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Fiitjee - Jee (Main) : Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics Phase-4

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Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics


Time Allotted: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 300

 Please read the instructions carefully. You are allotted 5 minutes specifically for this purpose.
 You are not allowed to leave the Examination Hall before the end of the test.

Important Instructions

A. General Instructions
1. This question paper contains Three Sections.
2. Section-I is Physics, Section-II is Chemistry and Section-III is Mathematics.
3. No candidate is allowed to carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers, clip boards, log
tables, slide rule, calculator, cellular phones, pagers and electronic devices ext. except the Admit Card
inside the examination hall / room.
B. Marking Scheme for All Two Parts:
(i) Section-1 (01-20) – Contains Twenty (20) multiple choice objective questions which have four (4) options
each and only one correct option. Each question will be awarded + 4 Marks for correct answer and -1
mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer.
(ii) Section-2 (01-05) contains Five (05) Numerical based questions with single digit integer as answer,
ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive). Each question will be awarded + 4 Marks for correct answer and NO
MARKS will be deducted for every incorrect answer.

Name of the Candidate :_______________________________________________

Batch :_______________________ Date of Examination :____________________
Enrolment Number :___________________________________________________
Useful Data Chemistry:
Gas Constant R = 8.314 J K1 mol1
= 0.0821 Lit atm K1 mol1
= 1.987  2 Cal K1 mol1
Avogadro's Number Na = 6.023  10
Planck’s Constant h = 6.626  10 Js
= 6.25 x 10 erg.s
1 Faraday = 96500 Coulomb
1 calorie = 4.2 Joule
1 amu = 1.66 x 10 kg
1 eV = 1.6 x 10 J
Atomic No : H=1, D=1, Li=3, Na=11, K=19, Rb=37, Cs=55, F=9, Ca=20, He=2, O=8,
Atomic Masses: He=4, Mg=24, C=12, O=16, N=14, P=31, Br=80, Cu=63.5, Fe=56,
Mn=55, Si = 28 Pb=207, u=197, Ag=108, F=19, H=2, Cl=35.5
Useful Data Physics:
Acceleration due to gravity g = 10 m / s2
SECTION – 1 : (Only One Option Correct Type)
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C)
and (D) out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.
1. A solid sphere of radius R and a hollow sphere of inner radius r and outer radius R made of copper are
heated to the same temperature and are allowed to cool in the same environment. Then,
(A) Hollow sphere cools faster
(B) Solid sphere cools faster
(C) Both the spheres attain room temperature at the same time.
(D) The rate of loss of heat of the solid sphere is twice that of the hollow sphere.

2. Two bodies of masses 1 kg and 4 kg are connected to a vertical spring, as 1kg

shown in the figure. The smaller mass executes simple harmonic motion of
angular frequency 25 rad/s, and amplitude 1.6 cm while the bigger mass
remains stationary on the ground. The maximum force exerted by the system on
the floor is (take g = 10 ms ).
(A) 20 N (B) 10 N
(C) 60 N (D) 40 N

3. Three rods of same material form an isosceles triangle (the two angles at the base are equal.) When
the structure is heated the base angles of the triangle will.
(A) increase (B) not change (C) decrease (D) be doubled

4. Two particles performing SHM have same amplitude and time

x = A x=0 x = A/2 x=A
period. Their positions at certain instants are shown in the
figure. The phase difference between them is
(A) 0 (B) /2 x = A x = A/2 x=0 x=A
(C) 3/2 (D) /3
3 8
5. A body radiates 2.7  10 J/s at 127C. It will radiate 4.32  10 J/s when its temperature is
(A) 2527C (B) 7727C (C) 2540C (D) 2773C

6. A block of mass M is kept in gravity free space and touches the two k M 4K
springs as shown in the figure. Initially springs are in its natural length.
0 20
Now, the block is shifted (0/2) from the given position in such a way it
compresses a spring and released. The time-period of oscillation of
mass will be
 M M 3 M M
(A) (B) 2 (C) (D) 
2 K 5K 2 K 2K

7. The speed of sound in a gas is v. The r.m.s. speed of molecules of this gas is c.
If   the ratio of v to c is
3 3 
(A) (B) 0.33  (C) (D)
  3
8. The density of water at 20C is 998 kg m3 and at 40C, it is 992 kg m3. The coefficient of cubical
expansion of water is nearest to
(A) 2  104/C (B) 4  104/C (C) 6  104/C (D) 3  104/C

