M.Sc. Bioinformatics Syllabus
M.Sc. Bioinformatics Syllabus
M.Sc. Bioinformatics Syllabus
(Choice Based Credit System)
Department of Biotechnology
MASTER OF SCIENCE (Bioinformatics)
Paper Code Paper Name Credit
Core Course
BI-501 Molecular Biology 2+1
BI-502 IT tools and applications 2+1
BI-503 Basic Bioinformatics 2+1
Optional Course (Only One)
BI-510 Problem Solving Through C 2+1
BI-511 Structural Biology 3
Minor Course (Only one)
BI-520 Cell Biology 2+1
Odd Semester
Unit 1:
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic genome organization, structural elements of chromosome and
construction of artificial chromosome. DNA replication: Enzymes, accessory proteins and
mechanisms of prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA replication.
Unit 2:
Fine structure of gene, molecular basis of spontaneous and induced mutations and their role in
evolution; DNA damage and repair, DNA amplification and rearrangement. Anti-sense and
Ribozyme Technology: Inhibition of splicing, polyadenylation and translation, disruption of RNA
structure and capping, Biochemistry of ribozyme, hammerhead, hairpin and other ribozymes,
applications of anti-sense and ribozyme technologies.
Unit 3:
Transcription: Organization of transcriptional units, mechanisms of transcription and its
regulation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, Operon concept, attenuation and antitermination
controls, RNA processing (capping, polyadenylation, splicing), DNA methylation,
heterochromatization, General and specific transcription factors, regulatory elements and
mechanism of transcription regulation, transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene silencing,
environmental regulation of gene expression.
Translation: Genetic code, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic translation, mechanisms for initiation,
elongation and termination, regulation of translation, co-and post- translational modifications
of proteins. Homologous Recombination and Site-specific recombination.
Books Recommended:
Molecular Biology of the Gene (4 Edition) J.D. Watson, N.H. Hopkins, J.W. Roberts, J.A.
Steitz and A.M Weiner, The Benjamin/ Cummings Publ. Co. Inc, California
Molecular Biology of the cell (3 Edition) by Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Julian Lewis,
martin Raff, Keith Roberts and James D. Watson, Garland Publishing, Inc, New York &
Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis (4 Edition) by T.A Brown, Blackwell Science
Essential of Molecular Biology (3 edition) by G.M. Malacinski& D. Freifelder, Jones &
Bartlett Publisher
Unit 1:
Computer Appreciation: Characteristics of Computers, Input, Output, Storage units, CPU,
Computer System, Binary Number System Binary to Decimal Conversion, Decimal to Binary
Conversion, Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Code, ASCII Code.Computer Organisation: Central
Processing Unit, Memory: Main Memory, Secondary Storage Devices. Input Devices, Output
Devices, Multimedia, Computer Software: Relationship between Hardware and Software,
system software, application software, compiler, names of some high level languages, free
domain software.
Unit 2:
Operating Systems: Disk Operating System: Simple DOS Commands, Simple File Operations,
Directory related Commands. Microsoft Windows: An overview of different versions of
Windows, Basic Windows elements, Files management through Windows. Using essential
accessories: Systems tools – Disk cleanup, Disk defragmenter, Notepad, Paint, wordpad. 1.3.
Linux: An overview of Linux , Basic Linux elements: System Features, Software Features. File
Structure, File handling in Linux, Installation of Linux: H/W, S/W requirements, Preliminary
steps before installation, specifics on Hard drive repartitioning and booting a Linux System.
Unit 3:
Word Processing (Microsoft Word): Word Processing concepts: Saving, Closing, Opening an
existing document, Selecting text, Editing text, Finding and replacing text, printing documents.
Spreedsheet Package (Microsoft Excel): Spreadsheet Concepts. Creating, Saving and Editing a
workbook, Inserting, Deleting work Sheets, entering data in a cell/formula.
Unit 4:
Presentation Package (Microsoft Powerpoint): Creating, Opening and Saving Presentations,
Creating the Look of Your Presentation, Working in Different Views, Working with Slides,
Adding and Formatting Text.
Information Technology and Society: Application of Information Technology in Railways,
Airlines, Banking, Insurance, Inventory Control, Financial Systems, Hotel Management,
Education, Video Games, Telephone exchanges, Mobile Phones, Information Kiosks, Special
effects in Movies.
Books Recommended:
Computer Fundamentals, First Edition (6th Edition) P. K. Sinha and P. Sinha, BPB
IT Tools and Applications, Ramesh Bangaria, Laxmi Publications.
Microsoft Office 2010 for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide Steven A. Schwartz Pearson
Education India
Unit 1:
Introduction to Genes and Proteins: Genome Sequences ORFs, Genes, Introns, Exons, Splice
Variants DNA/RNA Secondary Structure Triplet Coding Protein Sequences Protein Structure:
Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary The notion of Homology.
Unit 2:
Introduction to Internet Use, Search Engines, and Sequence Information Sources: WWW,
HTML, URLs Browsers: Netscape / Opera / Explorer Search Engines Google, PUBMED. EMBL
GENBANK Entrez Unigene Understanding the structure of each source and using it on the web.
PDB SwissProt TrEMBL Understanding the structure of each source and using it on the web.
