Improved Variety of Cotton
Improved Variety of Cotton
Improved Variety of Cotton
American Cotton
MRC 7017 BG-II (2010): It is a new early maturing high yielding Bt Cotton hybrid with inbuilt
resistance against American, spotted and pink bollworms, and tobacco caterpillars. This hybrid
is also resistant to cotton leat curl virus and tolerant to parawilt. It has semi-sympodial plants
with green broad lobed leaves, cream flowers having pale yellow anthers. It belongs to medium
maturity group and gave an average seed cotton yield of 10.4q/acre. It has very good fibre
properties. With fibre length of 29.7 mm with ginning outturn of 33.6 per cent.
MRC 7031BG-II (2010) : It is a new high yielding Bt cotton hybrid with inbuilt resistance
against American, spotted and pink bollworms, and tobacco caterpillers. It is also resistant to
cotton leaf curl virus and tolerant to parawilt. The plant of this hybrid possesses green broad
lobed leaves and cream flowers with pale yellow anthers. It gave an average seed cotton yield
of 9.8 q/acre. The fibre length of this hybrid is 29.4 mm and ginning outturn is 33.4 per cent.
RCH 308 Bt (2008) : It is newly released bollworm resistant Bt cotton hybrid with broad lobed
leaves and green plant body. It bears 2-3 monopods and 25-26 sympods per plant. It matures in
165- 175 days and gave an average seed cotton yield of 8.0 q/acre. It has good boll size (3.7 g)
with fluffy opening. It's 2.5% span length is 28.4 mm and ginning outturn of 35.2%.
RCH 314 Bt (2008) : It is new Bt cotton hybrid having resistance to boll worms. It has green
broad lobed leaves, 2-3 vegetative and 21-22 fruiting branches. It bears big bolls (3.9 g) with
fluffy opening. It gave an average seed cotton yield of 8.2 q/acre and matures in 165-175 days.
It's lint percentage is 35.2 with 2.5% span length of 28.2 mm.
RCH 317 Bt (2006) : It is high yielding, intra-hirsutum Bt cotton hybrid resistant to spotted
bollworm and American bollworm. It has broad lobed green leaves with 2-3 monopods and 26-
27 sympods. It matures in 160-165 days. It has boll size of 3.7 g with good fluffy opening. It
recorded average yield of 10.5 q/acre. It has 28.6 mm 2.5% span length and 33.9% ginning
MRC 6301 Bt (2006) : It is high yielding, intra-hirsutum Bt cotton hybrid resistant to spotted
bollworm and American bollworm. It has broad lobed green leaves, 3-4 monopods and 24-25
sympods. It gave average yield of 10.0 q/acre seed cotton and matures in 160-165 days. It has
good boll size (4.3g) with good fluffy opening. It has 28.3 mm 2.5% span length and 34.7 per
cent ginning outturn.
MRC 6304 Bt (2006) : It is high yielding, intra-hirsutum Bt cotton hybrid resistant to spotted
bollworm and American bollworm. It has green broad lobed leaves, 2-3 monopods and 26-27
sympods. It matures in 160-165 days. It has boll size of 3.9 g and has good fluffy opening. It
gave an average yield of 10.1 q/acre seed cotton. It has good fibre properties with 2.5% span
length of 29.0 mm and 35.2 per cent ginning outturn.
LHH 144 (1998) : This is an intra-hirsutum, leaf curl virus resistant hybrid, with semi-okra
leaves. It has 3-4 monopods, 20-25 sympods and about 151 cm plant height. The average boll
weight is 5.5 g. Besides its resistance to leaf curl it is also tolerant to jassid and bacterial blight.
It matures in about 180 days and is suitable for cotton-wheat rotation. It recorded an average
seed cotton yield of 7.6 q/acre. It has 28.8 mm 2.5% span length and 33.0% ginning outturn.
LHH 144 has superior medium staple fibre which is suitable for spinning at 40s counts.
LH 2076 (2008) : It is newly released, high yielding, cotton leaf curl virus resistant variety with
green broad lobed leaves and green stem. It matures in 165-175 days with average plant height
of 153 cm. It gives an average seed cotton yield of 7.8 q/acre. It has 33.4% ginning outturn and
27.1 mm 2.5% span length.
F 1861 (2002) : It is a cotton leaf curl virus resistant variety recommended for cultivation
throughout the Punjab State. The plant of this variety bears 1-2 monopods with 13-16 sympods
and has an average plant height of 135 cm. It has dark green broad lobed leaves with narrow
tips slightly curved upwards. Its maturity period is 180 days. It recorded an average seed cotton
yield of 6.5 q/ acre. It has medium staple with 2.5% span length of 26.3 mm. Its ginning outturn
is 33.5% and is spinnable at 30s counts.
LH 1556 (1995) : It is short duration, early maturing variety of cotton. It is semi-sympodial in
growth habit with 1-2 monopods and plant height of 140 cm. It has light green medium sized
leaves and round bolls with good fluffy opening. Its 2.5 per cent span length is 27.7 mm and is
suitable for spinning at 40 counts and gins 34.0 per cent. It matures in about 165 days. Its seed
cotton yield is 8.5 q/acre.
Desi Cotton
PAU 626 H (2007) : It is an early maturing and high yielding genetic male sterility based desi
cotton hybrid. Plants of this hybrid have pigmentation on stem and branches, leaves are green
of medium size and okra in shape with five lobes. It has pink flowers with yellow anthers. It
possesses medium size bolls with fluffy opening. It vacates the field in about 160 days for timely
sowing of rabi crops. Its average yield is 9.8 q/acre. Its ginning outturn is 40.0% and fibre length
is 20.1 mm. It has better tolerance to Fusarium wilt and bacterial blight.
FDK 124 (SVAC) : It is an early maturing, high yielding variety of desi cotton. It has green plant
body and narrow lobed leaves. It is synchronous in maturity and takes about 160 days to
mature. It is short staple, coarse fibre variety with 2.5 span length of 21.0 mm and ginning
outturn of 36.4%. It gave an average seed cotton yield of 9.28 q per acre. It is resistant to jassid
and whitefly.
LD 694 (2001) : It is a desi cotton variety with dark-red pigmented plant body, narrow lobed
leaves, pink flowers and red spot inside the petal. It possesses big bolls with fluffy opening. LD
694 matures in about 170 days and is more synchronous in maturity than other released
varieties of desi cotton. It is short staple, coarse fibre variety with ginning outturn of 40.9%. It
gave an average seed cotton yield of 7 q/acre. It is resistent to jassid and more tolerant to
Fusarium wilt and bacterial blight.
LD 327 (1987) : It is a high yielding and high ginning semi-sympodial variety. The plants are
reddish brown with narrow-lobed deep cut leaves and pink flowers. It possesses big bolls
usually with 4-loculi, better opening and easy picking. It vacates the field in about 175 days for
the timely sowing of wheat. It is relatively tolerant to Fusarium wilt. Its fibre is short, coarse and
suitable for export . Its average yield is 11.5 q/acre. Its 2.5% span length is 19.0 mm and
ginning percentage is 41.9.