 5  7
9. If one mole of a mono atomic gas     is mixed with one mole of a diatomic gas     , the value
 3   5
of  for the mixture will be
(A) 1.4 (B) 1.5 (C) 1.53 (D) 3.07
10. Two rods of equal length and diameter have thermal conductivities 2 and 3 units. If they are joined in
series, the equivalent thermal conductivity of the combination will be
(A) 1 unit (B) 5 units (C) 6 units (D) 2.4 units

11. A particle moves such that its acceleration a is given by a = –bx, where x is the displacement from
equilibrium position and b is a constant. The period of oscillation is
2 2 
(A) 2 b (B) (C) (D) 2
b b b
12. The equation of a simple harmonic motion is X = 0.34 cos(3000t + 0.74) where X and t are in mm and
sec. the frequency of motion is
(A) 3000 (B) 3000 / 2 (C) 0.74 / 2 (D) 3000 / 
13. The mass and diameter of a planet are twice those of earth. the period of oscillation of pendulum on
this planet will be (If it is a second's pendulum on earth)
1 1
(A) sec (B) 2 2 sec (C) 2 sec (D) sec
2 2
14. Two whistles A and B produces notes of frequencies 660 Hz and 596 Hz respectively. There is a
listener at the mid-point of the line joining them. Now the whistle B and the listener start moving with
speed 30 m/s away from the whistle A. If speed of sound be 330 m/s, how many beats will be heard by
the listener
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8
15. A source producing sound of frequency 170 Hz is approaching a stationary observer with a velocity 17
ms . The apparent change in the wavelength of sound heard by the observer is (speed of sound in air
= 340 ms )
(A) 0.1 m (B) 0.2 m (C) 0.4 m (D) 0.5 m

16. A mass m = 1.0 kg is put on a flat pan attached to a vertical spring fixed on the m
ground. The mass of the spring and the pan is negligible. When pressed slightly
and released, the mass executes simple harmonic motion. The spring constant is
500 N/m. What is the amplitude A of the motion, so that the mass m tends to get
detached from the pan?
(take g = 10 m/s )
The spring is stiff enough so that it does not get distorted during the motion.
(A) A > 2.0 cm (B) A = 2.0 cm (C) A < 2.0 cm (D) A = 1.5 cm
17. An observer moves towards a stationary source of sound with a speed 1/5 of the speed of sound.
The wavelength and frequency of the source emitted are  and f respectively. The apparent frequency
and wavelength recorded by the observer are respectively
(A) 1.2 f,  (B) f, 1.2  (C) 0.8 f, 0.8  (D) 1.2 f, 1.2 

18. A pipe open at both ends has a fundamental frequency f in air. The pipe is dipped vertically in water so
that half of it is in water. The fundamental frequency of the air column is now :
3f f
(A) (B) 2f (C) f (D)
4 2
19. A uniform string of length 20 m is suspended from a rigid support. A short wave pulse is introduced at
its lowest end. It starts moving up the string. The time taken to reach the support is:(take g = 10 ms2)
(A) 2s (B) 2 2 s (C) 2 s (D) 2 2 s

20. A particle moves with simple harmonic motion in a straight line. In first  s, after starting from rest it
travels a distance a, and in next  s it travels 2a, in same direction, then :
(A) amplitude of motion is 4a (B) time period of oscillations is 6
(C) amplitude of motion is 3a (D) time period of oscillations is 8
SECTION – 2: (Only Integer Value Correct Type)
This section contains 5 questions. Each question, when worked out will result in one integer from 0
to 9 (both inclusive).

1. A uniform elastic rod of cross- sectional area A, natural length

L and Young's modulus Y is placed on a smooth horizontal
surface. Now two horizontal forces (of magnitude F and 3F)
directed along the length of rod and in opposite directions act
at its ends as shown. After the rod has acquired steady state,
the extension of the rod is given by L . Calculate x.