Unit 3:
Introduction to Data Generating Techniques: Restriction Enzymes, Gel Electrophoresis,
Chromatograms Blots, PCR, Microarrays, Mass Spectrometry What data each generates, and
what bioinformatic problems they pose.
Unit 4:
Sequence and Phylogeny Analysis: Detecting Open Reading Frames, Outline of Sequence
Assembly, Mutation Matrices, Pairwise Alignments, Introduction to BLAST, using it on the web,
interpreting results, Multiple Sequence Alignment, Phylogenetic Analysis.
Books Recommended:
Bioinformatics: A practical guide to the analysis of genes and proteins (3 rd Edition) D.
Baxevanis and F. Oulette, Wiley Indian Edition.
Bioinformatics Methods And Applications: Genomics Proteomics And Drug Discovery
(3rd Edition) Rastogi SC, Rastogi P, Mendiratta N.. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.; 2008.
Mount, D.W., Bioinformatics: 2001, Sequence and Genome Analysis. CSHL Press.
Claverie, J.M. and Notredame C. 2003 Bioinformatics for Dummies. Wiley Editor.
Unit 1:
Introduction to Programming
The Basic Model of Computation, Algorithms, Flow-Charts, Programming Languages,
Compilation, Linking and Loading, Testing and Debugging, Documentation.
Introduction to ‘C’ language: Character set, Variable and Identifiers, Built-in-Data Types,
Variable Definition, Arithmetic operators and Expressions, Constants and Literals, Simple
assignment statement, Basic input/output statement, Simple ‘C’ programs.
Unit 2:
Conditional Statements and Loops: Decision making within a program, Conditions, Relational
Operators, Logical Connectives, if statement, if-else statement, Loops: while loop, do while, for
loop, nested loops, infinite loops, switch statement, structured programming.
Unit 3:
Functions: Top down approach of problem solving, Modular programming and functions,
Standard Library of C functions, Prototype of a function: Formal parameter list, Return Type,
Function call, Block structure, Passing arguments to a function: call by reference, call by value,
Recursive Functions, arrays as function arguments.
Unit 4:
Self Referential Structures and Linked Lists: Creation of a singly connected linked list,
traversing a link list, Insertion into a linked list, Deletion from a linked list.
File Processing: Concepts of Files, File opening in various modes and closing of a file, Reading
from a file, Writing onto a file
Books recommended:
“The C Programming Language” 2 by Brian W Kernighan / Dennis M Ritchie, AT & T Bell
Laboratories, Murrey Hill, Prentice Hall, Eaglewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 07632.
“ ANSI C Programming” by Yashavant Kanetkar.
“ Programming in C” by Reema Thareja.
“ Computer Basics and C Programming” by Rajaraman V.
Unit 1
System Biology System-level-Understanding of Biological Systems, Introduction, Measurement
Technologies and experimental methods, Comprehensive Measurements, Measurement for
Systems Biology, Next-generation Experimental Systems. System structure identification,
Bottom-up-approach, Top-down-approach. Application areas of Systems Biology.
Unit 2
System Behavior Analysis: Simulation, Analysis Methods, Robustness of Biological Systems,
Lessons from Complex Engineering Systems. System Control; Redundancy, Modular Design,
Control, Structural Stability, Impacts of systems Biology.
Unit 3
Modeling Genetic Networks: Why Modeling is necessary, What type of Modeling is
appropriate, Modeling the activity of a single gene, Gene Regulatory Network(GRN)
Understanding gene regulation, Understanding the Biology, Biochemical Processes;
transcription, exons & introns, splicing, translation, post translation modification. Overview of
Models; Boolean, Differential equation, stochastic Models, Kinetic Logic Model.
Unit 4
The Analysis of Cancer Associated Gene Expression Matrices: Separators, Identifications of
separators in noisy data, Genetic algorithms, Statistical validation of separators extracted from
gene expression matrices, Generative models, Randomization based generative models. 5.
Reverse Engineering from Gene Expression Data: The DBRF Method for Inferring a Gene
Network from Large-Scale Steady-State Gene Expression Data; The difference based regulation
finding methods, Inference of a Redundant Gene Regulatory Network, Computational
Experiments; Network Models. Automated Reverse Engineering of Metabolic Pathways by
Means of Genetic Programming
Books recommended:
C, Branden & C. Tooze, “Introduction to Protein Structure”, Garland Publishing Inc., New
York, 1991.
T.E. Creighton, “Proteins – Structures and Molecular Properties”, W.H. Freeman & Co.,
New York, 1993.
EE Conn & PK Stumpf, “Outlines of Biochemistry”, Wiley Eastern.
R.R. Sinden, “DNA Structure and Function”, Academic Press, San Diego, 1994.
Bioinformatics Sequence, Structure and Databanks Edited by D. Hidggins & W. Taylor,
Oxford University Press, 2000.
Unit 1:
Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells,Cellular organelles: Plasma membrane, cell wall,
cytoskeleton- their structural organization; Mitochondria; Chloroplast; Nucleus and other
organelles and their organization and function, genetic constitution of mitochondria and
chloroplast, artificial membrane Liposomes.
