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● Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social

● It is the functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being.
● Some basic factors such as balanced diet, personal hygiene
and regular exercise contributes to good health. Apart from
these, awareness about diseases and immunisation, etc.,
also affects health.

Communicable Non-Communicable Genetic disorders

diseases Diseases, e.g. cancer e.g. Haemophilia

Bacteria Viral Protozoan Fungal

diseases diseases diseases diseases
It is a disease that temporarily becomes highly prevalent over a specific geographical
Tuberculosis (TB)
It is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (gram positive).
● It spreads through coughing, sneezing, talking and splitting droplets.
Symptoms of this disease are fever, cough, sputum with blood, chest
pain, loss of appetite, weight loss.
● It can be prevented by immunisation that includes BCG (Bacillus
Calmette Guerin) vaccine, isolation of patient, sanitation, etc.
● Antibiotics such as rifampicin, isoniazid, etc.

● It is caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae (gram positive).

● Infection occurs through droplets.
● It is characterised by slight fever, oozing of semisolid material in throat
(sore throat).
● Immunisation is done with DPT vaccine.
● It is caused by Vibrio cholerae.
● It spreads through contaminated food and water or by direct contact.
● It is characterised by effortless watery stool, vomiting, rapid dehydration,
muscular cramps.
● It is treated by use of ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution) and sanitation.
● ORS contains (1L) 1.5 g glucose, 3.5 g NaCl, 2.9 g KCl and 12.9 g trisodium

● It is caused by Diplococcus pneumoniae or Streptococcus pneumoniae

(gram positive).
● It transmits through droplets (sputum).
● Symptoms are sudden chill, chest pain, cough with rusty mucoid sputum and
rise in temperature.
● It is treated by uses of drugs like erythromy
Measles (Khasra)
• It is caused by Rubeola virus/Polynosa morbillorum.
• It is transmitted by contact, fomite or droplet methods.
• The virus enters through respiratory tract and conjuctiva.
• It is characterised by itching, skin rash, small raised red spot increscent-shaped groups
starting from
back of ears and reaching to forehead,face and then on whole body.
• Antibiotics and vitamin-A are given to prevent complications. Vaccination MMR
(Mumps, Measles, Rubella) is given at the age of one.
● Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease of human immune system.
● It is caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). • HIV is a lentivirus of the retrovirus family.
● HIV can spread by the following methods
(i) Through sexual contact, e.g. oral, vaginal and anal sex.
(ii) Through blood transfusions, e.g. accidental needle sticks or needle sharing.
(iii) From mother to child, e.g. a pregnant woman can transmit virus to her foetus through their
shared blood circulation or a nursing mother can pass it to her baby through breast’s milk.
● Major clinical symptoms of AIDS in humans are loss of weight, prolonged fever, chronic diarrhoea,
red or brown blotches on or under the skin of nose, mouth, fatigue, etc.
● In children less then 12 years of age, persistent cough is not a clinical symptom of AIDS.
● ELISA, PCR and RIP/IFA are the confirmatory tests for AIDS.
● Anti-retroviral drugs, e.g. AZT (Azidothymidine), zidovudine and norvir are used to supress AIDS.
AIDS day is observed on 1st December.
Smallpox (Chechuk)

