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3 authors:
Deniz Tanir
Kafkas University
All content following this page was uploaded by Deniz Tanir on 02 July 2018.
Qafqaz University
Volume i
September 12-14,2012
Baku, Azerbaijan
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Academician Mahmud KARIMOV - President of Azerbaijan National Academy
of Sciences
Acadernician Ali ABBASOV - Minister of Communication and Information Technologies of
Azerbaijan Republic
Professor Misir MARDANOV - Minister of Education of Azerbaijan Republic
1. Information and Communication 5. Numerical Methods and Computational
Technologies Technology
2. Intellectual Technologyand Systems 6. Applied Stochastic Analysis
3. Seismic Devices, Systems anel Technology 7. Control and Optimization
4. Modeling and Identification 8. Decision Making for Social-
Economic Systems
ısrail Mammadov, Bayram Ibrahimov. Rescarehes of Methods of Noiseproof Reception of Optical Signals
at use WDM- Technology 175
Aleksey Brilevski. System of Support Logistics and Transport Control for Routes in a Distribution Network 178
Tamar Makasarashvili, Tinaiin Taiulashvili, Tea Khorguashvili. Formalization and Knowledge Gaining
Problems in Intellectual Systerns 182
Mirzayan Kamilov, Shavkat Fazilov, Nomaz Mirzaev, Sobirjon Radjabov. Estirnates Calculations
AIgorithms in Condition of Huge Dimensions of features' Space 184
Efendi Nasiboglu, Umit Kuvvetli. Mefhareı Ozkilcik, Ugur Eliiyi. Origin-Destinatiorı Matrix Generation
Using Srnart Card Data: Case Study for ızmir 188
Mirzaakbar Hudayberdiev, Gozel Judakova, Günler Landsmann. New Algorithm of Support Veeter
J Machine by the Bezier Curve ı92
Fidan Nuriyeva, Asli Gıder, Deniz Tanır. Mathernatica! Computer Games Based on Modular Arithmetic 194
Naila Allakhverdiyeva. Using Corrective Filters to Irnprove the Accuracy of Seismic Data ı97
Zarbaf Amiraslanova. Automation of Working Drawings and Calculation of Reinforcernent Weight in
Concrete Structures 200
Gela Besiashvili, Manana Khachidze, David Chokhonefidze. Applicarion of Adaptive Genetic AIgorithm
in Mining lndustry 204
Pavel Khrustalev. Process Optimization of Pointing of the Onboard Weapon of a Robotics Complex with
Use of Intellectual Optical-Electrorıic Station 207
Pavel Khrustalev. Self-Configured Optical-Electronic Station 210
Samir Rustamov, On an Understanding System that Supports Human-Computer Dialogue 213
Samir Rustamov. Application of Nemo-Fuzzy Model for Text and Speech Understanding Systems 217
Denis Varabin, Dmitry Bagaev. Autonomous System "Car Robot" 221
Nigar Ismayilova, Elviz Ismayilov. Re earch ofa Class of Smooth Mernbership Functions and Its
Application in Recognition Systems 223
Yuriy Zaychenko, Aydin Gasanov. Investigations of Caseade Neo-Fuzzy Neural Networks in the Problem
of Forecasting at the Stock Exchange 227
Evgenit Krasnov, Dmitry Bagaev. Conceptual Analysis of Fire Fighting Robots' Control Systems 230
Igor Frolov, Rauf Sadykhov. Pyramidal AIgorithm for SVM-Classification 233
Firudin Mamedov, Tamella Ahmedova. Provision of Throw-Over Manipulator and Step Conveyer with
Sensor Controls 237
Shabnam Abiyeva. On the Search System for Selection ofPlants According to Environrnent Conditions 240
Shafag Mutıalibova, Namik Pashayev, Rauf Ragimov. Valuing Processes ofFlood on the Coastal Regions
of the Kur on the Basis of Data Remote Sensing 242
Tofig Kazimov, Shafagat Mahmudova. Estimation of the lmpact of Geometrical Characteristics on the
Recognition to Identify a Human Face on the Basis of Photo Portraits 246
Fikraı Feyziyev, Lidiya Ramazanova. Mehrdad Arablu Babavand Aslan. Deseription of Encoding and
Decoding of Binary Cyclic Codes in aCiass Sequential Machines 249
Yegana Pashayeva. Processing of Electrocardiogram File in Mobile Phones on Symbian Operating System 252
Evgeny Wasserman Nikolay Kartashev. Automated Processing ofEEG Recorded during Dichotic
Listening Session: Problems ofSingle Response Recognition 254
Rauf Nabiyev. Results Analysis of Experirnental tudies of Correcting Filters 257
Yahar Ghasemi Habashi. Application of Neural Networks to Diagnostics ofPumping-Rod Units 259
v Baku, Azerbaijan
IV International Conference "Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics" (per2012), September 12-14,2012
Keywords-s- Computer g anıe, k/allı g anıe, Mind game, Modular i) Generalizatian of "Fifteen Items" Game
aritlımetic; Winniııg strategies, Logical straıegy gome, Computer Given n iterns, Two players can remove s items
g ame programming. (L:S; s :s; nı, m < n) respectively. The player who removes the
ı. INTRODUCTION last item loses,
Inspiring "Bachet' s Game", same games have been Let us arrange the iterns ın groups in a similar way as
produced in asimilar way:'N!:o-dular arithmetic has been used "Fifteen items" game.
