PU Syllabus M.SC - Bioinformatics PY

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(Effective from 2017-2018)

Centre for Bioinformatics


Eligibility for M.Sc. Bioinformatics

Students from any of the below listed Bachelor degrees with minimum 55% of marks are eligible.

 Bachelor’s degree in any relevant area of Physics / Chemistry / Computers Science / Life
Science/with a minimum of 55% of marks

(Academic Year 2017-2018 onwards)

Course Code Course Title H Credits Pg. No

Semester I
BINF 411 Cell and Molecular Biology H 3 6
BINF 412 Bioinformatics Databases H 3 7
BINF 413 C, C++ and Data Structures H 3 8
BINF 451 Lab - Cell and Molecular Biology H 1 16
BINF 452 Lab - Biological Databases H 1 17
BINF 453 Lab - Programming in C/ C++ H 1 18
Total Credits 12
Semester II
BINF 421 Genomics and Proteomics H 3 22
BINF 422 Bioinformatics: Sequence Analysis H 3 23
BINF 423 Programming in Java H 3 24
BINF 424 Database Management System H 3 25
BINF 425 Fundamentals of Algorithms H 3 26
BINF 456 Lab - Programming in Java H 1 30
BINF 457 Lab – Programming in DBMS H 1 31
BINF 458 Lab - Biosequence Analysis H 1 32
Total Credits 18
Semester III
BINF 511 Structural Biology H 3 34
BINF 512 Molecular Modeling and Drug Design H 3 35
BINF 513 Programming in Perl H 3 36
BINF 514 Systems Biology H 3 37
BINF 515 Data Mining and Machine Learning H 3 38
BINF 516 Research Methodology and Finishing School H 3 39
BINF 551 Lab - Structural Biology H 1 42
BINF 552 Lab - Molecular Modeling and Drug Design H 1 43
BINF 553 Lab - Programming in Perl H 1 44
Total Credits 21
Semester IV
BINF 521 Bioethics, Biodiversity and Intellectual Property Rights H 3 46
BINF 554 Project H 5 49
Total Credits 8

*30 Hrs for 2 Credit paper (24 Lectures + 6 Tutorials)

*45 Hrs for 3 Credit paper (36 Lectures + 9 Tutorials)
*60 Hrs for 4 Credit paper (48 Lectures + 12 Tutorials)

(Academic Year 2015-2016 onwards)

Course Code Course Title S Credits Pg. No

Semester I
BINF 414 Physics for Biologist+ S 2 9
BINF 415 Chemistry for Biologist+ S 2 11
BINF 416 Mathematics for Biologist+ S 2 12
BINF 417 Fundamentals of Biology S 2 13
BINF 418 Basics of Computer # S 2 14
BINF 454 Lab - Basics of Computer & Operating Systems S 1 19
BINF 419 Introduction to Bioinformatics* S 3 15
BINF 455 Lab - Bioinformatics databases and tools* S 1 20
Semester II
BINF 426 Biostatistics # S 2 27
BINF 427 Microscopic Techniques For Image Processing S 2 28
BINF-428 Animal Cell Culture And Technology S 2 29
Semester III
BINF 517 Biological Spectroscopy S 2 40
BINF-518 Plants System biology S 2 41
Semester IV
BINF 523 Analytical Techniques S 3 47
BINF 524 R language and BIG DATA S 2 48
+ Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics are compulsory for students having UG degree in Biological Sciences.

# Essential Soft-Core for all students of the Centre.

* Exclusively for students from sister departments.

*30 Hrs for 2 Credit paper (24 Lectures + 6 Tutorials)

*45 Hrs for 3 Credit paper (36 Lectures + 9 Tutorials)
*60 Hrs for 4 Credit paper (48 Lectures + 12 Tutorials)



Total Credits: 3 Total: 45 Hrs*.

Unit 1 6 lectures
Molecules of life – structural organization of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells- Concept of a
composite cell and Molecular composition of cells. Biomembranes- Structural organization - Models
of a plasma membrane, Membrane permeability - Transport across cell membranes - Transmembrane
signals - Artificial membranes - liposome, Eukaryotic Cell Cycle : mitosis and meiosis.

Unit 2 7 lectures
Cellular Organelles – Cytoskeleton – components of Cytoskeleton, Microtubules, Intermediate
filaments – Microfilaments, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, Types of m,\vesicles - transport
and their functions, Lysosomes. Nucleus - Internal organization, Nuclear pore complex, Nucleosomes,

Unit 3 7 lectures
Chloroplast structure and function – An overview of photosynthetic Metabolism – The absorption
of light – Photosynthetic units and reaction centers – Photophosphorylation – Carbondioxide fixation
and the synthesis of carbohydrates. Chloroplast and its genome study.

Unit 4 7 lectures
Mitochondrial Genome, Structure and Function – Oxidative Metabolism in the Mitochondrion –
The Role of Mitochondria in the formation of ATP – Translocation of Protons and the Establishment
of a proton-motive force – The Machinery for ATP formation – Peroxisomes. Genome studies of

Unit 5 9 lectures
DNA and Protein Synthesis – Structure of DNA - evidence for DNA as genetic material. Gene
transfer in microorganisms – conjugation, transformation, transduction - protoplasmic fusion. The
genomes of bacteria, viruses, plasmids. DNA Structural organization - DNA replication, Transcription
– mRNA processing, Translation. Protein synthesis – Ribosomes, enzymes, Protein processing,
Introduction to the methods of DNA sequencing – Gene Regulation

Text Books:
1. Cell and Molecular Biology – Concepts and Experiments by Gerald Karp. Wiley International
Student Version. 2008
2. Genes VIII by Lewin, B, Pearson Education International. 2004
3. Cell and Molecular Biology by De Robertes and De Robertis. Saunders College, Philadelphia,
USA. 2002


Total Credits: 3 Total: 45 Hrs*.

Unit 1 6 lectures
Introduction to Bioinformatics data and databases – Types of Biological data:- Genomic DNA,
Complementary DNA, Recombinant DNA, Expressed sequence tags, Sequence-Tagged Sites,
Genomic survey sequences; Primary Databases:- GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ; Composite Databases:-
NRDB, UniProt; Literature Databases:- Open access and open sources, PubMed, PLoS, Biomed
Central, NAR databases; Bioinformatic Resources:- NCBI, EBI, ExPASy, RCSB.

Unit 2 8 lectures
Genome Databases – Viral genome database:-ICTVdb; Bacterial Genomes database:-Genomes
OnLine Database –GOLD, Microbial Genome Database-MBGD; Genome Browsers:- Ensembl,
VEGA genome browser, NCBI-NCBI map viewer, KEGG, MIPS, UCSC Genome Browser; Archeal
Genomics, Eukaryotic genomes with special reference to model organisms:-Yeast(SGD), Drosophila
(FlyBase), C.elegans (WormBase), Rat, Mouse, Human (OMIM / OMIA), plants – Arabidopsis
thaliana (TAIR), Rice, PlasmodiumDB, etc.

Unit 3 8 lectures
Sequence Databases – Nucleotide sequence Databases:- GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ; Protein sequences
Databases:- Swiss-Prot, TrEMBL, UniProt, UniProtKB, UniParc, UniRef, UniMES; Sequence
motifs Databases:- Prosite, ProDom, Pfam, InterPro, Gene Ontology; Sequence file formats:-
GenBank, FASTA, PIR, ALN/ClustalW2.

Unit 4 8 lectures
Structure and derived databases – Primary structure databases:- PDB, NDB, MMDB; Secondary
structure databases:-Structural Classification of Proteins –SCOP, Class Architecture Topology
Homology –CATH, Families of Structurally Similar Proteins –FSSP, Catalytic Site Atlas –CSA;
Molecular functions / Enzymatic catalysis databases:- KEGG ENZYME database; Protein-Protein
interaction database:- STRING; Chemical Structure database:- Pubchem; Gene Epression database:-

Unit 5 6 lectures
Bioinformatics Database search engines – Text-based search engines (Entrez, DBGET / LinkDB).
Sequence similarity based search engines (BLAST and FASTA). Motif-based search engines
(ScanProsite and eMOTIF). Structure similarity based search engines (Combinatorial Extension,
VAST and DALI). Proteomics tools:- ExPASy server, EMBOSS.

Text Books:
1. Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis by Mount D., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Press, New York. 2004
2. Bioinformatics- a Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins by Baxevanis, A.D.
and Francis Ouellellette, B.F., Wiley India Pvt Ltd. 2009
3. Introduction to bioinformatics by Teresa K. Attwood, David J. Parry-Smith. Pearson
Education. 1999

Total Credits: 3 Total: 45 Hrs*.

Unit 1 7 lectures
Introduction to C – C language Introduction – Tokens – Keywords, Identifier, Variables, Constants,
Operators – Expression – Data types – Operator precedence - Statements: Input statement, Output

Unit 2 6 lectures
Controls and loops – Conditional and Unconditional Control Statement – Looping Statements: while,
do-while, for – Nested loops – Arrays.