Unit 2:
Microscopic techniques: Principles and application of light, phase contrast, fluorescence,
confocal, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, cytophotometry and flow cytometry,
fixation and staining, Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH), GISH (Genomic in-situ
Unit 3:
Transport of nutrients, ions and macromolecules across membranes, Cell cycle: Mitosis,
meiosis, role of cyclins and cyclin dependent kinases, regulation of Cdk-cyclin activity, Cdk
inhibitors, induction of cancer with respect to cell cycle, molecular events and regulation in
model systems, cell surface receptors, second messenger system, MAP kinase pathways,
mechanism of signal transduction pathway.
Unit 4:
Molecular biology and biochemistry of cancer, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, chemical
carcinogenesis, Cellular basis of differentiation and development- cell division, gametogenesis
and fertilization, differential gene activity and cell differentiation, Morphogenetic determinants
in egg cytoplasm, genetic regulation of early embryonic development in Drosophila, homeotic
Lewin's CELLS, 3rd Edi. (2013) by George Plopper, David Sharp, Eric Sikorski
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 6th Edi., (2014) Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian
Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and Peter Walter.
The Cell: Amolecular approach, 7th Edi., by Geoffrey M. Cooper, Robert E. Hausman
Essential Cell Biology, 4th Edi., (2019) by Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Karen Hopkin,
Alexander D.Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and Peter Walter.
Introduction: Some important properties of water, dissociation of water and its ion product,
Kw, buffer and buffering capacity pH, Bronsted acids, ionization of weak acids and bases,
Henderson Hasselbalch equation, Titration curves, buffering action, Goods buffer, water &
intermolecular forces, thermodynamics in biochemistry, law of thermodynamics, Gibbs free
energy & biomolecules in water.
Unit 2
Amino Acids: Structure, properties, classification, function, ionization and characterization,
naturally occurring modifications of amino acids in proteins, non-protein amino acids, structure
of proteins: primary, Secondary (α-helix, β-Plated and random coils), peptide bond,
Ramachandran plots and collagen structure, protein sequencing, protease mapping,
characterization of peptides, tertiary and quaternary structures of proteins/enzymes.
Unit 3
Carbohydrates: introduction, classification, types and nomenclature of sugars. Optical
isomerism, mutarotation, basic structure and functions of monosaccharides, oligosaccharides,
polysaccharides, energy storage molecules-starch, glycogen, building blocks-cellulose,
hemicellulose, and chitins. Carbohydrate metabolism, brief overview of glycolysis and Krebs
Unit 4
Nucleic acids: nucleosides and nucleotides, primary structure of nucleic acids, structure,
properties and functions of DNA and RNA, secondary and tertiary level organization, different
DNA forms, conformation, super coiling, stereochemistry: nucleoside, torsion angles, sugar
conformation, DNA structure: different types of DNA and their structure, DNA motifs, DNA
repeats and their significance, function and stability, spectroscopic study of DNA: dye binding,
interaction, denaturation, and renaturation of DNA, thermal denaturation and Tm values.
Unit 5
Lipids: classification, structure, properties and function of fatty acids, triglycerides,
phospholipids, glycolipids, sphingolipids, sterols, cerebrosides, steroids, prostaglandins,
glycolipids and proteoglycans. Vitamins and their biological significance, Biologically important
small molecules. Structure of nucleosomes and ribosomes.
Recommended books:
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry (2017), Seventh Edition by L. Nelson; Michael M.
Cox, C.B.S. Publication
Biochemistry by Lubert Stryer (2019), 9th edition W. H. Freeman publisher.
Fundamentals of Biochemistry: Life at the Molecular Level, (2016) 5th Edition
Donald Voet, Judith G. Voet, Charlotte W. Pratt
Biochemistry, Vol I, II, III by GeofferyZubey, WCB press
Semester 2
Unit 1:
Overview of JAVA : The genesis of java, An overview of java, java virtual machine (JVM),Java
development kit (JDK), Java Vs C++, Data types, Literals, Variables, and Arrays, Operators,
Control statements, Introducing Class, closer look at Methods and class, Nested and inner class
,Exploring Java.lang, String handling ,Constructor, Garbage collection and finalize() method.
Unit 2:
Inheritance, Packages and interface- Types of inheritance, Access specifiers class inheritance,
using super, method overriding, Abstract class, constructor in multilevel inheritance, using final
with inheritance, Dynamic method dispatch, Defining package, CLASSPATH, Access protection,
Importing package, Defining and implementing interface, Extending interface, Nested interface.
Unit 3:
Exception handling and Multithreading: Using try and catch, multiple catch classes, Nested try
statements, throw, throws and finally, Built in exception, Uncaught exception, Creating own
exception class, Java Thread Model – Main thread, Creating own Thread, Life cycle of thread,
Thread priorities, Synchronization and messaging, Intertribal communication, Suspending,
Resuming and stopping thread.
Unit 4:
Input Output and Networking : Byte stream and character stream ,Predefined stream, reading
console input, writing consol output, PrintWriter class, Reading and writing files Networking –
classes and interfaces, Socket and overview, TCP/IP client socket and server, Inet address, URL
Connection, Datagram.