for search ing mathernatical structures of the games [1]. In order n
to develop winning strategies and algorithrns, it is benefited
from techniques of Artifıcial Intelligence and Theory of (" ~--------~~~----------
Algorithms [2,3]. The winning strategies of the games are
based on modular arithmetic. Mathematica! mode!s of tlıe - (-....-)(-...-) ...(-...-J-
games have been examined in detai! and winning strategies
(algorithms) have been proposed for different cases. Leve!s of ~~~ ~
the logical and math ganıes which have been proved to be k "'- m!T
m+l m+i)
beneficial for students in order to gain ability of appropriate
seleetion and application of analyrical technics and strategies in
terms of problems could be applied in compliance with age i
group of students and be perrnanent during the academic life of
the student as a result of its character. Figure 2. Grouping ofiteıns in the general game
II. yYpES OF BACHET'S GAME As it is seen in "Fig. 2", the first player should remove k
Bachet's Garne is a mathemarical game whose winning items in his fırst tum in order to win. In latter turns, the first
strategy is based on modular arithrnetic. The ganıe is played in player should remove (nı + ı- s) items when the second player
a competitive environment. There are N items on a table, and a removes s items (s :;;In). Therefore, the second player has to
player makes a move by removing at most S items from the remove the last item and loses,
table. The player who removes the last item loses the game.
We can see that this strategy is also valid for "fifteen iterns"
The gaıne is diversified by values of N and S [4].
garne. Since n = 15, in = 2 in the game, as in (1), k = 2 is
A. "Fifteen Items" Game obtained.
Fifteen items are given. Players can remove one or two
items in tum. The player who removes the last item loses the k=(n-ı)' n-IJ=ı4-'~J'3=14-4'3=2 (1)
game. Lm+l 3 L
Le! us arrange the items in groups as below. 2) Anather Version o/the Game
In the above "n : m"game, the player who removes the last 12-11 = 1 (12)
item loses the game. Let us consider the game with a eondition
that if the player removes the last itern, he wins. In other The fırst player should teli the number i (one) to win this
words, given n iterns, rwo players can remove s items game. Then, he should make the number s, that is told by the
opponent, ( s :5 10), up to II in the latter turns. in this way, he
(ı ~ s ~ m, m < n) respectively. The player who removes the
last İtem wins. tells 12,23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78, 89 and ı00 at last. Therefore,
the number i00 is told by the fırst player.
As it seen in "Fig. 3", we arrange the items in groups,
i) Generalizatian of "Hundred : ten" Game
The game İs played with two people. The fırst player tells
a number between 1 and m. The second player tells a new
( ------------~------------ "\
number by adding at least i at most m to the previous
number. The game contiııues like this; and the player who tells
- [- ... -)[- ... -) (_...-J the number n wins the game.
'---Y---J '---Y---J '---Y---J '---Y---J We use the formula (13) andfınd the number k.
n -1 J (2)
C# has been used for the first two of the games (ITEM and
L m+] NUMBER), and the other game (MODAR) has been designed
in JavaScript and HtmL.
_ ~",-'::::.:;,,""T
IV Internasional Conference "Problems ofCyhernetics andInformaıtcs= (PCI'ZOI2), September 12-14 2012
www.pci2012.science.a7J2IlS.pdf '
uınlrollY19 Panel
Kontrol Por~ı; Geme Panel
Tota! objed Number
MilXimum tak"" dem.
Increasr,g 1---..;1
ı..._,...__. ..:.......-1
New Increasing:
Figure 4. The starung view of the program
Figure 6. The starting vıew of the program
Figure S. The view of items A combinatorio game has been considered in this paper,
moreover its generalizations and different versions have been
We can reach the information about how the game is played analysed by using modular aritlımetic. New logical games, that
by pressing the Help button. are not at the market, have been gerıerated, solution algorithms
If we lose the game a message box will be appeared on the have been proposed and computer programs have been
screen. designed. it is aimed that these programs will provide students
to use mathemaıics, mind and game strategies by several math
The computer plays according to the winning strategies games.
when playing against the computer.
lt has been seen that generating different new ga:mes is
C. Programıning Generalized "Hundred.Ten" Game by Ct: possible by changing the corıditions in mentioned games. Some
In the program, we determine the target number and the strategies have been proposed and algorithms have been
inereasing number ourselves by writing thern into "New desigrıed for solutions, Furthermore, the algorithm of a game
Target" and "New Increasing" boxes. that runs at an interactive web environment has been written by
javascript language.
The opponent (computer) or we can start the game. The
starting view of the program is like in "Fig. 6". lt has been shown that how mathematics can be used
effectively in garnes and a new activity has been added to
We can reach the information about how the game is played activities that can rnake students like mathematics.
by pressing the "Help" button.
The computer programs can be used for education in
When we press the "Start" button, the gaıne starts. schools. Mind games, whose main purpose is to help bringing
We write the number of iterns, that we wlll remove, into up individuals who think, questionize, reason and analyse,
"Increasing" box, the gaıne continues like this. provide students to meet analytic thinking techniques and to
improve these skills when spending enjoyable time.
[ı i Alizade R., Ufuktepe. U, (2006), Finite Mathematics. Olyrnpiad
Questions and Solunons, TUBlTAK Publishing, Ankara, 273 p.
[2] Nabiyev VY, (2005), Artificial Intelligence, Problems-Methods-
Algorithms, Seekin Publishing, Ankara, 764 p.
13] Nabiyev V V (2007), Algonthms. From Theory To Applications,
Seekin Publishıng, Ankara, 799 p.
[4) http://hpl-ıncru/programmy!igry/igra-baslıe
[5] http://ww\\!.matcolık.com/oyıınfninı/
+,IEEE 196
Baku. Azerbaijan