Unit 3 8 lectures
Procedural Concept – Structured Programming – Built-in library function – User defined functions –
Pointer introduction – Passing a pointer to a function – Structure – Union – File handle: Read and
Write numerical and character data from/to a file

Unit 4 6 lectures
String Handling & Sorting – String declaration – String library functions - String Manipulation -
Sorting: Bubble sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort – Searching: Linear search, Binary search.

Unit 5 9 lectures
Object Oriented Programming: Programming in C++ – C++ programming – Object Oriented
Concept: Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism – Different forms of Constructors – Destructors –
Abstract class – Virtual function.

Text Books:

1. Programming in ANSI C by E. Balagurusamy. Tata McGrawHill Publishing Company

Limited. 2007
2. Object Oriented Programming using C++ by Lafore, R. Galgotia Publishers. 2006

Reference Books :

1. Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 24 hours (5th edition) by Jesse Liberty and Rogers Candenhead,
Pearson Education Inc., 2012.
2. Head First C by David Griffiths and Dawn Griffiths, O’Reilly (2013),


Total Credits: 2 Total: 30 Hrs*.

Unit 1 6 lectures
Classical Mechanics – concepts of Motion :-displacement, velocity, acceleration, motion with
constant acceleration, freely falling bodies- projectile motion, circular motion, relative motion,
Newton’s Laws of Motion:- forces, equilibrium, three laws of motion, inertial frames, free
body diagrams, friction, gravitation, Work and energy:- work, kinetic energy, work energy
theorem, conservative and non-conservative forces, potential energy, energy conservation,
power, Linear momentum and collisions:- momentum and its conservation, elastic and
inelastic collisions, impulse, impulse and momentum theorem, Rigid body rotation:- angular
velocity and acceleration, derivation of angular equation of motions. rotational kinetic energy, and
inertia, torque, dynamics of rotation, Angular Momentum:- conservation of angular momentum,
angular momentum and torque demonstration Angular momentum of a particle in uniform circular
motion. Angular momentum of system of particles.

Unit 2 5 lectures
Quantum Mechanics – Black body radiation, photoelectric effect, Dalton, JJ Thomson and
Rutherford atomic theory. Bohr’s Model of Hydrogen atom, De Broglie’s Hypothesis, Harmonic
wave function, phase velocity, group velocity, and wave packets, Compton effect and scattering
Heisenberg uncertainty principle, eigen states and eigen values, Pauli’s exclusion principle, one and
three dimensional time dependent Schrodinger equation.

Unit 3 5 lectures
Thermodynamics – Definitions and Fundamental Ideas of Thermodynamics:- Continuum Model,
System (closed, isolated), State functions & variables, Adiabatic & diathermal boundary walls,
Equilibrium, Process, equation of state. Heat, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Heat Conduction
Equation, The First Law of Thermodynamics:- The First Law of Thermodynamics, Work, Entropy,
The Second Law of Thermodynamics:- reversibility and irreversibility, free and isothermal
expansions, Heat Capacity:- Heat Capacity, ratio of the heat capacities of a Gas, Isothermal and
reversible-adiabatic expansion of an Ideal Gas , Enthalpy:- Enthalpy, Change of state, Latent heat
and Enthalpy, Heat engines:- Carnot cycle, Free Energy:- Gibbs and Helmholtz free energy, Young's
Modulus, The Third Law of Thermodynamics.

Unit 4 4 lectures
Electricity – Electrostatic Field:- Electric charge, Coulomb's Law, electric flux, Gauss’s law, and
applications of gauss’s law Electric field due to point charge, Electric field due to line charge and
electric field due to sheet of charge. Electric field due to conducting cylinder and electric field due to
charged conduction plates, The Electric Potential:- Potential of a Point Charge and Groups of Points
Charges, Potential Due to a Continuous Charge Distribution.

Unit 5 4 lectures
Electromagnetic waves:-Electromagnetic spectrum - and Diffraction, Classification of diffraction,
Fresnel diffraction:- single narrow slit, Fraunhofer diffraction:- Single slit, double slit. Diffraction

patterns:-Diffraction patterns from narrow slits, Resolution of single-slit and diffraction grating,
Diffraction of X-rays by crystals.

Text Books:
1. Physics for Scientists and Engineers (6th Ed.) by Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett,
Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2004.
2. Physics of the Life Sciences by Jay Newman, Springer, 2008.

Reference Books:
1. Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Paul A. Tipler, Gene P. Mosca. Freeman Company.
2. Fundamentals of Physics by Resnick, Halliday and Walker, 2001.


Total Credits: 2 Total: 30 Hrs*.

Unit 1 6 lectures
Atomic and Molecular Structure – Atomic Structure - Elements and compounds, atoms and
molecules-definition, Classical atomic models - J. J. Thomson, E. Rutherford, N. Bohr. Quantum
mechanical model. Electronic configuration - aufbau principle - Pauli exclusion principle - Hund's
rule Modern periodic table, periodicity. Chemical bonds - ionic bonding - covalent bonding -
Coordinate covalent bonding. Overlapping of atomic orbital to form σ and π bond with example.
Meaning and Difference between σ and π bonds – hybridization, resonance. Bond properties.
Molecular geometry. Intermolecular forces

Unit 2 5 lectures
Symmetry and Principles – Definitions and theorems of group theory, subgroups, Classes.
Molecular symmetry and symmetry groups – symmetry elements and operations. Symmetry planes,
reflections, inversion centre, proper/ improper axes of rotation, symmetry elements and optical
isomerism, symmetry point groups, classes of symmetry operations, classification of molecular point

Unit 3 5 lectures
Introduction to Organic chemistry – Carbon and its compounds, Position of Carbon in periodic
table, tetra covalency of carbon, catenation, functional groups, formal charge, oxidation number,
aromaticity, electrophiles and nucleophiles, organic acids and bases, types of organic reactions.

Unit 4 4 lectures
Stereochemistry – Concept of isomerism, types of isomerism, optical isomerism, elements of
symmetry, molecular chirallity, enantiomers, stereogenic centres, optical activity, properties of
enantiomers, chiral and achiral molecules with two stereogenic centres, distereoisomers,
mesocompounds, resolution of enantiomers. Relative and absolute configurations, sequence rules, D
& L , R & S systems of nomenclature.

Unit 5 4 lectures
Heteroaromatics – Five membered and six membered hetero aromatics with one and two hetero
atoms and their benannulated analogues, Nucleic acid bases, Structure, name and properties like acid
base property, electron rich electron deficient heterocycles, hydrogen bonding etc. (Synthesis and
reactions not necessary).

Text Books:
1. Organic Chemistry by Paula Yurkanis Bruice, Prentice Hall. 2010


Total Credits: 2 Total: 30 Hrs*.

Unit 1 5 lectures
Matrices – Properties of Determinants, Minors and Cofactors, Multiplication of Determinants,
Adjoint, Reciprocal, Symmetric Determinants, Cramer’s rule, Different types of matrices, Matrix
Operations, Transpose of a matrix, Adjoint of a square matrix, Inverse of a matrix, Eigen values and
eigen vector

Unit 2 5 lectures
Trigonometry and Analytical Geometry – Trigonometric ratios, De Moivre’s theorem, The general
equation of a Straight line, slope of a line, intercepts of a line, Angle between two lines, Intersection
of two lines, The general equation of a Circle.

Unit 3 4 lectures
Calculus – Differential Calculus- Derivative of a function, Concept of limit, Continuity,
Differentiation, Maxima and Minima of a function, Introduction to Partial Differentiation, Integral
Calculus: The Idea of the Integral, The Definite Integrals, Indefinite Integrals.

Unit 4 6 lectures
Fourier Transformations – Properties of Fourier Transformations – Fourier Transformation of a
convolution – Inverse Fourier Transformations.

Unit 5 4 lectures
Numerical Methods – Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations: Bisection method, Method
of false position / Regula-falsi method, Newton-Raphson method.

Text Books:
1. Algebra by Serge A. Lang, Pearson Education. 2003
2. Introduction to Calculus & Analysis, Vol I and II by Richard Courant & Fritz John, Springer

Reference Books:
1. Basic Mathematics by Serge A. Lang. Springer Publisher. 1988
2. A First Course in Calculus by Serge A. Lang. Springer publisher. 1986
3. Higher Engineering Mathematics (40th Ed), by B.S. Grewal and J.S. Grewal. Khanna
Publishers, New Delhi. 2007

BINF 417 – Fundamentals of Biology

Total Credits: 2 Total: 30 Hrs*.

Unit 1 4 Lectures
Origin and Diversity of living organisms: Classification of the living organisms (five kingdom
classification, major groups and principles of classification within each kingdom). Systematics and
binomial System of nomenclature - Salient features of animal (non-chordates up to phylum level and
chordates up to class level) and plant (major groups; Angiosperms up to class) Linnaean

Unit 2 7 Lectures
Developmental Biology of Animals and plants: Morphology and anatomy of different Biological
systems (earthworm, cockroach etc). Morphology and anatomy of flowering plants; Asexual
reproduction, Sexual reproduction, Alternation of generations in plants.