Applet, AWT and Event handling – Applet life cycle, Creating an applet, Using image and sound
in applet, passing parameter. AWT- Overview of java.awt package, Component and Containers,
control component and layout manager. Event handling –The delegation-event model, Event
classes, Source of event, Event listener interfaces, handling mouse and keyboard event,
Adapter class.
Books recommended
Balaguruswamy E, 2009 Programming in JAVA 2, Tata Mcgraw-Hill, India.
Russel J.P, 2001 JAVA Programming, Prentice Hall of India ,New Delhi.
Patrick Naughton and Herbertz Schildt, The Complete Reference JAVA 2 Tata Mcgraw-
Dietel nad Dietel, “Java: How to program Java 2”, Second Edition, Pearson Education
Unit 1:
Advanced Biochemistry: An introduction to physical biochemistry, intermediary metabolism
and molecular biology. Topics include a survey of structure, chemistry and function of proteins
and nucleic acids; regulation of gene expression at the level of DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis.
Metabolism and Pathways: Pathways of carbohydrate, lipid and nitrogen metabolism and their
metabolic control.
Unit 2:
Basic concepts in Genomics: Whole genome analysis, Genome sequencing technology.
Comparative genomics – Paralogs and orthologs, Phylogeny, Human genetic disorders,
Candidate gene identification, Concepts of Pharmacogenomics.
Micro array for gene expression: Target selection, customized microarray design, image
processing and quantification, normalization and filtering, statistical analysis, public microarray
data sources.
Unit 3:
Proteomics: Basics of Protein structure, Introduction to basic Proteomics technology, Bio-
informatics in Proteomics, Basics of Proteome Analysis, Concepts in Enzyme Catalysis.
Unit 4:
Genome Project – The unfolding story:. Introduction to the concepts cloning and mapping,
Construction of Physical maps, Basics of radiation hybrid maps, Sequencing : Related
discoveries and technology development, Implications of the Human Genome Project, Basic
Human Inheritance Patterns, Basics of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism detection and its
implication, Practical Application of medical Genetics Technology.
Books recommended:
Genomes. Author : T.A. Brown, John Wiley and Sons, Bios Scientific Publishers
Discovering Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics Campbell AM and Heyer LJ
Perason Education (Low priced Editions).
Jerome, P.E. 2002 Mathematics for Genome Analysis. Cambridge.
Primrose and Twyman 2003 Principles of Genome Analysis & Genomics. Blackwell.
Unit 1
Probability Theory: Introduction, Random Experiment, Sample Space, Events, Complementary
Events, Union and Intersection of Two Events, Difference Events, Exhaustive Events, Mutually
Exclusive Events, Equally Likely Events, Independent Events, Mathematical & Statistical
definition of Probability, Axiomatic definition of probability, Addition Theorem, Multiplication
Theorem, Theorems of Probability, Conditional Probability, Inverse Probability.
Unit 2
Probability Distributions& Random Variables: Introduction, Probability mass/density function
(PMF/PDF), discrete distributions, continuous distributions, mean and variance of common
distributions, Properties, Cumulative Distribution function (CDF), properties, relation with PDF,
functions of random variables, Characteristic function, special random variables, Chebychev
and Markov Inequalities, Central limit theorem.
Unit 4:
Information Theory: notion of information, concept of entropy, conditional and joint entropies,
principle of maximum entropy, discrete memory less channel (DMC), Shannon's theorems and
their applications, Variable length code, Huffman code, Shannon-Fano code.
Introduction & computational complexity: Abstract data type and data structures, Classes and
objects, Complexity of algorithms: worst case, average case and amortized complexity, notation
for algorithm complexity, Algorithm analysis, Recurrence relations, Introduction to NP-
Unit 2:
Essential preliminaries: Overview of recursion, iteration, arrays, pointers, lists, stacks, queues.
Dictionaries: Hash tables, Binary search trees, splay trees, Balanced Trees, AVL trees, 2-3 trees,
B-Trees. Priority Queues : Heaps, binomial queues, Applications.
Unit 3:
Graphs: Shortest path algorithms (Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall), minimal spanning
tree algorithms (Prim, Kruskall), depth-first, breadth-first search, and their applications.
Sorting: sorting methods and their analysis (shell sort, quicksort, merge sort, heap sort, radix
sort), lower bound on complexity
Unit 4:
String matching: String matching algorithms (Rabin-Karp, Knuth-Morris-Pratt).
Algorithm design paradigms: Algorithm Design Paradigms: Greedy methods, divide and
conquer, dynamic programming, backtracking, local search methods, branch and bound
technique. Travelling salesman problem.
Books recommended:
Lipshutz and Pai, 2010 Data Structure (Outline Schaum Series), McGraw Hill, Indian
Standish T. A., 1980 Data Structure Techniques, Addison-Wesley.
Salzberg, B., 1988, File Structures, Prentice-Hall.
Tharp, A.L., 1988, File Organization and Processing, John Wiley and Sons.
Aho, A., Hopcroft, J. and Ullman, J., The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms,
Addison Wesley.
Goodman S.E. and Hedetniemi S.T., Introduction to the Design and Analysis of
Algorithms. McGraw Hill.
