts.

Creativity 5 pts.

Neatness 5 pts.

Total 20 pts.

Post Assessment

I. Direction: Read the statement carefully. Identify the term that is

described. Write your answer in the space provided.

__________1. It is the key requirement of good governance.

__________2. It means that information is freely available and directly accessible to

those who will be affected by such decisions and their enforcement.

__________3. It is a key cornerstone of good governance.

__________4. It is defined as the systematicstudy of political and governmental

institutions and process

_________5. Focuses on the study of the individual particularly the actors of the

political system, their emotions, biases and predispositions.

__________6. The father of Modern Politics.

__________7. The first Filipino student of politics.

__________8. It is handbook for rulers in the art of government.

__________9. Focuses on the study of human behavior, wherein individuals are

motivated by their wants, their self-interest or goals which will explain

their preferences.

_________10. The first systematic treatise in political science that give well thorough

understanding on the discipline.

II. Study the following statement if true or false. Write T for true and F for
false in the space provided.

__________11. Politics is the actual process of how humans interact in groups.

__________12. Good governance doenn’tassure that corruption is minimized, the
views of minorities are taken into account and that voices of the most vulnerable in
society are heard in decision-making.
__________13. Political science seeks to study the origin, nature and functions of
the state, government, and its all organ.
__________14. All government officials and all those working in government are
participating in politics.
__________15. Governance was defined as the process of decision-making and the
process by which decisions are implemented.

Additional activities

Aristotle is considered as the father of political science while, Niccolo

Machiavelli as the father of modern political science. Research on their respective
views on political science. In the table below, compare their views, regarding the
concepts of power, politics, justice, and governance. On the third box, write your
own views.


Answer Key:
What I Know

1. A

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. A

6. A

7. C

8. C

9. A

10. A

What’s In

law election
government state

governance power

Society politics

Activity 1
Politics Political Science

the actual process of how humans seeks to study the origin, nature and
interact in groups functions of the state, government and its all

the practices of elective and non-elective theory of state and government

political systems

constitute man’s activities in the real studied by few


day-to-day actual activities of the the process by which people try to influence
government government issues, problems, and activities
taking place in society

everyone is involved the scientific study of politics

Assessment 1

2. F

3. T

4. F

5. T

6. T

7. F

8. F


10. F

Activity 2

1. Rule of Law

2. Governance

3. Transparency

4. Responsiveness

5. Government

Activity 3

Governance is the act of governing or ruling. It is the set of rules and laws framed by the government
that are to be implemented through the representatives of the state , while Government is the
instrument for the purpose of governance groups of people with authority to govern a country or state.
The difference between “government” and “governance” may be clarified using an example of a
business which is run by a group of people.

Assessment 2

1. D

2. E

3. F

4. G

5. I

6. A

7. C

8. J

9. B

10. H

What I have Learned

1. Politics is the exercise of power, the science of government, the making of collective
decisions, the allocations of scarce resources and the practice of deception and manipulation.
2. Political Science is It is a discipline that seeks to understand the relationship between
individual and political institutions.
3. Governance is defined as the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions
are implemented.
4. Government is defined as the group of people with the authority to govern a country or state.
5. The rule of law means to say that good governance manifested through the impartiality of fair
legal framework such as the promotion of a full protection of human rightdright and dignity
especially those members of minorities.


1. Accountability

2. Transparency

3. Participation

4. Political Science

5. Behavioral Approach

6. Niccolo Machiavelli

7. Teodoro M. Kalaw

8. The Prince

9. Rational Choice Approach

10. Manual of Political Ethics

11. T

12. F

13. T

14. T

15. T


Pawilen, R.A. and Pawilen. Reiden M.. 2017. Philippine Politics and Governance.
Rex Publishing. Manila Philippines.

Tabajen,Rhene C. and Pulma, Erlinda B.. 2016. Philippine Politics and Governance.
JFS Publishing Services. Manila, Philippines


Angeles, Kristene. Lesson 1. Introduction: The concepts of politics and governance.

https:// www.academia.education

Polidario, Aybi. Introduction to Philippine Politics and Governance.


Tadeo, Carl Patrick. Introduction to Philippine Politics and Governance.



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