Unit 3 7 Lectures
Classical Genetics: Mendelian inheritance (Chromosome theory of inheritance), deviations from
Mendelian ratio (gene interaction- incomplete dominance, co-dominance, multiple alleles). Sex
determination in human beings: XX, XY. Linkage and crossing over (role of mutagens in
chromosomal disorders with emphasis to human beings).

Unit 4 6 Lectures
Variation and Selection: Geographical and environmental variations: Components and types of
variation; Adaptive features and selection: natural selection, evolution, effects of selection and

Unit 5 6 Lectures
Diseases and immunity: The major components of the immune system (Lymph nodes, spleen,
bone marrow, lymphocytes, thymus, leukocytes); Diseases of the immune system-Sexually
transmitted infections (STIs).

Text Book:
1. Molecular Biology of the cell by Bruce Alberts, Garland publishing Inc. 2002
2. General Biology by Strausbaugh,Perry D.; Weimer,Bernal R. John Wiley And Sons Inc.

Reference Books:
1. Cell - A molecular approach by Cooper. G. M., Oxford University Press. 2000
2. The Economy of Nature by Robert E. Ricklefs and Rick Relyea. Publisher- W. H. Freeman 6th ed


Total Credits: 2 Total: 30 Hrs*.

Unit 1 5 lectures
Computer Organization –Fundamentals of computers – Block diagram of computer (input and
output devices) – History - Generations – Memory devices - Advantages and Limitations of
Computers – Comparison of different operating systems DOS, Windows NT & XP, Application

Unit 2 5 lectures
Network Basics – Communication Technology – Networking Elements: Networking Hardware,
Networking services: Types of Networks – LAN, WAN & MAN, Intranet–Wireless communication –
Internet services, Uses of Internet

Unit 3 4 lectures
Introduction to Database systems – Fundamentals of database - Database models (Hierarchical,
Network, Relational and Object-Oriented Models) – RDBMS: Relational Database Management
systems - Database System Applications and Security.

Unit 4 5 lectures
Programming Language – Algorithm – Flowchart – Programming language – Compiling and
Linking – Testing and Debugging – Documentation – Maintenance - Utility programs.

Unit 5 5 lectures
Internet Technologies – Web Services – WWW, URL, Servers: Client/ Server essentials - Domain
Name Server, FTP server, E-mail server, WEB servers, Web publishing-Browsers-IP Addressing,

Text Books:

1. Basic Computer Skills made easy, by Sherman, J., Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, USA. 2001
2. Computer Fundamentals and Applications (2nd Ed.) by Balaguruswamy, E., Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd., India. 1985


Total Credits: 3 Total: 45 Hrs*.

Unit 1 9 lectures
Introduction – Aim and branches of Bioinformatics, Application of Bioinformatics, Role of internet
and www in bioinformatics. Basic biomolecular concepts: Protein and amino acid, DNA & RNA,
Sequence, structure and function. Forms of biological information, Types of Nucleotide Sequence:
Genomic DNA, Complementary DNA (cDNA), Recombinant DNA (rDNA), Expressed sequence tags
(ESTs), Genomic survey sequences (GSSs). DNA sequencing methods: Basic and Automated DNA
sequencing, DNA sequencing by capillary array and electrophoresis, Gene expression data.

Unit 2 7 lectures
Bioinformatics Resources – NCBI, EBI, ExPASy, RCSB, DDBJ: The knowledge of databases and
bioinformatics tools available at these resources, organization of databases: data contents, purpose and
utility. Open access bibliographic resources and literature databases: PubMed, BioMed Central,
Public Library of Sciences (PloS), CiteXplore.

Unit 3 8 lectures
Sequence databases – Nucleic acid sequence databases: GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ; Protein sequence
databases: Uniprot-KB: SWISS-PROT, TrEMBL, UniParc; Structure Databases: PDB, NDB,
PubChem, ChemBank. Sequence file formats: Various file formats for bio-molecular sequences:
GenBank, FASTA, GCG, MSF etc. Protein and nucleic acid properties: Proteomics tools at the
ExPASy server, GCG utilities and EMBOSS, Computation of various parameters

Unit 4 6 lectures
Sequence Analysis – Basic concepts of sequence similarity, identity and homology, definitions of
homologues, orthologues, paralogues and xenologues Scoring matrices: basic concept of a scoring
matrix, Matrices for nucleic acid and proteins sequences, PAM and BLOSUM series, matrix
derivation methods and principles.

Unit 5 6 lectures
Sequence alignment – Measurement of sequence similarity; Similarity and homology. Pairwise
sequence alignment: Basic concepts of sequence alignment, Needleman and Wunsch, Smith and
Waterman algorithms for pairwise alignments, gap penalties, use of pairwise alignments for analysis
of Nucleic acid and protein sequences and interpretation of results.

Text Books:
1. Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis by Mount D., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Press, New York. 2004
2. Bioinformatics- a Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins by Baxevanis, A.D.
and Francis Ouellellette, B.F., Wiley India Pvt Ltd. 2009

Reference Book:
1. Introduction to bioinformatics by Teresa K. Attwood, David J. Parry-Smith, Pearson
Education. 1999
2. Bioinformatics for Dummies by Jean-michel Claverie Cedric Notredame. Publisher: Dummies
(Jan 2007)

Total Credits: 1

Exercises in Cell Biology

Paper Chromatography of Chlorophyll pigments

Estimation of Chlorophyll
Ascorbic acid estimation in different tissues of plants and animals.
Growth curve of Bacteria.
Estimation of cell mass of bacteria.

Exercises in Molecular Biology

Isolation & Purification of genomic DNA from bacteria

Isolation & Purification of plasmid DNA
Agarose gel electrophoresis of chromosomal & plasmid DNA
Restriction Digestion of chromosomal & plasmid DNA
Isolation of DNA fragment from agarose gel
PCR for DNA amplification
Protein separation using HPLC (demo)

Protein separation using SDS-PAGE


Total Credits: 1


1. Bioinformatics Resources: NCBI, EBI, DDBJ, RCSB, ExPASy

2. Database search engines: EntrezDBGET

3. Open access bibliographic resources and literature databases

a. PubMed
b. BioMed Central
c. Public Library of Sciences (PloS)
d. CiteXplore.

4. Bioinformatics Resources at the species level

a. ICTV Database
c. Viral genomes at NCBI

5. Sequence databases:
a. Nucleic acid sequence databases: GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ;
b. Protein sequence databases: Uniprot-KB: SWISS-PROT, TrEMBL, UniParc;
c. Repositories for high throughput genomic sequences: EST, STS, GSS.
d. Genome Databases at NCBI, EBI, TIGR, SANGER

6. Structure Databases: PDB, NDB, PubChem, ChemBank, FSSP, DSSP

7. Derived Databases: InterPro, Prosite, Pfam, ProDom

8. Sequence file formats: GenBank, FASTA

9. Protein and nucleic acid properties: Proteomics tools at the ExPASy server, EMBOSS


Total Credits: 1

LINUX Operating System: Overview of Linux Architecture and Basic commands

1. Simple Input and Output statements

2. Working with if, if else and switch constructs.

3. Working with arrays and strings.

4. Loops and nested loops.

5. Working with user defined functions.

6. Working with pointers.

7. Working with structures and Unions.

8. File handling with numerical and character data.


9. Creation of a simple class and working with its objects.

10. Implementing the inheritance in C++.

11. Working with function overloading.

12. Working with operator overloading.


Total Credits: 1


1. Command Line Interface - Internal Commands- External commands

2. Graphical User Interface: Peer-to-Peer Operating System

3. Client- Server Operating System

4. Software Package:
a. Create a manuscript using ms-word by applying relevant font styles, margins, bullets and
b. Prepare a call letter for the admission of MSC bioinformatics to all the selected students by
using mail merge.
c. Prepare a student’s fee table for four semesters in a excel sheet. Calculate the consolidated
payment using links.
d. Create all types of charts using excel for any clinical data.