Unit I
Sets, Types of Sets, Subsets, Complement of Sets, union and Intersection of Sets, Difference of
Sets, Demorgan’s Law, Cartesian product of Sets. Basics of Probability, Permutation and
Unit II
Measure of central tendency and dispersion: Mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation,
Unit III
Correlation and Regression: Types, Karl-Pearson’s correlation, Spearman’s Rank correlation,
Regression equation and fitting
Unit IV
Probability Distribution: Basics of Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions and their
application in biology. Random Variable; Discrete and Continuous Probability Distribution,
Probability mass function, probability Density function, Mathematical Expectation.
Unit V
Matrices, Types of Matrices, Addition of matrices, Subtraction of matrices and Product of
matrices. Properties of Matrix Multiplication. Transpose of Matrix, Symmetric and Skew-
symmetric Matrices, Inverse of Matrix.
Books recommended:
Shanti Narayan, A text book of Vector Calculus, S Chand & company, New Delhi
H. Nell and D. Quadling, ‘Pure Mathematics (Advanced Level Mathematics)’. Vol. 1,2,3,
Cambridge University Press 2002.
Edward Batschelet. ‘Introduction to Mathematics for Life Scientists’, 3rd Edition,
Springer – Verlag, 1992
J. Crawshaw and J. Chambers’, ‘Advanced level Statistics’, 4th Edition, Nelson Thornes,
Unit 1
Introduction:Introducing to R, R Data Structures, Help functions in R, Vectors, Scalars,
Declarations, recycling, Common Vector operations, Using all and any, Vectorized operations,
NA and NULL values, Filtering, Vectorised if-then else, Vector Equality, Vector Element names.
Matrices, Arrays And Lists: Creating matrices, Matrix operations, Applying Functions to Matrix
Rows and Columns, Adding and deleting rows and columns, Vector/Matrix Distinction, Avoiding
Dimension Reduction, Higher Dimensional arrays, lists, Creating lists, General list operations,
Accessing list components and values, applying functions to lists, recursive lists.
Unit 2
Data Frames: Creating Data Frames, Matrix-like operations in frames, Merging Data Frames,
Applying functions to Data frames, Factors and Tables, factors and levels, Common functions
used with factors, Working with tables, Other factors and table related functions - Control
statements, Arithmetic and Boolean operators and values, Default values for arguments -
Returning Boolean values, functions are objects, Environment and Scope issues, Writing
Upstairs - Recursion, Replacement functions, Tools for composing function code, Math and
Simulations in R.
Unit 3
OOP: S3 Classes, S4 Classes, Managing your objects, Input/Output, accessing keyboard and
monitor, reading and writing files, accessing the internet, String Manipulation, Graphics,
Creating Graphs, Customizing Graphs, Saving graphs to files, Creating three-dimensional plots
Unit 4
Interfacing: Interfacing R to other languages, Parallel R, Basic Statistics, Linear Model,
Generalized Linear models, Non-linear models, Time Series and Auto-correlation, Clustering
Aplication of R programing in Bioinformatics: Case studies.
Recommended books:
A First Course in Statistical Programming with R by Braun & Murdoch.
A Beginner´s Guide to R” by Zuur.
Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R by Chapman & Hall/CRC.
R in a Nutshell by Adler.
An Introduction to R by Venables & Smith
Entitles Relationship model: Entity and entity sets, relationships and relationship sets,, E-R
diagram, reducing E-R diagrams to Tables and trees.
Relational Algebra and Calculus: Relational algebraic operations such as select, project, union,
set difference, Cartesian product,, intersections, natural join, division, generalized projection,
outer join etc., tuple relational calculus, domain relational calculus.
Unit 2:
Issues in designing relational databases: Pitfalls in relational database design, decomposition,
importance of normalization, functional dependencies, Boyce-Code Normal form, third normal
form and fourth normal form.
Query language and query optimization: Domain types in SQL, Schema definition in SQL, Types
of SQL commands, SQL operators, tables, views, indexes, aggregate functions, insert, delete and
update operations, join, union, intersection, minus etc. in SQL, queries, sub-queries,
equivalence of queries
Unit 3:
Database system architecture: Introduction to centralized system, client server system, parallel
system and distributed system.
Introduction to ASN.1 and NCBI data model: Why specialized data model is required for
biological sequences, different data types supported by ASN.1and how they are used for
storage of different types of information reading of NCBI data using freely available NCBI
Books recommended:
Date, C.J. Introduction to Database Systems (Vol I & II), 2004, 8th Edition.
Ullman, J.D. 1989, Principles of Database and knowledge base Systems (Vol I & II),
Computer Science Press New York.
Gio Wiederhold, 1997 Database Design, McGraw Hill.
Elmasri R. and Navathe S.B., 2007 Fundamentals of Database Systems. Fifth
Singh S.K., 2011 Database Systems- Concepts, Designs and Application. 2nd Edition.
Silberschatz A. Korth H. F. Sudarshan S., 2010 Database System Concepts. Sixth Edition.
McGraw-Hill. Date K., Swamynathan S. 2012 An Introduction to Database Systems. Eight
Edition. Pearson.
Unit 1
Introduction: Introduction to Perl, Downloading and installation from Website, Writing and
Running a Perl Program, Editing, Advantages.
