Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching
Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching
Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching
1/ 2022
IDENTITY CARD NO. : 900513-12-5356
TELEPHONE NO. : 011-26229424
Part 1a:ASSURE Instructional design model
This model encompasses six major steps in an instructional planning process:
Steps in ASSURE Model
Analyze Learners: Identify the audiences demographics,prior knowledge and learning
style.The learner can be students or member of an organization.It is important to analyze
the audiences to meet the course learning objectives and outcomes.The audiences can be
anlayze in term of gender,age,grade,specific entry competencies (knowledge and skill)
and learning style (visual,auditory and kinestathic)
State objectives: Objectives should be concrete,testable and demonstrable.Learner
should clearly understand what the learner will be able to do once they complete the
class.Most objectives contain four parts:Audience(Who are the learners).Behavior to be
demonstrated.Conditions under which the behavior will be observed.Degree to which the
learned skills are to be mastered.
Select Methods, Media, Materials: Choose learning contents that will serve the
training goals and objectives.It can be group discussion,presentation or role play. The
materials use is varies such as e-book,laptop and projector.The use of education video
from Youtube is one of the selection of media.
Utilize Media and Materials: Implement into lesson.After choosing the content and
materials,then decide how to utilize these tech tools and resources most effectively.The
strategy is is to be sure that students are actively involve with the learning session.
Require Learners’ Participation: Determine how to engage learners to encourage them
to actively participate in the learning experience.The use of question and answer
slot,group discussion and hands on activities are other ways of getting students actively in
the learning experience.
Evaluate and Revise: Reflect on the lesson and revise when needed
Thus, the final step in the ASSURE model is to evaluate and revise the learning strategy
to ensure that it is as beneficial as possible.Reflection of the lesson,the learning
outcomes,the methods strategy are important criteria to be evaluated.
Part 1b:Apply ASSURE Instructional Design Model to design a lesson in Google
Title of the Lesson Topic: Malaysian Sign Language
One month.Total course per month:
Four sessions: Four hours per week
Total:Sixteen hours per month
Topic 1:Deaf awareness.The topic will expose students to the deaf people and the community
including the culture.
Topic 2:History of Sign Language and its definition.The topic will provide students with the
beauty of sign language by understanding the history and its definition.
Topic 3:The Principle of Sign Language
The topic will introduce students to Visual Gesture Communication by hand position, facial
expression, and body language. The purpose is to develop capabilities in non-verbal, and visual
gesture communication, studying gestures as a form of communication and the basis for visual
Topic 4:Finger Spelling Technique. The topic will introduce students to a large vocabulary of sign
language by categories. The category includes General (Alphabet, numbering, color),
People(family.)The purpose is to empower students’ vocabulary as much as possible.
Step 1: Analyse Learners
The class is a Form Four Students consisting of 20 males and 20 female students.Learning style
varies with visual:40%,auditory:10% and kinesthetic:50%.All student age is 16 years old.
The students in this class are skilled in using computer and tablet.They used technology mostly in
educational purposes.They tend to enjoy activities such as writing,speaking that could develop their
talents.Most of the students are active rather than passive learners.
Step 2: State Goals and Objective
Methods: Interactive instruction and active learning by using laptop and access to internet.
Materials and media:
1. E-module related to sign language.(e-book)
2. Laptop
3. Video links.Demonstration of the sign language by using Visual Gesture Communication and
Finger Spelling Technique.Click the link and watch the video to understand about the sign language
Step 4: Utilize the material,media and technology
Make sure laptop,projector are well functions and ready to use. Video links are correct and can be
access by the students.E-module will be check and sent to students by email.Students will receive a
copy of the topic for their reference as a guide to their final output and discussion.
Step 5: Require learner participation
Learning objectives will presented to students at the start of the lesson using online platform (Google
classroom) Students will break into groups of two to perform a role play related to sign language
topic.Students need to learn how to demonstrate sign language characters(alphabets,numbers,colors,
and family).They will use laptop and access internet for research and assistance.Students are required
to make further reading based on the references below.
1. Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia.(2018).
2. Malaysia Federation of the Deaf.(2018).
3. Learning Malaysian Sign Language (2022).
Step 6: Evaluate and Revise
ASSURE Instructional Design How each of the steps in the ASSURE Instructional Design Model
Model was useful in designing your lesson?
1.Analyze learners First, I analyze my students’ characteristics in term of gender,
age,grade,specific entry competencies (knowledge and skill) and
learning style (visual,auditory and kinestathic)
This helps to keep programs aligned with learners’ needs and
ensures the content and objectives are conducive to learning.
2.State goals and objectives Then, I stated the goals and objectives of the lesson.A major
strength of the ASSURE model is that it creates learning objectives
based on the ABCD model. This model formulates well-stated
learning objectives by considering the audience, behavior,
conditions, and degree of mastery.
3.Select method,material and Next,I will select the method,materials and media to be used for the
media lesson.For example, I will use interactive and two ways learning
method to make sure students actively take part with the discussion.
4.Utilise media and The ASSURE model is unique because it promotes planning and
technology delivering learning materials through incorporated technology and
media. I also will make sure all the materials and media needed is
well functions.
5.Require learner participation A small group discussion is sufficient to make sure that the students
are able to participate well with the task given.
6.Evaluate and Revise The modelevaluate the impact of the lessons
1333 words
4.Presenting the stimulus material
5.Providing learning guidance
6.Eliciting the performance
7.Providing feedback
8.Assessing the performance
9.Enhancing retention and transfer
I would like to share my opinion about the second criteria which is informing the learner
of the objective.Early in each lesson students should encounter a list of learning
objectives. This initiates the internal process of expectancy and helps motivate the learner
to complete the lesson.
I have no experience being a teacher, but I will apply the Gagne's nine events during
teaching and learning session.I will tell students about the objective of learning .A direct
statement can be used in the session: “upon completing this lesson you will be able to” or
''student will be able to learn".
Re: OCP Soalan 2: (a) Refleksi tentang pengalaman saya sebagai guru dengan
mempelajari tentang Sembilan Acara Pengajaran Gagne.
by SAIYIDATUL SHUFWAH BINTI JABILIN - Tuesday, 8 November 2022, 11:35 PM
Secara keseluruhannya, terdapat persamaan corak mengajar yang NUR SYAKIRAH
sampaikan dengan pendekatan yang pernah diambil oleh para guru saya ketika di
universiti.Jika dilihat dari segi membuat penilaian yang baik dalam sesi pengajaran dan
pembelajaran,pelajar akan menduduki peperiksaan bertulis.Selain itu,pelajar didedahkan
dengan latihan praktikal di alam pekerjaan sebenar untuk memberi pelajar pendedahan
dan pengalaman sebenar.