5. Create a web page for an educational institution using HTML tags.

6. Create a web page to display your details by creating a model web site.


Total Credits: 1


1. Entrez and Literature Searches.

a. PubMed
b. PubMed central
d. Citation matcher
2. SRS of Biological Databases
a. Nucleotide/ Genome Databases.
b. Protein Sequence Database.
c. Structure databases.
d. Protein Pattern Databases
3. File format conversion
a. FmtSeq
b. ReadSeq
c. Sequence manipulation Suite
4. Sequence Analysis
a. Dot Plot
b. Pairwise alignment
c. Multiple Sequence Alignment
5. Software
a. BioEdit.
b. GeneDoc
c. ClustalW / X, MEGA, MEME
6. Visualization Tool
a. RasMol
b. Cn3D
c. MolMol


Total Credits: 3 Total: 45 Hrs*.
Unit 1 8 Lectures
Genomics and Metagenomics – Large scale genome sequencing strategies. Genome assembly and
annotation. Genome databases of Plants, animals and pathogens. Metagenomics: Gene networks:
basic concepts, computational model such as Lambda receptor and lac operon. Prediction of genes,
promoters, splice sites, regulatory regions: basic principles, application of methods to prokaryotic and
eukaryotic genomes and interpretation of results. Basic concepts on identification of disease genes,
role of bioinformatics-OMIM database, reference genome sequence, integrated genomic maps, gene
expression profiling; identification of SNPs, SNP database (DbSNP). Role of SNP in
Pharmacogenomics, SNP arrays. Basic concepts in identification of Drought stress response genes,
insect resistant genes, nutrition enhancing genes
Unit 2 7 Lectures
Epigenetics – DNA microarray: database and basic tools, Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO),
ArrayExpress, SAGE databases DNA microarray: understanding of microarray data, normalizing
microarray data, detecting differential gene expression, correlation of gene expression data to
biological process and computational analysis tools (especially clustering approaches)
Unit 3 7 Lectures
Comparative genomics – Basic concepts and applications, whole genome alignments: understanding
the significance; Artemis, BLAST2, MegaBlast algorithms, PipMaker, AVID, Vista, MUMmer,
applications of suffix tree in comparative genomics, synteny and gene order comparisons Comparative
genomics databases: COG, VOG
Unit 4 7 Lectures
Functional genomics – Application of sequence based and structure-based approaches to assignment
of gene functions – e.g. sequence comparison, structure analysis (especially active sites, binding sites)
and comparison, pattern identification, etc. Use of various derived databases in function assignment,
use of SNPs for identification of genetic traits. Gene/Protein function prediction using Machine
learning tools viz. Neural network, SVM etc
Unit 5 7 Lectures
Proteomics – Protein arrays: basic principles. Computational methods for identification of
polypeptides from mass spectrometry. Protein arrays: bioinformatics-based tools for analysis of
proteomics data (Tools available at ExPASy Proteomics server); databases (such as InterPro) and
analysis tools. Protein-protein interactions: databases such as DIP, PPI server and tools for analysis of
protein-protein interactions
Text Books:
1. Discovering Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics 2nd edition - by A. Malcolm Campbell
and Laurie J. Heyer. by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 2006.
Reference books:
1. Principles of Genome Analysis and Genomics (3rd Ed.) by Primrose, S.B. and Twyman, R.M.,
Blackwell Publishing Company, Oxford, UK. 2003
2. Introduction to Proteomics – Tools for the new biology (1st Ed.) by Liebler, D.C., Humana
Press Inc., New Jersey, USA. 2002
3. Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics by Pevsner, J., John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey,
USA. 2003
4. Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis by Mount, D., Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory Press, New York. 2004
Total Credits: 3 Total: 45 Hrs.*
Unit 1 8 lectures
Sequence Analysis – Basic concepts of sequence similarity, identity and homology, definitions of
homologues, orthologues, paralogues and xenologues Scoring matrices: basic concept of a scoring
matrix, Matrices for nucleic acid and proteins sequences, PAM and BLOSUM series, matrix
derivation methods and principles. Repeats: Tandem and Interspersed repeat finding, Motifs,
consensus, position weight matrices
Unit 2 6 lectures
Pairwise sequence alignment – Basic concepts of sequence alignment, gap penalties, Needleman and
Wunsch, Smith and Waterman algorithms for pairwise alignments and application in Nucleic acid and
protein sequences alignments. Multiple sequence alignments (MSA) – The need for MSA, basic
concepts of various approaches for MSA (e.g. progressive, hierarchical etc.). Algorithm of
CLUSTALW and PileUp and application, concept of dendrogram and its interpretation, Use of HMM-
based Algorithm for MSA (e.g. SAM method)
Unit 3 6 lectures
Comparative Genomics – Basic concepts, Applications of Comparative Genomics: Identifications of
Protein coding genes, Regulatory Regions, virulence factors / pathogeneity islands; Reconstruction of
metabolic pathways, Genome analysis tools : Artemis, Geneplot
Unit 4 8 lectures
Sequence patterns and profiles – Basic concept and definition of sequence patterns, motifs and
profiles, various types of pattern representations viz. consensus, regular expression (Prosite-type) and
sequence profiles; profile-based database searches using PSI-BLAST, analysis and interpretation of
profile-based searches.
Algorithms for derivation and searching sequence patterns – MEME, PHI-BLAST, SCanProsite
and PRATT. Algorithms for generation of sequence profiles: Profile Analysis method of Gribskov,
Unit 5 8 lectures
Molecular Phylogenetics – Phylogenetics Basics: Molecular Evolution and Molecular Phylogenetics,
Terminology, Gene Phylogeny versus Species Phylogeny, Forms of Tree Representation;
Phylogenetic Tree Construction Methods and Programs: Distance-Based Methods, Character-Based
Methods, Phylogenetic Tree Evaluation, Phylogenetic Programs.
Text Books:
1. Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis by Mount D., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Press, New York. 2004
2. Bioinformatics- a Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins by Baxevanis, A.D.
and Francis Ouellellette, B.F., Wiley India Pvt Ltd. 2009
Reference Books:
a. Introduction to Bioinformatics (1st Edition) by Arthur M. Lesk, Oxford University
Press, 2002
b. Bioinformatics in the Post-Genomic Era by Jeffrey Augen, Addison-Wesley Publisher,

Total Credits: 3 Total: 45 Hrs*.

Unit 1 6 lectures
Java Basics – Importance and features of java, Modifiers, Access Controls, Data types, Expressions,
Declarations, Statements & Control Structures, Program Structures, String handling, Packages,
Interfaces, Working with java util Package, Garbage Collection

Unit 2 8 lectures
Exception Handling, I/O & JDBC – Exception Handling: built in exception, creating your own
exceptions, Input Stream & Output Stream: Streams, Byte and Character stream, Predefined streams,
Reading and Writing from Console and Files, Buffered Reader & Writer, Serialization, Database:
JDBC Basics

Unit 3 7 lectures
Multithreading and Communication – Java Thread Model: Life Cycle of Thread, Thread class,
Runnable interface, Inter thread Communication, Suspending, Resuming and Stopping threads,
Synchronization, Scheduling and Priority of Threads.

Unit 4 7 lectures
AWT & Event Handling – Creating User interface with AWT, Applets, Applet Life Cycle, Simple
Graphics, Fonts and Colors, Events, Listeners, Components, Containers, Working with Layouts,
Event Classes, Event Listener Interfaces, Adapter and Inner Classes

Unit 5 8 lectures
BioJava – Installing BioJava, Symbols, Basic Sequence Manipulation (DNA to RNA, Reverse
Complement, motif as regular expression), Translation (DNA to Protein, Codon to amino acid, Six
frame translation), Proteomics (Calculate the mass and pI of a peptide), Sequence I/O (File Formats
conversions), Locations and Features (PointLocation, RangeLocation, Feature modifications), BLAST
and FASTA (Blast and FastA Parser, extract information from parsed results), Counts and
Distributions, Weight Matrices and Dynamic Programming, User Interfaces.

Text Books:
1. Herbert Schildt, Java- A Beginners Guide (4th Ed.)., Tata Mc-Graw-Hill publication. 2007

Reference Books:
1. Computing Concepts with Java 2 Essentials (2nd Ed.) by Horstmann, C.S., John Wiley Publishers.
2. Object Oriented Design and Applications (2nd Ed.) by Benjamin, Cummings and Booch, G.,
Addison Wesley Publishers. 1994


Total Credits: 3 Total: 45 Hrs*.

Unit 1 7 lectures
Introduction – Database System Versus File Systems, Characteristics of Database, Database
Concepts, Schemas & Instances, DBMS architecture and Data Independence, Data Models, Database
Languages & Interfaces, View of Data, Database users and Administrators, Database System
Structure, Database System Applications

Unit 2 7 lectures
Data models – ER Model: Keys, Constraints, Design Issues, Extended ER features, Reductions of ER
Schema to Tables. Relational Model: Structure, Relational Algebra; Hierarchical Model, Network
Model, Object Oriented Model

Unit 3 6 lectures
Structured Query Language – Basic Structure, Set Operations, Aggregate Functions, Null Values,
Nested Sub queries, Views, Integrity: Domain constraints, Joined Relations, Data-Definition

Unit 4 8 lectures
Relational Database and Storage – Pitfalls in Relational Design Database, Functional dependencies,
Decomposition Normal Forms – 1NF, 2NF, 3NF & Boyce-Codd NF, Data Storage – Ordered indices,
Hashing concepts - Security and Authorization.