Data Types: Scalar data and scalar variables: Number, String, Conversion between Numbers and
Strings, Variable Interpolation, Arithmetic and Decimal Precision, Arrays: Initialization,
Manipulation of Array elements; Associative Array (Hashes): Initialization, Manipulation of
Elements of Array.
Unit 2
Conditionals and Loops: Conditional Statement; if, if…else, if and if-else, unless statement,
Loops: while, for, until, do..while, do..until and foreach loop, last next, redo, continue and case
switch statement.
Input and Output: Creating a file, Reading Data from a file, Writing data to a file, Closing a file,
Managing Files and Directories.
Regular Expressions and Pattern Matching: Regular Expression, Pattern Matching, Meta
Character, Simple Pattern, Matching Group of Characters, Matching multiple instances of
Characters, Pattern Building, Pattern and Variable, Pattern and Loops, Using Pattern for Search
and Replace, Matching Pattern over multiple Lines etc.
Unit 3
Function and Subroutines: Built-in Functions, Defining and calling subroutines, Returning
Values from Subroutines, Using Local Variables in Subroutines, Passing Values into Subroutine,
Perl References, Perl module and their uses.
Unit 4
Applications of Perl in Bioinformatics: Concatenating DNA Fragments, Transcription: DNA to
RNA, Reading Protein Files, Finding Motifs, Simulating DNA, Generating Random DNA, Analysing
DNA, Translating DNA to Proteins, Reading DNA from Files in FASTA format, Separating
Sequence and Annotation, Parsing Annotation, Parsing PDB files, Parsing BLAST output, Bio-perl
Books recommended:
James Tisdall, “Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics”, O’Reilly & Associates.
James Tisdall, “Mastering Perl for Bioinformatics”, O’Reilly.
Cynthia Gibas & Per Jambeck, “Developing Bioinformatics Computer Skills”, O’Reilly &
Rex A. Dawyer, “Genomic Perl”, Cambridge University Press
Learning Perl, 3rd Edition , Author: Randal L. Schwartz and Tom Phoenix, O’Reilly
Unit 1:
Optimization techniques: Concepts of local and global optimum, constrained and
unconstrained optimization, gradient, Hessian of a function, first order and second order
necessary conditions for local minimizers, method of steepest descent, steepest descent for
quadratic function, Newton’s method, LevenbergMarquardt algorithm, and Lagrange
multipliers methods.
Unit 2:
Genetic algorithms: Introduction to Genetic algorithms, exploitation and exploration, general
structure of the basic genetic algorithm, different coding schemes, fitness function,
chromosome, population, basic genetic operators, different selection mechanism, mutation,
single point and multi-point crossover, termination criteria, elitist strategy.
Unit 3:
Clustering and classification: Introduction to clustering, maximum likelihood decomposition
and its application to normal mixtures, k-means clustering algorithms, hierarchical clustering
algorithms. Introduction to classifier design, linear discriminant analysis – two category and
multi category cases, perceptron criterion and its minimization, decision trees (ID3, C4.5),
impurity functions, pruning methods, rule extraction from decision trees, nearest neighbour
classifier, k-nearest neighbour classifier, Bayes decision rule, lose function, minimum error rate
classification, Bayes classifier with multivariate normal density.
Unit 4:
Feed forward neural network: Layered networks, perceptron and motivation for multilayered
perceptron (MLP), back-propagation learning , use of Levenberg-Marquardt method in training
of MLP’s, online vas batch learning, issues relating to initialization, termination, choice of
architecture. Radial basis function networks and related training issues, properties of MLP and
Self-organizing maps and Recurrent neural networks: Self-organizing feature map, recurrent
neural networks, Hopfield network and its applications, simulated annealing.
Books recommended:
R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart and D. G. Stork, Pattern classification, John Wiley Sons, Second
D. E. Goldberg, Genetic algorithms in search, optimization and machine learning,
Pearson Education (Paper back)
Christopher M. Bishop, Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition, Oxford University
E. K. P. Chong and S. H. Zak, An introduction to optimization, John Wiley & Sons
Tom Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGraw Hill, 1997
Unit 1
TSP; Weight matrices: Sequence weighting, pseudo count correction for low counts, Gibbs
sampling, and Psi-Blast
Unit 2
Dynamic programming: Needleman-Wunsch, Smith-Waterman, and alignment heuristics; Data
redundancy and homology reduction: Hobohm and other clustering algorithms
Unit 3
Hidden Markov Models: Model construction, Viterbi decoding, and posterior decoding, and
Baum Welsh HMM learning
Unit 4
Artificial neural networks: Architectures and sequence encoding, feed-forward algorithm, and
back propagation; BCO; ACO; Genetic Algorithm
Recommended books:
Bioinformatics: Problem Solving Paradigms, (2008),by Sperschneider, Volker, Springer
International Publisher
Bioinformatics Algorithms: Techniques and Applications, (2008) Ion Mandoiu, Alexander
Zelikovsky, Wiley Science.
Bioinformatics Algorithms, by Moguel Rocha, Pedro G. Ferreira, Academic Press
Unit 1
Introduction and Overview: A brief history of python – Unique features –Installation of Python
and IDE - Lexical structure of python – Introduction of variables and data types with examples.
Unit 2
Statements and control structure: Introduction to python interpreter and interactive mode –
Statement Read and Print commands – Evaluating expressions - Decision, Boolean Logic and
Repetition structures syntax with examples in biological application.