● It caused by Variola virus. • Common but less severe in children of upto 10

years and severe, but rare in adults.
● Infection spreads from oral, nasal, vesicular discharges, pustules and scabs.
● Symptoms are reddish spots, which change into papules, pustules and finally
● Spots appear first on the hair line, then face followed by over rest of the body,
but fewer on the trunk. On falling, these spots left permanent marks.
● Vaccination for small pox was developed by Edward Jenner in 1796
• It is caused by Paramyxo or Mumps virus.
• It is transmitted by direct contact, droplet.
• In this disease, patient feels difficulty in swallowing and opening of mouth.
• Its symptoms are high fever, chills,headache, general bodyaches and loss
of appetite.
• Treated by vaccination with MMR
Dengue Fever
• It is caused by DEN-1-4 virus and transmitted by female Tiger mosquito
(Aedes aegypti).
• Its symptoms are headache, fever chill, pain in joints and skin rashes.More
severe in adults.
• In this disease, blood platelets number falls below 70000/mm 3.
• Paracetamol with replenishment of blood platelets may be helpful.
• It is caused by Ascaris lumbricoides.
• It spreads through raw vegetables, dirty hands and ingestion of contaminated
• Its symptoms are nausea, cough and severe abdominal pain.Intestinal
destruction may also occur.
• Preventive measures includes sanitation and uses of antihelminthic drugs.
• It is caused by Taenia solium.
• It spreads through improperly cooked food and also through raw vegetables,
which are not properly washed.
• The symptoms are chronic indigestion, anorexia, similar symptoms of epilepsy.
• Treated by sanitation, use of properly cooked food and helminthic drugs.
• It is caused by Wuchereria bancrofti.
• Transmitted by Culex sp. of mosquito.
• Fever, legs may become swollen and resemble with those of elephant. So, this disease is also
called elephantiasis.
• The preventive measures includes destruction of mosquitoes and use of mosquito repellent
creams and mats and
antihelminthic drugs.
• It is caused by Plasmodium species. It affects several body parts like liver (initial multiplication),
RBCs,spleen and brain. But it does not affect kidney. It
shows multiplication in liver.
Plasmodium has two hosts
(i) Female Anopheles mosquito (definitive or primary host) present in the saliva of mosquito.
(ii) Human beings (intermediate or secondary host).

• Plasmodium vivax
(i) It causes benign tertian malaria.
(ii) Most common in India.

• Plasmodium falciparum
(i) It causes cerebral malaria.
(ii) Common in certain parts of India.

Use of mosquito nets, repellent creams and mats,

use of chloroquine, primaquine tablets may prevent
Most effective medicine for malaria is quinine
(obtained from cinchona tree).
• It is caused by Microsporum.
• It spreads by unbathed cats, dogs or infected persons.
• In this disease, sores are formed, which become reddish and contain blisters.
• Treated by proper sanitation and hygiene.
• Some other fungal diseases with their causative agents are aspergillosis
(Aspergillus fumigatus), meningitis
(Cryptococcus neoformans), dermatitis of beard and hair (Trichophyton verrucosum)
and athlete's foot (Tinea
• Diabetes is a long-term condition caused by too much glucose (sugar) in the blood.
• There are two main types of diabetes
(i) Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin to
function properly or the
body's cells do not react to insulin. This is known as insulin resistance.
(ii) Type 2 diabetes is far more common than type 1 diabetes, which occurs when the
body does not
produce any insulin at all. Type 2 diabetes usually affects people over the age of 40.
• Symptoms are feeling very thirsty, urination frequently particularly at night, feeling
very tired, weight loss and
loss of muscle bulk.
• It is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body.
• Cancer occurs when normal cells due to uncontrolled mitotic division are converted into tumour cells.
• The resulting uncontrolled growth forms masses of cells called tumour.
• Cancerous cells are also called malignant cells.
• Symptoms of cancer depend on the type and location of the cancer.
• These are induced by physical, chemical and biological factors or agents.
The agents causing cancer are called carcinogens or cancer causing agents.
• Tobacco smoke contains chemical carcinogens that cause lung cancer.
• Viruses also cause cancer. These are called oncogenic viruses as they have genes called viral
• Leukaemia or blood cancer can be detected based on biopsy and histopathological studies of the tissue
and blood and bone marrow tests for increased cell counts.

Cancer therapies are

(i) Cryo surgery (ii) Proton therapy
(iii) Radiation therapy
(iv) Stem cell transplantation (also involved in spinal
injury cure)
(v) Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation (PBSCT)
Autosomal Recessive Disorders
These are as follow

(i) Albinism This disease is caused due to inability to produce melanin pigment. It is characterised by absence
of normal colouration of the skin.