Unit 5 8 lectures
Concurrency control techniques & Information retrieval – Transactions: Properties of
transactions: Concurrency problems, Serialisability and Locking techniques, Granularity of Data Items
– Database System Architecture and Information retrieval: Centralized and Client-Server Architecture

Text Books:
1. Database System Concepts (4th Ed.) by Silberschatz, A., Korth, H.F. and Sudarshan, S., 2002,
McGraw Hill Publishers.

Reference books:

1. An Introduction to Database Systems (7th Ed.) by Date, C.J., Addison Wesley Publishers. 2000
2. Fundamentals of Database Systems (4th Ed.) by Elmasri and Navathe, Addison Wesley Publishers.
3. Principles of Database Systems (2nd Ed.) by Ullman, J. D., Galgotia Publications. 2001


Total Credits: 3 Total: 45 Hrs*.

Unit 1 5 lectures
Computing Algorithms – Algorithms in Computing, Analyzing algorithms, Designing algorithms,
Asymptotic notation, Standard notations, Big ‘O’ notations, Time and space complexity of algorithms
and common functions.

Unit 2 9 lectures
Sorting, Searching & Strings Matching – Sorting: Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Selection sort, Merge
Sort, Quick Sort, External sort: K-way merge sort, balanced merge sort, Searching: Binary Search,
Fibonacci Search. String Matching: Naïve algorithm, Boyer Moore algorithm.

Unit 3 8 lectures
Graphs – Representation of Graphs, Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, Topological Sort,
Connected Components, Minimum Spanning Tree, Single-Source Shortest Path: Dijkstra’s
Algorithm, All-Pairs Shortest Paths, Coloring of Graphs

Unit 4 7 lectures
Trees – Forests, DAGs, Ancestors, and Descendants, Binary Search Trees, Querying a Binary search
tree, Insertion and Deletion, Tree Traversals, AVL-Trees, Rotations, Insertion, Deletion, B-trees.

Unit 5 7 lectures
Algorithm Design and Analysis – The substitution method, The iteration method, Divide and
Conquer, Greedy Algorithms, Dynamic Programming: Traveling Sales Person Problem Backtracking
Algorithms: 8-queens Problem.

Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Algorithms by E. Horowitz and S. Sahani., Galgotia Book source Pvt. Ltd. 1999
Reference Books:
1. Data Structures by Seymour Lipschutz., Tata Mc-Graw-Hill publication. 2007
2. Introduction to Algorithms (3rd Ed.) by T .H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R .L. Rivest., The MIT
Press. 2007

Total Credits: 2 Total: 30 Hrs. *

Unit I 6 lectures
Numerical descriptive techniques: Measures of central tendency-mean, median, mode, Partition
values-quartiles, deciles, percentiles, Measure of dispersion, Moments, Skewness, Kurtosis.

Unit II 4 lectures
Correlation and Regression: Principle of least squares, scatter diagram, correlation, covariance,
correlation coefficient, properties of correlation coefficient, regression, properties of linear regression,
rank correlation, multiple correlation.

Unit III 4 lectures

Probability Theory: Classical and modern definition of probability, Sample space and events,
independent events, mutually exclusive events, axioms of probability, conditional probability,
additional and multiplication theorem of probability, Baye’s theorem.

Unit IV 4 lectures
Sampling Theory: Objective of sampling, Sampling error, Methods of sampling, Sampling
distribution, Sampling distribution of sample mean and sample proportion, Standard error.

Unit V 6 lectures
Probability Distribution: Bernoulli’s trial, Binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, Poisson
approximation to Binomial distribution, Normal and Standard normal distribution, Normal
approximation to Binomial (Poisson), Student’s t distribution, Chi-square distribution, F-distribution

Text Books :
1. Biostatistics (9th Ed.), Wayne W. Daniel, John Wiley, 2004
2. Statistics (3rd Ed.), Murray R. Spiegel and Larry J. Stephens, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000

Reference Books :
1. Statistical Methods (Volume 1 and 2) (1st Ed.), N. G. Das, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2009
2. Fundamentals of Biostatistics (6th Ed.), Bernard Rosner, Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2006


Total Credits: 2 Total: 30 Hrs*.

Unit 1 5 lectures
Transmission electron microscopy – Wave nature of electrons – Electromagnetic lenses – Basic
components of Transmission Electron Microscope – Alignment of TEM – Major operational modes of

Unit 2 5 lectures
Scanning electron microscopy – Basic systems of the SEM – Contrast and three-dimensionality of
the SEM image – Stereo imaging with the SEM

Unit 3 8 lectures
Specimen preparation for EM – TEM: Specimen preparation for TEM – Fixation – Washing –
Dehydration – Embedding – Specimen staining for TEM – Positive staining and negative staining –
Metal shadowing techniques – CryoEM.
Ultramicrotomy: Shaping the specimen block – Types of ultramicrotome knives – EM grids – Support
films for grids – Ultramicrotome and section processing.
SEM: Surface cleaning – Rinsing and dehydration – Specimen drying techniques – Specimen fracture
procedures – Replication procedures – Specimen mounting – Specimen coating for conductivity.

Unit 4 4 lectures
Image processing and image analysis by computer – Capturing the image – Conventional vs.
digital – Image processing – Controlling contrast, brightness and gamma – Removing noise – Fast
Fourier Transform – images for publication and presentation – Three dimensional imaging.

Unit 5 2 lectures
Atomic Force microscopy and Confocal Microscopy – Atomic force microscopy (AFM) including
contact-mode, tapping-mode and lateral-force
Confocal Microscopy: Basics of Confocal Microscopy, Sample Preparation, Confocal Optics,

Text Book:
1. Electron Microscopy: Principles and techniques for biologists by John J Bozzola, and Lonnie Dee
Russell., Jones & Bartlett Learning. 1999
Reference Books:
1. Principles and Techniques of Electron Microscopy: Biological Applications by M.A.Hayat.,
Cambridge University Press. 2000
2. Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy, by Pawley, J.B., Springer-verlag. 2006


Total Credits: 2 30Hrs*

Unit-1 4 lectures
Structure and Organization of Animal Cell. Basic techniques of mammalian cell culture in vitro.
Tissue and organ culture. Cell lines and primary and established cell line culture.

Unit-2 4 lectures
Introduction to the balance salt solutions and simple growth medium. Brief discussion on the
chemical, physical and metabolic functions of different constituents of culture medium. Role of
carbon dioxide. Role of serum and supplements. Maintenance of animal cell culture.

Unit-3 4 lectures
Serum and protein fee defined media and their application. Trypsinization of monolayer and
measurement of viability and cytotoxicity. Biology and characterization of cultured cells, measuring
parameters of growth. Measurement of cell death, apoptosis mechanism and significance.

Unit-4 6 lectures
Basic techniques of mammalian cell culture in vitro, disaggregation of tissue and primary culture; cell
separation. Scaling-up of animal cell culture, Cell Synchronization. Tissue and Organ culture.
Production and use of artificial tissue and organs-Skin, Liver and Pancreas. Cell transformation,
transfection and Application of cell culture.

Unit-5 6 lectures
Stem cells- Stem cell culture, embryonic system cells and their applications. Cell culture based
vaccines. Cell for adaptive and cellular immunotherapy; bone marrow transplantation-advantages and
disadvantages. There dimensional culture and tissue engineering.

Text Books:
1. Culture of Animal Cells; A Manual of Basic Technique and Specialized Applications (6th
Edition) R.Ian Forshney, (Wiley-Liss)-2010
2. Animal cell culture techniques. Ed. Marti Clynes.( Springer)-1998
3. Molecular and Cellular methods in Biology and Medicine, P.B. Kaufman, W. Wu, D. Kim and
L. J. Cseke. CRC Press, Florida- 2011.

Reference Books:
1. Animal cell culture-A Practical Approach, Ed.john R.W. Mesters, Oxford (IRL Press)-2000
2. Stem cells in regenerative medicine by Audet (Springer)-2009
3. Cell and tissue reaction engineering by Eibi (Springer)-2009


Total Credits: 1

Exercise in JAVA

1. Working with Objects, Arrays, Conditionals and Loops.

2. Creating Classes and Applications in Java.

3. Java Exception handling

4. Streams and I/O, Using Native Methods and Libraries

5. Simple Animation and Threads, Advanced Animation, Images and Sound.

6. Managing Simple Events and Interactivity.

7. Local and global alignment of sequences

8. Creating User Interfaces with AWT, Modifiers.

9. Multithreading example

10. Java Programming Tools, Working with Data Structures.


Total Credits: 1

Exercise in DBMS (MYSQL)

Data Definition Language (DDL) statements:

Creating database, Selecting database, Deleting database, Creating table, Modifying Table, Deleting

Data Manipulation statements:

Inserting, updating and deleting records

Retrieving Records
Retrieving specific rows and columns
Use of MySQL operators – Arithmetic operators, Comparison
Operators, Logical operators
Math functions, Aggregate functions
String operations
Limiting, Sorting and grouping query results
Handling null values
Renaming or aliasing table and column names
Using subqueries
Using Joins – joining a table to itself, joining multiple tables
Use of Indexes
Security Management
Granting and Revoking rights on tables


Total Credits: 1

1. Sequence Databases: EMBOSS, NCBI ToolKit, Expassy tools
2. Search tools against Databases:
3. Pair wise alignment:
a. Dot Plot
b. Global and Local alignment methods

4. Multiple sequence alignment:

a. Clustal
b. Dialign
c. Multalign

5. Primary and secondary structure prediction methods

a. GOR Method
b. PSI-pred
c. Chou-Fasman method

6. Binding site identification

7. Sequence patterns and profiles:

a. generation of sequence profiles


b. derivation of and searching sequence patterns:

iii. SCanProsite

8. Protein motif and domain analysis:

b. eMotif
c. InterproScan
d. ProSite
e. ProDom
f. Pfam

9. Phylogentic analysis – Mega, Paup, phylip



Total Credits: 3 Total: 45 Hrs*.