Unit 3
Functions and Regular expressions: Defining and Calling a function - Fruitful functions (return
value, parameters, local and global scope, function composition, recursion) – Examples in
sequence analysis using function - Introduction to Modules. Regular Expression: Importance of
patterns in biology – String manipulation using regular expressions (Extraction, splitting and
Tuples and Dictionaries: Introduction to Lists – List slicing – Finding items in Lists with operator
– Copying and Processing Lists – List built-in methods – Two Dimensional lists. Tuples: Basic
tuple operations – creation, concatenation, repetition, slicing, immutable and deletion.
Dictionaries: creation, accessing and processing - Dictionary methods.
Files and Exception Handling: File objects – File built-in methods and attributes - Reading and
writing files - command line arguments. Exception Handling: Errors and exceptions, Detecting
and Handling Exceptions.
Books recommended:
Bioinformatics Programming Using Python (2009) by Mitchell L Model, O'Reilly Media,
Python for Bioinformatics, by Bassi Sebastian, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis group
Python Programming for Biology, (2015) by Tim J. Stevens, Wayne Boucher, Cambridge
University Press.
Unit 2:
Maximum Likelihood Estimation: Discrete and Continuous distributions Likelihood function
Log-likelihood functions (use of package recommended).
Inference – Test of hypotheses: Formulation of Hypothesis: Simple and Composite Type I and
Type II errors Power of a test Significance of a test P-value, Testing, Chi-Square, t-test and F-
test, Chi-Square goodness of fit, Test of diversity based on entropic method, Non-parametric:
Mann-Whitney test.
Unit 3:
Simple Linear Regression and Correlation: Linear regression model Least squares methods
Estimating model parameters Residual sum of squares.
Unit 4:
Statistical Methods for Stochastic Processes: Testing of independence Testing of Markov
property Association test.
Analysis of Stochastic process: Long Repeat Scan Statistics Analysis of Patterns.
Books recommended:
Statistical methods in Bioinformatics, (2001), Ewens, Warren J., Grant, Gregory R.,
Springer International Publications.
Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics, An Introduction, 2004, (second edition) Warren J.
Ewens and Gregory R. Grant Springer, Heidelberg.
Unit 2
General principles for the laboratory and environmental biosafety; health aspects; toxicology,
allergenicity, antibiotic resistance etc.Impact on environment; gene flow in natural and artificial
ecologies; Sources of gene escape, tolerance of target organisms, creation of
superweeds/superviruses etc.
Unit 3
Ecological aspects of GMOs and impact on biodiversity; Monitoring strategies and methods for
detecting transgenics; Radiation safety and non-isotopic procedures; Benefits of transgenics to
human health, society and the environment.
Unit 4
The WTO and other international agreements; Intellectual properties , copyrights, trademarks,
trade secret, patents, geographical indications, etc.; Protection of plant variety and farmers
right act; Indian patent act and amendments, patent filing; Convention on biological diversity;
Implications of intellectual property rights on the commercialization of biotechnology products.
Scientific Literature: Structure, Type (Research article, review article, Short communication,
Book review). Abstracting methodology. Concept of Impact factor; Citation Index
Books Recommended
Beier, F.K., Crespi, R.S. and Straus, T. Biotechnology and Patent protection-Oxford and IBH
Publishing Co. New Delhi.
Intellectual property rights and Bio-Technology (Biosafety and Bioethics), Anupam Singh,
Ashwani Singh, NPH, New Delhi
Sasson A, Biotechnologies and Development, UNESCO Publications.
Singh K, Intellectual Property rights on Biotechnology, BCIL, New Delhi
Regulatory Framework for GMOs in India (2006) Ministry of Environment and Forest,
Government of India, New Delhi
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (2006) Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of
India, New Delhi
Books recommended:
W. J. Ewens and G. R. Grant, “Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics”: An introduction
Verlag 2001
J. L. Devore, “Probability and Statistics”, (Fifth Edition), Thomson Asia.
S. M. Ross, “A First course to Probability”, 6th Edition, Pearson Education
Unit 1:
Introduction to drug designing: Different approaches to drug designing, Basic principle of
similarity and complimentarity, High throughput vs rational drug designing, Use of computer
modelling technique to drug designing.
Small molecular structures: Different coordinate systems and transformations amongst them,
Basic Principle 2D and 3D Graphics and use of molecular graphics packages (e.g. RasMol,
RasTop, Qmol, MolMol), Cambridge Structural Data base, Building small molecules using
chemical information, Use of Builders and Sketchers (eq. ISIS Draw, HyperChem).
Unit 2:
Basic principles of target structure based (rational) drug designing: Target identification and
validation, Active site analysis, Basic principle of Docking a ligand in active site of a target,
Virtual Screeing, Different methods of scoring and Lead optimization.
Unit 3:
Unit 4:
Forces stabilizing Protein & Nucleic Acid structures, Energy minimization and Molecular
Dynamics methods: Theory, Application to Proteins, Applications to nucleic acids.
Books recommended:
Molecular Modeling: Basic principles and applications. Holtje HD, sippl W, Rognan D and
Folkers G. Wiley-VFH 2nd Edition.
