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elements exist, how each element

INTRODUCTION TO VISUAL ARTS: relates to each other, and how they

FUNCTIONS OF VISUAL ART contribute to the whole artwork.
CEREMONIAL FUNCTION - how the elements of art interacts with
- refers to forms of visual art meant to reality
celebrate or acknowledge an event or TYPES OF SUBJECTS
era, or to contribute to a ritualistic NON-REPRESENTATIONAL ART
activity, such as a dance celebrating - subject can determine the type of the
one of the seasons or a people’s flight artwork. does not take anything from
from captivity or hunger. reality
- has something to do with visual art as a - it distorts an object until reality is not
medium for an artist to express his or her seen on the distorted object
emotions or feelings regarding a REPRESENTATIONAL ART
particular subject, including his or - represents actual object from reality.
herself. Art as an artistic expression REPRESENTATONAL SUB-CATEGORIES
functions primarily as the artist’s way of MYTHOLOGY
expressing himself/herself without - shows gods and goddesses and other
focusing on how it will affect the supernatural beings from greek and
audience. roman mythology. Presents opportunities
NARRATIVE FUNCTION for painting the nude
- refers to the use of visual art to tell a RELIGION
story or relate the history of one’s - persons from religious texts. It shows a
people. particular representation from man and
FUNCTIONAL PURPOSE god. shown in murals in temples and
- refers to how art has both aesthetic churches, and famous paintings like the
and useful value. In addition, art with a last supper by Leonardo da Vinci.
functional purpose refers to structures or HISTORY
art pieces that are actually used in day- - drawn from events that happened
to-day activities yet are designed to be throughout history
aesthetically pleasing in addition to WILDLIFE
being functional. - shows nature as a subject
- deal on how artworks are meant to - the face of a person is the focal point
make an audience believe a message; of the piece
to convince an audience. Advertising GENRE OF EVERYDAY LIFE
for television, billboards, magazine, and - shows the mundane happenings of
other visual media is a form of everyday life in the form of visual arts
persuasive art, in that images are LANDSCAPE, SEASCAPE AND CITYSCAPE
selected and manipulated to convey a - shows scenery in nature and in urban
message or subliminally influence a settings
consumer’s decision. DREAM AND FANTASY
- shows real objects in whimsical and
SUBJECT, CONTENT AND FORM imaginary environments
- Refers to the visual focus or the main - groups of inanimate objects in an
person, object, scene, or event that is indoor setting (flower and fruit
depicted in or perceived from the arrangements, dishes food, pots and
artwork. pans, musical instruments and music
CONTENT sheets). The arrangement is like that to
- The message given by the piece of art. show particular human interests and
It involves the subject, the techniques activities.
used to make the piece, the colors
used, and anything that was used by ARTISTIC STYLES
the artist to make a statement and give NATURALISTIC STYLE
a message. - realism, photorealism, realistic. uses
FORM recognizable images with a high level of
- The development and configuration of accuracy
the artwork. This deals with how the
- based on recognizable object but - utilizes multiple objects, often from
which is then manipulated by distortion, various mediums, and takes up entire
scale issues and other artistic devices. spaces. It can be generic or site
This style can be created through specific.
simplifying shapes, use of strong colors or POPULAR CULTURE
exaggerating form. - this category contains the many
CULTURAL STYLE products and images we are exposed
- refers to distinctive characteristics in to everyday. includes graffiti,
artworks throughout a particular society advertising, popular music, television
or culture. and digital imagery, magazines, books
and movies. (as distinguished from film,
ARTISTIC CATEGORIES which we'll examine in a different
FINE ARTS context later in the course).
- drawings, paintings, sculptures, SIGNAGE
photographs and, in the last decade, - is a design or the use of signs and
new media in museum collections and symbols to deliver a message to a
sold through commercial art galleries. certain demographic, usually for sales or
advocacy reasons. A sign is a
TYPES OF DRAWING MEDIA: combination of signs or the
- graphite (pencil, powder, compressed amalgamation of a group of signs. This
sticks) form of media became popular in 1975
- charcoal (vine charcoal, compressed to 1980.
charcoal) MEDIA ARTS
- crayon (wax, lithographic) - art refers to artworks that depends on
- pastel (chalk, oil pastel) a technological component to function.
- ink (quill pen, fountain pen, ballpoint The term ‘media’ applies to any
pen) communication device used to transmit
- felt tip pen or marker and store information.
- blending tool (stump, chamois, tortillon, CRAFT
brushes) - is a category of art that shows a high
- eraser degree of skilled workmanship in its
PAINTING production. Craft works are normally
- application of pigments to a support associated with utilitarian purposes but
surface that establishes an image, can be aesthetic works in themselves,
design or decoration. In art, painting often highly decorated.
describes both the act and the result.
Most painting is created with pigment in
liquid form and applied with a brush.


- encaustic paint (pigment with a
heated beeswax binder)
- tempera paint (pigment with an egg
yolk binder, then thinned released with
- fresco paint (pigment mixed with water
on a thin layer of wet, fresh lime mortar
or plaster)
- oil paint (pigment mixed with a binder
of linseed oil)
- acrylic paint
- watercolor
- any three-dimensional artistic rendition
of a creator’s thoughts or emotions. the
art of shaping or molding something of
any shape or size of any possible
material is called sculpting.

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