Unit 1 8 Lectures
Macromolecules – DNA and RNA: types of base pairing – Watson-Crick and Hoogstein; types of
double helices A, B, Z and their geometrical as well as structural features; structural and geometrical
parameters of each form and their comparison; various types of interactions of DNA with proteins,
small molecules. RNA secondary and tertiary structures, t-RNA tertiary structure. Proteins: Principles
of protein structure; anatomy of proteins – Hierarchical organization of protein structure – Primary.
Secondary, Super secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary structure; Ramachandran Map.

Unit 2 6 Lectures
Xray Crystallography – Electromagnetic radiation, X-rays, principles, Bragg’s Law, Types of solids:
Crystal and amorphous, solids, Crystal Systems: Seven crystal system, Bravies Lattices, Space group,
Symmetry. Crystallization Techniques: Small and Protein Molecules.

Unit 3 9 Lectures
Phase Problem – What is phase problem, How to solve the phase problem, Patterson function, Direct
methods, Isomorphism replacement method, heavy atom method. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance:
Chemical Shift, Coupling constant, spin-spin relaxation, spin-lattice relaxation, COSY, NOESY and

Unit 4 7 Lectures
Structure Prediction Strategies – Secondary structure prediction: Algorithms viz. Chou Fasman,
GOR methods; analysis of results and measuring the accuracy of predictions using Q3, Segment
overlap, Mathew’s correlation coefficient Identification/assignment of secondary structural elements
from the knowledge of 3-D structure of macromolecule using DSSP and STRIDE methods

Unit 5 6 Lectures
Classification and comparison of protein 3D structures – Purpose of 3-D structure comparison and
concepts; Algorithms such as FSSP, CE, VAST and DALI, Fold Classes. Databases of structure-based
classification: CATH and SCOP. Structures of oligomeric proteins and study of interaction interfaces

Text Books:
1. Molecular Modeling Principles and Applications (2nd Ed.) by Andrew R. Leach., Prentice Hall,
USA. 2001
2. Principles of Protein Structure by G. E. Schulz., Springer 2009
3. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry by David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox, W. H.

Total Credits: 3 Total: 45 Hrs*.
Unit 1 8 Lectures
Molecular Mechanics – Introduction, The Morse Potential, The Harmonic Oscillator Model for
Molecules, Comparison of Morse and Harmonic Potential, Two atoms connected by a bond, Poly
atomic Molecules, Energy due to Stretch, Bend, Stretch-Bend, Torsional strain, van der Waals and
Dipole-Diploe interactions. Types of Potentials: Lennard-Jones, Truncated Lennard-jones,
Exponential-6, Ionic and Polar potentials. Types of Force Fields: AMBER, CHARMM, Merck
Molecular Force Field, Consistent Force Field, MM2, MM3 and MM4 force fields.
Unit 2 5 Lectures
Potential Energy Surface – Convergence Criteria, Characterizing Stationary Points, Search for
Transition States. Optimization:- multivariable Optimization Algorithms, level Sets, Level Curves,
Gradients, Optimization Criteria, Unidirectional Search, Finding Minimum Point, Gradient based
Methods-Steepest Descent and Conjugate Gradient Methods
Unit 3 8 Lectures
Molecular Dynamics Simulation – Introduction, Radial distribution functions, Pair Correlation
function, Newtonian dynamics, Integrators- Leapfrog and Verlet algorithm, Potential truncation and
shifted-force potentials, Implicit and explicit Solvation models, Periodic boundary conditions,
Temperature and pressure control in molecular dynamics simulations
Unit 4 8 Lectures
Drug design – Drug discovery process. Target identification and validation, lead optimization and
validation. Methods and Tools in Computer-aided molecular Design, Analog Based drug design:-
Pharmacophores (3D database searching, conformation searches, deriving and using 3D
Pharmacophore, constrained systematic search, Genetic Algorithm, clique detection techniques,
maximum likelihood method) and QSAR. Structure based drug design:- Docking, De Novo Drug
Design (Fragment Placements, Connection Methods, Sequential Grow), Virtual screening.
Unit 5 7 Lectures
Structure Activity Relationship – Introduction to QSAR, QSPR, Various Descriptors used in
QSARs: Electronics; Topology; Quantum Chemical based Descriptors. Regression Analysis, The
Significance and Validity of QSAR Regression Equations, Partial Least Squares (PLS) Analysis,
Multi Linear Regression Analysis. Use of Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks and Principle
Components Analysis in the QSAR equations.

Text Books:
1. Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling-Principles and Applications by
Ramachandran, Deepa and Namboori., 2008, Springer_Verlag.
2. Molecular Modeling Principles and Applications (2nd Ed.) by Andrew R. Leach., Prentice Hall,
USA. 2001
1. Molecular Modelling for Beginners, (2nd Edition) by Alan Hinchliffe., John Wiley & Sons
2. Molecular Modeling and Simulation – An Interdisciplinary Guide by Tamar Schlick., Springer-
verlag 2000
3. Computational Medicinal Chemistry for Drug Discovery, edited by Patrick Bultinck., Marcel
Dekker Inc. 2004


Total Credits: 3 Total: 45 Hrs.*

Unit 1 8 Lectures
Perl Basic Data types: Scalar Variables, Scalar Operations and Functions, Array Variables, Literal
Representation of an Array, Array Operations and Functions, Scalar and List Context, Hash
Variables, Literal Representation of a Hash, Hash Functions, Using Hashes for the Genetic Code,
Gene Expression Data Using Hashes

Unit 2 6 Lectures
Perl Regular Expression: Concepts on Regular Expressions, Uses of Regular Expressions in
biological data handling, metacharacters, quantifiers, Pattern-matching, Substitutions,
Transliteration, split and join functions

Unit 3 8 Lectures
Modular Programming: Subroutines, Advantage of Subroutines, Scoping and Subroutines,
Arguments, Passing Data to Subroutines, Modules and Libraries of Subroutines, Concept on File
handle, Opening and Closing a File, Opening and Closing a Directory, Reading a Directory, File
and Directory Manipulation.

Unit 4 6 Lectures
Common Gateway Interface (CGI): The CGI.pm Module, CGI program in Context, Simple CGI
programs, Passing Parameters via CGI, Perl and the Web

Unit 5 8 Lectures
Bioperl: Introduction to Bioperl, Installing Procedures, Architectures, General Bioperl Classes,
Sequences -Bio::Seq Class, Sequence Manipulation, Features and Location Classes-Extracting
CDS, Alignments -AlignIO, Analysis -Blast, Databases- Database Classes, Accessing a Local

Text Books
1. Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics (1st Ed.), J. Tisdall, O’Reilly, 2004
2. Learning Perl (5th Ed.), Randal L. Schwartz, Tom Phoenix and Brain d foy, O’Reilly, 2008

Reference Books
1. Programming Perl (3rd Ed), L.Wall, T. Christiansen and J. Orwant, O’Reilly, 2007
2. Beginning Perl, Simon Cozens, Peter Wainwright. Wrox Press Inc., 2000


Total Credits: 3 Total: 45 Hrs*.

Unit 1 5 lectures
Introduction & Biological Networks – Systems Biology: Emergent property, Applications in
health and diseases. Microarrays and its applications in systems biology. Self-organizing maps and
Connectivity maps-definition and its uses. Biological Networks: Degree distribution, Clustering
coefficient, Random networks, Scale-free networks, small-world effect.

Unit 2 5 lectures
Simulation of pathways – Metabolic network, Metabolic reconstruction, Flux Balance Analysis
(FBA): Translating biochemical networks into linear algebra, Stoichiometric matrix, Elementary
mode, Extreme pathways, Objective function, Optimization using linear programming. Genome-
scale cellular models: Virtual Erythrocytes, Global human metabolic model (Recon 1).

Unit 3 5 lectures
Signalling & Experimental methods in systems biology – slow and auto–regulation The coherent
FFL and incoherent FFL, single-input module (SIM): LIFO and FIFO, DOR, signaling networks
and neuronal circuits.
Robustness and optimality in Biological complex systems – Biological Robustness: System
control, modularity, decoupling. Optimal design of gene circuits I- cost and benefit: gene circuits II-
selection of regulation. Stochasticity in gene expression.