Quantum Biology: S. P. Gupta, New Age publishers
olecular modelling and drug design. Andrew Vinter and Mark Gardner and Boca Raton,
CRC Press.
Molecular Similarity in drug design, Dean PM, Chapman and Hall.
Unit 1
Unit 3
Mapping and identifying genes conferring susceptibility to complex diseases: Deciding whether
a non-Mendelian character is genetic: the role of family, twin and adoption studies, Linkage
analysis of complex characters, Association studies and linkage disequilibrium, Identifying the
susceptibility alleles, Examples that illustrate the varying success of genetic dissection of
complex diseases.
Unit 4
Molecular Pathology: Rules for nomenclature of mutations & databases of mutations, Loss of
function mutations, Gain of function mutations, Molecular pathology from gene to disease,
Molecular pathology from disease to gene, Molecular pathology of chromosomal disorders.
Unit 5
Human Genome Project (HGP) – an overview of the project, goals of the project, major
scientific strategies & approaches used in HGP, expected scientific & medical benefits of this
project, about the organizations behind this project. How Human genome was mapped –
physical mapping, genetic mapping, gene ontology, gene annotation.
Recommended books:
The Human Genome, 3rd Edition,(2010) by Julia Richards R. Scott Hawley, Academic
Human Genes and Genomes, (2013), by Leon Rosenberg, Dione Rosenber, Academic
Human Genome Project, (2013) by Kelly E. Happe, New York University Press.
Genomics: The Science and Technology behind the Human Genome Project (1999), by
Charles R. Cantor, Cassandra L. Smith, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Unit 1:
Introduction to NGS: Generation to DNA sequencing technologies, A Typical NGS Experimental
Workflow, Different NGS Platforms – Illumina, Ion Torrent Semiconductor Sequencing, Pacific
Biosciences SMRT, ONT Nanopore; Major Applications of NGS
Unit 2:
Base Calling, Quality Control & Read Mapping: Base Calling, FASTQ File Format, Base Quality
Score, NGS Data Quality Control and Preprocessing; Reads Mapping – Mapping Approaches and
Algorithms, Selection of Mapping Algorithms and Reference Genome Sequences, SAM/BAM as
the Standard Mapping File Format, Mapping File Examination and Operation, Tertiary Analysis,
NGS Data Storage, Transfer, and Sharing, Computing Power Required for NGS Data Analysis,
Bioinformatics Skills & Software Required for NGS Data Analysis.
Unit 3:
Transcriptomics by RNA-Seq: Principle of RNA-Seq; Experimental Design: Factorial Design,
Replication and Randomization, Sample Preparation, Sequencing Strategy; RNA-Seq Data
Analysis: Data Quality Control and Reads Mapping, RNA-Seq Data Normalization, Identification
of Differentially Expressed Genes, Differential Splicing Analysis, Visualization of RNA-Seq Data,
Functional Analysis of Identified Genes; RNA-Seq as a Discovery Tool. Small RNA Sequencing:
Data Generation, Preprocessing, Mapping, Identification of Known and Putative Small RNA
Species, Normalization, Identification of Differentially Expressed Small RNAs, Functional
Analysis of Identified Small RNAs.
Unit 4:
Genotyping and Genomic Variation Discovery: Data Preprocessing, Mapping, Realignment, and
Recalibration; Single Nucleotide Variant (SNV) and Indel Calling: SNV Calling, Identification of de
novo Mutations, Indel Calling, Variant Calling from RNA-Seq Data, Variant Call Format (VCF)
File, Evaluating VCF Results. Structural Variant (SV) Calling: Read-Pair-Based SV Calling,
Breakpoint Determination, De novo Assembly-Based SV Detection, CNV Detection, Integrated
SV Analysis; Annotation of Called Variants, Testing of Variant Association with Diseases or
Unit 6:
De novo Genome Assembly & ChIP-Seq Analysis: Genomic Factors and Sequencing Strategies
for de novo Assembly, Genomic Factors That Affect de novo Assembly, Sequencing Strategies
for de novo Assembly; Assembly of Contigs, Sequence Data Preprocessing, Error Correction,
and Assessment of Genome Characteristics, Contig Assembly Algorithms; Scaffolding, Assembly
Quality Evaluation, Gap Closure, Limitations and Future Development. Principle of ChIP-Seq,
Experimental Design: Experimental Control, Sequencing Depth, Replication; Read Mapping,
Peak Calling, and Peak Visualization, Differential Binding Analysis, Functional Analysis, Motif
Analysis, Integrated ChIPSeq Data Analysis.
Books recommended
Next-Generation Sequencing Data Analysis by Xinkun Wang, (2016) CRC Press, Inc. Subs. of
Times Mirror 2000 Corporate Blvd. NW Boca Raton, FL United States.
Statistical Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data (2014) Editors: Datta,
Somnath, Nettleton, Dan (Eds.), Springer International Publications.
Computational Methods for Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis, Editor(s): Ion Măndoiu ,
Alexander Zelikovsky (2016), John Wiley & Sons.
Next-generation sequencing data analysis (2016), Xinkun Wang, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,
Oxford publications.
Big Data Analytics in Genomics, Wong, Ka-Chun (Ed.), Springer International Publications