(ii) Galactosaemia This is due to defect in galactose metabolism. They may causes mental retardation.

(iii) Phenylketonuria It occurs due to the deficiency of an enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase, which converts
phenylalanine into tyrosine. Symptoms are mental retardation, typical colour of skin and urine.

(iv) Alkaptonuria In this metabolic disorder, there is absence of homogentisic acid oxidase, which oxidises
homogentisic acid. The urine of such patients darkens on exposure.

(v) Sickle-cell Anaemia It is a genetic disorder. It is characterised by RBCs of patient(individuals)

become elongated and curved to become sickle-shaped in O2 deficiency. In defective haemoglobin, the
glutamic amino acid at 6th place of β-chain of Hb is replaced by valine.
X-Linked Recessive Disorders
Genes are located in the differential segments of X-chromosome. These are as follow:-

(i) Haemophilia Haemophilia appeared in several interrelated Royal families of Europe, apparently
arising from a mutation in one parent of Queen Victoria of England (1819-1901), hence is called
‘Royal disease’. In this disorder, blood coagulation does not take place. It is due to deficiency of Factor
VIII (antihaemophilic factor).

(ii) Colour Blindness This disease is also known as Daltonism. Affected person cannot distinguish
between green and red colour. Colourblind persons
cannot service in Railway department.
Diseases that spread from one person to another are
called _______

A Communicable diseases

B Degenerative diseases

C Non-communicable diseases

D None of the above

Diseases that spread from one person to another are
called _______

A Communicable diseases

B Degenerative diseases

C Non-communicable diseases

D None of the above

The disease haemophilia, in human beings, is due to

A sex-linked recessive gene

B sex-linked dominant gene

C autosomal recessive gene

D autosomal dominant gene

The disease haemophilia, in human beings, is due to

A sex-linked recessive gene

B sex-linked dominant gene

C autosomal recessive gene

D autosomal dominant gene

In which disease, DPT vaccine is used?

A Tuberculosis

B Diphtheria

C Polio

D All of these
In which disease, DPT vaccine is used?

A Tuberculosis

B Diphtheria

C Polio

D All of these
After entering the human body through mosquito bite, the
malarial parasite (Plasmodium) shows initial multiplication in

A Spinal Cord

B Blood

C Spleen

D Liver
After entering the human body through mosquito bite, the
malarial parasite (Plasmodium) shows initial multiplication in

A Spinal Cord

B Blood

C Spleen

D Liver
AIDS is caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which is

A Retrovirus

B DNA Virus

C Both a & b

D Immune Virus
AIDS is caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which is

A Retrovirus

B DNA Virus

C Both a & b

D Immune Virus
Which one is a bacterial disease?

A Malaria

B Swine Flu

C Amoebiasis

D Diphtheria
Which one is a bacterial disease?

A Malaria

B Swine Flu

C Amoebiasis

D Diphtheria
Which disease is called as Royal disease?

A Haemophilia

B Cancer

C Diabetes

D All of the Above

Which disease is called as Royal disease?

A Haemophilia

B Cancer

C Diabetes

D All of the Above

Which of the following diseases is an example of
non-communicable diseases?

A Cancer

B Diabetes

C Hypertension

D All of the above

Which of the following diseases is an example of
non-communicable diseases?

A Cancer

B Diabetes

C Hypertension

D All of the above

Cystic Fibrosis and Haemophilia are examples of

A Hereditary diseases

B Degenerative diseases

C Deficiency diseases

D None of the above

Cystic Fibrosis and Haemophilia are examples of

A Hereditary diseases

B Degenerative diseases

C Deficiency diseases

D None of the above

Which of the following diseases is caused by various
pathogenic microorganisms?

A Deficiency diseases

B Hereditary diseases

C Infectious diseases

D Degenerative diseases
Which of the following diseases is caused by various
pathogenic microorganisms?

A Deficiency diseases

B Hereditary diseases

C Infectious diseases

D Degenerative diseases

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