Unit 4 4 lectures
Databases and software for Systems Biology – Introduction- databases: KEGG, EMP, MetaCyc.
Expression databases and other databases related to systems biology. Cytoscape, visANT & Cell

Unit 5 5 lectures
Synthetic Biology – Introduction, definition and Basics, Synthetic Oligonucleotide/DNA-based,
RNA-based, Peptide-based Technologies and Applications, Technologies and Applications of
Directed Evolution and Microbial Engineering, Potential Hazards of Synthetic Biology, iGEM.

Text Books:
1. Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Principles of Biological Circuits by Uri Alon,
Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2007.
2. Synthetic Biology: A Primer by P.S. Freemont & R.I. Kitney, Imperial College Press, 2012.

Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Systems Biology, S. Choi, Humana Press, 2007.
2. Linked – The New Science of Networks, Albert-László Barabási, Perseus Publishing, 2002.
3. Networks – an Introduction, Mark Newman, Oxford University Press, 2010.


Total Credits: 3 Total: 45 Hrs*.

Unit 1 7 lectures
Introduction – Introduction, Importance of Data Mining, Relational Databases, Data Warehouses,
Transactional Databases, Advance Database Systems and Applications, Data Mining
Functionalities, Classification of Data Mining Systems, Major issues in Data Mining.

Unit 2 7 lectures
Primitives and System Architectures – Data Mining Primitives, Data Mining Query Language,
Designing Graphical User, Interfaces Based on a Data Mining Query Language, Architectures of
Data Mining Systems.

Unit 3 7 lectures
Concept Description and Association Rules – Concept Description, Characterization and
comparison, Data Generalization and Summarization-Based Characterization, Analytical
Characterization, Mining Class Comparisons, Mining Association Rules in Large Databases,
Association Rule Mining, Mining Single-Dimensional Boolean Association Rules from
Transactional Databases.

Unit 4 7 lectures
Classification and Prediction – Classification and Prediction, Issues: Data preparation for
classification and Prediction, Comparing classification Methods, Classification by Decision Tree
Induction: Decision Trees and Decision Tress induction

Unit 5 8 lectures
Clustering Methods – Clustering Analysis, Types data in clustering analysis: Scaled variable,
Binary variables, Variables of Mixed Types, Partitioning Methods: K-means and K-Medoids,
Model-Based Methods, Data Mining Applications: Data mining for Biomedical and DNA Data

Text Books:
1. Data Mining Concepts and Techniques – Jiawei Hen, Micheline Kambler, Academic Press
Morgan Kaufman Publishers. 2006

Reference Books:

1. Data Mining: Practical machine learning tools Techniques with java implementation by Ian
H.Witten, Eibe Frank, 2005.
2. Machine Learning and data mining in pattern recognition in third International conference
MLDM, by Petra Perner and Azriel Rosenfield, Springer.2003


Total Credits: 3 Total: 45 Hrs*.

Unit 1 6 Lectures
Research Methodology Objectives of research and motivation; Problem Identification & Formulation
– Research Question - Hypothesis and Hypothesis Testing; Types of research - Qualitative vs
Quantitative Research - Applied vs. Fundamental Research; Features of good research design; Data
Collection - Data Analysis - Interpretation of results and Report writing.

Unit 2 10 Lectures
Scientific writing – Introduction - Types of scientific writings - Thesis or dissertation writing –
Research paper writing; Types of publications - Open access and subscription based resources;
Scientific paper writing - Choosing a journal- Instructions to authors - Structure and Style- Authorships
–figures tables with legends - References and citations - Acknowledgements- Conflict of interest; Peer
review mechanism and publication process; Scientometric Analyses of a paper/journal; Ethics in
publishing and Plagiarism issues. Use of software for Reference Management – (Mendeley/endnote)
and detection of Plagiarism (turnitin).

Unit 3 8 Lectures
Oral presentation – Planning the oral presentations and visuals- In-class discussion (Students in small
groups or individually will take up the assignments or select a research project/ topic and prepare oral
presentations followed by a Q&A sessions)

Unit 4 5 Lectures
Poster Presentation – Elements and Significance of poster presentations- Planning and designing a
poster- Individual Poster presentation (Students select a research project/topic and prepare posters
followed by a Q&A sessions)

Unit 5 7 Lectures
Personality development & team building – Recruitment process and interview techniques, Team
work - Personality development - Interpersonal skills, Time and human resources management -
Goal setting - planning and scheduling work, stress at work - work-life balance, Culture and cultural
ethos - cultural diversity - diversity in organizations.

Text Books:
1. Scientific Writing: Easy When You Know How by Jennifer Peat, BMJ books. 2002
2. Successful Scientific Writing: A step-by-step Guide for Biomedical Scientists (3rd Ed.) by J.R.
Matthews and R.W. Matthews, Cambridge University Press. 2008

1. From Research to Manuscript: A Guide to Scientific Writing by Michael Jay Katz, by Springer.
2. Writing and Presenting Scientific Papers, 2nd Edition by Brigitta Malmfors, Phil Garnsworthy
and Michel Grossman, Nottingham University Press, 2004, Viva Books Pvt. Ltd. 2011
3. Scientific Writing- A Reader and Writer’s Guide, by Jean Luc- Lebrun, World Scientific
Publishers, 2007


Total Credits: 2 Total: 30 Hrs*.

Unit 1 5 lectures
UV- Visible spectroscopy – Absorption laws - calculations involving Beer - lambert's law -
instrumentation – photo colorimeter and spectrophotometer - block diagrams with description of
components - theory - types of electronic transitions - chromophore and auxochromes - absorption
bands and intensity - factors governing absorption maximum and intensity.

Unit 2 5 lectures
Infrared spectroscopy – principle - types of stretching and bending vibrations - vibrational
frequencies - instrumentation - block diagram - source - monochromator - cell sampling techniques
- detector and recorders - identification of organic molecules from characteristic absorption bands.
FTIR and its advantages

Unit 3 4 lectures
Raman spectroscopy – Raleigh and Raman scattering - stoke's and anti stokes lines -
instrumentation - block diagram - differences between IR and Raman spectroscopy - mutual
exclusion principle - applications - structural diagnosis.

Unit 4 5 lectures
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy – Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: Nuclear spin
magnetic moment, Interaction of nuclear magnet with external magnetic field, NMR spectrometer,
relaxation and dynamic processes, chemical shift, coupling constants in 1H, 13C and 31P NMR
spectra; application of NMR spectroscopy for structure elucidation of simple biomlecules.
Heteronuclear NMR experiments.
Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy: Electron spin and Magnetic moment, Resonance
condition in ESR and significance of 'g' value, applications of ESR.

Unit 5 5 lectures
X-ray Spectroscopy – Production and properties of X-rays. The Bragg’s Law – X-ray
Spectroscopy – Diffraction Directions – Diffraction Methods –Powder Method – Particle size
Calculation – X-ray scattering by electrons.

Text books:
1. Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy by C. N. Banwell., McGraw-Hill.1983
2. Introduction to molecular spectroscopy by G. M. Barrow., McGraw-Hill.1962
Reference Books:
1. Molecular spectroscopy by I. N. Levins, Wiley Interscience. 1975
2. Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy by C. N. Banwell, and Colin. 2000

Total credits: 2 Total: 30Hrs*

Unit I: 6 Lectures
Introduction to Plant System Biology: Properties of Plant, Network Biology, System Biology in
Plant Research, Framework and Experimental approach in Plant System Biology.

Unit II: 6 Lectures

Molecular Basis of Growth and development: Cell cycle control, Plant hormones, Organ
development, Photo morphogenesis.

Unit III: 6 Lectures

Molecular mechanism in plant adaptation: Biosynthetic and regulatory pathway- Defensive phenyl
propanoids, aromatic alkaloids. Role of small RNAs, Use of natural variation in A. thaliana to
study adaptation

Unit IV: 6hrs

Discipline and tools in plants system biology: Basics of Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics,
Metabolomics, Ionomics, Integration of proteomics & Metabolomics, Visualization Tools for plant
system biology: Genevestigator, Mapman, Cytoscape, VirtualPlant.

Unit V: 6 Lectures
Synthetic Biology: Introduction to synthetic biology, Foundation of synthetic biology, component
of synthetic biology: CAD, precise genome editing- ZFN, TALEN, CRISPR, Synthetic biology
application in plants.