2. The graph shows the extension (l) of a wire of length 1 m 4

l (× 104 m) 
suspended from the top of a roof at one end and with a load W 3
connected to the other end. If the cross-sectional area of the wire is
2 2
106 m , the Young’s modulus (i.e., Y) of the material of the wire is
11 2
S.I. units is N × 10 N/m . Find out N 1

20 40 60 80
W(N) 

3. A string of negligible mass, natural length L has Young’s modulus Y. The string O
hangs from roof with masses m1 and m2 as shown in the figure. If mass m2 is
removed gently, the mass m1 is just able to bounce back upto point O. Find the
ratio m2/m1. (string will not obstruct the motion of mass m1 and system is initially in 2L

4. A thermally insulated vessels contains two liquids with initial temperature

T1 and T2 and specific heats C0 and 2C0, separated by a non conducting M1 , T 1 M 2, T 2
C0 2C0
partition. The partition is removed, and the difference between the initial
temperature of one of the liquids and the temperature T established in the
vessel turns out to be equal to half the difference between the initial
temperatures of the liquids. Determine the ratio of M1/M2 of the masses of
the liquids.
2 R
5. The specific heat capacity of a monoatomic gas for the process TV = constant is . Find the value
of K. (where R is gas constant)
SECTION – 1 : (Only One Option Correct Type)
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C)
and (D) out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.

1. O O
Path I O 2N  Anh. AlCl3
 O2N
  HCl


Path II O2N  Anh. AlCl3
 O 2N
  HCl

The correct statement among the following about the above two paths of synthesizing the organic
product P is:
(A) Path I is better than Path II
(B) Path II is better than Path I
(C) Both the paths are equally good
(D) Path I will give less yield of the product as compared to that obtained by path II

2. Which of the following structures is different from the other three?

(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 3 (D) 4

3. Which of the following compounds is/are chiral?

(A) only 1 and 2 (B) only 2 and 3 (C) only 1 (D) All
4. Which of the following have the S configuration?

(A) only 1 (B) only 2 (C) All (D) only 1 and 2

5. Consider the following two reactions.


A) E B)
 
 E 
 

1. The rate of reaction will be faster in A when compared to B and the E attacks at meta to NO2
2. The rate of B is faster than A and the E attacks ortho to –NHCOCH3 group.
+ +
3. The rate of B is faster than A and in A, E attacks at ortho to –Cl and in B, E attacks ortho to –CH3
4. The rate of B is slower than A and in A, E attacks meta to –NO2 and in B, ortho to –NHCOCH3
Out of these statements
(A) 1 and 4 are correct (B) 2 alone is correct
(C) 3 alone is correct (D) 4 alone is correct

6. The number of isomers for the compounds with molecular formula C2BrClFI is
(A) 3 (B) 4
(C) 5 (D) 6

7. Identify the site, where attack of H  is most a

favourable O
(A) a (B) b
(C) c (D) d
b 
 
d CH3

8. Which of the following order(s) of the basicity of amines is/are correct?

(A) Me 2 NH  MeNH 2  Me3 N  NH 3 (Protic solvent)
(B) Et 2 NH  Et 3 N  EtNH 2  NH3 (Protic solvent)
(C) Me3 N  Me 2 NH  Me  NH 2 (Gas phase)
(D) All are correct

9.  A;

Which statement is incorrect in respect of the above reaction?

(A) Product is aromatic (B) Product has high dipole moment
(C) Product has less resonance energy (D) Product is soluble in polar solvent

10. Which of the following compound is not resonance stabilized?

O -
(A) (B) (C) (D)
O O - O

11. Cylohexene on treatment with NBS/CCl4/hv followed by treatment with alc KOH mainly gives:
(A) 1, 3-cyclohexadiene (B) 1, 4-cyclohexadiene
(C) 1, 2-cyclohexadine (D) 3-cyclohexanol

12. Consider the following reactions:

(a) CH 3 CH CH2 CH 2 Br CH CH 2
(b) CH 3 CH CH2 CH 3 CH CH 3
Br 2 /hv
(c) C6H5 CH 3 C6H5 CH 2 Br
Br 2
(d) C6H6 C6H5 Br
The reaction(s) which proceed through free radical mechanism is/are:
(A) only a and b (B) only a and c (C) only c and d (D) only b and c

13. What is (are) the major organic product(s) obtained from the following reaction?

1. (2R,3R)-dibromobutane 2. (2S,3S)-dibromobutane 3. meso-2,3-dibromobutane
(A) only 2 (B) only 3 (C) only 1 and 2 (D) only 1