1) C. Neal Stewart Jr. (2016) Plant biotechnology and genetics principles, techniques, and
applications- John Wiley & Sons Inc.
2) Gloria Coruzzi, Rodrigo Guti rrez (2009) Plant systems Biology Annual Plant Reviews, Volume
35 , Wiley Blackwell
3) Heribert Hert (2009) Plant Stress Physiology From genomics to system biology, Wiley

1) Taiz & Zeiger Plant Physiology 5 ed. Sinauer Associates


Total Credits: 1

1. Advanced Visualization Software and 3D representations.

2. Small Molecule Structure determination

a) Structure Solution: SHELXS

b) Structure Refinement: SHELXL

3. Thermal Ellipsoid Plot:

4. Structure analysis
b) Platon
c) Mercury
5. Protein Structure Determination:
a) Exploration of CCP4 website
b) Protein Model building: COOT
c) Structure Solution: AMoRe
6. Structure Validation


Total Credits: 1

1. Molecular Visualization: Pymol and Chimera

 Pdb file format and Parsing
 Visualizing a molecule in different representations
 Identifying interacting residues (protein and ligand interactions)
 Measuring distances between atoms
 B-factor visualization
 Image tracing and preparation
2. Small Molecule sketching using Marvin sketch and bond optimization in 2D & 3D format
 SDF, MOL2 file formats
3. Geometry Optimization using SwissPdb Viewer
 Energy Minimization of protein molecule
 Determining Maxima and Minima energy points
4. Binding Site Identification
 Different approaches for binding site identification
 Tools - Cast-P, POCASA, 3D ligand site, Metapocket, Ghecom
4. Structure based Drug design
 Molecular docking using AutoDock
 Virtual Screening using AutoDock Vina
5. Molecular Dynamics Simulation
 Protein dynamics using Gromacs
 Protein-ligand complex MD simulation
6. Ligand Based drug design


Total Credit: 1

1. Uses of Scalar and Array Variables to manipulate DNA/RNA/Protein sequence data

2. Concatenation DNA fragments, Transcribing DNA into RNA
3. Calculating the Reverse complement of a DNA strand
4. Uses of common Array Operators
5. Uses of Do-Until Loops
6. Uses of ‘substr’ function to look into the string
7. Reading a sequence data from a file and writing the results to a file
8. Opening and closing a Directory Handle, Reading a Directory and other directory
manipulation functions.
9. Uses of Subroutines
10. Uses of Hashes for the genetic code: translating codons into amino acids
11. Uses of subroutine to read FASTA files
12. Translate a DNA sequence in all six reading frames
13. Uses of Regular Expressions
14. Extract annotation and sequence from GenBank file
15. Parsing GenBank annotation using arrays
16. Extract sequence chains from PDB file
17. Uses of CGI.pm Module and Passing Parameters via CGI, Debugging CGI programs
18. Installing Bioperl, Uses of Bioperl modules for sequence manipulation, accessing local



Total Credits: 3 Total: 45 Hrs*.

Unit 1 8 Lectures
Regulatory Procedures – Good laboratory practice, Good manufacturing practice and FDA
regulations - Regulations for recombinant DNA research and manufacturing process - Bio-safety
and Bioethics - Regulations for clinical trials, Documentation and Compliance, in India and selected
countries - Rules for import and export of biological materials.

Unit 2 8 Lectures
Biotechnology Processes and Products – Techniques used in Biotechnology, with special
emphasis on molecular and recombinant DNA techniques - Cloning Strategies and Tissue culture
procedures for plant cells, animal and stem cells - Transgenic plants, animals, genetically modified
organisms (GMO) and GM food etc. - Large scale production of recombinant proteins, Processes
for separation and purification - Medical Biotechnology: gene therapy, tissue engineering and xeno-
transplantations - Biotechnology Products: Health care products – Vaccines – Diagnostics -
Recombinant therapeutic proteins - Agricultural : Hybrid and modified seeds - Bio-pesticides - Bio-

Unit 3 6 Lectures
IPR – Definition - Forms of IPR Protection, WTO - Definition –– Functions- International treaties
for IPR Protection

Unit 4 7 Lectures
Patents – Definition - conditions for patentablity - test of novelty of patents – composition of a
patent - Patenting of Biotechnological discoveries

Unit 5 7 Lectures
Other forms of IPR protection – Copyright - Trademark - Designs - Importance in Indian
Scenario & laws in India for IPR protection.

Text Books:
1. Bioethics and Biosafety in Biotechnology by Sree Krishna V., New Age International (P)
Ltd., Publ., Mumbai. 2007
2. Intellectual Property Rights by Deborah E. Bouchoux., Delmar Cenage Learning. 2005
3. Biodiversity and Conservation by G. Melchias, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2001
4. An Advanced textbook on Biodiversity: Principles and Practice by K.V. Krishnamurthy,
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003.

Reference Books:
1. The Indian Environmental Protection Act (EPA), 1986
2. Rules for manufacture, use/import/export and storage of hazardous microorganisms or cells
Act, 1989
3. Food Safety and Standards act (Government of India), 2006
4. Intellectual Property Rights on Biotechnology by Singh, KC, BCIL, New Delhi


Total Credits: 3 Total: 45 Hrs*.

Unit 1 7 lectures
Electrophoresis – Theory and types; moving boundary electrophoresis, zone electrophoresis, paper,
cellulose acetate gel electrophoresis, Native PAGE, disc PAGE, Gradient PAGE, SDS PAGE, DNA
agarose gel electrophoresis, Southern, Northern, Western blotting techniques, Isoelectric focusing,
finger printing, DNA sequencing, Pulsed - field Electrophoresis, Capillary Electrophoresis.

Unit 2 7 lectures
Chromatography – Principles, methodology and applications of chromatography using paper, thin
layer, column (gel filtration, ion exchange, and affinity), gas and types of HPLC.

Unit 3 6 lectures
Centrifugation – Principles, types and applications. Ultracentrifugation- types, optical methods
used and applications of preparative and analytical ultracentrifuges.

Unit 4 8 lectures
Enzyme kinetics – Membrane potential, Active site, Cofactors, apo-enzymes, Enzyme specificity,
Factor affecting enzyme activity, Michaelis-Menten, LB Plot, Km/kcat, Types of inhibition,
Allosteric enzymes.

Unit 5 8 lectures
Macromolecular interactions - Isothermal Titration Calorimetry Optical and magnetic tweezers,
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) Dual Polarisation Interferometry [DPI] CD/ORD,

Text Books:
1. Principles and Techniques of Practical Biochemistry (7th Ed) by Keith Wilson and John
Walker, Cambridge University Press. 2010.

2. Principles of Biochemistry by Nelson and Cox, Lehninger. W H Freeman & Co. 2009

Reference Books:
1. Physical Biochemistry (2nd Ed) by D. Freifelder., Freeman. 1982
2. Fundamentals of Biochemical calculation (2nd Ed.) by Krish Moorthy CRC Press. 2007
3. Protein Purification - Principles & Practices (3rd Ed.) by R. Scopes., Springer Verlag. 1994
4. Biophysical Chemistry: Techniques for the study of biological structure and functions by
Charles C. R. & Paul. S. R., W.H. Freeman & Co. New York. 2004


Total Credits: 2 Total: 30 Hrs*.

Unit 1 5 lectures
Overview of the R language – Defining the R project, Obtaining R, Generating R codes, Scripts,
Text editors for R, Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for R, Packages.

Unit 2 5 lectures
R Objects and data structures – Variable classes, Vectors and matrices, Data frames and lists,
Data sets included in R packages, Summarizing and exploring data, Reading data from external
files, Storing data to external files, Creating and storing R workspaces.

Unit 3 6 lectures
Manipulating objects in R – Mathematical operations (recycling rules, propagation of names,
dimensional attributes, NA handling), Basic matrix computation (element-wise multiplication,
matrix multiplication, outer product, transpose, eigenvalues, eigenvectors), Textual operations,
Basic graphics (high-level plotting, low-level plotting, interacting with graphics).

Unit 4 4 lectures
Hypothesis testing and data handling – Hypothesis testing, Parametric and nonparametric tests,
Chi-square test, t-tests, ANOVA, Correlation and regression, Principal component Analysis

Unit 5 4 lectures
Big Data Analytics in Bioinformatics using R: Introduction to Big data: Characteristics, data
structures and data repositories; exploratory analysis of big data in R environment, Bioconductor,
Microarray and next-generation sequencing (NGS) data analysis in R environment.

Text Books:
1. Paul Gerrard and Radia M. Johnson. Mastering Scientific Computing with R. Packt
Publishing, UK, 2015.

2. P.P. Sinha. Bioinformatics with R Cookbook. Packt Publishing, UK, 2014.

Reference Books:
1. Florian Hahne, Wolfgang Huber, Robert Gentleman, Seth Falcon. Bioconductor case
studies. Springer, 2008.

2. Paul D. Lewis, R for Medicine and Biology, Jones and Bartlett Series, 2010.


Total Credits: 5

The course is designed to result in the satisfactory completion and defense of the Masters

This process includes

a) the conceptualization of the independent research that will comprise the dissertation,
b) the preparation of and satisfactory defense of the dissertation proposal,
c) the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data,
d) presentation of findings in the dissertation format, and
e) oral defense of the dissertation.

Dissertation activity must be completed within prescribed time frame for the semester.


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