14. In the sulphonation of benzene by using conc. H2SO4, the attacking electrophile is

(A) SO2 (B) S O2 H (C) SO3 (D) H

15. Which of the following is the correct order of reactivity towards nitration?
(A) C6H6  C6D6  C6 T6 (B) C6D6  C6H6  C6 T6
(C) C6 T6  C6D6  C6H6 (D) C6 T6  C6D6  C6H6

16. An alkane (mol.wt. = 86) on bromination gives only two monobromo derivatives (excluding
stereoisomers). The alkane is :
(A) CH3  C H  CH2  CH2  CH3 (B) CH3  C  CH2  CH3
| |
(C) CH3  CH  CH  CH3 (D) CH3  C  CH3
| | |
17. In the given reaction

H C C6 H5
C 2 H 5 ONa
H3C C H C 2 H 5 OH

C6 H5
C 6H 5 CH3 C6H5
(A) C C C C
H C6H5 CH 3
OC 2 H 5
(C) mixture of (a) and (b) (D) C 6 H 5 CH C C 6H 5
18. Which of the following is correctly matched?
Element/ion present in drinking water Prescribed upper limit concentration
(a) Lead 80 ppb
(b) Nitrate 100 ppm
(c) Sulphate 600 ppm
(d) Aluminium 0.2 ppm
(A) (a) (B) (b) (C) (c) (D) (d)

19. Arrange the following in the increasing order of their reactivity towards electrophilic substitution

Cl NO2 H3C CH3 CH3

(I) (II) (III) (IV)

(A) II  I  IV  III (B) I  II  IV  III
(C) II  III  I  IV (D) II  I  III  IV

20. Which of the following structures represent the same stereoisomer?

(A) only 2 and 3 (B) All (C) only 1 and 3 (D) only 1 and 2

SECTION – 2: (Only Integer Value Correct Type)

This section contains 5 questions. Each question, when worked out will result in one integer from 0
to 9 (both inclusive).

1. Total number of resonating structures (including the given structure) of the given compound is/are
2. How many of the following carbocations are less stable than tert-butyl carbocation?

 CH2
 

; ; ; ; CH ;

  
H2C CH CH2 ; (CH3)2 CH
; H3C O CH CH3 ;
 

3. How many of the following compound(s) is/are more acidic than p-methoxy phenol?


; ; ; ;


; ; ;

4. Consider the following reactions:

(i) (ii) (iii)
AlCl 3 Mg
dry ether
Na Mg/ether
(iv) (v) Cl (vi) Conc H2SO4

The number of Reaction(s) giving aromatic product is/are ______

5. Consider the following reaction:

alc. KoH Br2
No. of isomeric products(M) No. of isomeric products(N)
So, value of   is _____________
M 
SECTION – 1 : (Only One Option Correct Type)
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C)
and (D) out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.
1. If 2 n  1 is divisible by 7, then n must be of the form
(A) 3r  1 (B) 3r (C) 7 r  1 (D) 7r

2. If all the letters of the word “QUEUE” are arranged in all possible manner as they are in a
dictionary, then the rank of the QUEUE is :
th th th th
(A) 15 (B) 16 (C) 17 (D) 18

3. The number of ways of selecting at least one fruit out of 4 Apples, 3 Bananas and 1 each of Mango,
Pineapple and Guava are
(A) 159 (B) 12 (C) 4! 3! 1 (D) 160

4. Let z  1  t  i t 2  t  2, where t is a real parameter. The locus of z in the Argand plane is

(A) a hyperbola (B) an ellipse (C) a straight line (D) circle
 x 3 
The coefficient of the term independent of x in the expansion of 
 3  2 x 2  is
 
(A) 5 / 4 (B) 7 / 4 (C) 9 / 4 (D) 0

 1 
6. If   1, 1 and I denotes the term independent of x in the expansion of  x sin   cos  
 x 
then I  cannot exceed
1 5 10 1
(B) 10 C 5 (C) 10 C 5
(A) (D) C5  
210 210 2 20 2
7. If z1  z2  ...  zn  1, then the value of z1  z2  ...  zn is

1 1 1
(A) n (B)   ...  (C) 0 (D) 1
z1 z2 zn

8.      
Let n  2009. The least positive integer k for which k n 2 n 2  12 n 2  2 2 n 2  3 2 ... n 2  n  1 2  r ! for
some positive integer r is
(A) 2008 (B) 2009 (C) 1 (D) 2

9. The total number of permutations of 4 letters that can be made out of the letters of the word
(A) 2454 (B) 2436 (C) 2545 (D) 2400

10. The centre of the circle zz   2  3i  z   2  3i  z  9  0 is

(A)  2,  3 (B)  2, 3 (C)  2,  3 (D)  2, 3

11. The value of x for which the complex numbers sin 2 x  i cos3x and cos 2 x  i sin 3x are conjugate
of each other.

(A) x  n (B) x   2n  1 (C) x0 (D) no solutions
12. In a certain test there are n questions. In this test 2 k students gave wrong answers to at least n  k 
questions, where k  0,1,2,..., n. If the total number of wrong answers is 4095, then value of n is
(A) 11 (B) 12 (C) 13 (D) 15
5 2 5 4
13. The coefficient of x in the expansion of (1 + x ) (1 + x) is
(A) 30 (B) 60 (C) 40 (D) 100

14. The number of integral points (integral point means both the coordinates should be integer) that lie
exactly in the interior of the triangle with vertices 0,0, 0,21, 21,0
(A) 133 (B) 190 (C) 233 (D) 105

15. How many different sphere of radius ‘r’ can be drawn which touches all the three coordinate
(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 6 (D) 8

16. The points A(4, 5, 1), B(0, 1, 1), C(3, 9, 4) and D(4, 4, 4) are
(A) collinear (B) coplanar
(C) non-coplanar (D) non-collinear and non-coplanar

17. Number of integers greater than 7000 and divisible by 5 that can be formed using only the
digits 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9, no digit being repeated, is :
(A) 46 (B) 48 (C) 72 (D) 42

18 Number of different words that can be formed using all the letters of the word “DEEPMALA” if
two vowels are together and the other two are also together but separared from the first two
is :
(A) 960 (B) 1200 (C) 2160 (D) 1440

19. Number of quadrilaterals that can be constructed from the vertices of a decagon (10 sided
polygon) such that none of the sides of the quadrilateral is also a side of the decagon, is :
(A) 25 (B) 50 (C) 100 (D) 200

20. If the letters of the word BANANA are arranged randomly, then the probability that the word thus
formed does not contain the pattern BAN is
1 4 2
(A) (B) (C) (D) 3/5
5 5 5

SECTION – 2: (Only Integer Value Correct Type)

This section contains 5 questions. Each question, when worked out will result in one integer from 0
to 9 (both inclusive).

1. Let z1 , z 2 , z 3  C such that z1  z 2  z 3  1 . If z1  z 2  z 3  0 and z12  z 22  z 32  0 , then

z1  z 2  z 3 is

2. If z  5  7i  9, then find the least value of z  2  3i .

3. Fifteen persons, among whom are A and B, sit down at random at a round table. It p is the probability
that there are exactly 4 persons between A and B find 14 p.

4. 
Coefficient of x 79 in the expansion of x  x 2  x 4 20 is equal to
5. One ticket is selected at random from 100 tickets numbered 00, 01, 02, …, 98, 99. If X and Y denote
the sum and the product of the digits on the tickets, What is the value of 19 P (X = 9 | Y = 0)?
JEE - MAIN 2022
Phase Test - 4
1. A 1. D 1. B
2. C 2. D 2. C
3. B 3. C 3. A
4. D 4. D 4. A
5. B 5. B 5. A
6. C 6. D 6. D
7. D 7. A 7. B
8. D 8. D 8. D
9. B 9. C 9. A
10. D 10. C 10. A
11. B 11. A 11. D
12. B 12. B 12. B
13. B 13. B 13. B
14. B 14. C 14. B
15. A 15. D 15. D
16. B 16. C 16. B
17. A 17. B 17. D
18. C 18. D 18. D
19. B 19. D 19. A
20. B 20. A 20. B
1. 2 1. 9 1. 2
2. 2 2. 6 2. 4
3. 3 3. 7 3. 2
4. 2 4. 4 4. 0
5. 2 5. 2 5. 2

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